Exeter Times, 1901-2-21, Page 4SERI TRIBe TRE IRISII LitNGUkGE trat .41,(4(t VeroeboO,_ ozao_000 r4"11k44-' '6t2,050;00o e 1711 eat oare,leenr.eal JAMBS B141410T.,E. GEN'S AI. betaleoen Money advise:iced to good fa mem oil eheir ewn lune with QZicr mere Greer at 7 per peat, per annilro. Exeter Draulerli Oven, every lawful dey fre le 10 a. el. t SATURDAYS, lea. Inrito 1 P• Ka- rotoo Of ieterest allowed on dolmens. xelieleus oorosition Speeches Condemn. ON Re CARLING, N.D. El:RDON, ed-Ooversonent Vroolanotation to the isoLterrene. 14.A.N.S.GEtt e„ asoere witateeta aut a Isiore $ea.. saleable Tinte-Mr. earoarica De. SIVIITH-DORRIEN COT OFF, • A Mysterious /klessage essued by the Wax office Ceases Apereliensiouals Futile Attempt to introcitice Et in British Parliament, LENIENGY TO BOERS A FAILURE, February, 1901 0 10 17 24 V 7 11 18 , on the Swaniband border etest of 8 12 19 kill ''. ,,1-..onden. Feb. ac+. -1n the House of . . . A 1?,naelo arid north of Inetretief. 9 13 20 27 , vounnons yesterday Saelattery Drote- i g el 21 2-s- ,,., rick. gate tin canial tieniel of the case:deice at Bothwell. 4 1.7., 22 story that melees bad lenta isseed London.. Feb. 20. -The War Office I) Di 23 ,i that Lell Doers captured in khaki uni- last eveurng Published the list oies a/4:024.- Report -Debate on the Address. Step's Talton? London, Feb. 20.-A rumor liele reached London that Steyn has been captured, but it has not received of- Ificial confirmation. A ineaterious message which was issued by the War Office last night statiog that there is no communica- tion with Gen. Smith-Dorrieues force is causing some uneasiness, more es- pecially as it is officially stated that he had 21 men killed in action at Botirivell a. eortnight ago. The latest unofficial news which was received about him was 1.0 the effect that be bad ocenpied Auisterdani. which lies fornis were to be shot. Seertetary Claaniaerlain eorined the Houee that a, prochinet- ''. tion setting lorth the imentions atle tiovernitteut in the atiministien in Lord Kitchener's advices to the tion off the new Sleuth Afrieati colon- ' War Onice Feb. 0. The British .eaS- eAgy ;net 1901 itad already roet,ta draftee], Ina hod ualties were 21 belled and 53 wound - Veen iesued. deference to the cd. and the Boers were repulsed. opinion of Gen. Kiteliener and Sit* MME.NTS. Alfred alineer that the time wae not yet oppertierte. . the Ontetio Drhate on. the Addres. British casualties in the .light be - ween Smith-Dorrien and Command- ent-General Louis Botha at Both, well. Feb. 0, already fully described Demur grew. MOVING NO/all.. Lord Uitchener Is Prepared or a Doo LroUeg is now in the lee, IP- 1.1,, ling -Rack wove. di. ellows that the • , - "n : ‘a,•''''''', 'w en t3'''' 641.'-'.. ' lepe..., to tia.. 3.1.oz---res ,,zziez4,- !XS re - been the roost prosper- , e„ - ,LendoFeb. O'0. -Lord Kitehener, e college was establieleedi s941:..t.'"'„ -',1". .l,"'d'cl„It?r'rrY,,.;3-'1,t2ith' coetanander-in-eddef of the British in The enrolled attendance dor- 1.t , ra... tee eerailer ;tome eoe'reeierea $etito Afriea. telegraphing erotn Fre- ing the year was 2,11.1 student% an the° -4 74°'' io, to the War °dice. tinder dete college, in addition to aid& there t t l'efa°"" "S revived ted tree ntlillingsgete oi the g,t^n1 Ile repudiated the Course. suggestion tot Vat, tyro Repubiles, but were td1 students in the special deley e * * lie Fuel il egenetio-nt woeid nta b,s The Do ion GovernMent hag been aeoleereeed la- 1 reel nail laugtrage, aeleted to gra a bounty in aid of the 1„Itt, il. t Ilk. (.(41,1(ination (4 a strong Manufacture of beet root sugar of one , eeede ce pa tele of comiteinding re - Cent a pound for the Ar5t two Yeor'94, epee,. area lertoe, nos tlerogal ore to three, . rters of a cent for the t tin eee I cent for the fteinea Fear ....e'r tOs' Vtctiers or t7,1,. vamptisheil. are Brearaie Who tots. undone arter of a cent for the fifth , ..",ar, s:4,,,r.,1 millet it would ue avon. .,(A;(.. (,..,(1.5.ret1 That $, /A. ti..r,-. offer- earaf , be request is exceeded'. to, 4:11 V..." itoi•rs Weir,. Iqotter 11 hall eVer filid ale Pareinee gives a bounty for „icnd' r' d to vanclitttsEIRJ eueline. Len- growirtg the beets. sugar refineries 4,,7,:r "4 34`'n on P•lfob' Iliiii been a may think it beats the Dutch standard. """tt.""c f•ti-are- II- 1,1Plwaled t 0 tho tipaac.slt ion to atop tile delayerines e * • of 14 St*' sttv"i21-.. 01141 the fin, itelO Willeit eeeime to shoe; taca eta 1 ''' !'' '!"' 