Exeter Times, 1901-4-4, Page 511011011, MIDDLESEX, 11111
.1111 .144w$ otint6roat • to
TORO* Doctors- flapP6n19,
Inoo GountiO$
li Green
ear, janses Forest has commenced
work with Zr. Paterson a Hensall
Mrs, Cha1eel3oeseeberry aud child-
ren are leaving Zurich 'for Cavalier, on
Dr. Hotham, of. Constance, intends
moving to Seeforth to practice his pro-
Mr. Robt. Stelck of Hills, Greerehas
beer* ertgagedas principal in the Zur-
ich public school.
There is a movenseet on foot in
Zurich, for the purchase of a:new pul-
pit for the Methodist church,
ISIr. Alex. McNeil, ex -M. P is con-
fined to his house. lie was 'licked on
the leg by his horse while driving,.
We are sorry to recor1 the death, of
Nfrs,, Wm, Murray, of Loudon, third
daughter of Mrs. John MeCowan,
While unloading ft load of logs
Philip E. Denomey, Drysdale, had the
misfortune to break the third anger
of his left hand.
Four ladies from Zurich spent Mon-
day withMrs,Ilse, sr., at the Baby -
len line, cleaning up and ma.king the
aged lady comfortable.
Aliss Nellie Stewert, of the 3rd cession, o Tackersguth, bas just re-
turned from Longrnoimt, Colorado,
vaiere sbe has been spending the win-
lt ie with feelings of deepest regret
we announee the death of Iftirs. Park,
(nee Miss Annie Morrison) of Stanley,
Illuch sympathy is felt for the bereav-
ed farnily
Orr Tuesday morning of last week,
one of Clinton's most popular young
ladies, Miss Josie Fair, left for Winn'.
peg, where she was married to Mr.
Neil Fox, editor of the Vorden Olaron-
Mrs. Wildfong of near Dashwood,
uow an invalid at her parent's, Mr.
mad Mrs, T. Martin, Sanders st,,
amprovingm strength and was able to
be out during the warm days of last
John H. McDougall, one of Sea-
forth's oldest and most respected re-
sidents, intends removing with his
family to Dakota, where his two sons
have been for sonae time. They ex-
pect to go this week.
A very pleasing event took place a
the Methodist personage, Hensel(
when Janaes Parson of this place was
united in marriage to Miss Humber -
son, a Hensel). Mr. and Mrs. Parson
are highly esteemed.
The members of tire Zurich Y. P.
A. drove to Mr. Torrance's on Mon-
day evening. They presented Mr. J.
Torrance Jr. with a. handsome teacb-
ers bible as a recognition for his ser-
vices in the society as recording secre-
tar •
r. Levi. &sick left Kxppen for
Dauphinlkianitoba. He intends go-
ing natio 'house carpentering and terra-
iug and has secured. a guarantee of
abundant contracts for a busy season's
work. He's just the boy to do a joh
Mr, William jarrott a Hay, has
bought Thos Coleman's property in
Bills Green and is moving the house
he now occupies thereon. On the
place there is the old cider inill and
Mr, Jarrett, who has been threshing
these many years back, may make use
ofit as a choppieg
St. James' chorch, Goderich town-
ship, was the b‘•enet of a very pretty
and pleasant event last week, wheis
Clara, eldest daughter of Mr. John
Middleton, 3V1,4 united. in the lately
bonds of matrimony to Chas. K. Tay-
lor, of Blyth. The beautiful little
church was test fully decorated with
flowers, ferns a i ivy.
Wm. Kirkpre ck, of Crediton, spent
Saturday svitl, etac Jarrott, Kippen.
An interview e ith this gentleman
proved to be In -rt interesting and pro-
fitable, more p icularly on the horse
question and t V. merits of our repre-
sentative, Mr. :. wry Either, M. P. P.,
who, he said. ad wiped awity the
'statement tha. e favored annual poli-
cies for the en ements arising. Had
he had his e as proposed in the
House, but Pre:: tier Ross voted itdown,
farmers wouldlot be required to re-
new as now bat. what is professed as a
• wrong in election times is swallowed
when brought home for remedy and
this is a_case in point.
We mentionit a couple of weeks
ago that Rev. 8. Acheson, of Kippen
had gone to Dakota to visit his broth-
• er, with the hope that the change
• would improve his health, which has
not been satisfactory for some time.
. In the Grand Forks Daily Herald, of
March2lst, we -notice the follcitving;
"There was a good attendance at the
meeting of Pembina Presbytery, held
in the First Presbyterian church, be-
ginning Tuesday night. At the ini-
tial session the sermon was preached
by Rev. Acheson, of Kippen, Ont.,
who delivered a very eloquent and
instructive address. Mr. Acheson bas
practically se vei ed his connection
• with the Kippen Presbyterian church
and it is likely he will receive a call
from the Pembina Presbytery.
