Exeter Times, 1901-2-14, Page 1TWENTY-EIGIITH YEAR—NO. 26.
HURON k.••••1g1P-Df..4.1X- GAZETTE •
Don't forget the Alexandea-
el ay Concert on February 15th. *
1 I11 WOOk'S Barfidif187.-
Hanging Lamps
$L7, $200, 53 50, $3.75
Parlor Lamps
50c., 6001 75c., SI.
Glass Lamps Complete
ad up.
We are c earm„ out
11 You IVan
A nice neat job of Repair-
ing on your lloots, Shoes or
Harness, we can do it for
We also give special at n -
tion to
Ordered Work
in these lines.
We have a few Felt Shoes
and Heavy rubbers to. be
leaved out at Cost.
Successor fo J. Treble.
The new Anglican church at Kirk -
ton will be opened by the Bishop of
Huron on Sunday, Feb. 17. This hand-
some edifice is of stone and brick,
with basement elegantly finished for
Sunday School aud lecture room. The
entme length of the building with
tower and chance' 1s87 feet, the riaye
is 80x40 feet; chancel, 16x20 ; tower,
14 feet squaw at the base, and 60
feet high, rind contains a bell of the
Meneely matinfactore. Tire -ceiling a
nave and chancel is 6f ash, varnished
saia ornamented ; the vestry, 12x11,
The building- is treated with hot air
from a furnace room in the rear of
the basement ; and lighted with meters
lee. The cost of the whole, includ-
ing the seating at $175, pot in by- the
"Valley Seating Co., of Dundas, and
leaded stained glass windows by S. F.
Wood, of London, is about $5,500.
Since the Rev, William Stout took
charge a the parish, over three years
ago, this church was begun and eom-
completed, the average attendance at
communion fully doubled, being large-
ly increased by confirmation and in
proportion to the total of membership
and families of the church, the aver-
age congregation 'takes a foremost
place as compared with any in the
Eight hour laws are ignored by
those tireless, little workers -Da
Ring's New Life Pills. Millions are al-
ways at work, night and day, curing
Indigestion, BiliousnesseConstipation,
Sick Headache and all &breach, Liver
le Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant
rooms and Washbotu
E3 i.s op .0 • .•
Have yn g rip? If not. take
care to keep your t dry.-alr. Jas.
McAlre 1. our Lt blacksmith, has
been laid up for tbe st week with la
grippe. -Mrs. Salm y is very ill suf-
fering from an attack o la grippe. -
Mr. Samuel afelson, of Glanworth,
London south, spent the former part
of last week here the guest of his
brothea-Miss Nettie Brooke, of Mer-
ton, spent a few days of last week
with her conein Miss Deisy_ Brooks...-
Mr. and Mrs. .A.lbert Nelson, of
Palmerston, returned home last Fri -
(ley after epencling a few weeks with
the former's parents. Mr. Itlelson took
some fine horses with hinu-Mr, John
Wight., of Centralia, has accepted it
position at Mr. John dielson's.-Wed-
diug bells are ringing in this locality.
We hope they will ring a happy and
Jong life to the fortunate parties. -
The lint annual Epworth League Con-
vention in connection with this circuit
will be held at, Elineville, on Thursday,
Feb. 2.8th. All who take an interest
in League work should. attend. The
Sunday presnous the Rev. Mee Morel.
son, Associate Ministerof the First
Methodist church, London, will preach
at the Elimvine church and give his
popular lecture on "Plough Deep," on
Monday everdrig. Everybody invited.
Baines.- George O'Brien hite re-
cently shipped several carloads of safe
maple logs from Hensel' station to
London. -The many friends of Wm.
Campbell will he pleased to learn that
be is able to be around again after his
recent illness. ---Miss S. J. Northcott
recently spent a couple of weeks with
friends at London and Se Thomas. -
The Misses N. Northcot and. N. Gould
visited friends near Crediton last week.
-J. H. Mani& has disposed of his
grey team, one to 0. Aldworth and the
other to E. Jones, of- Exeter. -Mr.
M. Mellick intends to leave for.+Iie
Nettliwest in a short time, he having
disposed ef his f um to David Mack.
