Exeter Times, 1900-5-10, Page 7SEVEN TEM EXVT211,Ifit 13 8 DAYS 18P11111(8 FROM WIRESStatees."43-Pre.Sideet. ef the Vniteed 11111j/I rattier retire toprivate life than b .Governor Booteevelt" said, he would orki nu plumERE coin Arduous Operations of the Forces North of Kimberley. A despatch, from Loodon. Frtdar, , There are remount in 131itemtontein eas;—Opera.tions invelvingl the Brie, that they; ere evaeuatteg that dis- • triot enttrely. and coeeentrating in tee days' herd worh. seven their whole ehhhath in the gerth. being °coupled in, fighting. hare Nothing etethentio is known ef the ;Deflated in what Gen. Roberts de -1 Boer losses in the rootlet operatione. Berne:is as "considerable imecese." Gem. , A eepert from erienberley eta tes that there are coneiderable Boer move- Reberts' torces here cleared. the eouth- mente at Feneteen Streams ad other easterit eorieer a the Free State .ttt points across the Vaal river. Little • conenaratively triftiog• coet Jives, .1, is knowo regarding them, but it is and a general advance northward. heilL"ed• that the 13eava ara P•1°v/ng nortlg-west, If this ie so, it le pro. eeems to be immtuent. baby virithi the vlew et opposime There m little to indicate where the Heater's Advance in the dtrecticet of Boora will, make their Dext ;deed. It hlafaisiOg. hi reported that they are preparee eel There is go news of any movement endre a etabbOrn epposon on anon- in Nntal" The BritiSh llave ngt '.vauced, The Deere fag enintrted to he kreeched hill southteest et KTPOneltade quitting the passes in the Biggersherg wino* towe they, will probably aben- r range on account of the cold, and Atm an Ewa ea tbeir storee are north campIng at the feet of the range, tbeir f the Vet river. Another unknown prbacipal leaner heing litatihnits teeter oh the eituation, is them, inonntain, Pilee Meath nt Viands- atrength in the Ladybrend district. laagte, • RO Mon d Canadians ightin fOr Seven Days Out of Ton, Tile War Offiee bee received the a]- vng :rem. hoed tieberte: "General Hamilton met with eon. Adorable ettece58 Tueetley, and Ogee the enetny out of the strong. pooitton they bad tekeet up at Rout- leek4 with comparativelr email loss to ue. The Jlottre dieeermied itt iteveral direetionn, mainly to the eaet and north, leaving six prieenexe in e'er band; including eenamandent and aixteen other weunded men. *Gimeral Hamilton ts now in vamp et Jheoberuat. A* the men evaded Test after fighting seven out et the last ken days I ordered them to halt to to -day. "Gen. Breadwootra brigade airy arrived upon the scene in Vitae to afford valuable aettistenee by three ening thts euenty's reer. " During the afternoon Gonerel la llemiltota was joined by General Brue listailtoieht brigade of infantry. "The enemy Windt bating twelve killed aud forty wuunded yaiteeday. Among the former was Lieut. Gun- ther, a Geen1411 ofticer belonging to the 55th. Regiment, and amongst the latter was Maximoff, the RUseian cam- el:tailor ot the Vereign Legion. Twee- ty-ono out a fifty-two of the enelny'e onenaltica occurred among the au:in- born of that legion. Two Frenehmen were among tbe killed. "General Hamilton rpeaks bigls tenon of the goad services performed by the Eightb Hussars, under Celonel Clowas, and made etp into a xegiment of Lancers, whieh came into penerti.1 Etroadwoud's brigade and assisted in making the lioere vacate their posi- tion. "The Mal etrolce to the enemy's rout wag given by the Cordons and two compantee of 1.he Shropshire Light Infantry, who cheered loudly when they got within two hundred yards of the poeition. Kitobener's Horse is also spoken of in terms of praise." POSITION OF 111E FORCES. Fifty Thousand Troops Operating Clear of the Railway. despatcb from London, Friday says:—Gen. Broadwood's cavalry brigade bas reached Isabelfontein, 28 miles north of Thaba Nara. Gen. Ian Hamilton is bivouacking at haeobs- rust, 15 miles north of Thaba Nehu. Gen. Tucker's division is moving east- ward from Sarree The divis- ions of Generals feeneh and Rundle are in and near Thaba Nebo.. Titus