Robert Morrison and family of the
• 2nd concession of Stanley have the
heartfelt sympathy of the entire com-
munity in the death cl his daughter,
Mrs. John Park, which took place on
Wednesday last. •Her deeth was bk)
sudden, only a few days Sickness,
that the family is grief stricken for
Mrs Park was from childhood the ad-
• miration of all heracquaintances for
• her kind and Mumble disposition.
We are very sorry to add that Mr.
Morrison is now confined to his bed
through blood poisoning. Having
had his toe slightly frost bitten he did
• not pay any attention more than
family care bet since Wednesday
last he has been confined to hie bed
under the doetor's care. His right
Mitchell sprine fair will be held oe
April llth.
WiLIiap jamieson, jr., of Kirkton,
will erect a fine dwelling house on his
lot at ouce. He has most a the
TEE ,b1 .`,g• 04, S...
Golden Wedding AnniverearY, MARKET REPORTS.
(From the Grundy Democrat, Iowa,) I
The -fiftieth wedding anniverssay of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dew, formerly of
Usborne, was celebrated at their home
material, at Grundy, Iowa, on Saturday, March
Mr. John Peeler, of Woodhane is at 1..eta,
preSent ;n St. Joseph's hospital, Lon- William Dew was born Nov, 5, 1830,
don, where be will unctergo a serious at Upper Ayford, Oxfordshire, Eng -
operation. ° land, and Ann Downie. was born Octs
W. Fletchese of Blansbard, has mov- 15, 1832, at Arbroath, Scotland, and
ed to St. Marys and is residing in the they were married in Huroh County,
St. Marys Creamery Co.'s house near Canada, on Riverside farm, the home
the creamery, • of Mr. Dew's parents, on March 17,
Mr. J. Gibb, of Russeldale, while 1$51, Rev, Edwards of that county
working in the bush ope day recently, performing she ceremony,
got his foot badly injured by a load of The marriage took place in a tea-
house containing one room, in the
presence of their relatives and a, few
neighbors, the xuinister coming ten
miles on horseback through the forest,
Mr. and Mrs. Dew resided in Ontario,
Canada, after their marriage and nine
foot was terribly inflammed and swol-
len and fear was entertained that the
inflammation naight spread but bap-
pily it has been arrested and a speedy
recovery is wished and looked for.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the inoney.if it fails to cure,
25. E. W. Grove'S signature is on each bottle.,
WOrid going oyer it.
Mr, 4, D, Stewart, of Russeldale,
intends leaving in the course of a week
for Glasgow, where he has received, the
appointment as commissioner at the
Exposition there.
A very pleasant event took place at children came to bless their union,
the house of Mr. and Mrs. Hosago, of two of whom died ie infancy and the
St- Marys at 7 o'clock last Wednesday other children spared to be pre -
evening, when their niece, Miss Annie sent on this happy occasion were
E Barter, was united in marriage to Geo, Dew, Benjamin Dew and John
Jaines N. Miller,
Mr. Jas. Kennedy, assessor, of $t,
Marys. has nearly completed his labors
for 1901 and his statistics show a slight
increaee for the town over last year.
The figures for both years are 1901 -
Postulation, 3,412; 1900-3,329.
A woman who is weak, nervous and
sleepless, and who has cold hands and
feet, cannot. feel and act like a well
person, Carter's Iron Pills equalize Noah nee sou at Garner, Iowa: and Is
the Circulation, remove nervousness, in her ninel y -third year.
and give stren th aud, rest, All of their children with their wives
Mr. J.A.. R. Iung bas agreed to keep
on the post, offiee at Avonbank for an-
other year. Eie hes engaged Mr, S.
Stacey. formerly of Fullerton, to
assist in melting cheese ter this sunn
A. very pleasant event took piece at
the residence of Ma and Mrs, Wm,
Ealbfleiscia, of Maplewood, on the
afternoon of Tuesday of last week
whets their daughter, Louisa, was mar-
ried to Francis Thomson, cheesernaker
at Bennington. 1 able stone house and all the mit build -
Mr. Geo. Rundle, of Science Hill, ings necessary and began to think
possesses the faculty of rearing and they could enjoy life, when in the fall
selliug colts of the Clydesdale breed of 1880 they lost all their crops and
Dew, of this county; Martha, now Mrs.
John Hunter, of Exeter, Canada; Ann,
now Mrs. John 3, Armstrong, of Gil-
more Oity, Lis; Amy, now Airs. Wur,
Murray, of Morrison; Elizabeth, now
Mrs, Angus MeQuarrie, of Gilmore
A notable feature of this occasion is,
Mrs. Dew's mother is still living but
was too feeble to be present, She lives
and husbands and their grandchildren
were present.
In the Arst, year of their married life,
they settled in what was then a dense
forest, rnaking it necessary to clear
heavy timber from every feet of their
farm. Neighbors were few and far be-
tween, none being nearer than nine
miles through the timber.
Time brought changes to this home.