Thos Ltng has poechased the farm
lately owned by Air. Mack. -Mr. and
Sirs. Jos. Speare, of Hi bbert, visited
Friends here over Sanday.-A number
of young -people from here paid a visit
to Mr. and. Mrs. Alex. Box, of Stephen.
on Friday evening last.- A sleigh
load of young people from Bethesda
spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Harvey a short time ago. -A
number of people iu this vicinity have
had the grip. -A few days ago the
bridge across the river on the 4th con-
cession, broke down onder the weight
of a large load of logs, fortunately no
bones were broken and the bridge was
repaired by the next morning.
safe, sure. Only 25c at all druggists. C red than.
-WRIER our -
tND ol JfINUflitY
13AIRG Ai s
BRIEFS.- Twenty-nine of the people
from the Ebenezer appointment visit-
ed the Methodist parsonage last Friday
evening and had a very enjoyable
time. They were given,a, right royal
welcome by Mr. and Mrs. Russel.. The
evening 0,as spent in conversation,
games, And vocal and instrumental
music, a good part of the latter being
furnished by the Hodgson Bros., who
are quite experte in the musical line.
After refreshments were served, and
the singing of "Sweet By and 13e," and
prayer, the people returned, having
spent a most. enjoyable evening. They
also left the minister's oat bin and
cellar fuller than when they caine.-
The Quarterly Official Board of .the
Holmesville circuit has extended the
Rev, J. Hussar, B. De an invitation to
become their pastor next conference
year. The invitation has been accept-
ed, subject to the stationing cominit-
tee.-A regular Northwest blizzard
struck town last Tuesday and par-
alyzed business for the clay.- Ed.
Restle,harnessinaker is laid up with the
grip this week -and there are others.
--Richard Baker & Son have opened
their new store in the Beaver block
and are ready to wait on customers.
Have you' seen their bills announcing
what they have in stock 9-- Geo.
Zwicker, of London, is visiting the old
burg again. -Quarterly 'fleeting ser-
vices were held in M. E. church last
Sunday. There was a good attend-
ance. -Bert Clark, our hustling book
agent, is doing the town with the
"Life of Queen Victoria." He is get-
ting some orders too. Give him your
order for this popular volume. -The
e 13 being stored, for another season.
is re fairly good 'sample this year.
-Her many friends will be pleased to
kaoce that Mrs. Dr. Rivers isslowly
regaining her health and expects soon
to be about as usual. -Listen for wed-
ding bells soon.
Sertoore REPORT. -The following is
a. correct report of S. S. No. 4, Stephen,
for the montb, of January. Names
ere in order a merit :-Jr. IV. F.
Morlock, F. Amy, A. Amy ; Sr. III, T.
Roeszler, 11. Morlock ; Jr. II, E. Amy,
W. Reenter ; Sr. 11, Nora Brown, I.
Smith, W. Wein, O. Rowe ; Jr. II, A.
Hartinan,M. Kestle; Pt. II, I Schwarg,
L. Hartman, M. Either.
W May, Teacher.
Ootteene,-Council met at Rannoch,
Feb. 4. A. deputation, consisting of
County Commissioner W. F. Sander.
son, Geo. B. Webster and George Hud-
son, directors of the Blanshard cheese
factory, addressed the Board and
strongly urged the necessity of gra-
velling the lower side road between
concessions 4 and 5. The road in ques-
tion would hereafter he one of the
leading thoroughfares used in convey-
ance of milk to the cheese factory-, and
in its present condition was not 81 to
be utilized as sixth. The Board fully
coneurred with the views expressed
by the deputation that the
road shoeld be prepared, The Reeve
and Councillor I3onis were appointed
to let the contract for gravelling this
road. A -finance committtee composed
of Councillors Bonis, Robinson and
Donald, reportecl that they had ex-
amined auditor's report, and compared
the various ite s with the cheque
book and fon it corieete They
found the tot 1. expendituee to be
$17,010. (S. and total receibts to be
$21083$.9.8, leaving'', a balance in the
hands of the trehsurer of $1828.20.
They also found the total assets to be
$5,398.32, and the total liabilities to be
$1,216, leaving a balance of assets over
liabilities of $1,182.82. The report
was adopted. A resolution of regret
at the death of the Queen was unan-
itnously carried. Next meeting on
March 4.
