Exeter Times, 1900-4-5, Page 6TEE EXETER TIMES FRUM THE Wi Newy Items About Ourselves au.d Our Neighbors--Somethiug of Interest From Ivry Quer- ter of the -Globe. k.,1,0•01.• CANAAN . Loud= will ioereose the wages Of ite firemen. Mrs. Margaret - MoVarlane is de.ad at Stonewall, aged .,102 e•ears, A. Clamber ot Mieen is eeett formedi Winnioeg for CenerBuUo al Canada. . fe tohave an Electrmand Automobile Corer:ear with, aceeitel Qf .30.0R00.0. Hog cbolera.exiate among the herds at Treheree, Nan, Ooe farmer has teet evee visa, %leo Vioauce Committee of tbe Here - Won City Come it bee etruele of the Meld! the Gran Trunk. According to a. report field with the State Department at Albany, tbe reel property of the Salvation A.rmy tbe Uoited Staees is valued at The National Steel Company a C.Iiicago and New Jeresy, with a canie tel et 350,000,000, at its annual meet- ing at. Orange, sbowed a surplus Division 11111% PEAK °tee of Preeeedinge in the NatiOne al Legislature. l'ISWE3RS. TO QUESTIONS. M. Taylor learned from Mr. Mu - leek that the Government wan not. A bill was passed. ey tee aous at aware teat Air. Gauvreau, M, ler Vaabington appropriatiug $:0403) to ' • secure diens ter a suitable raeaeortai Tereiscouata, waa tranknig the cire leiyeses S. Grant. to be erected in oulare of a Montreal publication to I parte or Canada and the Duited. William Dean Howell, has told the5ates. * On sucle communications seat odeireada Penalto League of Mate- the united states 'ow Ottawa hussetts, that be believes capital . - uaiebraent, a hzat atrocity end a post -office officials, under the postal ecies homicide. union law, hail to fix; the postage Mies Elsie Te -son, heiress of "Oldsta]pe el the country a origiu, which Tyson," the eecentrie Australia mil- Zlada in this case. lionaire„ wile died leaviag ,UQU,Q0 Mr. Guiliet was told by Mr. Field - co tier It Ieit San Francisco for :evoke ng laud. to re that the b She was onO4 a servant. ill new batik ihartere would be introduced in asi- tk ae to afford all parties inter- esied fiell opportuoity for discussien. Mr. Clarke was informed by Mr. Fie/ding that dee =mot a royalty liecosti in the 'Yukon for the Met " -cal year was Selite.94e, aud for the Lief ot the eresent fiscal year re1;36. The teanaeien realeU CRM- e.e..* the vet:bailee tineueial ot he Goverument in the nasregerds the collectiou of roe*- . e. The ierrangeueent Was Jac4 for e (lied Uilate eouid be terminate at biX menthe' notiee by either side leen:talon to be paid to the bank eeeteltY. aad Taereday the health de- r4te,oi taxatiole. nartneent alines eteeiteel the depert- The Bonk a Mont:mane share Pi " raeMZ, and etaitetetei every atudent te va.cce=zion. the Brele war laan. 4a,f•tieale1). leferetanta° Beak goe Leee,eeft. QV* ateedeed end eioi,y-four caties • Tr neeeetee wee(' reptiteekt to tile 4, e gt,w c Leieeter regiment. reeentle „e4„„uts,,U,1114,'S, era? will be gtreeeeeed ati Halifax, Neill not go 'to ut"et'"`' °Usaeie* meteed 21,088'00. Africa. 'haat to ar,o We. ead aler 4,725 eleedree from am Plague EZYPt. oceurrel in Bengai at week, Call Pert Aothur frozeu ctl`ttO 'Itd Patna- tioniale to Titander Cape, with lea three rile fametue Turbielt geeerel, °amen Wet Gait* feuvigatien teat not ' Pneha. * tot deed, as ieported. Ile open hefori; Mar 1. 106 13Vengleir.but still livee. GENERAL. Adelaide, Swat an6EtaNta. has h Health Offiver et Hamilton leet week- "'44 PlUgne• etre- Agate &trace is suing Clark de _The Jugaliese 0101,11 jteid, prioters flaroistour, for 5;400 AitO Hee e will wed Fr:etc-we a be elerreticee at the Minister of daraeges „or :he Qg Ler eou'e band dentflieer Prinre Unactet on, bieence, toe, so far the hank bad not iu prisA.tees penee. 