They got their farm under cultivation,
had an abundance of fruit, a comfort-
successfelly. A twenty-two month
filly fetched the handsome some of
$22li while a, young stallion eleven
months brought $150,
James Moore, of St. Marys, has just
received a letter from his son, William
Moore, who has been in South Africa
serving in ICitchener's Light Horse.
Mr. Moore has been 111 with the fever
and invalided to Eugland and expects 1 a well earned rest at their comfortable
ed to salt for home on March 19, beim in Gruudy Center.
A freak of nature occurred on John Their children were all home. At
Little's feral in Elam, when one of twelve o'clock all were invited to the
his grade cows gave birth to three dining room, where the table was very
heifer calves. The cow died, a few prettily decorated, In the center
days afterward, but the triplets are stood A high pyramid cake, (bride'e
still living and thriving. The emery- cake) pine white, which was decorated
rence is unique in Elm township. with white hyacinths and golden yel-
At their regular meeting on Monday low daffodils and golden yellow rib -
of this week, the Downie Council took bon.
a very important step. They decided The tokens of remembrance from
to abolish statute labor and to advo- their children and friends were very
cute for a road comnaissioner. This is pretty and Appropriate, a gold sou -
a step in advance upon which Downie veldr being sent from Canada by a
residents may congratulate them- niece of Mrs. Dew.
1 At half -past, ten all gathered 'round
the man and sang, " od be With Us
Till We Meet Again," then separated
going to their homes, and wishing the
happy couple might be spared many
more happy years together.
It was a family reunion as well as an
anniversary andwas heartily enjoyed
by all the family who have not been
able to gather at home at one time for
out buildings by fire. They then sold
their fame and in March of 1881 came
to Iowa ri,nd Mr. Dew Was often beard
to say, he wished he had seen the
beautifid prairie when be was a young
man. They now own a nice farm south-
east of Grundy Center, on which their
youngest son and family now reside,
while Mr. and Mrs. Dew are enjoying
The two farms owned by the latE3
John Norris, of Hibbert, were disposed
of by public auction on Saturday, 10th
inst., ab the Carlin House, Stara.
The old homestead was purchased by
Hugh Norris, for $5,500, and the one
on the 7th concession by John Dock-
ing, for $5,700.
A very sad and painfol accident oc-
curred about two miles east of Cro-
marty, on Monda,y last, when Albert,
eldest son of Mr. F, R. Hamilton, had
the misfortune to heve his leg broken
below the knee, They were paring
the feet of a. bull, when in some way
or other the animal fell an .A.Iliert's leg
and snapped the bone, Being laid tip
in the house will go bard with him, as
be was always a very industrious
young nan.
W. R. Sceli, of Brinsley, has mov-
ed to his farm in Biddulph. traps (rapid fireing system) known
Geo.Loung of Bri nsley, who pur-
traps, known tingles. Targets will be
trapped at two cents each.
Let us have the news. A hu ndred
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Hoarseness, Sore
T hroat, Asthma, Whooping Cough yield to the
curative power of Norway Pine Syrup, as it
contains the hunt -healing virtue et the pine
The Clinton Gun Club (Limited)
will hold an All Day Shoot ab targets
on Good Friday, April the 5th. The
shoot will be open to all, DO handicap
or no person barred. It will be held
under Hamilton Gun Club rules and
all purses will be divided class shoot-
ing. All events will be shot frian five
chased tbe farm of Win. Genes', 2 on.
of McGillivray, moved to it on Mon-
On March 20, Mrs. Agnes Wood, things happen every week that the
mother of Mrs. It. H. Lawton, of Gran- I newspaper man never sees. He does
ton, was found dead in bed. Heart I the best he can, keeps his eyes and
failure was the cause. • I ears open but be is only a human be -
Joseph Forrest, of Parkhill, has I hag, neither omniscient nor ornnipres-
sbought the stock of John McKenna, ent. You often wonder why this
of the Clifton House, West McGilliv-I thing or that thing was not published
ray, and will move on May lst. Mr. and maybe you say the newspapers
McKenna goes to Parkhill, have favorites. And they have.
On Monday morning, the 25th They are the people -who are thought -
March at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, ful enough to send what news they
Mr. I. M. Webb. one of Granton's bave to the newspaper office or invite
most worthy sons, was ordained a dein the reporter to come where the news
on by the Bishop of Huron.
Quite a number from Olatideboye
left for Manitoba and the North-
West last week. Among others were:
Mrs. Thos. Hodgins and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Gollie and family and
Mr. Pat Logan.
The students of the Western Dairy
School at Strathroy. before • leaving,
presented their superintendent, Archi-
bald Snaith, with a handsome gold
watch, chain and locket, as a
slight token of their appreciation of
his untiring efforts in their behalf.
The annual meeting a the Clinton
Lacrosse Club was held on Tuesday.
