Exeter Times, 1901-4-4, Page 2HOLLYHQ K FARM.
A lato Poultry P ant LocateNear
Des inas,a.
One tif the lar test, most eomplete
ani systematic p ultry plants in the
west if tiot in the entire etimary is the
Hollyhock Poultr farmlocated two
miles northwest •f the city ef Dee
Mon. Tbe so e proprietor of the
farm is Mr. G. L e W. Dobens. 1 'els-
lilted this emelt t Ikea of plant on Nova
15 on my way to he PanOra (Ia.) show
eud had the opp rtunity of seeing for
tuyeelf one a th bandsomest fleets of
'White Wyando tes that has eveu been
my pleasure te frn1. Tbere was build -
Mg after bulding aud pen after pen
Well tea wit% birds.
As to the' buildings, well. they are
scattered all over the fares, end there
tarev OF' laceeveoeg Fenn.
are pleat; of tbetu too. Those used for
tt!lireetling steel; are ail built on the
iuuer Ian of an open scratching
for each pen. The large brooder
litmees were not all complete() at the
time of ine visit, but several earpeuters
were busy at worn, and Mr. Debyus re-
marL:eil that be "expected to erect sev-
eral more large brooder Douses lu the
spring." We admireil what Mr. Dobtais
las termed bis "exhibition houee" and hope
'14 Some day to own one "twit like it" eurs
eelt'es. It is a long, narrow building,
perbap s CO feet on and 10 feet wide,
fiteing the south, with plenty of lignt
lu the rear are exbibition coops ailed
witb birds that are being prepared for
eababition. As I reaueinber, this room
Wee heated by steam or a. stove to a
temperature of about 50 degrees. Tbe
Methods employed both M the feed
room and the slaimang room are down
Ict date In every panicular.-W. S. Rue -
Nell in Reliable Poultry Journal,
A Lover or Pigeone.
For overate eners Mr. Samuel Case
eeday. the president of the Dann ot
Commerce, has lean a fat ler and
breeiler of geed pigeoue. He is the
father of the einey in the eity oe
Louisville and has done muds to create
interest In the raising of fancy birds.
About two years ago Mr. Casseilay
moved into tbe illy and was caumelied
to dispoee of his bleb. However. he
still lweps up his Interest aud always
attend e the Cineinuati pigeon show.
During the financial panic of 1803,
When the talkers of every bank In thls
=Wry passed many sleepless niglits
and days of anxiety. efe. Casseday used
to come down to the bank every mora
ing locialug, as fresh as If such a thing
Wald( failnre had never been
thought of. When asked bow he ratux-
aged to keep him titled off business
cares. he would reply that he spent all
las spare moment:1 among bis pigeons
and forgot his worries.
"lo matter if It costs a man $0 or
4500 a year. he should give his boys
a few good pigeons," said Mr, Casse-
day a few days ago. "I don't think
there Is any recreation that will do a
boy more reel good than the raising of
pigeons. Tbey differ from other pets
in that there is a constant change
going on. These ebanges will serve to
keep a boy at borne wben be woula
tire of other pets. First there is the
meting of the birds in the early spring,
then the laying of the tvgs, the set-
ting, the belching of tbe young and the
care elf these by tbe old birds it the
same time they are hatching other
"As a. rule," said Mr. Casseday, "if
he raises pigeons when young, every,
boy will continue to do so all his life,
with an increased interest as he grows
older. I, myself, regret that I am no
longer able to bave these pets, for
during 40 years I derived the great-
aetpleasure from their raising."-Lott-
isville Courier -Journal.
A Pigeon Story.
A correspondent of Fanciers' Ga-
zette, England, writes: I have a Little
story that may be of some interest to
pigeon fanciers. I have been in the pi-
geon business about 12 years. I breed
Homers and at the present hare 200
of all colors. I bare a little dark blue
Chequer bird, batched this year. It
was bred from very fine stock and is
Very small. It has a short bill and
amall head, but wide. Wben I go to
feed them, this bird will eat till Its
crop sticks out almost as large as the
bird is. Then it will go and drink a lot
of water and start out for the first
- young squeaker that can be found on
the floor that has dropped out of the
nest and will fill it as full of grain as
It can stick: It will then start for an-
, ether one and keep that up till it has
emptied Its crop. After this perform -
mice it will come back and fill up
again. It does not make any difference
what the color of the pigeons IS, it will
take anything It can find that will feed
and will do this three or four times
during feeding time. I have seen it
Ifeed seven different birds while I have
been feeding the ficalt. I have never
seen or beard of anything like it in all
pigeon fancy.