31ey nriteire L anyi:bing, for its eervices. Waited dinette. called sea arnba" g The. India budget oboss a surplus Peat- t • Id b • le d • t lasiete, then ettot lieneelf 44,3d .11 4 Of tedfint9eld of leld,000,03 end agt ' "11 e to .oLe eatmenee eantien" or. Pinads Areher estimated surplus for 19:10-i9el of near- eleul ted motley to the bank when the 4 ly $1,009,000. tineitiaey estimates were uoder eireet, Moutreel. emnieteraiitee. Governmeut and the* ra 1 aY No attaole is expected eo be made r w 44 a .subseltes for a period of sere export agente bid V 55, Special brande, eveoiateueat eanew Healith leventeefour &fleet:ants were del:mix:led ...entedbe caron was told that, tee th IS N t 1 'G Mr, Richardson, enquired wbether, under the terms tie the contract be- tween the Government and the Cana, dian Paelfic, railway, the clause relat- ing to the exemption of the corapaora land grant from taxation applied to lands granted he the Province of Mani- toba, or may t land granted in the North-West Territories Sig 'Wilfrid Laurier, in Tardy, read the cause in the contract, but declined to express auy opinion as to its legal interpretation Mr. Foster was informed by AT; Blair that three contracts, existent on July lst, 18e6, on the St. Lawrence canal system, were either suspended or caueelled and replaced' by new con- tracts. All a these three were on the Soulanges canaland were not for any specifiea =merit a work, but for dredging at eo much per cubic yard, Mr- Monk was informed that 'the Grand Trunk railway has net made ay claim upon the Government by reeson oe the improvement of the tar- minal faeltitied afforded the Interco -- Ionia! railway at Itforetreal, or for any other causee arising from the contraet between the Government a Canada and the Grand Trunk railway in coo - election with. the extension of the; in- tercolonial, to Montreal. Sir Louis Davies told Mr. Prior that the attention of the Government has been veiled, to t.1.4 nninerOna Wrecka that IWO OCCarrod upon the coast of British Columbia durum the last three years. Ile added ihat is not the lite linden of the Government to Imre a °rough survey of the coast mado by trivelant hydroo,raphicai cosh:mere, least not in the inleaediate Present' because the layttrograolfin work on that crreet has hitherto been done Mostly by the lenetertai authoritiee, al- though the teneadian Government has done eoraetbing towards finding •and Marklug the areeiiion of roeks on liate chars. To previa(' a proper vessel the service woeld cost etelistatO. and aiutain it would cost $0,000 a Deseheoes asked a tong question ing the. deficits a the late Do - BRITAIN'S CASIJALTI Total Beaches 16,6Ze-Forees Ter- ribly Weakened by Diseaee, d despatch from London sayse-The weekly ca,sualty list shews that the British tosses will be very Imams. Afer, Wyndhanes original estimate that the war evould, carried through at a enSt net More than three thoesand Urea m bound to be very moth exceed- ed. Dia to Sataieday, the Britialt forcea had:10st 2,130 men killed, while 0,e07, were. wounded, and 015 inmeing or peisoners„ making a teto.f of 15.- 453, To these must be. added 1,200 deaths from ("Meese, or a grand, total of 10.652. These figures, however, do not make evident. the a/Anal weakening of the Brinell, army, due to illoess, hard- ehipe, and long marches. The eix thousand men that remained of the gareison at Ladyamitle are re- covering veepefowly from the effects Qf the elege. itMay be weeks, leefore they are able to participate in any Military movement. Letters are now Arriving front 13aden smith width show the desperate, con- dition to.whieh„the gaerisen had come when libel city was xelieved. Only cam thoutand men Were pieyeically fit to liar any. datormined rtAlatalAan. Sale LOURS CAPTURBD. Advange G114.14 ofr by Boers Nma, A despatoli from London, liTaralt 27 seyst-Poor reporte from Natal ehow io develerenenta of importance have (recurred. there up to Dierelt 23. 