Exeter Times, 1901-2-14, Page 5LIUIIIJII,
fill the NeWs ot interest to
Times !leaders Happening
these Counties
Miss Need Torrance, of Zurich, is
attending the Conservatory of Music.
South huron Liberals will meet at
Heiman on March 5, to nominate a
candidate for the Legislature.
One of Howick's farmers sold dine.
ing 1901), over $500 worth of. hogs.
leTope were sold -under five cents,
Samuel Hicks, of the 2nd con. of
Usborne, bas sold a draft team for
$285. He also refused. $300 for a team
4:4 mares. since,
E, Townsend has sold. me 50 acre
farm, cm the lith concession of Huh,
h lett, to Ids xielehbor, John tinier, for
about $3,000.
Perfectly healthy, people have pure,
rich blood, Rood's Sarsaparilla puriftes
and enrielies the blood and makes
reple healthy.
V. \Werth, of Crediten, has leased
he ewamp laude on A, Foster'e farm,
in Ray, foe flax growing, M. Foster
Ls getting $100 rent,
There are many rums of nervous
bility in men that yield to the use of
Citextees. Iron Pills, Those who are
troubled with bervous weakness,
night sweate, etc., should try them,
Wm. McAllister has sold his fawn
on the Parr line, Ray, to R. E. Robin -
gob, of the Gesheo llue, and Mr. Robin -
eon takee possession In March, Mr.
McAllister inteixds removing to Al-
berta with his family in the epring.
Ile has already purchaseda farni there
which is located near the town of
Air. %Vu. Pegler, for sixty:five years
et resident of London Ont„ is dead at
the age of 80. Ile was a market geld-
dome...aid florist.
Smart Weed and RelladoM, com-
bined wide the other ingredients used
in the hest porous plasters, nialte
Carter's S. W. h. Backache Plasters
the best in the market. Pr1ce2ents.
The Ailsa Craig comma has petition -
'Oa judge William Billott to appoint
James Charles Priestley, or that vil-
lage. retired farmer and village con-
stable, ite a constable hi and for the
county of Middlesex.
The general store of Mr. Gale
Dean, of Lobo village was completely
destroyed by fire at an early hour
yesterday morning, together with al)
, of its cootents. The loss will be in the
neighborhood of $i,500. *while the in-
surance is said to amount to only
of which 81,500 is on the build..in. The cause of the fire is un-
etitizte meetings will be held in
Nortle Middlesex as follows: Green-
way, Feb. 11; West McGillivray, Feb.
13; Clandeboye, Feb. 14; Granton Feb.
15; Lobo 'Village, Feb. 10; Adelaide,
Feb. 18; Beachwood, Feb. 10; Sylvan,
Feb. 20. These meetings will be ad-
dressed by Messrs. H. Glendenning
and James hIcEwing, delegates sent by
the Superintendent of Institutes.
A. very pleasant event took place
on Wednesday, Jan. 80th when Mr.
John Allison, son of Mr. Jas. Allison,
and Miss Jane Ross, daughter of Mr.
James Ross, were united in marriage.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev, R. Alyward of Parkhill; both
being of McGillivray. The young
couple are spending their honey -moon
among friends in Michigan.
• •
A young son of Mrs. Phippen, An-
drew stieet, fell and cut his head the
other day.
A. • W. Campbell, Good Roads In-
structor, will deliver an address at
Russeldale, on Feb. 10.
It was decided by the North Perth
oratagemen to held the next 12th of
July celebration in St. Marys.
James Moore, of Blanshard, who
has been attending Forest City Busi-
ness College, is very low with typhoid
Richard Rodgers,while cutting wood
in Etibbert, the ether day, was knock-
ed down and pinned to the ground
by a tree. Ile has a badly bruised leg.
A little eight year old daughter of
Isaac Barnett, Blanshard, fell while
trying to climb onto a waggon. Her
band wns run over and badly bruised
-and her heed.severely cut.
The South Perth Reform Associa-
tion will meet at St. Marys on the
afternoon of Feb. 22 to nominate a
candidate,for the Ontario Legislature.
Valentine Stock is spoken of as a
possible candidate.