see Lord Roberts has 50,000 men operating clear of the railway along a front of forty miles. He is advancing slowly, with loree sucoesses, but nothivg decisive. Yet, at all points of concen- tration, the Boers appear in force suf- ficient to compel tbe British to pro- ceed with caution. Their wide front In a rugged eountry makes turning movements off -hand difficult. Observers at headquarters in Bloem- fontein seetn to think that the Boers are preparing to evacuate Brandfort and Ladybrand. The Boers still hold.. Ing Nan district are estimat- ed at 40,000. They bave among their guns a 40 -pounder. One correspondent, wiring froth Bloemfontein Wednesday at 11.55 p.m., said the Britisbehoged to cut off tbe whole tome:tends). HARASSING TACTICS. Boers Interfering With British Con- voys From Bloemfontein. A despatch from London, Thursday, says :—'the immediate objective of enemy nearly . .ured coneey Tues- day, tint they were driven Off Altera brisk f' ht Pe'eparatiterie for an OAVPACIO I ecu- Uuue at Kimberley.. Sir AlfredMilner has written, to the !I.eyor thimber- lay aesurte lal tb- t the11 • hlefeking hie not ceehed to (weepy his ettentlen, and tiett of the military ay. •thorities, and that nothing will be left :undone to raise the siege at the earth, , est postale moment. The Britieb garrisone along the rail, way eel Warrenton have bean etrengthened and 4upplies are going forwent. A mounted terve' bait gone to Harkly :West coneequence of the Boers. having occupied Wind:torten. A ".theemand Mere threaten the cora- Mutate:Woo between lleetiof and time berley. Matelae chief of the Taungs, bas in- formed the Britisb that the Boera ere preearing to reteint their advalace at Phehrielia..20i miles uorth of Warrens, ton. CANADIANS AND GORDON& Together They Stormed a Rill Reid by Boers. A despatch from Thaba Helm, Wises - day, says,:—General Hatailten'a divis- lon was engaged yesterday and to -day in foreing a passage northwerd. At Houtnek the Boer front held a line of hills commanding the sides of the rick rhe Lanadians and Liordous at- tacked the hill to the loft, and the Shropshires and Marshall's Home, sup- ported by a battery, also made au at - at t enemy4 who eventually fled, leaving many wounded, and the paasage was tileared, The Boers on the mount:tin are now shelling the oatlying range necessi- teting removal to a eater plate. Tito Boers have three guns on tate hill to the eastward ?f this place, out- side the range of the Britiall artillery. 'The Hoer ehelliug is not doing any damage. The enemy retain their peal- , Lions, and the British are got attempt - bag to dislodge them. Genteel Hamilton, by reacbing Bout - f nek atter a Lull day's fighting, se- cured the Thalia Nchuelhoennoutein , road. Gen. Boyes• brigade was prepared on Sunday to attack the long ridge run- ning from Thalia Nchu. mountain west- ward, but owing to some delay dusk fell, and the troops wore withdrawu without any aseault having been made on the hill. The top of the 1411 is strongly held, but its capture is im- portant. There was a general reeon- n.aissance during the morning, and a strong reconnaissance to the eastward around the horeeshoe of the hills. Gen- eral Ian Hamilton's division to the north is operating jointly with the 'Cordons and, cavalry to the south. General Dickson, commanding the cavalry brigade, encountered 3,000 burghers marching in Iwo. ,nolumna, with game and after some shell fire the British were obliged. to retire be- hind their plokets. Aft LEAVING MAFEKING. Large Part Of the Investing, Fovea Reported Withdrawn. A despatch from London, Thurs- day says :.