Exeter Times, 1901-4-4, Page 1• lif3116N (1.4 1,11.1)PLESEX GAZETTE TWENTY-EIGHTII YEAlin-Ncq PER,' 0.1%('-'T, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1901, Now is the Tinio To Buy Your.,.Seeds etti-1-14+44++++++++++++.1•41-Henee•1441+++++11-41-1•4•84.1-1-e•e+4-eeeeee• Red and White Clo-yer, Alsike Timothy-, - Spiltz, Garden 'Seeds. • , ++.ii++, 4.4..**4-:-.14tz,++++444,4+++ Garden irocout; 1.4it1le al Bishop der 'HAVE YOU TRIED of March, ba.sed on attendance, de- position. -Rev. tes IL Love will preach Seaforth 1 meaner and general eillciency Fifth - in Jaines-St. Church, Exeter, on StAll- Iear otAvonten. They ere terse every fine animals, neighing respectively 212 lbs and 268 lbs.,* at ilie ages' n't six I and si-viee moot iris Se&• 11 ensal I -7-- "P A. SallerF, L. D. 5)4 ' I). 1).6.,Konor Gracia- - -nae ot Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extraeteeeeithoue_eain or bad effeet4,,-,Office kr Petty's Illoelc• idennall, At Zoriait -.every Monda7.0o1Iaine11einu .lav nth, 0• !I. Suthertxna, NIdark Puublic, ennaeyroi- 4.uwn iioner. FiroIneninee Amt1+. oannedr4reA;rajvVelf-9Leg4lt11reut caref)daatcu4rate; to loan op real estate at low rates of 4a:serest- OfPee at the l'estiOilleo, lientall c. -.a l' ' JOHN *1-leTEI8e SONS I Louis Walper, lett Hell, Jos Etlwardei Centralia ...1....."•••/...., ' e(100_,...111_Vray Fred Pretter, Silas Stanlake, 0 L i Air. Edward Stewart died at. the * T J Amy, Chas idolt, Jos Brenner," EN,ETER lelereEtt YARD. ,. Moeer. JasShaddocit. The following Imam of his cousio, Mrs. McCoy, on nelfeseeeetesetre4 eemeene :tenger for gebrus.mle(Tek„ orders were passed ,;.-Inta Sneideie Friday last, after e brief illness. Ile also shingle -c. laths and cedar 'posts. Prices gravel, 0 It eee ; ;rhos Shapton, coin had lived alone for same yeais but an taking siek WilA brought to Centralia, re.asonowe.--JAS W11.148, Yard : east sae of Set aNr c°1; „Lb1.Ma scer ol inY '1.i;LtYte' ni (Id ra ut tile inc°onntcl 11. IC f• s$'24 :::;:s vt, ar$3 :77: °: nnWtS'Ilf r°4.01185,verue'r'IT,e tb:a:11.ceilt: eeNd.:illtvotlael: and evork of pimils. Naaisres 14;10_0;41:no,: f:initiL:yet::nex°t1:.:37.„Ipl. ladu.i°4231ed to Reilly, Clara -Glavin, Fred Lecley, Feline 117- Patrick Glavin. merit ; V-Vhas, Miller„ Irving Neil. i Nliller, Joe Lecky, Martha Lewis. Jr ----"--"l'--1.es''Ieorzee H. EtreeEit. Clerk. III -Lucy Cotter. Sr II -Willie Mil- leetesies.--Mr Fraser,- miner foryeek ler. Jr 1I-Mnrray Neil, Cecil Heide', 3 G. STA.XOURY, D. A t'KUTER,D"CT , - , • Bros., has returned from Ayr, ss'here Lottie Welsh. Sr Pk II -Mary Reilly. ; . . he visited friends last week, -George Jr Pb II( -Leo Thempson. Harry leen, secylLeoawx.011111cue.roPur.riv.te-Teeibtiteils40101,(rvinr;.g. ,i Greenslade left lash week ,for Buffalo. Willie irilewl'sQ"- -Witl Boutbron will ieave in a few Atax A. Pneaes, Teacher. i the report of S. S. NO, $ for the month days for lora,- where beams aceepteda work and drains across road ligPoRT.- Honor roll for S,. - e"a-e, veverloU culvert, eon 2 moon a, WA P • Alvan Doupe, Wary Roach. Eva Roach, day morning next. -Miss Srnitl; who Buigss.---Miss Waggle Smith left on t!,/ilton Clarke. Robert Duncan. Sr. recently juirchased one or the Marshal! Tuesday afternoon for Berlin, where 4th -Albert McCurdy, Wilbert, Dun, stores, is having the frallt, remodelled elle has secured a, situation in OPP 01 •CPO, Mary Doupe. 4th-011ve and plate glass pet in. ---3. Henderson tlie stores. -Mr. Terrier, who i Copelend, A.etne Copelitod, Allan Me- Ttiver, young son Of J. G. 