Exeter Times, 1900-5-10, Page 4• rhe Molsons Bank
L>44 up Capita. - ;emote
Rest Fund - e1,e2e,000
Read Oalee, Mouteeee,
ORKERAI. eialeaceme
Meow toeimacee, te goad tanners cm Oleo,
own aote with tele or more endorser ea 7 per
cant, per enema,
Exeter lereoeh
Open every lawful day teem 10 a. el. to 3pn
SATURDAYS, le eon, to 1
Oureent, race of interest allowed on depoeits,
emacneees, elexeoeu
Exeter, Dee. 27tbe 95.
Calendar for MAY, 1900.
SUNDAY 0 13 20 27
lifoxienn 7 14 21 28
TO'ReDAYj 8 ra'22 2
WEDNESDAY-. 2 9 10 23 30
TlatenSDAY. .
THOR-5/5-.4,Y. tlf
The Free Trade Liberal Governme
were aelte4 hy the newspaper men t
other dey to remove the duty of
per cwt., on newspaper against the
nited State e maninneturere. bis
convession was sought in view of the
recent destruction of two large paper
zeills here, and the consequent iuerease
in price of paper by the otherniU.s in
Catmint. The request, although bear-
ing upon their avowed policy, was
tweed down by the Government. A.
rarer traveller told Tun Ttetne Tues.
day that there Was no prospect of the
duty being removed; the Government
knew from whom they got a ,goodly
portion a their °repttle fund,' mean -
nig. no doubt, the paper mauufactur-
for mooching, endurance or fighting.
It can challeoge comparieoo with any
battelion la Lora Babette army, and
that is saying a good deal"
How the Farmer h ares,
Mr Claucy goye during the budget
debate a comparative statement of
the export priees of the peindpal
des the farmer has to sell during the
three last Oonseryative yea re and the
three Liberal years.
Here it is;
18944, 1897-$,
Horses, $98.00 $90.71
Cattle .. ...
Swine 73.0,9 41.84
Sheep ... „ -.4,21 - 3.54
Butter 18.9 18.1
Cheese ...... ... ....
Eggs - .......... . 12.$ 12.7
Bacon ... .. . . . .. .- 9.2 19
Beef 6.4 .5.7
HMOs. .... ..... a8 $.$
Pork. ...... ..... . 5.3 3.1
Wool. 17
Brut . . 74 68
jitteSY 1.14 75
41 ss
Oats 34 29
't tc`itse 74 60
at 61 79
Rve fte 52
Apples ....... - 2.51 2.30
flay .......... .. . .. . $.7$ 8.34
It xvill be observed. thet only i
nt wheat and flour is there an inereaee
Everythmg else ems fallen under the
Laurier regieie-except taxes,. end
they have gone up enormonele.-Mail,
In a short speech upon the budget in
the Home of Coinntonn recently,
Valentine Rate, member for North
Middlesex, accused $ir Charles Tupper
of taming Ontario etiMe few years ago
in a pievate car, the expense of which
was improperly charged against the
government. Sit (bales called Mr.
Ilate &ten, by 6tating tbat he had
eersenally paid all charges for that
ear. awl that the people of thecountry
suffered not a single iota. We would
Ike to know if 31. Rate can say the
same of his fishing excursion to Mute
koka recently when he rode in the
government car "Cumberiand." We
thiuk not. as he boasted that it did
not cost Lim anvthing.
The total amount of .e.merican corn
brooght into Canada fir borne con-
sumption since the Liberal party has
been in power, according to return
inenight down by the minister of cu
tome and blue book of 1890 is as fol-
lows; - In 1800 there were 301T,030
bushels ; in 1597, 410309 ; in 1898
10,076,101 ; and in 1800, 23,3t2,811 bus
hels. For the last year, 1809, the en
ormous sem of $8,990,890 was paid to
the elanemean farmer for corn to come
to Canada to take the place of that
matao bushels of course grains grown
in Canada. Can the farmers of this
country think of a, dollars worth of.
grain which they grow and send to
the United States and get any of this
large amount of money paid the fer-
n:leis there back again to Canada. If
corn is allowed to t ome here free of
duty, because it is only grown in a
small portion of Canada, and if the
duty was taken off in order to giye
the greatest benefit to the greatest
number of people, for the same season
tbe duty should be taken off tobacco
because it can only be grown where
corn is grown. 'Why don't they make
coal free, as that mineral is only found
in a email portion of Canada? If the
principle is correct, why not allow
peaches to come here free of duty.
