Exeter Times, 1901-1-31, Page 8G • 3 i T A; L. xra a;.17.-•,e,tas Cash Store or Produce. twommla__ :tiarcgrrra s a>,aRgaioaGaYarYapa', of Some special values that we offer you after stock taking. sere's ur"oey in them for you. air for Ladies, Misses' and long Felt Leggings. Just foz* deep, cold snow .See for Ladles' and Girls' grey Curl ets• Regular $1 goods. for larger full size, white Bed ,tksligbtiysoiled. Regular value tt„ td Ve yard fora fine lot or C'ordu- Ccrrct•et for waists or snap. h for Webster's Standard s-1,553 pages. We have left ac this priee- a for your choice of ,•a sroall irera'e grey lamb fur Gaps. attaates. Perhaps you better eaela rna es, full bassi: y lamb fur Storm to a #1ez > they're tidies' black for atad large Storm $1.37 each for pure wool knee Rugs. This is atlmoSt half price. Do you I ^giant fatal $1.110 for the dress. Have you had any of our $1 dress ends --7 yards double fold': You'll bt ,oxry if you miss this bargain, Very special values in men's and women's fur Coats, Our stock is too large and we roust clear them out. Ladies' fur Coats from $15.25 up, Men's fur 47oats $13.;10 and up. S2,00each for your choice of a. lost of ladies' and girls' cloth Jackets. Some of this lot have sold as high as $S,00 and $1000 each. They are not this seasons, but good and useful. Our loss will be your gain, 0 lbs. for'Yao. A choice lot of cook- ing Figs cave our way. Do you want any ? They're good. 10c, the pound for best roasted Pea the pair for meu°s fur driving This is a big.=big fair bargain. Towell tn e yaTrd torr pure linen wash -ac, the yard, See our table of job Dress Goads. 1Qc. the yard foryouar choice of aL hi; lot of job Dress Goods. roe. awl '2.5e. was the regular value, A. STFWA: r PI 1900 - Our Customers. I Son'i4 may not be aware that we have a jobbing business as well as the retail :—the former extending from Sarnia to Strat- ford and Owen Sound, covering the district to Lake Tinton. The demand for our goods bas been fairly good over this section and the incoming orders a little more numerous than for last year. Sections of our Fancy Goods have been cleared. The valance with all tate arriving stock we w c►f1'er• 'from Monday, Dee. l' Jan. zst. 19oz, at whole- ces. school supplies includ- 's will be a Christmas' another form which we ofi'er only to our old customers and their descendants. Christmas cards special, Thurs- day noon to Monday evg next. a Wedding Burge,, Watches, Cloak, Jewelry, Spectacles. Etc (iii. ON R. HICKS. Watch Repairing a Specialty. i4'tlXlritl< , , xwe STRATFORD. ONT. A school that stands to•day without as superior to Canada,. Its appoint- ments Itsdinstruc and the Best that ad,n throrc can hand Practical'..No school in ton for st strictly high gradetworkp reputa- tion we are not Irvin` on. our reputation but upon rouwhat we aWucin, o -day. doing t patro- nize our college ? Students admitted each week. Write for handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLioTT, Principal TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Griuu,, "t'G'`ednesdav of each week. Miss Ifattie Fo11,rk is visiting friends I in St. Marys. R1+IEST ELLIOT, PANT,otfor nter al efor thesPatera= F ng NBC/14MM COMPANY, of London, England,•• and Mill= i; strax ;caW COMPANY, of Eng THURSDAY. JANUARYL31st, 19011 f h There acre several cases of grip in town at present. Mr. J. D. Graham from Toronto is here again buying more horses; Miss Maud Welsh, milliner, Petro- ea, is .spending her vacation with her parents here. New Prints, Drills and Flannelettes 'the nes store.