• Dyspepsia in its worst forms will
• yield to the use of -Carter's Little
• Nenye lents, aide.cle `by Carter's Little
ehIfilhete '" They not qnly relieve
'present distress but strengthen the
stomach and digestive apparatus.• '
J. Dunseitla. of Downie, delivered
nine York and Chester White hogs to
Graham and Moore, $t. Marys, last
week, under 'six months old, which
weighed nineteen hundred and sixty
pounds or nearly 217 pounds each.
They netted Mr. Dunseith $11270.
E. Rowland,brother of Mr. Rowland,
• Clinton, who has lived for years in
Mouth Africa, has been awarded three
hundred. pounds by the British `Gov-
ernment for damage done his property
rn Mafeking during the weeks in which
the town was being besieged by •the
• Boers. - •
Doesn't lay a man up for a week but
quietly and surely goes on doing, its
work, and liothing is known of the
oPeration tillthe corn ia shelled. -Plenty
of substitutes do this. Some of them
• are dangerous, no danger from Put.
ramie's except to the eon).At aII
Text ot the Lesson, Luke xx111, 35,33.
Memory Verses,416, ,17 --Golden 1.‘ett
X car, alv, 3 -Commentary Prepared
IbY the Rev. D. Al, Stearn*,
ECoPYright, 1901, by,lonerican, Press Association.]
33-35: It looks like a mietake to begin
the crucifixion lesson at veese 35 wben
the record of the. crucifixion begins at
verse 33. Last week's lesson closed, with
Simon eompelled to bear His eross, Then
we bare jesue" message to the women
who bewailed Him. Then Ile, with the
two malefactors, came to the place Gol-
gotha or Calvary. Although we are mere
familiar with the latter name, Luke
alone uses it, while Matthew, Mark and
John eaeh call it Golgotha. 13ut names
and records are nothing unlesS they take
hold of our hearts and point us to Jesus
Christ our Lord, "They crucified HIM."
Three words, but do you consider what
they eiguifte or their importance in ref:
ereace to your eternal welfare? As you
see I1h undergo each part of the process
of crucifixion do )exu Say, For me, for
me? and does .your heart ache for Hine
while it rejoices in tbat evhieli Ills suffer-
ings bring to eon?
00, 31, "12 Thee be the King ef the
Jews, save Tbytelf." The soldiers tein
with the rulers in deriding him who, be-
ieg, accordiug to hie owe confession, tlio
San or cad, could not save Himself, Ap-
peuronees were against Mm. Ile had
eaid filet 110 One Cerlid irate Ilia life from
him, yet here they were eeemingly delete
it, Why did Ile not save himself? Bee
eallSe lIa 0111t1 110t save Himself and
others, tete and Ile eame to save others,
Ile ilie not pity himselfbut gave him-
self for our sine, and we should give our-
selves williegir iu making- Illm and. Rio
salvation !mown to others,
38. "This is the King of the Jews,"
This title iu three languages, for all the
world, was put upon His cross, for all
the world shalt yet know that Jesus of
Nazareth is the Xing of the Jews, a
Thing who shall never +die, fer ile boa
Med and risen from the dead and le
alive forever More, When Lte, the Im-
mortal King, shall have His throne at
Jerusalem, ell nations shall be gathered
'unto him (jer, life IT), and then, but not
till then, shall wars and tumults cease
and all the horrors of the curse of sin
be ousted limier Elis persenal reign (Ise.
11, 1-4; Ps, lxvii; Isa. xxxii, 1-17).
39-41, "We receive the flue reward of
our deeds; but this Man bath done noth-
ing amiss." Thus eeolie one of the male -
Motors, while the other railed on Rini,
saying, "If Thou be Cbrist, save Thy-
selt and us." Matthew and Alert: say
that both reviled Hine which they must
have done at the first, but one'by the
grew of God, became penitent; the other
tentinued In his sins. Both might have
repentetl, but one diti and one did not.
The *rose thus divides people to this day.,
42, 43. "Lord, remember me when
Thou comest into Thy kingdom," This
man saw What ordinary eyes did not see.
He saw la Christ a King and a Saviour
and contessed Ifilu as Lord, Ire also
confessed himself a sinner suffering just-
ly for his sins before men. In his lost
and helpless eouditIon be turned to
Christ, and bow glorious was the result!
"'Verily, I say onto thee, today shalt
tbou be with Me in paradise." No good
works did ho do to be saved, no right-
eousness et his own did he bring; no
money aid ha pay, no promises did he
maim; ho was not baptized with water,
no church on earth did he unite with, ho
never partook of ebe communion; yet he
went from tbe cross to paradise that day.
