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Exeter Times, 1900-8-16, Page 1
r.' TNVENTY—SEVENTH YEAR NO. 51. IICTRON & 3/11DDL ' .SEX GAZETTE. EXETER! ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING' AUGUST 16th, 1900 ' N. BISt-IOP &SON -a -Sacrifice of .M. Sum mer f.,r : oods Our big crockery sale NOW ON IT WILL SAVE YOU AAON'EY. OUR GREA ING SALE CO NG SATURDAY 28TH. As is our custom we prefer to sacrifice the balanc of our goads at the end of the; season rathe than carry them over and have out-of-date goads out our shelves. With the hottest kind of weathe to came, this is a big snap. Do not fail to examine these goads and note prices, We are willing to leave the to shrewd buyer's judgement. Below we a list of the few of the man ea a he purchasing anyjudgement. giveY reductions, Lades' Underwear Ladies' Cotton vests, cream, reg. 7c for 4e . Ladies' ribbed cotton vests, short sleeves, reg 12i for Sc. Ladies' ribbed cotton vests, extrafinc quality, reg iso for loc. Ladies' ribbed cotton vests, fancy trimming, reg 18c for 12 Izc. Ladies' fine vests, Lisle thread, fancy trimmed with silk ribbon and lace, reg 25c for 19c. i Ladies' 'Fast Black Hose Every pair stamped, Louis I-Iermsdorf and and fully guaranteed. To dear 2 pr for 25C. Oaaly left l,acil' Summer Gorses Tagg price 37 T, c to clear 19c. Al ODD LOT AT LESS THAN COST. Nottingham Lace curtains Reg 1 1, I 50 to clear at 99c 15 " 79c 25 e< S9c 65 " 39C 25 a' r334.e Remnants Cin hauls, Muslins, Dress Goods, Etc. At prices that will clear thein out at one A Big Snap GINGHA MS and INIUSLI PI'S reg price z 2 j4c, 15c, 17 c, will go at 9c, Beautiful new gdrods an exceptional bargain Shirt Waists We shall also clear out the balance of these. Reg t 25 a beauty for 75c 75 in:striPes 35c ?5 white lawn 35c 75 black sateen 35c Ladies' Sailor Hats In smooth and rough straw,; ery newest Shapes reg i Sc, soc, to clear age. A FEW OF THOSE BOY S WASH SUITS LEFT, Reg 150, t 25, at 99c . JNTERESTINC NEWS FOR MEN MEWS LINEN DUSTERS Just the thing for dusty roads 'MEN'S DUCK SUITS Nobby, cool, comfortable ammoommoommammommoemnaftevw smennommo A SNA I' IN MEN'S SUITS Men's Sacque Suit is serge or tweed, regular $5.50 now $4.29 . `s " in Tweeds, new effects'" $8.00 " $6.25. MEN'S FAST BLACK HOSE T 49 Reg price I2,c, a snap Sc pair MEN'S NEGLIGE SHIRTS 99Latest American pattern, reg 75 to clear 39c. WIEN'S FEDORA HATS, IN BLACK AND BROWN, REG 75c TO CLEAR AT 39c . THnRED8t-1EP.8 8UPPLtED8 . Special prices to threshers in Oils, Packing, Fittings, Mitts, Etc. A large stock on hand. H. BISHOP & SON Biddulph Bidduiph Council. BR at the residence of I >✓ 'S.—Died F. The Council met on August 6th, Dobba, McGillivray, on Friday last,his members present. A large number of •uaacleWilliam Dobbs, formerly of Bid- accounts were passed. The Clerk was instructed to draft a by-law to levy a rate of 11 milts on the dollar for County purposes and five mills on the dollar for Township purposes ; re pay- ment of loans and grants to schools, and $1 on each dog, making a total levy of $71102.53, for all purposes except school. The Reeve and • Treasurer were authorized to borrow what may be required for current expenditure, at no gr•eateraiuterest than 51. per cent. per annum. The Council adjourned to meet again the 3rd day Sept. next, at 10 a. m. W. D. STANLEY. Clerk. Farquhar. all ACCIDENT.—David Hackney, of the townline, Blanshard, near St. Marys, formerly of Usborne, was on Monday seriously injured while showing a horse which he was offering for sale. It appears that he was trotting the ani- mal up and dow the road, so that the buyer could better see its .good quali- ties, when in some manner the girth became broken, allowing the cart on which he was riding to tip backward, throwing Mr. Hackney on his head and shoulder. He sustained serious injuries. The physician in attendance says his patient is doing as nicely as can be expected, and with quietness and good care, he thinks he will soon come around again. Sodom. BRIEFS. — James Green, of near Zurich, spent Sunday with his brother, Fred Green, of this place.—Miss Gladly Green visited her uncle, George Ford, as week.—Miss last ss i z' L z ie Smith ith Held a Juvenile birthday party one day last week:—There was no league on Sunday night on account of the rain.