Exeter Times, 1900-5-3, Page 7TEE EXETER TIMES
st Portions of Ottawa and 1-11111
Destroyed by Fire.
awa, Onto, Exiday, April 2,7. -Fit- seesed go ne, iu eiereeie
eu thoueand people are linte,eless i Ii was 1•30 wheel. the fire was diseov-
e ' dou the OLtawa sie t1i rier.
ere tsonigbt, 3,000 dwelliuge hare lt broke, met in the lumber district
ne upi in erooke, 310i000i000 worth of 'adjoining the tisPed„ station- aud to.
nperty has been destroyed, Ottawa ' enxigebt 8:eirt1108nt 4ort*NP1Miletallitl athra wftrnd-
a Hull to -night axe euffering tc°7°.3 practieallo the whoie of Dalhousie
effects of tbe worst calaueitY la I Ward is destroyed.
Pie coeparate bistory. A- _fire he -dell, ACROSS, TEE RIVER INTO OTTAWA.
ly before mien Thursday, and i When the biwie crossed the river
oijm'. when it Was got under °I°13:17' :. lliinlinittlean41-911--r-ieroicila-ilreetietei'ersati. i!a"kgd-
d fiercely until one onlock ti 1 ber piles between the NIeliiar
At ereeent the damage eannot "siii;a7.4" i..veninnast only 010 wort of
stineated with eny great, accuraeo, a few seconds when the small builde
net it will nodoubtedly Ammon to tees*, ; ings he ween the piles and the Midis
. .
fal million dollars. Conservative es-; reioes itintinetie ati „„the gFpat ele-
entreay Its 'Were
moteo Plato it in the neighbuitrbned :stein in the catuldrun of fire. The
e20,000"0„ eneity jarge menu.' briagde made a plucky fight to stop
t eitiring estaeliehisieies and hniseer !I the fire at thin jeneture, and save the
t ost beeped computation have beeu :Ceeeirill°ase lad the 1..la..rith IiraPertY1
e t was ta vain. _the emotense
yed. A distreeeing feeture of the . deluge of water hal no none elfeet
tion ie this pusitiun of a _large pore 5 then if filed f rota a squirt-guu. The
Of the blooming people, whose i °arid was WO in a gale of 63 utilise
. . an hour. faiteliito'ilie ticonee into etteh
anti "arees or ttUP1111"411" NIT that the inessive street uree were
PC etion reduced to a heap ur rums.
wbu,. the brigade Isere fighting
these. the welters were carried over
eel in the chimney et ii ' -, '. . , eiatio,
n anti in an in-
bouring ansuni ventage in ilulle, erielibly stoat time te.ore than thine
Y high wind, was blowing at the - iflilolSis‘iiillsbar riiiiing• The st ethos ;itl
WO) /nit 4OkodY had the Slightest idea , on iipeil thi.i-fe.e.ilearnelee'in18Ittilinittin 1111te
real exteet of the danger. An whole distriet to Ousters bridge was
eur later the Junin street of Hull wes ; 3 veritable 'wean of flame* The old
flames. illee firemen uf Ottawa iralau Iluasesi or which the iiislrlet
teued to the ossi•stonee 0 the , stvi:tt:i noted , onlv served to add fnry to
blaze, and hundreds a the, poorest
.gbat ,beentlag eitY' wit,t) tbe Sr:8°i; :it f:t""erif,t,,""" r`;',z:111tv7gs "2:
eetty were presentey cut me ante 'i household efeeseipueolu which noo tot, rale
turn, when ato rito peoca , in a hundred had a cent I f 'teem nee.
prose eite riyier, destroeing Were all lost. and erying women and
OUANe t he planking of the , walling l'hild"14 w'*(;. str"giang pa
eery sideThkds with
0 wheih conned we
ilio owl, e, v. e men worea
ease. i" i sulterhntrein strength, :mil Many Iaov..
eat their furniture ebree or four times.
Thie xeindereit the eity of °Unmet to a only at last to see it go tne in rtnoke.
tain extent helieee.e woe timed ho The most pathetie sight was 04, EID011
De' lizt. wateh the flame i , fliiwomen who We
and helpless babe; re
s eao, lora f •
woheut bleeds or shelter. aud knew
steadily ell atternourt three h el ' 1
tern eart a the city. Fur a little 1.1111 or bep.