'Tree -gr. Q0 base been 'Ogee keeper in the leoodin !Curdy, Edna Duncale, Miner Meeenrey, Tenredeee evening laste'eNbile getting iori Bunk for einee months, Jere on Or. 4tbe Ohariie Fletcher, Wilbert, (int of thi-trielt stage; his:foot,rsught Sattirday, for Winnipeg, Mau, Mr. G. Francis, Agnes Young, Sr, 3n1.- Lilly causing him to fall bead foremost to D. Lynch, rot-mm.1Y junior, will sue- Ballantyne, Mabel McCurdy. Earl the ground and breaking his left, arm ceed Trotterleft on Tuesday !Copeland. Joan Lhinean. Jr, 8rd-Ar- between the elbow and wtist,,--A:Mur- for his home in Brandon, M00.^ -.•gr. thur McCurdy, David Gilfillan, Willie doeh, census enumerathr, commenced Dan. Campbell, who has been clerlt in I eillillan, Gertie Myrti* Fran - upon ells 'duties on Mondoy,....T, et A. Young's grecery stare, left Thuvs• els,--Sv. 2rel-Gilbeet Duncan. Quy Berry purchased several fine draught day for Carberry, Man., where be hes iRoutly, Peeri Stott, Maggie -Clarke. horses at the Glinton hotel, fair last secured e becrative position in Fair. Jr. 2nel. Mildred Copeland, Willie • week. -0. O. Petty. has secured the re- quired member cif signatures to his pe- tition for 4 third hotel license in Hen- sel' Auld has forwarded the sante to the proper parties, The Commissioners meet this month settee the matter will be ilecided.-Janaes Sutherland has been e011iined to his bed during the past few days owing to illetese -Special eervice will he held it -St. -attach OP Friday morning at II. ceelock.--.A. song rvice wilt he held in the Methodist, huvele on Sunday eveniog next. -Mrs. . Pearce, of Forest, visited Mrs. Sas. herland on Friday and Saturday last. --Miss Bella Sparks has returned ne visit, with fcierids at Blake. - star Willie Perkins, who has heeu orking London., is home visiting his mother, Mrs. W. R. Hodgins. Messrs. Hugh Hunter, F. G. Lang. F. • Bontbron and. A. °Ameba, of Sea, orth, were in Henson an Sunday visit- ing friends. -Miss Ethel Colwill Visited friends in Exeter on Sunday, -Aroopit the wants for Hensel', is 4 largeeleva- ted tank for a, good supply of water; also a chemical engine. It, has been demonstrated that in cities the greater number of fires are extinguished by chemical engines. --John Murray, of Wingbane ,on of James Murray, of Hensall, we regret to learn, has been serioesly ill daring the peetievr weeks. At last reports he Wits inproving.- Daniel Ross, of Blyth, has moved aneo the dwellingswhich he recently leased of Miss McKay, Queen street. -Wm. Moir was in Winghara on Friday visit- ing hia nephew, John Murray.--Jobn A. Malcom, of Calder, formerly of Hensall, was here this week. -George Scott, of the Centennial hotel, • has traded his fine grey driver for an- other horse which promises wellee-Miss Atkin, of Clinton, san a solo with • It is the neatest, best fitting an most stylish shoe on the reavizet fo Ladies and Gentlemen. Sold only by R. IL SWEET., We have also a full line of every -day footwear of all sizes, In factory an hand made w ork. .. -REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO,.. FL SWE NOTICE Ono Week's Free *4 Knight's New Exeter. • lock . I r BRIEFS.--/trthur Mallard returned Ihome on Tuesday last from Grand Marais, Mich. where he has spent the winter in tbe lumbering woods. -Mr. Bosseabery WAS in Crediton cia Mon- day. -Who said they heard. it whisper- ed to listen for the wedding bells shortly. -Mr. Sliew's new blacksmith' shop will soon be completede-Burt has gone again ; gathering eggs this time. -Mr. Will Oliver is out taking census for division No. 8 Stephen. - Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Willson of Green- way, visited here on Saturday. Grand Bend - The following subjects tenght indi. i-eiclually Book KooDinut reflinanS1111), Stortilandi ' Tupwriting, 6orr6pon16n6e. Etc., Etc. • °Few Illustrated Circulars and information, call or address death of Miss Casey, which took Dublin .....