—Linny Prouty reg^awed a letter from Miss Laura Har the N. W. T., her for- mer Sunday School teacher. She says their crops are fairly good, and they like the country splendidly. .d.ulpi, in the 63th year of his age. De- ,ceas l was well known here being an old -tine resident and having never marred had no home of his own ; he had ' cumulated considerable wealth in h life -time which of course will go to h immediate friends here.—The Rev Mr. Andicott and family have re- tuned. from China where he went as a misionary for the Methodist church .:som years since. Ile is at his old hon in Lucien at present and gives a 'ser interesting account of his travels. Staffa B ° lees.—Mrs. Pagan, of Cleveland, is yr iting at her father's, R. Dalton.— MisMinnie Campbell, who has been spell ing a couple of weeks under the Mare tal roof, his returned to resume her osition in Toronto, accompanied by 1 r sister Emma. -Misses Florence .and ydia Shillinglaw, of Mitchell, are visit ng friends at our burg.—Mrs, F. D. utchinson and Miss Lizzie Hani- •bly re both on the sick list.—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Itotharn, of :Seaforth, ,spec Sunday at the home of Robert Dalt n s, —Ada Dalton, of Mitchell, is visit ng her aunt, Mrs: Mark Drake.— Miseate Norris spent a couple . of .daysi this week with Hensall: friends. -- Mrs. A. Hotham of Iinburn, ,,is. the 'guest of her father, J. Hamilton. Brussels footballers claim that 'Lis- towel had several Berlin players on their team when the last game came off. Listowel knew that Brussels had a Seaforth man on the second last :time. They are both amateur tears. A NARROWESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs.Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally terminated Hated In Consumption. Four Doctors gave me' up. saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour determined if'I could not stay with my: friends on earth, I would meetmy absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, Tam saved and now a well and healthy woman." Sold by all druggists, 50 cts. and $1.00. ' Guaran- teed or price refunded. • A. FAMILY MEDICINE. llfrs. D. Williams, Gooderbam. P. 0. Ont., writes I have used Hagyard's, Yellow Oil for burn's, scalds, sprains and ihruises, and it has always given satisfaction. It is a splendid family medidine..it can be put to so many dif- ferentuses." Price 26c. Creditors --- BRIEFS.—The weather on Sunday last' was gloriously cool and refreshing after the intense heat of last week. Those heayy showers this week have settled the Aust and cleared the atmos- phere. —Alf. Bedford and .family have moved into their new dwelling south of the village and are getting settled i s as rap illy a ' possible. Rev. Litt re' turned to Sebringville on Monday to assist in settling Weirs at his old home, We sympathize with him in the regent loss of his mother.—Mrs. Crompton,of Carlisle, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Walker.—Robt. and Airs. Dyer, of Cleveland, and Harry, of Detroit, are visiting with then parents in the village this week, — A most appropriate and impressive nyem- orial service for the lateMise: ITannah Lewis was held in Evangelical' church last Sunday evening. The choir altar was neatly draped for the occasion and as beautiful circlet of flowers was placed on the vacant chair in tbe choir. Rev. Mr. Litt preached from the .text "I am the Resurrection: and the Life," The church was crowd- ed to the doors with sympathizing friends, who thereby attested the true worth of the nepasr'ted,—The Methodist Sunday School oftieials have arranged for a pienie to the Bend on Friday next. Let every scholar attend, an Hensall lMrs. Harold and Mrs. Murdock for ai fesv days. -11r. Mand J a r Mrs, as S rtlaer, J,sutherland, Nataary Public* Convey land left an Monday for Grand Bend ' Maro epot anter, Comrnrssioner, Firs Insuraucea agent . I and Issurer of MarriageTacenses. Legal docs- xvhere they will spendl the week vial t - menu carefully drawn cat reasonable rates Ing Mr. and Mrs. A. Dent, of .' i tehell, . Money to loan on real estate eft low rates of in- ; wha ares s m tercet. °Moo at tire Post office. gengan. , a)tram ; a thares—Kelrllith.1 e.I), COOK . 