4'' r"11.144a,'t S Wilf.44 did .11/1 11.7, The Clinton News -Record prints au • 4'4. c- q wi„,tit,,, r is bot.a I, o e. ti, 0 01146.,10:11 4 ,',7 FA0011.14 IIN FLA Atanh 0 r d i n g to the setae authority, hes lean practieelly decided in con. 14 ai tae aged. tt e *even consecutive funerals w4,, ,k,'4 n„..„,, 1"11,4 til,- (lov,-Trap.,tk, 1.:,N:11.11, a-lth the Febtquo of ertny re, tells. et, a ;Weal underbdwr whosv L1.4 persons whoxse cola! lined feetee einoteat- 7! '", I ifir,. ' l'' 4.1f.,!',3,7F .1 caium In tee r!n° "•' inereloe the forees by 17.00. CUL to 5.SS 'years or en average of sa ,,1•4",.:;,:a",°:,-.,; ,--,,,'"'norr Mir. iireeriek ea",* men- to avellre whom it, is pro. years,. The ol1e:4 was I"! Yea11...i. old '" '4'..t• 1441 1tt lialn PeS'Ill t0 itiereeen the pay of the •seh. 18, sitya; Menet is reported still inoving rth end is noW west -Of Hopetowo. will probably double back to the uthwest. The troops are prepared . na train was derailed between Vereoting and Johannesburg this neeroing, aut. the Boers were .driven off before they secured inuch." Ofilcer nt limit; to tio to see. London, Vett. 20. ---The Daily sa Chronicle. ys it understands that several officers of high rank. front In- dia are going to South Africa, and that Lord Dundonield. Gen. Kelly - Kenny ond Gen- Leech also ere go - and the yongest u ; taw othees !41tra-..y Lop -it die'''. Ken 85.1.• toZ, tdd. al and '13 years, resper- 7%'' "1.111"'''''L el ii&u tively. But thet4e figures show also 131;144"1" that Huron must ize, ae st.rierai 4-14' 24:)"" 1144"`"' * a Mr. Tieeteee inleeeteell, Noe ioneliet The ki'1 thing, a very 611411in:on., rettrity. a taisessege Marred. r for Wee! Kerry, vegan to - the Hone, in the irieit bn- nd the Spealter eelfied him to Hon, Dr. MeDenald, the aide repre- sentative for East Ilicren. is the pos- sessor of a. beautiful/ fur cap and uror - lined coat, whieb virtually **:qhim b.' "it :41"?''''n thr'''' attending a session of the HOUR', In to 'zirleat; Irish was an utttliavai Ottaw,t, Ite WdSCalled m atend prate iee in the Mane of (anemone, 'Pal who was seriously Cu. "ttr de„Cy' tonnell emit innett ta Ire she was restored to health, 4 „, 0 1tw ti r,adetce. great T e- abked the doctor what utpt N't11"noW" unload Wm- ges were, he said "Ob. ; that's t SP"44%''r ceffneated net charge nyth aing-- t deeat, doctor positively refused to ac. Mr. st oilgJohn ltekInfond, the National. remuneration. *he showed , i. , s;,1 There is no -tut-. thole and appreciation of his ten or tanwril'am rule against a no,m- 'only his experience and labor. What. four eginenees. reminding him tiett serviet by presenting hint with the ber wing the lengehige wheat is most awti,1eu nauled. They are worth about . If* I one., heard my* so t atile doctor considers him- snember f la aaey Zealand House self amply repaid for his services. of Repreeentet ire% speak in the Ma- ., tt s ori tentatne° The Speaker -"There is no rule on The movement towards making the suleteei len there is no preeiehan •• Mammal training a Fun of the publi!' school sytezu of Ontario has made4 41"riag the daie"etwe of the nous(' of t stirprismg,iy rapid progress, conse- for a member s -pealing teleelatly a demand for fully :qualified "ut1i"4. l'"! 111e T"g1isb•'. be start,Mr. Edmund L* ti Ntttiortalist teachers has arisen. To meet this tie - member for North Kildare. pointed • Merida training sehool will ' 0 in Ottawa for men or women who out that the Irish chieftains. before are already qualified in ordinary , l'e !let of .1794'1" were invited by of Commons to speak. schoOl•srdejecte, but wish to -engage in the 11.101s,t• tbie special work. The course wall Irish - continue for the three months of trbe Sifetther--Niq in the one hun- April, May and June. Certificates dred years ttf intion has an Irislunan Tvill be granted to those who take the tried to speak. Irish in this House full course, and show proficiency in all ;Until now." branches of the theory and practice 1.r. S. WILL . of ruututil instruction. No fees evilL NOT leiGET be,therged. Applications, with refer - Chaffee Told 'Not to Heed Walderse 'note, I:hould be addressed before Feb- ruary 2, to Albert II. Leeke, dime i innt For an Exprditiou. -tor of the Macdonald Manual training i Pekin. Feb. 1 9.