Exeter Times, 1900-12-27, Page 67-71
,CIIARTERED BY PARIJoitachatT, 1$55.• eke
tip Capital
e Puatl 1.3,599*(gr411-;
IOitra. spot
A -Nr o w s
ing, un t
At iast your friends
y, How bald hes
Not easy to cur
old baldness, but
easy to stop the first
iinning, easy to
check the first falling
ut., Used in time,
ness is
rn a d e
im pos-
i b
poutcs gowtb, n 1
ou &1dlndrurr.
always restores
.1or oZailedor
the dzrli,
ariv You
veal, tF.NriagS
4 r.:44,4, -;473s.
VOStaitte na:
„,, etatimeeit
.04.10A r
Vic; tg.
; patatalt4.4,,
tanant;..ar Cal
,D,C1 IL+
tto. atetaior
Cti ,i„44,ate.Can.4
Jolts De.taiiicLb:/ ;
er. t
EnEeToRS tly ifeenervnit-WIL'"'
th eeveleen,
searareareveuT roe;
. _
Mr. Thos. Green, eon. 2, Logan, has
Bold bis farm to John Ren»ey, the
price being $5,0110.
The most beautiful thing in
the world is the baby, all
dimples and joy. The most
pitiful thing is that same baby,
thin ancl in pain. And the
mother does not know that a
little fat makes all the differ-
Dimples and joy have gone,
and left hollows and fear; the
fat, that was comfort and
color and curve -all but pity
atid love -is gone.
The little one gets no fat
from her food. There is some-
thing Wrong; itis either her food
or food -mill„ She has had no
fat for weeks; is living on what
she had stored in that plump
little body of hers; and that is
gone. She is starving for fat;
it is death, be quick!
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
iver Oil is the fat she can
take; it will save her.
The genuine has this picture on
It, take no other-
..liyou have mot tried it, send
for free sample its agreeable
taste will surenseyou.
SCOTT et nowNEt
SOc.. and
8. Senate Ratified lia.le-Panun.ofoto
'hereof, and ley Rer Brr,ta,
j's'TY ; and the ratifications
t el -imaged, at Washington or
within. six months trout
eeeif, or eerBer, if possibi
faith niteireof the
•entpotentlaries have sign
eivent ion, and pg;ersuot
' ir seals,
111 illtPlicete at Wa
wItoant; THE Gy
at Lott -
the date
espeetive 1""aing"
ed this
o affixed
'• fifth day of Wbrixary, in the year
oor Lord one thousand nine lino -
And Sorao Rejected. Pia the' Canal Will Not drohl.
Pe Feettfied-Text or the Treatr (Slotted) JOIIN RAY BAUNCE-
. roT2.
Wo,shauttettre Dee, 2?"--Afler eronding -
the greeter part or tee past fortnight. ICI HOS PLAN A REVOLgTION
considerine. tee elate Pauttoefote
'treaty for the recenfication ee the
C.:et-ton- Bulwer convention of 10-30. 111111eh, IS 'TO Fat the Sultan Out of
Seaate to -day ecasurued only one Business
:tad ea trenntes ta antendiug it
r• tifying me amended. During i
ithStame 'there were six roil calla and g Chicago, Dec.e23.- The$ Chicege Ree -
severe:, viva wee retes. The firat orn pewee the !lowing from its Lott-
gve of the reel cottle were on aaroud- !Sion, correspende& --
teats offered bt nasals:lima: senator; 1 Pasha, son of the late Meer
44444 the one on tee reseintion znearntein ens aeon -to T,9440a Ea
D ratify the treaty as 4.14.4,-114444.1 r enlist the friendly offices a ii,ord
ernotaixiotits eXeeth ''.11tooh" of„
fehran e0 Salisbury in uprieleg the aTurds
rer.ator Feraaer one nepOrtect , tette to toad ctgah•Abdt.111,374.11241. the
•zanzi,: tee en toreign reiatione ;settee of Toricey. when the /lel:11=14,y
ttewn ste eaneorazatsaVt , of Great Britain, Femme, 0ermany.
fhe int-IfieatInn re" -Austria. Italy and Spain has been As-
' ny a vote of 4 euree,
eenate wa.e in executive ennein declares that an army of 100,
Ogfl Kurds and Arrnenialle weatly to
• r ,Yht:ner arri1vetti- -foczettilog to " take the field under his banner and
ohollators 'thors•tc'P* tlo'•" w tge n light for indenendence. He ex -
:letter, Wneeent. toad VartateepInnetore g roe! Rossga to ewe. a tat Turkey. St.
;tater ..,:-.tituthe All tit,'
, anlend: g Phter.sbere, will therefore he omitted
s eratgettoolt hatIoug ottolo octen from 11.7.3 missionary toter a the En -
upon 2a4 those of .14e conottoittea rapiten cepitale, elthielo bqs Itc8whislt14
IlloPTed, Senator -VichidfOr "4° 1-4.14i present visit to England.
