Exeter Times, 1901-4-4, Page 4The Molso „neenerrEienD Inn pn. Paid up Capital ReeervelSand Boat) .e. s Bank mENff', 1S55."i - $2,03,000 $2,950,000 estreal. ON.1111 FISHER'S BILL THE. E.XTER TIMES' STRIKING HAS BEGUN, Paintens anti Decorators, Carpenters and .1Qinerha* Tarim* nities and Tor, , Demand Dotter nenditiene. InSileOtiOn Of Fruit Discussed in incinnati Ohio A, ril - Five JAMES 1114 IOT,Esea leiOnee of Cornmons. huodred and nifty uterabere Of the ,Onairaesa, Mananen Monel eavaneed g ea farmers on theiri i journeennen Peinters* aud Decoran tore Union struck yesterdaY, bee °wane 6 with one er mo is eederser at 7 ner ' ," 111 1 COOT per annexe, I rniv I L,uuNOIL, CONSTITUTION ' Peanse Of the refilael of the Mester Exeter 33 raean, l'aintera" And Deceratorse Aseoeine Wee, evere lawful day from 10 in m. t tQn, to sign the scale necen UPDATeImperiel, aritimeities Consttlt Caaada 040Pted by tlee union, deneendinee SA'r,10 . 01,to i p. m Painters and DeCoraters, to the num, in the Legislature, the other day, nas paaeee through cenaaittee, aeo eee ber of 12e, went Out OD etrike yes. when lie said; ‘411e thought that per- na urrontratee of interns allowed oa deposits. 01011-59/4 F4 OAR G, N. D. DUEDON. SOLI ens. man -emit Exeter, 1ec..23 • . , we . or an eig emir tee . nineetereeee to tne nreposed Chenge At rept Weyne Also. Pert Wayne, Ted., April 2.--4i Petetere and peperhangers in this eity weut Qustalk() yesterday, be --Zdr• Clarlto Wallae0 FroteSiS Against Torte's Answer and Ta Answered, Rfrectively bY r..! -nal en April, 1901 . the Premier. c3.1:1-$0 Of UV) fitiliir0 Oi the AT -aster I Painters' Aeseciation to grzeret a Y.. . 7 14 21 23 ;, Ottawa, April 2. -In the House yes- demand, fer 27-e• cents per hour and. today afternoon Sir Wilfrid. Lao= a nineehour day? . , ,..... .. 3 io 31 2.1 rier, in reply to a question by lean.- eneumene scale or 30e Demanded., DAY.. n ...,4 11 18 -5*) Col. Inughesstated tnet the gave Marion, Ind., April. A. -Yesterday 19 26 - eminent of Canada has been invited gleSed the fiScal year of the Cemen- t; le 20 ee , by the Imperial aUthorities to send eters' Unions and the eontractors of a representative to Eagland to nein" the R. gets belt, If a new scale is not SUI t with them in reference to A Slgtzqt1 the Inea will Strike, it is he- henge in the constitution of tne lleVed, ha all the gas hell` tewes' The t Judieial Committee of the Privy nfen demand o sliding scale, each Council. The Guelple Jimeteoe. Rait. Man to rereive Pay eneerdalece way bill was passed, and a. number with the gualitY sd work. belt De na T3Drr eva leen of Governiaent measures. includeeg theY also demand than the muu 4"41 the bill pro-vein:a. tor the markiug scale shall be 30 cents an hour and S AND COMMENTS, and inspection of packages of trait the nmximura Pity cents. for export, were advanced A stage. oereeeters out at Fort gene,. Atr. Iney4 introduced a inn in ten Pert Ilureni 2. -.-The .. A Winnipeg gentleman leas teen smog to tbe moutteol enzette his spect to the subsidiary Court members of the Weal Careeutene" opluign or. tb e aaheans and amnia), of the Ancient Order et Foreetere. end Joiuere* Woo, 10'0 strong, Went bourii,hi tneneortnween He eapt that Us onjeet is to protect the intereste on strike yeeterdey, becenee their the Galician isnot the most olanrable , -Olenlembers of the proviucial court. &mend for P.5 ieats An hour end. n drarolgrant in tile world, but time one ana els.sWer to 'Sir Charles Mbbert nineeleour Wed; day was refueed bY GA/lentil Is: worth a dozen Donielea. neoPPere Igr. Siften eohl tbe Ian- the four lerest contractere in the bourn. It -would be bard to state a Plage of the ordinance was clear, city. . feet more efen.cizely. -Veen the decisien ef the Yon= Court Connecticut TAW14 .Ailection. i',4 Anpelliste jurisdictiou, vonsieting . S. * ei - WeterIenry, Conn., April 2eaThe Pt two judgen should be fatal. locale m. =berg of the Brotherbeod of Mr. 'Whitte etruck the right key ,: .ffnie Guelph. Junction Railway bill THE DIVIDED OPPOSITION, Mr. Whitney Opposes Mr. OM - °alien's NiOkel Policy Move. THE USUAL, :RESULT FOLLOWS,. The innirgest enderity Against an Onnet titian elation Thta Session Greeted 44. WhuneT-Orsaullea Voted With UI 014 Priendi Government Majority on the Main ;notion Was Tan. thoa product of their mines. as theY did not wish the public to know the extent of their prets mat of ethicle the people received bot a =all Pit, tance. The value of the refined nickel mid eilesPen made in the Unit - :ie. Ad g Stats yfreotemrs,°1118tar92.