Making corn tree is wrong in principle
and it should not be allowed.to come
in free of duty to the detriment of
number of counties in which coru can
be grown. When a bushel of cheap
American cm o is ground into meal
sold here it dieplaces an equal quantity
of flour o oir Canadian corn, and
keeps the price of our corn and wheat
down. Where American corn is fed,
in places where peas or oats are grown
in Canada bile no corn, it takes the
place of Canadian corn, and keeps the
price of all course grains down. Be-
fore corn MS made free, large quan-
tities were shipped to the lower prov-
inces, but now our cribs can groan,
with being over -filled, and our farmers
are forced to quietly stand by,
and see corn from the western states,
going east to supply a market that
should belong to us. If we attempt to
ship a bushel of corn to the United
States, before 11. is allowed to enter, we
must pay a duty of ten cents per bus-
The Latent News
Henry Stanley, of Oreditone is
s brother, Rohn Stanley, it I$sto.
Mrs. J. C. Hoffman of Seriforth len
en Saturday for Little Rock, Arkan-
san whenit she expecte to spend the
The body of earnes Sullivan, who was
eilled in British Columbia the other
day, was broeght to leis late home in
Seafortles present assessed value i
8.'559.420. a, decrase of some $5,00 from
1808. The total limitation is 2,420, an
tease of 13.
Mr. Wilbur Phillips bas returned to
his home in Hay township, having
secnz-d his diplona. at the Stratford
Butinvss Vollege.
The population of St. Thomas is
„ken by the assessor as 11.008, and the
total assessment 54,572,762, Tbe popu-
halm a year no was 193 less,
At the residence of the bride's par-
euts, in Logan. April 25, Mr. John
Graham, carpenter, of Downie, WS
united in matrimony to Miss Mary
Some wealthy merchants of to -day
might not have been so had there been
no such word as fall.
Tbe total amount received by the
Red Cross Societe,' as the result of the
endless letter chain started during last
summer by Miss Natalie Sehenck, of
Babylon, L. r., is ;20,000. She still re-
ceives an occasional letter.
, An enormous pipe has Just been
- made for Presfeent Krueger by a Dub-
. lin firm. The bowl is of the finest 'briar
root, the stem of cut vulcanite, and
the ease of leather lined with chamois.
On the front of the bowl and carved
into the wood is the Transvaal coat of
lea. Negro, of Turin, has succeeded
In curing 100 out of 113 cases of seiat-
ica by digital pressure over the painful
part. The pressure is applied with all
possible force for fifteen or twenty
eeconds, and is repeated for some
length of time after an interval of a
few minutes. In many case,s six
treatments are all that is necessary.
Through an error in the hill provid-
ing a. code of laws for Alaska, Albert
D. Elliott, clerk of the District Court
of Alaska, Whose salary is fixed at
$2,500, will receive in fees sufacient to
make his total remuneration between
$20,000 and ;25,000 a year. This will
make the office the best paid of any
in the 'United States Government with
the exception of that of the Presi-
What is Thought of Our Can-
adian Troops at the Front.
The London (Eng.) Morning Stand-
ard correspondent, describing the cap-
ture of Bloemfontein, refers to tbe en-
try of the Canadians: "They are fine,
strapping fellows, broad -shouldered,
clean-lina bed, and blue-eyed. They
swing past with an easy stride and a
fine gait, conscious of the strength and
pride brought them from the lakes and
mountains of Canada. Their boots
were mit at the toes, stockings un-.
darned, breeches torn, then mended
and torn again, but every tatter and
every stain was an honor to thee sons
from over the sea, who have matched
shoulaer to shoulder with regiments of
long and great tradition."
NO 13ReTall. IN TIM wonere.
