Exeter Times, 1901-2-14, Page 38e0Sitk 1 Rene I FAINLS GtiptitY GOMFOURD TM 'Into Roalth-Restoror. peene's Celery Compound has doue more to heal the sick sod relieve suf. fering than any other reediciee in the world. Beirig pure, palatable and powerful, it is the medichie indorsed by gut- best physiciaos es a true cure for ueryous diseases. Sickly childree, weaey women and, tired men have found le this wonderful Coinponed, health, strength and happiness. For all these diseases which are the result of weakened eerves, as dYsPePsla, headnehe, rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney aod liver troubles, Pine's Celery Cempound is the only sensible and reliable remedy. Ie strikes at the root a the disease, aud tnakee a per- maeent enre. Beware of subetitutes ; gpe ci PAINE'S," the kind that "makes stele people well." A pretty wedding took place at the home a 31110 MeEay, a Logan, on Jan. SO, when his third daughter, Miss Peney A,, Waa mauled to dolui Row' ad, of the I4th con. of they by Rev. Mr, Abrey, a Moukton. J. W. Irwin, who has been In the grocery besiness th Olbaton for tha past twelve years, has sold out to his nephew, Me. J". W. McCabe, of Stmt. ford, A FIIUXAN 8 CLOSE OALL. "I stuck to my engine, althoegh every joint milted and every nerve wee racked with p"vstrites O. W. Bel- lamy, a, locomotive firemen, a Bar- lington, Iowe, "I was weak aud pale, without erty appetite end ell run down As I was aboue to give up, I got e bottle pf Electric Bitters and, after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Wertlet siekly, run deem people always gam new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by all drug- gists, Price r)O coats. QUEEll AND Mueh aos„„ About Two Roy& atv:era. Naturally the events of ULC last three weeles bave ff e acutely, and he may recogaize the wisdom of a eleort rest; but at the same time there is no teeth io the re- port that ale beenth is fax trom sat. tafaetory, el'rg • TUE Xeerce PRESIDED. ...,..- THE CORONATION CEREIVION1 ,alti. J, at 'e eeLing et ttlee . Prime ' • commit at garlborougle belme tine . roaming to coneider tho ternett of the speculation, Be as to When a Wat Occur -* speeelt from the throae at the °pea- ea-......... curious Celneidence-eriseners Hope nig ed tthe eirst parliameat of hie uodoo Fob. 'as king Dtee or Pardons reien, Feb. 14. flee Duke of Nara bee tiale wee areong the privy Gaeta Lendon, Feb. 9. -en an the eeeleg, oreaent. paid to King Edward, Queen Alexare da is little heard of "Proolamatioe ALL tells A FIRIITERS by the king," in blg, Week type, pare all awl RUCTION AT OTTAWA wWWWWwW1 CenedIee PM:Me Re9WAY CO. AVI At DAg OW tenets. Ottewa, Veb. 4). --lost Tuesday the mayor of Ottawa, orderee the re odes iteele curiously on the Landoll eut Other Thine Ail the British Army, Sayt Lortdan Titans lmardings, and tile young blood '» Englanel is lusertstaly fired by the idea that a leanly, alneast xaaxtia rater Mee more coperols their des. elates. There exists something 01 that feelina which the London ap- prentices hailed elm accession of the last Edward, ect there% little wonder that Queen Alexandra, for the prase ent, cones io for bat a leinall part of la* -rile enthusiasm. =ova or wooden brilge over the Waterworks aqueduet. Tao bridge ;was removed, awl the Oauadinn Paele Betilroad, built has eent 'tla.o city u bill for 'ette0 or the bridge The mayor ears the vompany bad. eu right to build the bridge, and. the leompany says the mayor had nc eight to remove it. The nmeor leas anot the vete:mane inotice that a stone arch, -built over ahe aqueduct without the peerniestete enfeelleatityr kourwil, must 'be :tea:Lovell eat once, or summary proceediegs \vie be taken. The company :flatly refutes and saye It is prepared to defend the arch by iorce if necessary. The arah wee built, so the company sage, with tbe gonsent of the civil waterworks' com- mittee. OFFICIAL HISTORY oE Sir Alfred efiloer. The Deile el .1 „nya ie is. able 4,o assert, on Mr. tenrab I ere* authority, that the sety-y stt learteation, arid ithat tie go-tree/meat retaiere absolute me - m the War in r. SoBilotobsAfrIca,01510/1 SY la Sir Alfred elileer- S Ch 1 lin flatly denies, eays the Dail; Mill, that he bee teed nay eolue London, Fee. COMIX14`"ting Op- I on the dispeteitee of Lord Roberts, the Tirnee says;-, thieed ie that on its fighting side the "The most *avid impreseion pro. Britian, army oeed aet fear OM- parieme wetb. any troops in thetworia „ Wood and leas agreeable