-i°901,1.14ertates gdivtiret; ot, ene,353,000. teem) refining op- erations over twelve million dollars were Paid ot weges to American Workmen, He read eXtracts from U. S. reports showing that their imports of nicleel ore frOni 0enada were far more extensive than an - peered ley the ()uteri° minieg re- ports, and gave figeres showing that the annual value a the refined Pro, dtet amonnted to upwards Of eight million dollare. In cenchisienJie urged that the law sinstild either be put into eiteentiert or repealed., Hens, E. J, Davin tigreed with the, awouto, April tie latstisewne,akeTrrothwaats,tghleaoni:itstoertusltoulxli: tive AssemblY Yeste.1(laY l""t '131nAocivt beexrpe::rsdede4 frap7reeaia-1;:litY0131°tinhte Gibson, introduced a bill to anlerni the Insurance Act, Among other tiget1 wor 71the,:h.res/31471mo/leed°1' elfin nteh% matters it deals with the positiOn 91 ; tec Friendly. Societies under the net. sato -1300/ east session it. Was The iesin wee ot o i:qlqAtc;xttigt.ingsuucrham.iscoo.,, 174,s trai ntoxel:irtt:ti aux :Ili. tra7u071 ttni leo:a:1ra: enru t:dresyclu Qwwk tot 3 :1 c 0 basis and provided that in case et thex their proem of ineeneg was a their heiug 1vPut/c1 11P 1111)se 1111P commercial success . The key to the had Paid, aseeenmente were not ene Tana, situation was the possession titled to rank as creditors successful refinixes process. U aiee be the casee in A regnlar insigance company, SSS, „at panie ultraibat mlineinty Were soived the Way /Weed a bin, to oennee the act ree would lee clew. Rtperts knew, 0.! sPAectuirmbtehre' odvt leivillnie°w4Acresewald°Pfe stbird tCtittFealePnrablQCV.S:“..,wbagYetomi?:incTue::,racL§TI, • tyinin inn -nen"; -A t cae 550%1 oviueial Aceellilie, to amead the ceeefully operate4 at Sudbury, Ex - Land TitlesAct, and to amend the Per/Me9" WC"' /49/veva'b";/g1PeAlQ. net respecting tbe licensieg et etrnee • Oleergne wee auas nsPendluda a largAe ProVineitel Corporations, with severe emln ret"' 1499el'" al privete bine. 1r. enteceetene sitertly to hew a. renuiug plant ln respecting Technical nehoole received 4 operation there. In the city of Ham- a, second reading.Liken Al$0 experiments bud been Premier Ross' biU to facilitate the aka "r 69/741° 1'41° P haps fetter the issue of a writ for an terclay. Tim demand an eight -bow e pure aSe 0 o Rea s by ulna- len tri f T 11 d M perfecting the Hepburn process and 'selection the judge might sit a few X4/115,seetie. „ e., day, Panties was reported from commit'e anotber method was else e mime in each municipality for tbe etn?ern..°entgweif:e also t'ean . In Stanifor4 also, zaen employed teo with teneatimeittn. Iser them. It it were n demonetreted the eev who through tbeir own care- g. to enferce A similar demand, re rale c r oss or the iMPreVe- leasneee, or for other seasoes. failed to OOP TOPMStern Unit. to,ComEcte witle th+eiworldi The SuPerior llatlxvny.-Mr. Marcel (Ilou- matt ot rublic gighways. Tim 1154 itiltA C011anenta near ette won 4 a Li. tune and nesse by three coutractors are on strike pUrriae of puttiug on the yotere' 14st Itespectin the Atlantic and Lake Tne Rowe weat into committee ea success tlicy woulf1 be is a Position get on at an earlier period," At au lav_.sPecLtlug the Malson's DV outure): Wale N.Y., April 2. --The etrike Premier introduced a uumber of be °Pen to them. The Conadien OPP- amendment to the election aw to ,-„. and f the ..te,"anieter belonging tn nneau aneendrenote winch ho explained were , per Co. bad done a great deal to an. this effect should. rue made at oncee as teaetee .1nalltveY ConaPanneenarr- 011e 9-- 1 it is desirable that every facility ver. intended to gaa noton3„ neeneile the Vallee the intereste of tbe province. 3. 600 ne vere 1,11lien NO, 49 went into ere 600 drtvers, employed by the veld- highways an county reads before 69/3 o ' tet get bis name on the voters' list W1.40StIaniligg Coramittevs. should be afforded to every person Several otber bills were referred to feet yesterday morning-, and about runt opportunity to construct the , 11"beleen719,retv lael'elege, in 41g%; The wen di:. basis were tuoudprrideen foorn icily wiroert iardwattsciorvalyrelaghtiewhiyilesaxswearesohesnim is =lima to te. lb( re,,..,,selforth Ex. Mr. 