3 Macarthur, of Ailsa Craig, spent ti H, _ f past few days visiting his bratherJola (Lite with, Carrow ✓ Proudfoera) Barrister ; here. •—Urs. J C. Stoneman has solJcltor, Notary- l'nblio. Iiensal .Ont, turned front a visit with her paren A. se!lery, L. D S„ D. D, S..Honor Grade- it in Lambeth. --•'G. J. Sutherland spen F-ateofToronto University, Dentists. Teeth 1 hast week in Hamilton, as as delega extracted without cin or. bad a creeds office of the local. lodge to the Grand Lodge ioudas,00muie ictnee -aII. kti Zurich eery of Oddfellows. Ile reports an inter- s esting and profitable meeting.—Rob.. I SUMMER 0000$ is A full range of summer ga,ods r, t eluding fancy insertions so much i tel demand. KEE?" Coot„ ---During July and An- Luker. who has taken up land in Man gust we will give one Ice Cream ticket itob e. leaves, with his fancily, ire with every dollar purchase. ° week for their western house. V SUITlt BROS. CO., Bens.all. wish them much success in their ne Tunhick r o manyFIRE.—Our thriving r11 s sea ed } home from Toronto, cns whither he ha as returne which for so the ravages of the fiery element" save! gone to visit his daughter, '.Diss Eat a. few minor fires and the burning of who was seriously iU, Stag is rf" ort the flax mill a few ,ears ago, was on Ito be much improved.—Miss Dann h F fi . Saturday morning Inst. Aasl;trst Iltlt, r ©rtwein, of Seaforth, is vision be bring the parents along.--Abrallain -visited by as conflagration semen laid sister, ;itis, Short.,—Messrs. G. Mee Walker Me- b. - ENGLISH PRINTS. A full and Com— plete range of DRY GOODS. Also our GROCERY STOCK replete in every line and always :t fresh. d IT IS NOT 1aNOUGH,—"That we d do as well" as others. .. ef: cele ., alker hos gone out of butchering r to the ground a ro�v et business houses t Ewen, J. E. McDonell and J. Maeaart business in the village and has rented I covering a space of over one hundred ur, who had arranged for a. trip to th a Punt) near Centraalut. We are sorry yards. They were all frame structures Soo, have postponed it for a time o to lose you tbrani. but trust farming ,and have done good service for their account of the fire,—Beverley Ketrhe P g your owners since Messrs. Potts iatincliecl of l3rucefield, who hats occriprefd th OUR ma IS TO EXCEL. e All kinds of Farm Produce for which n highest prices will be paid. mayrove more can entad to yo , c ' e health. Do you intend;, to basalt it Ala; Hensall upon the sea of public favor pulpit. of Carmel church for the past —Mrs. L. Gasser and children of Den- some twenty-seven years :ago, and i two Sundays, during the absence of tier, Col., are visiting iter father in the their removal will create sites for the Pastor on his holidays, preac Lula e, lies son Paltrier, d old, , . sic 11, Iruitdirr � more inkeyingsri li the ed quite agog _ tidal . He is alta e•a h been . surroundings, t q P ;:"' . y an hasveryi welt with rtl �• 1 that • r,urrvtandin„u, and. which would acid fluent speaker, and will one day b dread disease Diphtheria but hag fully materially to the .already fine appear• tome an influential and popula recovered. "NW trust the disease will anon of King street. The fire was no- preacher, Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Isgmon not spread further. --Our local foot- i tired by several erso s fa about 230 ville, will take the services e y,e ip u ret t... next Sun ball team went over to Centralia. on o'clock, in the rear of W. C, Davis. day. --Roble, I3etl, jr., of,Seaforth, wa grocery, and in an incredibly short in town on Sartaprday on business. ---T time the whole row of buildings was a B. Carling, of Exeter, was a visit() mass of flame, destroying Maearthur here on Ifonday.--(eo. Smith spent ('o's private bank, J. C. Stonernan's . Sunday at Grand blend.