Exeter Times, 1900-10-25, Page 5'iIM[ifllr .;6 The father? Gone for the ..> . doctor. The mother? Alone • with her suffer - lug ,phild, Will the doc- tor never r come t' ,,. w• 'Filen there -is croup ill L. ' the house r you Call 1 get. the doe. torp quick enough. It s s• too 'dangerous to Don't make such a In's« t take again; it may cost r. a life. Always keep on., hand a dollar boa le o THE EXETER TIMES THE CEMETERY._ �+► SALE REGISTER. "Want of Watchfulness DLU Smelt is admitted on all sides .e in not e property t that the cemetery pe y s p a state creditable to the community. It is also generally agreed by those who bave interested themselves in the matter, that the plan of improvement which the directors have outlined 'and desire to carry into effect is the proper plan to pursue. That no undue or hapbazard expenditure is; contemplat- ed, and that every detail of the plan is necessary to place the property in suitable condition; There is, however, a difference of opinion as to the course which should be pursued in securing funds . A. few cam thatthe owners of lots should first be appealed to, others,—and they are not a tews—believe that the Coun- cil should have the honor of leading the way in this important movemeznt. Now, sir, as I am responsible for proposing at the public meetiug that the Exeter Council should be asked for a grant of $100. and as I aided in cin- entating a petition requesting such grant, I desire to give some reasons for my action in the case. (1), 1 believe that the board of di- rectors is a capable board and worthy of public confidenee, The directors receive no remunera- tion nor are they looking for any, Their efforts should not meet with op- position orindi#ference,butrvith hearty co-operation. (2.) The directors believe and I thtuIk with good reason, that an indle virtual appeal to lot owners would Fe much more successful, if some zee once could be given them that eaten. sive improvement would be nolle. A grant from elle municipalities interest- ed, would enable the board to give lot owners suck assurance. (3.) The other runnieipalities natur- ally expect Exeter to take the initia- tive. This is clearly shown by the ac- tion of Usborno Council, (14 Scene work ought to be done as soon as possible, on the ground recent- ly purchased. Considerable time must elapse before lot owners could be heard from and moneys secured. tl grant from the municipalities would at once set work iii motion. Lots in the new part will undoubtedly sell more readi- ly and at higher figures, when the groupdd is properly: laid out and beaut- To these coneideratians I may add that, the largely signed petition guar- axatees the &'ouncil public support in making the grant requested. The attention of the community is new directed to this question as ueyer before, There is no tiwe o good for action as the present. 1 hope the 'Council of1901 will farther consider this matter and not let their oppor- tunity pass to aid in doing that which is at once a sacred and a. public duty. T thine, sir, tbat Inay claim to be both a. disinterested and au interested. party in the case. Thanking you for space in your val- uable columns, I remain Yours truly, 0. W. BROWN. It cures the ero,zp once. Then, when a;'r" one in the family come' dawn with a hard coca or cough a few doses of the Pectoral will out short the attack at onac. A 25 cent bottle v' it is ,r , a miserable cold; the ;.t ;', size is better for a cold that has been hangill ; cn, rxop tit. dollar siva ca L:": f. eeeet to years ago 1 ceer.a neer dying wale consumption, b0'tas eurcttwitbAyer'sCuerrv„Peet-oral, atacewhiehtzruelhave seat :Vera znedlein. s int the haute mei we;s . mend Item to ell my Iriende. ' eel). Jan, 16, Ma. Bristol, Tc. write the enter I: yeet.enay bPSRi`r�ga; erbetescr ate SeeA + tae r, d a.t evice, vale tee dealer,tl."11.ser, D..&r n, Lowell. +taws, MONEY TO LOAN. Wo have u nlimited private Annie ter invest anent upon [arm or village property at, lase:, Ate; et interest. DIORSON.t CA LING Exeter. \\T. GLADMAN (Suc'e.essor to Elliott R: Gladman) Barrister ,Solicitor, rotary PubIio, Conveyancer, Etc, Mousy to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest.. OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER TXKINSMAN, L I). 