Clinton will play in the junior series
and would like' to get in a distriet
including Stratford, St. Marys, Mit-
chell. Exeter and Seafortb. The
team will be known as the Strath -
cones. The following are the officers;
Honorary president, A. Armstrong;
bon. vice-presideut, J. J. Fisher; presi-
dent, P. Matheson; yice-presidens
Ed Cantelon; captain, H. Doherty;
se eve Lary, A. Shepherd; treasurer,
Kerr; committee, P. Couch, W.
W let tee and F. Johnston. •'
Robes t worrison of the 2nd con-
cession, 8; anley, who has been con-
fined to Ins bed with blood poisoning
in his -foot for the past week or so, is
Slowly recoset iug.
H you take rt LaN,..1.1ver Pill to -night before
retiring, it will Nvai k who you sleep without a
gripe or pain, curing Ilniousness, Constipation,
Dyspepsia and. Sick Headache, and make you
feel better in the morning'.
Tete a Gouche, N. B. -You do reat
praise Catarrhozone bighly enough;
it is worthy to be written in letters of
gold. One small bottle has done
more for me than all the doctor's medi-
cines I have taken in the last three
years. I was a sufferer from Bronchi-
tic Asthma, but by using Ca‘tarrlaoz-
one I have been entirely cured.
Months have since passed,. and being
entirely well, I feel my cure has been
perfect one. A. J. Kemp.
Catarrhozone alone is the only cure
for Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and
Lung Troubles. An absolute cure
guaranteed with every ecmplete, out-
fit. Large size, $1.00; small size 25e:
at druggists or by mail. A trial sent
for 10c. by N. C. Polson Co., King-
ston, Canada, or Hartford Conn
U. S.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
cover rilfty years by millions of mothers for their
with perfect success,
pain. cures wino ce:lic. aenudefs Vhgeniees.tallr=
for Diagrhosa. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggiste in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. he value is incalculable. Be
sure .and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and take no other kind.
j .
Ror Infants and Children. -
•The fac.
Th I3 signatave is on every box of the genuine simile
'Llse.ZatiTic,' B-orno.Quinine Tablets rig:sat:1re
es xi cold lit one day
is on
Grain .Cables Lower --Wheat Declined ha
Dotla Liverpoo4 and chioage-The
tatest Onotations,
Liverpota, April 2. se Yesterday
wheat futures "closed id per cent
belont ,seturdeees elOSO. Maize
tionS about uncnanged.
Chicago, April 2.--Wheat.efuturee
led per bushel. Corn options
As compared wins a week ego, the 'Visible
supply or wheat In Caua4 and the United
States heti ineNased. 35,000_ !Mallets; that
& corn has decreased 5713.099 bushels, and
that of eats has incretteed 121,000 bashes.
To reeapitulate, the visible SuPPIT Of,
Wheat in Otintela an the Hefted States,
together with that afloat to Europe, ht
96,509,000 bushels, against 90.934,000 bush,
els a week ago and 97,1831000 bushels d
year ago,
World's wheat shipments the past Week
totalled 7.695,000 bushels, against 0,713 III
bushels the previous week, and 7,258,111
the corresponding week of 3.909. By coun..
tries the shipments were:
Vreek end. Week en,
APL len. Mar. 31,'00,
Bush. Bosh.
Canada and 4,495,000 2,809,000
RUSS'S. ,, ... 792,000 MeV
Danube .. . 332,000 344,000
Argentina 1.14444$114,4, • 1,048,000 3,232.0
India..... 1
Australia a•InAn.4.41.4,14 1,024,030 64,
7,095.000 7,258.000
Following were the closing Prices
at. important svbeet centres yesterday:
Caste April, May, July.
New York .3.... 30 79%50 70%
Mihvaukee 0 7416
St. Louis . 72?' 0 71
Toledo ........070 77
Detroit. red,, 0 78 .... 70i 0 7
40. white 078 .,,, • - • .1.10
Duluth, No. 3,
Nortbern 0 73% 0 7.5% 0 7G5i
Duluth, No,
bard 0 751'4 ,•..
Minneapolis, No.
Northern,. 0 73% 0
Divorpool-Claffe-Wheat, spet quiet; No.
1 stalwart! Cale es eSel o Os 4d: No. 3
red winter, Os 14 to Os 1.1i4; No. 3. North.
ern Wing. Oa lessil to es exed; walla. es ld
to Os 110; futures. quiet; May and 5nly,
Os 0%0. Spot corn Quiet; mixed Anierica.n.
old, 49 0%4 to 4s 1V4.11; AVM., 4s IQ 4s OK,11
futuves steady; May as 3V -4d, JULY 83 200,Sept. 3s 2.1]1.L loleur, Minn.. 18a so, 10
11)9 041. on passage firtop
but not active. Cargoes Australian, Imp
usage, 2.0s 1014d paid, Maize on passage,
rm for Anterlean and dull for Dauubiani.