COUNCIL MEETING. - The council
met on Feb. 4th, 1901, according to
adjournment. All the members were
present except the Reeve, who was
absent through illness.
Mr. F. A. Ryan was appointed to
the chair. Applications were read
from Messrs. John Ilarleton and Geo.
Efaskett to have their property taken
From P, S. S. No, 3 and attached. to
P. S. S. No. 6, and from Mrs. Carty
and Wm. Hodgins to -have their lands
taken from P.'S. S. No. 4 and attached
to P. S. S. No. 7. The Clerk was in-
structed to notify all parties concern-
ed that the several applications would
be considered by the council on the 1st
day of April next at 1 p.
The Reeve and Clerk was instructed
to sign tlie petition of the Township of
Blenheim with regard to proposed
county roads and forward the same to
our member in the locatLegislature.
The petition of Edward Dinsmore
and others with regard to the abolition
of dog tax was laid civer.
The Auditors' Report was received
and adopted aud ordered to be printed.
The follewing accounts were ordered
to he paid : Chas. Chapala/3, minute
and index book and binding,. two rolls
$475; Journal Office, St, Meets, order
books, $2; P. Greeb, auditor, $12; ' T.
Coursey, auditor, $12; Jos. Gowen,
putting in culvert and dgicbing div. 5,
$2; D. Westinan, 20 ft., 21 in., tile at
81-10 per foot, div. 8; D. Westman, 20
9 in., tile at 20c. per ft., div. 3, $4;
D. Westrnan, concrete tile div. 1 $2.75;
H. Carroll, rep. bridge, div, 3, 50c.;
John Ogdenr.gravel div. 3; Geo. nod -
gins, 2 clays with.tearn on grader and
opening pit div. 2, $8; Thos. Atkinson
1 cord wood cliv. 2, $4; A. F. Blake,
160 8 -inch tile, div. 5, $7.20; Geo. Hod-
gins, collector, $65; F. W. Farnconab,
C. E,, balance in full of acc't for Bici-
dulph portion, 822.65,
The Council adjourned to meet on
Monday, the 4th of March, 1001, at 10
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
s and,
Hensail Anderson
13uxRF5e-,...31ra, juitu ,Stepbensis suf
(., j 0, SteNSURZIS ExETER, onr
Solicetor.NetarY Public. Hempel, nt.
Lata with earrow Ft:wafer arrieter fineoliga._frnoorabeart euvaef.ceuftaettialadck c4Julners: tQ,..aez7raelete,e,wtit.elog=
Iflotigt Toon
. fort one to break bis leg last week „ tretntkyClfeeerejmnazindea by Collies et
wbele hauling wood. -Miss Morrieon, ese
-'--eate of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth
extracted without I bad
la Petty's Block. salt. At Zurielt every
Monday,connueueing May3Oth.
Stratford, is visiting friends in this It=nefx* ran SeteM eti OATS. -R. B.
locality, McLean, of Kipper], furnishes Teen
Tarns with the following information;
-Take 43/4 oz of forenalio, mix with. 10
imperial gelloesof water, stir till
0. J. J. sutherieed, Notary Public. Coriveyon-
er, Cerninissioner, Fire Insurance Agent. and
Lisurerof Alarriage Licenses,. 14egal documents
earefully drawn at reasonable rates :Vona
Thames Road
33A.,r1x W.A.LTER. Name...eon ed, nernerse the seed in this eenatea
to loan on real estate at lOw rates of Interest, 'Thursday last, One of the Pioneer resi- for 5 to 10 minutes. If seed. is had
°face at the Post Odle°, Henson, :dents Of Ushorne, in sage as eldest with smut, the latter thee is about
L'OTION SALE OF VALUARIm MBEs citizen, in the person of Wrilter Madge, I right. Tire seed should be completely
AND DWELLIFGS IN TUE VII, of the Thames roan. passed peacefully
The undersigned Execwonief the equte a , away after a brief illness- ne Afedge
tbe late Jetta P farslicill have instructed 31e. was ivklelY IMONVO and highly esteem.