- BalEVS.-Miss "Williams visited friends in, Seaforth during the course of last week. -Mrs. James awls was unexpectedly called to Se Thomas ow- ing to the death of her brother-in-law, who died on Thursday last. -Mrs. T. Ryan, attended the funeral of Miss Casey in Seaforth, on Saturday lash - Mrs, John O'Connell, who has been ill frmn Lagrippe, is better nein.- Mr. F. k elt-Losialeet was in Sea - forth cre uelay tee, attending the ftmeree of his niece Mks Casey.-Alic- hael Hotieetne, fer trs a resident • House of Refuge in Stratford. -Many of this place, died last week in the °Mar will regret to hear of the untimely 3: • place in Pembroke, where she had Wm. Hy. O'Sullivan, ' been teaching for the past year. Death Knight's New Block, Excit* resulted from the effects of a neglect- ed cold from which she contracted pneumonia. Her abilities as a teacher were well known around this neigh- borhood, and, regrets are many that a bright young life is cat off all too:soon. Russeidale BRIEFS. -Mr. J. D. Stewart, who escaped from that institution on Sun- has been engaged by the Government -daymorning. as eoramisioner to the Glasgow Exhi- bition, on dairy products, sails from Portland, on Saturdezehe eetiato take up his duties. We all join in wishing him a safe voyage. He, on the' Tunisian.-R,sibe Dayeeezeeho has been horne the egiclistehieseeresumed his duties with 4Hffiteese.Facet.-Mr. and. Mrs. Alex, Roy celebrated the fortieth, aeniversitrY oe.theienveddieg. on Fen: deet4venengeltiWwieh ribnet one hen*, drerleneciStWerityeete guests; vilieni verieliteaea fit aiid eiljoyable teee was: spent. -Alex. Elliott intends leaving (1) for Denver,;•COkiradb, I ftitikti !week,. --eohn MeNeit, Who has been,. sin the siekelist fi;se• seeetie Lime, .is gain.4-Miss Minnie Walker haes,(• leeeer- under the -Doctor's 'care 'for about tt vrOek; but , we are glad: to -eee arOunci again. -The Co. 0. C. F. ass ter supper and conti'ait' cable. (Off on Thursday, March 21st, the weather" was rather unfavorable'. sThere ' was a large attendapee, of • /and a very enjoyable tune was spent. The pepper &nib .eiMertainirierit, Wag the 'closing of a three months contest be tween the sides..eatitivineclobere/eiefels Must not be confounded with com anon cathartic or pargative pills. Car- er's Little Liver Pills are entirely un- like them in every repeat. One trial Will prove their superiority. enfalcolm Ross, of Parkhill, an in-' mate of the London Insane Aselune ley Bros'. store m that plaee.-Mtss mary MeDouga,11 left on Tuesday for North Dakota, where she will spend a year visiting friends. -Maryei G..11.7...scwpro Roach, John Ballatityne, Milton Mcs Curdy. Wilfred Donee. No. on roll 54 ; average 45. D. etoDovine.ene Teacher, ceinetauaa Samete-On Wedne•sdey and Thurs. Dveree al$3 ANDURIV"--A sad day, April the Maud 11, the tbirty. Elwin was caet upon dais neighorhoo third otuanal renvelltine of the Conn. ori Friday last, When it became known ty of Perth Sunday School ASSOCIA• that Miss Floretice* daughter 0! Mr, tion will he held iu Knox church.