Exeter Times, 1901-4-4, Page 7eiseeessat,
. more ely„ mere terrible, thee, anY-
P thing that prowled in that country -
setae himself, met Christ.
The rose hi the cheek of Christ -
that Publius Lentullus, in his letter
to the Romai. senate, aseribed to
Jesus -that rose had scattered its
petals. Abstinence from food lied
thrown hien into emacietion, A long
abstinence from food recorded in pre -
fano history is thee of the crew of
the ell' Ju
The Verielis .lastallnieras Paid by the
Saviour of the Worid For V Swale Of
aten-Erluging the Glad Tidings or
rus utruaerenietation oit ea:me-Tao,
Aeon). at G4th.Setna4es
Washington, March 31, -In this die-
-Course Dr. Talmage shows the Ides
Isienie sacrifices for the saving of all
It appeared to him; text, I. Coeia-
. thians vi. 20. "Ye are bought witla
a Price.''
Your friend takes you through his
ssaleable house. You examine the
arches, the frescoes. the grass plots,
the ash ponds, the conservatories,
the pares 61 deer.. and you say with-
in yourself or yezt say aloud. "Wbee
alid all this cost?" You see a eostlY
"Idiamona flashtng in an earring, or
you hear a costly dress ruetling
acroes the drawing room, or you se
a high mettled epee of horses her
nessed with silver and gold, and you
begin to Make an eetineate of the
p no. or 43 days they
heel nothing to eat: Bet this suf-
fering had lasted a month and ten
(rays belere he broke fast. Hanger
must have agonized every fibre of
the body and gnawed on the stom-
ach with teeth of death. The
thought of a morsel of bread or
meat nuist have thrilled the body
with something 'like ferocity. Turn
out a pack of men hungry en Chrise
was a -hungered, aud if they had
streegth with one yell they Would
devour you as a kid. It wee in that
Pang of hunger that Jesus was acs
costes', and satan said, "Now change
these stones which look litse bread
into an actual supply of bread.
Ilati the temptation, come to you
and me under these circumstances we
wouid have cried. "Bread it shall nauch as they did Christ. and Jesus •
be and been allnost imPatieitt at stand e to -day every courtrocan roam tbe sepulcher they' said amoug
the time taken for mastication, but in every house, in every store aid themselves, "'Who shall roll us away the
My }lours
home asleep. Consequently Christ TIT
entered the courtroent with the rat,
Oh, look at heel! No one to speak I LESSON l' SECOND QUARTER INTE11-
, • 1
a word ror him. X lift the leatern 1 NATIONAL aEftlES, APRIL 7, '
until 1 cau look into his face, and as I
my been beats in sympathy for I
this, the best, friend the world evez^. 1 Text et the Leseel4 1112/4:e xxr' 1-1"
had, himself now utterly friendless,
eel °fixer Of the eotirtroom comes ap
aucl smites him in the mouth, and
ee the blood stealing from gum, and
Up, Oh, it was a, face cif a trial,
Lasting. only perhaps an hour, and
then the judge rises for sentence!
Stop! It is agalust the law 'to
Memory Verses, .4 -7 --Golden Text.
Cor. 30-,Connuentary Prepared
by the iitev rt zit ern
LCOXOTtgbi.1901. by American press A,sfeeia tame
1, "They came into the eepuiche
briugiug the spiees whieli they bad pre-
pared!" aable is written or the womell
give sentence -unless there has been- who followed Hint mid aloe, havins be
sepuleliet nal how _Xis betty e
lalJ, returned mid prePared spices a
oletmenta and rested the Sabbath
according to the comemedment (chap
They now come to
tomb Teti early es the meriting of
first day be anoint His bedy with th.
spees (Mark xvi, 1, 2). The names
three or the women, are given ja the p
sage just referred to. They were el
with love to aim, but if they had be
fillech with, faith. like Mare of Dense
they 'would not have bought these epic
2. 3. "Thee entered in and found
the body of the Lord Jesus." A th
After Many Interruptions Re Teta ;
what It- wee. -
r see be the paper thie aiernieg," be, ;
M. Gates at the breakfast
- "There's toe much milk la my oat- :
as meal," cried the yeuegest member oa
ne the Gates family.
ay, 1.61 see in this: morning's panel'," be- i
ter gen the head. of the house again, "Beet
!!"..."' the"—
Lee trv-pr, II i
ese naug,s ease s for eale again,
er ma," remarked the eldest daughter. "I
as. noticed the bill on the fence wilea •
led looked etet of ray window this mortal:lg.
en They have the greatest time selling •
RY, that place I ever saw. I don't believe
0., Ur. King, can afford to go to Europa
U°‘ this year if that house isn't aold. What
did you start to sale Par
, "I see in this morning's patter that
the British" -
an adjournment of the court between
condemnation and sentence, but
what cares the judge for the law?