341E44 th° Ire"LS *HAS MDR THE KT -nos untoNn.
is reeuest eras ea:nine-a with 44.4
e vote 44'41a taken en the treaty ERS.
rh.:2, text 4-d. the treaty an emended a matueeque. roan r
ts Speaking yeeterday, Osman. who is
soicilerlY o 48
yeers, talked of his people's grievanee$
InaLeL,c,';'4:ttt'S of America and and aspirations. lie said:- "Abdul
Illtajesty th" feueen t•f the Lhoized g rfamid has hopelessly 41emoralized the
1..11E:4em el Great Britain and Ire- Merit nation. At Ms instigation et e
tote, Mt:press of Indinheing deolE041119 hare become 4 race a :murderers- thi
f"lci'144,te ta" ecnstrnetion uf :4 der the penalty ot oor own live; t
cln-t- 0..ingw?' the Atiant:e bive been incited to butcher end or=
4' eve t,PP:11;S, r41 t that "let1 were tee Armenians wall, whelp fot
reel ato env vet otolon whieh seerty we eretayel Age elltiet 2 berm
t tan of tee cent -tenant of Atet., of affeetion etroi frien,khip.
eZthq "1.4111- e,:aughz04,‘ Ctinsa;4446:41141tgv
••;-.,^' :Tv:tr.:46 Z0 the C rifiltlit•txpet 11.tene eneeree.oet, eateen, gts eteef of the.
Iltele;Te 2;47. r 13-ztellol'4's4
a'af, 1X7.:ered Olfr"trousPfer<sts41TIPArtlit'eailZs IP;
:;:traiiali.,* 11;4' gerVOr '; It4iting t hem away free* the Sultan's
nen. - U tare.
4 c'7 teat ciatitentiose epo et eereet ehet etteeentene etaat
4,11PP'''"*1142;%11 al'ir namilier.e came front. the nailed
to 32 ;4:4' JP" ' 4 V '17V ,t4r 2 vie te,i to) Jain oats array, ate/sprung
e e ,! se„114,earanoteesa 'cry f41 :7,14 f.4n. unrest rj.- Met fle
4T the rtfnet St tees tel tettehree tyronny far generalltiolls. Note
;43 a nes 4ho uttr•rn F areitng tee frequent deft,ats we
4'. 114:,1, lien. lend 1' eierte 3,r,„t„/",:e.t.„,flule!ltreseteirePlen:,.!0
K.1L' Of
IL, 14 C. n. H.: Mi. teiregitee to rob es of tie. fruite of
entleteeeelor exgraer.linery and
te'eneerniary re the Unite! Ottove
4.44ut,y and keep le, in 7111,3046 ill rilib,
t :eine centirtunereet el co Peek iteration. tantounting toetervittela
iger :heir fuit paueret which were .• CONF,IDENT (IF VICTORY'
irel ;Li lie in tine and proper form. "When we whippet TRate.V hi 1878
o' agreed upon the following r''''el'Ill w33 414"'it tt' 41n41" 21e
;, -...
i61,, 1. 11_ is agreed the ,,,Llirii :ms IS(' that Kee.n...,ae eeulti
not extet as an mallepertgain: ;eclat, 'IVo
teey leo eerier meted under the auspices were told that Re iel wae waiting to
.. , lite III tif8t,
4, ihe never/law/it ee the unaed ,,,:nitilal3t.it.v us up. We art, .no l xo sure
it,;Inaeither treetItS ow.t1
!lit i emelt a fate dote. ern, bane' over us
iv. by gift or loan a rnOney, tei Ins
avielutle tor corporations, Or through "We fear the Stkitate :11.11;1111311 PX•
teillst.rits: kin so or purchase Of Steck Cease" rtillat Inevitelity Mime Lint into
,e she, ree, ;Ind the t, osubjeet to the
eeeene (4' till` present • '• coliliel with teem. .of :he greet iv.
tione of the warM. We !nee del er-
t eie slid goVprnmeat ellen have ami, ruined to striate for "our ostieetora te...
ejer .411 the rigiats incident te .8nch. ( f *re '411**113 "
''..• • ''' 1114rn
. t'-
c -,,4;' rutirian. :;;:4 well as the excluSiVe't Z•l, ' ....„ . "trill, ;33'. ".1 11" .. '1"ri 'If
14 of provtling for the Teg113.
1tion, 4i.
Iiitiacittieret -,; the l. Jtorset. 1116 '1..rii. t!1•1114S 14:,.; IMIld
4' toff, we etettl aritieve eeriaie vietory."
. Amiele e. *fee* high eentracting par -1
. . CP1111{1oliat, Ti) Olt: ON eta,
0 mon asserts ioei lio. atIlliary
pi . ere vele o he - ' 111 'till be
rettiy for execution at . the lett .1 dur
•en• the 1111./.•.litl....* ' ! 1,0!.. :IP Says
eat tee eagneue tie/alit tnettioy. the.
fewer of the Turhath army. of which
he lemoelf is a ientoetteretteral, io
.tterapte el. entirtiey of Navels, %vim ere
ready to fight. for him ' 4.111., if‘Ver IS. IS
re. i 41 Y to place Wm elf al , heir head.
"Kordietan," continaiel (roman. "is
mirably came it in ezi far (aft* nsive
Witt:try ever:It'll:et In: . he et,at of
in..en of the. Sultan's artillery
f.lerott, which dm Kunio will simply
le a in upon whoa war is (icelared."
Cornell asserts that Akita II:until
has instructtell ltis ambassador in 'Lon-
don to approach the British War Of -
:nee for the parpeee of *inducing it to
reject the Ku_rtle' overtures.
g net, no preserve and 'main-
: ;in the great prineiple Of neutral. t a ion eett eh 'islted in article 8o1 the
V: stem- Buie"- eanvention whieh
riots as the b isis nf sueli neutreliz-
te la n 11u* nititoeing rules, titibstant
tenhalied in the renvention be.