--A correspondent at Lor- enzo Marques, cables Tuesday that a large part of the investing force at ILIfeking had been tvillihrawn. General Buller continuee quiet. The Boers astert that they are delaying an attank upon him in the hope that all the horses of the Britise will die of horse siekness. A.ecording to a Oorrespondent of the Daily Telegraph with :feud Roberts President. Kruger is again a.sking eeace terms. Lord Roberts ett to establish a line of I ,`• Britisli posts from one frontier of the Free State"to the other at right anglee AVENGE MAGERSFONTEIN. with the reelwy, thus preventing Boer raids southward. It is essential therefore that the Boers should be ex- pelled trona the rugged Thaba Nein' distriet and he forced to retire to Ladybrand. AS the result of the desultory light- ing Monday and 'Vueeday the Hoere were pushed back a few miles, but no- thing deoisive appears to have been t tat n‘'4, ' The toers eontinue to follow their heineeing tactics. One well -horsed commando, operating in the neigh- bourhood of SanntOe' post, interferes with elle British oonvoys going froin BloonafonLein to Thaba Naha. The , With Fixed Payonets Fifty Charge 1 250 Boers. 1 A despatch from the London Daily ,' News from Thaba Nohu gives an Wel- 1 dent that oecurred during the vent_ , ing on May 1. 1 - 1 . Captain Towee and fifty Gordon 1Highlandere were SlarrOIXOCted by 200 Boers, who detnended their eurrender. For a reply Tows ordered his Men to fix bayonets and 'Charge, and the Oor- i dons, with a wild theer,'rustied at the enemy and zwept them away with : great elaughter. thus avenging the re- giment's leteees at l‘ragerseontein. ICeptain Towse _wee blinded by the fire of tbe Boers. Newsy Items About Ourselves snd Our Neighbors—Something of Interest From Every (bar- ter of the Globe. CANADA.. Loudots ra e 14 yeax' is Hamilton radial railway may be ex- tended to Oakville. Two Pert hrtner boys have been sr - rested with nearly a dozen charges of arson against them. The Dominion Company's elevator at Virden was deatroyed by fire, with 15,- 000 best:tele of wheat, ,t Woodstock is considering an offer to buy the local Bleetrio Light Com- pany's pleat for h16„500. An Buglish Specialty Manutactoring Cempane, witb a capital of 5,000,000, may locate London, Ont. The Canadian branch oe the ;Pratt ee Letchworth Malleable Iron Work. of Buffalo, watt opened at Beaotferd- Mt-Mitten's wheat elevator at Potter - eon, Mau.. horst. Over 2..000 bgabele gte wheat, are ofereed over the railway tracke. Mr. Michael Henneesy, ftgerean in Verew's lumber mill at Lindsey, wee caught in the machinery and had hie arra torn out. me five youths who threw stance at the Jewish Synagogue at Ottawa bare been given the extreroe penalty 450 and costa or six months in Kingsville and Leamington Peolde will petition the Dominion Govern - Ment to stop else export of uatural gas frera theerx County, as the supply is fast benoming exhausted. The trouble between the Highsehuol trutiteee and the London City Couucid has led to a laweeit. The city will not grant 417,000 for repeien. The court will pass epee. the legality of the tefueel. The suppleuteutarr rectuits tor Sttatiwtnat's Horse, e Web were en- listed et 'Winnipeg, are all 'superior horsemen and excellent elude, and most et them have bad previous Wry training. 11 When Um. Thous" of Ottawa, was told of tbe death of her Stal* nr. Thalami, in South Africa, ehe remarked proudly through be r tears, "Well, I have me sons, and surely can spare one for the Queen." Hamilton will advertise for offers for ehy debentures about to be is- sued: For good. roade, $1110,000; for the third main and the filtering. ex- teneion, e..400,000; and for the Board of kW Met t ion. POO " • f h h• to the purpose at local representation stems thee DAWSOn City lute a mutation . et 5,400, an lucre:tee of 1,000 Sinee last "September. British subjeets number *1,700, and &merit:an t1,309. i Montreal City Council dismiemed .1,, 0. A. La Forest, euperintendent, of Wo - tor %%inks, tor mem; city materiel and, labor tor private purposes, und Wit- ' Haut illeGabbon, park ranger, against ° e hum there was considerable raciel feeling. ...7iZe Brume irk and Nova heolla are attempting to secure the Smocitioa wlaith the Halifax award in 1767 con- demned tbe United States Govern- ment to pay Camilla as u set-off to illegal fishing by Amerivane in Cana- dian waters. 