'Wallace aened: 'Whether the 1%1: eity, gat work. er teamino• and earth) Arens Government /lave net selected se eite positor. * • * tor n public buildieg in Toronto juuction. If So. at What coat; where wee. care, an increase in wages of $1 pa the ratepayers being care, he said, had been taken to give beard. Great , their operations begaltutIlit now in located, and what the dimensions ot eraarid. Niue nears a nay. the greatest elasticity possible to I, Sudbury on. d Corpseorn C1I� here sv_as a pop at10.11 0 . .... ice denied Mest people in Araerica baye heard Of Sing Slug, but the village of that 31r. Tarte replied; In avgaxd to NOW York, April 2. --George IL " 0 . - - 'only of the Iligicel area. longing to the ceinitieS would be 1, the *.stem viiiaaes nn4 towas. be,. g that they had aunthiug li e a 1110II-. sole will be heard of DO more. It is .the lot- xursy, by au net of the Legislatnre, Warner business agent of the Now Osmium, the name it'd' a cbief of the questions one and two, no Site has Mr. Conmee went into figures to Yoric 'district of the International. obliged to e°11tribute tbeir sbaer° show that Mr. Carscallen's ligurce *pro rata, The money to be paid by Seriele-Serick Indians who lived in that yet been selected. To (Mention Association of Machinists, reported the among some 400 township amulet -minutes to midnight when he sat downwere not beyond dispute. It was 8 gs part of the country in e seventeenth timM e, Y answer is $.5.000; to No. at the meeting of the Central Fed- the Government would be divided f g . century. The reason for the change 4, the amount was voted last ses- erated 'Union that mass raeetin WAG that the name Of Sing Sing had sion; in regard to questions five. six, will be held all over Ile United, palities, exclusive othose receivin Col. Matheson urged that the fun- On the members being called in, a money for colonization roads. become eynonyenous wale prison, and Oeven and eignt, I am glad to so4Y States and Canada to prepare for ount which, a county was empowered division was taken and the tigures on the outside world looleed upon the vil- that the ixtatter is now engaging* the the nine -hour demand of the ma,chin- to spend on a. road without the con- Mr. Whitney's amendment were an - lege as merely a penal colony. Manta attention. of the Government. iste. %nee employers heve been given sent et the ratepayers should be Um- nounced as 19 for, 31/ against. It facterers could not lee induced to lo- Mr. Wallace moved tile adjourn- until May 1 to prove for the de - crate there, owing to the fact that the most of the Mouse over the matter, proved that Mr. Bowman, Who was Impression bad become eo. general that. and proceeded to charge the Govern. May 2. mud. which is to go into effect on ited to 2 per tent. of the assessment. Mr. Pattullo agreed with the sug- „ present, 'voted by mistake, and the all goods manufactured ut Sing Sing reent with having voted the money gestion as if counties were given -e- actual majority against Mr, Whit- e'rere " risme made goods ' ouly as an election influence Y was declared as 340. In this e e After Mr. Bennett and Mr. Borden dgiug from the quality mad type had. sirkent. Sir Wilfrid Laurier e bogs vehieon being zneantauxed that the greatest lat- cle chIpped, fanners mint be studying the tittle must be allowed Ministers in =and. Tbere is one difficulty yet. answering questions, o.nd that "un- Wben hogs are selling et six dollars der consideration" was a sufficient per hundred, and have reached the and adequate eeply. He reminded eighty pound marl: there is a tempta. the House of the practice under the tion to burry another hundredweight termer Government. on to the same hog, in order to The Premier moved to take Wed - catch anal:len Six dollars before the nesdeen for Goverzunent business for price drops. There is often one out of the remainder of the session, but, eyery three hogs culled on this ac- upon the suggestion of Mr. Borden, count, and thus what is often a. good, agreed to leave Wednesday next for first-class bog to -day is hurtful to the private members. trade three weeks or one Month later Sir Wilfrid also moved that when It is better to study the market, pre the Mouse adjourns on Thursday pare the bog to the best of advantage tent it stand adjourned till Tues - acquired the proper size and weight day, April 0. But, in deference to dispose of hinnhave another to start the wish of members, he said, he on, and if the present market was not would consent to adjourn franca Wed - quite satisfactory one will bave