Panels zuixeel American. steam, April. 1.03
34 paid; steamy May, 18s 104 paid; aim%
Ammineurl,ea2n49, enkixed, 20.x 3d, new. Plans* spot
Mark Lane -Foreign wheat firm, with
fair business. English firm at an feint:et,
or GO. American maize strop.- on advanea
of 30. Danubian firm and rather dearer.
American flour quiet but steady. Be011el
Antwerp -Close -Wheat, spot arm; No. 2
red winter. Mee
Parls-Closc-Wheat steady; Apri1113f 70c.
May and Aug. 101 40e, Flour steady: A01"11
231 03e, May and Aug. 24f 00e.
Tovo,Nri: -r. lans. I. UR
Wheal, white, bush. .50 70 to 5....
" red, bush. ....... 0 70
" fife, best". ....... 0 70 0 71
4/ goose, bush. ..... 0 0611.1 0 07
Peas, bush
0 CO
Rye, bush .
o 0 11234
Beans, bush
1 20 1 40
Barley, bush. . . ... 0 40 0 4014
Oats, bush. 0 34% 0 35
Buckwheat, bush, 0
Hay, baled, car tote. tun, 510 00 to 510711
Straw, baled, car lots, ton5 50 0 00
Butter, dairy, lb. rolls 0 17 0 18
Butter; large rolls 0 10 0 17
Butter, creamery, Imes0 20 0 21.
Butter, creamery, lb. rolls0 21. ' (1 22
Butter, tubs, or lb. 0 10 0 17
Butter, bakers tub0 14 0
4 .0 1105
Butter,Geaeer bakers'b. tub
0 1
Eggs, new0 13 0 14
-lnid, doz.
0 07 0 03
Turkeys, per Ib.0 10 0 11
Ducks, per pair 050 075
ChlekenS, per pair 0 30 0 GO
Honey, per lb. .. 0 10 0 11
pressed begs, eit'r. 1(4'4: per
cwt. ... ............. 7 OD 7 25
Rides, No. 1. green... .... 20 061,6 to 5....
Hides NO. 2 green '... 051/2
Hides. NO, 1 green steers0 07 ....
Hides, No. 2 green steers0 00
Hides, cured . 0 07}1 .
C.alfskinsi NO. 1 ... . ... 0 000 0
7 0007
Wishing, No. 2 0
Deacons (dairies), each.. 0 50 0 GO
Sheepskins, fresh 0 90 1 OD
Tallow, rendered' 0 05 0 054
Wool, fleece . , 0 14
Wool, unwashed, . 0 0$ ilt.oi)
Wool, pulled, super ........0 17 0 18
Wool, pulled, extra ........0 20 0 21.
Montreal, April 1. -The receipts of nye
'dock at the East End Abattoir this morn.
ing were 700 bead af cattle, 75 calves 30
sheep, 40 iambs. There was a geed de-
raand, and prices were well maintained.
Cattle, choice, sold at from 414c to 4Ilie
per lb.; good sold at from 4e to 41/2e per lb.;
lower grade from 2e to 3c per lb.
Calves were sold from 52 to $10 each.
Sheep brought from 31/2e to 4c per lb.
Lambs were sold from 414c to 5e per Ib.
Hogs brought from ge to To per lb.
East Buffalo, April 1. -Cattle -Active and
atrong; 140 loads on sale; export steers
fiilesteady; handy and medium butcher
10c to 16c higher, and common cat-
tle about steady. The offerings included
13 loads of Canada cattle, which sold high-
er. Stockers and feeders were in good de-
mand and higher. Fresh cows and spring-
ers lower.
Sheep and lambs 10e lower; offerings 105
loads; choice to extra lambs, 55.75 to 55.00;
good to choice, '55.50 to 55.75; common to
fair, $5 to $5.50; sheep, steady; choice to
extra, $5.25 0.55.40; good to choice, 55 to
55.25; common. to fair, 53.25 to 54.50. The
elese was steady.
New York, April 1.-Beeves-Recelpts,
5133; top grades steady; others weak to
10e lower; bulls steady; cows easier; steers,
54.65 to 55.50; tops, 55.70; oxen and stags,
54.50; bulls, 53 to 54.80; export do., 54.70;
cows, 52 to 54. Cables steady; live cat-
tle, 3.1%c te 13c; sheep, 13e to 1-4e; lambs,
Calves -Receipts, 3709; generally steady;
veals, 54 to 57.50; tops, 57.75; little calves
• anti cirl19, 53 to 53.50.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 14,817; sheep
Steady; lambs 10c 10 15c lower; sheep, $4
to 55.25; culls ancr bucks, 53.50 to :114;
lambs, $5.50 to 56.35; one car extra, $6.48%;
cells, $4.75; clipped lambs, 54.60 to 55.621/2;
spring lambs, 55.50 per head.
Hogs -Receipts, 9639; steady to firm at
$6.15 to 56.40.