hallerea LITTLE LIGHT THROWN ten aarione eletteffiS WhIeh ratite 'Ws* ietere$teti-DcudIs be Altirdoe or mese *ways Lendon, SainrdaY, FettilatY. Eloenifoetein deepetele dated 'ee, urday, Feb. 2i. savez- An influeettee borgher gives spree details reeereneg the treatment a elate peace etevuee who weal. to GeneTal. Dewetea laereer. It eta re bat then were ordereet remein •weeeez a care meta the mules ar- rivee, as the leoere were breakeng laager la elm expeceation of a Britieb atrack., One morieeig Contraaedant Free:eta:le-a came up and Asked them wear any lied opt laspanued. Morgen- ' daet reenact eller. they lied be,-ese or- t, wait for nto:ee, wherouLame 5. fihei. be ‘that tee army feeleee strone the Boer Oatmeal:lava eamectiately °n Us teSlaess than on ite ti.ghtlee etelleekee htergendael on the face,. side Its sP:enlid elelertkee lea'et ao./ eaal. ae -felt inclined to ehoot him. General Deael. conaia,g np at tho no. meet, said:- enehy don't you aahoet lean" At thie Froaemen fired at the eavoy, team aied of the woerel. Tl - M' savoy, was eambeleed eleo. St ia ireported that the Brit:ale bevel zeupied. armee/ mad Carotate, ward), ptjreeently were Boer depete. The iloera held ap a Natal mail tra ewer Tlie feAY SOIXerS on hia.trd eXItallSted tbeir eartridre. and the. Caere tlaen robbed. the paeseegers, • diedenelat tleeneleghler eenVersellt been largely neutrelieed. by want del arialt emert cleteals informed a repee- eoreeiget, eateetfee. ergehahm ajeth sentative of the asseeieted press that Ry, cematon int. iraence and. yaw- ner majesty east -trees her inereased re. mon sense on. the part of eneee eeeese sponeinineies with 0 feeling almost bines it Wea to et1143 the eigletelig akin to regret. clam growieg ee eld; ftlOtt?-'e4 to the ertreoet." elte cold the ether day, "that ale most feel enable to taC4 the 'axduenIs befere me. The queen's appearance belies her Words. It is her growing deefuess, which Ls likely to prove leer greatest hatidicap, Before long, it is feared, she will have to use ea oar trampet, In other ways eat is aQt Oct etrong US farinerly. The realer tbet in Edward is Isles • Tliteredey night, The Imo palace was fe in g from an (prarap ly denied illuminated and all the cavetry round y Sir Felix Set0.00% pbesteiati for ceia. waa ablaze with, fireworke. Yeeeter- eases of the throat to the national day inorning they etrolled threugb beePital for epilepsy and paralysis, the perk atul v'isi,tee the e0ye1 through the esseeiated press), prole stablee. ably arose from tee fact that Os Fe. lix Seuton is attending Queen Alex - nem for sore throat, to whicb, re. Oh -idea has boela eetremele ewe tible, though there ore no traem Oi erioue distetste She would, the aesoeiated press informent eetee, he enly too glad it elestirty had permit- ted her to finish her days in Eaglet -Id oi Plineees of Wales, the greater free,. atom asel simple:1,V of the ardour tie kto. being much prererabie to tbis woman who by her kindneee one geode erne, bas endearea herselt to her adopted people. Since the death el Queen Victoria, Queen Alexandre had frequently exprcesed herself ns de- termined to earry out as far as pas - bible those old time pu.blie awl pre. 'ate customs whieh ntecle the roma. rulers of the court eo different. gram any others in Europe. According to report King Edward and (Wen alextudra will visit the DaWager lthapress Fre& risk in eia tale one will epenti Beater Capenhagen, Witle the king or Denmark. Tint, if this program. is carried out it •will bi done in the quietest way. Speculation is rife as to the !late ot Beim Edward's coronation, soros% pto- pl maintaining that it will eccur oat ea ty as September. But, probably, the ;!•ear a court mourniug will be etriete I observed, the coronetion nut oecur. zing until February, or later, in 'Oa The curious .fact of the king's Sbirtbe day coneiding With Lord Mayor's day, elev. 9, army cause an alteration in the date a one or the etber of these eel - elevations in the immediete future. Xing Eaward's time is busily taken up. The most important event, col course, is the opening of porliament, -Feb. 14, Which next to the toronation, 11 likely to be the most farilliant spec - ten le or his reign. Peeresses, and tal le- ers are elamoring for placee in the house of lords, whose eeatiog capaoity is so limited that only a few can hope to ba successful, Whenever the king bas previously appeared in the upp3r heuse it was as en attetitive auditor of the debetes, sittiog on feee