the nesday at 6 p.m. satiafaetien Of having done one's shate Mr. Fisher, in reply to questions in producing a bog which should do a. by Messrs. Brodeur and Charlton, great deal towards making the first- said the Canadian section of the class bacon market a steady one, whe4 Pan-American Exhibition would be ther it be four, live, or six cents it closed on the Sabbath. pound. Col. Hughes was informed that the • • • Government had been invited by the A warm discussion took place in the Imperial authorities to send a re - Legislature recently on the County presentative to England to consult Councils Act. Mr. Tucker, the mem- With them in reference to a change in ber for West Wellington, Introduced a the constitution of the Judicial bill repealing the present Ceunty Committee of the Privy Council; but Councils Act, and. substituting for it it no representative had yet been ap-• aaslinsfcia somewhat similar to the old pointed. bill proposed that the county councils Bill Respecting Fruit Packages. shall consist cf the reeves of townships Mr. Fisher's bill to provide for one, -7Sney less expensive. Mr. Tucker's and viPages and the mayors of towns ' the marking and isnspection of pack - not separated from the county. Ard ages containing fruit for sale was in order to even up the representation under discussion in committee for under this system be proposes that thine hours, and several Important each member of the county council amendments were rnade of it. shall have votes in propurtion to the nurober of people he represents. The Seaforth Expositor, commenting upon the Bill says: "The present Act is allright, with but one exception - the double vote." The present Act is all wrong, and 6 out of every 10 Liber- als will admit so. The County COM]. en divisions are made up ot from three to four municipalities, represented by two Commissioners, who for the most part know nothing of tbe wants of the municipality, as compared with the local councillor who sits and dis- cusses municipal matters every three or four weeks, and besides some of the municipalities, those without a mem- ber living within their borders, are not represented as they haye a right to be. On the other hand were the reeves of mole municipality to be re- turned, equal rights would be given each corporation, one election expense -would- be saved, and better govern- xoent all round obtained. Probate of the will of the late, Mr. Ignatius Cockshutt, of ,Brantford has -nate ,en °Tented, to the executor's, Messrs. Charles and Frank Cockshutt. The gross valuer of the estate is estimated to be $481,562.02, from which are to be deducted the liabilities, etc. These will reduce the balance for distribu- tion to about $100,00, all of which with the charitable bequests of $5,000, is clivisable among the Members of his own family. The London detectives Saturday ar- rested a suspicious -looking character on the market, but subsequeptly re- leased him. The fellow gave the name of:Hensel), and admitted that he was A professional gambler, but not a thief or pickpocket, ages" was altered to mean "a box or barrel, of which the contents can- not be seen when such package is closed." Another amendment obliges fruit in packages for domestic consump- tion, as well as for export when branded "A No. 1, Canadian," to consist of well -grown specimens of Ontario variety, sound, of nearly uniform size, and not less than 90 per cent. free from blemish, the pack- ages to be marked with the minimum size in inches, measured across the case of the fruit. Clause 8 was amended to admit of fruit marked "first" or "best" or "extra good" quality. This was to suit the Nova Scotia growers, who, It was elaimed, have no well-defined brands of their own. Another new clause forbids fruit packages to be marked falsely, name- ly, if they contain more than 15 per cent. of fruit of a smaller site or in- ferior grade to that desigtated by the mar iting. The bill will be re -printed as am- ended before the third reading. The following Governtri4nt bills were read anthird time and passed: . To amend the Inland Waters Sea- men's Act. To further amend the act respect- ing the safety of ships. Further to amend the Canada Evi- ence Act. " The House adjourned at 11.20 p. ml FreilvIr Abcc,05. Paris A pr i 1 2 -The Praline'. M. Waldeck- l oe :neon, is su tTering from •esi iancess in the throat. To Dar Women Front Church Chou. Washington, April 2. --Something of a, furore is likely to follow, the announcement front Rome that woe men in the future will not be allow- ed. to sing in the choirs of Roznan Catholic Churches of the United States. It is reported that the con- gregation of rites now meeting in Rome is ebout to deliver a decree to this purpose. Nothing definite has been received by the _Apostolic Lega- tion at Washington, however. 