--rrince Ching and Schoels for Ontario, Ottawa. As only Li Hung Chang have received a tele - a limited number can be received, ' grain width virtually means that the early applications is desirable. ' Chinese. will comply with all the de- * mends of the powers. Prince Chine' it wid Li Ming Chang An Ottavva correspondent in his no" zs from the Press Gallery has the have been grea .13,- worreed by the preperations for t he expedit ion int o following to say of the members for South Perth and South Huron: -Mr. the interior, and they have strongly to, IC Erb, who represents South urged the cotirt to yield. pointing out that, otherwise the dismember - Perth, is a prominent farmer who =Lent of the empire was probable. Hove within a mile of Sebringville. . chafree nom Not to Go. For a number of years be was a pub- lic sehool teacher, and therefore, car- ried into farming operations the ad - "ate eget; of "book training." as well as preetical knowledge. He has also beer a metnber of Perth County Coun- Washington, Feb. O. - Minister Conger has been instructed by ea.ble to communicate to the Foreign Min- isters at Pekin the feeling of the United States Government that fur- eil. lie is a member of the Evangelical ther hostile expeditions should not Church, and is not yet 45 years of age, be indulged in at this time. threneb almost as bald as a billiard bale -George McEwen, of Hensa,11 sue- ce4sclis John McMillan, as representa- the 4 South Efuron and like his pre- deeeeeor, is a brawny Scot, but he lacks Lhe delicious burr in his Ian- gitige which was a familiar character- ist'e eif stir McMillan. Mr. MeEwen The Th eat succeeded. London, Feb. 20. -Dr. Morrison, wiring to Tee Times, from Pekin, says: The C loneSe declare that the threat of the Waldersee expedition has Lean successful and that the court has yie'decI and issued a de - has been warden of the °Quay of crce fully com:dying with the de - Howell, is largely interested in flax maand,4 of the foreign envoys on the afacture, and is also an exten- question of punishments. These etate- 814 One thing that stands merits raluire corroboration, but discredit is the fact of bis being they are gen.c.rta'y belleVt d here. a 1 ea helot, for which there is no ex- cose hi a county possessing so many Nio,' '*"3"T4e 1,efe11ders" These. •handsome girls as Huron. Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 20. -Mrs. Rose Hudson, wife of John lauctsen, a "joint" lac/Jar at. Milwood, four - A FOLLOWER OF TARTE. teen miles north of this city, was shot and insta.n.tly kllcd last night A good story is told by an Owen during a raid upon her husband's sa- Sou ider, who arrived here this week. loon. One of the raiders was slight - In rPri1;tinitig over, at Notth Bay for a ly wounded. few hors. he ran up against a French - ma.n, who had just, come out from camp Re saki to Jaeques "I sun - pose yoa beard about the Queen's dee, 11 e' e Why, no ; do yOu tell me said ,Taeques, " Yes, it is true." -Jacques face brightened up, and he said: "By gracious, Mister, that, will '4 -'1' apPointnaent for some good --Algoma, Conservator, drug 25% g Vow Detemnito,(1 suicide. St. John, N. B.• Feb. 20. -Robert W_ Conner, of this city, agent he.re Lor the Consumers' Cordage Com- pany, suicidal yesterday morning in a barn attached to his residence. He Bred five shots from a revolver, some at his head and some at his heart. TEE MAIDUN-rOWELL MICR ViTs Lease Halifax March 10 cia lb eitcanteldp Montfort. Montreal. Feb. WitS an - stewed here ;Yesterday that the 1t r544? Mont ford of the Eider- Dentileter Dee will sail front Halifax Venal 20 with the thousand Can- diane who are to join Baden -Pow - Ps Wire force. ' Mr. Whitelaw Reid is spoken of as oURF Wm) IN, °NE 1)Kr. probable envoy extraordinary of the ti ve Brom() QuLitine mere. 4und iThe money ir it te enrc, to tzttend the coronation of , Grove's signature is onleacli bottle King Edward. ONTARIO ELECTIO'i6. .Onsialty liednappor .Ostptureel. Omaha, Feb. 2,0. -The police have under arrest James .Callaban, charn- el with complicity in the .ttbduction tlf Edward Cudahy, jr., ott the night Dee. 18. Callahan was arrested last Saturday. Young -Cudahy has pesitively identified him as the man 3010 accosted him near the Cudaby reeidence and represented himself to Ix' a sheriff from an adjoining county and forced him into o, buggy, and. also OR the man who kept guard ,over Mal at the Melrose 11111 house during the 30 hours he was kept a prisoner, pending the negot tedious for the ran- som of $25,000, which Mr. Cudeln! paid for the return of his boy. Cullaluin denies absolutelY that he led anything to do with the kidnap- ping, but admits Ile "WilS a close friend of Crowe. Settlers required supplies, and it was desirable that they should be obtained from our own. Province. He hoped that the seinen° for a rail - P esent Assembly Will Likely fooradolvthairehio:rolild conserve this trade would be conipleted at all early date. Ile feared