1 G R BAT MI vim IT is officially announced that tbe Duke of 'York will elan Berlin. on May 0. Sir Francis Marinditt, senior inspea- tor of railways in connection with the L don Bo d of Trade • de d The Art:lib's/top of Canterbury , setya that the Church a England's I danger is of excess and want of tol- ' eration , The Duke of Argyle was reputed to I be the greatest landowner in Bngland, f had 13 titles, wrote 100 books, and shrived hiraself I' Samuel. at Co., an English firm, have outbid American and other foreign firms and seetred the Formosa cam - 1 phor monopoly for ten years. IWinston. Ohurehill, the war eorres- ; tiondent, may- be offered, the Manches- ter Conservative nomination for Par- liament, to auceeed the Marquis of Lorne. le is said in London that Lieut. - ca. Ross, grandson Of Major-General Ross, who defeeted the Americans at Bladensburg in 1814, will command the Irish Guards, the nOW regiment vrhich is fortninge by order of the Queen. • Sir John Bridge, the ferrite,' pollee magistrate. of London, is dead. He was bore in 1824, WaS educated at Trinity College, Oxford; Was called to the bar in 1850; was appointed a pollee mag- istrate at the BOW street :Police °mart in 1872, and was .oltief police magistrate for Loudon in 1889. in 1890 he reoeived the honor of knighthood. UNITED STATE i • See . Small/tax has appeared in Burling- ton, 'owe gaol. A typewriter for shorthand has been hivented by nn American. 1 ete in eptosy pa ten in e s he tlevue go ep N eve York. The National Steel Company's plant at Coatutiabus,,Olaio, has shut down. 1 Atli ()mobile 'omnibuses with a "no fleet, no fare,", rule will be run in Chi- ! 040. ' /Gen. Wheeler and. the widow of Geo. W.. Childe are reported: to be en United States Weather Biareaues re- ports indieate large yield of erain and fruit everywhere. A bill for eight -tour day labor on all Government work has passed com- mittee at Weithinigtoe. Tbe tailed States Agricultural De - pertinent, in a ciroular, urges the int- portanee of good roads. T_Teited States (mai production for 1899, is estimated at 250,53.9,65n tons, an increase of 17.5 per cent. The Wien 01 morphine in the 'Unit- ed Skates has been reduced 10 cents an ounce because of competition. 'Muted States Naval Hoard el Con- :terqwgtit(iit Iltibsalt.sena,erot etlheilhalles laf°rrgeistbrei: the navy. An Ohio man ftmnd bis intended tkride, wile= he secured through a matrononiel Paper, to be hie ardsalog dauglater. The steamship Trite ealle from New Tea* on May fith with 200,000 bushes a grain for Inditta famine enfferere. Romain Z.Lieffel, a bartender: coM- wetted SALIcIde 41 Patereon, N. by cutting nig tiaeoat eith a broleen larao chimney. The °elm Company, incorporated at Trenton, N. with' a capital of Pe 000,000, wild build railroads and trare-; ways on, the ieland. PernaisSiOn WS granted by the New York State Railtoad Conanisslopehs for the construction of an eleetrie coal railroad along the line ot the - ebanhotted Deleware and Hodson Cas nal. IA a jeeltnis mania Harry idattliewa a corporal of Co. C., 15tb, Infantry. stationed az Plattaburg, N.Y.. bare reeks, fired 12.5 rifle abets through the LabeirieW Hotel Sunday night, wound -- ed hie nweetbeart, Mies &tette Heine titter Moritreel. in the ann, and tette c 0 • 1 GBNERAL. Receinte of Prussian railways are inereaeing. r In the month of 1lareb378 Filipino : were killed by the Anaerieenie A, hhtrkiett torpedo boat blew tip itt Beyrout harbour euneing a loss of 23 7 Berlin financiers have subevrilied 400,000 marks to the Indian Famine Fund. t The French Academy of 'Medicine at Paris has a cure .for seuelekness—eom- pressed oxygen. '• Over 5.319,003 persons fu India are , In want, and, the dematols for reltef are said, to be inereashng. Plague -infected rate bey. been found at the nharves of Bmsbane. ,Poseltiand and Melbourne. The destruction oj. Penney.. Mexico, by fire rendered 11,000 persons home- . iees and caneed 52.500,003 damage to property. Li Burg Clissug has legalized blg lotterite at Canton by licensing the Lit Rung, will use the revenue in eu pressing piracy Nearly every town in France has ranroed a street. after (alone