Exeter Times, 1901-2-7, Page 6To LEAST tvl Naar fel eeeT" Tee BF SO Letete, -ivntee, SAsector, Agent or tun rt out or Aurteut two tit COrakICOUX et Sit 4 (41'004 Utlittatkgittiou4 33 tat In View. fi` Uncle Sam. is 100%14 Into his ionise, leesPing. He bap ea big and varied. tgamiler, of many taates aud. seterel OPIOrs, and lie 15 at present engage Pa, &pending $1600 In finding Out What this big retell* eats. e Ile is gotaa Omit leis InvesUption fu serstematic way, looking into fame tUY lalreleeee state ley state and sectioa Ly section, and jetting down In his motebook item by Item what thefat Veeale of tlaese "United States eat, Not only wleat they eat, but waat they waste; how reticle tleey pay for aheir food, how aaueh nourishment 'thee' get from It, and how MUCir ...antra; bow much they overeat tura LOW =telt they ur.dereat; alai all with %lee _purpose or batter:ea the 0^4itt-" 0. weaAt t, es sPeelat r r pt tbe ef eee culture thie sitG roadeceng a eerles of Weft:aloes lu tale countrea as alreatier mede *ekes a the ot tbe eeop'e un e states hero. auti 1ebae SO fer tatong otter thaigs that; e of. the ilea -4 'Stater, aro u;laiale fed tied the moat That have the greetest varieter la' teal, Veit, as a rule. It is pearly cooked it •se..eao Veat ealate and convenience aro ceeo eatel la the, ee eu a food be - fere vatolesomertees. tourisament aud Cool eaor. Thett the deter ?tot most nearly approatitees the stone standerd at 41. reati's !col rev rereeets Is tee diet - era or the owe: 44 (alto& the most bzItf...a, the teoet toelee us oreignere lu the faulted S:a Chinese. Tbat the str • 4-3, my Mark Itas tem actually ete! : ring on in tbis Country la three eue-bait ceute jeer day. Profeseor Atwater*, Investigatior.s have a range that swinge Irene tbe dietaries or inavereity students' club to the dietary of tbe cotton field M- entes and the tortilla, frying Itativeti Of New Mexico, from tamaiee who live or. el00 a mouth to famillee wee LYS on $100 a year. Straugely euough be found tat...fillies ^ea_tn ou T100 a Par better fed -from taleutille poiut a view -than tarallies who have WO a month. A. man says science, requires so .attleva a carbohydrates In atdee to live and work. The protein, or nitrogenous portien "of foo4 ir the muscle -forming constit- Vent and of It all the working machine Calf of the body ie composed. The at and carbohydrates aro nec- emery to supply the beat and energy, 'altne.-'"Ircel:the.o. amount of fat is neces- sary for storage against the rainy day tf illness or other overdraft. The physical equilibrium depends on the proper proportions of these tood constituents taken into the se -s- tem.. By investigation and coMparison faience has determined that the aver- age nomal man requioes these constit- Vents In Ws daily foal in these pro- portions: Th rum Vidtb. Little pbyeteai expe- rtise requires 3.20 ouncee of proteet, tbe same amount of at, and 10.56 "------Cialeces of carbohydrates, which to. ether Itaie a fuel value of 2,450 cal- aerl cs, The calorie is the unit of heat of anergee The an with active work requiree a23 ounces of protein, the same of tat, 17.60 ounces of carbohydrates, and receives 4.060 calories in fuel value. or improvidence and ignorance end uninvitingnees of food the palm goes to the tenement districts of Chi. -4-tOiri :WSW Y.)94t.. • d . STORY TELLER'S Dail rao Story or t; izSoo-A Littlo AN' oat 'Door coca. This Is what happened, and, it id a true story: One morning last May a bee set out among the llowers on a honey hunt. Perhape it wooed be more trua to say tete+ tee bea set out to hunt for ta.0 seeet steft or walca leoney is made, for while thie cu is etill itt +he flower p. • BUYING AekAW. th Vito 'Arno wiOW mousirkon., UCCOLUttlAltioMaityVarieVies. Waen the Man with the red mous- tache etarted doWn. the stairs his wife Woe to the door and called him back. "Donald," she Feld, "I want you tct DO 11)40 a