—Alis' Alice J Ross. h• d Isar ltoniaas thet pastith visited friends Ean l wass e- • absent when iter place -of business was r destroyed by fire Saturday morning. -- Thos. Murray returned home can Mon- s day from visiting his brother in Iowa. L.3TlsP'r Fon F.ar it --New opera flan- I.,. nets. SsuTn BRAG, Co.. Iiensall. Saturday evening and played a friendly :game with the •( Centralia hays. Neither team scored so we bear. --A baseball game is announced to take placeon our local diamond between the jewelry and bookstore, together wins Petty visited friends. la lateen un Dublin Ailsa Craig and ('reditnat teams on the public library and central tele- Wednesdav,-.Jas. Bsatatbron, of I xe- this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock, phone oMce, both in conneetiou there.. ter, visited. friend; stere this %seek. Ilr.t a s. --'£ire• excursion 1.' ' ..derieh -Death has again visited us. on Sun- with, W. t,'. Ilarvis' hoot & she and Un Wednesda • last be celebrated his last week was well attended,, --M Car - day evening 1 last Mrs., Isaacs I i 'r , - �. ye h 'n � t blruhdav a p visiting a ret . n and is p 1 sto s A.:1icl'hera()n'a rest n h many friends alp a.atdr, of rtluth has been i.,itnn do D passed away after aa, lengthy illness.. deuce and tailor and gents' furnishing's She was a great sufferer but bore; all l'e store, and AlissSmith's millinery store, with Christian patience and fortitude the latter buntline• being owned by G. here join in wishing hitri contained friends in town the last few weeks.— good health, and many returns fir the Dr. Ali; hell returned home last week day. --Il. Hooper intends moving his. from roue -rate, where lie spier... three a and death carne as tt h ippy relief. Ida- :4tawn• M1eaethur tt Co., whose family to Hensall from Exeter, as scion weeke with Morels. :' Alis- Maggie ceased. was but in prune of life, being hank had lately been refitted and had r 0s he can procure a suitable residence. O'Connell has ;COW' *,i 1 a >> l;lrn,:`7, only S'3 years of ane. She was a atnaddition buiilt, and was as nicelyi---Messrs, James Bnntlrron cruel Will, tosvisit Etienne.—sirs- ass- �o1i radia, daughter of Wm. Baker, of Centralia furnished as any bink in the county,Moore, have returned 1►onlc' ,Steuart ;a of iluflaalad. is home t+c liei,tl .a tiers sand leaves as husband and f young lost everything excepting the money, two weeks' holiday trip to London. flays with her p arelits.-• We .3. Hove. children to mourn her Ioss. Mr. IIt11 hooks and yalttable papers locked In (;rand Bend and other pinta.-. Mrs. of Chicago, left for homc..on Sat) lay has the sincere sympathy or the entire the vaults, on which t hep held en in- 'Bennett, of Exeter, spent the past last. (,suite a number of the ilee,1l t:ar- commuutty in has sore bereavement, siuranee of $300, together with a Simi - The funeral took place an Tuesday to tar amount on the building ; their net Exeter cemetery, Rev, Hussar arida- loss will be about $000. 3. C. Stone - ting. A memorial service will be held inan s loss is estimated at $2,060, cov- in M. E. church next Sunday evening, ered by $1,000 insurance ; public Rh- --Pnblie Schools re open next Mon- nary toss about $1,000 on which- there. day. Send your children regulrarly . is 8.150 insurance. The Board had from the first claay, recently purchased $200 worth of new B„�Tzz tiz, Xfn:�x�zl IftaMwz�.--.Hiss books, which were at the station, and Hannah Lewis, beloved daughter of 'were to 'have been opened next day. Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, born All the Municipal records, ley -lases, ete were destroyed., Mr. Stoneman, as vil- neai Creditor', on the hath day of Sep- lege clerk, having kept them in bis tember 1872 and died at the home of p I,rivate office. W. C. Davis owned her parents, Crediton, with. ttbereular three stores, two occupied by latself 1000,pnitis,, on the 7th day of August, and one by Mr. Stoneman, which be aged , , years, 10 ere int: and 20 valued at. 1.000 stocks$4.000 on which clays, Her remains were interred in there was 0 total insurace of $`3 500. the Exeter cemetery an the tits day of Nothing saved, Mr. ttcPberson's build - Miss Lewis afternoon last week. Aug, furniture and stock were insured Miss Lewis seemed to fail somewhat far $1,600, his stock estimated lose being since she ]md an attack of la grippe > r last winter, In 1.580 she moved with $2,500- They, were the only family her parents to the village and the year living in the block, and escaped with following she was converted, joined bat scant clothing. Their parlor fur - the Methodist church and began at niture was saved, Miss Smith's loss once to sing in the choir. She had will be .light, her stock having been more than ordinary, even extraordin- saved, but the