4440. "Father, into The, hands I com-
mend My Spirit. And, having said thus,
Re gave up the ghost." Darkness from
the sixth to tbe ninth hour, or, as we
would say, from noon till 3 p. m., then
three other sayings, and this last one
and His sufferings were over. Consider
well His seven sayings -from the cross -
three before the darkness and four at the
close of it. In the first is salvation, the
second glory, the third provision for all
the journey here, and all by reason of
His great work, His being forsaken that
we might never be, His agony, His
atonement. Consider also the rending
of the veil and its lessons -not only the
way opened into the holiest, but our
oneness with Christ in His death. The
veil represented His body (Hein x, 20).
and the veil was worked 'with cherubim,
representing the church, His body. Lis-
ten to their song in Rev. v, 9, 10. When
He died, the veil being rent, the,cberubim
worked on the veil were rent with it.
We died in Him. Let no one doubt but
that Jesus, having committed His Spirit
to God, weut to God while His body laY
in the grave. His words to Mary Mag-
dalene refer to His risen body.
47-49. "Certneely this was a righteous
man." Thus said the centurion, glorify-
ing God. The people,Theholding, smote
their breasts. ll -is acquaintance and the
women who followed Him beheld also,
and. judging from the unbelief of the dis-
ciples- concerning His resurrection and
the conversation of the two with wh,om
Ile walked to Emmaus, it must have all
looked very, very dark to them, and all
their hopes seemed blasted. Many had fol-
lowed Him, many of those who followed
Him for a time had left Him, a few had
remained faithful. No kingdom had been
set up. nothing seemed to have been ac-
complished toward it. And now Ile was
50, 51. "Who also himself waited for
the kingdom of God." This is a state-
ment concerning Joseph of Arimathea,
U n honorable pouuselor, a good seam and
a just man. A disciple of Jesus, but se-
cretly for ,fear of the' Jews, he had not
eoneented to the edunsel and deed of
them who put Jeses to death (Mark xv,
43; John rix, SS). There are many disci:
pies of Christ in India and other lands
and among the .Jaws who have perhaps
never publicly confessed Him nor united
with any church, but who might, like Jo-
seph. be found at th& front in some emer-
gency when other ordinarily Voider ones
miolle be found wanting.
52. 53. "This elan went unto Pilate
and begged the body ` of JesuS.' Ptlate
consenting,. he took the body, and, buying
fine linen, he and Nicodemus wrapped it
np with about' 100 -pounds of spices and
laidit in Joseph's new eepulcher, in a
garden, in a tomb where never a liddy
had yet been laid. His enemiee would
beve ,put His body with those ,of the
malefactors, but it had'becn foretold that
Ile , would be buried with the rich (Ism
Hie 9, It. V.), and the Scripture was ful-
d,eetivd. ravlin.S1c7r)Ipture will be in due
AN FORAGER Fan rsig MAD1-i0 k154
tt Itulaao the Soul Do mortal.. 111tato It MAUS
it Man n 001vetcr. of 00 31120(101; liken It
Oakes Ulm a 11011 Intblet Theo It illoletot
1112oa iatolo
The Rey, T. De Witt Talmage.
Preached in Washington an the eata
tect 02 "goirituah -ea," He said;
TO 11111ateh the door between the
present state paid the future atate all
e fueers of superstttion
busy. We have books entitled "Foot-
falls ea the 1. -undaries of Other
hilOrldeet "The Debatable Land Be-
tween Ileis World and the Next,"
"Researches into the Peenomena oe.
Seivitualisna," and whole libraries of
eocue-poeus, enough to deceive the
very elect. I shall not take time to re-
hearee the ltistory of divinatiou,
oracle, eieyl, or palmistry, or the
whole centuries of imposture.
Modern Spiritualism purposes to
(men the door between this world and
the next,, and, put us into comixamte
cation with the dead, It has never
t'et offered one reasonable credential.