-n Greai Britain and rerlitin
4, Ler p9we es.4.1.4n oil at Constant i -
nettle Oi'l. LE3. ;,$t44, for the free n ivi-
t hot of the atiez SL41ftiflle Canal
Lira i$ to 44:1:1'**
ce. The eaual shall b • free and.
men in limo Id' war as in alma t,f
zr •• "P, • VT.S., ."-i of conanto .•
tine of vier 4 1 ail nation; on tormai of
i; .. s.t ila t there -fr 11
• enina Atm terzainst any :rt -
•a tor iis ei Liens or subjtets10
•, 4.7,,ms or chargeof
;.e.- iniereate.
fee The trawl/ shall never be bleelt-
1, nor shalt any right of war 1,,'
_deed or any net of hostility
. CO- Vete:els of aver 4,1'a belliger DEWET'S DARING
unniniterel within it.
sheet Deo revirtual, nor take ;nay
;tomes in the canal, xaept as far
111 ty be at rietly necessary, and the
treneit of such vet:eels through .1i.
canal shall be effected, with tht leite•
possible delay, in accordant... aith
regulations lza force, and with only
such intermisoion as may result in in
tine neeessities of the service. Prizes
ehall be in all respeets subj.. to the
s tam rule as vessels tie war of the
(1). No belligerent. embark or
disembark troupe, raaneions of war allomnfonteia, ITheirsday, Dec, 19. -
or warlike materials le gthe canal ex- The details of Gem Deivat's escape
p. in eas c. at -catenate hindrance from the encircling! Britieb columns
ce the transit and ia euch casS1 the deseribS one of the bold.est incidents
sible desputrh.
transit shalt rtsumett with all pee- of 011ie war.. When kle.aSbroek's come
(5), The previelons 01 this ;track relies east Of Tbaba.nehte Gen. 1Cnox
mand• joitied Dewet, Dee. 12, some 15
shill apply to water adjacent to the was only about an luous distant and
cinat within three marine zeile: of the Roses' situation appeared desper-
eitherend. Vetisels oti*. \VII' of a hel- ate. But Doted was equal to th.e oe-
ligerent sh 11 net retail in in $ucb aasien. Despia.telting no.asbroek west. -
waters longer than 24. hours ae any ward to make e feint at Victor ,
one tine, except in case of, distress, eeeie Dowet prepared to break thuout
and in such case sbaltl. &weal: as soon
as possible; but a vessel •of war 01 the British columns at Springe
eine belligerent shell not depart with Nlek Peak about four miles of hroa ,
in 24 hours frextt the departure of a fiaunbrekezi ground. At ' the en -
vessel of war of the other belligerent trance wiere two fortified posts. Ai.-
Tt is agreed, however, that nonia ol teiletiletereiel.gvieferteetneedeor eat3tward
rind stiputations in sections No. 1, 2,
the ililm"iltetit•Y f°regu'illg Gund-iiicn54 •`Stiddenly Megnificent spectate"...
3, I antl 5 of thie arti3113 alien aPltitY of .2,500 men started at a gallop
to measures wieirah the 'Canine Sta tes. was peesented. Tie whole Boer army,
mityfind it nenessax,54 to take for le open order through the Nett. (Pres-
ettcuring hy its own forces the deo latent Steyn. and Petit Fourfe•led the
fence of the United States and the neharon' eo and Dewet brought up t11(
m entenance pu.beie order. rear.• The British guns and nate
(6). The pliant, establieinnent, build- boomed and rattled ancessantl,y. Tao
gee and an weeks emeseary to err ied
B -------------- the eitts.tward route'
&Ow He Broke Through the British
Presented By His Entire Force on the
Charge -British Gans Work at Short
construction, in intenanee and opera. t'ut enn°1-latering artillrY they' cil-
rim of the cartel shall be deemed r6rgad and galloped to
p r,; thereof, for tlae purpose of this the fro13140.&'the
hill where •the fere of. only it single
a onven tion,a nci in tiane of. wain a$ in Poet ,as effective. The :whole minoeit-
"-Imo of Peeve, shall enjoy complete vra was a P'icce of Inagni-licellt dar-
trnm.uni'y from attack or injury by ing and its stlecess was 0041.Plete ' ho
b,Iligerents and fronst vote calculated spite of the loss of a. 15 pounder otad
I e imp, ir tbeir usefulness as part of 25 Prisoners." • '
th. eanal. t Tile Reitish force despatched after
e7). No foet icatiens elm -11 be erect- g aasbroek eame in ttontact with, bis
e:; commanding the came ee tile ' comment() at atghitfall. The burghers
w-, fere adjacent. The 'United States, were aeattexed and the Welsh - 1 yeo-
t• in suck minitaey . police along the Boors, using their trevolver and, tie
however, shall be at liberty to main. rnenry galloped among the eetrenting
0 : 1 al as ittay be necessary to protect butt -ends of their rifiee with 'great
' entinst InWinSSiteSs Mae disorder. effect:, •, ,
t ;thee, 3, The present coevention An incident of the fight hit' Oit; 'the
sh il be rot:Vied too the President of gallop of a Britieh ammunition wag
the United States, by and with the on right through the scattored Boer,
yAlvice 0204.1 oonsent oif the Senate tho gunners using their revolvers
• •ssassaistairsesingoor, :row'
a.S• Unable to iDePends on How MUchArrirnuni-
iglf Ministers' tic!" the Dutch Oen Raise.