bardware store today and get a saw, Pena forget it, please. We cited one badly," sweet atilt Being an ammixtedating person, the .tt is not honey ay ore thee tho man Nettle the red moustache said e' -Wheat growing le tb.o .4eld is bread. get it. Re chose the lumeheon Ito= as The eybeat becomes 'Mead late; atter the most opportme, time for peaking It has beau, cut and gathered ana hale slmiele Purchase. lie was in a: good threshed and ground a d ha -meat LatIMOr, and be smiled blaze:11y wbeet he went hustling into the store arid said, to the kiteleen and teere etreaged into want a saw, please." bread, end tee sweet saw: becomeThe clerk who Wed eorcte forward to welt On IiiM had a, merry twinkle in honey only after the bees Imere e.arele4 a belief) mad worked it. bts eye, and the twinkle over0owe4 at Ae the bee left tame this particle- , the queetion. and spread all over Ids itr morning it made up its mind tlaat fate in dimples. it would, devote its& to the apple *What kind of a sawr be asited, bio -teres, for did you kuow taatwhert The petal:active puree-- ear began to perceive what an intricate ausinaestbe buying of a saw really is. 'Why," said he. "I don't know. Just saw. Any kind will lo, I suppose." The clerk sigeed. "If y hou only anew a bee goes flower vieltige uSually sivee ite attention to one kind of flower till it has tnished that epecial eound of visits? everS° eogts Ihtsawlimeied ebee fl e w nraned ta 114 241V: at you want to use it for, perhar inuia Could advise you," he suggested. pi* and white banilkerettiefe way.ng owhet who,t to oth it too?. echoed et it from tee apple orebard. tae man wita tlae red mouetaclie. these gay little haneletercblefs? Tbey "W117' want t° saw' a cauts& At Wbat do you suppose they were, least, my fellts do." were the flower leaveof the apple maw wet?' asked the clerk. blessome. I call them leaudaerculerit derat 'mow," ailmItted the eout beeauea just Ca boas and stele Scale., peseta shopper. tiMeS 'Ware taeir hauditerebeeze weer' The -aerie brightened up again, and they wale to Pignut other boys awl led the way to the rear of the store, girls. so the apple tree uses it per '`.1 win shavt ),"oe a gear Of the digtereet *I tamer iea.vee to attract the atteution varieties Of Sawwe have ell oeale4 I lie said,. "Observation and au elhailae time ot their uses and pricoe may es- sist you in enalang a decision. I -foretaste Metal ow. It is the bardest saw taere la It is xaaele of biglay teroperea eteel, and will saw iron, tepper, lead, and all roamer Of atetele. It is muell In. size, and sells for e2 to $2.50, aceorde to the style ot beadle, which comes beeehwood and oak, tile latter being neCrw. eyon wa eelpeuttihr4 Is that the Ulna og The elan with the red moustacbe was aorelY Perple.eed. "No," he eald, of the bee and persuade it to +nett the tiowere. Of course, really, they are not bmillterchiefs at all. They would hardly be large enough for my but fiery 1.10See, would they? When the bee saw se many briglit hauditerchlefe waving it 'melee:me, along it hurried, /or it kuew this wee a signal that material for ItoneY =Mug was at hand in another mln- ute, and it bad eettied upon a freshly opened flower and was eagerly eteat- leg the precious sweet. dee't tainie go. We lieve no metals at You cleildrea know that evbeu you , tome to work on, that I know O' r "Perbaps you. would like a. meet saw" suggeated the clerlx. "Steel in theee is or hardly so alga a grade, and a could let you have a. pod one for a, dollar. But you're mot a. buteleeri" The man alto wanted a saw afoot: ids head niourefully, anti the clerk exietinued; -"There's a regular Ithaca Se.W, for general utility purpeeee. whIele will cost you only 60 cents. How tlooe that strike you No? Then heroes the eab- inet roalter's saw. can give you a, very 'Axe given. permismort 40 go to the eleeet or a pieee of eaudy or caae you axe not apt to set about it very gent, ly. You are In too much of a. bury for that. Ofteu you come very near knocking everything over In emir haste io get hold cif what you, sea -t And bees are quite a greedy as any boy or girl could be. ho our teem] dived right Into the pretty flower, brushing rudely against the little duet wit . tamillee eenoe 'the 4.: aeleeested meicteagfAlteae eitieivNYFi'"'Iti'th a i rtain similarity. The same ettnerov- feeteee is „clierecterestiahf bcr h. 