"The man has no friends. Let him,
die,” says the judge. And the ruf-
fians outside the rail cry; "Aha,
Oa, that's what. we want! Paes
him out here to us! Away with
hint! Away with hirer'
Oh. I bless God that ageid all the
injustice that may have mien- inflict, -
ed upon us in this world we have a
divihe syneinithizer. The world earl --
not lie about you nor abaSa you as
0101SL With one hailel bent back the
hunger and with the other heed beat of maltreatment and abuse I will
a hack the monarch of darkness. 0 ye protect those who are trampled up -
tempted one' Christ was tempted. on And when Christ forgets that
We are told that Napoleon ordered 2 o'clock morning scene and the
coat of Mail made, but he was not stroke of the rutlien.on the mouth.
' sone from the door of Vie septdehear
no "-Must be In aet awfel belay thill
glOrxlirlgt Willie," said the SeVeltd
eii dalighter. BMW, to her email brOther•
P' "Tonere stein/3g Ilhe a big Pig. SW)
The than Who owns a. large estate
cannot instantly tell you all it is
:Worth. Ile says, "I will estimate ela
fanleh, for the house, ao much for the
eurniture, SO much for laying out the
grounds, so much for the stock, so
Mlich for the harth 50 Amide for the
equipage, adding up in all makiele
,tlas aggregate."
Well, my friends. I hear so much
sehout our mansiou in heaven, about
its furniture and the grand stu•roand-
ings. that I want to know how much
It is all worth. and wbat has actually
heen paid for it. / ealinet coraplete
In a, month nor a year the magma-
nt calculation, but befere I get
through to-elay I hope to give you
the figures. "114 are bought With ile
With some iriends I went. to the
'ower of London to look at the
arown jewel.s.. We walked around,
Caught one glimpse of them and.
eeeing in the proression, were was: -
died to pass out. I wish that X
ould take this audience into the
ower of (10d'ii mercy and etrength•
that you might walk exalt*.
alive at least, and seeetk •eown jewels of eterniey eehold their brit-
liance aid estimate their value. "Ye
I ee bought with a. price."
Now, if you have a large amount 1
9t money to pay you do not pay it i
all at once, but you pay it by in- '
a emen s -so inuth the 1st of Jan- :
vary, so much the 1st of April, so ,
Much the lst of July, so muclt the •
4.st of October, until the *entire 1
amount is paid, and I have to tell ;
that itusilepce that "you !awe been 1
-Istiught with a. price," and that the
price was paid in diffez•ent install- I
The first installment paid for the 1
gleerance of our souls WM the igno- 1
rabsious birth of Christ in Betide -
twin. Though we may never he ce.re-
tilly looked after afterword, our ad -
;gent into the world is carefully
guarded amid kindly attentions. Pri- ,
*ace, and silence are afforded when
;god launches an immortal soul into
the world. Even the roughest of
seen know enought to stand back.
'ilut I have to tell you that in the
;village on the side of the hill there
eyes a very 'bedlam of uproar when
Jesus was born. Ill a 'village cap-
able of accommodating only a few
hundred people inany thousand peo-
ple were crowded, and amid hostlers 'e'en
and muleteers and camel drivers yell- -
tug at stupid beasts of burden the
Messiah appeared. No silence. No nble
privacy. A better adapted place ,
bath the eaglet in the eyrie hath the, s'
whelp in the lions' lair. The exile of i
heaven Beth down upon straw, The '
first night out from the palace of •
heaven spent in an outhouse. One i
hour after laying aside the robes of 1
heaven dressed in a wrapper of '
•eoarse linen. One would have -sup- i
posed that Christ would haen had a I
.taore gradual descent, coming from I
heaven first to a half way world of 1
great magnitude, then to Caesar's !