8. ANI) DR A. R. EIN$MAN, L. D. S. D. D. 8„ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Mee in Fan - son's block. West side of Main "troot, Exeter' DR, AND2RSDR1, (i). 0' S. i,• D. S. ) DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. bridge work, Crowns, aa d. Plate Work done in the neatest nossible manner, A. harmless atuesthetio for peinless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- on of the natural teeth. Mee opposite Ceti: tral Efotel, Exeter, Ontario. CUT THIS OUT and send us with eteents in silver. and you will get by return mail a GOLDEN TeDE OF GOODS that will bring you inlelonn Moreur, in one month, than anything else in America. Salem -Yarmouth, S Five Packs of Cards Freer Escort, One pack Flirtation,' One pack 'Hold- d•o-light,' One pack 'Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.' Samples of 20 other styles with book full of no- tions. Sena Se. silver for postage. Salem -Yarmouth. N. S nORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY 'TOWNS NAPO F' STEPHEN. Under and by virtue of the powers contain- ed. in a certain mortgage, whiehaviil be produc- ed at the time of the sale, there will bo offered for sale by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1900 At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK P. M„ Brenner's Rotel, Grand. Bend, Ont., by John GM, auctioneer, the following valuable pro- perty, namely: - Lot number six in the Lithe Road. West con- cession,Township of Stephen.County of Huron, containing thir ty-five acres of bind more or less. This is a desirable property, only one mile from Grand Send,. Turtles or SALlt.-20% of the purchase money to be paid -down at the time of the sale, bal- ance to be paid within 30 days, or arrangements /or payment of balance may be made to suit For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to J. G.STANBURY, Vendor's Solicitor. Dated a,t Exeter, the 2nd day of October, 1000 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of the late William Charles Brant, of the Town ship of Osborne, in, the County of Ilnron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 120 11, S. 0. 1897, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said William Charles Prout, who died. on or about the llth day of August. 1V00, are required to send on or before the 20th day of November, 1900, by posUfirepaid or deliver to jones St Roy. 'Whichelsea. P. O., their names, addresses and occupations, with particulars of their clainis and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date the said. Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased mong the narl les entitled thereto. having ro- t:lay to the claims of which notice Shall *two been given as above required, and the said Executor shall net be liable for the said Maas or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the date ef such distribution. Elinivillc P. 0. A notice in tbis colanoxis worth the price of bilis. Inserted free until day of sale, if bills are printed at Tones Onni oE, SATURDAY. 00T. 27--Administrafor's sale of Fanson's block and two storey brick cottage, together with house- hold furniture, in Exeter, the property of the late Mary A. Fanson. Sale at one o'clock p. m. sharp. Raymond Fauson, Administrator, ,Toho Gill, Arra, SATCRDAT, NOV- S.—hXortgage sale of 35 acres, lot 6, L. R. W,, Stephen. Sale at 13renner's hotel, d. G. Stan - bury, Vendor's Solicitor. TUESDAY, Nov. 6. --Valuable farm and farm stock and ixnplements, the property of Rout., McCord, Thames road, near Exeter, The proprietor in- tends going West, and everything must he sold. Sale at one o'clock, T. Cameron, auet. The DIflMOND DYES Exeter, Oct. 15, 1900. EDITOR TIMES.