'A ,-ot !blfil*, lOpiv,-1,n*imiii bits, ge4ralicti.out ItIgt..,15igeire a 'for, enia.anepea. foe A oneaond dering,,thd.ltaete,,44.d. eopeuetence ea ., 4,, • ealeitaraloaeettelatee" b1! manage to isatiltfn average of 11 cents per enan-per-d•aereareecortspicuouseforetheir fudiciona mark.eti,ngo.-17-aying food in - *hide thera lieethee feast -awaste and "it hereeale, theotleast era,. fife -tied a 6-13 agd;" until the et nied to t a prod gality of tne ts daitt_w ;IdIhrtrr !tea' T , urle e „,.•1 „,-- healai/In-:ant-Lc. -gai..n fin s, cOnservative in ,their L. ot - stick- . ,,,,t -,r- -',''•:14 r , , 3ige:%EltOtiiitd,'cifieesi-viihe ap.c1 , ,Mixpatetil....ef their';,,::Oavitrileoutry:1 --.0.--ncit ennirfLisl-tifft,t9- ge teehoeeatela ` -Pro er plItte lastituttopi Per •-feb,"a- th Yeti:mite fobs. t:altiisetitei, .;i:it 3 CB:16.1 ±-1411eY- m,.5:1Paqi ActiiMle,*F-, itTril eorteetheeds., tile, It.altafle ,r9anage „cg„ 1.1,61'. 'aid- Told/ 41fAc6iitelliblii4slizi`kitl $91;,,41:fraeP4;fifillratt,t,tillei'Aalle141441tj rinechanic ialf 1,4,129,ter,,-C41- ,,-- ,--,f ; thei hiPby4Ol1ifbILY haelfettet' th'e o lehtive ecott6a fields :1dea-0601a ee the I t4teet, apaiety andthe ,Men,g0-„st:supply,./,, ani:slitiman.: eetaa, ' " the ' ea hi3,Etaarietietalts aleee tet+, aoheelei loae _ T. II r„Pi.,11 0 . (10f.-,7,01,07Pr. ft,70-tin r." ,,"‘'ir. elfareeavehi3 bas - ti6'eal :..0 r ereotuba,+13.1eltsffeel slidft'Iraid , ot blue .joans:trouse-p,s, witoec,..q1:7, g'ambel in the liglit and: inex- eigalvo attire= akOrLienhaj 6..i. gun ni.i. ck. e.Allt 0.V,45.. , contentedly ea ,ar- (.1. et• e. that includes not more,teeeetheee.. ee four articles a food anti tieat'etieis" o ; per aeal'aut ,tleeee' bente.,7' - boxes. These be.eg full to overflow- MA ono for $3. Then I have over in with golden dust, sinned their bore plumber's $aws, the fiue delleate contents and powdered the bee eitote Having made sure that nothing snore was to be found Just there, oil ilelt the dusty bee to tee next 4,4oe- scat. Into this It pushed its way, end In so doing struck those Dins ealt eb have no dust boxes, and upon tame broad, flat tips Zell some *I the yettow duet grains With which its body was ;powdered. Now there began to boapon e4t. strange thing. But before I tell you - 'more I must etop one moment to re' mind you that tbese pins witheut dust boxes are joined below into • -le Piece, end that this piece is set deep auto tne green, cup -which holds the rese of the flower, and I must tell you that if you sbould cut open this cup you would find a number of little round °biome looking like tiny green eggs. Tae strange thing that began to happeu was this: Soon after the yellow dust from the bee fell upon fiat tips ot the pine without dust boxes, the little green objects deep -within the green cup became full of life and began to get larger. And not only this, the green cup also seemed to feel new life, Lor it, too, grew b.gger and bigger and jucier and alder, until it became the fine juicy apple we have before ue this morning. 7 Atri.