Odle it looked Rs. ic uothilis would Iie 1 IJP TUB 110INTHLESS,
e or tho e3pital ut the ei„mini„ei i Fifteen theusand people hese been
, fort unetely, the wind kept the ' "'Tiered h"inelivis by Frolls vonfgn
ire away from most of the busiuties ration titesrotikti oort,Ltunt'a at* ronl wIttnilnliIt was
distzic1 11111d front the 1.11teit pretest- , fire eieumeneee in flue, sweet through
4residestal streets' ...ritase naraie,i1 the streets et that city. Relied up tbe
tiee,11.1i(e'llieftalYettsbit,ineZnfikiliriLsguir lumber piles end the mills Nviiieh tali -
distrust' all the greater. :trate Hull tome 01 trove, and then
;The Valir 'Maher piles axle Imes or drove with irresistible foree through
male the lumber king" of can. a ladlainas 4isl riot °t the e'vital. Till'
ade aud invaidokt of the euliede mo fire-fighters were powerless. •NtAlthig
• tenths railway, are wee, eieujileielyi could stop the progress of ibe flames.
SO, atso, are minions mom millions No thine was. given to the people 10
Of tune e " lio'on, ing, to tee Hull I, xpo t sava any ef their belonging*. For t leen
' Co„ aria itic tseeort eueme, Co . oh! and young, siek or well, it 'was luck
f wbiolt are heat; iosero • :aio ii . it they °Heaped with their lives.
e wise the BronsonseWeetern Co.. Which 1 eon thousand of them are toolay
elit still ram ItunIne on band. „rbe without ehelter. They a re our own
Gilmour and Ilughson lumber piles iota dine tweets hen tine in 1 heir breasts
people. All Canedie nit with I rue Cana -
in il I are gone, t oge t her with t he
1 1 robes, sehools, Inthlie building% ought to come liberally to their assist-
atores without number. anee. Let individuate municipalities.
's eine awes were oriving the in fact, all poesible tigencies, imine at
t to euriantel) to (ho flamee. Since once to the relief of 1 he homeless.
3' y in the afternoon the city bee
een almost col off front: *the out -
de world through the destruction of
he Canndian Peoifie railway station
nil the; ruin of the track, MK ties
eing sett on 'fire and the rails epread
y the heat of burning lumber piles.
est of the telegraph witOS are also
, down. . in southwest Alfrielt, who has made
.blverY effort is being made to re- a special study of the subjeet, has just
wn the distress of the homeless and published a book upon "The Conduitt
es1 thounands who are wandering of War in South Africa" in which he
S streets. The Dorainion Govern- deals with the taetics of the Boers.
ent authoritiee Mee taken energetic The essential difference betwen Euro -
old of the problem, and the drill- pean. and South Alertean warfare he
hed and the public buildings have fiads to. be that the Boer advanced
eon thrown open as temporary shel- posts sere always very weak ha num-
re Time has not yet permitted, the bees and that when they are driven
rganization of any further relief in by the British attack, they rapid -
Measure. ly retire in a direction, evhich alto -
ORIGIN. OF THE FIRE gether prevents the enemy from dro.w-
, • ht3, blaze, is said to have originated ing any conclusions as to the evhere-
: to the house of A:. Kirouees, an Chau- abouts cet the main body.
i R
iiWhen att
diere street. A. burning oltheney is iteke,d, the Rime skirmish-
iiaid to have been the cause. This by the ellen,
ers allow the troops firm, thrown out
onse was in the thick of a lot of ei to pas through their
ooden buildings, and in a very short positions so that they ean shoot them
et:v(13.11e more than thirty houses an down at close range. This has hap.
tpialomen, Bridge, Chaudie.re, end Al- peneO on several occasions during the
bert streets were' in flaanes. The 'Hull mcialmjs_paign, the last being the affair
' fire brigade surarooned assistance, and seen Sprui t, near Bloemfontein.
eon the E. B. Eddy firemen, the Unicee They even engage the main body which
igade •of the Chaudiere, and a part follows, until its fire berm:nes too
f -Ottawa, fire deparreeent were strong-. In withdrawing the Boers pro -
dl to keep down ceed so cleverly that the enemy does
oing what they, coul
Sae. floras. The: wiled proved not at .first realize that the positions
i ten against which he is advancing have
trong and fierce, :however, and, de- been abandoned. Every hollow ' is
pito themany streams of water play- twined tegood account by the retreat -
on the blaze, the five spread rap-
aly. Even at considerable' destances. trig outposts in order le corneal their
Z., way front the original fire area many , movements. Their rendezvous with the
,rficiatues vvere set .ablazo by burmng truuotaintibtohy are followed t
ttlyis often miles to the rear,
mbers - . through wind-
ing 'alleys, tbey have seldom any dat-
iS It Was ‘thotight at first that Main acuity in leading their pursuers into
treet, the business portion of the an ambush. . •
:own, on' lit be saved, but the file The Boer trenches are generally con-
e:mit 'down there, destroying all the etructed to bold from three to eight
tares, the Bank of Ottawa building') men, and are crescent shaped and pro -
he English eburch, thecourt-house, tepted by stone fenees. of about half a
aolnlsost-officeeresidence and offices enenis heights These trenches are often
r. Chatixpegne; M. P., and every_ unoccupied at points eibich deaw the
else on the stieet.