S. Philips. auctioneer. to offer by unction Led, and the ftliteral on Saturday,
ibe Cm
omercial beteelleosale at the houc
ale on SaturdaYtho lah ciav Reb"LarY at despite the storm. v, t- largely attend-
2e°,:eeelTa$P*4;esatiaerP'britheke IblehIblecomProuriPeigirF vied.e.ath°ewriwnge to the continued stormy
stories high with metal roots. gond cellars. • .
two, 12) well unobeik brick stores, two. ii1,/ cure the f.k*sbireaAdve dbaeteau cuonnaceblentgto l)dre:
ceased, but trope next week to give an
=7,tro°riebs Wetted up ae ilwelling and the' other obituary of this most Nvorthy eitizen.
9 suitable for store or °Mee rooms. Thettwo
sterQ3 are situateil in tho best business part of ,
tho village ond,.are lighted with electricity and , MitChell
hliaglti a Yearn' reetei of over $300.00. *hoalss I
" )8'a g° "YestnIen ‘5111 :&1-'J TI But EF8.--Mes, Quert, of TOr011-,
e offered for side at. the same time aoad it
itenoodraogeyranota:a0 nemovrel an rdl e.wnie ec)3,1 liras' sent tilahirebt,tirti c‘n‘treae tivrrersul ano :neasricioolinir lloattftivgiyhS tlei:irfitboNwat tailsvi tit ia:.nvoecife, tt;I:igj John
n eorner lot and is suitable either as a good pro.
merry dwelling or hairline house. Terms at• Pert37 On the 2Ist Fele, before reti•ring
:We which are very liberal, as the property In, i to town 43 live. -MISS Junes, who has
to be sold will bo looms on the day asare, heen living in Alichigan all last year,
For furythieu....r Thvacrstiiscullmtajleoikeli
has retuned home for a. vieit.-?isers
or MARY JANE, DICE, AM09 Edwards, of Toronto. and Amid
to GJ. SutherlaE:me' ffew'alwhose l P*()•• Edwards, of Foidwicle were in town
clik. nd. their Agent.
e is at the Past Wiee. hist week attending their father's
funeral -Mr, Jacob Hover, a former
Cromarty resident of Mitchell, died in Michigan
this week. He had an insurance of
Oen Rusteigier OF Hiairearr Doe).- $2.000 jzi the Worktuea Lodge heret-
There died in Gorrie on Saterday, at Me. Ward. of St. Marys, is movin
the residence a her daughter, Um. town to manage the Whyte PaQ "I
Robert Mel,anghlin, Mrs. James Dow. Co.'s void storage business.
formerly of Ilibberte at the age of 93
years. Four sons and two daughters Ora.nton
survive : _Messrs. Alex Dow. of Exeter;
John Dose, of Herbert, ; William Dow, DEATII OF Wee. Laws --The
of elitcbell ; James Dow, of Stratiord 1 t1I11iaI of Wm. Leavitt, of (irantor).
Mre. J. Kno
t, of Toronto. aud errs. U. va .1d Saturday. Rev. dlr. Brown
McLaughlin, of GOTrie.
lee officiated. Mr. Leavitt wae horn
•10 Hull, Yorkshire, and was ot French
SeafOrth decent, His itncestors, owing to pollti-
--- cal reasons, bail their estates conliscat-
Balnee.---Alle George Watson, of ed, left France and settled in It'ngland.
Ottawa, is at present, visiting his pl. Mr. Leavitt cattle to this country when
rents in town„ -Mr. ;hones Page who quite a lad. Ile settled In Granton,
has been in tbe employ of eleilliam and has resided there till his death.
Pickard 4 Co. left, 'Thursday for his He married Miss Marge Macdonald, of
home nt St. libtrys.-Sergeant Alex. Picton, N. S., who sarvives him. elr.
Bethune, late a the South African Leavitt was an intelligent man, and
contingent, who has been on furlough was well liked by every person evho
;tt his borne laier.e...returned to the came in contact with his genial per-
railitacy sc.hoolDiuuLbilrilind.ton this week sonality, and will be much raissed in
e n
covered in the liquid which cam he
done by using a tub or hale buret for
the liquid and twine seeks for the
Fornealin is a liquid and sells
for ahout 75 cents per lie One ib. will
treat about as ranch seed as the aver-
age farmer sows.