„(&,eyes,te- see the' beau ul, he,924etheeart1ee-e4od's finger. ; an11/ fleld and snoav- ' %ft, tidal ' 141g And M., lock Nig is a fine large black cat owned by auntie, who often says he is more like a monkey than a cat he is sa veey mischievous. One day my uncle -was repairing a clock. After he was through he started the clock striking the hours 'Mal be got the correct 01,31OF/Le,,,,cat sat ea the table wate4;.. et;Wrid'anade:Llii...akk one. tr-all:-tetateglitt, it:levee T ate igtlhah'ti011etsMeellatte heistmoseetrebe and knocked off let of -the o:o o:oo Zo; ,f 1 , eawa used lor all manner or artificere„ and the ordinary wood saws, 'watch 'will east you. anywheres from 50 cents to $4. In that back roora we have stilt other varietles-the two-man teu-foot saws, buzz saws and circular sews. It YOU want to pay a leg price you'd bet- ter take one of tbe latter. I'll give you a pod one for $50. Would you like to gee them?" The meet with the red moustaelto looked about him wonderingly. "No, thank you," he eald. "I never *dreamed that there -were SO man)* dif- ferent kinds of saws. I guess 1 won't take any till I End out just what king want." The clerk bowed affably, "I regret tieing unable to make a sale," be said, "but I really think that the wiser plan." Deceiver. Mabel -1 must say that for absolute entrustwortlxiness there's nothing like b. Man. Kate -Why, what makes you say that? Mabel -Well, you remamber when I rejected Mr. Bullfinch about three weeks ago? Kate -Yes. Mabel -Well, he said he should cer- tainly pine away and die, and I should be his murderess. Well, I just met him in the street walking with another girl, aid actually I believe -the fellow has gained twenty pounds in weight. What Unpponon to Brims • - , . ., • . 3- : o., .. V*6,.--tll") '',.'Rogit. r *Mtt..,110.: A:tithag to the.* pupa . :;.1-; , ae • ' • i THE BEE KE,'EPER. SPECIAL BREEDS sveciet 11, Arany Cotoltirst--WIlat lElml of p..111/re For I'orpo.,es Wow it to llo,y-Nratlolec,itg Been, 1toWSPeeta.1 breeds for vise 1%7:I:Lee:Ton toeeseeNr alb ?Pei; t4-:; :)kerrehi disc isputrhpeosdeasy. °reale conformation question freetieutly asked by peroeae awe that of the race horse, The beer who are coetemplating embarking M breeds of cattle leave a remarkable the Bee business. One. or two at the tendency to make nntsele and to leY extost, will be enottgb, with proper care, en fat. That tentleuey bas been, fee- TI1ey will increase as fast as one's tered and deve/Oped until tbe animals tepowledgeand ability to core for them ; of that ela.es make marvelous growth, a few colonies well eared ea. will be eonverting w their o-eu use about all mucb more proatable than a larger the nutritive elements in their food, number neglected or mismanaged, A The dairy breeds, on the other band, bee keeper's wealth eousists not in. the. hoatveinbtaeeLsbbrefdprtotbeeemsnveelryte$,Laeir tod nbut lato milk for tbeir owners' use. One is a machine for chargipo food int e beeh end the other for converting feed Auto mine. The dairyman, wanting ouly , 41' OIS11.1,111MY). ,; Tt.:11711110S Pi0 1 ;IC AO T140: 010;1'1::,741e! P.. *0'.i;.f 0.4y4t;,'041,14.1I: 114:i1V,LAdcouM eat ;'tgoJ'ti.,0,1.00;"44K; ;hle.'ithtleh let VI* tesoe, ahe.. eyeg.s:0471,elorliierin'IdadflOg he'k1Oes'''.'nell!'Dl3re!.thert,r.:Y;ripAre' either `Maa' thsm with his Paw as • though. be, w' 44" ' '4"9"Plotf.P".:42' UKOr 1t; taheteetleeretea. gow, the -busy- man O-;4aSped,:•-,-‘This, is -.;:so.';' tuddetie1mu'st::have •tietee, think. Saae don% eteeamie waiting -too !Ong, fcr 1 efetoa hav aeteitgeelkaoiteyeleet•to titragve..:ring ennip in "an'fauto7cab, ,a.nd' they charge by the rointite,--; eyo-ea leardee"-eatieledeltiale Peese. e- . poor:Matter', Ifaaaafore fiat -elated - Ing 'press,. manag4'fise lot: of betheeeer 'eticeeeOtealaeniakiag`ii. aeat''Inepeeselea, member but in the strepeale Qi 4.4 Ool- opies. Wlmt kind of a. hive sttall I use? he omotaer queetien that pften bothers the ibeginner. Probably One or tate . best hives oo tbelna.liet is the "Dove -tailed • .raille and butter fat, uses breeds that .Hives," asa size I would recommend are adapted to 'this work. . But there 2. teeframe biotait is a very easy LS 2. biX, eiaes of farmers that are uot ootta4ttievristio%Intlaoltaeraorshi;re4sunewarub,yb4enanost tsopektlpisats$imeatibi •erladiaryirefrolritite4 