Th orliOiniit area of the tire extend-,awaitfireof the enemy, whom the :13oera
1 Over four blocks fruni the south in some coneealoa. Dila carefully
de., of phi.inmeti street to Wright,chosen poeition, es at Colons°, whence
enet end between Cilia ild16.M aDa tLihil:Y. 2vnacnTinerli:iit,'•Iefelennn.keseit:Leenuliel°11el'
ridge streets. A feet that reedered latter tbink they are -taking advans
, ifiee 'More. cleeteective 7 was that tege Of eneer 'in; witee they cienceite
oat .0 ' the
1391ililing6 ' whiGh were to be tt faiontainat to:elk. The :Boer tan- '
teed at firstwere . of wood. People . it ;jos are, of oourse,' enormously twill -
et' 'need two Or three, Streets away, ttated by. tee,. oaot . that they are ,
ersbe,.eaTititgd atnnniorennroh
f ltiraetef,i1Saii.inigthelle Mounted and that: they eau advance!,
g, sa.esr'm.i6ant1,3 ni.1161',:se‘..Spfe:604p/ieill. ge..Lhembeuniclet eC)e.:i(trreentlilee'rajap.f.413ideiltty.t.L °L-Viierist4'erlatiliZ"latneravglielel.
• raeye their household elfects. In further enable them to eixteed their.
tired together.
A, ruuouis ouT OFF.
Observations or a Orman °Meer ou South
AfrItlin Warfare,
IN.Dtjor 'Von Francois, formerly cone-
inanding the German colonial troops
41e of all these precautions, however,
e flames would , get at the houses,
Oi in a tem minutes they were a
irhe entire day in Buil seetued to be cePtiere advanced sections of the e.ne-
fe With scenes of the most distressing my's forces, as they diet receatty at
*tore.Many children who had been lieddersburg.
eying around their homes in their The accuracy. of Major Von Fran -
ars feet were eompelled to seek' cols's observation leas been so singu.-
fe ty without shoes or stockingslaelY proved during the present, WAX'
Ores Of women carried babies in tlittt his week should 'serve as a text
ear arms an stood at a distance 1)oi0c to the Leritise officers now- in
atehing everything which they pos- ..Soutli Melee.
necessarily unposed upon the enemy,
For the seems reasons thitiy are •fre-
quently able to concentrate at some
onexpeeted point and to ant off and
Newsy Itenm$ About Ouroolvea aud
Our Neiglabors—Something of
Interest From Every Quar-
ter of the Globe,
Winnipeg TeALO.A. will oreet
The Chicago Tribune says an Aut.
erioan officer, Major Armes, has sent
nearly 23,000 Americans to SouthAn-
dea b711 baid teiroreiCBoers.
Agreee Yet:1%141AR
treats to, punish periodically swore
statements et their eapital earnings,
'expenses, profits and divid.exeds.
Rev. W. T. Rutledge, said to have
been tlx first to suggest the forma-
tion Of the Grand Array of the fieeillei
lic, is dead at jacksoneille, JIL
M. V. McInnes, Canadian Geveree
meet ageet bas jun shipped one hun-
dred and eight settlers and ten cars
$64,000 buildingi , of stock and effects from Michigan.
Branttord will pend more money The Board of Education at Ala.-
on Hoed prevention works.
naeda, Code has adopted at rule forbid-
, Manitoba, Jews have eabscribed Oe0
ter the Canadian Patriotie Fund -
Ontario aml Quebec batteries will
pkeelysbeerettti:.aded this year in 0=P
ding the employment as teachers in
the Public soltorda of alai persons af-
Dieted with tuberculosis. .
eettlers for the Buffalo Lake, Alberta
A. prospective colony of American
district, numbering 500 or SAO, have
.5feeltanical Superintendent Atkinson appointed four Toledo men as dale -
of the C. P. R. has been appointed gates to go ahead and seleet tbeir
superintendent ot rolling stook -land.
A, company being orgapized at Ham- President Patton' of Princeton, has
Ilion for the reanufactere ot bricks 0 made public 4 statement in wbieb be
will reduce the, price by 3:2 a thousand.
uPholds the Weeitninster
More settlers with effects valued at am/ claims le to be good enough for
$15,C00i arrived at Port Arthur frelia the Presbyterian Moeda without
Illinois. They will oceupy the State ,emeuemeni.
River valley, T
Fourteen berses of the Shedden Com- officers ea the
• rge that Amermae. army
' mania, eout reel eel from a Montreal ; I %Won; interfere with Catholic: Prieots
• pany at Kiagstou neve typhoid pneu- wino', pout. Icy , awl otber iosiiii
Engineer School at
' teem shipped there. . Ma the performance ot their retigious
Laurie ik :fun. of Hamilton:I, have kduties, is being investigated.