Chicago, April 1.-Cattle--Recelpts, 2200 ;
good to choice steers steady to strong; oth,
ers weak; Texans steady; butchers' stock
steady to sixong; good to prime steers, 55
to 56; poor 'To medium, 58.75 to 54.90; stock-
ers and feeders steady to slow, $2.75 to
54.75; eon -s, $2.65 to $4.45; heifers, 52.75 to
54.60; canners, $2 to 52.65; bulls slow, 52.75
to 54.35; calves stronger, 54.50 to 56.25;
Texas fed steers, 54 to 55; Texas grass
steers, $3.40 to 54; Texas bulls slow, 52.60
to $3.65.
Hog,s-Recelpts, 26,000; Mixed and hatch-
• ets', 2.5.00 to 56.15; good to eholee, hear,
$6 to 50.221/2; rough, heavy, 55.85 to 35.95:
tight, 55.90 to 56.10; bulk of sale,* $6.021/2
to 56.10.
Sheep --Receipts, 10,000; good to choice'
wethers, $4.80 to 55.10; fair to 'choice, mix-
ed, 54.50 to 54.85; Western sheep, 54.89 to
$5.10; yearlings, 54.80 to $5.15; native
•lambs, $4.75 to 55.40; We tern lambs, 55.10
• to 85.40.
Your ,-Ivose
Tut 13 What you Should breathe through
Is so bad :be:.
Bub e tican't breathe through it,
n there may be vrtin yoAr
BreathIng though the mouth la ewers
bad for the tangs, and a 13 eSPPCIAlli
their delleate tissues have been Weak-
ened by the scrofulous condition Of Ude
blood on Which catarrh depends.
Alfred E. yingse, Hoernerstown,
:mitered troni catarrh tor years. His head
felt bad, there was a ringing in his ears,
and be could not breathe tiarough one of
bis nostrils nor clear biz bead.
Atter trying several catarrh, specifics
from wbich be derived no benefit. he was
completely cured, according to his own
statement, by
ood's Sarsaparilla
Tliis great medicine radically and pex.
inanertly cores catarrh by cleansing -the,
blood and building up the whole system.
if000's rit.i.s are the favorite cathartic.. 25e, ;
'Exeter Ivitunloipai Qounoir,
Council metpursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, March 29th. All
Minutes of previous meeting read
tad con rat .
Levett-Armstrong-That the fol-
lowing accounts be passed and orders
dra.wn on Treasurer for same i-Tre-
maine & Snell. corrected account to
April ist 877.33; H. Spat:Imam, coal
for engine $5,11; W. Westeott, labor
62e ; J. W, Creech, do $3.43 ; James
Creech, wood for Town Hall $11,25
do, charity to Mrs, Sutton $0.00 ; Geo.
11, Bissett part salary $25 00. Carried.
Muir-Levett-That the Clerk be in-
structed to insert the necessary notices
in the local papers, re the proposed
grauolithic sidewalk. Carried.
Armstrong -Muir -That the Clerk
ask for tenders for watering streets.
Tenders to state price per day, includ-
ing punaping water for streets, and for
use of private subscribers. Carried.
Levett-Armstrong--That the Clerk
write the G. T. R. agent re electric
light on station grounds. Carried.
Armstrong -Muir -That council ad-
journ to meet at gall of reeve. Car-
GEO, H. Bisswrr, Clerk.
Exeter Public School Board
Nicotine of the Board held in the
Town Hall Monday, April 1st, at 7.30,
with all naembers present.
The fallowing is the order of busi-
ness drily submitted and approved:
Per. H. Huston J. Senior, that in
support of resolution no. 4 of the hist
session of the Board; the Principal,
Mr, S. J. A. Boyd, be appointed dele-
gate to the forthcoming Easter Con-
vention of Public School Trustees in
Toronto, whose duty it shall be to se.
cure a meeting of representatives of
all Pnblic School covering the course
required for Second Ohne certificates
And support any action in furtherance
that may be then determined.
Per. W. J. Carling, adjournment.
"pink eye" disease which bas caused
so much trouble. in Woodstock lins
come to Stratford and is getting in its
work here, One family lied the dis- •
ease quite badly. The eye becomes
inflamed and glees the face a most un-
natural look. The patient feels like
rubbing his eyes out of his head, -
Stratford Herald.
Huston's POPULATION. - County
Clerk Lane has totalled the population
of the county from the assessment
rolls, of which be bas just received the
last for 1000, and that our readers may
see the changes one year makes we
have given the population for 1899,
It will be seen that towns and villages
have lost 19, and townsbips 307, too
great a loss for the fine old agricultur-
el county of Huron
municipality 1000 Dili Increase D.c...c.ri.easo
570 551 19
Blyth 880
Brussels 1228 116f CV
Clinton -
2533 2555 ... .i;211
1S16 1811 5
4051 4027 27
286.426 261713.6 111
‘117ivrloigxheatorn2183 2261 .
r ,ie-
483 411
16996 17015 -a
3160 3277 ....