o•edinary benches. The enly time ha voted was in favor of legalizing the marriage oE a deceased wife's sister, :which he bus consisteutiy, but futilar, rupported. ..A.mong the rather fun, - tions which are shortly to be• , p-r- foerned by the kiog is 'the rev:tenon of a loyal address from. the borpore- tierce'. of the three capitals of the :United which will be .pee- sented at Buckingham palace. Every. prieon in the united king - acne is in a' state of keen expectation, for the inmates fame the k'ng will sigrineize ea -ea -skin by isenag sine ',pardons. The friends of Mrs. Fiore erre Maybriek are taking neer heart. By giving ap the Decay of Cornwa'.1 to his seue:Mng Edward sacrifieed an ineolue of over £1.0en a week, thougle he new rece:ves what is estimated to lee Zst,00(1 a day. e Qneen Vietoria ha$ not beet eced a for night, yet advegasements are a ppearing in ,tee „papers a.dv:sing tho public o gui . themselves age!nst ro:SibIe loss b• :nearing against the (Leath, a/ the kaag. It'is said. the in- surarre: companies are .rap!.dly np- proaching the limit of the risk they, will aceepe on Kens Edward's lila- A lee0aelearrieen APPO:NTMENT. tAllahabecl, a- The belie is held by even it:Leiria-eel persons here - that the Duke 'of Connaught Will he appo:nted commander- in- chief of - the Brit.'„sh forces in India. THE ROY.1 LOVERS AAINI PM. V.A,.P Enjoy Th P.szlves at Loa anti Are eiteet way Weleomed wwerywwwww Tbe Hague, Fele e-Qeeeu Withal. mine and Peince Henry bad an eet- titusiaetio eeceetion et Apeldoorn muelattion, either oral or written, w omy member tne oppesititee WI tie+ eetieject of the ever. OA BLACK CRIMEIIN SAME BOAT AT WINDSO Wear -hex for eadteeet30es There lad $akil Fire Started .13er ReVetngeriel Employe THE HOSPITALS EE FILLED With Sufferers and sheds Crowed Witt tameless; !epee- Bedtee or cops 'Awned Late Torches neane teem, Baku, ,say all the available • bee - At tint Peatti or the queen Voiced By 1 so. Petersberee Feb* a...a Dlepatehet ParliaMeut RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE with ,..ud Loyalty to the Xing Passe4 Atte' EPPealies By the Premier and Mr. Borden wW4 ,Ww4w Ottawa, Feb. te-Practieally all tbat Ntas done in the house today tvas the passing of an address te his inajes. ty xitagEdward f.t Wee moved by Lie premier in wee of his most quent opt:miles, sand eecontled by Me Border', leader of the opposition, in 4 brief, bun touehlog and expreeecve 0 ation. The address, ,whiels will also be, ildaptett by the senate, was as XO /owe; «athe WOO Met Excelleet Ma- jestr,- "Mese groceeteesovereigne.eWe, you majesty'e dutiful eulaeeete, itt parlia- aeterward ellow.oe the treen o p - approaele your romeeety wale tbe en, e4 -110e e•r•terest in Speeett meat eteeerabled, humbly beg leave te ar , le 0e -ed. e preereou ot max deepen -a heartfelt sore °petting or Par Met patebee, raaa-na front Feb. a te *la common with oar fellow stab. q, etay's meeting protribly will eettle the Nee. lee ...eal. were gaze( tee lase jai. e'eets in tilt parts et the empire, we i terms of King Edward's epeeeh at ela day ewe:ling. They fill 157 quarto op-ning of his fire, parliament Feh Pagee. awe make un the off Wel la- toey of the war. although evitiehut Wats are filled with aufferere frora the fire ;while the 4liedn en the fair grounds are crowded with homeless Peoole. The fire broke out in the evening at meal time and spread at rapidly that many people were unable to escape fram. their homes., The tire even it off the retreat of :the spen tators, thirty of whem, perished. It is believed tbe ectaflagratioe was started by o disebarged Ratployt for the purpose of revenge, oral t further reported that the naphtha. re- servoirs bad, Wen previeusly ailed with water which in overflowing ear- ried. the flaming -fluid over the towu involving seoreee bon be strewn of fire was seve.ral yards high. Vora - /tars of people were seen etteMPtitla to escape while their bodies burnee ilee torches. The total numb-- of vietime etecertelioelele at prertt. MS EAGERLY AWAITED I()mow., mem= on Tien weal, t row ot the death ef our late comeig4 'Lord gotierte' detailed rea:1 dia. LnlY Qlten VitOda. ZOMI0111, Feb, P. --The cabinet at te. Witieleor, Oat-. leant discovery is the weight a the watches, which tb ed to tee eeturned deplane the lose of a 'great rule :whose maneot wee exalted virtue ow -b. as pork). bave Ler three generations cm:emend,. the aeople keep. up the feativItiee 1 The weather coetimeee frosty het