Ilioeesnota,pel*;r25tdeiclo%t poundstOVOrrl Meot at tralattor trah0: Little Katie Enepper, of New York
Indian Denertment.
Brandou City Council has iteelt
eleetted W. F. Wilson au alderman to
:fill a vaeaary, a call tor nomteetioes
' in the ward meeting with, eti response.
I 'filo London brielclayere' new agree,.
i Mene with the employing indidera is
i, tee 37 1-2 cents an hour and eight
Prices of Brant, Cattle, CheeSe, 8on.,
in the Leading Markets.
'Toronto, May Le -We had ix light r"
C if only 35 conloadO of live stock, in -
eluding 1,4C0 hogs, 600 eottle, about
70 ebeep and lambs, 40 talvee, and a
few milleers.
The market was again dull and un-
interestino and showing no improve -
meet. Much tt the cattle waS held
over for Friday's market.
There was little done in butcher cot-
Ele. The better etuff sold fairly well
, ani ocoasxoneIly
4 1-8e per pound. Other grades bad a
weakening teedency.
While stockers are quotably un-
changed prices are weaker.
Bull; feeder, aud milkers areabout
the same as on Tneeftate
Being In such unusually light Enloe
ply libeep and Jambe were tirm aL Om
prices which have lately ruled here.
There is not much enquiry yet for
spring lambs, whieh sell at from S2.50
E0 $5.50 Wen -
Hugs are firm at the prices of Met.,
For prime boos, scaling trona 111) to
200 lime the top price is 01 -lei light
bogs are brinRing 51 per lb.
Following Is the aange tif quota"'
whose sleep of more than a week has
puzzled pliyideiane, died Thursday
without awakening. A, little more
than mweek ago the ehild eoroplained
f n headache and fell asleep. Every
effort to awaken her was in vain.
Persia if, in danger of a famine.
a (ley, the increase 10 UoUlUteIlee Honolulu is now tree of the Plague.
; on June ist. • Plague riots have ceased at Caron
Capt. Apr Adatesou, of the Gov. Pore. India.
'ereoriGtineral's Foot Guards, will be The Tericiali Governuteue will build
the ()Meer in charge of the 00 re a railway from' Damaseus 10 Mecca.
critics for the Strietheoutt 1102'110. 1.11' A railroad acrose Gleeets, to 0095
seo sriekland minuet go. e0,040,00a, will he finished in OUT
", There is a great 4100.11101 for skilled years,
loud unskilled labor its the Cate Dire- Tbe sale lit Poliele news.papers has
t ton .taines, anti Italians have been, lax- teem forbidden at all Pruitalau
' ported ftein Nen Yorks The Dintuntim way etatiOnee.
9CE11 .1. r°11 C4* at 4111(7 Is il°11/4 The bubonic tillegue repOrtell tt
bl work.
, nave made ktii appearance at several
Enter:loot. Mon., farniero will ask tue ports on the Red See.
'D""nniatt thwe"1"nt!be The tenure of the Jamaican banana
' Russian 1 ndisi n reservation, cent eon tt
Prop has caused widespread and acute
about 13,0011 amen of good terming .
land, only panty cuttivated by the 1 sueringn the island.
"141E1111M AU outbreak at the buboule plague
euoi menu", euileriug trout is reported in Persia, near the Turk.
lumpy jaw t0a4i ...olged in 51-011i real on :eh frontier; 195 deaths have occurred
Thursday by the insereetors. Dr. La-
ht three weeks.
bergs!, ibe Health °Meer, says he will
put a $top to the shipment of dis-
eased veal° froin the West et any
no anti -134118h portion of the
Cairo press continues the agitation
againer the ent ranee of Christian rare-
siouaries into the Soudan.
Vs' Guelph Lieenee Ciertinissionere
are having home difficulty in deriding °elle 00Mez, now at Sart Domingo.
Whielt licenees they will ettt off112 obe- saYs IntIght against' the do-
dienee to the City Council and pending Intlitflettrintloteeyi.tepinof tohnelyutooneticni 481 tIon;res.
a deeision hose grunted all the betels
three menthe' text wean tome the first The Beer peace envoys have arrieed
of iNfity. nt The Hague, and Queen Wilhelutina
REAT BRITAIN.1**s received them graciously. The
Ettropean courts, under the le1tClef-
ship of Germany, stands aloof.
Attne 1302110, it popular English
novelist, is dealt.
Ouly four per cent. of British
wounded ia Melee have died.