- and Mrs- Thos. Andrew, had pas,sed It is with deepest regret that we an- nounce the death of erre. Dusty, wife of Mr. S. Dusty, whieb. °mated Set- itedaY evening, The deceased was loved and respeeted by those who knew her and the announcement ot her death will be a shock to her many friends. She leaves to mourn her loss two aisters and a brother, Mvs. L Sanderson aud Mr8. McGregor, Mr. Donald elcIntyre, of Seaforth, and six sons and one daughter. c/0 be= C'CZJ , lea Harris and Daw, both sides• worked tA. ,,„„, very eard And the score stood in Mr.' Devesea,vot 7 As dereallteif thee icon- , feet -there were eighteen iieve.mernisers adqedete. Reeseldale CoMidil-J4dr, and etesejehnUole, intend .takieg, a etrip to Detroiteot EesterleOlide,ys "for the a) purpose of taking in the, ,firtal- exerni- vi tuition iencla' c6nceit etre given „ by their daughter Lila), wit° been a scholar of the Detroit Sehool of Elo- cution, for thopast year.. We •all "join, in wishing the young i'lady,'saccesszl, Eclweediellordeniehre been eliegged for SMITH BROS.. it CO.' the summer mouths -with ee 0. leinfoue duties began on April lize-e-John Cole and John Roy, purchased two thee- - .GOPERICH bredYorkshire mows, from, Yr'''. MitChell ••=••••• BBIEFil.-Mr. Thomas Leggett, from away. very few of her many friends had even heard of her illness which was of a,bout, only 4S hrs. The deceas- ed was in her usual good health and with her brother was to atteed e. wed- ding on Wednesdey, but not feeling well decided not to go. Her sm.. panes grew Alarmingly worse, and medical aid summoned when it found, site was suffering from appen- dicitis width terminated fatally as above stated. She was a bright young girl, and a general favorite with her many friends mid cut off in the very bloom of youth aged 20 yrs. and 6 niotithe. The bereaved parents Mr, and Mrs, Andrews were formee where he was takeu (tem of and his events adminietered to by his friends, who did everything that kind hands could doe bat he succumbed on Friday hist. His remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery.__ Whalen Beneeee.-All things bane an en& yea. and this is the end of cold weather, the bleak Meech winds leave ceased to now); many of the summer s)ngsters re here. -We bave lots ot wood, bees but not any bumble bees yet -The sale or Mr. Westvaares on Tuesday or aWnde kweeeir selectedalwa last. week, was well attended and, everything went to a high figure, the htrra consisting a one hontired and eighty acres was sold for $$4.100 and was pnrchased by Mr. Hodgms nt Stephene-Mr. Albert Gunning lost, a, very tine cow, owing to her getting entangled in the tie rope.-Tbos. Morkin is visiting friends and. rela- tives London, for ,a, few days. - Our new mail carrier is at his duey, the mail gets here at, two o'clock in- stead of five,-Aliss Ida Sql.aires, of Betbel, visited friends here, last week. eIson Giinniug. who has lately re- turned home. after teaching for a term of Tears at the public school, visited et aunt's, Mrs. George Willson, Market 1.10.. A few days of winter yet and we ant to reduce our winter goods be - ore Spring Stock arrives. We have received a very cboice line ADIES' 'UNDER SKIRTS in all colors with corded raffle. New and stylish: Carberu. Manitobee IS 10 town these residents of Elunville and ctre well days visiting his many friends. -Ma- known „ that district, where. their gistrates Race and Cull imposed a fine of $5 and costs in the meet case. It meecTtY0 trhrtestenetst.etattgracerudsgismtgrai always pays better to sell gogallat beef - in this thew sad' than, poor sorts. -Mr, John Robinson. and. wife of the north ward. celebrated Lucan their golden weildieg. It's not many get the privilege of doing so.. -Word. has been received of the death of Mr. John Wade, in Dakota. He was well known in ehis section having lived for many years in Logan, ge miles from Mitchell. He was a brother of errs. Thos. Ford and 74 years of age. The eldest little girl, aged 8, of Mr. Ames Goforth died on Saturday evening from diphtheria, after a very short illness -Mrs. William Tuer met with Baxnes.