Tbe Bloemfontein correspondent of
the Daily News, describing "Greater
Britain, at the Front," says: "To
Canada we take off our hats. She has
sent no, beside other worthy repre-
sentatives, a regiment of infantry that
wins admiration from every soldier
Now is your opportuuity. There is
no time when the system is so much
in need of a good medieine, like
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and no time when
it is so susceptible to the benefits to he
derived from. such a medicine. By
purifying, erinehing and vitalizing
the blood and toning up tbe system
Hood's Sarseparilla starts you right
for a whole year of health.
Constipation is cured by Hood's
Pills. 25c.
wilt often cense o horrible Burn,
Scald, Cut or By uise. Buckletes Arnica
Salve, the, best in the world. will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Curds
Old Sores, Fever Sores, 'Ulcers. Boils,
Felons, Corns, ell Skin Eruptions.
33ast Pile rare on earth. Only 25cts. a
box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all
• °odd not express t he rapture of
Annie Th. Springer, of 1125 _Howard st„
Philadelphia, Pa,'when she found
that Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption had completely cured
her of a hacking cough that for many
years hate made life a burden. •All
other remedies and doctors could give
her no help, but she eays of this Royal
Cure --"it SOOD rt•RioVed the pain in rely
chest and I can now sleep soundly,
something I can scarcely remember
doiog before. I feel like sounding its
praises throughout the Cu iveree."
So will every one who tries Dr. King's
New Discovery for any trouble of the
Throat, (these or Lungs. Price 50 cts.
and $1100 at any Drug Store ; eyery
bottle guaranteed.
Tffii EXE1.12S_El Tij
East winiams.
To wiwat IT MAY 00,NM1N ,.
We, the undersigned farmers of
East 'Willie/xis, heeeng osed one of A.
E. Hodgert's Cement Mixers, leave no
hesitation in recommending it to the
public as doing; its work in a first-
class manner We tem mix faster, with
it than three men coo by Intecl
make a better job, as we leave
!tried them botb, This mixttire was
sold to J. 0, MeDoneld and Hugh. 0.
McDonald, of Bast Williams Alex.
I.pe den, E1gb 0, McDonald, Devitt
Woters,Hugh McDonald, Deo Lutoby,
Ed. McOlury. T 0. McDonald, Reeve
of Beet Williams.
May $th. 1000.
DIVISION °WM-Division Court
was held here on Wednesday before
Judge Doyle, when a very interesting
docket was Presented, the cases being
of more than usual interest to the
large crowd pzeserta -The first este
was on an account for threstiing by
Messrs Bengough a Blair, of Henson,
against James Workmao, of Hills
Green. The defence was that the
plaintiffs had failed to do the work ac-
cordiug to toutraet, and a counter
Clariln Was made for negligence. Jett-
a -tent, reserved. H. J. D. Cook for
Offs ; L, H. Diekson for deft, The
other ease, wbich took the remainder
of the afternoon and was severely
contested, was for 'payment for feeding
and caring for 16 head of cattle during
the winter, The Wife Henry Deft%
claimed $73, being about 80 cents per
arab. The defendant bad offered
hhn$20. Sixteen witnesses gave evi-
ence, JUdggient was given for the
ft with costs. j, G. Stanhiery (e.
ter)for plift; L. K Dickson for deft.
This Was Mr. Stanbury's first appear -
mice th Court here, but, we hope it
wont be the last.
Usborne Council.
Council met May felt. All present.
Minutes of April meeting were read
and approved.
The mute of Sanmel Rowe was sitb
tinned for that ef Reu. Ilineggins as
pathmaster for Div. 0, S, W, W.
By-lew No. 3, confirming the ap-
pointment of pathmasters for 1000 was
passed, signed and sealed,
The Court, of Revision of the assess -
meld roll for 1900. will be beld at
Township hall, Elimville, on Saturday,
June 2nd. at 10 o'cloek.
The contract to build Portland re -
=ea concrete abutments for bridge
over creek in 13th con.. 0 ft, high, and
also for bridge on eideroad at Eli:o-
vine 8 ft, high was let to the Patter-
son, Ellis & Wheillum Co., of St.
Marys, the first at $355, the other at
8275. Any extra depth required to
secure an approved foundation to be
paid for in proportion.
Orders were granted in payment of
accounts amounting to $20 15.