Care In mating.
en mating up your pens, keep in
ind the inevitable law of. reproduc-
tion, ''Like begets like." Select carc.
fully and use only or as nearly as peg-
siblo birds of the type you desire in
the offspring. Close and careful breed
Mg le the only scientific breeding. Hap-
hazard matings and compensation
matings made to utilize as many speca
teens as possible in the breeding pens
have no place in the yards of the truly,
progressive breeder.
*C7,veri Bourrassa Has to •Con.
OE:ma thie Governs:loots
NOTHING FOB TEM FAntsau-eloxg, To
Tbe deleite weieti kiosk sat eeday I
niorniug b. -ought out in etrikieg
in .111 ii the weather cork diameter of
the government and the blotched and,
mottled conditic a of the. Liberal pziretel
Nobody knows what it nieans, and it is
very /Male rid if tbe Cabinet knows.
Bele was ter NVilfrid Lender deelar-
Lug for a **wane tarifa forgetting
what the hat:iff is, forgetting what the
Finance Minister hmaself says, so that
the voice. was the voice of Jacob and
:he bands the bands of Ram
Novel:sex wfteeraVatle nett TIM PARMOR.
If there was one thing promised be-
fore the election of 1890 by these Liber-
al stateenten, foremost above all was
that they would do soinething special
for the farmer, but on Monday night j
4,1 last week, one of the supporters of
be government from the west got up
:nal said he WaS dissatisfied with the,
terat because it, was far too high, and
'tr. Richardson said that the fartnere
of the west. hatt beeo led to expect, that
the doty would be taken off agrical-
ttiral implements and coal oil. but. tbe,
they had been disappointed, The mem-
hers of the government vary amongst
themselves. Bat the Liberal party.
their utterances clatter and clash and
differ and so it is impossible to say
• ivbether the ministerial party is a fre-e
• trade party, or a protectioniet party,
or whether it 'is a free trecle-revenue-
i teriff-protectionist party. By taking
1 the duty off corn, a breeder like the
•Minister of Agriculture gets some ad-
, vantage, but, the market of the Ontario
j tanner and the Northwest farmer for
their coarse grains is injured.
1 coax, mu
Can there be any excuse tor their
keeping up the duty on coal oil,
when it has ceased to be a Canadian
industry, in vonseAuence of the action
of these men now in power'
Sir Richard Cartwrighes revelation
of himself has abeda horrible light on
I the morality of the government. So
horrible that the Montreal Witness,
Ian independent Liberal papee. gibbets
; him for his falsehood and tergiversa-
'aion. And the Huntington Gleaner. a
Liberal paper, after describing his
siteech says "The infamy of deceiv-
,7 lag not Liberals alone but the country
at. large, rests with a. special force on
the bead of this old man, who has ex-
changed the high honour awarded to
those who are trete to their word for
general contempt." But their are other
!kinds of degradation.
On Motalay night, Mr. Walter Scott,
; member for Western Assiniboita by
She grace of Satan and violence and
corruption, took part in the Budget,
,debate, when even the Liberal benches;
were deserted. How did any coa-
1 stitilency elect such a man? How
timid a constituency b ere pat. stunt a
Mlle in Mr. Davin's place? rhe 05-
tawe Citizen the next day headed its
reportorial cohunn : " Mr. Davin's
siseceseor makeS 0. speech, and such a
epeeeh." How tbie men got to par-
II:most was however revealed in the
diapatches the day before, which and
how in one place Me. Devin's scrutin-
vein were arreeted antne iand kept.
in durance during the day of election,
aud how eir. Scott got a majority of
seventy-six. Where there were neve*.
more than thirty-four votes before.
The Chief Justice of the Tertitories
(Hon. Mr. Justice. Richardson,) has
quashed the conviction, and now it is
in erder to prosecute the magistrate.
I hare been ton' thet much worse was
- done, and that by trickery and violence
on the day of election, In both Eastern
and Western Assimboia, hundreds of
Conservative voters were driven from
the poll.
Society is a power in all countries,
and a politician or leader cannot afford
to ignore it, though he need not do as
Siftoedid, go from a love feast to the
dancing -master. It is a very import-
ant thing thatethe wife of a political
leader should be an able woman, fit to
take a leading social place, and have no
nonsense about her; not put on too
many frills and flounces; Mrs. Mac-
kenzie was one of the most successful
political women we have had in Ot-
tawa, because she was sincere and sen-
sible. Mrs.. Borden, tbe wife of the
leader of the opposition, had an at
home " last week, and it is quite dear
she is a gifted and charmingwoman,
dignified and sensible -who will be re-
presentative of the best womanhood in
H. H. Cook charged that the Govern-
ment was ready to make him Senator,
but wanted $10,000 for it. All parties
concerned had to be very cautious,
because to traffic in offices is a criminal
offence. M. C. Cameron was the go-
between.- Cook swears that M. C.