Notleine in the spiritualistic circles
02 our day Ilea 'en snore strange,
mysterious and wonderful than things
which lie a been seen in past center-,
les eit tte world. In all the ages
there baere been 'necromancers, those
Who consult with the spirits of the
ffenarted; charmere, those 'who Put
their eubieets in a mesmeric slatee
sorcerers, time° who by taking Pois-
onous drugs see everythingatul hear
everything and tell everythieg;
dreamers, people *who In their sleep --
log moments can see the future veoeld
endd consultation with spires.
res, before the the ot Cbrist the Brae
hmins went th. agh all the table -
moving, an the furniture excitement
which the spirithave exploited in on
city; precisely the same thiug over!
and over again, under the manipula-
tion of the Brahmins. Now, do yore
ear that Spiritualism is different from
these? 1 aileW'er, all these deluslous
have mentioned belong to the sa.me
family. Thee are exhuniatimis from;
the unseen 'world.
A man in imoevee Hospito.1.-dying1
from 'wounds made by bis owe hand,
was asked why he hied to eoramit sua,
aide, and he eeid; "The epirits told
me to." Parents have strangled their
children, and when asked why thee'
aId it, replied: "Spiritualism demand-
hd le." It is the patronieer and for-)
eger for the madhouse.
It not only ruins its disciples, but
It ruins the mediums also, only give
ft time. The Gadarene eovirte, on th3
panics of the Lake of Galilee, no soon-
er became spiritual mediums than
ttlown they went, in an avalanche of
fotk, to the consternation of all the,
herdsmen. The office of a medium is
bad for a man, bad for a woman, bee
tor a beast.
I brieg against this delusion a mare
feitiful indictment: et ruins the sol
fitraortal. First, it makes a Man a
quarter of an infidel; then it makea
him balf an infidel; then it maks. I
him a whole infidel. The whole sys-
tem, as I conceive it, is founded on the
Insufficiency of the. Word of God as a
revelation. God says the Bible is
enough for you to know about the fu-
ture world. You say it is not enough,
and there is where you and the Lord'
differ. And although the Scriptures
say: "Add thou not unto his words,
lest he reprove thee, and thou ba
found a liar," you risk it, and say:
• 'Come back, spirit of my departed
eather; corae back, spirit of my de-
parted mother; of my companions; of
nay little child -and tell me some
• things I don't know about you, and
ebout the unseen world."
lf God is ever slapped in the face,
It is when a spiritual reiedium puto
down her hand on the table, invok ng
spirits departed to make a revelation.
God has told you all you ought to
know, nnct how dare you be prying;
Into that Which is none of ''our
Teach your ,children there are nal
ghosts to 'be seen or heard in thin
;world, save those which walk on two
feet or four -human or bestial. Re-
member that Spiritualism, at the best,
is a useless thing; for if it tells what,
• the Bible reveals, It is a lie. Instead!
of going ,to gee other people to tell
your fortun'e, tell your own fortunet
by putting your trust in God and de-,
Dig the best you can. I will telt
your fortune: "All , things work to-
gether for good to them .,that loyal
• God," Insult not your cleparteda
friends by asking them to come down
aid scrabble under an extension ta-
ble. Remember that there is only one
Spirit whose • dictation you have al
right to invoke, and that Is the holy),
blessed and onaniPothnt Spirit Of God.
Hark!. He is lapping now, not an
table or the floor; but rapping on the
door of your heart, and every. rap 13
ail invitation to Christ and a warning
of ) judgment to come. Oh, grieve' him!
not away! Quench him not., Ile has
'been all around Fein this Morning. He
, Was all around you last night. He has
been arOund)yOU all your lives. liarkir
',re mines a voice with tender, over.
eg intonation, saying: "Ms
.11 ib.all not alWAYs strive I'''.
In -view of the fact that a communi-
cation regarding the furthering of the
beet sugar industry in Ontario /lag
been laid before the County Council
who showed themselves very favor-
ably disposed towards the movement,
the following facts given by the Far-
mers' ; iVenteeellyt, SiTinhesyhocuoindstpitruotvee aonf
accouiat of last season's operations in
this direction in three Ontario coun-
ties, carried on limier the supervision
of Prof, Shuttleworth, of the Ontario.