-Several from this lace /eft this station for different par of the Northwest, an Tuesdaer week David McNair and fansily, Mr Golly and family. Messrs. Gilfillan, Walt liceigins, McNair and Golly taking bousehold goods and stock. - Mrs. Ellis who with her family moved sorne few weeks ago to Aliso, Craig. we are sorry to say,. (lied on Mondtey, her re- nencli acceptance t e Metho mains were interred in Nairn -cemetery n an unfortunate trouble on Thursday on Tnesday.-George Smith, son of church on Sunday a -Veiling. She wi else, take part in the concert to beheld last, She 'had been perfectly well all Aire, Smith, of this plate, left Tuesday evening.-Misss:Westeievay, week until she had it paralytic stroke, mornieg for Calgary, Man., where he on Friday winro of Exeter, is visiting' Inc Easter, 'Mrs. ch faaffected her that she cannot has secured a good situation. A corn - W. Cha.prnatti-jais. Oheliney and hie speak or move. It is hoped she will pony of his acquaintanoes visited him son have been busy the past week lily- soon recover, es a large family- depend at his home the night previous to his ing the clippers. --Mr. Beevden, of•Lu- on her care.-lktr. George Woods has can, ( spent Sunday at As Johnston's, Willoiv• Hall • farme-The eonimitte'e appointed to purchase insteuments for the bviess band to 'organized, visited Clinton on Mcisday evening to inspect a set of instruments for sale there. The committee consisted of S. E. McDon- nell, J. Miller and teleareid. Sharene Benroe.---We are glad to see Mr. joelith Kestle around aga.in :Ilene his vere i II ness.-JMarte ue, lias purchas- e the 100 aeree of land, at present oc- cupied ley ele. Ileystracker.--Mr. G. Weakly and family. of Woodstock are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Nestle. Mr. H. W. May, will spend his Hester holidays at his home in Mitehellee- Hoitthe sehre---111onday, T. JeBerrys disposed of another of his shire eta'," lions, "Sunlight," (15876) to jcihn .and *Wm. McGavin. of Leadbury, 'for $1,- 850.. This is a very. fine animal, weig.hs 2,240 lbs., is. 8 years old, and brederorn the fipe.se stock in England.: He travelled five seass,on. one route in Lancashire, and was considered perfect animal in every respect. The farmers of Leadbery -district, .are. to be congratulated upon gettipg so valuable . a horse as ."Sanlight," in their neighborhood. e / • • 11 : . , Caine3on's -a;uc- tient Sale of.' farm "addle and imple- ments was -largely "attettded day- last week. eleverytlitneethat ' was sold, realized a good figure as the proceeds.of the sale were,,in, the neigh- berbood 0.f.-$2800.-Nri,:alrenerenee cone reinues very ill *AM). ,sciatie:-.Theilibit- ttism but see, hope soon to see him in .our midst. -On the aveningafter the . sale, Mr Cameron's. boys trea.tedethe y4kOng people to a- :cdaneing,partys--, Miss Emme Fultou is spending eifew, 'Irnny, Are oeoe,, eieforegoin&(. to e .e3 f( - 'pito -where she ietends.