caravan. oow ovoo ed the reepeet and admiration of the ter.etine• dieputee eubjeete wita an eathastasin that verge% CM • l'.0"t • ffa'r %lune eels "As representatives or tbe caeasii. „ :01:114a :7, 4 7 • geoleterousneste ,0offie. O.tenueteineemed oft ran no people, eve Aware for tbe heloveti Great preparatioua veHle , 1 : eer, on nt i nare favorab:o moan:oiled ine eevereiga under wboin Our derninloe made at Amsterdam for e anntting ettnie Lurd 'CT scIW' riaert la° b°ng and t* e.0 ferred toit wainz terra*. Ar Itedvere "Weer vomea lar crit:ciem. te BAD TO CONQUER 0)3. DIE.'' "Thvas just about gone," writes lira Rosa Richareson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., "I bad Consumption so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a. month, but I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and Was wholly cured by seven betties mid am now stout and well." It's an un- rivaled lif&Saver in Consumption, Piieumonia, La Grippe and 13ronchttis; 'infallible_ for Ueughte CeIde Aethrea, Fay Fever; Croup' or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlesfree at all &lig- glete, FOR OTER FIFTY' YEARS An OLD AND NirBIZARTES) Reateree-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been -used for over Arty years by mullions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, eoftens the gems. allays al pain. cures -wind colic. argils the hest remedy for Diarrhcett. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalOulable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup aa a take eo other kind. B. B. Osler, K. C., the eminent criminal lawym, died suddenly at At. leak; Cita, N. 3., on Tuesday morning where he went for the benefit of his health some -months ago. 'Wren Cry for 6jhIASTORIAit„ ta ure FARM LAaEORE S GHEE hi, first dispatch ;'n lertakes la I wPw w dom. g';•p4 rour4se ;Mn 14 the .atate 41 affairs in this coun„ry (Ant'h At- ubibh°4 ISQ1'gronssectarteTg:LNiellle° itud a4it .c,r1ter irti.c4orrVevsalaij‘4o34;-•111°,:l s'; Ite'r41,e8" d. A ....1,1.11•••••••11 % decided -to leave Gen. Maier with Ottawa! F P. -El. T, Cooke,* farm a re l '',"„art -1 in Nene. bui otherwise laborer, is b. -lug prosecuted for al- to renta,n an the deens:va until ret. lewd defametury the result of 'caved, and until UP" tr4a3Pe'vt hd a newspaper notice that -he Itad tater- at oll. Ife Anent n) treesied AtiF.0 Alice Graham., daughter of Ora a the leading eamilies of tbe eounty. It is eged that Cooke paid for the notice. tee wilt he tried nut Tuesday. organized Wiae 4Oti rhetteilt1ent away are due au na email meaeare its growth aud Wation to peconote the comfort et late prosperiee, neer will les °wag the topic,e. The "'May we venture to add that above %ice-% referencea to ig torea reletions I helmet these sentiments, wbeeli on Phe tTransvaal ere ea-pee:ally etta. sad occasion naturally calls forte, ed3 aweited. re has eoute to -each one of us a ease et pereoual bereavement, witiee soy it with all Feasible respial aty-mekes your Majeelen for - UX ownt proy that the God a enri.FOla. • 14, which may be expected to. pa, .tially repeat 145 epeeeb to tbe riv couvreil an his aec,esioet day, exprees, g thenke for .tiae eondoleace,e an ressiens of knotty, refeering is deep. OM?* o tbe reseorielelity 0) .ew position .anil 'eunounelag. mluatian to work tor tbe wee&leteeses, War futile tiaNd . diere, Two nate o -substituted for gold en the epreaaa tbe watehes. Tb ea eat was learnee only when the sp Qt. The weight given ley the Man dwts., but when, tie. silver bane and teen' the ease la xeeliey dwts. The watchos cleasea by ettleees presentatiao to the 6 tounfl to he made Ailed Windsor. -An" navies= en made OAS te see of the sole itizena preeeet. eta Afrioan stel• silver balm be twii:r:tasete.kea; etereres wegbt *t the 15 °1gI17041:11Qat lett 'ware gar., weee o *Uwe, in i ori corps ex.st.ng. - . may 'comfort your raaeeste am 1.01%1" aled not teen 5uff:tioa.-17 °ed. I th3 members of the ronel family lo 0.tee Colony. Was reStleaS• I Wit. aftlietion. Writing from Jarobsate, Feb, 10, 4 It is witb feelings not less deep Lord Roberts G says: " n 1 "rt 1 ‘r* Felt' p an t sincere than those to which we euty,4 Iwo. bo, that to give wfri ae., I haw just given utterance that we had „la s your maj•sty's accession to thn throne d, wired that Ir. had Ve„..-el tiv• en- cces lo tha Latlyarnalt Va'n w°"-- ' of your ancestors. 