palace, then to 'a merchant's castle
fn Galilee, then to a private home in
'lethally, then to a fisherman's hut
and last of all -Co a stable. No! It :
was one leap from the top to the '
:bottom. •
Let us open the door of the care.-
vansary in Bethlehem and drive '
.4way the camels. Pass on through
- the group of idlers and loungers. '
What, 0 Mary, no light? "No light,"
she says, "save that which - comes
through the door." What Mary, no
food? "None," she says, "only
that which was brought in the sack
.en. the journey." Let the Bethlehem
woman who has come in here with e
kindly intentions put back the cov- ,
-ring frora the babe that we may ''
look upon it. Look! Look! Uncov- ,7
-er your head. Let us kneel. Let all e
voices be hushed. Son of Mary!, pen
ef God! Child of„ a day! Monarch of 2
-eternity! In that eye the glance Of
God. Omnipotence sheathed • in u
Ithat babe's arm. That voice to be ,
changed from. the feeble plaint to the ; 4a
lone that shall wake the dead. Ho-
-0e,nna! Hosantal . Glory to God
that Jesus came 'from -throne to man-
,ger that we might rise from manger '
to throne,- and that all the gates are e
•open, and that the door of heaven '
that once swung this way to let : e
...Jesus out now swings •the other way
to let us in. Let all the bellmen of r
heaven lay hold of the rope and ring t
gait the news, "Behold, I bring you h
glad tidings of great joy, which c'
.-shall be to all people, ef or to -day is W
horn ,in the city of 'David a SaViour, •'W
whicla is Christ the Lord." c
The second installment paid for 1
. . „
•our soul's clearance was the scene • sel•
elf• tetierantaeice, a mountainous,' re- for
*ion, full of caverns, where aro to- flan
-gay panthers and wile beasts of all 'Liar
orts, se that you must now' ge •
ere armed wtth knife or u saw
Istol. ti Was there that .Tesus went sob
o think anti to pray, and it wa,, and
0 061 leas wonsiter of kelt-
quite certain that lt wes,impenetrae ss4 the howling of the unwashed
ele, so he said to the Manufacturer+erawd then he will forget you and
of the coat of mail, "Put it On nOW Me in the injustices 01 that may
yourself and let us try it." And be inflicted, Won Ue.
with shot after shot from his ONvll Further I remark: The lest, great
pistol the emperor found .oue that i installment peid for our redemption
• it was just what it pretended to b; was the detuese of CI -mist. The world
' a good cope of Mail. Tacit the men eas seen may dark days, many
received a. large reward. suunners age there was very deric
I bless God that the same eciat of day when tt suu Wita eclipeed. The
, mail that struck back the weapons ; fowl at Imo day went to their perch,
of temptation from the head et 'and we felt a gloom as we looked at
i Christ we raay now an wear, for the astronomical wonder. It was a.
. Jesus comes and saYe: "1 have been dark day in London when the plague
i tempted, and I enow what it is to •was at its height, mut the dead with
* be tempted. Take -Otte robe that de- uncovered faces were taken in open, ,
. fended 1120 and wear it for yourselves. carts and dumPed in the trenches. xt
: 1 shall 6ee you through ell Weitz, was a dark day when the earth (epee -
and I shall see you through all teraa- ed and Lisbon sank, but the darkest
'f tat ion." day 3111CO the creation at the world,
"But." eays eaten still further to was when the vantage ot CalvarY
. Jesus, "cetatt4- and I will show Yoe waa enaeted. .are tie that liven* fital WO1S dead. Oa
- g t 00 ing at. Aud It was about noon when the c "3‘4,19.14, I 141"1.allve P.re:t:er CPI.% ame.en,l
after a half day's lourney they came tam began teLeeeseeea. • Iseeeers eat __ ... _ ___ body, .