alAt Own aad the
elee eventfuieeet 14 cleete FAfteett gumtree Veve Already ,teitied the
thee .eneteeeoetas me . TIPer44 atie rh11114,5tOWA District
• ewe.
trade era, no e . . Alonsa-libaety rpr ceAt 44 OK+ Duiv.11
mg its progreolmiBary 34;1m Enelosing Me It:deers.
rtr regttrdecLre:_.•14 j'ae 1\ °"''.• : toora:t.mel;e00,6:40::aare: taunae Itoetala t.
In the k.nowleell
rdase, Fro 11 ...._ Waiting Roe a Beseureeito, Leader-.
poisjoainttltddsieerarajonaipaup4rra:Ithe:;.:;huinuitaestbeie:* eturseirenydego b14.,tegelnl..261-„Tutehe. j1:.,..:„.1,4
aatural for th°se a Prnice lesPe4ii!" tS 1837 1800 18
zdecation att.? ttie ellntsters,
lbe /atte. tp tile .tleella,ttle.itZ :099, Iii the last
tbraz reittaadte otti ,,,teeQtisoeozevto,zioptotsts'etbrlide :,.,40,31sereize icureouelyague
.11 flitall spare wontavecet elation the ilitristiao llerale,
atone mena-
eestiog to
f inn the
moat important, are t that have
ead the greatest influene le al/aping
tml decolOPing the conditioua of the
WARS AND REVOLUTIONS. Tidal wave at atalvestem Texas,
ieatta Alastriams Med Ru sea% 1805* 'Tidal waVo in Japan sweeps awav
Battle of Austerlitz. NqetageolA de-
1 k4
tventa which Make tahit
/rattle, but it may be o
recall a hundred. wh:e
, preached Lea.ienwortheteeet a
a Leaven:wore& atreet. As they 0.p.
illEMA to 06th atreet, and tbence south tt
_ car passed theta The lad rec
the condector And etaid to th
ardlyfhad a taste e.mrs Light oil Con. tons: -"There is a Alan 'Who hao
..nk ()flail the things S' Joint Note •TelVtol: i'm04,4,144iTttif, )4bita,dt oktsidtletd, ,in,
+nun- iliAiimeig\4
C01- f, corn,
n tbe ta lo-
on ern ela 3.897,
p or:years,
eet :*tribue
afit-'toraiugh The
• 1897 these con-
.ribu.tions al:noun-tee to $40,000, in -
dueling. eerie on board the City of
Werett; in 1899 and 1900 il.00.600, in -
dulling cern ou board the gait°.
The great fire in Chicago, 1871.
The Conereaugh filood, destroying
ra t
teem e
Battle of Trafalger , , 11, houees and kills 2,419 persens,
$reneh fleet. la15,
Wrap Nepoleon. 18isth
Atoeeteit' burned by nip Ituesieus ;la
Goethe - s Faust, 1808.
luielaed. 1815.
Battle or Walerloo. 5214)O118 4)
'Rattle of Igasetrino, hiteoriare 4.146814
.ntlependetteet •1.837.
Crimean Warellreat Britain „France
41141 $3rdinfa agateet Rusele. 1853e
frelie Unfitly. in Which native eoh;
Beret nrissaere English MVO. WOUlett
kied ehildreu. 1857.
-Franco.strien War. 1859t fellows
td. by .tieribaldits Campaign. "untying
;tally, 1800.
The Great Civil 'War in 'America.
801-61, Surrender of Lee to tirana
• 41Areporeattee, _April 9, 18C5.
Atustre-itusste la War.
eattle. Sadowe. July 3. 1869. Deeisive
Freneo-Pruesian War. Deeisive
-le, Settan, aSeptenther 1, 4e,70;
el by federatraca of tleriaten Stetteein
Russo-Tun:NU Wer. Bettie of Neve
ea, nerve/tier 10. 1877.
Beinberetnient of Allexentirie ley aloe
liettett, 18.9,2, followed 1,4,y the eccunte
;len ef Egypt
War bettveest Chinee anal Otepene_ee.
Atnericoetapontelt Wen nay
• 18.44 Santiago, Ju4 3, 1898.
WAS' by Oreet tha(aiti againta .44)l )4
African Republieti, ISM -Vara
France bectimets tea vuipire. lett% "
neoublie. Vele an enttere again, 1812:
Third Ileptablie.
t ;weer; ow Wein ef revolt; t :eat
lerteugitout 1;tirte.e.,
Rome, iseteei f rem the tip*, latromee
sipint of Vontiet loally, :Site
Ithie le:ate:tit
in the are ittneitaien •or Sir
holm •Pratak ',era 14. 1S79;
• teeny. 11"1o1: try. 1$ le; a:an-en,
:tate Duke tot the Aleatea: tfartlte
ittort'h/, 19110.
in the Antaretiet-l'i ...eq.. 1831.