.A.grieultural College.
tiertain quentities of beet root grown
on VariOnS farms near Newmarket in
York county ; near Aylmer in Elgin
county, and near Welland in Welland
county, were bitten from the ground
at different 4, -1 Septevehlh, Octo-
ber and Novetue "eet andl.ested at
the 0. A. O. The onrity of the veget-
able (by 'purity' is meant the per
cent, which the sugar forms of the
total solids in the juice expressed from
the beeLs) was 81,9 to 81.1 at different
dates for Newmarket ; 82,5 to 85,9 for
Welland ; 83.5 to 80.8, for Aylibeiee So
far heard from (the returns being not
all in,) the cost of prodoetion was
825.80 per acre at Newmarket ; $28-85
at Aylmer; 880.40 at Welland, The
euantitY produced per acre averaged reeee' 'eecure er ino: the non-lrerltatItre and
17 GODS, 1845 pounds; 18 tons, '772 eger cathartic to take *WA Itnotrs-63:422ilailiro.
pounds.: 14 tons. 415 pounds at New- _
pnemertkiveetiy.Aylmer and Welland res-
It is important to find the eirofeesor
.11The LE.'ast.Hafr
We neve unlimited etivate fouprteasayeoart ilegyegt-tr A'Et4 PRE
Casts Sh cat -in 'airni—iungew
a a -ow. 4 tea ernsmaK,4)N
A single drop of poison
Hood' anless checked in
time, make the whole impure.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
great leader blpod porifiers.
It casts no shadow, but brings sun-
shine and health into every household.
RUnnfing Bore-" My mother was
troubled web rneureatiere in her knee fox
a number of years, and it broke out inte 4
ruining sore, Slue took Ogee bottles ot
}hood's Sarsaparilla and is now weIL
llood's Olive Ointment helped to heal the
eruption." MRS, Joins FAaa„ Cloverlawns,
Ammeter, Ont,
RhetillitatIstri-"I was badly afflicted
with sciatica rheumatism. Consulted dee-
tors without relief. Was persuaded to try
Rood's Sarsaparilla, and five bottles gave
me relief and enabled me to -go to work."
Wreariat B. ROACH, efargaretifile, N. S.
telling the experimenting farmers— 17E13111:A11Y 131,1119(0,
.f3. to
13 iff
56 te
...17 to 17
▪ 1,5 to 1
801110 of whore had disregarded instruc-
tions as to setting in and cultwatine
the sugar beets so that as between the
cots cultivated in the way directed,
and those enitivated by the methods
commonly practised for feeding and
exhibition roots, there is a difference
in yield in favor of tbe former equal
to 1,8 to 2,8 per cent, more sugar, and
from 4.1 to 0,9 per cent, higher purity.
It pays, therefore, to follow buten-
Wane, The report adds;
"If the farmer would guarantee that
they would follow the right method
and that they woold cultivate at least
4,000 acres in the vicinity of a propos-
ed factory. capitalists would quickly
erect factories in our province."
The suinvoieg up is this; A beet
ugar factory eannot expect to obtain
beets at less than $1 per ton. We (in
Southwestern Ontario) eau count on at
least 15 tons net per acre, which at $4
per ton would realize for the farmer
$00 gross, or about 880 net profit per
acre, But by skill and care, "the On-
tario farmer, with his splendid. soil
and climate could easily realize much
more handsome profits than these."
This is how it operates: Mr. Thomas
Sissons, of Pearl Lake, Quo., bad
suffered feaom Catarrh for years, and
hemg informed by his fatherwho
had found Catarrhozone alone was
the only positive cure for that disease,
be terthwith commenced its use, and
before loeg was entirely rid of his
former enemy. Then by means of
his philanthropy six friends were also
permanently cured of Catarrh, for
Mr. Sissons eent each of them a com-
plete Catarrhozone outfit, and states
they would not now part with them
for twice their cost. He says a great
deal more about the merits of this great
preparation, but his action in sending
for six outfits for friends stands for
conviction that he has discovered a
remedy of superlative value. Drug-
gists all sell Catarrbozone; ask them
to let you try it. We guarantee every
dollar outfit to cure catarrh, Bronchi-
tis and Asthma, A. trial sent for 100
by N. 0. Poison & Co., ICingston, Can-
ada, or Hartford, Conn., U. S.
stock, implements, etc., the property
of John H. Menials, lot 3, Hay. Sale
at one o'clock. En. BOSSENDERRY,
THURSDAY, PER. 21sT, -Farm and
farm stock, the property of Isaac
Harvey, lot i 2, con. 2. Bay, Sale at
one o'clock p. m. B. BROWN, Auct.
wh0aseat per Meilen
Butter --
Chickens per TO
"W aDucks"
m_ • .
Dried Apples..