UPJohn Etty, Rim road, who
My sold his farm, bite de moving
Mitchell shortie.,
The receipts of the elitehell Public
Library last year were $558.8d, and the
expensee nearly the ame.
The Mitebell public school board
paid last year in ealaries $2,853, and
the High School, $3,700,55.
Mr. E. Townsend has Fal his fifty -
PATO tarm on the lith concession of
flullett, to his neighbor, itin John
Gooier, for about $8,014
One day last week little Willie Mc-
Intvre, of Nairn, got kleked by a, COit
1,*ihich he was driving to water. He
was kicked in the mouth.
Mrs. Mary Sloan Dickson, widow o
re late John Turnbull Dickson, died
Seaforth recently. Tire deceased
y was a sister of Semarivillor Sloan,
o Myth.
The 'White Packing Co., Stratford,
are vine- to fit up the old fectory 13
Mitchell,° for eald stOJAIge for butter
and egge. They win go into the pure.
hese of these articles extensively.
Me. Wm. Maeviear, Goderich, has
been awarded the Ihryall Humane
Society's medal forlife saving. In the
middle of July last Mr. Maceicar.
jumper': into the river at CI odetich and
rescued a man from drowning.
The Cormuercial Hotel, New Ham-
burg, we understand, will be closed
as under the present system the ex-
penditure exceeds the receipts. The
assignee will endeavor to bwe. the
tatter settled in the near future.
Two white men tirev'e'l,Pen arrested
in Louisiana for murdering a negro
family and criminallv. tissaulting the
BRIEFS. -0, Shea, breturned borne
from St. Cathariues.-Mr. Colhe, of
Manitoba, is in town for a few MontliS
visiting frie,u1s.--MrS. Js Conley died
at her home in Helena on Saturday
last. Two children mount her loss,
Joe and Minnis. Mr. Conley died
a,bont four years ago. --The merchants
in town breve taken advantage of the
very cold spell to harvesttheir ice. It
is in good form just now. -A rice
event rook place in St, Patrick s
church on Jan. 20 when Miss Mary A,
Ryan, was united in marriage to 5'ohn
Wood's, Rev. Father Fogarty,pastor,
performed the ceremony.
A GRAND cot:omen-The upto-date
concert given by the young people of
Lumley school,was a decided success.
Mr. Harry Horton, Reeve of Tucker -
smith, ably filled the chair. Mac.
Vincent, of Exeter, gave a number of
songs and recitations, which were
greatly appreciated. The proof of a
,well rendered programme was evident road WAS rough and whee driving out
Herm the perfect order which prevailed with a load the logs rolled off on him.
throughout. Those who took part in Rad it not been for the men who were
the programme deserve credit and with him he would never have succeed -
should be highly complimented. The ed iu extricating himself.
receipts at the door amonnting to
almost $26.
women. They are ettete in fail. Hail
iunngi bleats. to Ala vest tdeitay genveesitrsi evening. reApreI as regnet
and wife celebrated thew china.Ithe jail would breve been called into
Bittnes.--John 51eNsfill, ex.M. P. P., the ease been revereees IF not likely
of representatives of the
and a good time was spent. The pres- various Turf Associations in the Can-
ents were very numerous and quite adian trotting circuit was held in
valneele, eiss Serail Nairns is visit- Stratford Moriarty. The fallowing
Mg het. brother at Florence. -George dates were decided %men : New Item -
Bartlett, who has for the last year 1 burg, June 4, 5 and 6; Guelph, June
been working in Flint, Alicb., is home 11, 12 and 13 ; London, 18, 19 and 211 ;
for a few weeks. -Charles Walk.ore, Wingbam, June 20 and 27 ; Stretford,
Mitchell road, is very ill at present.- July 1, 2 and 3 ; Seaforth, 0 and 10 ;
Me. Greenwood, M. P. P., from Mani- Goderich, July 17 and 18,
baba, who is visiting friends bere,gare The quarterly board or she Blyth
an address at Bethen on Sunday even- Methodist church met on Monday
mg on temperance. -R. Rice has erect- afternoon and unanimously invited
eda new power mill lately and also the pastor, Rev, Win. Penhall, to re -
gave a merry party to the youth of mem another year. Mr. Penball pro -
this section. -Geo. Bartlett, who has mised to retutn for another year, and
been working in Michigan for the airing the meeting lie was the reel.
