Exeter Times, 1900-10-25, Page 3at.
Mee Teonsand gimes a infante WfUtou
e'easiee, the Petro.
A raaeltine gun of a novel character
hos been invented by an engineer of
Newcastle. 'The guu is a patent cen-
trifugal, quick -firing machine-gun, it
is nye feet Isign end weighs about floe
hundred weigbt. It le intended. for
battleship, eartieworke and garrison
purpcnes. be motive power is eleo-
tricity, transmitted to a motor at-
tached to tb.e. eide of the gun. The,
motor causes a disk to revolve, at a
very nigh rate of speed. The bullets,
which are introduced into the inter-
ior of the disk at the axle, teavel
along curves in the baterior to the cir-
cumference wird are there impelled
through a barrel. It is claimed that
this disk will rotate, under the influ-
ence of the motor at the rate of 12,-
000 revolutions a rainute and vrill
eject shote front the middle of the
gun with an initial velocity of 2.0
feet per eeeteld. One of the chief
oharaeterietice a the entl
that it will utaititain a continuou
the. If necessary a ehot may be dis-
charged at every balf revolution, but
praZtic-e one shot every fourtn re
volation will be totted. eufficient. Tim
bulletare splutrical and measure 3-
10 invit in diemeter,
The following are the reeults of the
tote alrottly matte with the gun: IS. -
000 rounde of shot at the rate of 3,n00
a mimeo, have been daseharged from
the gun. These shots consisted
oteel Beate of brass, as uee4
ID Vrarice, lead and chilled metal.
wee teeted eeven times privately,
moor waa 'wed nor 19 ents yet at
taehod to the eau, thou Ii eotn
lo eoestrueted for an eltntrio meter.
Tie teets, were made by see tits of a
belt dr:ven by a steam under
these coaditione title veloeity'regeir-
ed, and seinen it ie teaintainen au ?l-
cetrio motor will proauce, MIS aat, of
ceuree, attained. but the practical
workino of the gun wee fUlly denion-
rstrated. tong range could not be
bail becatese or tbe neceasity of see -
and the testing was done in
covered ehed at Myth dry docks. A
steel target, 3-32 inch thick, wee shat-
tered, the dials of tho gun revolving
at a speed of 2.500 revolutions per
minute, 'Orem the pezsetration of the
tanget it is calculated that at a dis
tanco a 400 yards a penetration of a
similar character will be effected o
e plate 7-10 Inch thick under the in
fluence of an electric motor. There is
no teating of the barrel a the gun
hecauee of the continuous stream of
e t air which is in 11 through it
by the turning of thts dislc. The disk
itself is also free from beating on ac-
count of the apt:mini bearings on which
It is conetructed. There bearings are a
highly complicated mechanical con-
trivance, and are similar to those
need inPareon's turbines, winch. ca.n
isevolve at the rate of 22,000 revolu-
tions a minute, and Levall's motor,
wlzich revolves at the rate of 30,000
revolutions a minute. To test the
gun thoroughly it will be necessary
to affix a motor, which. will be a five-
blocee-power neater coupled direct on
to the shaft.
1P10.10•111.. ,ftwole t
On the Farm.
4bieolvitteiremelfele.- -11kAfelieot.
This plant is one of the worst weeds
infesting, eur fields, on account of its
being a perennial and multiplying
not only by iteede but elao from no
eeteeetvely "Treading, long under-
ground root stocks. This pest may be
destroyed by fseveral methods, all has -
ed upon the prineiple the.t whatever
will effectually exclude the plant front
the light and air will destroy it. Par-
ticular exaphasie znust be laid upon the
effeetivenens with wbich this is dore;
no bait meaatrres will do. Various spe-
oific directions have ben given, but
for badlY infested. fields, under aver-
age condition, nothing, is more effec-
tive than a thorough summer fallow,
to be repeated the following year if
fouutl neceeeary.
lity in Mine is something ap-
ing in this; country. Of mum%
much of it iedue to the preval-
f hot; onolera. But the fact re-
nin s that nog cnolera to not nearly
fatal aritope nwints with marked
mina as among those witn less ID -
out vigor. And hog ebolera. ID
intuit leen tatal with swiati ft:ti laotte-
ly on a nitrogeneua diet than on one
highly carbonaceous. The mortality am
rig young pig e ie very oreat, and it
flop° HaJ ijarLoI,
eirA Her 1.1fe Tics Ogir oflittserr.