—W D. YEO.. Thomas Bissett, sr„ has sold his fine pan of carriage horses to J. D. Graham, of Toronto, for a good figure. Miss Lily Welsh, milliner at Sma11- man & Ingram's, London, spent the orepart of the week with her parents ere. LOCAL PPE II1 vriH witdesey interesting onssonryadrin id of the Forward Movement at the Epworth League of Main` -St. Methodist church on Tuesday night last. Mrs. Jas. Snell had the misfortune fall on the icy sidewalk on Friday tght Iast, sustaining a very serious baking up, It is supposed no bones ere broken but she may be laid up for some time. According to. a judgment rendered recently, the council of any township responsible and open to action for lowing bad holes, stumps and stones o remain on the roads whether or not mage results from same. The fact Bing that the existence of such ob- cles are an impediment to the safety the travelling public. Councillors hould be guided by the warning, Quarterly meeting services will be eId in James St. Church next Sunday orning. The Official Board will eet for transaction of business on nday Ev'g. Special evangelistic 'vices will be held from Tuesday to. iday evening of next week, On unday Feb. 10th the evangelist, Bliss Morton will preach at both services d assist the pastor during the fol - win g weeks. A memorial service was held in 'vitt .Memorial church ;:on Sunday rning'at which the :Rep. J. W. Ten ck preached an appropriate sermon ring upon our late, beloved Queen's rise] asked all to try' and profit' by e excellent example which Her Ma- p has set; for. her loyal subject Mrs. W. Graham. of Si. Marys, is a visiting Mrs, John White. Mr. R. Seldon, Ingersoll, renewed acquaintances here this week. Flannel sale this week. Come.andto get a bargain at. the new store.—W.0n D. YEo. s John Wood shipped a car load of fat w cattle from this station on Monday for i Toronto. 1 The Methodist Twentieth Century Fund has now reached the sum of is $1,282,607.19. al Rev. Ford, Parkhill, spent last 1 d Saturday with Rev. and Mrs. Millyard 1 b and called on' other friends in town. ' eta Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Anderson, of of Anderson, who have been visiting 1 s Mrs. John White. returned. to their . home yesterday. a Use Turkish Scalp Food for falling or i'V grey hair. It, prevents Dandruff and n relieves itching of the Scalp. Only ,1 JOa . a bottle at I titz's Drug store. It is, said that the Ontario' Govern- a Fr, mels( will at tlhe coming session ask. S for ,n appropriation for a statute of . her late Majesty, to he erected in front an of the Parliament buildings. The pro- osal is notJ to likely to excite opposi- p on, A total eclipse of the sun will take Tri place in May, but yet, it is not attract- a,o ' x lvitte;ntion on the part of as- be tronorners,. The best place to snake life ..l,servactiou8 is in the Malay: Archi- nettle°, which is in the; path. of total- je its jest Ere tezministers mould be satisfied with one or two weddings each year, if t tie feces equalled those paid to the ::zizci.atin; clergy at the marriage of ift ed G. VII aaderbilt. Rev. " Beattie 1... { ei ed $3.000 and.1t,.v. Morgan, who wsarted, $2,0011, itro )snot should be ll tied. Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck took advantage also of the opportunity of speaking to the Sunday School children, pointing out a few of the excellent traits of Her Majesty's character worthy of imitation by all who wished to attain to greatness either in this worldworld or the ;:tO CO1nG'. a it al YIM 11940411 a: lea AIN • laGoot r=nr LIN ei it WI NI i'. *10 IN !smarm axe mmmmmmnia acaY r.ariPA4o,laaMra,iiraaarwiw rrllrlaaiYa aY. HEINSAL PI K RD'S TOCKTAKING LUARIN.6 IkLE Commencing Wednesday, Dani ,doth Continuing Until Saturday, A VISIT TO EITHER OF OUR STORES DI.URING 7'):IIS $ .LE WILL PAY YOU. Many of the best bargains are not mentioned on this Bill,. Staple Department ?0.. airs white p and grey Flalrlrelett at 95e, sale price aBlankets, special, 15 pairs English Flannelette Blankets, largest size ttlul heaviest weight made, special at $1.25, sale price rice - special lines wool Blankets at ,$1.75 auci $2. Q. 10 pieces wide -width, good -weight Flannelette, warrantee fast colors, worth 7c., for - 7 pieces 30 -inch heavy weight Flannelette, good patterns and fast colors,e regular 12 ., for .