1 co ,4 from 2.000 to ;Lope mete 1 repi'ed • "We beg to assure your majeste of ehat te must renew levieeet:.b. es n mr. devoted attachment to your ma - According to a stateraent reetle by General &Tanager Reeve, or the Grand Trunk, the Grand Trunk will estalt. Usti o weekly am:tuner service be. tweet) Auckland and Glasgow during the coming summer. , A. Dulmage, 21 years old, lost las life :while trying to save ?tis aunt, 11Ziss Belle Dalmoge, from the flames, which were destroying their home near Heekstone. Ont., Thursday night. His aunt iWaS lost. The other a.em- bers of the family bad o narrow es - nape. SEVEN DEAD "WOLVES. Toronto, Vel.). 4 -- E. R. Weart, the Frenee Barer dietriet, came town today and mattry surprised tee chief game :warden by 'thrmaine (Iowa on his office f:oor the . go , heade and skins of seven big pee wolves. The equaty for their ea- struction le eltra or $15 per bean. Two of tee WOP7429 were shot and the other five !poisoned, TIia busliaess cf wolf ,h.unting, however, is not whaz it onoe was. Now wolves go around in a rsolitary unobtrusive iashion, TOD SI,OAN'S OASE. , ;tan Ion, Feb. 9. --- There i.e MUCh acroga the line by Bert Miller an couje, lure in sorting circles as to °thexetie new in gael at Poeconelle 11,2, eneet Xing Fews.rd's former on the charge of stealing s37,000 •, i a hg tonneenon with, Tod Slain will from -tee Westside bank, New York lave on the lattera re:nstaeement on in 1884. 'lie had been the teller ed. (hp turf. The general. belief. is that the bank Recently tea bank offered a reward t0,000 for Ilinekley's Capture it Win 'lead to his reinstatement in of naeland, after the Aseet races. Hinckley, though wernedi was lure* • acrose the line and arrested. tit that tent. Builer. telegraph%) 1 3 y, n and overnmeut and to ellat be was not strong, entatet to w gwawswee REWARDS FR RATS I aced on Heeds of ?baguet Canter in Ferelan Cities lanfs 14,e It is rora0T04 egi viwo that .A.goinal at Indag. Ileary Mellott, one o the odeat residents Of Vinnsvilie, died Seri tF VeidaY eelght. It IA veneered thee crown prince F.reeleriefir William of Pruseia, will marry Princess Ens of klatteuberg daughter of _PKiosasi geatriete The -pewer henee of the ()mho, treet, ro2lway etreaPet0 iso Gmahn Wa4 e6tr0yed by leo Friday night, 'Lees 4200;000, The four- el e• fieeettrtment etore al Q. lane n 0 px,).- Milwaukee ave- , Chicago. lvizA burpQ4 Feeley Loss, 175,000, wall conservatives have pawed olutZert of regret at Sir Chase pper'a retireMlat enether a afidenee in Mr, Borden, Vehae driving ner054 tbo Ontario et stern tracks near Solsville, 'day, Rudolph Ankins wan struck instantly MS eieigle wee Veiled end aia. hone) bile in a DO eeelone leap bet Mae Deeell No4411, I-Aortidaa earbolic ocni in the fact completely destroy- iglat of both a faie eyes, 15 Feb. 7. -The nuthoritiee a preeauton against the plegue offera bounty of 10 ore, about two ODA a half vents, for each rat PLAGUE IN AvALBs. Cardiff, Feb. 7. -Owing to the feet that the outbreak of butten'e riague tore has ben traced to rats, elm% nue • rt • hqvI f. -'e41 rewar.l al -. e L d '-an'th without re'n erre- • I - . . _ ,. row p•tre for ti ea carcass of each 30. rt teows our unclouile,1 confidertee in 1 th ' 1017 end tile greatness et tls- dent dkl"valt-ed S.-1 * desigatted oft. B 1.1elt empire *broad, anJ the hap- clae 1 pas -ss -arid well-being of your me - melts, and regarded the eseacatert which he was engage! 03 :ralwe trePI:ed tliat my 'n tract:ens must bold." In ilue tour.ee. of a ekeieli of the eaplure bf Gen. -Cronje, the oceapte t:on of Bloemfontein and the long wait. there, be wrote: -''The V13?leY knew exactly "how we wora situated, anl had accurato information as to Ora condition sae am' surpe'es, tears. ports, artillery arri eavalry horsts, awl they 'regained .enuragee The mareetee to ;rohoLunosborg and Pna- oria we -re utteventful as deserlbed by aord Roberts, bits cheef vencern be- ing 10 provision the army. "We -were practically lining from liend 15 mouth," he WtOte. "and at t:taca had not oven ane tht,y*6 rations to the good. He finds that no -specifie itiath:a can attach to Col. Broadwood in thee-San- oe's post affairas the clisaster Wee -where a ifew years ago then venial he mainly due te the failure of the pa - j people ot home will suffer vo d'menution unler year majesty's g•ra, u 12 %alio. i R. Cartwright, Mears. Tarte Fi Ing and Davis, with the epeaker, wore appointed a committee on ti:e inteenel economa or the hou.se. Dr. C. X. Phillip', ono of tbe best known physiciana Ili western New ;York, is dead, P .01.0410 POINTERS FOR WZMEN .Www4. wwwwW. Contairted in Recent Pont -Wet Ete Ontario Department of Ageleulture To -onto, Feb. 8.