Ville- ' hots Mareuil, who was killed wbile fighting with "the Boers. The callapee of a temporary foot bridge at the Parts Exposit ton on sun. day citueed tbe deatb of six pereons and tieriously injured about 40 others. The at ructure bad len previously con. deemed as unsafe. ti A DEADLY VOLLEY. Garrison at Atafeking Waited. for the Boers' Attaek. A. despitteb from Mafeking, deserib- !int; the Boers' t tuck of April 11, says:— • "The bombardment of the Creusots was the hoeteet of the siege. Many shells entered the hoepital and wo- men's laager. Under rover of the artil- lery a large force, oornmanded by Cronje, the younger, including the GOTIC0111 corps, advanced close to Fort Abrams, "The garrison lay low until the Boer forees tvere at. olose range, when they fired a volley, killing five and wounding many, andthe attack was repuleed. The bombardment then ceased. The Boers, under u Red Cross flag, were permitted later to recover their dead." EXT REVIEW IN PRETORIA. MENNEN% Lord Roberts' Remarks When Re- viewing a Corps. despatch from J3loemfontein, Tues- day, says:—Tbis morning General Pole-Carew's division, composed of the Guards end General Stevenson's bri- gade with several batt.eries of artil- lery, all in winter clothing, left Bloem- fontein. Lord Reberts, with Lady Roberts and their daughter, reviewed the di- vision in the market place. Later Lord R,oberts, while reviewing Roberts' Horse, congratulated the men upon their bravery,..spoke of the gal- lantry or the Colonial troope, and ex- pressed the hope that he raigha soon revieW them in Pretoria. THE NEW WAR MINISTER, welecley te Make Wee seem tor the AVer1v. ger of "chtuene" Gordon. It is not generally Uneven that the terra of .office I,ord Wolseley as Commander -in -Chief of the British army comes to a close this fail. While there may be valid reasons- fax retain- ing Wolseley ..office, in ease he should. consent to accept ecintintied responsibility, there is une reason. why heanight not be inceined to do so. .Ite- cording to the present arrangements Lord Kitchener of Khartouna is to became permanent, Minister of War, and this would' render Wolseley suitor- divate to Kitchener, a emaciation that would be very repugnant to the former, as be would be ernamelled to re,ceive orders front the man' who avenged Chinese Gordon. 'To thoee who beve access behind t e scenes of the great war drema now occupying tho staie of notion, 'Kitchener is reeognizea as the master spirit in the South African campagin, and the story to the effect, that when Colonel Kekewich heliegrapbed from Kimber- ley that, he had trouble with Cecia, Bhodete end Kitehener signaled lArk, "put him in 8 Coll," is fully believed And regarded as highly eharrie.teristie of laitchener's iron band. / 41 Notes of Proceedings In the Nation. al Legislature. *100,0(10 FOR FI/3.0 SUFFH.WHIt8. Sir WilIrld .Lourier announced that, in view of the terrible calamity which had Tendered 2fie0 families homeless, the. Government had decided to ask Parliament to grant an appropriation of 100,000 fax the reltef of the isilf-^ ferere. Sir Charles Tnpr aida great pleasure in supporting this vote of ;1030,00 to meet an eneergortaY of an ntiparalleled character. Occurring at the seat of government in Canada the eufferers by tbe fire had more than ordinary elaime on the country, and he was eatiefied that the Goren:meat had correctly interpreted the opiulens a members On bent sides. Mr. Fielding explained that the ce- tireates, besides centaining a vote of h100,C00 for the relief of the sufferers, also provided for the restoration of tite Dominion eublIc works which were injured. The additional Mies asked for were ;`40,000 to rebuild the Hull posteffiee, and §21,61/0 to restore the Denaiolon bridges at .the Chaudiere, The Premier explained that the Gc.v., eminent, After earefully considering the matter, deemed it advisable to pay the relief vote into the bands of the Ntecutive Committee. Hoer, bear. EXPHNS146 OF TdIZ CONTINGIENTS. In rely to Ur. .Foster, Ur. Fielding said that tbe cost ef enrottnent,in- eluding pay up to the time a maven- ration, of Canadian treepa for Saab refrica, included in the ttern under capital expenditure in The Caneda Gasette. April 1, I040, Was V34,540; trampertation, 5058,571; equipment,. incinding Itersee, 04,057; pay, Mehl& ' Ing 4(Iva-twee gp to the time of Arrival In South Afetee. 