„ ependip g the; umine reliterey , $,teribene ei es , "b,eeki working withIdfr,„ clampron,,. left on Friday for .0hicagq,„ykkebe.:he has lUorative poition as eveheelmae nit a large Mies Mery, .Vance, youngest* deeigb tee of . W J. Vance, is sick in Exeeer witln, ,attack of typhoid feethe-elelin 'Danced, jr., has rented, Wei. leunain'eXty,, •epeenfarni for a: eefie..3,-- tear" Tepapeeence SO( , ekarore Ireland, -It %Anita '.'eeo -Hartle Feed spending. .a in days Miners is Chas Stone; jncitteee, Greo WeibbIT in Clinton and ConstanCe. , is grovving rapidly they having inithie , tedsfourteete mere, ineinberneate. their TebreaueeWm Haggerty-eel:fir Hiernie Pan tom, Of Lambeth; ie,-Nisit- last meeting.- The yoang satiety -Wen ton, Ed 'Gill, Ji, P Bakeie JfibeEegle- bag at Mr. James HaIls.-Quite a large •very prosperous '..COnditititi,' they son, Rolit Davy, t Hy' Beetram. Jos numeme .of the eeelatives (of, Mr. and havingeforty-five meneberee We hope :- IN ebb,. W G - Reilly, • W JonesesUli Mrs. 'Thomas Andrew " neeeedge the that4nuch ,nod May result erode -re -heir; _ leg Jae, McCarty, Jno McGaeryelea,s di Ilie# 4"ght417INgss Fler- taboos., , era, ' " !"' llays Geo Steever,, Pee Ryan, • Thno ' 4,018.i4rable ' 'Whiteside, Alex -Hudson -Fred Greene diefieultie in getting :there pfiziseder- gmm to Clinton to 'work for the sum- mer. One of our plaining mills am- algamating with the other has pub some workman out of eniployment. • mother on Sunday !ask -House clean - Stephen mg is now the rage. A Mr. Stone of Comeene-The council of the Town- Ailse Craig, is swinging the paint ship er ateteleen convened et the Town brush and paper hanging and is quite Hall, Crediton, on Itendele April Iee, buy.-Runeor says that A. Braithe- at 10 a. m. All members pbrtent. ratite parposes going in the near Minutes of previous meeting rad add future to the Soo. -Watch for the approved., Anderson-Wnerth- That 'Eater bonnets Sunday next. --e Mr. this Council grant the snne of $25.00 to Tailor, our new jevreler, is doing a nice the Exeter Union- Burial grounds on beeiness. Success. -.A sort wa born conditions that the corporation of the to Mr. And Mrs. C. Quigley on Friday Township of Hay made a similar laen-Lucari wants another butcher. timounn -Carded, Wnerth-Ander- Come Exeter "can on us. -Constable son -That no member of this council McLeod, of London, is in town hunt - shall let any eontract exceeding the lug up some of the roast beef affair. - sum of ten dealers unless such eon- John jackeon, of Pert Colwill, is visit - tract or work be let by auction or ten- ing parents. -Mr. nt6Namee is now.. traming-his fast horse and is a reeord lines of CHIN orl HA.RDWARE, sters Free ly, ludgCof Farm Pr duce taken as Jonathan of Zurich. on Monday delivere rotting horse to ;in English buyer to be shipped from Exeter* Wm. Delman. of near Xirkton, has disposed of his do acre farm in 17elsorne o his neighbor, W. Athinsen, foe $3,100. School eloses to -night for the Eaeter holidays, Miss Pringle will visit, at, her home in Stafra, Misses Robertson and Rusk in Goelerieb, arid Miss IrWit) Peter Marlene, has gone west 415am i \longboat. for the summer niontbs.--Mrs, Silas The Cox,Coneert Co. gave_two very 1 Brokenshire, is serioosly ill, we are nice entertainments in the Opera, sorry to hear. --The census enumerator house this week. The moving pictures has visited the vicinity of Sharon.