1802 1710 111
Goderich "Li.
2113 2461
Grey .iii
1111a:wick 12
Hallett 3387 3213
3453 3140
.'• .: 'i. .6
3781 3861
lifoerKriisileP 212653838r 2266798 iii
Stephen 4%14968 2'1022112 :II::: 76
TSt:ollkieerY1mith -2157 2143 43
Turnberry 2161 2248 . 87
Usborne .....
2326 2387
Wawanosh E 1933 1916 .iDi
Wawanosh W 2055 2091 ....•..M
43113 13460 421
Totals 60149 60175 602 928
Total decrease 326
BECHER-At the Taw R DDO, Hay, on the ilist
inst... wife of Peter Becher of a son.
COOKE-At Hensall, on, March 2613, to Mr.
and Mrs. EI. J. D. Cooke. a daughter.
WITMER-GAT,LMAN-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Hay, on March 2131. by;
Rev. Mr. lrinkbeiner, Isaiah Witmer, to Miss
Mary Gellman. both of Hay
STENVARTIn Centralia, on Friday. March 29,
Edward Stewart, aged 45 years.
GRAHAM -In Stanley township, on Mart&
1913, Mrs. William Graham. aged 60 years.
GOTTCHALK-On March 1613, Lulu, youngest
child of Mr. and Mrs. David Gottschalk, of
•Zurich, aged 3 -years.
HARRIS -At Medicine Hat, N. W. T., on the
28th -tilt., Samuel Harris. aged 40 years, son of
Mrs. llenryllarris. Huron street, .Exeter.
PARK -At tho Goshen line, Stanley, on March
20th, Annie W. Morrison, wife of John H.
Park, aged 28 years, 3 months and 3 days.
GREENWOOD -At Cypress River, Man., on
the 29th nit . Philip Greenwood, aged 87 years.
5 menthe, father of Mrs. J. '1'. Westeott,
London, Huron and 5ruoo,
OING Nturrn-
London. depart.......
is -ippon . - . ..•
- 33ruce0eld,
winguto, arrive..44.4
Wingh axn, depart...,
Clinton . -......
Exeter,. ..
Oeutratie. ... -
. 8.154; Sr. 440r. 2g.
8.18 350
, 930 6.0
. 9.41 6.15
• 9.50 625
• 08 6,33
, 10.15 655
, 11.10 8.00
. 6 las. Af. 3,15 P. sr.
, 747 1.25
805 4.49
3,15 4,57
. 8.22 502
. 8.25 5.14
. 846 5.25
. 9.37 0.12
I will offer for
mat styles of vsir
will be sold at re
Also a number
Canadian Cerdag
Co, of Peterhoro
°Ieielheanaft )5e Leeu*Srpirwanii elffte:bst
Will. M. 13 I tGlilorti
Smtherland Inn0 Cos LTD
meut upon term :sr villege property at )webI'D
We hIEWO unlimited privete funds tor invest- I
rat" a interestioxsox & o.A.P.L.we
rioNEy TO LO.A.N,
I have a Urge areount of private funds to
loan oe farm and. village properties atlow rates
of interest.
Barrister Main St, Exeter.
The great pain -cure. Used externally cures
rheumatism, swellings, pains, bru sec, stiff-
ness, pain and soreness of every description.
Internally used it cures croup colds, sore
throat, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis, quinsy,
etc. Price 23 cents, all druggiets.
In cases of Nervousness, Sleeplessness Weak
ness, Brain Fag. Lack of Vitality, Nervousl
Prostration, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Tobacco."
Heart, Whiskey Nerves, General Debility,1
etc, use lVfilburn's Heart and Nerve Pill.
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Set on the kidneys,
bladder, urinary organs only. They cure back-
che, weak back. rheumatism diabetes, eon-
ge.tion, inflammation, gravel, Bright's disease
ana all other disease arising from wrong adieu
of the kidneys and bladder.
Children,Cry for
vERKTY, et D. C.M IIn1IYUniver
• 0010e -Crediton, 0111.,
1Y. BitOWNING 1.)„ m. 0,2
• P. S. Graduate Victoria Heiversity
& flee r.U.1 reeidenee. nom taloa Lahore.-
Itry, Bxeer.
Earristers,Solleitors. Noterles„ Conveyancers,
GGDIDURS1' uers, Solicitors for the raolsons
Bank, Etc.
Money tie Lean at lowest rates of interest.
▪ rx. CARLING, 21.4, 1., 11.016503021
(Successor to Elliott & Glatilnan)
Banister, Solicitor, Notary Tublic,
Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan OD Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates ef interest,
'Li'. Die A. it. g1Ns31.3.N.14.
D. S.1). 1). S„ Honor Graduate
of Toronto University. Dentists
Teeth extracted without
bed after effects. Ofllee
SO11.41 bleat. "West side of
treet, Exeter
D.A. ANDERSON, (D. O. 8.1.4.S.