prollt etut so easy to matte a. email bive larger. • the lereiness, and et the same time produce calves that .eate be raised and marketed for beef. Suca a farmer wants a proatable .cpw ter tbe dairy, and yet he is a grazier and feeder as well AS a 4aireenee. It is useless to if be will coeselt the catalogues ot say that be should keep the epecha those wile Pendell Bee keeper's sup- dairy breeds an buy the calves of allea Mew of thew eetalopee are . beef breede that be wiebee to rata?. profusely Illuetrated with engravings ilea teed for the block, ThiS i, trOt leivea aud nearly every thing Wed .Pragtleable, It results that there le a tbe ;Tiara., aud they ale° coutain Ida deMautie for a COW Of a type that And fat 00ree localities. and at cert..= eeasous. o., tea frame lave is none too large. For a frame, all things gone oklered, the Haman is probably me of the best' it Will .preat the acriziee =b. valuable Intormettert. They at - lord one of the best methods for the toegluner to become familiar with the ?Various terms and appliances used in Waimea Bee iteeplege At 'tale gees= of tbe year tees eau ablea conabipes, as fer AS possible, the 'often be :bonglit Tory eteaply in box Seat qualities of both types of cows, Is lives, but how te get them out of the the peofflable CPO for the elaSe 1 have ?box lehoe and get the combs festened mentioned, Tbe calves are needed ante frames in a modern Moe seems for teeding, and yet their dams must aike a formidable ta,sle to undertake. ie14 some profit in the dairy, The Mut it ean easily be done by auyoete breed that combines the two types itt twho is not afraid of the bees. The the bigaest degree will not pay the proper thee to do this is about the opeetallet, be he dairyroat or feeder, time apple trees eorameuce to bloom; but it does fill a place on the farms then the bees will have consumed near- Pf the tbousantis that engage In geo- de all of the stores and the eouthe will eral farming, nearly empty, exceptofor brood aud 0$ SUWit. len end are much more readily taste Thai 011 The number of hogs los eredsintotrhidazttreaumine;. tleblersetoprorbondnetcal ogee sufficient oaro ot Sows at t ; these can be made front bale- farrowing bas been a sourceqt re re cut to proper lengths and are to many swine -breeders, In Cases Cot especially vicloue auimals there t eaca end halt an inch, eo ae over tbe top and bottom bar opals rvie,caosrldosTaenlytheearsbesecianuowehtibelee mertury. er ate up her oftsprleg atter birta 01 on account of her lyiug the pigs to deTathh, Tile cause Of viciousness in sows at time of larrowIng is often the pain occasioned by normal narrOWaega in the lower part at the genitel mane. The mucus membrane will sometima be pusted up into folds-^"eurtaltue"- Which obstruct parturition. A. great teal of relief ratty be eftected by Sutra. ducting a clean band in the vagina etaling forth tbe young pig. Bach new-born pig sliould be pleowl tt once into a basket, and fed ou cowee tallk antl water (equal parts). One teaspoonful ot this mixture generally shifted alt carefully and set to one side suffices for each animal. sintil the combs are cut out and fasten- ed nl the frames. Take a large butcher knife and eut the combs loose from the aides of the hive, carefully spitting off one side of the hive so that yOU can get at the tops of the combs. Remove them one at a time, and save only the straight 'worker combs. Have a piece of burlap laid on a table or board to 'lay the combs on, so as not to Injure the brood, and cut the combs to flt the frames. It don't matter if yoit do get them upside down the bees will fix them up all right. As fast as the MAU breedere: assert. does not exist - the geueral-purpose COW. 1 am more. .and more leclitted to believe drat tbe speciallets are nig -safe -leaders for the average farmer, and that the animal. rnr 2. er tilo frame. aZow get a box the size of your box biro; remove