-A. pamphlet issu- ed ley the deteartment agricalutie, in the interest of the woraeree insti- seen in packs at twenty nranoree trot at Bac-ermines Kop to wara their tV't1.1 IS ant WilaY• it V(MtaltIS Int" - KILLED HIS HORSE FOR FOOD pare-d. Tom: mada.nd of the aatrol is not men - a The Water W 0 W p Terrible Experiences of a Teamster In the! Weiteng trete. elebannetsburg,Nose 15, Wilds of Algoma he said:- "With the occupatio• a of , Komatipoort and the dispeasal ce, I nrnet to inaugurate WOOlette ma, Fort (France% Feb. 6.-,Weind tomes Louis Botba's army, the orga.teeed tatNt; was begun last year with two res' tame of the two redublic--------institutes, and its develapment has from Vane Centre that a teamster be l'Ssaid bar comrades that an a.m,bush was pre- 1 eeting PaPere he' art l' 31•°°wn lie°Ple '.21. • ' • I doniatie selerare, bread-naleug, i e - p °a -mint of rural leeme.e, Waite:- nutking, poultry, and the teteuea . mei one subjects of interest 'to earn, - ors' wives nal daughters. The move- . . e teased," but there I been much more rapid thrra nutlet - named Bert surtees, while airiving estell remains m for the army in 1 pitted. There are inneteen enstittrter. with a Iowa Of freight frora Fort South Africa to do." to meet the j on* -Little Turtle Lake, lost les way Theee Rivers Feb. 9. -The St, Liana forces "broken ao late small columns awing to the trail bamg del 4 ter evapnering for several days with his team without avail to find the trail, tie • 'DeCatinte snow- blind, aed crazed with coal. and hunger, killed one ot Ins horses that be might -with- stand tile exposure until help would come. Patiently he waited, living on aorsetiesh the fifth day -ashen be Llitclied the remaining horee tci one oe the Keels, and while on his svey back was overtaken by another teamster, to whom he related his ex- perience. , 'LURED ACROSS THEAINE Frances to Barley and 14/Wirer's catniss c°13dilacnas of Eneeilla werfaxe with - -FIRE AT THREE 'EVERS. • fl,a operating over aix area larger 1club- on St. Louis Square was d • Rossland Man Arrested Charged With Theft of $97,000 in‘1884 RoSoland,i C, Feb. 6 --Charles R; Efixtekley, alias C. R. Morris, lured The most chronic diseases of the Stomach, Liv6r, bowels and Blood. . , Thousands of thstimonials from those who have been permanent- ly'cured tbe use of Burdock BloodBitters speak of Its uncoil-, itig:effiCacY DysPepsia; Bilious- ness, Sick Headache, Liver ,Com- plaint, EcIemi, Erysipelas, Sero - NIA; SoreS; Ulcers ;Boils, Pimp)es; Ringmforms, and allblood humors. Ityou want to be cured to stay cured, use only BALE. TH,E,rnsFrO{R,S , , London, Feb. 9. The Sporteman anclerstands that for the coating season most or "King Edward's ran( horses in training will be leasecl te the Duke of Devonshire. THE CO,NTINENTAL TRIP. New York, Feb. 9 - DiscussIng King Edward's Visit w the contin- ent, a London cablegramto ties Tr'autee says:- ' 7 'Boon af Lex the opening of parlia. mein) the king will go to 'Gernaany,f La ae,e his sister. the Empress leredereek ' and to van the kaiser. • It is alee !believedl he will spend a week or 11W Children Cry for CAST(:)F11 BIJRNIO THE.. BOOK Adherents of the Lost Clluso Cremate a U. S History than 'France, Gerniany and. Austria 1 troy,„d by are eerie coll,nrobeainrePdo.r"ated ;v:t.h. the dispatebes hnihitng was the retsisdefnime°rnicifilga.1.11;;; maneers, inelaleigtek narrative of tome( oba.li;rettersk3-whheen.English troops were ie ond paleers .rare the meeting plarz re Its fine reading nate are re,ports enborainate 21 fiGemeusaailverlade, as he eleeheereeEveteereedeeeii‘t:::g;,adv3:exesiavallieraed :Lam jetsrchdiansIttspiaaaaradneperovEieftsibeonagl rnein circumslanees in Mafelang from the 1 f It a great deal -ea information as to -oar sowepapers." -,Sir George Weaba gives an account of the seege of leadearalta and of the struggle of the ,rbpolation and the garrison against starvation and e.nterio fever. rdeagveorticleod2 atshf civoititedgmatnyote:tulirethlevraTe,lubcui-t era,Teh7rt°h3hegt°0,f tleebhan8-Ehtitan. t hhorse annus] da Lord Roberts' despaeette.s are not they are interestirrg, as praying that rs association here today, , whecb had satfitie!vt mau, horais oupvioa was attended by all the leading thtorec:gve1171:101:4110 Cav:a:gienlor a pf one:re: breeders of both light and heavyd tions. Lord Robatis asserts delibera ately