that the G. T. R. would not extend its line PREMIER ROSS' ANNOUNCEMENT stood that the interests of the 0. P. beyond NOrili Bay, and he under - R. were identified with the Quebec side. Therefore, an independent. com- pany must be secured to rua it, It could be depended upon that the Governinent would safeguard the in- terests of the settler and as in the case of the Rainy River Road, and the Algoma, Central Railway, reduc- ed fares for settlers and reduced rates. for settlers' effects would be se- cured by net of the Legislature. Bun For Its Full Time. InSen4Sion on the le:evince% Norasai ee.e leges -Mr. Uarr Gets an Order for a Return Alter Nr. Ilarcourt Dispqnea Some Nisappreliens signs Concerning', These schools, Toronto. Feb. 20.-Uon. Ur. Har- court in reply to Mr. Whitney yester- day ettieed that the question of pro- viding by annual grant or otherwise for the tieeds of the University of Toronto and of Queen's Collea,e, Kingston. was being carefully con- sidered by the Gererilinent. Mr. Barr mewed for a return of • copies of applications for admission into Normal •Collegas for the year 1001; the date of such applications; the ouother and names of those ad- mitted; the date on which said a' - were notified of their ad- mission: the inatiaier and nanws of those re.ise2leel: the date on which id atelilisee tits were notified of rtqection; the cause of their releetion: the retineer of teachers to training the Normal Colleges can it(r- amodate, and the number of teeth - a in training now itetwally in endenee at such Normal Colleges. He said that frequently teachers were pieced in a disadvantageeus si n ley being kept in uncertain - Y W. tiler they eould enter the Nor- mal °lieges or not. 'The uncertain- . their position often interfered with their iieceptance of positions offered them. The eysteue eould be improved by basing the teachers de- siring to enter Normal Colleges Plate their applications early end giving theill it definite answer as to whether they could: secure admission. He claimed that political inflame' ireVailedi and that teachers who were etive Liberal partizans were favor - to the diSltaVitntage of others. Four Bodies Itecovered. 'Victoria, B. C., Feb', 20. -Bodies of four of the sixty-four men who met death in Friday's explosion at Union mines were found yesterday by men clearing the mine. The bodies of Daniel McInnes and his Japanese helper were first taken out. The bod- ies have no marks on them, death being caused by after -damp. The hands were clasped over the faces as if to shut off the deadly gases. Ti' other two bodies were those of Ja- panese. Gen. Pole -Carew Married. London, Feb. 20. -The marriage of Brig. -Gen. Reginald Pole -Carew to Lady Beatrice Butler, eldest daught- er of the Marquis of Ormoncle, at the Guard's Chapel, Wellington Barracks, yesterday afternoon, attracted an 'aristocratic assemblage. King Ed- ward, Queen Alexandra, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York and the Duke and. Duchess of Con- naught were royal present givers. Waits For Public opinion. Tormito. Feb. 20. -The Grand COUneil of the Royal Templars held three meetings yesterday. The morn- ing and the afternoon sessions were of the usual routine. The evening session was held in Association Hall, and addresses were delivered by Mayor Howland and Hon. G. W. Ross. Speaking of prohibitiou, the latter declared that. out of 400,000 electors in Ontario, 100,000 were isten opposed to prohibition. It Could not be assumed that a prohib- itory law could be carried. over the heads. of such an opposition. Until the time came when public opinion was ripe eor prohibition the Govern- ment would mane a, mistake to enact • •IMIMIMMIMITIMM.M.P.MMI 4 Sendanese soldiers night. Cairo, Feb, 20.-A few days ago a elltarrel occurred at Omdurman. be- tween members of the 13th and lath Soudanese Battalions at en enter- tainment given by the latter. riVO were allied and 20 wounded. There had tern ill -feeling between the bet - talions prior to the entertainment. Two Conservatives Now. Halifax, N.S,, Feb. 20. - 0-, J. Troop, merchant, of this city, hage been appointed to the -vacancy in the Legislative Council, made by the re- signation of Hon. Dr. Parker. There are now two Conservatives in the Upper Chaanber with its membership of 21,, REV:1,MP • THEM g Stratheona's Horse Inspected By King Edward •••••,,,,•• Man Okt Inhabitants ot tlic A KING'S COLOR PRESENTED tiron Tract NM Realms Unscell. To the Regiment -Tile Men Also Bach Iteceiv ing a medal exam the King-noors Occupy Murraysbure. Mrs. Allan Thompson