—There bas beers re- cently coesiderable discussion through the columns of the newspapers and otherwise regarding the proper mode of procedure and best method to be adopted in order to raise tbe necessary fluads to carry Out certain peoposed charges and. improvements in the Exeter Union Bnrial Groand. This differeetce of opinion has led to some confusion and misunderstanding. Tire Council, tbe Directors and the great majority. of the electors, seem united in their desire that the welfare of the cemetery should not be neglected. We all appear to admit and to realize that owing to ,the growing importance of the cemetery the time has come when funthmental change should be made in its management and control ; also that eertaip improvements and works should be carried nut in the near fu- ture. There exists, however, some dif- fezence of opinion regardina the mode of procedure, and the manner in which the necessary funds should be raised. Now with a yiew to remove all mis- understanding and to restore that har- mony of feeling and of effort which should unite us in dealing with our cemetery, surrounded. as it is with sacred and tender associations, I would venture to submit the following sug- gestions To allow the whole matter to remain in complete abeyance until the annual meeting ; the annual 'meeting allow the Directors a short time to place before the electors a de- tailed statement of the case, which would include the questions of the pro- posed changes in the management and control of the cemetery ; engaging the caretaker by the year ; rules and re- gulations governing the cemetery's proposed improvements and works ; proposed method of raising the neces- sary funds, etc. After hearitg full statement of the case the electors would be in a position to express their opinion and wish re- garding the matter. Should they see fit to endorse the pl uns and proposed action of the Directors, well and good; or should they wish to alter or modify the proposals of the Directors, this could he done. Or should they decide that no action whatever be taken, but that *things remain as they are, then the Directors could abandon the whole scheme. In making the propositione the directors of the cemetery have been actuated by no motives whatever but for the present and future welfare of the cemetery, They believe that by patiently following out certain care- fully considered plans with definite ob- jects in view, in a very few years, the general appearance, the :surroundings and material improvement of the cem- etery would be such as to give satisfac- tion to tb.e different municipalities in- terested, and that too, at a very small personal cost. Be that as it may, I would stiggest referring the whole matter to the electors at the annual meeting and being guided entirely by their decision. 0, LuTz. THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY. ThoHe who take Hood's Sarsaparilla rheumatism or dyepepsia, say it, !cures promptly and permanently, even after all other preparations fail. You may take this medicine with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. What itluis done for others you have every reason to believe it will do for Constipation cured hy Heed's Pills. 25o. Produce AU The New Shades. MARKETS, Makes a Thief." Many cases ofpoor health e from om want. c om fr of watch- fulness. Dat if you keep your blood pure no thief can steal your health. The one effective natural blood puri- fier is flood's Sarsaparilla, It neve, disappoints. Impure Blooti "My wife .suffered wh atuend distress from an affection of the throat caused by Impure blood, She was almost In despair when she turned to Hogd'a sarsaparilla. Six bottles of this medicine completely cured her," Jour, salt, Galt, _Out, Scrofula —'" Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me of scrofula, x was weak and de- bilItated but itmade me strong and well, Atter a severe cold had catarrhal fever. Again resorted to this medicine audit eared we." S,&BAu E, T aos, Annapolis, N. S. ykotrei rd eVe' Vi, fl ?o t oY.y osttuatia to• tRko ariib iigaQ'a Sxceap7c-ilia, A RICH AND IWA.EtvF,LLOLS VARIl OF FASHIONABLE COLORS FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER WI,AT1 terfaad 'noes ea. rm. RE PREPARED TO P-RCHASF 'f' " great majority of wise and prod - ....men collect and examine their old dresses, skirts, capes, jackets, shawls, husband's and children's suits this month with the view of having cleaned and dyed so as to flt them for autumn and winter wear. The Diamond Dyes (prepared epee - tally for home use) have a wealth of variety, beauty and brillianey possess- ed by no other make of dyes. They produce all the