Lords et Admiralty will inspect
cadets" training memo] at Dartmouth.
is understood that Emperor Wil-
liam will visit Eugland ultout August
General White, if not required in
South Africa, will become Governor ot
Gibealtur toward the end of May,
Rumour says Sir Edward Grey
to sueceed eiie Henry Campbell-Ban-
nennae as lender of the English Lib-
Primrose Day, the anniversary* of
the death ..f Lord Beaconsfield, was
observed throughout 'England with
customary zeat,
The Earl of Londesborough, Wilflnux
Henry Forester Denison, is dead. Ire
was bon). in 1834, and was vieti-ad-
nutria of the Yorkshire coast,
The widow of Robert Louis Steven-
son has taken a decisive stand against
the proposal to dig up her husband's
bones and carry them from Soutoa to
Scotland for reburial.
The great chalk headland at Dover,
known as Shakespeare Cliff, is to, be
levelled in order to give the new
rapid-fire batteries of that harbor's
defences a better range.
A new order has been issued in
Great Britain under whieh Argentine
cattle must be slaughtered within 30
hours of landieg and North Ameri-
cans within five dye. For the pres-
ent the order will apply only to Dept-
The Birmingham Post is eesponsible
for the statement that Turkey hos
placed several important commissions
with the lirupps, to be completed be-
fore the end of the year, evhiclinin-
elude .better machine guns than are
at present used by any European pow-
er, and 100,000 Mousers. *
Automobiles aree to be used on
ranches in Texas.
New York police (*.Omni issioneire witi
not Issue boxing licenses.
The numbee of Japanese students
in America is,placed 3,000.
Eight persons were killed by the
tornado which swept over Kansas,
Copper in large quantities has been
discovered -in Ta ri anti dis rie k, Alaska.
New Siork repel transit; tunnel sub-
contracts for 1$20,000,000 of the work
have been awarded.
The managers of the United States
famine fund are searohing for a vessel
to carry Mein to India. -
Phe Netimeal Sabbath Alliance is
working hard to abolish the Sunday"
delivery of , ice ()ream in New York.
New York, carptintees are on strike
demanding au 8 -hour day for five
days a week and 46 cents an hour.
The dantage to ,fruit trees near
Canon City, Colo., from the tate heavy
simnel and frosts is estimated at
A 5,000 -ton steemee has been Secsalred
at, Washington to take food subscribed
by Ameeican charitable institutions to
A collie dog has died at New York
from grief over the cleathl of its owner,
Mrs. 13ertlia 'Wise. Two more of her
dogs are dying.
The Triuidad Legislature has for
many ratified the seeond reelprocity
treaty with the United Slates. The
merchants are hostile lo it, preferring
reciprocal trade relations with Cana II R.
The Canadian) Government will
spend 350,000 on liternture, both 18
Freneh and, English, to 182 dietribu.ted
at the Paris Expositian. In an ad-
vance copy. a the eatalogue it Is stat-
ed that at the London Expoeition in
1851 the Canadian exhibits were valued
et 315,060, whilto this year's exhibit
will be worth over $2C0,000.
The Lydenburg District Now Being
The London Times' Loeenzo Marques
correspondent says that credible wit-
nesses vouch for the stateanent that
he Boer Government is eollecting
enormous quantitieS of provisions le
the Lydenburg, district. This lends
colour to the reports tbat the burgh-
ers contemplate making it final stand
in that :mountainous region.
Illentrwhi1e. the districts round Joh-
annesburg and Pretorin are being
extensively ent renched'.
Beghie's found.ry in Johannesburg is
producing '7001 shells weekly.
Enormous quantities of silk have
been eominandeered in -3 ohnnneeburg
to make balloons. -
The British Camp at Waterval Un-
fit for Habitation.
A despatch from Durban says :-
Mitchell, the engineer df the Pre -
intim water works, who was expelled
by the Transvaal Government, has ar-
rived here. He reports that the Bri-
tish terisonersi camp at Waterval is
unfit for habitation. The accom-
modation consists ef wall and lean-to
roof, with wooden upright. The ma-
jority of prisoners are compelled to
sleep in the open. No resident doc-
tor at camp ha a been provided, though
there axe 150 eases of fever. Water
is bltiok and muddy. Pretoria sym-
pathizers with prisoners have given
43,000 for providing thean with 00111.,
forts. '
The Boers Are Fleeing Along the
Ladybrand Road.
London, April '25. -The War Offiee
has issued the followtng from Lord
Roberts, dated Bloemfontein, April 25,
3.25 pans --
"The enemy retired from in front
cif Wepener last night, and . this
,morning fled north-east wards along
the Lad ybrand road,
"Theie ,
number was between 4.000
and 5,000."
Shippers, per cwt. , 44.23 3 473
liu•cher, titmice, do. . 365 4 IO 14
linieher, med. to good,. 3O5 300
Butcher, inferior. aoo
Sloekers, per owt. . . 275 8 62 14
Sheep eed Litiub
Sheep, per tain. 800 42
Yearling& leer owt. 450 630
' Spring lituths, eaoh. 250 650
llurks. OW . • 250 800
'dlilkerti and Calves.