died at her home on Queen St., east, last Friday Laudon, Feb, 15, .... King Eawarcl, afteremou after an illne,ss of many - accompanied by Qaeen, Alexandra, Olio months. While her father, Mr, H. . mottling baspected at Bucle:ngitarn Burtch, of Woodstock, was here at - palace a50 offices and men of tending the funeral he got a message Staxtheonats horse. His naajestY pre- I statiog that his wife, mother of Mrs. sented the regiment with the king's Thonapson, had died suddenly. Mrs. color? and gave medals. to the men. A Thorapsoo, who was about forty' detacionent Of the guards beld the years of age, leaves a family of two lawn of the west terrace, and the boys and two girls. -St. Marys Journal Caoadians ivere drawn up in front of Mr, &lanes Baird J P. paseed away tile terra.ce. The cora'pany Present ou Feb. 13 at, the 'residence of his included Lead Roberts in full unieorm, A 61 eller° T3 ell el.' tile peke a C°11" '""alig4tel;' 311'sibeMdaecenenasie4 terisn. boll/ naught, Mr. Joseph Caamberlaio. the 114°G1Talsngt'e°v1:1, 'Scotland, in led0, and came seexetary of state for the colonies; to eautiaa when quite young with Itis Lord Strathcona and Meant Royal, parents, who settled in Lanark county who organized Strathcona's horse,.atui, Ont„ where, being the eldest of the mama' utile and court officers. The family, be bore the chief part of the standard was hoisted over the palace as the, king, sveatiog a field mar- toil necessary' to clearing a farm until siaat's iiniform, and the queen in deep he married, when he moved west to Perth county., and purchased 100 acres- Ounxtning: appeared on the terrace. accompanied by the Doke and Duchess of bush land in the township of Morn., of Argyll, Prime CitarIes of Den- ington, math, and the Duke ot Cambridge. Again we are called upon to Owen - /Re majesty sireok nands with Lotd tele the death of a pioneer of the Base Roberts and Gen.13uner, and the band lane. Goderich township, in the 'per - of the Coldstream guards. played col. samei .B. steete. of swat., took, place on the 8th hist, Site was The rourtis Welk -Over. Woodstock, N. Ile Feb. 20. -For the Local Legislature. to represent Carleton county, S. B. Appleby, Lineral Government supporter, was eleeted by acclamation yesterday. This is the fourth local seat to go Lo the Liberals by acclamation this me Educational Department should Year" be kepti clear front politieal Mated Mayor oareee Win& Mee. !Toth Mr. Harcourt that tbe Vancouver. D. C., Feb. 20.-J. F. dilr"."uttY ef gaining' OtildisSiOn to tb,. arden. Independent. defeated R. cogeaes pawed poraar„ MacPherson, Opposition Labor candi- ity of the etolleges. He admitted that date. in the provincial bye -election ming to that popularity the accom- otietion wee limited in proportion o the number et :applicants. Under Ile SyStellt folitinced, applicants were notified at once if fo.re wero vac, At ironolutil the death of Queen, iey. But dialleishies fregnormy Victoria. was coninwmorated by all se on accoma of applicants wish- classes of PeoPle. ing o transferred from one col- luge t) another. Varaneies were ways awarded hi itecordance with the priority of the application. Ile hop_ ed that Mr. Burr was not serious in his suggestion of political influence. There was not a vestige ot a were rant for stunt an ewer:nem. No po- litical considerat ion even ent ered in- to the question of oehnission and he bad never rereived any letter sug- gesting that, any applieant sitould be admitted because he or site favored the a ovt4rninent (Applause.) Ile LEADING Wilres.T 3IARRETS. 140Ped that Mr. Barr weuld assist Following Wt're the closing prices yesterday by .1.1.0 votes. The Note was: Garden. 1.011; MacPherson, 1,- 021. KingCharles a British colonel. London, Feb. 20. -The Xing of Portugal has been gazettecl a colonel in. the Oxfordshire Light Infantry. EXCELLENT ANCIENT TOOLS. Ancient Egyptian Artisans Well Prcoritled With implements. Recent discoveries in Thebes (Egypt) sho-w that, in the gray past, the ntost excellent tools were made, and that such were used by the Egyptians and Assyrians in the exec - tion of their massive edifices and monuments; for the manufacture of weapons, 'household utensils, etc, They had stone. cross -ant sawS, which were sharpened with diamends, fine ircins, mallets, with wooden handles; files with teeth like a file saw hollow chisels for wood; rasps, just like the best of those in use to- day; gimlets, saws, with teeth in- clined toward the handle — all of which go to show that the ancient Egyptians were as well furnished as ourselves with carpenters' tools. eagle - MARKET REPORTS, .