4° , 1143); ITterv,Ile, 1810; Ite
W.linee Dila; floret:et eviele
te Arnett- Living, -line. .
toley,. 1$75.$7; Spelt+, and Ge141 e
Amerieit: John Vretnont•
eourney weetw Ihe Pacific. 1842.
rirSi tsteantl. .. Viermontamade
Voyage Irwin Sew Vtork '10 Albany,
4114l7; the firet tounth, 10 crOsS the
Atlantic, lbe Sera:malt, 1819.
Meet railroad, Stoekton and Dail-
ittrzon, England, 1845; Baltimore and
Oho, fourteen mile; long, 1880.
tug the Wrests by gas, first ex-
teament in London. 1807.
.iectrie !writ produeed by Edison's
:; ,..cation ot cult division, 1878.
fee .31cCorrterk reaper invented.
etneur discovers remedy for hy-
elowe's sewing taaehirie, 1846.
tren•toble by inoculation, 1884.
Elle electric telegraph, Samuel F.
The Rosetta Stone furnishes key to
1*_ Oloree, 1e37. Peet line in the Unli-
t retateo, lett tiertosiyphs, 1841.
The tett/none firet exhibited, 1870.
Tee phonograph. 4ri77-68.
-Vtetor Hug,o w es Les Miserablee,
Tholeas .Carlyie'e Histore' of tbe
rrencle ReValttri011 nub:lilted, 1837.
Ralph Waldo Emerson's Nese:Fs,
dabn. RU-skines it.telerta Paintera
Whittler's Poems, 1830-75.
ilerriet Beecher Stowe's Lnele
a in, 30.51-ee,
Darwin's Origin en Opeeles, 1859.
President 'Monroe propounds the •
xrrrine that bears his name, 1823.
44111 Rehert Peel Preniier of Great
1414014), 1834.
John Sherman. et, Seerteare
"reiesur,to resitmes speeie pose/eats,
Abraham Lineoln teemed Pres
razed States.
W. E. (lluisteas• bteoitets prenee
Great Ilritaie, 18178.
Bismarck Made Presidena of 1
Thrtl$4411. 181124
•Ceitutt Cevour. I.ibera tor of Italy.
eepointed Premier. 18.12,
Louis Koesu.11 Illetator of Hungary t
Cold discovered in C:iiifornia. 1848;
Australia, 1851; in the Transvaal,.
887; in the Klondike, 1807. 1
Dliznetol mines worked the
teansvaith .187(1.
Opening to"; the afoot (irt)e Ttlanel,
Ietst apile* of the Pnion )4 33 I
hiproad driven, 1939. 04
Trans- Sib -Tien Railroad A:permed $
Opening of the Suez Cele:, 1839.
Alaska ceded by 1tus24i4) to the n
Jnited Statee, 1807. •
First session of •I Perliament of e
nailed Canada, 1807.
The Auetralias under itne govern- .1
I1622, 1900.
.114 ximilia it ex .euttel in Me
Expulsion ot the Emperor from
;IL 1.989.
Assessinn lions: Lincoln, 1.805; (
ield, 1881; Erup,ror Alex41141Or
$81; Ca.rnot, ',resident of Piet
*194; Shill. of Persia, 1800;
lumbert, Of Italy, 19001.
.Expulsion ,of .Jews from 11w.
Massacre of Christians in Armc
Maesaere .c.ef misteionaries :and .c
cerise in China, 1900.
Array draft riots in New 7.0
Chloroform first used, 1847.
Vaceinatien legalized, 1803.
In the Eveeleett ..e egotiatiens-
Paperer and Itewa ,.''N s En /Nutt)
• ror .
London,. nee. 22.(...::elortisOn, tn.*
long .despatele to OT Tines
1 Pekin, dOted Dee. ell, gtVeS• eX
from the .foint mein Anter
preamble, reeoontina and condo
the "outrage; be procteede to
' the .deraamis, which are vi
identical with the ten set for
the despatch to the At,e- °elated
frolat Tien T.e.in, dated Doe. 1
not, as in the case of that des
tenting forth tee mutant of t
devanity. Aceording 110 0,11`. altar
ini7erentliioe, the clettee eeferri
feriemnity reado ee follow& "
able inkeenity is to be Feld to .
stieiviitts and individuols, and a
Chhti-Ni•3 who hare euffered iteau
tome; ef their etlephoyillelu. b
eigners. Ck?Itia wilt adopt fin
measures tar:viand/le to the pow
guarantees tlet paymenir of lode
awl tho service .leans." Accord'.
the Times corre:WOotiellt the
emattlip..9 tait following sttpulatio
addition to these ce,bled to th
eeriation l'ress from Tien l'sint
paretic% to Japast far the noire
Segiyame, Rxeitttory 1;101-41
„meted in all 'foreig,tt .cente
where tomb; have been tiesee
Tito •
a tong
1240 t4 he IA*
4, but.
y for-
ers 44
r & 0 .0 preele ufrifilitt''et(ge;
threughout the empire for two years
tritinterating ,punielailvtas n
neon the guilty offiteale anti doreitton
hag death to eat -one Stinhig awe-
foreige eoeitaty. An imeerital celtet
ho ;settee, ltelding viceroes atilt got,
43. Pi4S441-14,s40444 for not i- flare ge
outbreaks or Vii44.41104141; tre-.11 4' •
(ia:1)44: 441 undertake itegotint zene tor
44. rev-eiton of the eterenere:iAl t IVA uatee
went noetieon mes en to etty the: in
the iiisettesiou of tht transeatem 44
pr441441aL, 31.141. to rf441140V2. 104414144;
114;4 ta-atErq "comply.' in the itrieter
unit it ia • 44'11@a4ilaci tao ;satisfied
M6' 42,14.;,..1. ouggeezeti: "Ate -leer.*
The Gernien micieter wan "Bern.