Cows. each. . . 2500 4000
Calves, each. . 00 1000
Cholee hogs, ter cwt.. 610 628
Light hops eer own. 5t0 5511
Heavy hugs, tear cwt. • 510 550
Sown, . ato 824
st4g8„ . ,• • eta) 245
tiranLo, 1Tay i-Wheat-Tbere Is
nuillerate demand and the market. is
:dent steady. lied and white are
quoted at 65 1-2e we. 00050 wheat 25
quoted at 69 1-2e west and 70 1-2e, on a
low freight to New lOrle. Spring
when* is steady 41 thie oast. Memo
tub t heat is Steady at FAL* for No.
Willi grinding in transit Sarnia, 68 1-tto
' alum Fort May and. 70 1.2o •
N'ort It 11 ty.
Flonr--is steady. Cars of Outarlo
.iniente aro quoted, et 32.80 to $2.85 in
Iriffels Weat, but tile large mills are
getting 20e to 25e more. Manitoba
finer Is steady at $4 to 84.10 for
patentee and $3.711 for strong bakers.'
. Tit treed- lite market is steady. Curs
of «hurts are voted. at 010 to 310.50
Barley -Is steady. No. 2 is Quoted at
43e east anti 42c wet.
Buckwheat -Is steady at 310 52e
east and 50o In 51e wet.
Rye -hi :needy at Me west and rele
Corn -Is steady at 40e for Canada
yellow meet, Americau is quoted at
47 1-2e for new No. 3iyellow Toronto.
Oats -The demand zs fair and tbe
merlon is steady. White are quoted
at 28e, east; mixed are emoted at 20
1-2e, and white at 27o bid and 27 1-2c
Oatmeal -Is steady at $3.20, for rare
of liege and e3.30 for barrels here.
610 bid west,
Peas -Are steady at 62e east teed
Dressed hogs in waggon lots ou the ,
street here Lo -day were quoted at I
$7,40 to 37.6e per ewt.
Pork -Shoulders mesa, S13.50 to
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Long
clear bacon, car lots, loose 8 1-4c, do
eased 8 1-2c; ton and case lots, 8 3-4er
brenkfast, bacon„ 110 to 12c; backs, Ile
to le 1-2c; shoulders, 9o; hems, lie to
12c; rollie9c to 9 1-2e; green meats out
of pie.klo are .quoted at lc less than
Lard -Tierces 85-8e, tubs 8 3-4e and
paiLs the
Buffalo, May le-Spreig wheat --
Steady; No. 1 Northern, spot, 75 3-4e;
No. 2 Nortbern. spot, 733 4c; No. 1 hard,
731-4c; No. 1 Northern, 71 1-4c; No. 2
Northern, 69 1-4e; No. 3 spring. 67 3-4c.
Winter wheat -No. 2 red, 73; mixed,
72 1-2e; No, 1 white, 72e asked. Corn
-No. 2 yellow, 45 1-4e; No. 3 yellow,
441-20; No. 4 yellow, 43 1-2e; No. 2
eorn, 441-40; No. 3 corn, 43 3-4c. Oats
-Firm; No. 2 white, 291-4 to 29 14e;
No. 3 white, 28 1-2 ;to 28 34e; No. 4
white, 28e; No..2 mixed, 26 1 2e; No. 3
mixed, 26. Rye -Fancy, spot, 621-2 to
63e; asked. Flour -Quiet; and steady.
Chicago, Mayi 1.-12laxseed closed: -
Norte -West and South-West, cash,
31.73 bid;'Any, 81.72; September, 81.22,
October, 31.15.
Detroit, May 1.--Wheet-C1osed. No.
1. white, cash, 71 1-2es No, 2 red, cash
71 1-2c; May, 711-2'; ;fitly, 72 1-2c.
Town Can Hold Out Until the
Midelle of May.
• despateh from London, Thursday,
says i -Farther -reprints from disi nos-
ed Matek:rig declare that th ugh the- e
are water, toed, and ammunition there
enough to Met until the middle of
May, they are only so on a restricted
scale, the food not being more thexr
enough' to barely sustala life. Two
pints off soup and two quarts of oat
bran are everybody's el ally tion; but
if the siege lasts much longer it will
be difficult to fin4 more than one
ra tion..
A. census, which Ita.s just been tak-
en, shows that • the population num-
bers 7,250. , o nit
Farm -House From Whieh Canadians
Were Fired. Upon.
• despatch from Bloemfontein says:
-Richter's farm, near Leeuw kop,
item ‘vhich, white flying a white flag,
the Canadians were fired upon, has
been burned as a punishmen t. Richter
31 prisoner.