Cameron offered him the Senatorship
for $10,900, and showed aim a letter
•from Sir Rickard Cartwright saying
"surely Cook would do something."
Be also swore, tlaat Preston -that saint
of crookedness -offered 'the the Sena-
torship for $10,000. Cooks' evidence
was unshaken- the Hon. Mr, Briggs
confirmed it. Sir Richard Oartvvrighas
evidence showed there had been ne-
gotiations. He wanted Cook to get the
Senatorship. Sutherland was against
it. That speaks volumes. Sutherlan d
represents the Machine. Why was he
against it? Sir Richard knew, Pres-
ton's evidence was something awful.
He mid he had not offered the Sena-
torship to Cook, but Cook wanted to
buy it, and he begged Cook to do noth-
ing so naughty. It would spoil every-
thing:with a pure Government if he
were to offer money. "Billy Pater -
eon," the Ministee, is implicated, and if
Sir Wilfrid Laurier's skirts are clean in
the matter, and he dare act, his duty
to His Majesty and the country and
public life and himself, is to have the
names of Cartwright and Paterson
erased from the list of Privy Council-
Tire leader of the oppositien for
Qiieitee le a. nem Or tine presence ; lad,
dark, . hair, florid et nupkgion, iduti,
tiye,, a relined niusical .voice. lie is not
ittereiV a gentleman in Itlaamer, but a
man with a high sense of honours and
he and his leader, MrBorden, wake a,
strong team Mr. Peterson the Minis-
ter of Customs wos. constrained Lo
acknowledge what Mr. Bordeu Ilea
clone m tbe short time be has be ,1/4.11
leadiug the Home-- it is something
Laurier was not, able to do. in tie whole
of five sessions,namely, give dignity A o
debate. . .
It is 11, strange thing and yet not
atcenota, for to tie 'weak is oasaalble,
doleg or snaking or leading tae
litanat of Commons, and, Laurier is
weak. I was going to tear le Wad
strange that the . advent of Laurier
-a men of refinement -to pewee was
the signal ler the degradation or de-
bate. Ile either collet...mimed te• a as
too feeble to repress such disgraceful
conduct on the parteof his friends in
She sessions of 1897$, as never , before.
disfigured parliament. 13y '99 some
members of the opposition had, taken
them in bawl and .tatued down the
bottrisit wildness andcalculated cols-
conaact. Bue now since Borden has
led in opposition, it tone has been given
to the Comments winch the leader
of the house was )(ever able to helper%
etoxa's seasete
Was reelly an, able effort, He set
out by a glance at, the diseordant eries
of conflidlog utterance from the minis
weed bene.bes. Iuerenee of debt by
over $7,O�),000; increase in expendi-
ture by over $4,000.000, '011 the arti-
cles imported under the peeference
Canada, losiog.$2,000,000annuelly. The
censniner got uo benefit, the mass of
the Reglish people got no benefit. It
-went to the Bnglish manufactueee.
The so called surpins of $9,000,000 no.
body took steak in. The day after the
!widget the boys selling tbb Montreal
Herald. which had received $20,000 Inc
printing. were shunting that a pic-
ture of Fielding. the Finance Minister
wonld be "given away" with the
Herald. Who pays .for this?
Spent, during 1900......... $58,814,510
Receipts .'* ......... 21,000,000
Deficit.. $2.814,510
But by taking $0,718,187 of the ex-
penditure and saying we will net call
it "expenditure," we will charge it to
.Capital account. by juggling hookkeey-
ing a deficit of $2.843,610 is Outraged in-
to a surplus of $8,006,000 1
Mr. Monk dealt with Yukon mis-
management and the fearful blunder-
ing of the Inunigeittim? Department in
crowding in i
such rarmgraute as Donk-
hobours and Gailicians. He scored the
Government that with their oppor-
tunities, with a vast revenue they had
not done anything to solve the trans-
portation problem.
Refering to the comparison made by
the Minister of Customs of the rate of
duty in 1800 and IOC* Dr, Sproule in
the course of an able speech recalled
how when a man said: "Figures
can't lie," his opponent retorted "No
but liars can figure." Mc. Paterson
said the duty on imports Was 21 per
cent. higher m 1896 than in 1900. Whit
is the good of this unless the prices are
lowered to the consumer ? But the fair
Comparison was between the font -
years his party was in power with the
last four years of the Libeled adminis-
per teat. of
customs taxation
1803.6 17.445
1807-1000 • 17.125
a, difference of 32-100ths of 1 per cent.
One of the best points in Mr.