Mao itaVe tote os.Cy5 Ot nen Um 04. LISS 444.
to Jerusalem, and to the top of the the eeeiing on at n. Mob*. tee+ ite was mire evert from tets as is
g temple. Just as one might go up in ss a" - --a- -- OISO every child of Ood. for absent from
eitiotries and refreshes. It was the
! the tower of Antwerp and lc, vil swinging of a great gloom all around atbned reYjemiesaNiuririetstenteterwaitell, Stir phritrill;
linen Belgium, tea Atanzi brought the heavens. Ged hung it. As when 21, 23). But it Was necessary that Christ
,ey tire fop of the temple.. there is a, dead one in the house you 611120.1 rise from the dead to make sure to
Koine people at a, great height feat bow the shutters or turn the lattice, us 1-1!ti great redemption. for if Ile had
diner and a strange disposition to so God in the afternoon shut the
jump. elo satan comes to Christ in not risen there would be ee forgiveness
windows of the wiirld. As it is ape or sins aud no room for faith and no use
that very crisis. ,Standing there at propriate to throw a. bla.ck pall upon In preachlug (1 Cor. xv. 144S).
the top of the temple, they looked the calla as it passes along, he it 0, "II° is net here, but is risen, Re -
oft A magnificent reach of calla- was appropriate that everything member how Ile smite unto you when
groves, forests and streams, cattle
try Gralnfieids, vineyards, olive should be somber that thy as the Ile wits yet In Galilee." Some say eon -
in the valley, flocks on the hMs and
villages and cities and reallns. "Now
*villages and cities and realms.
"Now " says eaten, "I'll make a
illerkeva $.). But they 'fauna the etc..
rolled awey, tor the angel of the Lord .
wended from heaven and came Ana roll
back the stone from the door and Sat U
oa it (Math, zerlia 2). Gracieusly
Lord provided for them to see for the
selves that He had risen,
4. "Beizold, two men steed by them
ehiniug gar -meets." As they were mu
perplexed this is whet they saw, The
ministering spirits are often spoken of
loon angels ewe Always epolren of
Men. Meier As women. Signe ASSeein
fettes phrase, "Two men," in this pia
and In Acts I. 10, with Luke ix. 30, and
think that In each case AleSeS and Elaali
were the two who ministered Unto
It is interesting to consider the possitiii-
ity ot this, but it is ono:Tit to know that
angels are Ms niiniSteling ones to t
heirs of salvation, They excel
strength and do His eiitilittiutilitien
heareeniug to the veto of His wo
Web. 1, 14; I's., eill, 20).
la "Why seek ye the living (Margin
Him that iteetb) enieeede uailer
rezninds us of Rev. a 18
xnakleg such a nOise with your lips,"
"Children, rre aeltamed or yeti;
in ettld. Mrs, Oates reprovingly, "What .
eh is it you see in the paper this mom
so lag, Zteary?' -
as "14119," 'said Mr. Gates savagely'.
the salt."-Breoklytt Eagle.
to r.
Ce. Nli)lied In the And.
have called," begata Atr, Forrben
Ilea, "to speak to you about your
daughter. You must have noticed that
there is something between us,"
he "No," replied Mr. Oeldelax, "but Pia
in sure there wilt be pretty ectea.P
ts, "Ahl" •
go'erasef sabd her .abroad till a
learna a little sense."--441111adelphla
rO "Xt win IA tie Atlairtle man.
bargain, JuSt jump orf. koow it
0. great way from the tap of the
'ample to the valley, but if ,you are
divine, you can fiy. Jump off. It
won't hurt you. Angels .will catch
you. Your father will hold you. Be-
sides I'll make you a large present
if you will. I'll give you Asia Muer,
give you China, I'll give you
Ethiopia. I'll give you Italy,
give you Spain, I'll give you Ger-
many, I'll give you Britain, give
you all the world." What a tempta-
tion it must have been!
Go to -morrow moeuing and get in
an altercation with some wretch
crawling up from a gin cellar in the
lowest part of your city. "No," you
say, "I 'would not bemoan myself by
getting into such contest." Than
think of what the King of hea,ven
d earth endured when he came
own and fought the great wretch o4
ell and fought him in the 'wilder -
ss mid on top of the temple. But
ass God that in 1 he triumph over
emptation Chriet gives es the as-
surance that we also shall triumph. . and torture clutch. for his holy
Having himself been tempted, he is heart. Had he not been thoroughly
able ° to succor all those who are fastened to the cross they would
have torn him down and. trampled.