'Whitby alma in Tolls. Toronto, April 2.-arles Cam- eron, who was wanted in Whitby to answer a charge of arson, was ar- rested at 2 Golden avenue in this city by Detective Verney yesterday. Ine returned to Whitby in the after- noon in charge of High Constable Calverley. Cameron was arrested in connection with a fire which occur- red last August. He Will be tried at Whitby next Monday. Tuck - sent of two-thirds of the townships vote Messrs. Caescallen unlimitedand Calque powers even with the con - the ratepayers would be Memel of houn, Conservatives, nnd Mr. Tuck - the system and road building would relent' en, Patron, voted with the Govern - The Premier fell in witlx tbn suge On the Government ametor, 21 against. Governemet - ndment a be discountenanced, ° gestion and amended the hill so as straight party vote was taken, 31 to provide that no debentures issued nnue sessment. ale, Pattullo spoke of the imPort- morning. jority, 10„ mint 2 per cent. of the equalized as- The Meuse adjourned at 1::1,30 this es, under the act should exceed in am.- Imo of having a standard leid don , as to what constituted n. legal road and it this were done in connection with tixe highways constructed under the bill it great deal of litigation Mr. Whitney did not see that in er, organist, onnposer and writer on would be saved. view of the difference of local condi- nitisieal topics, is dead. tions any genenta standard could be of the leading composers of church Sir John Stainer, MA., Was one or - good repair it would not prevent rausic of the nineteenth century. Ilis tts, tuithems, cantatas and or- Iaid down. Even were a road In hyra gan compositions have been sung and litigation. played all over Christendom. Ile Ron. I. M. Gibson thought that . place in the hill and wotild be more London in 184.0, he was educated at held many important positions in the such a provision would be hardly in musical world of England. Born in DEA.= OP SIR JOIXIS STA.INER. Great Enellslt Composer of Church Music Ilas nins.ed Away. London, 2. -Sir John Stain - For the Pacific Cable. ° properly introduced as an amend --St. ra.urs Cathedral Choir School, ment to the general municipal law. Christ Church, St. Edmund Hall, steamer Quadra, which made a. sur- with amendments. Victoria, B. C., April 2. -The The coramittee reported the bill Vey of the coast for the landing of Mr. Catscallen moved a, lengthy re- Doc., Durham, Hon. Fellow of and Magdalen College, Oxford, ine was the Pacific cable, has found a, naore solution which, after setting forth Magdalen College, Oxford. lie held a Mus. Doc. Oxon, In C. L. and favorable place for landing than at the nickel policy of the Government Mus. San ;Yuan in Barclay Sound, and providing for a tax on nickel ores the cable station will be at Al- and the remission of the same on Paul's Cathedral, London, besides the position of organist of Oxford University, and afterwards of St. berni. Engineer Peake Will go to ores refined in. Canada subject to the Australia by the Miowera on Fri- provision that the enactment should ed in 1888, when professor of music other like positions. He was knight - day to select a landing place 15 the not come into force until made ef- southern colonies. . fective by proclamation, concluded at Oxford University. Besides being • Tobacco Factory Bylaw Carried. , And whereas, although neatly' a composer he was it prolific writer as follows: onmusical subjects, and had one of the most compiete musical libraries in England. Hie hymns and an- thenas are sung in most of the churches of Canada,' and the canta- ta, "Daughter of Jairus," is well known here, being. periletuated by the for and 29 against. The factory will i n o e ac s ou e ima beautiful -duet, "Love Divine A11 , less than 100 hands, and will pre- the act should come into force from. . and after the first day of January, 1 Cornwall, Ont., April 2.. -The by- year has passed since the act was 1 W rantin bonus of .53. 