- o- 500 yards OO -inch wide, heavy weight, even threaded, grey Cotton, regular price Se., sale price . ,, 5e, 500 yards Prints, regular Sc. and lac. kine',; special sale 7,0 ♦Tj er a C. price 200 yards dark colored. ed . ' e•l l tiShirting I lannelet-tes, regular 124-e. kind far 100 yards wide -width, area }fest weight feather Tlekin regular: price 25e,. sale price 150 yards heaviest weight soft, finished Cottonade, T very special, per yard 200 dards even. threaded, 364l16 bleached Cotton, regular 10c. kind, during sate 13 yards for s:713- $. •00 Grocery Department. Eddy's best Matches, large size box, reg. 12 e., for 8c. Best wooden Clothes Pegs, per dozen Ie. Good quality Baking Socia 2 lbs. for 5c. Good japan Tea, (new seasons) :For 20c. Royal Yeast Claes, per box 3c. Best Whiting, per pound tic. 6 lbs. best cooking .Figs for 25c. 5 packages good torn Starch for 25c. las. best loose Gloss. Starch for 25c. lbs, finest selected Yew Valencia. raisins for 25c. Mantle Department 50 Ladies' Mantles ranging in price from $7.00 to X12.00. Your clroi e of any of the above Goats for - $3 50 Ladies' Fur Department 50. 1oc, c. 1.3 off all Fur Ruffs, Collars, Caperines, Jackets, Capes, Furj Gauntlets, Imitation Gauntlets. Dress Goods Department 6 pieces fancy cord Dress Goods, just new in, regular price 5oc yd 25 for _ io skirt Lengths ranging in price from 3,5o to 4,.00, special sale price - Iso yds our special line at aye, during this sale, price will be Be Sure and See Snaps en 2.50 19c Our Bargain Counter, remnants and broken lots will be there, all rnarked at quick ,moving prices. le hing Department Regular 17.00 and i S.00 Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, made to order during this sale, fit and workmanship guaranteed for discount on all men's, boys_', ; and nd children's Suits and o0f O Overcoats All men's Fur Coats and Sleigli Robes at Sale Prices - 13.00 Ladles' I epartm.ent So ladies' Blouses,-rrrgular 50c, 75c and i,00 Iines, sale price 39c 250/o disc,.unt on all ladies' misses' 'and children's Flannelette Gowns, Wrappers and Under -Wear, 5o pairs ladies' Corsets, all sizes, -ranging in price from 75c to 1.25 50e sale price - ' 75 pairs ladies' Kid Gloves, somewhat damaged, regular price i,00 25c and 1.25 for. House Furnishing Dep ,rtmen.t So odd window shades worth from 6o to gpcin some cases there 39e are 3 or 4 blinds of a kind, clearing sale price Remnants of Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets at half price. Big discounts ..on all Lace Curtains, chenille and tapestry Table P Y Gova=rs. W113 PAY HIGHEST MARKET P.IIiOE+'S FOR PRODUCE. HE / It. PICKARD CON EXETER FiENS rrre.:a...r i E II 6i I.EI F„if III li aa.. 111111 ,I..I I'I fl YL' JIY am]!i IMAM w N. N1,411 n-ya: _ at 1 Besides showing the profit or loss means a arouse cleaning in a dry goods store, Any line that wilt not be thoroughly up to -date- for spring trade is placed on the bar- gain tables regardless of cost. We have a few of These Lines. Not Many we are pleased to say. We have a Great Iran y' Short which we placed among the remnants. All first class good in dress goods, wrapperettes, eottonades, .eats flannelettes and cottons. , CARLWG BROS. PuoPuiaaY Sot,n.-Ur. W. Lung has disposed of his house and lot near the. foundry to fir. A. Ilodgert, late of Farquhar, for the stmt of $1,100, Mr. Lang intends moving to the Yorth- drll?1tSSS AND MESE AVON. The Ladies' Aid of Main -St. Metho- dist church with some other friends, drove Q e a)ut to west in the.sprtng where its will reside.l ei the residence of Mr. andy We are sorry to lose 31r, u.ad firs, evening ga nd took Lli'z on ally by in- Lang from our village, prise, and them totally by s s g prise, .During the evening au address • was read and a handsome couch was SIIEI;i? ' ozautED.