the cover from the box, give the bees several auffs of smolle and await until they have filled tbemselves with honey. (Then gently turn the aloe upside down if the botom board Is nailed fast pry It off as gently as possihle-turn the box upsIde down on top ot the aloe (It amid be just tbe size of the aloe se that no bees can get out). close up the entrance to the bive ;Ana all cracks with rags, cotton, wool, or grass, so that not a single bee can escape, and beat on drum on the sides of the hive with a stick, and the bees will all go up, into the box. At the end of fifteen minutes the bees wlil all be clustered at the top like a swarm when they should b - combs are fastened in the frames hang them In the new hive. If there are not extough good stralgat Worker tombs to fill all the fromes the rest can. be filled with full sheets of founda- tion. After the frames are filled. atttlehung In the new hive spread a large neetta- Paper In front of the' -new hive and shake( the bees out on. the box onto it; tbis can beet be done by bumping one corner of tbe box on a stone or block "eifaiOod. The bees -will usually run in Like a. new swarm. If they do not seem clikiase4 to P in life up the outer edge of the paper' and shake thenr-up to: ward the entrance a the hive; when.a peff or' two of smoke will start fbera4n. As soon as the bees have •evated ante eombs fast to ttle.framee-which they win proceed to do at ones andovilltof- ten haVe it done -by the next dkk--iall the wires should be reniov,ed, as tbey cover some et the 'cells containing brood, and if left on too long 'will Pie - vent it from hatching,' All honey tht is spilledeor dropped aboet should be ewashed or wiped tep so a'ncit to leave a drop fel. robbers.,7--lyt.E.'llolovier,lii American Oardning, '" • :" ItereasilimphilemomC „ ,• . , . gpl ..ttlen,',you Will not have cause to comp1ain,ofth .clamage.-iionei.hY :Yon* "lieigh-bobls--triWs. .•• as.•,;t's.:- Be pl,'Or4pt 1,t7 The old hen ba. bet'tergo.•:. Let us know hoW:yon7dtrthing0--' If thirit ti tbdi1 hOe, vroveth, ' r „ ong min pit3,4°.'t be afra11 to ask Lift biac' 3p. ' • erath.a.ieteeea. ta: Be ett1N 'that; nittettnji- ' 'tran'ee.;aioliee Is good. and Heb( aStlir ton," te ^ eease 'After the farrowing the young pigs are brought to the sow, and here .omes the dangerous moment, when ene or more of the young ones ambit. an Or inaotherelto. death.- The den - ear mayeloweenerojeaconsiderably les - teed -b30 the following simple de - Biting Lae pigs is proVented in elite rolloveing manner: "Lying to death" Is frequently °b- elated by the insertion of a small shelf ander which the young pias may rest 'afely, in the wall of the pen, a short distance from the floor. Much more iffeetive.,however, is the device shown , cut. Round wooden bars are sus- pended from. the walls of the pen, at a, distance' of .about six inches above the lima These -bars should be five Inches -in diameter:- When the sow ,hrows: herself doyen she will be -push- ed away 'from :the wall, the place galtere young pigs are most frequently :aught and choked. T116 Pla0116, ALUE ONB-SIXTH OF ALL DBATHS DUB TO CONSUMPTION. Its Ravages ..Spat ISTO Claes-Rich anti Poor Alike Foal its VietilliS-How This Dread. Trouble May be Fre. vented. Consumption has been Weil, teamed the great white plague. Ooe-eixta 01 Olathe deatbe occurring in Canada en - nuttily are dae to the eavages of .thite terrible dittettea It victims ere found aMoug alt classes rich and pOoraUke ma -multi Lofts insidious advance, •Oely few years ago .the vretiro of eou, socuption was regarded as incurable, and borror stricken friends .watehed. the loved one day by day fade away until %death came as it meecifel release. Now, bowever, it is anown that taken in its_ earlier stages constICOptiou to curable, and that ay a proper eine of the blootio keeping It flab, red and pure- those sho are pre -disposed to the disease