Next meeting of council on Saturday
June 2n1 after Court of Revision.
F. Monrarne Clerk.
Hay Council.
Connell met pursuant, to adjourn -
mouton Monday, May 7th. All pres-
ent. A requisition of the Police
Trustees of the village of Zurich, ask -
the Council to levy a special rate of
one mill on the assessment of the vil-
lage for the current e ear, was received
and granted by the Council. .4. com-
munication of the Reeve and Clerk,of
Henson, in regard of petitioning
the County Council, asking the same
to buy road machinery for the use of
the municipalities, was filed. The fol-
lowing ainounts were ordered to be
paid: 0 Austin Co, grader points,
$32.01; il Kalbfleiscb, Iumbep, $S6.11;
H Mage], working grader 5 0. 831.50;
W Xa1fas, team for grader 8 B, $13;
H Rupp, team for grader, S B, $21;_11
Willett, team for grader, 5 B, 81.00;
H Nagel, working grader, N B, 80; W
Kailas, team for grader, N B, $13;
Rupp, team for grader, N B, 36; H
Magda working grader, London road,
$9; H Rupp, team for grader, L R, 80;
W ICalfas, team for grader. L R, $0;
H :nage], working grader, C R, 315.75;
H Rupp, team for grader, 0 R, 810.50;
W Rolfes, team for grader, 0 R, $6;
H adage], repairs and oil for grader,
$2.50; V Eisenhofer, reel eel, gen 9,
$1.50; Geo Thiel, rep cul, 0 R, 50 cents;
L ViTuern, work on 0 R, 25c; R Lipp -
hart, essessora salary, $61.50; J Oes-
chuel, con 10, $1.50; Casp Roehrig. two
culverts, con 14, 20; ,t eiclinger, rep
culvert, con 14, $1.50. Following are
some figures from the assessment roll
of 1000: No. of acres, 52,501, assessed
for $1,753,410; personal property, $29,-
450; taxable income, $1,200; population,
3,452; heads of cattle, 4,395; horses,
1,612; acres of fall wheat, 5,275. The
Council will meet again on Monday,
June 4th, at 10 o'clock a rn, as a Court
of Revision of the assessment roll and
for general business.
Faun. HEss, Sa., Clerk.
Step h en
Comecu..-The councilof the Town-
ship of Stephen, convened at the Town
Hall, Orediton, on Monday, May 7th,
at. 1 p. m. All members present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved. A communication from the
council of Hensel], was laid before the
council, asking for co-operation to
petition the County council to pur-
chase a stone -crusher and rent the
same to the respective municipalities
in the County. Order to be- filed.
Hicks--Sweitzer-lhat by-law No. 4,
of 1900, to appoint pathmasters, fence -
viewers, and poundkeepers, being read
the third time be passed. Carried.
Willert-- yearley-- That the °leak
notify the persons interested in road
allowance between lots, 21,con. 3 and 4,
to attend the next council meeting and
give their objections, if any, why this
road allowance should uot be closed up.
Carried. A petition, from the rate-
payers in the vicinity. of Corbett, on
the Town Line between Stephep and
McGillivray, was laid before the comn.
cil, requesting them to appoint an
arbitrator. Hicks -Yearley -That Mr
Henry E, Ilueston, of Exeter. be and
is hereby appointed an arbitrator to
consider the petition. Carried. Re-
solved that the Reeve, and councilmen
Willert and Yearley try and make a
satisfactory settleinent about the Mar-
tin side road, and report next meal/lie.
Resolved that the gravel contracts be
let by public auction the first. Monday
1 in September. The following orders I - Exeter Municipal Council
were passed :-Tbe Municipal Wort,BRIC-ABRAC
for foe To.. 54e ; Matthew' Fiuk-
In Gera/any a clock has been m
that is warranted to ge for 0,00 Y
beinen putting in two culverts, $2.75 ;
Wm. Witzelnputting in three culverts
con. 12, 35.00'; Ce Stone etal work qn
peteing in culverts and work on road, i
MAK", cola 20, $3.00 es.