'r * caul Aloutd swe
Malty mut Slr. nirarae venble g
in the Enterprise, Brislgewater,
N. S.
It is appaling to think of the num-
nr of women tbroughout the count,
'y elm gloy after day live a life al-
most of martyrdom; auffering but too
frequently in snout, alinoet Aopeless
of Mrs. Joshua Wile, will come as a-
despair, To such, sutferers the eto
t "beacon of toe. ire. Wile lives
about two miles from the town of
r Bridgewater, .N. O. ,and is respected t
- :mit esteented by all who know ben
I While in one of the local drug stores a
, not long age, Airs. Wile noticed a ra
wont= a boxes of Dr. Williaras' d
Pink Ville iu the .how cane and re -
melee' by the proprietor "If ever .
th we was a frietel to woman, it is 1131
those pills." She tvas asked why
she spoke so strongly about the pills,
and, in reply told of the misery frorni
whieb they had rescued .her. 'the
druggist suggusted that she should
make known her euro or the benefit
of the thousands of similar sufferers.
Onto. Wile replied that while averse
Lo publicity, yet she would gladly
tell of her cure if it would benefit
anyone else, and she gave the follow-
ing statement with permission for
its pablication:-
"My life for some years was one of
weakness, pain and misery, until I
obtained xelief through the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. From sorae
cause, I know not what exactly, I
beoame so afflicted witli uterine trou-
ble that I was obliged to undergo
two operations. A part bnly of the
trouble was removed, and a terrible
weakness and miserable, nervous con-
dition ensued, winch the physician
told me I would never get clear of.
I tried! other doctors, but all with
the same result -no betterment of m
condition. The pains finally attacked
my back and kidneys. My legs ancl
feet became frightfully ,swollen, and
I cannot describe the tired, sinking.
deathly feeling that at times came
over my whole body. f became un-
able to do my household work, and
lost all nope of recovery. Before
this stage in my illness I had been
advised to -try Dr. Williams' Pink
pills, but like thousands of other wo-
men, thought there could be no good hen
in using them when the naedical men hen
were unable to cure me. At last in -zoo
desperation I bnade up 'my mind to dro,
try them, but really 'without any
us touch reatnr than it woold oth
erwise be if dee cone, were exercise
eci lu the zaanagescient of the bent.
aappily the remedyfor these thing
ID. largely be our band, We should
avoid . in -mad -in -breeding in ewiree.
We sboald select sews With an eye to
the retentum of star:dim. TbeY eh°
ID ohoeen from.good, even litteranu
ed by laree, rugged, well formed da
wIaleh are good nurlt
ses and good mil
producers. The 'sires sirauld be strong
and vigorous, 0.nd eeeecially good on
their limbo. The food, tor growing and
breeding ewine ehould ra.tional
that ie to say, it should consiet large,
tY of nitrogenoue elemeutei We
eeeele glee our breeding autreala the
oPPortunity to take much exerciee,
giving them the run of ample paeturee
ID the eunteser and ef ferm yarda ID
the winter. We sbould provide theni
with winter quarter e eufficiently
yams aria dry to ward off stemma,
tient, aud we should feed Orem some
Succulent food in the winter to ward
off ailreente that artee toom constis
Like meet :..)NOMen
Wa3 iferk ..Fonclef
A, cup of Tee
11111 And
ra- Had become aneustonsed
tne, inti the ose ot
Tbete was
O est a penullae
About tale infusion
Viet elle,
Never quite liken.
So, be porentred
And pondered
To decide vidrat it Ives,
Horrid thought
This was It
Ileeeause tbe emu
,And greenitsh sediment
Itiothieg etse
She was preneet a
So site erguod
Tnat rereesly muSt be tonight
Per while
Prsieelan Mite
Parte Green
Were all Bight iu their place
Tey were
Out en piece
in her Tea
nluot be iontriette
Slie got nervous
And irritatne
And told her deotor
Of her feers
You are rienat
Said he
1)4 aS I do
He told her bew 1 did it
Ue bfalebt the new
Gre.en Tea
Prem. Ceylon and Indte
Said ia the .