Sproule's speech -was his delining-what
a revenue tariff is. This was neceSsary
because of the unblushing declaration
of Sir Witfrid Laurier that we letve
revenue tariff. Perry the great free
trailer said : " VC hile revenue taxes
select by preference things wholly im-
ported, protectionist taxes are placed
an such foreign goods as are also and
espeeially made at home." and he goes
on properly to say that, under a reven-
ue tariff tea and coffee are the best
things to tax. Mr. Sproule then went
over the items in the tariff to -day and
in 1896, anil showed that the dilates,
have remained. practically the same -
thus exposing the hypocrisy of Laurier
and Cartwright and their boundless
faith in the gullibility of the people
whom it is their profession to humbug.
He made a strona appeal for helping
beet -root sugar manufacture.
Continued the debate on Thucsday.
Mr. Kendry telling how the prefer-
ence was closing up. the Woolen fac-
tories, and.even Bourassa finding him-
self constrained to dem:mace the Gov-
ernment for its inconsistency. and its
faithlessness to its pledges to give a
revenue pariff and reduce taxation.
The division took place at, 4.20 a.m.,
�n Friday morning.
Mr. Calvin, tbe. member for Frott-
tenac, voted against Mr. Borden's
amendment, so that. the ,figures stood:
For 64
Against. 118
., Majority ......... ..... 04'
On the main =Won of the Govern-
ment, on which Mr. °Main voted with
the opposition
For. . . 117
Against .. .... .65
This is the nerneal majority 52
But as their majority in Quebec is
58, it follows that there is throughout
the country, outside of Quebec, a ma-
jority against them in this house of six.
Notice has been received at the loca
Post Office that on and after April 1
She rates of commission on money or-
ders -win be the same for both Canada
and the United States. whioh will be a
boon to remitter's of money orders.
The rates will be: On orders up to $5,
Sc.; over $5 and up to $10, 6c.; over $10
and up to $50, 10c.; over $30 tied up to
$50, lac.; over $50 and up to $75, 25c.;
over $75 and up to $100, 30c.
Friends of Mrs. T. Salisbury, teenier-
ly of St. Marys, but now of Carlton,
Will be pleased to hear or her recover y
after a protracted illness of eight
. --
If the oMinion Government does
not retrench it will:not beefor want
of weruings from both friend and foe.
The latest of the tnrmee class to read
the Finance Minister a lesson is the
Montreal Witness, Liberal, .which
"The situation of the Dominion as
-revealed by the Maaistec of Finance
in the budget presented to parliament.
may be described, as one of unpreced-
ented. prosperity. whicb, after five
yearns .continuanee, has neatly, if not
quite, readied ine highest posna. from
\valets, 11 15 does net recede, it iurty
at teest beeeapected to stand. or
"rest," to use Mr,•Fielding's etipheui-
ism, for a, period of perhaps lAvo lir
three year& at least. Whether and
how much the government •contrihut.
ed to bring about the prosperity which
the. Dominion has enjoyed In c,otnuton
with all othee nations heve been emit-
ters of discussion, whit+, have not
been, and perhaps Cannot be, deeided.
A more praitticad matter far dismal
sham, and one which admits of a vet y
clean emu:lesion, is. whether the :gov-
ernment has with ecoomoy an 1 provi-
dence administered the national fin-
ances,. which. PSa resiat of the pros.
perity. afforded As fine an opportunity
AS ever offered to ministry to aerielit
a people by lowerina its bitielen and
reducing its indebtedness. Now is
oppeere 'front Fielding,'s tinanalal
statement that during this prosper -
Qua period, which IR now elosing the
governmentwhieh revenues for the
period inereased by thirty Millions,
have not only spent the whole, b•it
have added as nearly as possible seven
millions a> the net piablic
"Alt'. Fielding teams credit for re
milting customs taxM ion to the. am-
ount Of $8,202.210 a year, of 1.87 per
cent. out of .the whole rate of 184.12 per
cent. 'collected 'on Imposts for home
co:ism:314ton itt 1890, We do not think
that this Is a very satisfaetory achieve.
:tient itt vtow of the satientilleentop.
portimity which. offered. For the
current fiscal year, .which closes ott
June SO next, Ur. Fieltlinaestin,atea
that the total revenue will 'amount to
SO1.029,99& and the ordinary expendi-
ture to $124,076,279, showing a surpiti-
of $$.051.71.6 for tbe year. - This large
surplus is a, matter for congratubt-
tion, as it indicates prosperity, but it
Would be a matter for farther satis-
faction were it, intended to be, applied
to the relief of the people front the
unnecessary taxation which it applies.