- were well inanitaulated awl the affair Crediton, spentSunday ivith eta and eles.ers. Bewden and liteDonell ree Mr. and mrs. Thos. Trevethiek„ of 1 on the whole was a success. mrs. Nelson Kestle. eently sold a tine Shire stallion, SMOOT,- PROMOTIONS. -. Following "Desford Marquis," to P. LeMent, are the names of the pupils who have been eucceseful at the Easter Exams. Jr. 4th to Sr. 4tle-lereeina.n morlock, Arthur Arny. Fred Amy, W. J. Rowe, R, Bastard. Sr,. aril to Jr. 4th -Toni I held a very pleaeafit at honee for the Roeszler. jr. 3rd to Sr, 3rd -Elgin members and their friends at the lodge Amy, W. Smith, Win. Roeezler. Sr. room on Monday evening. The meet - 2nd to Jr. 8rd. -Nora. Browo, Adella lug was enlivened with songe, recite- Smitli, te, Rowe. W. Wein, D. reeetle, tents, etc., atter which refreshments 0, Ceark, Annie Hartman, W. norloek, were served h the ladies. A .good, departure. and bid loin God speede- Mrs. Dan Ryder, who has been Ailing the past few months, died Tuesday morning; Her reniains tvill be in- terred at the R. 0. buryinz greerld, near Lucan. -IL Horne Visltea his der. Carried. Reset -rad that Woi. Anderson at- breaker, tend to the washout at Eesery's bridge on the Sauble river. That the Reeve attend to Capt. Howard's account re drawing lumber, and that action be taken as to the petitiOn' of Rotiert Hamittoeeetalver-union aehoet seegtore Theitolloveilig fietisonteieereeappeitited Pathineettereei-eWne"HtiXteble; eChast.- SheardonifeJtis HoilginsiteideeY'Devise Win Rollins:Wit G- HeWindson. Jam Preezs catere•Jr...GeoeSiaell, ThoseKestle, Sr; 'ryvorey.,H•ed:an, Eiga sad. bereavemene.---Mr. and Mrs. John „ Renter returned on Friday last after spending A eleaeant month's visit,with her parents in Town. -Rev Hart of Woodham, and Rev. Waddell ex- changedpulpits on Sunday last. ---The chosen .friends- still stick to •their old motto of fraternity aid and proteetion ;for . on Monday last a good number. turned out and cut a good supply of wood, foiefenend Wine Davidson, who has bad a, hard, time. the past winter. hie"fainey ,being, ell sick .for ai couple of monthe eveith .scarlet I • I 4 - EiimviIIe' BRIEFS. -The many friends and re- latives of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Andre*. of Constance formerly of Etimeille re- ceived, it shock- upon bearing of the sudden deatk of their third (laughter Floreace May, aged 20 yrs 6 months. She was only sick about 48 hours the cause of her death -being appendicite. Their many friends here extend. to. them their warmest sympathy, in their Woe White. R gandford, Frank, Tay- reeve of. gay township. He is a vaivable maimal and cost Mr. Lamont e3,000. Tbe Royal Templare of Temperance Feebler- Trial:mere Jno Stanlakee Hy Liernpleete'.Levi.Stahl, F MorleckeJno'G''e'eein,Teee Chamliers, Jno Lawson, M Finkbeinee,Jos Mar- tene, ,los Amy; rat Icljgalien,.S Hen- elerson, Gletteille, _Saban ,Hareemetp, Jo n alielees tl +air Witipee Tale Guepther, Fink- beineie etedorneek, Ge9 leeves Wen -Smith; JiedSebteeilereleiothlerse end-elinjuleatee 'fedi Velegher. le' Fink - helper, age 43a)ter;' Ft! ginsieF Heintitnatil Tlese"Basea,rdeeSr,, -PUTNAM'S 'PAINLESS 'CORN .AND S Stanlake, Sri S Stanlake,-Jre Jacob 'able 8tib"),I.6qai '1168 4P` eiceithe . WART EXTRACTOR. es" ' ' WurtzeApgrillar, treatelll„ Y Krafte Hy ' ' '---"'"--- ' ,... Containsno.acids(lor Other inkiridus Schroeder, eter Schroeder,r1notcaer.. .. On Wednesday while slJol reieee, sr, conx,04 waiper. t. settae,.. lag a horse belonging to George.' eas *chemical compounds; is neither eatisfic, „corrosive. -or irritating 4 buttsoothe's and viewers : Thos 'shape:see, lc-ewe:en( man, - Eddie (Ingfinn, -Was knocked eases from the first applicatienee and Baker, Jas Ford, R ellenyilen Hy down by the animal, and tratnPed up. ,O.as quickie'. elf You Went aneirrita• Doyle, Chas Holt, Ware Oliver, 13.pbt, on cutting 4 en° "(4 hie" lege and hiler- eingekete,fieele eetsess (mime* ad neit lectinchev. '13pfor To )1,;•,,It , f),vvi ,i- 'nit' h'm he hind the ear, W.1111 it• i r. M. BOber. Jr. to Sr. - ore, Deitrieh, M. Reale, August Hartman. W4 Preszeator.. Pt. 2,ral to 31.. 