500 to assented to no such proclamation a g g purchaSe a site for a tobacco faetory has been issued, at is the opinion of this House, that the taxation of to be erected and operated by II. nickel ores, and of copper and nickel C. Ward of Pontiac, Mich., was car- ried here yesterday by a vote of 824 ores combined, as provided for in cost $20,000, and will employ not Posed, and that sections 7 and 10 of Loves Excelling. pare tobacco for cigar purposes only. 'WHEEL lirltST TO RILL. 1902. And further that the revenue ' • - Co d tor Franco Burt accruing from such taxation, or a -samba, 3lan Near Guelph at a Sawing Bee n ac • portion thereof, be -used to eneour- cax on the Lehigh Valley New ork Niagara Falls, April 2. -The chair age, by bounties, the manufacture of Y , nickel steel in the Province of. On - express went into the ditch at the Suspension Bridge last night. Con- taxHie°- urged that there was no ductor France .had his arm crushed just reason why nickel matte should and. was injured internally. He was be •shipped to then -United States, in - car came from Toronto, and was picked. up unconscious. The chair stead of being worked up into nickel crowded with passengers, of steel in Ontario. He contrasted the none whom were hurt. protective policy of the TJnited States with the manner „in which 81100.000,000. / Canadians permitted their raw ma - Capital Stock , Trenton J April 2. - The teria.l to be export nft f or manuf acttwe • abrord. . The Canadian Copper United State's Steel Corporation yes- terSlay filed with the Secretary of 14ractically controlled the situation. 'hey shipped all their Matte to State articles amending its charter. New Jersey to be refined there. They and increasing its capital stock to had under their control 20,000 acres 81,100000,000. The States fee for 000. nickel and copper ore in the Sudbury the filing of the papers was $220,- comprising the richest deposits of net, district. He had no fear that any Thirty Thoasand Scotch IllinerS adie. imPer-taticul of raehq froin New C 1 d • ' L theU 't I St tea London, April 2.-Reponts received could compete with the Ontario stip- at a mass meeting of the Lanai -k- ply. ITe gave the Gonernment every shire Colliery Engine Handlers at credit for a desire to promote the Ha/ninon, showed that 30,000 min- industrial interesth of the province in ei•s were idle 'in Scotland, owing to adopting the -a/tenth/lent to the the strike for aneight-hour day. Mines Act under which an export, , • . tax conld be put on n •:kel ore. If it Twenty Turkish Soldiers Droxvned. was advisable to prevent the export jtadab, • -Arabia, April 2. -The of sawlogs it was equally desirable Turkish transport Asian has been to have our nickel refined at home. wrecked near Yembo„ Twenty sold- • The Canada topper company con- fers, 'seise drowned, a cealtal. :the real extent and ;value ef ' Met n Strance Dcath. CAPTIVE AGUINALDO Filipino Chef Has. Not Ann,ouno., ed Future Policy Vet - ADVERSE TO THE UNITED STATES , Guelph, April 2,-A fatal 'accident nccurred in Nichol Township yestera nay morning, in. which Harry Lind - 'a, youngest son of ex -County Corn- Dissioner Lindsay, aged 21 years, titas almostinstantly killed. A saw - trig bee was in progress on the farm if James, another son, 'in Nichol, end at which a large number of the neighbors were • Present. Suddenly the 11y -wheel of the sawing machine burst, and pieces flew in different di- rections, one of which struck id - say on the head, almost severing Lhe top aud exposing the brain. No oth- er person was injured, though several around had miraculous escapes. Be- fore medical aid arrived the unfor- tunate yoiing man breathed his Iasi. Vensten GeV* J& Rewar4-Xinit-94 States Army Ctfacere Defrand the titre. ernment hroug1 tb,e CommissarY Depaetinent- A Quartermaster Already „arrestsa-Other offi- cers saspeeted. Manila April con -11)411Y with Col. Vellia„ his chief pe gait B Dr. arcelona, ex -Treasurer of the . 