•••••••••• son of Mrs. Chas, Lovett, sr.„ which "God save, the king," wbieli routr's tease, was preeented to Klee In bee 841141 Yeur. the lost 58 of were spent on the farm, where she Edward, \\to proceeded to inspect the died. sbe was a native 01, oratto, t Ire an . ott y 4 - ttalitgeaarnainrag etdoaltitteo tceorlr.asetc.t,.etlehe TIneng ' IteYri'l°1 enrenen°11.1rulatTg*e she rattle to Montreal, , tthabol:,:fftiizareleanogu ptareesaeurilie4 Taset,u t 107 : wecIttelsbeo,owt ift0115 bet'ryehatrtsobt gen, sib: •18r4elnitabieny- 1 moved. to a farm on the Huron road, them with it -medal. The king's color was brought by an I near Holinesville. In about a year PSOOTt of grenadier guards to the they agaba nioved to a, farm on the foot of the eteps, and bis majesty pre- Base Line. Of her twelve children, sented it to the Canadiao, cavallee eight survive t. Kitty and Noble at men, saying it had been the inteution 'mime Mrs. J. Scarlet, LeadburY ; tier name tend in his own. of his roother to present ft to the Mrs. O. A. Tyrne and John, of Hullett; regiment, and that he now did so in Charles, Goderich Township • Airs. G. segment, the barel playing "Gtliode f SeVilt; Then tue color was Inane to 3. Stewart, Clinton, and des. F. S. laesymou saturday Save the King." ref Bp larsrs'e dM i dadw morning, Feb. 2, William Whaley, at Afterwards the Canadians enarebed Grain Cables Cattle Lower-Clsicaga Whoa Recovered Mat( a Cent -Latest Eluotistions. Liverpool, Feb. 20. -Wheat options declined ld to id per cental 'yester- day. Chicago, Fele 20. -Wheat futures a.davanceil half a cent per bushel yes- terday. the Goverment, in its eleeet. ob- et important wheat centres ;miner- . day: taming additional Normal School accommodat inn . Mr. Whitney hoped the Government would remove the doubt exist ing as to wbether there would be another session. The matter had an im- portant bearing as to the length of Cash. Feb. Melt May. Chicago s,.. New Veric '*° 74'4 'Milwaukee tY7iitc, ."' 494 0 79% St. Louis Toledo . 0 7011 Detroit red 0 70" the present session. He trusted (I°. witnl! .•-• 713 that the Government would relieve the public mind on this subject. 'The Premier said that the Govern- ment had no present intention of going to the country before another session was held, though of 'comae he could not abealutely bind himself to close: 'Wheat, spot quiet; No. 1 standard Cal.„ ned to 6s 4d; No. Duluth, No. 1 Northern ... 0 trie Duluth, No. 1 hard T4tit M•M• Minneepons, No, 1 Northern- 0 74% Liverpool, Feb. 20. -Yesterday's • ••• • M•'• • • • • OM 0 078% •• .0•II 080 • ...• 05). •••• M.•4 • ,... 075% • • hat effect. But speaking without 2 red wittier, Ss 104d to Os; 0. 3. any- reservation he would say that Northern spring, 6s 21.-d. to as ed. the present Parliament would in ell Wheat futures steady; "letareb, 5s probability run for its full time: Imo,. May 5s Idiald• TEMISCAMING RAILWAY. To ‘41s to ..7• , .1 , itoece. o timer. Grain-, Beemier Ross Makes Reply to a Depute- Wheat, — " red, bush. tion Which Waited* on Min in Itela- " tife, bush. 0 00 0 TO lion Thereto." game bush. 0 01 Oats, Barley, buelt. Toronto, Feb. 20. -The deputation Rye, bush Beans, hush. from Tenaiseaming had a cordial re- ception from Premier Ross and Hon_ Pea% bush. ...... 0 66 .... Buckwheat, bush. 0 33 .... E. 3. Davis yesterday morning. Mr. John Loughrin, the member for Toitoe, 0 LIVE. r:i*C1/4" K. Nipissing, introduced the depute- Torontei. Feb. 20. -The receipts of tion, and there were present Messrs. live stock at the Cattle Market yes - John Armstrong and. Angus McKel- terday were large, 70 carloads, come vey, Thorxdoe; W. B. elemeeetaa posed of 1,115 cattle, 1,e33 hogs, Hugh Blain, H. P. Eckardt, J. Her- 481 sheep and 25 calves. Considteo bort Mason, Mayor Howland, John ing the large run of fat (nettle, trade Shaw, G. la Marter, M. P. P., Dr, for them was fair. Thera was no Fyne, M. P. P., and others. change. in the. prices of choice, heavy Mr. Armstrong, Crown Lands exporters, as there were few c flared, Agent, said tlta.t' there were 2,000 ! but light, .hall -finished shippers were settlers who Were doing well buldi easier, and animals that would bave- needed an outside market. I brought $4.80 pr cwt. last v. Lek Mr. Bailey, engineer, estimated the I so at 15e to 2.5c per cwt. it:u er lti Ilt(r. W. B. MeMurrich, president of than on Friday last. . 4 25 4 50 cost at $17,000 to $20,000 a mile. e4 CO to $5 00 But9hers' eatte,. p eked loth•, 84 4285 34 7115.5 Export caglien, cheiee '''' . butl1s1, alliVeliC 3 83 d 25 " balls, liglit .. 