escape, its ravages. Con, etiolation Is now claseed among the preventible diseases, ftlid those Wliin. are pato, easier teate, emaciated, or shim awiy :rover/41s symptoms FP`..sl'0.1•001t4lat once feet a fy the ‘teehe, raid pure, ashy. not only 'body. . Ameeee , • tens ettengtheumg . etn all parts of the ehe him. escaped t threw e1 ^Rtii t4uuption le Mrs. lierat .7"1 ' 1^4wit, of Mershville. Oot. leiten goVro texperience Wei e+ Hoe. e et leetefit to Conaeother 1tTtq. S°4 : .4\ 14-ee eve+ ege I began to exper- me eete.tot oeakness. My epee- : Eto.t4 eery pale; was -.teat mos of .hreata and . a smotheringtlU5in my chest. BP. NN1140000100S1 1111,%401(0 very apeteleo,_ ;area- eiezy and faint, and iny tutu& anti ieti n4 add get as cold as lee. As the utrouble progressed began to lose flesh and in a short OWN Wit% only a slummy of toy fornwr eelf.j lied good medicai treatment. hut did not gil relief. and as a harsh eough set in 1 begin to fear that Con. Sunaption bad fastered itself upon nue This was stremstbened by it knowledge hot eeverel in. atweetere bati died ftbie t eeribte dieettee. lu ibis rather eplereale t outlet ton I was advised to try Witteeda' Pink Pills. Iatonee procuteda 41401.0.14. 04114 had uot taken them king when I noted a change for the better By the time I bad taken six or eight laesC". I ails able IS Move ar0gml ai» again and felt better and oe.ger ni •very way. I con - United Ile. Ws.. et the pals until1 heel adieu a di74ti Is tee, when all my old time sires gib .1: o had eethooho and I a to. a-- v-11 Daring the ame 1%Am.,fl4r l,e jiIl4 uty weight Increment ow: eteeee petunia Several yenta havt...e.44 p and in that awe eel et, suotem of toy former trouble lute Miele .teelf apparent, ea time I time. 1elm ado at saying thnt , my core is permanent 1 believe Dr, • 'William's Pink Pitts saved my life, and I termite:0 advise ailing W011100- to give them a trial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic and not a putgative medicine. They enrich the Mood from the first dose to the Net and thus bring health and etrength to 1,1.1.1.y organ in the hotly. The genuine pilts. are sold only in boxes with the full mime " Dr, William's' Pink Pills for NIP leteople," printed on tbe weeppeo If youe dealer cannot supply 3.4.11 eyed direct to the Dr.. eteitteia. l'o.„ Brockville. Ono. and the pale e itt be mailed petit paid at 50 4.10t8 a box, Or six boxes fox. changing • - 7 .1 the past few Years-tliere has been tendency aniolig^fairners everywhere to change their base of operations, to make new deperthrei In the matters of " (tock ealshia =al.:grain. growing. It all :well erib411.1.:for farmers to Make thesis chiagee aceesionaily, to get into, lines; otaferniing, that they [alley ,and whiehetheir- lands are beet irdaPted;'-biit' anY.',eort'ef radical aloft:gee shield .a.jwayesee made care-• telly :and :sleWla,aeep eeimeneing a lit- lle,in theftEI sO, that no serious Iailuees-mayaeeelte .elet oate of the old -ArStmalte :.sure- that, the way smoothand,.clea,r-„in; the, new roads diat-, max -he , ;.zt ,"43-oti'd ;CO6lifil 'are, not Mach aalked team • ,hoeho etteoeho otemetera7and 16-W,', but at .1 • pOnl how s titer in goinEg , beet 'the' eieeentra we see eh* Or their • :roSses in;niabyifarrrityafds.- It is ffiri- '17iitY-t aS re-' 'rCO41,4e 3134 Brahjnas come to 'm Chi4a 1Oigina1by ther was ltt; China' towls 414:ibreelfeeahe hr,Careful selection ihe types until yea -elle etWo ..ere Quit� distinct. .10 hape ,and color. a3.13 SOME DON'TS , Don't forget to keep to the right ;whether riding or wanting. Don't elbow people, or, If you do it unwillingly, excuse yourself. . Don't stare at people or laugh at their peculiarities, 1' Don't carry your' caw or umbrella go as to render It dangerous. Don't occupy any lame Ogee be re car than you are entitled to. DIM% talk at a theatre or minor; ;nide the performance Le going on. Don't apologize when stialeing loads with your gloves on, Don't forget to render all necessary service to any one in need ef theza. • Don't be in haste to iatroduee. rinds out drat if it is mutually agreeable. Don't rush for a seat in a car or theatre. , 1, Don't tell stories of a doubtful char.;•, atter. Don't interrupt; don't contradict; don't be quarrelsome. s Don't tell long stories, even whets Stoked to. Don't use slang Phrases'. • WHAT IT IS A :Vanderbilt or a Roekefeller can ten a few lines of legaleale and t be. comes' worth anywhere from, $6,000,040 to $50,000,000. That is capital. 