In view of it, the taxation on COal
on farming madhinery, upon other me
cessaries of the people might intve
been lowered or abolished. But the
government has no such purpose. The
coal oil and all other 'duties are to re.
main unlightened, but tho whole 0
the surplus and more in addition is
to be spent. Ten million seven bun.
tired thelisa,nd dollars are to be spent
upon capital account before the and of
the year. so that the surplas will all
be gone. nd an addition of St:800,000 and to do Justice. (Signed) Stepp t° leel depriased and ' of SW te
Lopez," te tt !itor4t be emit
44,4,4M ill 1111'0W1114,
will he added to the national debt. of the poison that h ta tieentintlated ii,
"Well might Sir Richard Cartwright '
in old. times say that a big sitrplus'neas - HOW UR TAKES 11‘. I lit" 11,41.1i1, t+iP pi1opit. filli Itrl erIKY
prey to 11isezt4e. 111111 nrek Silidear. to
A Minnesota Orator Says Fun-
ston's Feat Was Treacherous,
Senor Lopez Suggests That Aguirtaido
nud relabint Should Explain the Pinup-
pixo Uriestion to the reoele of the
Reputrile-Other Leaders Sorrell.
der as Result of Aguinaldo's
Ionia, Mich., March 30. -At the
annual banquet of the Albert Wil -
Lams' Club last night. ° Charles A.
Towne of Xinneeota was the chief
apeaker, He declared: "The Fili-
pinos will continue the naht, even
though Aguinaldo has been eaptured.
Funston's raid Is the outcome of
treachery, and a sbame to Amer.
Senor Lopez Suggests That Aguinaido aria
'natant Come and Explain, 4
Boston, March 80. -Senor Blatt*
14Qpez has sent the two following
eablegrents to Agninalclo And Ma.-
"Aguinaldo, caro Gen. MaeArthnr '
Manila: Request .S.merieen melted:
ties to send you, with lifitbini, to
Amerien. (Signed) Sixto LoPrz."
"Mabini, care Military Governor,
Guam: Aguiniado captured. I have IspRime.
tabled him to request Americen AA. I i al "la a
thorities to send you with him to i A 14441'+"
Jeri. 1 wish to apply to AO- i
thoritlea in Guam. (Signed) Siete :
Lopez." Pi
In reference to the e.bove. Sexism 1
Lopez issued the following etnte- I
scent: "1 believe it is the wish of '
the American people to know tits
truth "out nanny things cmne°e4 rile Practice of Takinse a Tone: in
with this war as well AS to obtain spring is deseenthai Fecnti oar wis,.
No other disease is $o prevalent among men as Varicocele., As it interferes with
the nutrition of the sexual organs it produces el issions. loss of semen throughthe
urine, deeas of the orgauS, paws ta the 19112S, aching in the back, eervousness, despondency, bashfulness, eatestation of the heart, constipUion, =In conahrtattout.
these results in complete Loss of Manhood. Thousands of young air' middle-
aged men are troubled with Stricture. If you hbelieve 011 reason to believon are
al:filleted with it, dotal neglect u. rt ruin you. Don't let doctors exp.ri-aent
on you by cutting, stretching or tearing it. Our New Method Treatment
dissoives the stricture tissue hence it disappears and cau never return W- cum
Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The treatmen ma,. be
taken at home privately. Send for our Pree Illustrated Book on Varicoceles
Stricture and Sleet.. We guarantee to Core or No Pay..
neys ladder
AD sexual complaints affect these organs. hence the kidneys are a great source
tendency to
tucl eitimasteacarsfaerierv: you aching or weakness over the small ofthe back,
is citumateet:Itiot:eiredepoan:idtisirteasurelnoef,tzel:leneorsg4s oaf istoarucdos pay,
r. &ONTO' feeling 132
-oa't neglect your kidneys. Onr'New Method Treatment
No Names Used Without Written Cousortas
o. W. Rowe, of Jacicsou, sayst-I bad
varicocele in the secondary stage and two
strictures of 2 years standing. I was operated
on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only
got temporary relief. I was finally advised to
try the New MethcPrI Treatment of Dre.
K. 4 K. The enlarged veins disappeared in
six weeks. the strictere tissue was Teetered in
eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality
returned so I was a man in every respect. I
recomatend you doctors with my whole heart."
Before Treatment. After Treateant,
We treat aud cum Nervous Delaility, toot Manhood, Varicocele, Strictere, %Th-
ins, Meet, Weak Pans. 04:marchers. and Unnatural Bischatges. Consultation PM,
Books Vrec.. Write for 2nestion List fin ilonlc Troatslost.