412,434. maklug a total el4.898,172.80, Italie of whattit Was included us tile consolidated Lund no. count. THE SMALLPDX iralnEmo. hft. Fisher, in reply to Col. Prier, aaid there was a large amount of emallpox in Republic Camp, south of British Columbia, and that pbysiciene were examining all persons coming int° Britieb Columnist. Ile was aware that 4 good deal of a mild type of (smallpox, known us perambulatory exists in the Cnited States While the quurauttue officeut did not con.sider it dangerous they were tak,- Ing preettutioue, As to the particular case vacationed by Col. Prior in Winn!. peg, be explained that the patient, a moo, palmed through quarantine at Victoria and remained in Vaneouver three days, came ease to Winnipeg, but became flO ill that he was taken to the General Hospital. Tbere the phytarians did not recognise the dishase as stnellpox until after the man's death. So little did they appieriate the cites% that he wee' put in the General Hospital, and per- sons iftnnt lee atone ward were dis- charged and allowed to be scattered through Manitobat toed Ontario. Ife pointed cart that, his department has jurisdiction only on the boundary Inc and seaports, the publichealth inland belgg wider the care of the Looal Governineaus, MONEY FOR REBOILMNO., The supply bill containing the re- lief appropriation' for the Ottawa end Bull sufferers was introdueell and put through. all its etages. Mr, Foster, in committee on the mea - :sure, sato a lea 11.10 make.itad4 made an excellent suggestion to him, which he thought, was calculatea to bring about an ameliosation in the rendi- tion of affairs in tbe burned district end t& prevent tbe ereetien. of build - hags which would invite ccnflagration. The suggestion was that a trust be formed which •shoutel have placed at its disposal say 5200,009 on the general relief moneys. That trust could barrow a,million dollark at say 4 per cent. The Idea would be to loan; money to those who had been property -owners to en- able itic.m to remind, the loan to cov- er, say, two thirds of the octet of the building. No interest to be charged for the first five years, but after five years the same rate of interest to be taken as, wee paid on the million dol- lars loan. Alter the five years, the principal to be paid in ten annual instalments. In this way it would be possible to assist deserving persons la rebuild substantial homes and work a revalutiou in the devastated dis- trict. The Government could not do- nate the Parliamentary Grant in any bet ter way. hal(eteeleerivemectieleon• era iodr ftibvee GenoLeer:ttujoenn,t, ell hosing some merit, but after con- sidering the matter thoroughly they hied decided to band the money over to the OOralnittee to do as they thought best. He believed 1 bet these discussions in Paeliametat would be beneficial, but no hasty judgment, should be foetned. ' The bill thee peseed. MEAT FOR TROOPS, Mr. Powell was informed by De. Bor- den that there is no contract for sup- plying m t t tile . Oa o e anad tan garreson at flalifax. It is supplied by the same firm as supplied it for the Imperial troops, and at the prioes Axed by the Imperial contract. DEPAR'al\LENT CONTRACTS, Mr. Clarke was informed that, safer as concerned the Post -Office Depart- ment, 110 contracts had been entered Into saute June 30th, 1899.. At Lo the Departmeal, the ()entracte with the Sanford Manufacturing Company and Mark Workman had been eontinu- ed. Since the dote mentioned the fox - *tee firm had been paid 5115,000 and the latter 526,000. Both contracts tainted a clause prohibiting swenaing, FEED FOR HORSES, Mr. Clarke was alto informed by Dr. Barden the( there were pureleased for the, use of the horses of he Ceti:eaten contingents on the way