Honor Graduateotthe Toronto 1.7niversites
and Royal College of Dental Surgeens ol
Ontario. All bridge Work. Crowne, as 4 Plate
work 40118 111 the neatest Possible manner.
baxmless autestlietio for pelulees extraction.
The strictest attention given to the .ereservet.
(math° natural teeth. 011iee in Dickson 85
Carling's block, Exeter. Ontario,
Apply to
00: Kesseit
Roiler Mills
Farmer's Attention„...
We bave procured a cox load. of
Which is the best fertilizer on the
J. CObledick lt Son.
At Cost Prices
1 erment 81. ennefltIj
UXiatlity NT.11
Graduate of the Ontario Velt‘inary Col fientiQuarters For
Ort ee-One dm stun). cf Town Hall.
A good Assortment
want to clear these lines at once
1Mo Tailor
iug tof
lestabilsheill 11 1.203.
2 his Compaey hes been over Twoutv-eielt
3 tar:, in successful omir ition in Westera
Out 5110, end continues to insuretigni list loss or
datenge by Fire, Buildings, Alerehandise
Minima el ories and 1111 other descriptioas of
insurable property.. Intending insurers have
the option of inSintlig On the Premium Nate
Cyst: System.
During the pest teii y Cara Lida company has
issued 67,1.91; Policies. coverine PropertY to the
annum ot 840,872,08; mid veld in I osses alone
A ti$ei N. $176,100.00, consfiting of Cash
In 1 alit Government Depositand tbe.unasses-
sed Prcurium Notes on hand and in force.
J.1 -11 LIVEN, All PreSideSt ; 0 M. T sm.og
secretary; .1. I'. J1ruiiis, Inspector CHAS.
BELL. „Alec nt for Exeter end vicinity.
House and lot for rent in Exeter North. The
house contains five rooms with summer kit
Mien, with good hard and soft water. One acre
of land and good orchard. Large stable on pro-
mises. Apply to Mns. JAstts MOORE, Hay P,
A.firseoless Blacksmith Shop, well equipped,
with sett of public weigh scales in connection.
First-class business guaranteed to right man.
Terms moderate. Also farm to rent, 100 acres
Apply to L. MACTAGGART, Exeter North, Hay
In the Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders -will
be received by the undersigned up to the 1st. of
of April, 1901, south half 01 10! No. 9, from 1Vla1)n
to William st., known as Hamlin's store prop-
erty. No. 381, 382 Elizabetn st., near McCal-
lum's tannery, No. 63,64, 05, Andrew et., No.
65 has a frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will take one
third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent.
For further particulars and terms of sale apply
to owner. The highest or any tender not
necessarily excepted.
Brookholm, P. 0., Ont.
Lot 13, North Boundary, Stephen, containing
100 acretwabout 40 acres in cultivation, 8 acres
in wheat, 3 acres bush, balance in grass. The
farm is well fenced and tile drained, with
plenty of good hard and soft water, convenient
to buildings, good frame house, briok cellar,
with woodshed, also good bank barn, driving
shed, hog pen and other buildings, There is
1 acre of good fruit-bearine trees. This is a
first-class dairy' farm, some of it the best farm-
ing land and is in good condition and will bo
sold cheap. The proprietor is desirous to sell
on account of ill -health. For further pardon -
lore apply to owner on premises or by mail.
JACOB WORT Z, Sarepta P. 0
Take notice that the municipal council of the
corporation of the Village or Exeter intende to
construct a granolithic sidewalk on the west
side of Main Se. from the north side of Dr, Rol-
lin's office to the north side of the Metropolitan
hotel. Walk to be eight feet in width from Dr.
Roliin's office to the south sideeof Cobbledick
Son's mill property, and balance six feet in
width, arid to SSSOSS 60 % of the final cost there-
of upon the property abutting thereon and to
bo benefitted thereby, and that a statement
showing the Istuds liable to pliy the said assess-
ment, and the DaMOS of the owners thereof. so
far as they -can be ascertained from the last re -
vista. assessment roll, is now filed in the office
of the Clerk of the municipality, and is now
open for inspection. The estimated cost of the
work is $1500 orwhIch 10% is to be .provided out
of the general funds of the in uncincality-.
• GEO. R. BISSETT, Clerk. I
Dated at EXeter the 413 ditty of April, 1901.
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and. Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
' ture
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these preparations and.
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
A Full line of Patent Medicines on
Dominion Laboratort
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black Worsted in twills, vene-
tians and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in price
and selling at the old prices.
Nice suits for $14 in fancy
worsted'Suitmg. We show GI,
big range at moderate prices
in Scotch and Canadian tweV"
s or teeadr stock. cikarg eand
. Pri Ce s well
suit s -
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods voa oerefOr singt
from $10 up.
GIVE, US A CALL and see
1 what we can do for you.
J. H. Crieve.