-•-one day .:last - resented; to Mr. and Mrs. Mctr'ortl. week n, number of dogs made an -at- s Me. McCord and family have been tack en some sheep belonging to Itta.1 valuabie members or the Methodist J. N. Howard. An adjustment was; church here for elver;:* years and their made for some of the sheep, when n.Aplace will he hard to ll Ml. They willshort time after it, was found several' leave for their new home in London others had been worried byotherdogs. township next month. ;a I best wishes of this 411.411411411.1141611+11,114.4144410114.4 are s Goods dem.%t Stewart's ll find the largest selection in the country. Cords, Bengaline cod, Sabastapool coal, Poplins, Sergei-, Henriettas, Melrose, Cheviots,. .Broadcloths and Iloniespuns,froin 20c to $2.50 the yard. See our stock if you have a dress goods thought. 40******1114**41•11,4144114414114. ALEXANJ)Ii . LITRRallar f'oiIeI3 F1uzzx7;a,Ity 1;.•,-A grand literary esus 'musical entertaaainment, under the anspices of the Public; Library, will be held in the Opera Izrnaso on February lith, The Board have engaged the well-known and fatuous elocutionist, l issJessie Alexander, also Miss 'Emily Seletees church, Toronto. Msist sSel f ay is gold 14 medalist, 1599, of the Goo: ervatory of lliusic, Toronto, and comes highly re- coin:vended. See Posters, TUE LATEST PARE, --- rhe ono novel crirninaal way of snaking soon has just comae to the attention of t', police, says n, nearby exchange. *.Giza: is a good-looking young man and w. e. roan travelling, making all kinds money by gettingmarried. The coup bas a large stocof raised $1 and bills. The bills of the lower clenuini Ar . lon are raised to appear as $10 hill while the $2 ones seem to be $20 bill The couple visits the tulsuspexctin minister, the bride blushes, the groo, is very nervous, just. like most ne. grooms, and the clergyman perforin the sacred ceremony. Ile is given, i most cases, as $20 bad bill and told t take his fee out. Usually $5 is th limit of the fee, and the fake bride and her "hubby" leave with $15 of th good man's good money in aheii purses. st ev e of le 5, s. Overshoes for men and women at New Art Muslins and Cretonnes at, Mr. S. Pepplestone has been laid'oft his Pew property here on Tuesday :o.x.rtk. for over a week with la geippe.. %Ir. A. Hodgert takes possession of Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce at the new store.—NV. D, Cleaving 8J-1,1 O f fel I, horns and shoes --mr. Arthur Ramsay attended the inarriage yesterday of his cousin, 11Iiss Several of our citizens 'ivere present at the wedding of VI'. Alth Sweitzer p7en,,ratiizli,sili!iidnignIi,ter of v, Rate, CVitian s Cough Balsam ,surpasses al other cough medicines for the cure o Coughs, accompabying la -grippe, Colds and Bronchitte troubles. Only 25o. bottlelt C. Lutz's Drugstore. Everybody is using Dix Laxative Cold Core Tablets for the immediate' relief and rapid cure of Cold jn the box at Laz's Drugstore. Mr.:Alex. Tait, owing to the' CO /3 - tin uted ill.health. of Mrs, Tait, proposes giving up housekeeping and will dis- pose of his furniture (principally new) by private sale. Anyene desirous of purchasing can call any t,tfteenoon from 3 to 0 o'clock until last, of cherch, Sabha th, Pei). 3r.d. Love feast subjeet, Clertitinties in Religion." 7 p. m, subject will be .` The Suffering of Christ and the glin y bat shall fol - the evening After sermon. Additional locals on Page . 1111 :II II 111 Children Cry AST For the olitlay easo \\ 0 are ii()1(iiiicr out excep- ferent lines of goods. OUP Pianos and Organs are rst-class goods at very mod- erat prices. in Sewing niachines our ocic is varied and of the best 'DO not foro•etsour smaller lines such as Cliilo.ren's Cut - terrs and sleighs, also Violins, South Orcratz,,' and. all ltinds tom, prices,