3 40 3 00 inetl:tml, mixed 3 15 3 30 2 75 3 OC) fit r el in110!n, .ioo 0 2 25 2 50 3 6) 3 00 Feeders, heary, 831) 13 40' 275 3 25 3 00 3 2'5 2 00 2.05 0 3214 038 0 45 0 47 1215 115*) the Nipissing and James ' Bay Rail- way Corneianye said he hoped the axes would be heard before the char- ter expired on July 1. . Mayor 1-Iowleold was of the opin- ion that the City Council of To- ronto would be glad to co-operate with the Ontario and Domixtion Gov- Fcalbig buns Mr: G. 11', Marter, 11. P. P, bad much cosee stock b,111s StCeltors . 24 00 40 00 eminent to open the district. was vitally interested. This view 4. bnicilers' 2 50 4 00 sheet), owee lee oet il gg 13 gg - buo. prsr visited. the district. It was in urgent Calves need of development, and Toronto was strongly endorsed by Mr. I-Iugh „Lambs. Inticsara, per Cwt.. 8 75 4 25 Mr, John Shaw, as representative Efoes, choice no't (s; than " per elY I. fo'ile foci. -, 4 26 4 75 Blain and Mr. IL P, Eckardt, ' of the Toronto and Hudson Bay Railway, that also held a charter, asked that the latter be considered. Premier Ross said that it was very ranch in the interests of the Pro - 160 mei rip to 200 ibs. ... 675 ••••. Hoe, under 100 lbs. 6 25 ..• • fate ' 6 25 sews , 30 4 0.0 Y. II " stores ...... 4 50 .... " stags ,2 00 .... eusT n e10.1,1,9 C.A.TTLItl vince th t such e road should be Feb. 20 a East 'Buffalo, N. --- built, The statements as to the fez.- Cattle-1)eman4l light anti the sties tility of the country were corrobor- ated by the reports of the Govern,- yesterday were barely steady, with nclay's prices. Caives steady; past and the king accompanied by the age of 82 years. Mr. Whaley was zeta ,„ttraturaini, advanced end ae. in his usual health about a week before- merit survey parties. There was a choice toextra, $7.50 to $8; good known extent of 13,000,000 a,cres of to choice, $7 to $7.50. Sheep and tillable land, and the limit was not then reached. The country contain- Lambs -Offerings, 16 loads; market ed valuable pine and valuable spruce, little . stronget. Lambschoice to , -valuable asset, and the settler must but the settler would be the most dexhtoli.ace' s$55.°L2;05$5t,2°5!51:3.5.2p, gdoloodice to oo extre, $1,75, to $5;. good to choice, . b t i Meld ae ossible , when he took a severe attack of bron- dressed the troopers 4114 follows:- ehitis, which, terminated a long an -"Colonet Steele, ctaf karst non -come useful life. He emigrated to Can-- rais.sioned 4r:fleet's and privates, 1 ada with his father's family, in 18111 Weleente you here to our shores unThey landed in Montreal, but almost your zaturza from active woke in South Alrice. I knew It woum have ' immediately pushed westward until beth been the urgent wieh of my beloved they ai rrived n North Easthope, where* mother, our revered queen, to wele , they took up land near the place now me you. Alas -that was net to b;•. , known as .A.roulree. After some years But he assured she deeply appreciated . Ma Whaley and his two Illifliarlied! t110 SeTVienS you have renderei, as I v sisters moved to Mornington, where. 434 1 feel sure that in Int i usting the ' be bought, a two hundred acre farm on; king's color to you, Celonel Steeleemal , the Otit concession. Latterly as Mr. those, under you, you will .always (le- 'Whaley's strength began to fail, he oree:::::: do your duty as you, Itave '; disposed of his farm on the Oth conces- dorm during the peel yeer in South siom and bought 100 acres of lot 8, con, Africa nun will ita ea 05 all future 411, in the same township, where he re - "I am glad Lord St ratheona le here i 1 Sided until his death. -4 t0lited the othev the oldest magnificent foree toilay, as It Is owi te\tv,tiso letiontlei:iit athuitel ! rellehlebnertst, eIrSilikieent.'40,0,athe rent out, I can only hope your short 1 ebveriefixliglinnetsIsr acttgellistit htimYeTtsf.I' ner-ttrePesea sojourn in Vnglan I will le4 agreeable, born in onrrnn, and that you will return se ely ta land, in the year °P811Y. (411e8lciga(lime4t°0- your liemeN, frienas and reletions. Bo ae.sured lent neither I nor the Brit- : Canada in 18-17, and setratehdewnontoafsahprina: ish nation wilt ever forget the valu. On ti able services you have ren•lerel In Of St7ptllC en,ITtlerel 0iowhere he stsenoounty, South Africa." i remained until about twenty-five Col. Steele, thanking the king in be- years ago, when he removed to the hale of the regiment, assurea him Tillage of Ailsa Craig. in which he that tho people o: Cattala would al- ' spent the remainder of bis days. He ways do as Wf 11 OS t.7tr1*theon5's Horse,: was a mexxiber of tbe Methodist church, if not batter, and added that they for over fifty years, and a lover of Sun. were "ofWayS reale- to de:end the day school work, and in his earlier ling, the king anti the rights of the • years was alivays found there doing British empire." his work, either as Scholar, teacher or A.tor three cheers for the king superintendent. Ile leaves behind' the, °Ulcers were presented to itis ma- hoe to mourn. a wife one son and five jr-ity, who shook hands with and daughters :-William;11.,of Lobo; Mrs. . thanked eaeh or thera. 