Notes of Proceed/op in the Nation.
itt LeOslature,
Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier reed a erate
Amex from the Deputy Miniseer
Trade and Commerce with referene
te Japanese immigration. ft showe
that the member ot japs coming t
this country had been greatly exag
gerated, and of thee wile did come
at great teauy were in transit tO OUh
er countries. No emigrant is allow-
ed to leave Japan except under Go
bag a gua5urPeatiltivele4woni cat raaeteer°r.Italis
therefore, quite certain that the delis
coming to Canada ,ere not paupers, be
eause that plass could not obtain the
certificate of character requirei to en-
able theiet to emigrate.
TRADE waft werit-r vgatuii.
Sir Louis Davies informed Mr. Kaule
bach that whatever trade arrange-
ed Stales, the Imperial :tuthorities
will not permit these Maude to vi
tabliele any dieeritnination :nom
Foster Was told by M. Blair
that several coneracte have been en-
tered into wtth the Rainy River Reit-
way Conipauy for pertione of the line
subsidized last sessiou, but acme f
the money has yet been raid.
reply to 51r. Kautbach, Sir Wil-
frid. Leveler said abet the legisla-
tion at, Washington amteared eo
intended to establish it tlierrimixta-
ett)nprbeedtletT °fir Sedialittl'a5;1034. iteix4pilloacttl lo
POrte Rico from Venetia, tte couiteited
with articles of 3 sintibir clienteter
exported to that island from the t, a-
iled 'States. in reeky to the further
1 • whether the UovernmenLh2s
made any overtures to the Veiled
Staten In reference to the matter, it ir
Wilfrid stated that it wee it dratiestle
affair concerning the United States,
00 10 which the Government dui not
eousider any ree'resentation could be
Dyspepsia -and inck,rtstion,
common diseases, but hard to
9 (1)
cure with ordinary remedies,
yield readily to Manley's
Cdery-Nerve Compound.
Buckinghem,.3945 King -St.
East, thuninon, Ont.. PlYST,-"1
was troubled with Oyspeesie end
Indigestion for a long time, end
'could get no relief !until 1xried
mantoen Celery -Nerve Con1P01110.
wbicb,cured me, and 1 gamier
rimak to hiehly in las preke,“
War ran always be avoided, assert.
• ed the lecturer.
i Tile men in the back row 'allotted
EridenilYi lee said, the sPeaker Le not
e. married.
S D Y.
Sydpey Fisher lies made
rangenients to 00111.41110 the present
sysiena of subsidiee to Ci P. 11. line.
Ile gives nosiee of a resultition
provide for the greeting of it subsidy
tor steternebip servieu between Bre-
tieh Columbio. a.nd China toed Japan.
who lingual. not to exeeed 218,000 per
entrain for a monthly service, or eie5,-
L03 per annuat or a fortnightly ser-
vice. Cold -storage ariparatus will 120
iugtalled in the vessele seleetod, and,
every effort mode to pueh our trade
with China and aaran 111 freeh meets,
eggs, butter, fruits, eto,
Axa.ttirlyriox FOR THE 311LITI1.
Dr. Borden replied, to the statement
Meths by Mr. McCleary, thet when a.
tenupane of milttia. were called out at.
Thorold recently there was no am-
munition, that in fain the battalion
had 110 ammunition. If there was no
ammunition, tbe commanding office
of the baetalion wits alum, to blame,
it general order, issued in 1$98,
each commanding offieer Was requiree
to keep in reserve at regimental head,
quarters fifty rounds per Nettie°, or
rifle, of their establishuleut for use in
service in aid of the eivitpower, Del for
active service. Headquarters Was
not in any 'may responsible in this
Mr. ik.feCleary said that( he had also
said in the House that there was no
ainatunition in Hamilton, Loudon or
Toronto, reading an article in The St.
Catharines Star in suppert uf Iiis
Dr. Borden replied that auyone who
made such a statement did not know
what he e as talking about. As a mat-
ter of fact, the officer commanding
this partieular battalion had this day
sent forward s requisition for the am-
munition whieh he should have had in
store constantly. Be explained that
there is an ample supply of ammuni-
tion at Toronto and London, and it sup-
ply at Hamilton. Owing to the fact
that the a,mmunit ion for the 12 -pound
guns was cordite and high explosive it
was kept al Kingston and Quebec,
where there was good magazine ae-
eommodation. The• batteries were
allowed to take ammunition home
from camp with them. •
Mr. Borden, Halifax, asked that ef-
forts be made to obtain information
ot the. men of the Co nedian contig-
ents who; were report e,i utiSSing Some
tlrOD since, and of whmu nothing had
snme been beard. He made special re-
ference to Primate Morris of the first
conting,ent, reported, missiog four
weeks since, and whose parents were
in great: distress foriwant of further
Dr. Bordereeenie there were fifteen
men reported missing some time :mice,
and Colonel Otter, who was asked for
a report afterwards reported they had
subsequently rejoined the regiment,
having been detained at Cape Town
owing to some improprieties. .How-
ever, he woad make further inquiries
ia reference to Private Morris, and
would be glad te giiie any information
he timid obtain.