Located lead paeleas et
The "Sainla' Tea 03
And eleelartd
That ite Japan Tea
In the eseriel
Cauld 'begin to equal it
Its Pure and Healthful
So she bontgbt IDtee
Women like
worrying again
nbe did not find
The remedy
before churning. Set in the common
Y tie pans in an ordinary cool cellar, tbe
oreata should be sidnuned thirty-six
e hours from the time it was set, and
then kept not lontrer than four daye
- in cool weatber and two in hot.
A good cow often Drees flesn wben
ID full flow of milk,
(*owe will do better if tbey eat all
ef heir food up clean.
n makine up ties milk redone
variety of food oltottlil ID ttee4.
i%Lutyteevdmorrtfijoili.lor:veeris win giv
ruilk ae
All the elementa to make growth
s in rhe ekire A:WM.
A toter preceee of tnennfeature wW
otil the protluot from tne fineat
Water la a zeceesery canatitUeat in
an tbe cow must lave it
ite it lu being manufactured.
Wheo more than 20 pettrule of
covets Milk are required to make
f butter One Le not a good ;
airy animal.
A well-fed awl well -cared for scrub 1
dairy cow will make as good butter as
the bent special purpose herd ID the
W 4].
ilk takes its taint from any bad
ell which exints wherever it is tak-
x placed.
witioh has bean set far some
ime and op which the cream is part-
y risen is stirred the cream never
isto again.
Washing and salting while in tbe
rain le the only way to got rid o
ID butternaillt flavor.
A cow should bo milked carefull
nd as speedily as possible, as she wil
ilk longon and. she will learn to giv
own quienly.
An animal giving milk is very nen
tive to bad treatment or surround
trig mflueuces.
Tin is the best meterial for the milk
vessels, and they should always Ise
kept so clean that the fingere will not
Slip when rubbed along the suraee of
Our Puritan ancestors regarded
the worthies of Scripture with suoh
reverence that they gave to their
children as Ohristian names, Ebene-
zer, Nebuchadnezzar, Obadiah, Han -
nab, Abigail and Mehitabel.• That
Otis' au.stom. Is not entirely obsolete Is
shown by the fact that only a gen-
eration ago, when to a proud fath-
er of seven sons and two dau.ghters
came the crowning joy of his life in
the birth of a titled daughter, he
obese her name from the Puritanical
standpoint. A close student. of
Scripture history, he recognized the
coincidence that in sex and numbers
his family was the same as that of
Job; therefore, regardless of all pro-
tests, he followed literally the words
of tthe Ola Testament, "He called( the
name of the third Keren-happuch."
Notwithstanding the word is defined
as "a child of beauty," it should have
been acco-unted a retsderaeanor, if
not a crime, to burden a nineteenth
'centuey child with such a name.
Although the Bible names were of
en -ugly and inharmonious, there
came a time when Scriptural phrases
wereused with still worse effect., It
ID historical that "Praise -God" Bare- I
bones was a Purthtan leather dealer
of Fleet etreet, weo became the fan-
atical leader of the Parlia.re.ent con-
vened by Cromwell in 1653. Ills own
name must have been 'satisfactory,
as tlhe ene.'that he inflicted 'upon his a
son , was "If-Ohrist-had-not-died-for- tt
thee -thou, would -have -been -daraped"
Bawebones. needless to add -that f
the name was4iffeetivel3r Shortened to 1
"Damned Barebones." Another his- D
torte name was ' 'Pi ght-the- good
fight -of -faith" white, while one wor-
thy of remembrance is "Kill -sin" o
, b
No One ma;ychoose his surname, but q
parents have the responsibility 'of f
der:Mining what the given name of b
title child ehall be. The 'decision is for s
U lifetime, which makes it inoperative' e
that the aromentou,s question should o
receive thoughtful consideratton, in- ; o
stead of being settled in a moment
of folly or caprice. v
A few deeades ago we had millions
of birds and no insects, now scarce-
ly any birds and millions of in.sects and
we will have to do something to main-
tain the equ-ilibrium or let insects take
most of our fruits. The robins are
getting scarcer every year, and we
urignt say the same of all other small
birds, except the English sparrows,
whio.h seem to have taken a home-
stead right on all (ID country, stay-
ing the year round for fear aome oth-
err bird will jump their claim. They
hens the characteristics of the moth-
er country -get all they can and hold
on to it.