new and .fashionable colors for autumn and winter wear -- calors that will not fade in the strong- est sunlight, Every packet of Dia- mond Dyes is warranted, ,tnd will per feet results when simple directions are followed. There are imitations ; avid there if you delight In good. colons and value te safety of your materials. The use of poor dyes means ruin of goods and loss of money, BORN iIA NE S -In Exeter. on the lull► "last..., of John Bermes et a son. alA WNNE -ln Wephen. on 7touday. t e. • Nth. wife of Thar. 31atrhinney et a dau;;ln- ter. MARRIED, ELLIOTT-SIDER-At t- -At the family residence, "Woodland Farm," Kirkham on Oct.lpth, by the Rev. J. Ilail,Ciara, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Shier, to George Felon, of London. NELSON-ZPADLIN--In Dresden, North Da- kota, on 27th ult., by the Rov. Wm Beer. Wm. Nelson, of Dresden, to Miss Henrietta wadlin, formerly of Crediton. SMILLIE-WALL-.M the parsonage, Dudek), on Oct. 9th. by the Rev. Byron If. Stauffer. James Stutllio, of Torouto, to Helen WAR, of Clinton, Ont. HhebdooPvetbride, Oct..byRe. P.Musgrave, Jas B. klonderson,to Miss Isabelle Mary Love, all of Isle inion, BUNO1,AIUC-111eCONNEi.L-:`,t theresidence of the bride's perm te.Luelcnow, an Oct. l7th. Bliss Alice, daughter of Dr. McConnell, Luck - now. to Douglas Bunclarl:, of Detroit, lFlteh. RAWKSTT ASV-MCLAL'GHLIN-In nxotor on parents, 23rdinst.. at the residence of the brldo's ilgwksha L the St. Marrs,TtoailssMaryitAda, daughter ot John McLaughlin, Exeter. eleDONALD-GOULD-In Exeter, on the 23rd. 'nate the residence of tho bride's parents, 1b oT)onald to d Miss Brown, da ghttor of James Gould, both of Exeter. DIED ROSS -In lirucelleld, on the 19th inst., llobt. Ross, aged 40 years. G RUl7AIETT In Clinton, on. Oct lei, Archie, son. of M. (irummott, aged 6 years, McNIEL-Inaodorleh, on Oct 10. John C. Mc- Neil, aged 42 years and 11 months. JOHNS -In Tuckorsreith, on Oct. lith, Mary Pearen, relict of the late hoot. Johns, aged 91 years and 7 months, 13OEHLEIt--In Egmondvillo, on Monday, Oet. 14, Mr. Jno Boehler, relict of tho late Jno 13ocltler, aged 87 years. tmMONDSON- In Blanshard, on Oct. 10th, Mary, Ann Edmondson, relict of the late John Edmondson, aged 81 years. BARBOUR-At Cross Bill, on oot. 4, Jane Ronnie, wife of Mr. Barbour, and eldest sister of Sam'l Ronnie, of Zurich, aged 60 years. PfliNE'8 CELERY COMPOUND Is New 158111Q USed Bil The Wise and Prudent It Saves Sleepless, Nervous and Despondent People From Insanity. BUILDS UP THE DEBILI- TATED AND BROKEN- DOWN. ELM Those wbo are wise are now using the most reliable of all health -building medicines, and are gebtiop-, back their proper weight, nerve vigor, good appetite and. healthy color. No long, anxious waitings and disappointments when Paine's Celery Compound is usAedt.this season there are thousandsof restless, fretful, nervous, despondent and gloomy men and women. They find it impossible to obtain restful and natural sleep, and, as a consequenee, they are almost physical wrecks ; some are desperately near the abyss of in- sanity. It is not safe for sufferers to tem must be toned, strengthened and built up at once. There is but one reliable and honest remedy before the public that guaran- tees renewed health and a long lease;of life ; it is Paine's Celery Compound, tlic prescription of a noble physician, and strongly indorsed by his profes- Paines's Celery Compound is now within the reach of all classes of our people, and it is a very simple matter tO test, its efficieney ; the expense is trifling. As there are miserable imi- tkit ions sold by some dealers, see that you get "PAINE'S" the kind that bus ' wrought such maryellotas cures. OTHERTIMRER,-EITER SDING OR. IN T I LOGS, Apply to E, C. Kessel, FoltudIA1, F+a•LTBln, Oer. Exeter, C TOB]I2!th . 19.00 , Wheat per bushel .63. to 64 Oatsre to 34. Baxley,, ..'30 to 42 R Pas e Button _ g{1, ,. .,0 to I t ..17 to la Turkeye t ,., .... ,.... 8 to 18 Geese.,,,,, 0 to ti Chickens ,,..5 to 5 Du.,.7 to 7 Wool._ .. .. 16 to 16. Dried ,Apples.. ., 3 to 3 Pork dressed,.-.. . .., .. $6.75 to 6.75 LONDON Moat T3, Louden, OCTQIJEIt alth, 1906. Wheat per bushel,-- .... ,.63_ YuRti cont It ,I, uowi (1`p . ,7 ia! mi 711 f'I17lm,,t E A 6,5 to 32 Peas , ...... .. . 