The third installment paid for our -him with both feet. How the ca,v-
redemption was the agonizing prayer. airy horses arched their necks and
in Gethsemane. As I sat in that gar- champed their bits and reared ,and
den at the foot of an old gnarled and snuffed at the blood! 'lad Ithinin
twisted olive tree the historic scene officer called out for a. light, his
came upon me overwhelmingly. voice would not have been heard in
These old olive trees are the lineal the tumult, but louder than tho
descendants of those under which r lash of spears, and the Wailing of
Christ stood and wept and knelt. womanhood, and the neighing of the
Have the leaves of the whole botani- chargers, there comes a. voice crash -
cal generations told the story of our ing through -loud, clear, overwhelm -
Lord's agony to their successors?'" lig, It is the, groauing of
Next to Calvary the solemnest place the dying son of God! Look, what
in Palestine is Gethsame. While a scene! Look, world, at What you
sitting there it seemed as if I could have done!
hear our Lord's prayer, laden with X lift the covering from the mal -
sobs and gra.ons. Can this he the treated Christ to let you count the
jesus who gathered fragrance from wounds and estimate the cost. Oh,
the frankincense brought to his cradle when the nails went through Chrest's
and. from the lilies that flung their right hand and through Christ's left
sweetness into his sermons a.nd frorn hand that bought your hands. with
the box of alabaster that .broke at all their power to work and liit and
his feet? Is this Jesus comfort- write! When the nails went -through
r of Bethany, the ressurector at Christ's right foot and tihrist's left
Nain, the oculist at Bethsaida? Is" foot, that bought` your feetwith all
his the Cluist whose frown is the their power to walk or i•un or climb.
torm, whose smile is the -sunlight, When the thorn went into Christ's
he spring morning his pr eatb, the temple, that bought your brain, with
hunder bus voice, the °emu a drop all its power to think and plan.
n the tip of his finger, leaven a When the spearcleftChrist's side,
parkle gn the bosona Of his love, the that bought your heart, with all its
niverse the dust of his 'chariot power to love and repent and pray Wheel? Is this the Christ who is
ble to heal a, heartbreak or hush a
ernpest or drown a world or flood
ratnensity with his glory? B,ehold.
fen in prayer, the nlobules of blood
y sorrow pressed through the skin
,his forehead! What an install-
ment in part payment of the great-
eaprice that was ever paid!
, .
The fourth installment paid for our
edemptionswas the Saviour's sham
rial: I call it a sham- trial -there.
as never been anything se) indecent
X unfair in anY criminal court as
as witnessed at the trial of Christ.
Thy , they hustled him into the
onrtroore at 2 o'clock in the morn -
rig. They gaVe bitn no time for court-.
g e cane of the earth rolled on, centime the dead in Christ fis the body is
bearing the corpse of the King. A laid away in the grave, "Not here, but
' man's hist hours are ordinarily kept risen," and they teach that immedlatelY
secret. However you may have hat- at death we get our resurrection bodies
ed or caricatured a man, whea you and have no further use for tbe body that
hear he is dying silence puts its is laid in the grave. But this is most
hands on your lips, and you would un-Seriptural, for "risen" and "resurrea
have a loathing for the xuan who ilea" refer to the body, and our Lord
could. stand by the deathbed making said, "MI that are in the graves shall
faces and scrolling. But Christ in his come forth" (John te 28, 20). As tray
last bout* cannot be left alone. Mat, as the body of our Lord came out of the
pursuing hint yet after so long a pur- tomb, so shall the bodies of all the saints
suit? You have beeu drinking, his. come forth at His coming, and the bad -
tears. Do you want to drink his les of the living saints shall be in a mo-
ment changed (I Thess. iv, 10, IT; I Cor.
blood? They cane 'up closely, Se
that notwithstanding the darkness xv,
they can glut their revenge with the 7. "Sayiug, The Son of Man must be
Contortions of his 'countenance. They delivered into the hands of sinful men
examine his feet. They- want to feel and be crucified and the third dey rise
. again" (Math. xvi, 21; xvil, 22, 23; xx,
for themselves whetbeethose feet are 13 10) lie b d i th
touch he spikes and bring death
them back wet With blood and stripe and resurrection, but they had not
them on their gerraents. Women believed His words, tor they were not
expecting that He would be so treated.
stand there and weep, but can. do no Many things are plainly written concern -
good. It is no place for the tender- ing His coining again which neople can -
hearted women.. It wants a heart not think shall be literally fulfilled, and
that crime has turned in- they refuse to receive them, buewhat has
to granite. The waves f man's been fulfilled is the key to what remains
hatred and of hell's vengeance to be fulfilled and the one shall be as lit -
dash up against the mangled eral as the other. "Have faith in God."