A good plan to fill the wont of in-
eect-eating birds is to raise guinea
fowls. They be.ve an eye like a rob-
in, and they turn their heads a little
sideways, tie though looking wise
step six or eight, feet away and get
the worm every time. They are fond
ot potato bugs, and will clean a patch
better than paris green. A. flock of
a hundred will beat spraying all to
Pieces; and then the young, half-
grown birds are as good for a fry as
re -a
The main trouble is to raise the
young, Set them under a comroon
. She will beat the mother guinea
who while,ohe willl hatch 25 or
re, will travel off and let them
p out one by one until they are
ixie chicken.
faith in the result. To my great sur-
prise I obtained some benefit front the
first box. I then bought six boxes
nore, which I took according to di-
rections, and am happy to say was
raised up by them from a weak, sick
despondent, useless condition, to my
present state of health, and. happi-
ness. Every year no -w in thespring
nd fall I take a box..or .two, and find
hero. an excellent thing at the
hangs of the seaSen. Other bene -
its, I might mention, but suffice it
• say I would strongly recoMmend
r, Williams' Pink Pills to ailing wo-
Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills surpass all
ther medicines as a cure for the tron-
les that afflict womankind. They
aickly correct suppressions and all
arms of }weakness. They enrich the
load, slrengthen the nerves and re -
tore the glow of health to „pallid
lmeks. Sold by all dealers in medicine,
✓ sent postpaid at 50 cents a box,
✓ Six boxes for .92.50, by addressing
ID I)r. Williams Medicine Co., 13rock-
ille, Ont.
.A. very nice article of rose soap may
ID made by mixing' two poundawbith
soap, three pounds of olive soap and
one half pound of rose water. Out
the soap hate thin alicee, put into a
kettle that sits in another kettle of
boiling water. lneep the heat below
boiling point until the ingredients are
thoroughly mixed, and then add one
ounce of finely sifted vermilion and
stix until thoroughly ineorporatedo If
a light rose color is desired, put in less
of the pigment. After being thor-
oughly mixed and heated, take from
the fire and add one half ounce of
lotto of roses and about half that
quaxttEty of bergamot.
Messrs, James Epps & Co., Ltd.,
the well-known Cocoa Manufacturers
Iof London, 'have just issued an ex-
, ceedisigly tasteful little, medal in
!aluminium for distribution amongst
their numerous customers and the
public ,generaliy. It Is called the
National Medal ot the United Em -
pine, and having been struck on the
termination ot the war in South
Africa, it forma at the present time
an intere,sting seuventr of the Mother
Country and her various 'colonies,
typical figures of each being repre-
sented thereon. A pretty scarlet rib-
bon and a sittable inscription com-
pletes its equipmeaat, and we feel sure
that all sections of the public will be
eager to possess Messrs. Epps & Cog.,
patriotic medal.
The body of at. Viking, in a wonder-
ful state, of preservation, has been
dug up In a peat bat at Domendorf,
im Schleswig, and placed in the Xiel
Museu.m. The hair is. red; it is cloth -
gone ed ID coarse, woolen material, with
Whitewash the stable once or twice
a yea r.
When you find yourself grotving an-
gry, lovoer your voice.
Too many farmers waste at home
and buy abroad. •
To get the' best results from your
coUre they should be well fed.
Always speak gently to your cow
before sitting down to milk her,
To cleanie hand towels that may be
used by operators, in the dairy, boil
in sal soda water.
'Use no dry, dusty feed just previous
ID milking; if fodder is dusty, sprinkle
it before it is fed.
Never allow the cows to be excit-
ed by hard driving, abuee, loudtalk-
ing or unneeecasary, disturbance.