Drs. Kennedy Korgan l•eal SHELBY STREET,
011101111•10111ORM/MMIYINMITG 6111.:+r-, War.,""^ -}9.M.,11'
an authoritative statement of tbe at- is;werathera arm hie Gond Medical
titude of the Filipinos toward Anse* Elktoweluent_A row suxsestion,
eau sovereignate don't' kttow" R taariling Health.
two men better fitted to give such in.,
formation that Aguinaldo and Mas The practiee of takinaa tonic diutine
bini. she ineleinent treatheria. eitrly spring
"Almost all the statements that Is twee thet has been bequeathed lie lay
have hitherto been made are front tom tarefathers. wire livea in deve
American sources. It 'would. thero-1 when a, Alertly conetitution a1 -erg
fareonly be fair that two represeree tiros*: he-alth tnetrit PVI*11 snare than
tetive Filipinos should be allowed to i they tie Maley. The enstoill it1,1
give their opinions about the Anted, highestmedical ensioreement, and 11t TAPS , TAPS PROM THE WIRE.
Warship to Pie Sent to Melbourne ta
Greet the Puke of York.
Washington, April 1. - ThO Mate
tation of the British Government tO
send a warship to Melbourne on tigt
OCCASJ011 of Um cerietionies attendiiree
the arrival there of the Duke and
Duchess of Cornwall mad York ale
May 6 and the opening of the FetIp.
Parliament of Australia: on fir
9. Las been accepted. Tbe Seereterg
of the Navy yesterday telegraphed
Admiral Roney at Manila, to send a
vessel and suggested either the bate
tleshio Oregon or the battleshitt
Kentucky, but left the selection act
the Admiral's discretion.
ce.ns and to speak on behalf of their lartithiest PeoPhi are 004' who
fellow-countryraen. lew it. Thoesende not really ill, nese;
"The bringing of Agulualdo aria nine* at this :weenie ceue canine:
alabini to .America can do no injury
to truth and justice, and 1 assume
that both desire to know the truth
merit in badly viettilated lateee
elftees, .shopa and selinni rooms thir
Mg the waiter (nontlis. *mikes
both it disgrace and a temptation to*
extrevegunce on the pare Ofe* govern- a* 4 9 r
at manna. sets. and similar troubles. Dr, Wei.
inente Disgracehil because it proved ' ' name' pink Pitts for Rile People are
that the government, is tft2illg tile peo- , Aftunta, March 30. -When Aguinal- the best total. medicine known to
plc unnecessarily, or temptation, to ex. , Ito WAS captured . lie wore a plain, meiliati selence. Thew* pill.: male
travagance, becanee A government ,
, dark blue suit, with the coat closely , Orb, rea blood and sating t14.L.V.p.,4.
W01141 hIWT15.8 V.1)1411d oVerY cella la , buttoned at the throat, and wide ' Thyme:eh their use In springtinue imi.
email lay its hands upon, Mr. Field- ,,,
ing:s policy answers Sir Richard's de- .
emit° helmet, with e. leather blind. I el, lit, lese, easily ared men. women
He takes his capture philosophically. alai •hiltiree are Wilde bright, Active
scription, and might, thus 1:e stated : , 33e is generally cheerful, but some -1 awl strew. Eviaentei or the wonder -
'Millions for capital expenditure, not
tiraes moody. IIis health during the 4 !al 11"3/111 restoring 'virtue of these
Idle cent for the reduction of the tax- past year has been very good. It t •
is ' -eel- is elven by Mee J. f. tuglois, 659
/Won of the people."' The cimital .
uncertain what attitude he will now
expenditure" will be upon railways,
assume. ! I. ,f•Inuiiii street, MoittreaL W110 days:—
, ell aore I began using Dr. Willi(uns"
winch cempanies will own after they 1
A. in Ido's Conduct lief re Ills Ca tars ""'"IY tiismillrOrlS from buil-1, prupti
es foe Ceratlia visitors are permitted to ' leek Pills I tra‘t
'ews with the prisoner are uot al- , i e • .
tinder the care of two
are built, and upon publie war i deeters who told ine my trouble was
see Aguinaldo but newspaper int er- 1 , . *. . ._.
the direct benefit, of single railaray • • I oevermine list') tonsuinntion. a teas
companies alreittle" heavily subsidized ; VI .
very plie anti feeble: had no nemetite
anti emild hardly stand on my feet. 1
it as very inuelt discouraged and
them/lit, tieetli •wite Stillidir illi. ill tili.
by the country. 13ut the government, owe • Since Agumaldo has been
domiciled ut the Malacunang Palace,
is not alone or altogether to blame.
an • persons not provided with special
Interested arties cry out for
sorts of pub le expenditares, and the i permits have been domed admission !