Lr." Finally it nas egreed to tiee
*'i.4'2.0p"A* thenfernaerat." The
:estete conelteles wit ta tett/retie
Oil reg '% iv* dotty ',storied
, Mr. Cougera; ii...gratite. tee:11'-
41y view (4' ilimpt Ching's
tealth atil atIVanciel age wit•O*Oi
(=sea much anxiety."
A Pelen tinepatelt of eh nhe
hare Mora" there is a 1,f0v,41.-.
itch in the preeeedinge. Tire ere.
,minary Scrim ROW km not yet iseen
ientel. Mr. .Conger. le'
tatee unnititer, tetys he, the,e4 tult be.
ear future., ,!itttl Sir Ernest eatow
ho British Minieter, takes tbe. rem,
iew. Dr. Meninx Von Seim:tete:An•
te.n. speaking for Germ tny. be , mee
let the eeleting, agreement e ill b.
graea tiooner or later. Tit* tit her
Niel'. en :meters also say Urn they eon:4111oz
the probabils in favor 447 eigning
111.3.". CA:ZIPSO Sources of in ft men eon, we.
• ever, say thee, te reli,tee eta :lore:.
for the etatement that 11161'4' is very
ue littlo chance of the note !ping e)ent, 1
Ire' for mute time. As n net I ter 421' fate
"I'g the treanaWre, of the teltif ef 1.1 Dune
Chang believe that the note wilt
.eve n teal ly ve to b tire wn 114,
nia in Europe or Antoritet -*prole
' 'ably the la r, twee nee they ehttn,
on- that the 'Washington manilla:anent hat
had moot to do tett 11 the exist i'ne
rk. modifications Of -Oh variono forms (Ii
11411•SIIIWPIS. Thz united States
looked upen by the Chinese as thc•
only power really desiring tit Teeth
th.e integrity of the Chieese Em 14*'
The other powere are regarded ae de-
eirous; of breaking ;'t up, with Or
raqilble exception 4-f Russets who, lb
Ch'nese think, merely favors a post.
pone/I:tent in order eventually to se.
ettre .a larger share. Grave fears are
felt re.garding the, health of la :flung
Chang, owing to a severe .00ld that
he taught on the day he visited 'Gen.
Chaffee. It is said that he is 'better
to -day, !but the.re is a fear' of pkurisy,
which, at his advanced age, might tot
fatal. It is generally believed that
.the Chinese got their information as
to what is done at the meetinge of
the envoys through sehae one con-
nteted .with. the, Russian legation
A tespatch from Tien Tsin to the
b Fronkfurter tZeitung, dated to -'clay
Vie •eatte "Prine.e Ching, interpreter, as-
th, serfs thot Emperor Keane u
.Cittge laid morass the Atla.nt le, 1857;
rerfeeted 1868.
Etertrio railroad at Falitecees home The Conservative Elected, But the lietlerlit
ro teeelo Park. 1880.
Reduced •
i botographse-Firet ex.perimente le
I) ignerre, itire. Vies/ mete' •sful pia- iLonclon, Deo. .1!,:f. - Mr. Worsle
11.1.15 by Morse, 1839- Taylor, a Conservattve, has beei
Tito :spectroscope eitat rteed, 1802; elected to represent the, Black Poe
tie...toe:led 1859. division of Laneasetre in the Sous,
ittemigen ratys found to pee:aerate of Commons in succession to Si
et"... is, 1898. Matthew White „Ridley, who, accord .
frig to parliamentary usage recent
..4.31.)1A1... AND IIIIMANITAillAN. , .
Slavery abenetted in the Le-itiola do- ft, retinquilmen. ins seat in lei
Lower Hiram oe being elevatee.
the peerage, wath • the title of
count Ridley. In this election
Censervative majorito was cut
half. In the fare ..generaI electioi
.Sie 'Matthew was unopposed.
011102111, 1833.
illexander II., Empehor et Rutein,
eta lempates ;.:G,000,000 se. .;(11.
1 iiiam1,1:8o6.‘1112.'s 1,2maneiDation • 'euclauna-
Pi an international Expoeition '111
Uyile Park, London, 1851.
keret set Demerit of an int er na i on -
a I quarrel ar arbttrat ion ine,ea ci of
war (Alabama Claim.; of the United
States against England), 1871.
eiternational Peace Congress sum -
:tweed by Iteesta., meets at The Hague,
U.:.'„?..gesniza.tion of the Red Cross So-
itie.s at. Geneva, 1884.
oeganization of the Womantit 'Chris-
'eemperanee TJnion, 1373.
itiret College Settlement established,
186i(ItLe Christian Herald adopts 5,000
children orphaned 'by the India
etneline, 15100.
Organization of the Atraeric.an Board
oe Commissictners for Foreign elle-
osluetn,e1811811.0, 'First miesiiontaries sent
Organization of the first Sunday
School 'Union in Londcze 1803. A -uter-
i -can, 1824. ,
Baittis.h .and Foreign Bible Soteety
fotraded, 4804.