POrlA dressed--
• •V • •
• 4 rt
• 8 DP
4.1 ei
d10 5
.• to
10 to 10
. 5 to
$0,75 to 7.00
London, FEBRUARY 13th, lfte.
Wheat per buehel,.. .... —63,1, to 63
9i tO
•-•45 to 47
. 5o
..- ......
Buclewheat, ...-.
Bye ..• -. ...
Corn....- .- ...... ......42 to 45
Beallil ... ... . .. ... 65 to 77
Butter ••.. ..• ,• 4 4.44 am ••••IS to 19
Eggs ...... ...,...,10 to 1$
Ducks ....„60 to 70
Terkeys per 3).... ..,... ... ..... V to 19
Geese perk)
Mama, .
PoMtoes per bag.-- .. ...00 to 75
Hay per ton .$ 0.00 to $ 7.e.0
Pork Per owto - $L50 to $5.00
,,„...40 to 50
emILAN-Tui3egle.teNntith, Feb. a Mrs. D.
McMillan, of a, daughter,
LATIMER-In Seaforth, Jan. 31, the Wife of Ea
Latimer, jr., of a deughter.
MURDIE-In Seaforth, Jan. 31, the wife o
Wan. Murdie, of a son.
13.A.WDEN-In Exeter. on the 10th inst., the
wile of Geo. Bawden, of a daughter.
etenOWELL-WELSH-In the Main St. Methce
dist church, Exeter. by tho Bev. It. Milyard,
on the llth inst„ William A. -Wilmot!, of
Listowel, to Mies Maud Millicent WeI614, of
HES-At Zurich on the ena inst.. Rosa Hes°,
widow of the !ate George Hess, at the age or
02 years, 9 months and 16 days.
GOVIER-In Bullett, on Feb. 2nd, Mr. John,
Gorier, aged CS years.
Seaforth, on Feb. 2nd. Mary
Sloan, relict of the late John Turnbull, Dick-
son, of 01adswood, aged 61 years.
BELL -In East, Wawanosh. on Feb. Oth, James
Bell, aged 89 years.
MADGE-In Usborne, (Thames Road,) on the
ith inst., Walter Madge, in his 891h year.
JONES -In 1.7sborne. (London Road,) on the
122h inst., Elizabeth Rook. 'wife of Henry
Jones, oged 43Jcars, months anc113 days.
If they are weak and you feel ner-
vous and easily "flustrated," can't
sleep and rise in the morning refresh-
ed, your blood iS poor. Strong nerves
depend upon rich, nourishing blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the nerves
strong by enriching and vitalizing the
blood. It gives sweet, refreshing sleep
and conipletelv cures nervous troubles.
Begin taking it to -day.
Nausea, indigestion are cured by
Hood's Pills.
A NEW BOOK Children Cry for
For FwcomrinKicorcs. How CASTORIA.
Sent Post Paid To Any Ad-
dress in Canada.
- The manufacturers of the celebrated
Diamond Dyes and the popular Dia-
mond Dye Mat and Rug. Patterns are
now issuing a new and enlarged edition
of the Diamond Dye Rug Book, that
should he in the hands of every woman
and girl in Canada. Many new and
attractive designs for Mats and Rugs
are shown as well as full directions for
the making and coloring. Thousands
of women who are interested in the
making of pretty Rugs are sending for
this book. Send in your address at
once to The Wells & Richardson Co.,
Limited, 200 Mountain Street, Mon-
treal, Que. - •
For Infants and Chil.dYen,
no fa: -
simile• is ea
Disarm -‘44, wetWer•
Children Cry for
Children Cry for
B. ' B. Osler, K. C.; the eminent
criminal lawyee, died suddenly at At-
lantic City,, N. J., on Tuesday morning
where he went for the benefit of bis
health some months ago.
0r12i'it°4'N'Er7 .W1:0Qt,ATAINjTOANA.1, 4DING OR IN" TEM
m and vinagepropertteeatow rates
hevo large amount of private funds to
loan On faroTHE
Barrister Main St.. EXeter. y
ErriaErt .wrAkoas,
I)J.11. M. B. 5'011011'1.0 ILNI
VERS1TY, 31 .C.31. Ttinity I.,7neeer
sily. Ofilee-Crediten, Ont..
T W.
• re en 41.24.1210,. 100,1,er:31W
Once end reeactauce. .sema a 110 :P Loma.
tery, Exeter.