'The 'United States can take •=ti ouneo and a fraction of gold and stain* a "'screamer" and 20 ppon it. That Is *money. , good,mechanic can take *5 worth of raw material and turn It into an article worth $10 or $20. That is skin. ' An editor eau take the longavinded 'article of an Ignorant correspondent and cut it down to a. few correct tines • of readable common 'sense. That is t rains. A merohant can buy an article for 50 cents and sell it for ;1. That is bur - A lawyer can talk ten minutes with a 'client and charge him $50. That is uae aeasonable. A: lady can buy a hat or bonnet for • $10eor $15, bat would rather pay e50. That Is foolishnese. A labor Call, work ten hours a dap and handle 'ten tons of rock or other ,taat'erial for $1. That is unjust. D this illus- trate your experi- e n o ? And are you wor- ried for ft fear you are soon to be bald? Then cease worry- ing, for help is at hand. You need something that will put new life into the hair bulbs. You n 0 e d a hair food., s u a S ft rings beat . t. be hair, and the M- ing ceases. -1'1 always restores ,color to gray hair. Youneed not look at thirty as it.. you were fty, for your gray air raay have again, .ythouetdark,' rich color elates eetti aat•eirilleteta oearea borber by tnido rImre d * gro*t OA -to do vart ever te vigor.1 bale loud CPA At • do overytrilOg tkikt yea dlabu saleitsattatiugal:_eettxaesee caz Meter 41: OW:SW); Va. eefte. alaesas eleaere. Wrafo tiro &War* it.yora EI* *o oistala lb* igiosits- co OXPtet001 ItON1 tho us* or tjfis Igor, write the Moor *wottr, • - -.44141,0,11*..1.C.-4,1tEtt. lewiditMor 1901.FOR TIMES Mai Weekl etlytvtiter:BItainiroonrein• ovstieryiQ:ciiizinajoitinatehool:tiet3ed'utorsii: t• 40 44 4* 44. 4* 44 46 t- to It to 44 44 44 44 44 44 *4 64 44 Si ail $1.17 Gltat 1.00 Family Herald S.: Star 1.15 Montreal Witness LON • London nee Irvs MS Weekly Sun 1-76 Daily :Vail 4.25 , Daily (*lobe 1.;',%•• Evening Mail 3.25: Evening Globe 3.25 • " Daily News 4) ........rz • t " Daily Free Press 3.25 • " Evening Free Press 2,15 " Christian Onardian ZOO JOHN WHITE & SONS, Exeter Mr MvSliirray, wbolives near Pane. vale. lost ibt obi horse last week by death. rho animal was One Of the olclet in the country, being almost. 89, . J (3.• Searle, who recently diseolved pat toerobip with Mr. 130over, Clinton, . has taken in B. Bice, ot V roideboye, • is a partner in the marble businees. DiSCilSC nr. s Is caused by weakness of tbe stomach or bowels is likely to, yield to Scores EMULSION of Cod' Liver Oil. We don't say sure; and you. may not be sure that yotir, or your little one's trouble is due to weak stomach or bowels. . Doctors can't always trace al, disease to its cause ;‘, and you,. can't- - SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-, Liver Oil is the easiest food for - a tired digestion. Bat that isn't all ; it eneourages stomach and bowels , t� tackle their. - work ; it gives and get i thent. strength from the other food, they are ,p.ble to take. Give it time. " Food is the best of medicine;. food that sets- the body goillg Again. ,rhis. is health: give it time, halrshethgiesnii6iionte-8- ure on it, take - ----no other. (*ft If you have not tried it, . send for free - sample, itS agreeable' taste wilt - SOOrt 84-BOWN prise yeti. Chemists,_ Toronto.. 50c. arid $1.00; all druggiete.