to South Alia, ea 411 tons of hey, 11,813 bushels of oats, and 115 tone of bran. THE CANkeleS. Mr Bergeroe aeked whether tbe soulaThigee Beanluernole canals would be both t open darting el* pee- seot seaseze el teartgartion. Mr. Olen' replied thut it was expects ed that both would be open., the inee being then tne smeller vessels stmeld Use the. Beaetharnoie eenal end the larger teite Soulangtie. NARKETS OITHE WORLD Prices of Gratn, cattle& Obeese, 8se., in the Leading Markets, Toronto, may 8...,Tra.dis here te-day was steady and unchanged, and this about summarizes the coeditton of the market all retied Forty-six car - toads of live stook caane in, but only rIe best cattle sold, Xhee was a btter feeing and better demand for export eattle to. day, though prices be the United! 3Kbag4om do not advance. The hest 1. tnab bere te.dey sold WS to 44.84 and *4,90 per cwt. Good butcber cattle wan firm, at trone a a-4 to 1.40, but poenstuff wee not waeted at the priceasked. (tiente 1 buyers claimed that buteher cattle Was higher, but it Was bard to rover anything more titan a tendency that way. Stockers continue weak and in light demand at the prices of last Tuesday. ,Export and tight bnile, leaders, and mitle VOWS are net quotably okeuged. Geed =Liken and elpaie,e veal valves are wanted. kiheev anti yearlings were in shoet supply, and sold out early at steady tun:imaged lames. 4. taw spring lambs are wanted at from54 te 511 ea.c.u. About 1,110 hogs were received by M. iterris, 'reeds in good. and inicea Meetly. n'or pilwe hoge, ecaliug free°, 16) thee the top priee is 0 1 -do; light luigs are bringIng 5 1e2o per Vollowieg Llte Tatage of quota- tions '4 C.attle, Stepper, per cw,,. 3.25 Lutcuer, choice, do 3.00 Butcher, med. to good. 3.25 Butcher, inferior. . 2,50 eiolkers, per cwt. 2.75, beep and Lambs. Sheep, per cwt. 3.130 4.50 learl.ngs, per twt, ., 4.50 6.50 Spring lames, each. 2.50 5.50 Bucks, per cwt. . e.,50 8.00 Milkers and Caites. Cows, each— , 25.0 45,00 Cairo, eaeb, . — :LOU 10,00 Hogs. , Choice huge, per cwt. . 0,00 6,25 Light hogs, per twt. • 5.1i0 5.50 Unicy loess, per rest, 5.00 4.50 Sows. . . . , . 4.110 3:25 Toronto, May 8.—.Wheat Bueinese ccaatinues quiet. Ontario wheats still keep above an export basis, and ex- porters are therefore, doing nothing in them, exeept In odd ears oi goose ,wheat. The tatter is getting scarce. Quotations are as follows:—Ontarle red and white, 65 to 65 1-2c, noath and west; 60 to 96 1.-2e, ease; goose wheat, 7204 east, and 71o, nest; spring, east, 66 1-2c; Manitoba aio. I hard, '77 1-2c, Toronto and wait, and We.. ini.t.slake and rail. Flour — Dull. Straight roller,In buyers' bags, middle freights, 52.50 per bbl bid, and 52.60 asked, special brands in wood. 42.90 to 43.00. Milifeed Demand fulling off a grass fodder for live stock approaches. Bran, 414 to 51.4.50; and shorts, §to to 516.50, weat. Corn—Quiet. No. 2 American, yel- loe, at 16 1-2e, An track here; and mixed at 46e. Peas—Quiet. Car lots, north and west, 61c; and east at 62e. Barley—Dull. No. 2,42e, west, and 43e east; and No. 1 dull, and quoted at 43o west, and 44o east. Rye—Unchanged, at 52e, west, and 53e east. Oats—Quiet. White oats, north and west, Vie and east, 28e. Buckwbeat—Quoted at 50e, west; and 51c east. Buffalo, May —Spieng wheat—Un- enanged; No.. 1 hard, spot, 71 5-8e; No. 1, Northern, 72 1-8e, .No. 2 Northern, spot, 703-80. Winter wheat—No. of- ferings. Corn—Strong; No. 2 yellow, 443-4e; Noe 3 yellow, 441-2; No. 2 cottn, 44c. Na. 3 corm. 43 1-2c, through bill- ed. Oats—Weak; demand light; No.2 white, 291-4; No. 3 white, 28 h -e; No. 2 mixed, ge 1-2e; No. 3 mixed, 26e, through billed. Rye—Nominallye 62o, in store, fax choice, Theur—Quiete Chicago, May 8.—Wheat—In11uencedi by cornand easier cables, closed easy; july, 3-8 cent lower. Corn—The mar- ket was inactive and weak; utider the influence of lower cables for July twee le under yesterday. Oats -1-8 to 1-ic down; andprovisions were steady, from 2 1-2e higher in lard, to 71-2 down in pork. . Minneapolis, May 8.