building, owned by Mr. cry musical abilities, About 0 year McEwen and valued at 8500, was not, insured. The burnt section is bounded and a half ago she became a member on the. east by the Oddfellows' block of the Evangelical choir and last De -and on the west by McEwen's block, cember also member of the church. both brick, and hut for these buildings The beautiful floral harp design pre- the fire would have done incalculable sented by tbe choir showed the aifec- damage. Both buildings were badly tion she had won of all its members. horned, Mr. McEwen': to such an ex - The departed was naturally of a yery tent that it would seen; impossible to kind disposition, a loving, dutiful save it, the interior being mach dam - daughter, ever genial and faithful, aged by fire. Loss on both 51.000, cov- highly respected by everybody. As a ered by insurance. The weatherduring church we keenly feel our loss, her the preceding week hadbeen extremely sweet voice and charming music will hot and everything was as dry as tind- be missed. It seems a pity that she er, and it was only by the strenuous could not leave us her rare gift of song, efforts of the citizens. especially the Her last words while the family and young men, who labored like trojans, friends were weeping, were, "Do not that the fire was confined to the burn - fret for inc. T am all right, dying is ing section, the buildings across the nothing, we shall soon meet again on street and others throughout the town the resurrection morn. She was having several times ignited from very patient during her illness and re- burning embers carried by the high conciled to the will of God. The me- wind prevailing. The hand engine and morial service was conducted Sunday stationary and portable tank system, night last in the Evangelical church. The large congregation that gathered recently willinginstalled,kers,supportedvethoby many on this occasion showed the respect workers, gave thorough sate that the departed had won in the wouldon, and without which there church as well as in the neighborhood. have to-day.en butA Losse thef Hensall The funeral sermon was preached by standing Across street the plate glees fronts in Hodgins', the Rev. J. G. Litt. Text in the Gos- Rennie's and Bell's blocks, extending pel according to St. John, 11 chap., 25 over one hundred yards, were destroy - and part of :.6 verse, "Jesus said unto ed, entailing a loss of $1,500, on which her, I aur the Resurrection and the there was no insurance. The furni- Life ; he that believeth in rite, though ture, carpets, etc., in the Oddfellows' he were dead, yet shall he live. And hall as also furniture, etc., in Lawyer whosoever liveth and believeth in 1e Cook's office. in McEwen's block, were shall never die.” The vacant chair in badly damned by smoke and water the'choir was neatly draped and made The total loss will he about $15,000. a very solemn impression. Miss Lewis with aggregate insurance about $7,000, will also be missed amongst the Royal The insurance is carried by the Perth. Templars of Temperance, she being Mutunl, Wellington. North British, a charter member and at the time of and Western. Me. Davis has opened her death, Vice councillor and served a store in the Marshall block, Mac: as organist for many years. Her act- artbur & Co. are again fully equipped tivity will be a great loss to the local and attending to their customers in council; the beautiful wreath presented Clausen's harness shop, Mr. Stoneman by then gives us a faint idea of the is occupying part of Pope's tailor shop, esteem in which she was held by the A. McPherson and Miss Smith are in members of said council. Her influence Petty's block, west of the railway, will also be missed in the Huron Dis- until more suitable premises can he se- tiict Council, she being the District cured, or new buildings erected, Mac - Vice Councillor. arthur & Go. are already making ar- With Alexander Pope - his "The .