that "the permancat tranquillity at the relneblic clepenes upon. tae complete . disarmament at their ua. habitants- a task difficult, I aelmit, but attainable eville time, and pati- ence." Looking at all the eiremn. stances, ,Lord Roberts says the cane - align. a unique in the ameas of year, and he pays the highest trieute tto the gallantry and weitli of the 'Croope, declaring thateeno finer forces eves took the field under the.Rtilieh elegy' There is ra general idea that the de- epatches laave suffered considerable excision `at the hands of the 'war of- fice. They do not throw any further light on the set mmaxy retirement of . Gen. Colville, or many other mattees aver which the Leyte: Ls anxious to burned teat ntght a co ,o1 hear. e • Forsyth, Ga., Feb. 7- A copy of a, history of the United States issued by a northern publishing house, Wil,9 BRIGHT FUTURE Secretary of Horse Breeders' Assoelation Takes Roseate View A ORE:3 FOTOR Foe Caluidet e awareen Ecys 110.3.1 Tod Editor Ottawa. Feb. - F. W. tondom editor, of Wellragtom New 'Zealand. is in eke city on a nleasure trip. Mr Loadma says that Canada, 3v:thitt On past two years, has become mu •I* more widely kttown tbrougheet Aue tralla than she htul during many years previous. The standing of the Canadian tontingenti Mr. Lander says, attracted a great deal of atten- tion. and Use peop:e throughoat axe. tralia are becoming well aoqualntee af the leading hotel 01 Fereeth• Ad- Public attention has. again been dresses were made be three leading turned to South Africa by the eitizene ef th.e Aown, eneluding two 'patelit of reieforcements and tee pub - former judges. The coffin • was borne Beetle, of Dere itpbaris, mail diz. to the funeral pyre' by 'confederate patches. Rarearet have been in eir. velt:ehie'aeost).ction tko book -lay 'in cruelaotnisoindertheaathizatrson. Cthharn.Abfreironlaninvoihicayd animals, Secretary Wadereport that the outlook for the horse trade Vile institute had been eleeted by no- \Nell Canada's resolve -es. The eerie pletion of the Facifie cable beir on the cause of imperial federation greatly, and also help to develoe trade between the colonies. There is, says Mx. London. a great future. for Canada's goods in Australia, ad Ite adds that Canadians and Austro.leans are alive to teas fact. O. T. R. STAFF GRANGES baa /Kea ereated la by a retells married lady, reeteehe Canadien ireles a he wlee <eta service employe. ea.ving her Inteband, and with ter two ceielren, taking be way to parte ueknown. The Yelnectin county coueci have peeve a byelaw giving tbe arns lit, Catharines a Toronto y franchiee to build their eiecte and steam railway weetwaral throu tlee county to Beameville and front Beams - vine to Seeitheille owl S. 'Antes. Afarvin MeCluxe, plane deal- er, has been fatted guilty' at ilettland, of *Win-- in the abstracting QC money from bthe litlerellantse tienel tienlc, tRutland, Ws notes, Indere- td by one Edson, were hemmed by teesieler Ituesee awl the bank snte weecked. • e tll Wm. eorley Appointed Aeting Chief Train Despatcher. Montreal, Feb. 7. -It is officially artaounced by the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company that Mr. Wm. Eforay has been appointed acting chief train despatcher for the second die- ttiat west of Richmond, and fourth and fifth distrieta in seecession 'to tela G. F. Colter, who has accepted ser- viee with. another company. It is also enneamced at the G. T. at. headquar- ters that Capt. W. F. McGregor has been appointee saperintendent of fer- ries, with headquarters at Windsor, Ontario, with fall charge of all the officers end mea entployed. on the (fer- ry steamers Lareedowne, Great Wee - tern, and Huron-, plying between Windsor and Detroit. CANADIAN MINING INSTITUTE www**444111,1wwWwwwwwwwwwwwon A. CAISIMEN LADY OUIIED OP ITS Ansa !EFFECTS, ....••••••••••••••••••• She Was Left Week andRun DeWitt more biglaly esteemed than Mr. arid there are few people bettet known or throughout the surrounding, eountry, Mrs. Albright, Mr. Albright has for many years filled the 'positioe of vil- lage postmaster, in addition to con- ducting a hoot and shoe business. But it is with the postmaster's estimable wife that this article has chiefly to do, as ib gives, practically in her own In the village of Camptle OnL, Arid. words, the particulars of her recovery from a severe illness through the use will help sortie other sufferer I am porter who asked Mrs. Albright if of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill's. To a re - would consent to ghee the particulars for her illness and cure forpublication, she said: If you think my experience you that 1 am a very entbusiestic. --sal quite willingto give it, for / may tell neirer of Dr. "Vilitliams' Pink Pills. Foe me some 'years prior to the winter of 180Sree; frequently prevented me from doing I suffered with a lame back, which -0. e my household work. Later exposure to told developed seiatica, and every pain. In thee way passed gloom days 1898, when my trouble was aggravated. by an attack of la. grippe. 