feet, and the hands of sin, and pain 8, 9. "And they remembered His words
and returned from the sepulcher and told
all these things unto the eleven and to all
the test" One of the angels had said,
"Go your way, tell His disciples and Pe-
ter that Ile goeth before you into Galilee, •
where shall ye see Him as He said unto
you" (Mark xvi, 7). If they had remem-
H •
, a n ese passages and iu
really spiked. They put out their others again and again foretold Hise
hands and t
ered is words sooner, it would have
saved them some sorrow. Sometimes we
\Niel we could remember, but we forget
to rely upon the Holy Spirit, of whom
Jesus said, "He shall bring all things to
yourremembrance, whatsoever I have sale
unto you -(John xvi, 26).
10. These are the names of some pf the,
women who Ministered to Him and who
came first to His tomb on that early
morning. As we read their names we
think of -Phil. iv, 3, "Help those women
who labored with Me ha the gospel whose
namee are in the book of life," and of -our
Lord's word to the seventy, "Rather re-
joice, because your names are written in
heaven" (Luke x, 20). It is certainly
very interesting to. note that to women
was given the first resurrection message,
and a woman was, as far as we know.
the first convert in Europe.
11. "And their words seemed to them
as idle tales, and they believed them
not." In Mark xi, 14, it is written that
at one of His appearances to the disci-
ples He u braiclecl m ith tl
P e NV ic r unbe-
lief and hardness of heart because they
believed not them which had seen Him
after He was risen. Does anything
, n which is written concerning His second
My friendsSabbath after, Sabbatcoming and glory seem to ou as an idle
gospel "messengers have come searcn-
, tale and do sou hesitate to believe what
s •
e y ..
ing down for your souls. To -day we ' ,
iw'ritteu? How about the possibility of
come 'With the gospel searelfing for --- up 17,ithout dying, or coming with Hirn
They gave. him no opportunity
subpoenaing witnesses. The ruf-
s who were wandering around
ough the midnight, of course they
the -u-ret and went into the
rtroom But Jesus' friends ttt r ,,,,,Vona-,LWhat are the relations be-
er inset, woe respectable men 'tween you and Miss Cavendish?
Jack (gloomily).-Iler father and ts
Neeeesitry Ceneee nee,
Whyte -I understand that you am
golug to move?
Whyte-Wkat's that for?
Browne -Well, my wife took ae011ree
of lessons in a cooking sehoel Ittat win-
ter, and we bave got to move now
to some place where we shall bo nearer
to the doeter.-Somerville Journal.
-Tat heiress' tears were so hittei
that quinine wasn't an old deuce in a
new. deck In comparison.
They gatbered about her and &ought
the reason of her woe,
"The papers !lave announced ray ea-
gagement to the earl," sold abe, "and
one called him Doughless Instead of
Deuglass1"-Indlanapolls Press.
Head of Household (In the year 1004)
-Alfred, dear, your biscuits are ver3r
good this morning..
Young Husband (coloring with, pleas-
ure) -I am glad to hear you say so,
Head of Household -Still, they are
not quite as good as papa used tit
As to Forittne.
"All, yes," replied the moralist, "for-
tune is a fickle jade!"
"That's so," replied the plodder, "but
the deuce of it is Miss Fortune isn't.
She sticks to me with a fidelity wortby,
of a better eause."-Philadelphia
Cause of Their Trouble.
"I hear the Bagtons are going to
separate. What was the trouble?'
"Why, I understand that he remark-
ed to her that If she lived to be a thou-
sand she never would learn bow to
play golf." -Town Topics.
Served Each Meal.
Stubh-That Frenchman says Amer.
Ica has more bone and sinew than an
country on earth.
Penn -Yes, on his last tour he 'put
up at several of our Chicago houses. -
Chicago News.
Can't Last Forever.
Hopley -What seems to trouble your
Popley (wearily) -I suppose it trate
hies him to think that eventually he'll
have to go to sleep at night -Philadel-
phia Press.
night Attire.
He -Did you know there is a law in
Switzerland forbidding a woman to
wear more than an IS inch hat?
She -Goodness! Don't the poor things
freeze?-IndianaPolis Press.