American • Bible Society organized,
yoneg‘Men's Christian Asso-
ciation esta.bashed by George Wilt tiessian chamber comes Near Endorsins
limas in London 1844 Interrereeee In South Africa
Che Inquisition abolished by the
Spanish Cortes, 1820.
r;egiatning of the S'alhatien Army, eepntat;nisetneadtti'ngDehoZe-etBeythi:ellssgerocfldt-.:
„ Doctrine of Papal infallibilit3' for- instruct 'Hessian repres,entataves in
chamber to -day defeitte.d a motatn to
Council, 1870.
,01 -l2y einclorSed by the Ecumenical the bundesrath to propose the ass.-m-
eibte Revisioe: New Testament is- 'teeb."Gigwiogl, tthilfo°er'eal2getri oaffftaniii.tiatciuningraits.
so.o'i, 1881; Old Testament; 1885.
Org'inization of the first Young Great Britain and the Transvaal,
proposal for arbitration between
Ptoehott, SocietY of Christian En- Twenty-two votes were tett each way.
C-saaor, 1281. All the entieSeinites and Social Dean-
- °crate -favored the motion. The 144 -
Organization of the Ordee of r, n ives of the ,government left
ling's Daughter; 1888. the house before the debate on the
• - Dffs,.749,14ERs.
!takes: Car/teas!. 1812; India.
w Fv111 r
Diamond Tawn May Have to Sta
Another Siege
Deo. 22- The E e
Scandard says it hears a report ha
re tithed Lotruclon that Kimberley i
seriously threatened by the Boers.
L0,11(1:01)., Dec.. 22-ller. Forbes- Bob
eroson, the actor manager, and Mis
Ge,rtrude Elliott, sister of Maxine El
liott (Mrs. Nat Godtvin) were max
tied this morning at All Souls Ohure'
South Hampstead. The cerernon
wes most quiet'. There we,re 222) les
treide, but the bride, ‘140.S sup,poule,
'by Mrs. 'Madeline Reilly. the play
wright. Mr. Norman Forbes wa
the best raau.
aceompanied by the Empress Dow -
12.g4 -r, left, Sian Fu, Dec, 19, bound
for Pekin."
Berlin, Dee. 21.-A, deeeatele from
Field 1Vlarshal Von Waldersee date
Pekin, Dec. 19, says: Gueaclella
column, marching from Shan Ban
Kuala, successfully ericountered
foroe of Boxers Deeember 14 at 'Yuma
Ling, near the eastern imperial tombs
Fifteen 33oxers were killed. • One
thousa n 1 'Ch :nese regula.rs, ,unciei
Fag -Do -Ling have been driven out
of Lu Tat. They fled to the .moun.
tarty, northewesterly, on GuendelPs
;Washington, D. C., Dec. 21.- In-
structions have been eent to Mr,
Conger at Pekin to sign the agree-
ment \Vhioh, accordin,g- to Pekin ad.
viees, has been signed by all of the
other nainisters at the Chinese cap.
Kidnapped )Youth Tells What Id
Knows of His Capture
Omaha, ;1)ec. 22. --,When young Ed-
ward Cudahy arose this naorning 114
was questihned concerning the eircum
•sta.nces of his ,disappearance, and • re
Iated the following: -He said tha.t tag -
wee in front of , Gen. Coin's house
just across the street frora this PIVI
lueine,•on his way back front the Rue.
tin residence, on ,Ttiesclay evening.
when two men approached him. Om
of them stepped up to 'him and tso,ide-
"We are eheriffs from Serpa- cottaty
andoarrest you as' Eddie McGee, Wh.t
eseaped from- the Reform Schoone Tht
Jad p hat be was !not; the myth:
teal Eddie •alb -Gee, but his captors saic
that he would lav e to be tclexatified
Peseplacesi in a Ottaggy and drovo
and WhIPPed Gil the horse. The lei
then Wass taIXta aeross Leevensvortt
'street and driven in a seu.thevesterly
direction. Presently they came to n
house, which, iu the opinion of the
lad, Jo somewhere in the sealtewest*
ern part of Sooth Omaha. Yonne
Cadahe want taken from the buggy
and placed in 4 rowel eed ohgined It
the floor. He remaiued there all night
and tbe. next day. Hie bends werc
tied and the citable on his feet pre-
vented hien from getting a geed wen
of his surroundings, even after tin
blindfold had been removed. Hi
keowe, however, that he wItS iu ar
empty room and that the Winds or
the windowe were closed. On iht
trip to the place Of imprisonment, thi
Men, he says, talked a "little ahoal
themselves. Ile gathered from them
that there were eix tate gang. Ong
of the men eenae from. Olexuce re-
cently and was an expert in the kid-
napping basinees. After the noyeteri•
Pots hotase was reached one Peet
guarded during the geenter per -
time of tbe day. The oeeend 1441011 wee
44) anil out of ae, room at intei vele
1,"rtirn convereation letween the eh
niettors and lemself, the penile no 41
earned that the at/Luc:ere hid Leer
-tette:net to alretwo one of the girte04
:lie fantity am! had Leen pirinaine
Olt. for foto' months. att night, fut.