Mr. Borden explained that the young
man in question fell out exhausted on
the morel, from' Belmont.
So -Called U. S. Ambulance Corps
Fighting With the Boers.
The London Daily Atitiles Lorenz
Marques eteirespotaent, telegraphing
under dent of Wednesday, says that
the Irish -American brigade, consist-
ing °hien), of the members of the so -
ca lied anibulanee corps, left Pretoria
Saturday under Col. Blake, after being
addressed by President, Kruger. They
responded to the address with an
Attlericati college cheer.
The Farmer -Why don't you work 1
The Tramp -J)' er *Ink everybody
in de world is erazy f I never worked,
In nee life, but I don't ewe anyone a
einet, while 1s'p,t.se, yeuive‘ bin work*
fp'since yeti seae able ter drive a ewe,
an het cley's a merigage ea yet
terza day keelle e'er hestlini ter 1237
de lot*rest oni
Ildreh Cry •for •
',wax D IfileOLIT144MKRICA3
101trielsii he wee et
cynic, bat some Op*
bPa saki that isx thts
*ge there ere no
bottler womete Tint
age taw many wee
mem etroug anti
noble physically, 014
thee srei remnant
merelle; but it
tree neve:tholes,,
at a large por-
tage et the we-
nt the Meant:
(ter teem nerveet.
ss itixdsestenti de.
*17. Wiley dreg
en each 4sy le
304 stUt'er3
ale Ttits wA
th with lilis Anate iettitreen.
3*rkrltle, N. Puttered tenth
from Itullgestion and 124v03*ness. She west
talleenced by some eae. Vanabovr, to tri
South American Nervine. Of tonne. 11 W144
Ilhe buying agalirst hope-enetber Peteet
medicine. But she bad Won) may *Pe bottle
when ber aystem began to (Ake On the
health of aerileat year, end. ustn„i
brew bottled ebe Wes cempietesy °urea.
No wonder she Is strong hi bar couviction
thee there Is no remedy like Smith Amide
tan Nerviest, -.-20.
Sold, by C. Lutz
The Leading Specialists 1 America
20 Years in Detroit.
250 000 Cured
Thousands of young and ntitlilleatiel
men aro troubled wi this disease -many
unconsciously. Ther may have a Malt^
Wit SEDISPD011, 8111511, twisting stream,
sharp cutting pains at times, slight tits.
charge, difficulty in commencing, 'weak
o roils, *mitt dons, and all the symptoms
of nervous debility -they bare Slitle,
TITRE, Don'tletdoctersexperiatenton
Yeu, by cutting, +entailer, or tearing -
7011. This will not cureyou, asit Will re -
:111MT absorba the stricture tissue;
It ean never return. No pain, no suffer -
lag, no detention from hminess by om,
method. Thesexualorgansarestreegth.
ened. The nerves are invigorated. and
the bliss of manhood returns,.
Thousanda of young and middle age4
nen are haying their mud Rigor aud
vitality continually sapped by tide deo
ease. They are frequently uncomelous
of the cause of these symptoms. Genera
Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail-
ing Manhood, Nerrouseeee Poor Mem.
say. Irritability, at times Smarting Sen.
sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark vueles,
Week Back, General Depression, Lack
of Ambition, Varicocale, Shrunken
Parts, etc. GLEET and. STRICTURE
may be the muse. Don't consult family
doctors, as they have DO experience in
these- special diseases -don't allow
Quacks to experiment en you. Consult
S eecialists, whehave made alifestudy of
Diseases of Men andWomen. OurNEW
tively cure you. One thousand dollen
for a ease 'we accept for treatment end
cannot cure. Terms moderate fora ouie.
We treatand cure: EMISSIONS.
ES. KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases.
FREE. .If unable to call,: write for
Cori Michigan Ave, and Shelby St.
Naft •
NEM Feet
1"4I '4301
The D. & L.
Is the beet and own paiktabie preparatioo of
Cod Liver 00, agreeibs,voith the most delleote
2; erestribse by die lesdlug physiehtut et
The 0, Ae 6 Eutit.sioN
14• Oti/ylgoD$iii r4.100 ,red vr111 gtv.t
reh ae edettliy: Idide seed trs Bottle!
Be sureyou gin I DAviS eeettnieNen
the genuine 1 Co., Lmotad. Alontceiti
T I MDE.ci,
OF Ahtf