Dairy utensils should have the few-
est number .of seams possible, and
thtese present should be " smooth sol-
,The secret of making butter that
will keep a long time is having the age
of the creana and its temperature right
sandals on the feet. Kiel experts
think it was buried 1,500 years ago.
Pain Banished as if by Magic,
Ner vi nue-nerve-1)3.in cure -is a
positive and almost instantaneous
remedy for external, internal, or
local pinus elle most active remedy
hitherto known falls far short of
Nerviline! for potent power in the; re-
lief of nerve pain. .& tria.) will dem-
Meat thas hean proserved in a frozen
state for 30 years, and found perfect-
ly eatable at the end of that time
The cultivation of oPium in China
began but 70 years ago.
As many as 4,061 unisoles have been
counted in the body of a moth.
Each year about $50,000 is expended
with sand to .prevent the horses. from
A cent elninges hands 125,000 times
ID the course of a lifetime.
The ,olue step from the sublime to -
ID richenlou& 15 usually a siliart Ono,.
thel-Oh, yes, if he WO nothing
Arno BoYview-Ie the blue grass of
Kentucky really blue t ene KaIn,
tuck -No, it's green-ealne color as
your blue sea, you know.
Stougnton-Did you have a geed
time at the 1,1„anquet last niglitt Man-
battart-Splenda I drank myself in -
19 insensibility before the spea.king
Jizrt began.
Uppercut-Dis IDewful-eimply
outrageous! Bill Slambang-Vv"et LOP
Jim UPperaut-Deee here Chinese
boxers. Dey're aetooly atttin' more
space in de papers den Wet we
Ilse Three Degrees-J(41ov - Paw5
wnet do they mean wheu they say
a man takes things easy? Paw --That
beID either a onelnosoither, a kolak
fiend, or uzkleptomania°.
Rloltancl---Wlia,VS got into Billy? Ile
oee in bathing half a dozelo throve
every day. Rebert-Tbe doctor ad-
vised him to take a drink of whiske
upon coraleg out of the water.
Carlley-jovel 1 eboula thiale you'd
the in more comfortable and stylieb
quertere thee tble. Hadley -So I
wount it I bed the halves axon tiollare
Ivo loened to eerite people tirtti do.
ntr. Borem-She asked me to sing,
n4 instated upon enoore after en -
f ter11;4vrt5rds PtIt.'31:r al:Tii7tYbiensgt washes bbaeltde
ter than sittinte there and talking to
Id) evening.
Ile -While 1 wee out seiling tide
amen:ter I fell overbeani into a very
stormy sea. She -My graciwasl But
they restmel you, didn't tbey ; Olt
yeoi They males! me out of course.
Ob, my! Pra so glad to testa' yon
wer*nt drowned,
No one, gravely annotmes Satre-
tes, Catt arrest the flight of time.
Not queryingly interrupted a by-
etander. 1 thought anybony could
stop a minute. And 14TPn the dis-
c:vise of the greot philosonber were
forced to smile behind their to,laff.
are simply kidney disorders. ThellkIneys
filter the blood of all that shouldn't ID
teem The bigett passes through tile kid-
neys every three minutes. If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that time. Therefore if your
blood is out of order your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are in need of
stimulation, strengthening or doctoring.
One medicine will do all three, the finest
and most imitated blood medicine there
Lumbermen Sometimes Relieve the mono.
telly of Their Existence by flopse-PlitY.
So full of peril is the lumberman's
life that even his sports and games
must be spiced with danger or they
will pall upon his taste. On the
long winter nights a cruel game
called "Jack, where be yet" is fre-
qu.ently played.
The middle of the lergest room in
Oho camp is cleared. Two men are
seetwely blindfolded, and having pre-
viously drawn lots for the first
whack, they kneel on the floor. In
3119 right hand each man holds a
stout leather strap, in his left an-
other leather strap or a rope is held
by tare end, either close to the floor,'
or in some °Donee actually on it. The
latter strap being kept taunt by the
combatants guarantees a uniform
dietance bettveen them.. They are
quite near enouga to hart mon oth-
er severe,ly, welch not infrequently
Now the man who has been tacky
enougth to draw tha first call shouts;
"Jack, where be ye ?" to which his op-
ponent roast immediately answer;
"Here I be Then the first man
strikes at the place where he imagines
his adversary to be with the, heavy
leather strap. If he hits his man
ID is entitled to another blow -may
call out again; "Jack, where be yd"
and the other must a.nswer, "Efore
be This is continued till the first
man misses, when he must take his
burn at being struck.