Di xsois & L
Barristers,Soliitr. Notaries, Conveyancers
11)Xceey teLeattat 4)2 per mat, 'and,aI per eget
PPly to
E d Kessei
r„cliom.N. Itxr.rkat, ONZ
- •
If you want to liavi7etu "ince lee
your Christmas cakes ustt our Princess
Pastry Flour, ask for it and insist on.
haying it.
Is a MAI for the dainty, the robTill,
the dyspeptie AOKI the hungry, for all
n. eerier:so, n. A. L, 31, Dieiraoi. appetites and conditions. It is:t.the
member or the eau win be at IletelAll on peeeteee Item of oeeo eakec -
bursday of cncit week. reA tel
ere is no substxtufe.
(Successor to Elliott a Ola :mau)
BuriAer ;Solloiter, flotiyfuNID,
Conveyanoer, Eto,
Money to loan on Farm and village
Properties at Lowest rates of interest,
J-4. DR. .6. 1. 11.11i5MAN. L.
1), 8.1). Do. S,../Ionor Oraduate
of Toronto Vinver5ity. Dentt4,
eeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Wilco in Pan -
son's block, West 5ide f
threet, Exeter
Iwill make mote bread and a larger
loaf than any other family flour.
Once used always wanted.
DR. ANDERSON., (D. D. S. L.. D. S.) 1
goner tiraduate of the Toronto Vittversi . 4
and Royal College of Dental Surgeort5 tofi
Oatarla. All taieeee weals. Orowne at d Plate I
work &melt; the neatest posAble inouncr. .6. i,l
harmless ontestlaetio for painless extraction,,
Thestrictest attention given to the preservat-i
on ot the natural teeth. Mee oppo5ite leen
tral Hotel, Klteter. Ontario,
Tennent & e nen
Graduate ef the Ontario Veterinary Col-
Oftice-One doer Klub (1 To Hall.
latiotatiallsited t n 1.5135.
u),1$ Compuey hes beee ever 'Nemo -el -1h
3 taus In successful aper ation in Western
111118110, end centifmcs to inotrea eel nor I004)r
dam age by Vire. huileines. Aierenandiss
Maa.ma glories and all other deem-1110°os ef
ix:tumble propero. Dame!' insnrcr,° iinVO
the (*den of inEntingon the Premium Note):
Drab As3 stem.
During the east, ion nets this company bas
67,(.91; PCIliCICS. coveting property to tee
enema of $40.1i72,0A mud veil in lessee alone
$7t9,752.01 •
As,seas, $170,100.00, consisting Or Cash
In 3 ata.lt Goverment Deponent! the unasses-
fed In endue' Notts on hunt' mei in force.
.I.1 .11 AI PI 1%, Proittimt, ;
secretary a .1. 1. .11 cents, Instertor CIIAS.
BILL,Agcnt for Exeter and vicinity.
er *
Jas. F. Russell has alike stock:of
andsome cutters on hand which, he
4e selling
Very Cheap.
Intending purchaser Will 41,0 'NVS4
pect them befete buying elf*
Jas. F. Russell.
doors south of Town Hall.
- •
lAt Cost Price...
NEW — -
Meat Market
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
South ot 6arlings8 Store
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hand.
SOUn wegivethtsteetatieesona
••• GoldRzngsetvxtharaby
col n aud two pearls, for selling
••••• only Liseta ParlslanSeau-
ty Ms at lea ase. These Inns are
'Auditor's Abstract of the Re- finished In gold and enamel, prettllY
en3maeed and neatly carded. three to
sot. They are such splendid value our
ceipts of Treasurer
will formal the Fins. Sell them,
Send no this advertisement and sve
return thenioney, and thls beauti-
lotilelitl Coldllingsvill be sontyou
by return !nail, absolutely free.
Douituioa 1Vovelty Co.,
1130X 105 Toronto, Can.
For 1900.