- rangenents to rebuild on the old site. Dy- ing Christian to his Soul" we say : Notwithstanding the perilous adven• tures made by the fire-fighters, few ac - Vital spark of heavenly flame, cidents are to he recorded. Mr. J. C. Quit, Oh quit this mortal frame l Stoneman, while endeavoring to save Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying, his property, was overcome by the Oh, the pain, the bliss of dying beat and smoke, and bad to be carried Cease fond Nature, cease to strife, out unconscious by Reeve Arnold and Anil let. me languish into life. F. 0, McDonnell, while Fred. Laing ran amuck a bucket falling from a Hark '1 thy whisper • ;angels say, roof and had the bark taken of the Sister Spirit, come away. bridge of his nose. For a few days What is this, absorbs rote quite— everything was topes Curvy, but now matters are .assunring a normal state, and business is going on as>of yore. BRIEFS.—The village has presented a somewhat lively appearance daily Steals my senses, shuts my sight. Drowns my spirit, draws my breath; Tell me, niy soul ! can this be death. The world recedes, it,disappears ; ' since Saturday, a curious public coin - Heaven opens on my eyes ; my ears, � ing from ell points to view the ruins With sounds seraphic ring, of the fire.—L. H. Dickson and brother Send, send your wings ! I mount, I fly Bert, accompanied by Mrs. Dickson, 0 Grave ! where is thy victory?' spent Friday visiting friends here.-- 0 ere:— O Death ! where is thy sting'? Miss Norris is visiting her cousins week the guest of her brothers, tilessr Ines went on Monday to �e a.'e eth ta' McDonell,--Miss Annie Papple, was in haul brick 'for the new ehur�'h. - Will See.forth and Mitchell the past week (liven° came to town with hi, t':,euily visiting friends. --Miss Ida Peart, of last steed.. Varna, was visiting her parents here this week.—Miss Nellie Hodgins, of Centralia Lucau, is visiting the Misses Hodgins for afew days, on her way home front Idaaas• I'nhlier School (Teas an (;•rand B « Bend. --Dr. Lindsay, of heat- aionctay, Aug,2t)th, Parents a: cr kind - ley, accompanied by his bride, former- ly requested to see that pul?als ..enol ly ;Hiss Bell Murray, of Clinton, and regularly from first day. By eatserv- well-dcnosvn in. Hansen. called on sew- tug this the Leachers Will 1I. assistedoral friends Here last week on their very much in their work. The Sun - way home from their honey -moon day Soli is wilt picnic at the Renal ontrip.--blaster Sidney Weisupiller, of 1 I r daay, A good time is expecte/— Toronto, son of D. i'Feismiller,former. i Miss kobertsnn, a fernier teher ly of Hensall, spent the past week yrs-' our public school haft rt•turnedactc, herdef iting friends in and around the village,l lion" after :pen+link some time with —Alfred McTaggart, of the London 1friends, in this vicinity...mi.!, more road south, has purchased from Wm.,ence Loss after spending a couple of McDougall, the Marshallprc)perty at months with her sister, Mas. W. B. Rodgerville, paying therefor the sum ! Bagahasv, returns to her laarile in of $133, a slight advance 0n the price i Canningtou ole Saturday.— Farmers . paid the estate. Mr. McTaggart in are beginning to hying their rlesv.grain tends retiring from farming and tak- t() market and by the waay ',tine of ing up his residence in Rodgerville.— there bring more than grain. James Petty was in London this week l on business. --T, Higgins, barrister, atrial TI:STIirOXl .iT.OF illi, 11-,Ii.Ipl::1R in ING at SV. C. Davis'. -Miss Roy, of London Mrs. Higgins, of Toronto, are visiting sister of Rev. F. E. Roy, formerly of TO THE l-AI,r1i 01' Hensall, is the guest of Mrs. G. C., --- Petty.—Miss Amy Murdock has re- ! ENGLISH STOCK FOOD, turned home from Grand Bend.—Miss r Smith, of Toronto, was the g,iest of . I am using English Stook Food man - her brother, George Smith, last week. : ufacttzred by C. Lutz, and find that it —T. J. Berry last week shipped from a improv es the condition of pnil� h cows this so Cation a car land of horses for and increases the flow and richness of the old Country market. They were . the milk. Would highly recommend as fine a lot of animals as ever left this stock raisers to give i a tied. station, and were accompanied by Mr. W. H. DE.4t',ING. ' If you make any purchase at this store which proves unsatisfactory, bring it back and your money will he cheerfully refunded. Sewer h 1 pee BOTH Patent Portland Cement p Akrene Seer ell= IN STOOK AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. EM BEST OFINIRDIRINFORTLfk ND Always on hand. Car of Portland received this week Plaster aris