The oilers form, a ring around the
offers y4,ti a tea "jeat as good as Pad la," they ockno ledge
0" -g -T -001•T 72:se the standard and worthy of emuirtior. Then, why net
insist OR helikeg the acknowledged sfendard, in Lead Packets 25, 00, 49, SO add Stle.
6 - -- __4"'""'''''.P"Po.w4"'gm...,'w".......wsoatt...waso•"""Pu".r.w.000.""m."..AIA6At,..t.is.4„rle,--
$ A P easure o Paint
. . Not oUty to paint; bun 'tt) bava
your house painted with good
it 1.:10euasmnehouest paint. Paint that
la. Paint that US a style
In color and improves your
valuable paints, but also
improve the house. They
ouoinlosti. Wear and tear Is
what tells when, you paha
Mit your dealer.
illtlaY & MN, PM Maw
MONTREAL. Est'd r4g.'
two combatants, bate are made, and
feciden ertccrarages eat applaude
heseri Mart. There are regulor
.rooutle, and the game is wsuelly kept
al one or the other hie bed
or perhaps till one ie
lcd lf the sceue tn./mined. Herd
blot knocks, and
volunreere for the sport are num-
At the boo/use:no tbere
no neslice bent blew is
lt-it i$ exp. eten-it is the
. Bat it oceoeiottelly Lappons
gatue del:elope luta a fierce
Prosperity senile • the balloon up,
:but adversity pulls it down again.
MRS.. ST0151.0yrs.400riziso SYttT r.bt,an
ttta ame weemers tor children testec.3. It, sea he
chld, soften* tee strum, oitaya pain, owe wswnd
..4 W1.1234)91.1 ErluZaCsirejfi+ter.
Our SIM is a thirierete sue, situ
ated La the milky way, One of myriads
of otors, awi tha rellny wey IDnett
ane of tbes myrit ID ofaceusnenonal titer
mulatiOna, for thcso e...eaL to lie
countless, and to be spread over En -
(may. At GOMe periol of their ex -
Letterer) eecli of tbeee SWIM had planets
eireling around it, whin), after untold
ages, are fit for twine sort of hugulut
bologs ID inbablt thom tor a corn-
ntratively brief perioi, after whioh
ley still continue for years tit circle
atourol without atraospliere, vege-
ation or inbabitants, as the moon
and another;
and tbat ths difference lestweera raen
is less than that between one ant
doas aroun_d our planet. There is
verise, tho.n celonr of ants is to ye,
we are less, compared with tbe uni-
oeit oat ot inlividuel who thinks
bimself an important unit in the unie
nothing so calculatel to take tbe cou-
rse as astronomy. It teaches that
Tea merobsints are under the im-
gression, that Ceylon and India Green
Teas will displace all japans in, Can-
ada before long. The "Salada" Tea
Company aro introducing them in
their sealed I,ed Packets. They are
the most delicious Green Tea ever of-
fered ,the publio.
After the frost has killed the tops
and before there is severe freezing,
dig up the bulbs, shake off the ad-
hering earth and store them in a
room free from frost. A cellar or pit
which will keep Irisit potatoes will
answer nicely for dahlias. It is best
to leave them in the open ground as
long as possible, in order that the
growth may become thoroughly ma-
Iva( every respect and attested by the
testimony of thousands that Put-
nam's Painless Corn Extractor is a
Sure and painless cure for corns.. The
claim that it is just as good made by
those endeavoring to palm off imita-
tions tor the genuine -only proves
ths superiority of "Putnm's." Use
only' Patnam's Painless Corn Extrac-
tor. Sure, safe, painless.