00 t Iia 1. . .."38 7p ckwh. a 46 Bn e�t.,«... , ..45 to 47 Rye ... , ,,,.51 to 65 Corn ., 42 to 47 Beans ........ .... ...-.14 ttoo 14 Eggs .,..... .. ... .,.,.15 to 16 Ducks .., 60 to 70 Turkoys per tb ... "pg.". 10 to 12 Geese per te..,.., gtO 10 Chickens .,,...,50 to 76 Cheese.,,,.. • .... . 8 to 10 Potatoes per bag... .. ..SG to 7- gay per ton .S 6.09' to s 7.50 Pork Per cwt... .... , 14.60 to {5.00 To TEE DEAF.—A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent £1,000 to his Institute, so'. that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Droms may have thein free. AP - Ply' to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue. New 7Coric.tr. 5, A. 111L7SCT I:,AIt ItIlE1,7MAT1si.1 11. Wili,ineon, Stratford, ant.. ea e ; "It trends tee much pleasure to say that I experi- enced great relief from Muscular Rheumatism by using two boxes of aillbure's Itheu'natie Pills," Price Mea box. There is nothing bar -h about Laxa-Liver Pills They eore•cou.,tipaticm, Dyspepsia, Sick. Headache, and Bilious Spells without griping purging or eiekening. Price 25c. _..-„ _._ter._,_- .. 5 MeatMarket FAC-SIMILE --- FAC-SIMlL SIGNA'Tl3RE e ble l,�>e fa P ora .tAY � 1C 9C p (101� As siinilntillg ilteFood.audRegula- thea milia -hs ainiBOWelS of INIANTS n'CHILiilu N oF grornotesWeslimChenful- tessandllesteonlainsnellher Op uln,lorpbine XLorlfine,cs1. NIOT NATte UP ric. IS ON 9.= 15iixtpco1411.,f&^,5 4 A9W.1: vas pkirz Se443... osfltaksser ,flairsterrt eeeeenaereeeeeaeaeeeeene ,F470, •Prrrl r d.11';rfze. Apared Remedy fur CoT stipa tionp. S�o(ur�Sto��iu .c ,,Du rrbo•{e6, Wor1..s.Con4�ulsions,.+teve tsi..ii. ness 4mdLoss of Si,EE WRAPPER OP EVERY 1374 eateren le est nn la, teeelte leaks nay,. I11. a,t sea its hulk. Donn ello;v asycra to uo11 oa neet ac,, eke ta teat rice ce ereeko dist It is "jest ca gen” c; a "rrl'sl arena every per - ;.c,41 . e e slat yea bee c -t -S -T-0.34 4 "ea fee neern 'IL SWE T Begs to announce to the people ofExeteh' and surround- ing country that Iie has taken the stock of Harness, Boots & Shoes of Mr J. Treble, and will continue business in the r. $a171t' stand, In order to clear out this STOCK OF Boots &. Shoes AVE OI+'FERT1IEM AT and BELOW OUT FURTER NEXT 30 DAYS. Harness in all lines either in stock or made to order. Repairing promptly and carefelly attended te. C.ALL AND INSPECT OUR GOODS. R SWEET Treble's old stand A DAUGHTER'S DANGER. A Chatham Mother Tells how Her Daughter, who was Trciubled with Weak Heart Action and run Down System was Restored to Everymother who Las a daughter droop- ing and fading—pale, weak and listless— whose health is not what it ought to be, should read the following statement made by Mrs. J. S. Heath, 39 Riehmond Street, Chatham, Oat: " Some time ago I got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills at the Central Drug Store for my daughter who is now 13 years of age, aud had been. afflicted with weak action of the heart for &considerable length of time. " These pills have done her a world of good, restoring strong, healthy action of her heart, improving her general health and giving her physical strength beyond our expectations. " They are a splendid remedy, and to any one suffering from weakness, or heart and nerve trouble I cordially reeommend t. Milburn's Heart andNerve Pills are 500. i'ebox or 3 for $1.25, at all druggists. 'riff IB etcytiiiravr F. MOT COPY OF WRA The undersigned has opened up a new Meat market one door wl ea Soon of Garfing's Stora ere he will keep the choicest of s constantly ou band. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. 1IANN!NG R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER. Always keeps on hand a cam- plete stock of caskets and trimmings ot different kinds. Also the largest stock of furn- iture ever shown in Exeter or any town in the county. Prices as low as can be made. Do not fail to sce our immense stock in our two storey building. Our desire is to please every - Buy the Best , and Ignore the Best In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Roern Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETHING HIOE___„.6. We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE aud you wil! find what you are' looking for FURN.ITURE AND UNDERTAKERS. Opera House Block. 