people do not take the trouble to i tooter. grounds. , face. 1 liad often read 'of Dr, Win
oppose Ode cries with louder cries ! commander of the i
I limns' Pink ,Pilla and lin tlly ilecidea
Te try them. Artie. I hati us..t1 three
against eXtravagance. The fat years , insurgent forces in Southern Luzon, . a
oxen, tin: a Wilt, W i ' 11111 i 11 stl i. '
are near an end, and the lean years who recently surrendera
ed to the •
: nd 1 fiat little stronger. I ecinti nu-.
tire at hand : yet the Finance Minister. t American authorities, visited Aguin „ a , ee „e, „4, „1,,,, f,,, m„., „ ,„,,,si h,
who sees this, and warns the people of ' aide and told the latter why Le sur-' '.-- ' - - ''. a' the ta"." -2 ""a*' ---
, when I. felt fully cured. When I lie.
it, goes on spending every cent and ' rendered.' Trims said that a continu ea" ne ir the pills. I only neighed 92
more that these fat years yield, and once of armed opposition to the 1 a'''' -I"-
potpie.: and when I dieconi inucti
planning for greater expenditures still United States was unjustifiable and 1 them my weight had increased to 113
ing hie estimates with a view of get- : Philippines Was impossible, and the , how-, who lees pale and sickly, and
Ling safety down to the lower levels Vilipinos had better accent liberty, I, they mete him a beiglin rosy, fleshy
which will be necessary during the prosperity and progress under I child. I think there is no weak or
lall'Jrioh3n-eaAllo.itr'tit, of Itippen, has corn- i from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
American rule. sickly person who will not find benefit
pleted his contract with the Wood- : eatarnsos ARE.STIRUENDERTNG. It i.5 a waste of eloeey to expe,e_
stock finniaire company, having heti . so-called tonics
chopped end drawn 30 n,cres of timber ere. Capture of A—gulnaldo Has Already 1 ,iir121;illetil ;1;vri:14101 if/1111:10es ef th.wit.
apparently. ineteadiof prudently reduc-; ruinous. The independence of the a„,,,,ae• 1 also gave the pais „ iny
bought from Mr, Alex. Smith of Stan- : Had a Iffarked Effect. 1 II Liu: Palk PIllri. ID11:11. (19').1 gettintr
ley. He has now in Kippen station Washington, March 30. -Gen. Mac- tile g"ituille, aliii if they art' not sold
yard 200,000 feet of logs for this firm to
Arthur cables as follows: by your dealer send direet, to the Dr.
he shipped. This enterprise bas been williania ;netts:Ate Co., Brockville,
'Manila, March 29. -Brigadier- _
the means of circulateng the needful '
Gen Williaro. A. ICobbe reports the eine. end the pills will be in tiled nost
this winter. Teams and men have '
surrender of Simulate, a.t Mindanao,
been kept busily engaged cutting and
160 men, 187 allies, 80
drawing out. It would make Premier 9 °fficera.
sh,otginis, Capistranso's command.
Ess ashamedof his saw mill enterprise
n New Ontario. , This ends the trounle in Mindanao
' as far the'United States Volunteers. as Filipinos are concerned.
-- i e
• ....______-_____-. .
, Brigadier -Gen. Robert P. laugher(
reports Alikpali aud Ruiz; 31 guns.
Patel Explosion la a Hine.
: surrendered to Capt. David
Albuquerque, N. li., April 1.--A, Shanks, 18th United States Infan-
tiogrhritbrn e4Pl.°Wsierver occurred
GFalrildulcommand; surrendered to
r. ' try, at Maxaburam 206 guns, Ful-
opeeated by tae Wends) Fuel wad Lieut. -Col. William S. Scott, 445h
Iron CompanyThree ears known 'to
halm been, killed outright and many I "(Signed), MacArthur,
others who were cut off in the mine : Gereadmo Also Gives In. -
are believed to nave died from sof- I
-Japanese laborers have Manila, March 29 ,(9.8 0 p. m.)-
After being convinced of Aguineadoes
been employed in _the mines since the,
capture, Gen. Geronimo, the insur-
stlike, but the killed were two white
, gent leader M the Province of Mor•
mien and a negro.
-.., ong, Luzon, has surrendered, with
1 6 'officers, 46 men and 50 rifles, to
rea-at . •
Col. 3. Milton Thompson of the
Accra, Gold Coast colony, Marcie 42nd Regiment, at San Mateo.