35,00; Siduey Hawker, lumber, 96e ;1
Nn Rayter, putting in two culverts,
32,00; AL 11unsick4; work on Oe'edi-
ton side road, 31,00; Reuxy Wilbert,
etal, wore on draiu COO 15 3100,00.
OODG011 adjOilriled to meet. ou Satur-
day-, May 26th, at 10 3, ina,
HENItIr EILBga, Tp. Olerk.
Presbytery of Huron.
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Willis church, Clinton, on the 8th
inst. A. call was presented from the
Presbyterian church, Seafortio signed
by 852 members and 81 adherents in
favor of the Rev. Mr. Larkiu, of
Chatham. Mr. i. Y. elcLean appear-
ed for the congregation and explained
that, the call was unanimous, The
call was sustained and forwarded to
the Chatham Presbytery, Statistics
of the minuet reports from congregen
Goes were given showing a slight de-
crease in membership throughout the
Presby.ery, but an iucrease tn the
total amounts contributed to the
ecbeenee of the church. The Commit-
tee on the re-arrangment of augment-
ed congregations recommended that
the Revels, Hendereon and .1., A, Hamil-
ton supply for two menthe Menchee-
ter. Smith's Hill, and Leeburn, and
Union church, Bayfield, and Bethany
respectively, with the view of making
them two instead of three pastoral
charges. This was agreed to, Other
congregations in the reetrrangements
were left in their present relations.
Rev, 3. A. Hamilton was appointed to
tbe Oen. Assembly in piece of Rev. 0.
Pletcher, and 3. P. ROSS in place of
Mr, Laeveon. Leave was given to the
congregations of Varna and Blake to
proceel with a eall, Rev. Shaw was
appointee a member of the Assembly's
committee on bills and Overtures.
Letters were read from, different Pres-
byteries that they would apply to the
next Gem Assembly to receive ae
Ministers of the Can. Pres, church the
following \ration of the Hog.
Cong. climb ; Robert Gunn of the Le
S. Pres. church Geo. Booth, D. D..
and W. D. Gray. of Australia Pres.
pclinactre.clThe Presleelery adjourned to
meet on the 10th Inky in the Same
Percy Hoffman, of Se forth, has tte-
cured a situation as dry goods ealesinan
in London.
ade, meCnotunac:1Tmoweto puoarerAntp to adjourn-
ril 20th. All
ear& present.
Anstraliao rabbit slain are b
ecOanavviertaerteltn.to Sealakins for the Am
Minutes of previous meeting • read
'and cerinrmed.. • .
Armstrong- Aleir-Thet the, follow- -
Mg accoeuts be passed and orders
drawnon the Treasurer for the same;
GE Senders, donatiouetion to lannosse
dub, $15; 3 W Creed), labor, $345;
W Weeteott. do., $2; James Persona.
do., 32.12; Win Atkinson., do„ e275;
eeG. Athipsori, "do., $2.75; Wm Davis,.
ceretaker fire ball No. 2,, $a-Ogtrried,
Meir-Levett -net Courted adjourn
to Saturday, April 2.1. ae 8 0'0194;
.Conacil metputettaut to. adjoaria-
merit at TONnI Hall. on April 21st. Au
rneinbere present, Minutes of previous
meeting reed and confirmed,
Beane- LeveteenAdjoutennent t.p cell
of Reeve,--Cerried.
Council net at eall of Reeve at Tewo
April 28tb, all present. klinutes
of previous meetilogread and confirole
After disenseing the different pro-
positions for procuripg a supply of
water for street -watering purposes:
Amastrolege-Levette-Tbet we pp.
cure the weter for street -watering
from the river, the pipes to he Jaid on
the front street as directed by the
emancil.-Carried. -
Muir-Evaps-That we purchase a
gasoline engine and pump of Ave -horse
Moved in amendrreent,W. 11. Levett,
seconded by 1. Armetroug, that we
chew a steam pump and accept
McCallum's offer of $107 a year
for pumping water. The Reeve de -
Oared the motion carried,
Muir Evaos That Council ed-
jouro to meet at ,call of Reeve.
- Ono. H. &num. Clerk.
Since 1.341 the cifitivated area ef Ire'e
land has dwindled freer. about 4.000,000
aeres to 0.900,099.