1.11 E Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough or solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians.and clays (bought before ,the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices. Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show a big range at moderate prices in Scoca and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices' to suit all. A large stock of the ha - from 810 up. GIVE US A. CALL and What we can do for you. MERCHANT TAILOR PA Ye art r s Little Lirr-1 Pills. Must Boar Cleanaturo of See Pee...Simile Wrapper Sciew. Very Denim Qua as easy to take es sager. ivER FOR TORPID 1.1YEk. FOR THE COMPLEXION CURE SICK HEAlvettiME. s. Shoes by Mai If you don't live l a il, town where there in a "Slater Shoal" Agency, you eau get your enact fit, in shape, size and width, and you carr choose the preei;te leather you want, from " Char acteristies," the handsomest and. most complete shoe catalogue I:, ever published in America. It tells all about "The Slater Shoe" and accurately describes the different leathers, --the kind of wear they're good for, emd how to care: for them. Price $3.50 and $5•oo, statnpe<1 cn the sole in a slate frame with makers' name, E. Write for one, it's free. nee SPRAINF.D ARM, Nary Ovington, Jampar. Ont., writes : "My mother had a undly gprained arm. Nothing we; used did her any good. Then father got Gag., yawl's Yellow I Al and It clued mother's arm in! a few days, Price 23c, mnning ores. Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport, N. S., gives the followlin experience . with Burdock Blood Miters. I was very .much rue down in health and employed our local physi- cian who attended me three months; finally my leg broke out in running sores with fearful burninee I had thirteen running sores atone time from my knee to the top of my foot. All the medicine I took did me no good, so I threw it aside and tried was gone 1 noticed neeeee •,e a change for the eeneeennev better and by the time I had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly heal- ed and my health greatly improved. .0CAL AGENT. SPENAL gir E t Cosi , Face FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY P.ANTINGS AT COST. We want to clear these lines at once. W. JOHNS, The 'I' calor usiness If people would only tres,t coughs and colds in time with Dr, Wood's Norway Pine 'Syrup, there would be fewer homes The severest coughs and colds, bronchitis and croup, and the first stages of consuinp- tion yield readily to this powerful, lung - healing remedy. Bead what Mrs, Thos. Carter, Northport, Ont , says: " caught a severe cold, which settled on my throat and lungs, so that could scs,roely speak above a whisper. also had a terrible cough which my friends Itried different remedies but all failed to do LIVER me any good until I took Dr. Wood's Nor- way Tine Syrup, and the e,oateets of one . PILLS bottle conapletely cured me." Too much rush and bustle, work and worry fall to the lot of the average business man. likIneys can't stand it ; they to. filter the poisons from. the ea. blood propeely. Uri -nary I pain le the 10,.:11 are the r4-rnit4. A. man proreriy if his back oohed usa trying. Only one sure rcluzqf never fails -- KIDNEY PILLS. Take a hilt from basiness men who have used them: "I have taken Doan's Kidzey Pills, whioh prooured at the Medical Hall here for rheumatism and pains in the srnall of' my back, with which I have been afflicted for the past six years. They did me se much good that I heartily recommend them as an excellent medicine for rhenmatic troubles and backache." Cseanize C. Pueeea, dealer in agricultural implements, Orilliee Ont. or weak back, Bright's disease, diabetes, dropsy, gravel, sediment in the urine, too frequent risings at night, rheiumatieni, and 'weakness of the kidneys frt children and old people. Remeniber the name, rioan,s, •-,1 refuse all others. The Doan li.lcirtei Toronto, Ont. LAXA work while you skeep witboub a gripe or pain, curing Milting* ness. constipation, sick head- ache and dyspepsieand make you feel better' in the morning* Price 25c. ett all druggists.