'ibpino . ertmeen Aguinaldo oc- cupies one of the nicest aPartments of the Malacanang Palace. He closely guarded, but, courteously, treated. Agninoldo nervously paces the door, and, deeply thinking, thrusts his bands througb lijs heir. He smokes many cigars and ciorettee and leas a, earty aPPctite. He sPeakS enly.a few words of English. Me is con.scioue of ds digntty but tries tot talk pleasantly witlx nits guards. Ha often praises the skin and audacity of Gen, Punstou in effectieg his cap- ture. saying thati oniy by strategy could he beve been coturecl. It i$ said that Aguinalde s very strongly adveree to reverting item his form- er attitude, but thet he must regard the best interestn of the Villeino peo, ple, The eletere of Dr. Bercelona bnve celled upon hien bringing a pleuting supply of item Aguineldo is well slIPPlied with IneneYfoul has order. ed A supply of new clothes, He is careful of his personal appearance. Ire celebrated his thirty-second birthday the day before be Was cap- tured, Tee birthday festivities Werri prolenocl, awl only termineted, ueors the arriVal of Gen. Funsten. Aguinando trice to read the Ameri- can newspapers. and is auxiove to learn the state of public opinion in the trulted States concerning pine affairs. He has again ventoren with Gen. Tries and the Chief Jus- tice Artellena, but his future Wen- tioos have not been announced. Ile spends ninth time Seated by a. barred window, watching tine boats passing up and down the I'asig River. The natives of Manila. are mule-, monstretive concerning Aguinaldo's capture, and it is difficult to ascer- tain what the majority of them really think of it. It is certain that. Aguinaldo's influence is less ',strong than formerly, though still great. nunsten ItrinaGenseral, Washiugton, April 1. -The follow- ing important army appointments were announced at the White HOUSQ Saturday: To be Major-General, U. S. A. - Brig. -Gen. Lloyd Wheaton, vice Miles, promoted to Lieutenant -Gen- eral. To be Brigadier -Generals in the re- gular array -Col. Jacob H. Smith,. 17th U. 5. Infantry, Brigadier -Gen- eral Volunteers, vice Dagget, retired, Brig. -Gen. Funston, U. S. Volun- teers, vice Wheaton, promoted. DOTHA AND DE -WET 10 JOIN ftith 13,000 Alen They Propose to Oper- ate Ag'ainst London, April 2. --Despatches from Cape Town and Brussels talk of Gen. Botha and Gen. Dewet joining a gathering of 13,000 men for opera- tions against Gen. French in the Transvaal.. Two hundred Boers have reappeared near Richmond, Cape Colony, and the town guard has been called out tor deftnat, the place, A VITILIPTINE SCANDAL. Welted states Pincers Have Defrauded the Government. Manila, April 1. -Interest the capture and fate ol Aguinaldo is -wen nigh overshadowed in IXIanila by sensational developments present and prospective of irauds in the Commis- sary Department. Mow widely these extend has not been ascertained, but enough is alrendy known *0 justify the belief that they are far reach- ing. Capt. Frederick J. Barrows of the 30tb. Volunteer Iufantry, quarter- master of the Department of South- ern Luzon, together with seven com- missary sergeants, several civilian clerks, a prominent Government con- tractor, the assisteoxt manager of the Rotel Oriente, the Isroprietors of three of the largest bakeries of Ma- nila, a number of storekeepers and other persons have been arrested. 'Phe investigation has sparcely be- gin, but thousands of sacks of flour, a quantity of baron and wagon loads of (other goods, all bearing Government marks, have been found in the possession of unauthorized persons. It is alleged that the contra.ctor in question, who has been doing a busi- ness of approximately $100,000 per month, has spent huge sums in en- tertaining officers. A. prominent commissary officer is accused of leading a, scandalous and immoral life. It is ascertained that large quantities of stores have been lost or stolen in transit, and also that there is a shortage in the com- missary depot. • . New scandals are developed, every day. Illicit transactions have been traced back to June, 1900, and it is possible that there are others ot earlier date. • The exorbitant tariff cin provisions makes the surreptitious sale of com- , missary supples immensely "profit- able. Statesis unodffiecresrts""IntahYat other United be - arrested. Lieut. K. Sweet of the 46th Velun- teer Infantry, is prosecuting the in- . vestigation under the direction of Col. Wilder, Chief of Police.. Has Lived 129 Years., New York, April 1. --For the last 36 years Noah Raby has celebrated his birthdays in the Poor House near New runsivic . . ay he will reach the age of 129. He sleeps ,almos t continuously, a n d al- most daily his waking periods are growing shorter. 