81. Three hundred men of the Dri-e
tish West African Regiment, who de- a norms notes ln Toronto,
eerted al Coomassie, Marched, arm.; Toronto, March 30. --The Crescent
ed, to Cape Coast Castle, where all Athletic Club has lust matched Ole
bueoness has been suspended owing to Olsen of Chicago and Jack McClel-
a fear that the deserters win loot land of Pittsburg, two of the best
the town; One hundred and twenty living featherweights, to box 20
troops were despatched 'from Aetre rounds in' tlie Mutual street .rink on
to Cape Coast Castle 1,e -day to sup- Good Friday night, the date being
Mass tite revolt- - ...elected on account of the presence
there Of the hieresse and bicycle
The "son 110 :Hove" Nan Deaddelegates in the city. Jack Road
Richmond., Va., April 1. -Rev. and Jinany, Smith Will clash in the
John .7e.sper, the famous colored ad- 10 'round preliminary.
vocate of "The Sun Do Move" the-
-ory, died at his home hei'e on Sat- To Abolish Le 5.1:Attire Coe Act
urdaY, aged
90 years. He had for 1iaWax farch 30. -The Govern -
many years been pastor of the Sixth merit intro uaad a bill in the Leg+
Mount Zion Church and was herd in lative Council yesterdaY to abolish
high esteem by the people of his that body.
race. He was once taken on n tour The motion ear ;the first rend:
of the north delivering his 'Sun De was -lost, the
Mere lecture.
pair, at 50c a box. or six boxes for
$2 50.
B. 311cCullongh, Ontario Recruit, Pushed
OMoncirtorni.atfoNrra. 13.. Marek
ard McCullough, who hall tieen ofia
of the garrison at Habitat, Was a
passenger on the Maritime trent lase
night, with three other soldietin who
had been discharged, and Were going
home to Ontario. At Moecton sev-
eral men, said to be front the lum-
ber woods, boarded the trein, and .0
row ensued. McCullogh was stand-
ing on the platforna, and claims be
was pushed riff while acting as pec..
maker. The train was then a.t full
speed. McCullougn manage4 to reach
a farm house, where a doctor was
summoned. McCullough had two
ribs broken and was internally hurt.
Arrests will likely follow.
A Case of Infinensa Which Has Now Run
th,iWorma1 Case.
London, April 1. -The following
bulleting regarding the condition of
the Premier was issued east evening:
'Lord Salisbury was attacked with
influenza March 28. The illness has
run its normal course, and has been
attended by the usual prostration.
The temperature, however, has bee*
ahnast normal for the last two days,
and His* Lordship's strength is hat -
proved, with Increasing power of
taking ,food. ,It is hoped that he
will be able ahortIy to get a change
to the south, vatich he had been
contemplating at the time of the tee -
*wen re :fit liritAkr.41
The Italian Climber of Do
voted, 160 to 54, the extraordinatt
nailitary expense bill, which has beer1
debated tor several days.
Harvey IX Montgomery, residines
near Hobart. N. Y., shot his wife adl
2 o'clock Saturday morning. under
the idea, that she was a burglar.
Count Tolstoi has sent an appeal
to the Czar to stop religious prose
ecutiots and permit Doukhobor wo-
men to join their husbeada in Can-
Richard Nugent. a well-known tilef
man. Wes on Saturday at Lexinge
ton, sentenced to 21 years ift
the penitentiary for killing W. B.
Mahoney, a. saloonkeeper.
11,. land sales in the North-
west, for the month of March, 1901,
were 30,i546 acres, for 3122,362,47.
The sales for March, 1000, were 31,-
183 acres, for $97,770.70.
A conference was held on Satur-
day at the Colonial (Mice, London,
on the Newfoundland fisheries ques-
tion. Mr. Chamberlain presided/
Lansdowne, Secretary o!
fairs, and Mr. Bond, the Newfound -
hind Premier, were present.
Union Tailors Strike nt Hamilton.
Hamilton, April 1. -Saturday night
the local Journeymen Tailors' Union
received permission from the Interne.-
tion 'Union to go on strike. At noon
to -day, unless a settlement is reach-
ed in the meantime, about 150 union
Men Will quit, and this will throw
about 150 more persons out of em-
ployment. The bosses granted an
increase of 10 per cent, in wageee
but the union demands a change in
the bill. It is said there is just two
items in which there is a differenee
t of opinion.
Tehery Cola coast •
The Ophir, bearing the Duke and
Duchess of York on their tour of tat,
world, has arrived at Suez. The
steamer was blocked in the canal by,
a dredger,
. •
Unusual question!
If your digestion needs a
rest —whatever else pay be
true—you • can get it from
Liver Oil.
Whatever else it may be—
lt is a vacation for stomach and
partly for bowels.
It feeds you a little without
any work at ail by the stomach.
That little tnay be enough to
set your -whrile body going
again; for it helps you more
than it feeds you.
If you liave not trice it send for free sample, its
Agreeable taste will surprise' you, -
SCOTT dt 11oTolevroNntE,0,C m sts_.
60o. anti Snore ; all druggIste.