Dilatory Discovery,
De Sappie-I hadn't been talking
with him five minutes before he cala
ed me an ass. -
She-Wby the delay? -Smart Set.
A Vituse Precaution.
beine changed hi a =meet and caught
your soul. We apply the cross of" among, the Armies of heaven upon white
Christ first to see whether
any life left in you, while all around
there is horses, or reigning with Illm in glorified
bodies which never grow old no
whether the work win be done, ;a "Then aro,se Prter and t'an mu.)
and witness, and, oh, if now we Peter ran together, he Pett‘r
the people 'Stand,' looking to see die? • , o 11
• and the angels of God bend down '.the sepulcher." .fehn sliys 111 It he and
could see only one• -spark of love and'nue came see to tee es, lellor Ond look-
klepe and faith. we would'send up a ed in. but that l'oter wl, 1' 50 wont
in, and then John also went in, and they
saw tho linen clothes wine!! the body
of Jesus had been w:••npued, and they
went away woo-Wet:lug, for, us yol, they
hneti not' the ''Seriptnre lie must
rise again frofti the dead t. ohn xx, 3-10).
It, seems to ,irs„ perfectly marvelous and
neredible that after Ile had repeatedly
aid that He would die and rise again the,
hird day that even John, who leaned on
His besets', did net receive it But how
many earnest and devoted Christians
.sh.Out that would be heard On the '
'bctttlerneats Of heaven, and two
worlds would keep jubilee , because
communication is open between
. Christitadthe soul, and your natirre
that has been sunken in sin has been
lifted into tee light and the joy Of
the gospel. . . •
• s
Intervention. t
at that hour, 2 cihiSock in th
/T102ming, of comae thek pct. another.
hers aro today who turn anal', front
tatements juat as plainly written and
poxitiiily refers to Imrts *sail
e •
Manager -What the 'dickens are yen
Carrying? Have you gone mad? '
• Harnlet.-I think we'll have n "1
por 4*n. ..1111," •4. !.14
slinilaling Woof/ aoilTiegula-
ting liaStomachs oodBoNvels of
ease- 0
Pro/rotes Digesliougheerf
uess audliestkoatolas =Mier
0 nortUtorphiue nor nueral.
I or NAltv
„Rworz. 44-
Ra4er •feda
• •
lion, Sour Stooloch,thortlior4
es VortusiCouvuisio4s,Foverisit-
ond LOSS Or SUgg
:facsimile Sigeotere of
tteria le pet up tira,dza ISttltn caly.
sTal. Leale R411
aazritixg et?) ea to rko•oz paraise las
ttst gcra"arel "*eal C2e=
rX.P4" tiaote 7C,71 Vti ChM'
elevieestion open at Detroit.
Detroit, Mich, April 2.-Navigae
Ration between I% lit 410
TO,Od Was opened yesterday, when the
City Of Detroit left here for Cleve-
land with 100 ensseugers atneard.
From rani; nettle.
Landon, April 2.-51r. C. A. Widt-
, wain, buyer for the Hobbs Mit:aurae-
. turing Conmeny. ,yestleelay morning
drank 0.1:11411111ia. by laistalie, and is
now in very serious' econditicm.
Archbishop Lewis Much lammed.
New York, Mardi 2. -The Rev.
John Travers Lewis. Arelthislicer of
Ontario. Wit" reported laet night to
be mush improved.
Chinese Delude Inc -Teased.
Pekin. Mareh 2P. -Consular reports
show a. large inerease of tattle last
year, in spite of the war.
nornittau Pleaded Guilty.
Stratford, Ont.,April 1 -011aZ. Burn-
ham, who pleaded guilty to obtain-
ing money under Wee- pretences from
Hon. Themes Ihilicintynte will not
receive his sentence from the police
magistrate at present. To a sub-
sequent thurge of playing a Similar
game on Majer Beattie nf London lie
pleaded not guilty, arid. elected to be
tried by jury. Ire will therefere be
remanded' to jail to await tr:ial nt
the June sessions of the County
OhNciren Ory To?
24144 171 Wenis-ethlebeautitulSoll,S.4..„, reav.‘
arts a, And twoaarts.forselling
on1y1Seets Paxislon Beau-
ty iDaac,t These Pins are
1114.44.e 1 iu geld anti enamel, pretttlY
enAlse.st anti neutlycarded, throe to a
le(. Tey aro Such plondict value our
Sid us this atleertthementand 514
e,-111.brwanl ti, Inns. Sell them,
return themoney. andtkiebenuti.
by Yount mail, absolutely Tree.