past year, is home agein.--Archihald pient of many complimentary remarks
Bushfield has decided to locate in
for the good and successful work he is
Logan. -Frank Eisler is making
parations for raising his barn iesxt
The Ontario Government have about'
summer.- Daniel lierbert narrowly.
hi decided that the soldiers to whom they
escaped getting killed last week, w e
Tintend to give grants' of 160 acres Of
getting out saw logs in the bush, he
land as n recognition of their serviette
in South Africa will get the land ie
Nipissiu,g. The Ministers are anxiou
to get the district peopled, and will
exert their efforts to have the soldieis
settle there. They will, iu all proba-
bility, have a large area to chose from.
Eli mvii 1 e.
Homes.- Chas. Shoemaker hasta,ken Large stook of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
possession of the Dominion House. -MAO feet of hemlock lumber for barns. etc.,
Another butcher shop is to be opened rael8Lonshaibi1egies
.-JAS \VDUS, Yard :East side of
littlig and cedw posts. Prices
in Zurich. -Ross Rolland, who has mein st•
been workingin tewn has" returned to Brseeen.-Geo. Miners visited under
his home in Exeter. -Mrs, Witwer the parental roof on Stinday.-Martin
and Miss Ruby are out again after a Thompson is confined to his house with
few days inness.-D. Gottschalk bas a severe attack of ht grippe. -The
gone to Badaxe, Mich. -Recently ;the blizzard on Tuesday was as one of our
members and adherents of the Hills villagers call it -a corker, and has
Green Methodist church asseNled at piled the snow on the roads that traffic
the home of Mrs. Wm. Curry, and pre- will be suspended for a few days. --La
sented her daughter, Mrs. Alex. For grippe is still quite prevalent and
rest, with a handsome couch and rock- among those who have fared the worst
ing chair, in recognition of her services are Mr. James Earle. Mr. M. 'Thompson
as organist. -It is reported that John and M, Mord, jr.-The Farmers' In -
Torrance has disposed. of his 150 acre stitute meetings on Friday last were
farm, east of town, to Casper Wolper, well attended, especially by the ladies,
of Stephen. The purchase 'price is The speakers ably handled the impor-
said to be about $9,000. -The death 'of tont questions. and much interest was
Rosa Rees, widow of the late George also taken by the farmers asking ques-
Hess, removes another old resident tions on the different lines of agricul-
from our rnidst. Mrs. Hess had been tare. Mrs. Smith read several papers
very poorly for some months, and the on "Domestic Economy " and. " Beau -
dread disease, consumption, carried tifying the Rome," and after the after -
her off at the age of 52 years 8 months noon session organized a branch -of the
and 16 days. Her death which Was not Ladies' Institute in the village. The
unexpected occurredon Saturday af- evening session was interspersed by
ternoon. 2nd inst. Two of her child- songs and instrumental music by local
ren, Harry and Flora,have gone before talent -Miss Zeta Andrew spent a few
leaving her sons, Fred We William days visiting relatives in Exeter. -Mr.
and Martin. to mourn the loss of a and Miss Foster, of Byron, spent a
kind mother .--Win• eleyrock intends couple of days the guests of Mr. and
retiving frcui farming and. devoting Mrs. S. Andrew. -Don't fail to be pre -
all his att en tion to the manufacture sen.t on Friday eve at the concert to be
of brick and tile. -Jacob Raberer has given by the 0. 0. F. Mr. Thos. Smale,
•raircbasecl H. Bauer's farm on the our worthy Prelate, will deliver his
blind line, for the sum of $1,500. The famous lecture on "A Husband's Duty
farm consists of 100 acres and has a to His Wife," and "Father's Duty to
good brick dwelling and large bank His Children." A good programme of
barn and 18 One of the hest farms on songs, readings and instrumentals will
the line.. Mr,. Haberer now owns 200 be given by local talent. The concert
acres on this line. -Ellswood Rannie and open meeting will be free of
met with an accident in the bush at, charge and eyery member should be
Heycocks on Thursday while felling present ane bring along their friends.