The per capita money eirculatioa
the Uoited Statee is e2,542, the highest
In the history of the Ration,
Secretery Alger'a middle initial A.
Mae- stand for Asbestos, and Perhaps
sigoifies be is not afraid of being
There are now 15 beet sugar factor-
ies in the -United States. permaay
has 460 in the Magdeburg district, 'The
beet sugar of Gerreauy equals in
amount the produet of cane sugar in
all the rest et the world,
The most costly leather in tbe world
Is kItOwn to the trade es piano leather.
The secrecy of tanning thie leather is
known ealY to it family of tanners in
Germany. though the *ties frozu which
it is butted opines altneet entirely
from America.
Tbe Freuele mint coined last year
368,900.000 in new money. Of this 343r
665.30 Was in Frencle euin, 34.965.000
was eilver8ui3 brOnge for Indo -Chine,
34,000,600 silver coin for RIISS1a. and
3600,000 gold Vela for Tunic. Small
amounts were colued for Ethiopia,
Morocco and Lichteenteln.
Lab011ehere. of 1.0.114011 Truth. In his
atest attack on the House or Lords di -
ides its members iuto the "mentals."
be "ornamentale," and the "(let*
mentals," and thinks that if the latter
wO classes were dispensed with room
enight be found for the "mental*" in
he Renee ot Commune.
British. "brewerY ellareen !rave dee
lined heavily in recent mouths. In,
ehruary. the ordinary stock of Ail -
pp a Sons eold 20 poluts below the
rice of it year ego, aud 39 points be.
w that of 1896. Cuineess a Co. or-
inary slieres showed loss of 30 'Mute
Om 11398. and of 114 pelves front UK
5 o
E. W. Reviling. of Stratford, leaves SI
te-morrow for Port Ai thus bete he go
will reside in future,
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now and be
" Safe bind." Fortify youreelf by
sure of goad health for months to or
come. ev
William Honey has purchased the on
Whyte farm, just outside efitehell It Th
is a good location and elmuld prove a 6p
good iuvestmc'nt.
Wm. Colgulioun, Mitchell, has sold
one of hie et/die-me to go to Shelbounne
There is quite a demand for good eee
horses these days.
Patrick S11111M11. Sehringville, nn
employe of the G. T. R. for over forty
years, has resigned his position US Sec-
tion foremau and removed to Strat-
MOte CASVS of tick headache, bili-
ousness, constipation, ian be cured in
less time; wiih less medicine, and fm.
Jess Money, by using Carter's Little
Foreign securitlea in France are free
Qui tax when the.y have paid no died -
end er Interest in two years; but the
latieter thenice has lately decreed
at ip order to enjoy the immunity.
curity-liolders must proilnee balance
AKtS, 111V(14terICS and tilintliteS of the
neral Ulef /ow, oil' the company, cere
fled by French dipennatie agents.
The military cm -amender of Paris has
dered that placards illeetrathig the
11 eine ts it alcohol Omhe pleced
all of the barracks m that city,
eee cards. which are hong In con
!mous places. show on one ohle the.
terlor organs of a drunkard, aud oxt
e other thoe.c of a temperate man
neath is a brief explauation of the
pathological and moral. efeeets of the
abuse of alcohol.
.According to the laws, of good so-
ty In China, young widows sheuld
t rernarry. Wid0WhoOd to therefore
Id in tbe nighest esteem, and the
er the widow grows the more agree -
e her posttioix beeomee. Should
e reach 50 years she may. by apply -
to the Etnperor, get a sum of
ney with vnlicli to buy a tablet, on
ich her virtues aro named. The tab -
is placed over the door at the prin-
cipal entranee of her house,
Officers of the regular ermy are
greatly disturbed over a clause in the
army bill. It provides that "no officer
* shall be detailed as a bar-
tender" in connection with post can-
teens. It is said that the military af-
s committee of the Senate was
ed to strike out the word "bar -
der" on the ground that it was an
ult to ofllcers to intimate that they
Id serve in that capacity. Now that
obnctionable phrase has been
cted into law, there is much indig-
Liver than by any other means. Ing
A very Snd death occurred Friday 2no
1110 t, when Benjamin Davey, a rest- wo
dent of that part of Listowel, known
as Little England, diea very suddeely let
Mr, Davey was a. stone mason, engag
ed by Mr. Fritz, working an the 2:11
con. of Wallace, After their day's
work they were sitting aalatting and
laughiug, wben Mr. Davey dropped
aud expired instently.