--Wheat—In store—No, 1 Northern, May, 61 3-4o; Jtuly, 65 3-4c; September, 65 3-8e. On track, No, 1 hard, 96 1-4e; No. 1 North- ern 69 3-4ot No. a Northern, 6e 1-4c. 33etroit, May 8.--Wheat—No. 1 white &tale, 731-2c; No. 2 red, cash, 73 1-2c; May, 73 1-2e; July, 73 1-8c. Duluth, May 8.—Wheat—No. 1 hard, mesh, 68 3-4c; May, 68 3 -to; July, 69 5-8c; September, 68 1-4c; Non North- ern, caeh, 67; May, 67; jiutly, 67 7-8; September, 67 34; No. 2 Northern 65c; No. 3 spring, 62o.- Oats -22 1-2- to 23e. Corn -371e. 4.02 1-2 3.00 3.50 • TIER GRDA.T, SACRIFICE'. How absurd it is, she mused, to •de- scribe. WOMOn as bargain hunters. ;lust look at my ease. I am deliber- ately exclaanging the name Momtnaor. rency for the name Jones. What kind of a bargain is that? IREFACTORY. Mrs. Peterkin---Without exception you are the most obitinate, perverse man I ever saw. Peterkin—What have I done nove'd Mrs, Peterkin—Why, I have had that new cough mixture in the house a month, and you haven't once caught, eoldl Dyspepsta, 4rIct 1lettr cortmcm diseases, tillt hard cure with ordinary remedies. yield readily to Ma.riley's Celery -Nerve Coropound. W.11.1euckingham,een Kinn*. Past, amitten, eat, says; -'j W14 troubled Wit4 DOMS1111 aai 11,0104tielll tor Ark lona thus, mpg 'could get no relief wall I land maniere Celtry+Nerva Compound, which cored nae. and comsat *peak 140 111ZMY OrtiSr A WATER CURTAIN The poblie library building itt Cle1. sego is protected nailed the inva- sion Of fire from the entaide by meal* of a Eo -called "water curtain," At the tOp or file building ia a /system of tubes through wniele water, supplied drOna a tank, can be caused to fleet over the outside walla. RecentIr 441 efficiency of the we.ter curtails woo tested, by the occurrence of a fire ftt a large spice adjoining the Mk TAT,/ building. nes Water being tUTIR on, the enter wells were imreediet oovered with e lqn4 sheet *Web, esi tbe temperatare was low, InKlandoli VOA entually illeet at lee, Children Ory for CASTOR IA Actors, Singers/ Speakers "1 yen fere end nein end or" ell-- Searthlyroomenuma It somyttrothor At /homes rovell. Aolor. Neer YoricCO**** SOK by C. Luta, Exeter. Datilis‘K The Lading Specialists ef 20 Year IR NM, 2501000 COrld. WECURESTRICTIM Tkeoulands of young ited rOkidio. niffnantraubwiffitt Ns dimwit—to vaionselously. Tee/ mots beet atom his simeaticte, small. twirgang StOIA alukep cutting paiesat ftee.dight dts.. *barge, diffloolty In eintneenotes, w mime, anissfour all tbe fit le debit! tbey bare Ns Dontlet suitors aperients sou. enter, stratebing, et FitT :11,47Fiiiit.1 osseremovesthestrlapAirepornum t dals never return. Rep no In$. ne detention frorn bustawiIt oinked. The sexealorgenssre =the 1Igot manhood returns. a nerves are Invilors WECURE GLEET Thousands of young and mi441e-ege4, teen are hating their genial vigor iself mtality_continselly sapped. by theas- ease. They are frequently uneopeolouti lress. Unnatural Dleamar p of thie Ciente attune sytoott, Gesk leg anhood, Nervousness. Poor ow; Intability,wt times Haparting patios, Sunken gym with dark el Weak Back, General Depmelon, ef Ambition, Vitumeelsn_ d'hol:att Parts. etc. GLEE and STK U maybe the muse. on't @mica I diatom as they have no *nodose* three special diseases—don% al necks to experiment on you, fsl Mui udists wheharn veadealife es elfertandWomm. Our 0 TREA.TMENT will pp tively core you. One thousand deniee! for a ease wew000pt for treatment ties eannotoure. WernismoderatefOrsteUre. CURES GUARANTEED ;eta•eRlN7 IId/ErfEIuOR age0 vR4pfiis iife 30fN l5OIUt ae I/ALDtA AMLR;a. If unable to ea wale ftiet; ASTIR AIM foT.Er li()31 g lOURtfe... KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigeo Ave.. led Slieby St. KE irinAsievisr Waier Fess TO CAVE Sottrwirn 011~11,W114 ALWAYS REEF OR RANO nig tiler TRIMS IS NO HMO OF FAIR OE ACME, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIII-KILLIIR WILL HOT RE- LIEVE. LOQK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND 51init- IffffutEe. THE 0.1ENOINE BOTTLE BEARS THE. NAME., PERRY DAVIS EON. THE 31:111E OF