Be who talks too much will hear
many things of himself that are not
$100 Reward,
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learu that there is at least one dread( d disease
that science has bee a able to cure in all its
stages and that lc Catarrh. Mora Catarrh
Curets tho only positive cure now ketown to
the medieal fraternity. Oatarrh being a cons.
Motional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment-. Hairs Catarrh (hue is talc- intec.
nany, acting dircetly upon the blood and
mucous surfaccs of the system, thereby des.
troying the foundation of the diseace, and
giving tile patient strength by building up the
et netitntion and as-isting nature in dolet;ing
work. The nroprictow's have so much 'faithri
its ourativ-e 'powers, that they oirer orie Hun-
drod poilc.ra for any case that it tails to mire,
S rap la F.
Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a.
Sold by ugg a
Hall's Family Pins are the best
It is easier for a person to hear all
the misfortunes of his neighbors than
sing e one of .11119 own.,
Ai -44 4914:4-v--ezite.-4,
WI; 31 a Man gets xattied br prob.
ably Iles enters lam somewliere.
Tha "Baimoraii" Fro Pus fri,P2tzt
AVENUE __USE —'-j ,m4S
per day.
The memory of a pest bappinces
wrinkle on the tate ot time.
sie Ova Urama Qlintne TaMets. Mdrozibto
ft 0 Draws if1, tai s ttai oar*. H. W. unto'
.ii30Ie ies wittiest. esi
A. stighte word eturtethotets reveals
man innernotot theughts.
W. P. C. 1044,
mOotrtboRZotOhltslersofi,vtl tntnitSors,' De, Otnt.
OA L E Rrs
• aWatfed 104 medaia and ittilomZi'faraiTsrpOrezi.,
• OftrldfitTies.141iskreguotriir diVertrzdtrtfer41".
snepte. Lots manse tree on applicatiou.
witAtiowessmt IteloLAND. '
Metallic SK.Y1,1611118 DRAMIAT:
TeltesViti, O'Sz
sausage casings -nor importations tined Mellish
Sheep .and American Hog essinin-rellable gouda as
ton prices. max, BLACKWELL& CD.. Toronto.
liarrhtem, eta.
Removed to Wesley If:aiding%
Itichmowidat, W., Terouto.
arid other TRODITCR, to mime bast results oonilen 10
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
ociewest-Market Colborne $t., Toronto,
Catholic Prayer .xsososartes, cru.
Loftin's, Soapulars,
Babsious Pictures, Statuary. and Church Ornaments,
Educational Works. Mail orders receire prompt atten.
Sion. D. &el. SADUER & 00., 140nm/a
and Cicaning. This is a specialty with the
Send particulars wet, Laud Nro are sure tOsatisfY.
Address Box 158, Montreal. -
1R00FiNe and Sheet idetainorite.
Rod or Green .
hi IT
s oal Tar, eta. It 0171E6 oro,r Mee Now OitY Sral
115.4, Toronto, done by our m Metal Collings, Oon
tuoes,t4o. Estima tea furnished or work* omplate or folk
niatenalash nowt to l•!1ny part of the country. Phone
0. NIE4 1148
DUTArletaltto witimsratinearsebe
zu and ighthools Toronto) oofing cW
. _
To send for own
Complete Cata,
iogrue of Slieel
?Anal° end Scot;Li
with Special ralks
of discount.
rant d
103 Yonswe 51.
Toronto, (int,
end Western 'Canada
oard of Dirot.7.405°p:
. President, -George Cienderm 1w
1st; Itiot.Preticlvnt and .
glAttre01 Ezeealh'°, d. Herbert Weeeee,
Dd Viee-P.reeident-W: 11, Deet..
'RAO: r liorgess, W: Matthow"e.
4 tieorge
" • •ei T,
Al.frael. Good-L..11am, , •WinzapV,g, Man,
'o ai..1.3odorham, • •••'24,,1obizsavu,
• W. G.; 00110' 111, 81. Ti nn, N, 11,
Cleorgo,W. Lewis, TTecitn$:+k
Aq11.70. $2Z,,00003.$10.
: TorontoSt., TORONTp,
w eg) , • Vancouver, 0,
. ,
rit4s...T.ret LEE, tonere:A sehs..to,,er..