-«4420 anknown reason, the men re,
I k. 4503 young cluttrty trout MN 4-1I4110)
4,31,4:. -"Wo are going to tithe Pot
aerate" Teen the; lee km. to e haat
W22.-1 4114471471 raphity threllelo tht
to. reet 4.4110f0 itte wai -allowed ec
ie Ave Filo carriage. tOihrt there an
414844 home, arriving here elacietie
-after 1 o'clock in the la -teeing- tilt
14 itelitt. ma:le 710 explore/ t ion o hire
wits they gave 144 42).'. freeeem.
Gave Twooty-Fiva 7hlusand to,
Kidnapper o: Ms Son
Omen% Neb., Der, 2Z.- Twenty.
!teaseled delleire in gold was paid by ,
Miw„Irka Codalts, the millionaire
pteker. 474•1 4 ransont for itin $0a Rd -
ward Cudahy. Jr.. who 'ems ea/dueled
1424 1 gang of kidnappere last Tan -
thy Yeeteeday about noen,
overt'. hours after a letter .had been .
im the lawn of the Cudahy re.ei-
en another 111:%Si4O wait delivered
. Cm:deity Ihrongit the mane, and
coned n proem-ition to reit '4)8
hoy tfe and unharmed, previa!' fe
in of 80,0110 were ea:d that
In tllo letter were full ,
1. 244 where the money eon t
end 114*' aces ura nee (14a the
bey would 101 allOWNI to retuci
ithin a few heurn of iirek
zdt was reeeivel. A ever;
444:1roleaz,14tzt:t1 land the mat ter ropf
....--- -v.
222280 at t t;•"--- ' I be
Gene plane ...... 4414"4,,.
Finally. impelled by the ntrnin one
41er wli:ett the entire 'mu .4•11old wee
laboring. Mr. Cudahy deeided to tont-
ply with the' terme offered, .t tad ran. -
Nom his son, A trusled messenger,
worn to seereey, was sent for the
coney, Willtql WM; broughc to Clain hy's
residence. .titer dinner 'Mr. Cudahy
.1m41 one of hes horsee harneesed to a
light buggy and taking the rmoney in.
it 'with Imre etarted alone for the de-
signated place at evhich the rummy
eves to be tern In *the buggy he car-
ried a red lantern. Ere drove five.
miles west of town until he oarne to
a 'Ohne lanrern haeging on a ehort
stick- beside the road. Alighting from
hie buggy au-. Cudahy deposited the
sack tontairting the money near the
_stick bearing rhe white light. Thei4
;without seettag anyone he returned
to his home.
Atea.ntime the abductors had se
the red light coming up the road, az
as :soon as the baggy disappeared they
took away the inaney and pretpared to ;7
keep faitn with the father. The boy
oat bu.n,dled into a cab and set down.
lo -s by Ms father's house atenet 1
o'clock thas morning.. Where he had
been he was unable to isay, bat as
neerly as he could estimate the had
betto taken five mile.s south of Bouth
Oin:Lha. The conning of the gang and
their thorougit knowledge of the geo-
graphy of tfle. city are evidenced in
the plans they laid. Close by the
place where Mr- Cudahy was directed
to leave the ransom. tor this son, the
river eapproachee the roacl, and it is., ,,- e re
supposed. the men were on the watch
Lor the millionaire and saw hie red
light from- it boat. As soon as he had
driven away and they •had satisfied
themselves that no person was near
they probably clambered up the bar*,
obtained the sack of 'gold, returned
to the boat again and escaped with-
out leaving any tell-tale footprints.
Faheenrisitylsofabsthoeiarateelyn:no 81z -vert to d :al_
whether young 'Cudailiolyrill,tvgil:_l be able
,1,0iin jgiv We lAnfsf#2znaatAicuonrrthe no at piwppe:Adl lpaen:laiptiii
their ca,pttue is not yet k.nown.
tradlotion 'nf the state:re De7ovnah. Lite t to. oitaha, Neb., Dee. 20,..ae-t.. ..w.74c.: ret:Liernt:-:
he• 4 e returnin,g to Canada /via Eng
le morning. The
Quelle..lecl!tfleT. l'121(?-.-i'ltI0cot'YnC''. :P,..:.,'t,:Tliall..1.,:eist; -'
ai.I. ., has receivod a tablegriel fro'
hie ,son, Major 'Tartlet., stating Lla
he ney wife, 0 ' -4 4... •, until it seemed her
,1:-1( 2-, Or, tomeiFth::,::: , ::'2,1:1g.svitoeuldTeenoni.i,:tpZi.
laerii<14.1' te8n1Wi'alEl )2'-'11':.;Nrt.E:c1Rae,'.'writes
eaelety hen:, 0, 4 • 4toe her,bette frIerge
IGn.joi,111, t‘l,oncsitioni-jor4t, i ' eflAie:tt\YeaoS erueefdairein,geonoOtt,
'E'doommendt'ti 1 Krng'S New Dieeee.
ere %11“4 persio • 1.1C4-. of this excellent/
med eine saved , er life." Its aliSOlittee
ry 62V-11.42444,00 ' •, teeighs, Geld, Been -
chi , i:1.2\ stlene, . ii oil Throat and bang
diseates. 500 . cl :MOO at all druggiSt
theories alleged. to n'ar'
tad by the police, Ch'
clay gave oat rei
"The boy wee ki
elm,- him coriing in.