Several of the leading papers are
badly crippled in the matey of paper 1ea,
supply by the destruction of the 'tux'
Laurentide mills, on wbieb they have VIZ
been depending since tile destruction t ten
of the Eddy plant, it will be two 1 ins
months before the Laurentide mill can 1 cou
zetonne, and ne there is not paper en-
ough now mannfactitred in Canada to
meet the demand, the Government
will be asked as o temporary measure
of relief to put newspapers on the
free list matil the big mills resume.
Some time ago my little boy was very bad
with worms. 1 procured a bottle of Dr LOW'S
Worm Sv, rup and am thankful to say it cured
him quickly and completely.
lame. Carleton, AlicRellar P. 0., Ont.
Taxa -Liver Pills work while you sleep with-
out a grip or pain, curing 131liousnalts, Constipa-
tion,Dyspopsia and Sick Read:rho and make
you feel better in the morning.
Your doctor knows all about
foods and medicines.
The next time you see hira,
Just ask him what he thinks
of Cod -Liver 011 with Hypo -
phosphites. We are willing
to trust itt his answer.
For twenty-fl-ve years doe-
tOrs have prescribed our
Emulsion for paleness, weak-
ness, nervous exhaustion, and
for all diseases that causo
loss in flesh.
Its creamy color and its
pleasant taste make it es-
pecially useful for thin and
delicate children.
No other preparation of cod-
liver oil is like it. Don't lose
time and risk your health by
taking something unknown
and untried. Seep in mind
has stood the 'test for a
quarter of a century.
en. and $r oo ; all druggists.
SCOTT St SOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
The British Home Ofilee report for
1897 shows that while serious crimes
tend to diminish in England, there is a
great increase of minor offenses. By
far the larger number of criminals
convicted during the year have been
convicted of some crime before -a fact
that led the Flame °face to conclude
"that neitber penal servitrile nor im-
prisonment serves to deter the habit-
ual offender from reverting to crime,
and it is the habitual offer rlers who
form the bulk of the prison popula-
DU6 Ru ti 6,001(
7 -at and Rug innic.(og in thc is
C011 g'Ogi1.;,!, the ;IAA e.0 o of
000z,atiliS of ,•,03133.3)
The iicn ,i1,01111
D)o Itlig 134'(ioilug
ip .1eSt,
deSigie, nT:ti g itill Ilifi)i tti,
to hgg' the 1%, e310 33331).,, 105
will he sent jiinynno ro.s-
einaiting illg IInnis
and rugs. Send yoUr tiiog
Itic h ard s. in (Jo., 200 i'doutitt:I.in
Mips Lizzie Thompson, SI,,
has been eogaged as teachcr 133 Lhe
tenth division of tile public
Leanaingtion, She coin -es very' highly
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Nan, Iday 4th, All
present. Revere - Armstrong - That
the following accounts be missed and
orders issued on the Tveasurer for the
mine Handford, street watering,
34.50; Cleo Smellacmnbe, do,, SO; John
Persons. do., 62e; Ruseele labor. 2e'e;
James Crevele part salary, SOO; James
Creech. charity to ens Sutton, 85; G
N W Telegraph Co, 51.43; Geo Bissett,
work at witiEbitill,31; Treutaitte 44 Snell,
eleetrie light, aeet to May, 322,81- Cate
ried, Lovett -Artnetrong-That the
Court of Revision for assessment be
held May 2egli, at 7.30 p m -Carried.
Evans- Araustronge-That the Reeve
and COnneillor Levet t ee authorized
to visit Bowinanville, and inspect the
gasoline plant in Inc them and report
at next meeting ef Courieil-tearned.
Muir-Levett-That the Council ad-
joorn to meet at call of Reere.-Cate
(IRANI) FOR111.6.8RIUK.I..