3. O. Hogarth, of La Riviere, Man. ; .. Cape Town, Feb. 15. -The Boma cm. Hogh McNeil, Kate and Maggie, of DOERS OCCUPY MORRAYSBelleG. Mrs. G. E, Hotson, of London ; Mrs. eume 1 Deurrayebarg, Cape Colony, Ansa Craig. l''.. l.:ruary nit. ..N1r. Allx,rt Cartwright, editor or the South A ricer' News, oda° was ar- retel Fete. 7, charged with seditious an i de amatory libel in having pub - 1111051 fn his paper a statement to the e feet that the. British eommand- er In -:lifer nal eeeretly instructed Me troops to take no prisoners, Wag leeei yesterday for trial. Bail was i1xe.1 at Ze.,000. NO NEW CONTINGENT. Ottawa, Feb. 14.- The report was tui -rent here tonlget that the gov- ernment had offere 1 another neonnted eonti 'gent for service in South dent- in. The numeter of m. L it was ask- ed whether the report was Lorreet and he said there was cot a word of truth in it. KIMBERLEY CUT OFF. Calm TCJW1), I? b. 14.-Ral way traf- Ile between DeArir and Ieira,berley has be .n temporarily susp elled, and cor- respondence with places north of De - Aar has stopped in cons:quer:ea 11CilEEDINtl THE KING _ Mike of Con aught hosen Grand ,..,1.ster of Masonie Grand Lodge London, Feb. .18. -At a special meet- ing o.f. the grand lodge of free masons this al'ternoon the Mike of Connaught was unanimously elected grand mas- ter In place ol King Edward. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE ClALL. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint, ached foal every nerve was racked with pain,"writes C. W. Bel- lamy, a loeomotive, fireman, of Bur- lington, Iowa. "IwaS weak and pale, without any appetite and ell run down As I was bout to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bitters and, after Laking it, I i elf as well es I ever did in my life." Week, sickly. run down people always Fein new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Se fisfoet ;on ply)rp r I ed by all drug- gists. Price 50 cents. The new G. T. R si ai ion at Galt was opened Friday. Thu G. T. R. also put in three 60 -foot steel spans on the . . . bridge there and extended the sidings. The comploy liA,ve spent $10,000 on iinprovements &trine- the past year. AU cases of tveale or lame back, backache rhemnetism, will find no lief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonnal3,tekache Plas- ers. Price 35 cents, Try them, Ma. NORTH MIDDLESEX. Following is a list of census enum- eraters named for North Middlesex:- Biddulph TOWnsbip. Polling sub -division No. 1 -Wm 3 Collison, Lucan P 0, Sub -div 2-Edsell Collins, Olande- boye. Sub -div 3 -John A Atkinson, Liman, Sub -div 4 -William Toobey, Lucian, Sub -div 5-joseph Grant. Granton. M °Gill i v ray Township. Sub -div 1 -Marshall Miller, Moores Sub -div 2- A W Smith, Maple Lodge. Sub -div 3-3oseph H Amos, West McGillivray. Sub -div 4 -Hugh 0 Graham, Ailsa Craig. Sub -div 5 -Wm Fraser, jun, West McGillivray. Sub -div 0 -John Manning, Melanie. Sub -div 7 -Wm F Amos, Lieury.-- Township of East Williams. • 1 -Colin Fraser, Nairn. Sub -div 2-Dayid McKenzie, Nairn,. Sub -div 3-A I Cowie, Fernhill. Township of'West Williams. Sub -div 1 -John A: McLeish, Are kona. loam Township 3. -Arch McLaughlin, Si - Township of Stephen. Sub -div 1-0 W Christie, Exeter-. ge • ,00etelea-ae- Sub-div 2-W Lewis, jun, Creditor': Sub div 3 ---George Holtzman. Credi- tor,. Sub -die 4 -Thomas Lane, Mount* °arumb!l el S 'iy 5 -Donald Bucbanan, Ship' ka Subdi.0---Ezra Tiernan, Dashwood, bub div 7 -Alex Ilotson, Greenway. Sub -div 8 -Wm Oliver, Grand Bend.. Village of Exeter. SUb-div 1-A R Kinsman, Exeter. Sub -div Trevethick, Exeeere Sub div 3 -Hy Huston, Exeter. Sub div 4-J H Grievelthieter. , Village of Lucan. Sub -'div 1-5 W Gibsoe, Ltican. Sub-diy 2-Zac McOormicle, Lucan. Village of Allsa Craig. Sub-cliv 1 -Frank Atkinson, Ailsa Craig Village of Parkba:div 1 -George Thompson, pon, Park -S 111. Sub div 2 -James 0 Monroe, Park- hill Stab -div 3-A 11)[ Miller, Pa,rlehill. Sub-cliv No 2 of West. Williams is, yet open.