1 Ned on tlic Street. Victoria B. 0., April 1. -John J. Jess op, Provincial Immigration Agent, pioneer of British Columbia, who crossed the plains to the coast in ,1860 via what is now Idaho and Washington, dropped dead on the street on Sunden from apoolexii. Exeter Public School RetpOrt, The following -Is -67e 119110r lisb fon March. Parents will kindly assist the. intereste of the sthool by sending on Monday, A.pril 15th, pupils just enter- ing school life, The Part I classes for 1901 will be organized on that date. liONOR ROLL. -ROOMS 1 AND 2,-01aSS A, Anne Mar- tin, Fred Sweet, Herbert Gregory, Lily Robineen, Russell Frayne ; Class. • B, Oora McPherson, Millie Martin Edith Taylor, Jessie Dow ; Class 0, - Winnie lioward. No. on roll 40. Ayer. att. 35. J. Bonne. J. Rooa 8.-- Sr. 1‘1. Maryit"Pls,rTstrs: J ohn Gardiner, Alvin Brintexell, Vern Cobbledicle ; Jr. IV, Hazel Browning, "Viola Davidson, Vera Rowe, Olive Quance, Aldewin Evans. No, on roll 48. Average 41, Root 44 -Sr. III, Nett0a. VF°rSarytRe., Fred Smith, Gertie Saab, Famine Knight, Elmore Senior, jetnie Baw- den, Grover Bissett, Olive Gould, Jenny Welsh ; Jr, III, Eddie :Tooslx4Per.t, • Werry, augh tleMay. No. on roll 48. As. 42. ROOM ,-Sr5III,--Ene McPbersone Lille' Acheson, Alice Howard, Lena Monter, Merbert Sontheett, Inervey Gardiner, Earle Browning ; Jr. 111 Emma Heideman, Martha Snell,. Sophia, Werry, Willie Bissetn Dickie Gifiley, No. Oil roll 44, AVerage 40. ROOM Sr. In% %wWe"iteRer°,"D" $tewart, M Makin% (L Martin and in Amos equal.) 1$1 Carling, B Howey, Rowe end E. Vesper, equal,) Day,W Drinkwater, R Heywood ; Jr. N Smith, (el Bennett, K Davis and Ir Dr4X108Q11g MAI.) L Gould, Dow, L VATWoctitanh, Manson, RN on rofl 01. II, D. ROOM 7. -Sr, IT, Lois Birnie, Mary Kydd, aenny Horton ; Jr. II, Mildred White, Garvey Acheson. Mary Davis; Sr. 0 Malaise; Mid. Pt.II. Willie - Hatter, liugh Smith. Edith Heideman, Number en roll 42. Average attend- ance 41. 5, Rom 8. -Sr. II,De Lenune Milyard, Lee Wilson, Minnie Amy ; Jr. 11, Tennyson Boyd. Ruth Hooper, Her- bert Gardiner ; Pt. If, Allan Pickard, Kathleen Stewart, Total number ot pupils on roll 47. Average attendance 40. I3, J, Rosy.. APRIL Fonnonsree-Rev. Tra, Hicks, the scientific forecaster of weather con- ditions, ban issued April prenictious. In substance they are as follows : Owing to Mace °etre causes hein combined, weathei. disturbances will not only he more general and severe, but the storm periods will be prolong- ed as to overlap eacb ()there'd, timen The first storm period from March 31st to April 5th has three causee besides planetary causes. Rain, bail and. thunder may be expected on or next to the 1st. Storminess, with April rains, continue up to about the 4th. Tornadoes in some parts, and the storm -god may claim some victims. Cool weather, with probably snow and frosts, from 4th to 7th. About Sth and Oth clumge to warmer, heavy April rains, hail and thunder from east to west. from 12th to 18th it regular • storm period, with crisis about 15th when look for vicious electric storms, attended by rain, bail and. dangerous winds, low barometer, high tempera-, ture. daily paroxysms of wind and downpours of rain. Another dash of cold wiuds and frost will follow. Th e last week of April is covered with a, storm period. From 25th to 28th, in- clusive, look out for storms of energy, with much rain and hail. April wilt bring many extremes of very w erne and quite cool weather, a war 'with- northerlo and southerly currents. - Rains will be sufficient, with cloud- bnrsts in some localities too wet fox - ow lland. My friend, look here !you know bow . weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills wilt relieve her now why not be fair about it and buy her a box? The spring show of entire horses will he held at Stratford, on Tuesday Aprir 16th. PAIN IN THE JOINTS, May he muscular or theuznatiu. The joints are hard to get at, and it requires a. powerful, penetrating remedy to reach the affected parts Poison's Nerviline exactly meets thee requirements, for it is both poeverfur and penetrating. The pain is expelled as if by magic, for one drop of Ner- viline equals in strength five drops of' other remedies. 'You won't often call' the doctor if Neryiline is in the house. Price 25 cts. Bilj ir0111 Your flow Dcaler, Our goods are the best ' that money can buy. Our prices are as low as the low- est.. Our terms are of the. most liberal kind. We are one of yourselves: These are good reasons - why we claim your patron- . We have always on hand - Pianos, Ongans, Sewing Ma- chines, Sewing Machine Needles, Oils and Repa irse also Violins, Guitars, Mando- lins, Banjos, Sheet and Book Music, Song and Music Folios, Music Teachers Sup- plies, etc. A Call Solicited - MARTIN