2od- 'della Seltwartz, Leo Hartman. Bide Wein, Lucille Schwartz, M. Bilber G. Kestle, Edwin Wein. Pt. I to Pt: 2nd-Sybella Morioeke Ethel leestle. No. on voll 47. Average for March 88. IL W. lelex, Teacher. On Wednesday, the 27th insts, tbe home et Mr. and. Mrs. Isaac Erratt. Babylon line, Stanley, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding, when their youngest, daughter, Miss Minnie, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Mcelinchey, of the Goshen line. The happy couple took the evening train for 11Iarlette, Michigan, to spend tbe honeymoon there. 0n* their return they will settle down to tbe sterner realities of life in their home, Goshen line, Stanley. There is a strange eeedernie of sere eves going the rounds in Woodstock'. ten-ieveeeir ... rite afflicted with the unp• 'leasant disease. It starts with a misty sensation in the eye. You wane to rub the eye and then it gets very gesot. anTdbebyineoaenedyboyueruybotiilite &sy,aererb;ilti feels a -a, if it bad been changed intd it ball of bre. The eye looks red and swollen and in the morning you can hardly amen it when you wake nue The disease lasts two or three days and then goes away of it Geo accord. it Ideate everybody from, olci people down to beetles in arms. time was spentby all present. A SERIOUS MISTAKB.--trilai ntiglis have proved a very serious calinuity *as averted only by prompt action. On Sunday Miss lecke% nurse in at- tendance ups= Mra. Manninee -who is now with friends in Zion, came to Dr. Hynclinan for a renewal of the medi- cine administered to Mrs. Manning, and hoeving a eold, the nurse procured a cough znedicine for herself. On taking the medicines home, she took the prescribed amount for herself, in mis- take, from thee intended for her pee tient. ' The medicine containing poi- son, and having taken a double clean - titer, she witeaeon- thrown into eon- vnisions anderetnabled in a precarious eondition until Wednesday morning. TESTIMONIA or MR. HENny, • .0-1,BNTHEIf . "te tan ▪ VAL"Gf: e4". STOCK FOOD. This is to certify that bave used English Stock Food, manufactured by O la; DreggisteExeteri for a young colt thee was nob thriving. He im- proved well under its use. also bad two young pigs that were scouring and losing condition. On feeding, English Stock Food they' immediately recovered and are doingawell. „Le' IlEzerry GUENTEr . Township of Hay. Price 14 lbs. -$1.00. IMMINII;1111:11.001.11;10a110110, MOMMICIMIKV".' tier Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfaetory. • 1: • prll- .Sp0001-sT. CURRY -COMBS 1. 1 -HORSE BRUSHES. . HORSE CLIPPERS (Clipper Special„) Regular 12:00. our -price VL50. • The 'very best, • GRASS SEEDERS • LITTIsE GIANT „,, , • ,, ./1.14D W.° FIDDLE BOW ii1111•••••••41•11allie• • e • STOVE& AND,.,RANGES • COAL OR WOODCOCK'S ' $1'8"- 0'10 $39'. 00 1., JP' HO1JGHT RAGES . a IA( a $80.'00 eo $48.00. JNtirne eo buy.' e feet. •The cute had to be stit,ched. It leAe,7 teeriers : Wirt Moffatt, 'Y Shopton. F4 la 14 I lei ner, los I t • y„ was a nemew lecarae. .3 CROSS -CUT SAWS', AeSD • "e" e • BEilance.- of atoek' -at.'s.06:0a1 pri�es to elemental- • ' WAS,HiNQ ,:.MACHINES 1•• •-.AND ' A ti:e; 7st'e that wb-laVe' • • t?ollURN geed. &ekes; • A • ; . ! BUILDES! „HARDWARE MECHANIC'S TUIiCd PAINTS AND 0111.; dtAt1SiT'S AND We ere elways pleased to, give prices* th- coal gives satisfpaon.'y sfoek;;',"!' , 0 . f k