To Balance from 1859 $ 3995 51"
Arrear of taxes from 1899 a03 76
Interest on arrears of taxes 1899 5 73
Fines, fees.etc. . 2 00
Taxes collected for municipal purposes 10149 15
License fd ,' " " 485 69
Rents. lolls IC 50 00
Poll tax .8 „ 15 00
Legislature grants to schools 224. 00
Public School Board 423 06
Money borrowed on bills payable 3000 00
Interests on investments deposits 33 40
Public Library 165 10
Street watering account 201 96
Miscellaneous receipt 78 10
Sinking fund account 10 95
County Rate
Streets, Bridges, Drains
Town Ball account
Election expenses
Salaries commissions
Water supply fire protection
Refund of taxes arrears
Printing, stationery, Postage
LegalRegistfreaetsi o s
Mill payable redeemed
Interest other than debenture inte
pSottb•eielot Ligibhrtairnyg
a. .1
Sinking Lund
Street watering account
Railway. debenture debt
Town Hall ddbentnre debt
Granolithic pavement debentore debt
Si 8947 07
(397 07
1168 02
30 98
26 20
621 00
• 2369 94
40 50
109 00
110 ea
14 20
40 00
3000 00
37 65
605 76
515 88.
211 75
792 28
325 00
310 41
• Public School Board SecretarY, Janitors 25r8. 41
School teachers salaries '''
salaries •• 28a 00
Public School Board miscellaneous 588 76
Public School Board fuel
01033 22 is in the hands of the Treasurer on the
100 3 :0:
Total receipts $18017 07
Total Expenditure 814913 85
We the undersigeed Auditors for the Tillage
$4033 22
of Exeter, do certify that we havd examined
and audited the following accounts of Treasur-
er atud find them correol4 mad the balance of
3151 of ,December:1903A0.
W, 3.s.GFRIEvE,f 4samacors.
' 13ALKWILIJ -1, , -
lesaeor, Jateyalst, 1901,
Public notice is hereby given that 1 have al).
plied to the License Inspector of South Huron,
to transfer my hotel license. known as the
Royal Hotel. in the village of Crediton, to Wra.
Fritz, of Crediton.
Ronr McFirms
Near Seaforth, abundance of white clay,
good market, steam power, modern machinery
fully equipped, good house, .wood on hand for
coming season. Fot particulars apply to
Egmondville, P. 0.„ Ont.
In the Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders will
be received by the undersighed up to the 1st. of
of April, 1901, south half of lot No. 9, from Main
to William 81., known as Hamlin's store prop-
erty. No. 381, 382 -Elizabeth st, near McCal,
lum's tannery, No. 63, 64, e5, .AndreW st„ No.
• 65 has a frame dwelling, 7 rooms, Will take one
third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent.
For further particulars and terms of sale apply
to owner. Tlie highest or any tender not
necessarily excepted.
' T . W B.11rA0 07,1110Ni •'Ont,
Lot 13, North Boundary, Stephen, containing
100 acres, about 40 acres 01 cultivation, 8 acres
in wheat), 3 acres bush, balanee in grass. , The
fartn is woll fenced and tile drained, with
plenty of good hard. and soft water. convenient
to buildings, good frame house', brick cellar,
with Woodshed, also good bank barn, driving
shed, hog pen -and other buildings, There 'le
1 acre of good fruit -bearing trees. This is a
,first-class dairy farm, some of it the best farm-
ing laud and is in good condition and will be
sold. cheap. The proprietor is desirous to sell
ou account of illthealth. For further particu-
lars apply to oWner premises ot by mail,
• A good Assortment
We Want to clear these lines at onee.
The Teller
3, W. Irwin, who has been in the
grocery business in Clinton for the
past twelve years, has sold out to his
nephew, Mr. .T. W. Alteabe, of Strat-
41,9 or
You to attend the Forest City Busi
ness and Shorthand College, Lan
don, Ont. Practical instructioirin
practical subjects. For aver_fif-
teen years we have been in touch
with young people and their needs
and the business world and its re-
quirements: ,
Eyery facility at command for al ung
young people both before and after
graduation. We are doing sup,
erior work, results prove it. Send
for our catalogue and College
• Principal.
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are 'able to
avail yourself of our oft'er. We
are showing a fhte range oJ
Black Worsted in twills, Vene-
tians and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in priee
and selling at the, old prices.
Nice , suits for $14 infancy
worsted suiting. We show a
big range at moderate prices
in Sceteli and CaliadiantWhdt-
we 'cary a large and -vvell as- 2
-sorted stock.. 'Prices ...to, Suit
all A. large StoOlt-of the
est goods 'yea eercfor",$iegt,
froth $10 tip
VS A CALL d se
'Whet' We: can dd'for yott
J H1 Crie1iii
-mBievoitAiyx ¶r4.1LO13