trees. --Division court was held b ere
on Tuei.,day but not ' a very large BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE
docket Was presented. The case of Has world-wide fame for marvellous
Geiger vs,•Colosky was dismissed with cures. It surpasses any other salve,
costs. H J. Cook for plff, J. G. Stan- lotion, ointment, or balm for Cuts,
bury for Deft. Corns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter, Salt Rhearn, Fever: Sores,
TO (JURE A COLD IN ONE DY. Chapped- Hands, Skin Eruptions; In-
zalco Laxative Broth° Quinine Tablets. All tiltufr ure guaranteed
plies, C
(I .
nEgists rotund -the money.it it fails to euro, al, u
25. 41. W. aroves signature is onleacb, bottle. Only 25e at all driiggists.
e intend puf
knife deep iu
We mill sell at a sacrifice all our
Woolleo Underwear at and be-
low cost to make room for
which must s Jou tae their
All kind
Friends of the so "r rging
restrictions shouhl lis paced on the
land. to be giveu away t the eoldiers
who fought in South Africa,
The County' Grand Bleek Chapter Of
Huron aud Perth Itteets t Blyth on
Friday, Feb. Ifith, at 11 o'cloeko, ea,
Mre.Collatuore, of London, mother
of 171. G. Collaraore, traveller for Reld
swo. bad the misfortune to ellip ou lin
pavement on Sunday mormog Leot
when on heir way to ehureli, and en
faliingyactured her right arm near
the wrist.
Hee many friends in Stratford will
regret to hear of an accident which bee
• fell Mrs. 'Tames Pringle. sr., the other
day. In going down the cellar steirs
• she slipped and WS precipitated to the
iloor, cutting bet' head and bri'ikinj.
(Inc of her ribs. She is now confinei_
to bed, but it is hoped that be will
soon recover.
A pleasant event took plaee en.
Feb.% at the home of Mr. and Inre.
• David Dow. Hildtert, when their third
daughter. Miss Emily, was marriedeo
Mr Aiex. L. Stewart, of llorth De-
kota. The ceremony was performed
by Rey, Peter Scott,. The bride krole-
ed charming in white sine After the
eremouy the company sat tlowit to a
plendid supper. and .tre ...ening fol-
lowing was spent in misie. eeeee'el
gamce and other annasements. The
groom in his early boyhood, WILS a re-
sident of Mitchell, being a son of Mr.
Angus Stewart, who zuoved to Dakota
a number of yeare ago. They will
leave for their home near Gelatin,
Dakota, where the groom is pros-
perous farmer.
Manufactured by C. Lutz, Druggist,
This is to certify that I have used
English Stock Food for fattening cat-
tle and young pigs. I have also fed it
to poultry.
I have found it the cheapest and
most usefui and satisfactory article on
the market-. 1.Vould yecorrunend re to
stock raisers.
Township of Tjsborne.
Price 50e per bag. Sold by 0. Lutz.
ler Your money refunded if purchase uneatisfactory.
Facts and Figures
The facts are We make small profits and many sales,
and we satisfy our customers and can suit you. If ytu do
not, trade with us now,, try us and we will prove our state-
ment The figures we will show you when you come to tb.e
store and they are right.
Below cost to clear out.
Our regular 75e. line 40c.
Our reg. 81.25 line 75c.
Our reg. $1.35 line 85..
Our reg 5200 line 51,25.
for This Week.
Your hands kepe warm for little
money. .
Lined Mitts reg price 5Coc. now 40c,
Lined Mitts reg price 65c. now 50c,
Lined Mitts reg price 75c. now 60e.
Also unlined mitts at reduced prices.
Racer, Lance, Leader, Premier and
Boston Star iu 5f and 6 ft., from 52.75
to $4.50.
Away down in price.
Cook Stoves $18.00 to $25.00.
Heater and Box $5,00 to 515.00.
Baseburners $15.00 to 317.00.
Happy Thought Ranges $30 to $49.
We can give you good value in this
line from 75c. to $1.25.
For Stock and Poultry unequalled,
25c. and 50e. per package.
We sell the best. Order a ten and be convinced.