'The first and most severe symptoms of this trouble passed. away, but it left me in a weak and depressed condition. I did and Unable to Regain Tier Strength Until She Used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. shekmt ble:e; ratinnldtvstrength; 38 ptelBeeats rsr a° nights,ft yotl albepebaeotbt idl Itilnetyee:rvicvwlataolotaullislris:iva,edgev fe :yoaylvntedi: i tfiteec• intense of f Iheawratswoeuxitarepmaleplyita 'least exertion. 1 had„ IlAti under a doctor's care, bet .fil:iti 'not recover my strength, •-eled as a consequence I was Mitch depreseecl in spirits. At this juncture a, fx-iend who called apon me advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, midi decided to follow the ad- vice ant1 procured a supply. To my, gratification I felt an improvement in my condition almost from the outset, and after using the pills for a little over a tnoath 1 was once more enjoy- ing the best of health, every trace of She trouble that afflicted me' having disappeared 1.1 is nearly three years since I used the pals and I have been well and strong ever since. and I have thetbest of reason for ascribing my present good health to the use of Dr. .....,..-....„,ii Williams' Pink. Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic and not a purgative medicine. Tlaey enrich the blood from the fit -ab dose to the last and thus bring heelth and sshreenggtehnutoineevepriyllsare sde iol"thenierbody. T boxes with the full name, " Dr. Vail - limes' Pink Pills for Pale People," printed on the wrapper. 11 your deal- er cannot supply you send direet to the Dr. Williams' Medicine CO, Brock- ville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed post paid at 50 cents a box, or six box- , Ottawa, Feb. 7.-B. T. A. Bell, ,sec.. retary of tb.e Canadian emeratiegeene ti - tate ated --today 'that the officers -cif was never brighter. e tna the leading Etta:else dealers whc hal' teaCtinacia last year to buy had all eeturned aaain tails aeason, elamation as follows: President, Cleae. Fovgle, Westville,' N. S.; vicepre- ,sidents, R. It. Halley, Nelson, B. O.; • and wev) purchasing freely. y Graham. 'Frazer, New Glesgon, N. . satisfactory arrangements had been end Dr. F. D. Adams Montreal; treas- made for the exhibition of Canadian urer, J. S. Stevenson Browr, IVIont- horses at the Pari-A.merican exhibi- real- secretary, 13. T. A. Bell, Ottawa; tion. It was decalee to make a giant of 5100 as pseni ums for stallions in districts where there is need for im- provement. All the retiring officers were re-elected. 4, _ _ MOleE 'CRAZY SNA.KES CAUGHT:, Muskogee. I. T. Feb. 8. - Marshal Bennett, who is in the field with dep- utise tied federal troope near leafala, has arrested 21 more members of Crazy Snake's` hand, and le now on the way to Muskogee with 1 -hem. This makes ,50 arrests this bend. A brewing firm. in Manchester has oeeri awarded 41,980 damages against Jim!. that supplie,d them with arsen- eeted glucose. This is' the fl rfi t. judge tient Ltat has been awarded in con- , the author's, We ,of the , words, and 'was c(Intena-Plating " 1.9"d -table aection with. the recent lyeerepoison- "rehaill'ea" and "insurgents.' conference with John , Morley, and ng ca40, ----------- .I Sir Wm. ereeeoe Hercoart, axed the ouneil, J. 33. Ilabson, eitaraboo, 13. Ce W. F. Little, Anthracite, N. W. T.; .Dekally, Kingston; P. Kirk` Grant, Deloro, Out; Geo. It .Smith, fliedlo,d Mines, Que.- J. S. McColl, Montreal, Que.; R 'Chambers, Bell )0d, NUJ.; D. W .Robb, Amherst, NT. S. The institute, meets for gen- tral business in Montreal next mortal. FOUR BAD ' Hong Kong, Feb. 9---A despa'tel trom Canton, saps four men, win bad beep arrested for attacking Ger- MO* iiearKunchuk, bave been exe- cuted. The same despatch announcez the arrival of the new viceroy ol !Clanton. The native newspapers ap- VOVO the appointment, stating that the new official belongs to the pro es ot ,e gressive Party.