Dunsittion Novelty • Co.,
ite:x 105 Toronto, Can.
Shattered Nerves and
Weakened System,
Ran You Ed La, Grippe?
Did it Leave any After Effects?
If it did, read what M. F.
Brophy, a 'Montreal, Que., has to
say of the good Milburn's
and Nerve Pas did hirn.
vv1-.13.4. attack of la grippe,
which left me all run- down, very nervous
and extremely wc I could not sleep at
night FIJI. was troubled with profuse per.
spiration, which caused me much annoy.,
ance. Hearing of the good effects of Milt
burn's Pills, I began te teing them. Much te
my gratification they braced nie up, !swivel
ated my whole system, and made me feel
like a new mane I can recommend dim VI
The Torture of
Prevented Sleep.,
Mr. Patti Laxiviere, Meadowville
Station, Pietou Co., NS., wiites
as follows: ‘11 shall always praise
Burdock Blood Bitters as the best
remedy for skin diseases. I had
been suffering from Salt Rheum
or Eezeme ler the past five years
and could not get My rest from
the terrible burning and itching,
which was worse at night and pre-
vented me sleeping.
" fleeting of i3 B B 1 thought
• I would try it, and atter using one
bottle I was so Mesh relieved that
I :continued using it, 'taking six
bottles in all, and am now com-
pletely, cured."
It is a blessieg' that there is
sueh 's reliable remedy as B.B.E.
for those tortured day and night
with terrible skin diseases and who
can get no relief from their misery,
Apply it extetriiilly and it tikes
out the fire and itch and aids in
the healing 'process.
Take' it internally and it purl-
eosnwhichsth. the rbel toho ed "soofurael el tohf osske oiu eiistoi .‘s
B.B.B. Cures Eczema
and all Burning,
Itching Skin Diseases.
5; eir
Even if you are
troubled with
Backache and
not able to at-
tend to your household duties. If
you have not used Dean's Pills y
can be absolutely cured by Mai.
Moileemes Que., Jan. 26th, 1901.
DOAN'S Ewes Pres. Co., Toronto, Ont.
Dear Sire, -I have* been suffering for 12
years from kidney trouble. I had terrible
backache and was troubled with dizziness.
My urine was scanty, highly colored and
contained a thick sticky sediment. X con-
sulted physisians without any success and
almost gave ra in despair. At last 1 saw
Doares Pills ..'.dvertised, so I procured two
boxes of them and they gave rae a complete
cure and X oan attend to my household
duties without trouble. I cam recommend
Doan's Pills and must say that they should
be teed by all who suffer from kidney
trotible. Mao. M. LEGA-OLT.
tilplammproff.sergy rmixstwormannuntraiereeronmenonevonesgrns
°AT'''. 10
tug •
4ki00' 1111
This season of the year when coughs P.
ISancleo s nae so pieva en , I sees. se,_ -•
' Id - • 1 t 't • ele Igg -"--
)11,11:_ewa,dovisittile to 'keep a bottle of Dr, ii111:
is Wood's Norway Pito Syrup in the lie
ei ' ` ..' • Lie*
I.i. anayS an IllnaillSIatiell and isri- q
teflon ot the beethie.ne organs, and dip
1..,1;:,: 0( 1,1\,,111(.11:1)sPfl:elicjill.t‘i:1:::(1:1".)dttitello°1(jia(17'esi;:oefeyt,Yiltli\n"13;:itthacirt:IlsCli 11!,1,41
:;, cough. I tried several. remedies and ;I
EPoint, Queen's Co, N.B., writes: a
ii could obtain no relief and was almost -•
. 5;1 any other eeir.edy. - l'
•qi Grippe wilich left roe with a bad III:
.. ,,
„1 In the fell of 1899, I was taken re
i down 'With a • severe attack of La ,11:
. ...
, iWdespair of a cure when a friend le
advised me to take Dr. Wood's Nor-
aLliiliele=leligeileen aeee,nen„..asseneseee
a way Pine Syrup. I took three 'bottles 1,
5" • 11 d 'I, ci I t ti • " '
ni in a an i Ina e ii comp e e e ie. yi