1 Low I eta vi.4 I, kiva i't•Extreetel
Wlia Strawberry for the past ywtri Gait C011•
abler it n. grand remedy (or diarrhoea, ohs it is
especially good for Vhildren cutting, teeth.
3urs. floury tr Theft. Port Eight, Ont,
Gives His Honest Opinion o
Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills.
Ur. D, Itobbason, aresident of Dan -
des, Oat,, has found these pills to do all
that is claimed for them ana eneele the
following atatenecut of his case:
Some time ago I obtained a box of
Milburn's Heart ana Nerve Pills, and r
can now without hesitation say that they
have been beneficial in relieving me of an
obainato and long standing complaintr
affeeting my heart and nerves.
el was troubled with sleeplesenees, dizzi-
ness, palpitation and. neuralgia for such a
loaf; time that I had really given up hope
it cure. Now, that others rev learn of
the virtues of this romeay, I give ray
mese:lofted testimony.
"My honest opinion is that there is no
cure so good for heart and nerve troubleaaa
Mainlines Hoare and Nerve Pills."
elliburna Heart and. Nerve Pills aro 6'0e.
a box or 3 for 31.25, at all druggists.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mos
quickly ascertain :Jur opinion free 'whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica-
tions strietly confidential. Efiuldbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. resew.
sPectat notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest (fir.
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
year; four months, $1. Sold byall newsdealer&
the Best
Igfiere the Rest
Tn the end you will find
it cheapest. Furnish that va-,
cant room with one of our
Bed Room Setts, Tables,
• Chairs,Etc.
We have it, you want it.
Take a look at our full line of
FURNITITTiE and you will
-find, what you are looking for
Opts House Block.
If you have it,yon
know it. You
know all
about the
heavy feeling
utile stomach, the
formation of gas, the
nausea, sick headaci,e,
and general weakness o:
the whole body.
You can't have it a Well
wilhOtlf your blood
being impure and yr
nerves all exile uace..1.
There's just one ren1(,4
or you-
• .
There's IIQIii Mee e
.about it. Your ;771%-A,
parents took It.
an old Sarsaparilla bt
r other sarsaparillf:a
known. It. made tie.: eaji
"Sarsaparilla" fr.tne.-
over the whole v:orld.
There's no othersars-
parilla lite it. In age •t•4•7:-.1
power •to cure it's "1'
leader of them ail."
$1.03 a tato. en *n.447.
's Pills cure coriefipatien,
saliferlive tirsitly •
ti try yi•lir 4
. 1 Utialo:il
tor it I, small ite tt,3te:
Its curs e ewer ceeree Le en.
(anal." 1,1e.tecebo.
-.lea. ale 1, Itoreateinel'a,
iitrello fict4107,
1.ir yes to catimig.43 niinteriif
arid desire tto hest 14:vale:A 018.1c1.7P4
en :t5' 718no 140
freci7, io z10 ZellEDP• 14-aw3,73 be.
yly. warbein test- ,i'iaitreas.
P If Leib,Nia7P,
When Doctors
Optician ..krisoici
Nervousness -headaches -
sleeplessness and dizziness, often
puzzle the best physicians,
Nine times in ten eyestrain is the
direct cause.
Nothing can effect a permanent cure'
that does not remove the cause.
That is what our scientifically fitted
glasses do.
S. Fitton,
7. Fittgn's Jewelry Store
on't hide the
Don't scold the littl
'.j ones if the bed is well
ef.(14 the morning. It isn't• te
child's fault. It is suffal
Ing from a weakness of the kidneys arP?,,
bladder, and weak kidneys need strengtle
ening--that's all. You can't afford to me
delay. Neglect may entail a lifetime t
Buffering and misery.
strengthen the kidneys and bladder, the,:
all trouble is at an end. 1 3'4'1,
Mrs. E. Kidner, a London, 0nt. inothafg
living at 499 Grey St., says:
had"My little daughter; six years oId, in
d weak kidneys since birth. Last
ruary I got a box of Doan's Kidney Ft
at 8trong's drug store. Sine taking thca
she has had no moreltidney trouble of ar•
kind. I gladly, make this stateraent
'cause of the benefit ranobildbas receive
.froin thia teedicincee