36,. deepatch, teem taio goer camp at Glencoe, dated March 29, says; ERKETS OF THE WORLD erne - Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese, Ste., in the Leading Markets, Tortinto, April 3. --The rece4pts to- day were forts carloads. Prices are lenehanged, but steady, a.nd tb,ere Is be.tter tone to dee marke3t, Viers was a fair clearance to -day. For prime hogs, ecaliog from, late() 200 lbs, the top price is 6o; light and fat bogs are bringing 13,0 to 5 149' Ver' Following is the range of quota - Cattle. Shippers, per cwt. ,.. .4 4.25 13uteher, choice, do. .1' .3.75 Batelle; medium to good. 3.35 Butcher, inferior. , 2.75 Stockers, per cwt. • 2.75 Sheep and Lambs. Sheep*, per owt, . 3.00 Lambs, per owe. 4.25 Backe, Per cwt., 2.50 Milken owl valves. Cows, each. 25.00 Calves, each. eee .. 2.00 Hogs, , Choice hogs, per met, nee, 5.75 Light begs, per cwt. 5.25 Heavy begs, per owt. • 5,25 $5.00 445 5.50 3.09 3.53 5.50. 215 45e00 10.00 6.00 5.00 5.50 0‘13. • . • 0„95 Stags. . k. 2:00 245 Toronto, April 3,-"til;eat- Western tuarkete were about t1;10 aarnO to -clay. Local prices of Ontarios were rather Afaeitobes unchanged. Quota- ne are as follewie-Oatario, red and vitae, 650, asked weet; 651-20; asked, east; goose wleeet, 70e, low freights, to New York, sPrinn. east, ON Mataitoba, No. I hard, 30c, North Bay; and 81 to 81 1.20, g.i.t. Flour -Quiet, owing to dullness of export demand, following the rise in mean freights. Oettside millers offer straight rollers, in buyers' bags, middle freiglits, at $2.60 per bbl., and Heaedi row the Vroveriee of Mataitoteeie , duenag, a gait by 1ate capetzaug c, t dwelt. raw, au eowdriat cuutulis.. years. The qucs•ion was allowed enn , In INCIch., :fr 40.034 account, sell from OA ger orcos zn a a . enera e Q41444rve a, u" xvi,,4414,1t.0 44 Neep,,w3 cd ewe ill ettica they were erws. end cot, (,),e,te vauadiaa ono, to Ftand at the request of the Goserne a.mxteeeYer einve been joilled nY V 85 to $8, according to brand. Millitted-Idery scarce. Bran le quote is Chairmen, eme-:ee,4ing 11r. Vetter. Log tee Danotee tom biedeeee. to Pees. c, --tette reale ad sewer agicer ot deter wives. Mr. Morin asked what aumber 311,detef 13,,s an a atreg sot between ed. at $16 to $16.50 and shorte at 17 etet et Itlentepreee Lead leatiferia g;trues g d or Lek Flatlet tt40 A:eerie:1u deliver. at trio was jUmor toalebtiQiuunel CtO"ttlrli "Mut rluts W16 u bt ir°111 V14-114'4 an advanrcie guadr 431‘e Wt(10.4St107'rtanQl &et tatrbil luni-41°" tlir"g.h roleere ,ed 1,UP q1,1•4rtora e eutit L t en "t1 t th tense of the aaiefee dee Mease or.:301.• pails neat: het. ittio aerrite. The Mao- I It' °fa ° Qt eeee 42pk, Len ba 4rie t„0,.1 t'llty Gni Own roleitioi her of Ler 4e/Ne.S. uz,',- :',.'• OdUlia.C.,11 ULU otfecers of the etTe at ''!„ lb e r` IP'57"gt-e9 Cettetei on fee •kt.az• of Ii40 eQn. LaTd lier inAlti;ico 1241tio teen promtuuved imperial army 04 voropirativrly 1, eel'. ,nneneriend refilled aril the Gov- , etwere. jw.,,.. rand, az, in th, ease 0; major , eminent bad not acted upon a pititcy Aea, a', Senna etfran, ia the ered.Qe ia Pante in- members of the haul.' te; Cautolian petalanent corps w3s no elreuse for ik5s PnrPoseexeePt what bed amen in a genera way for . out.. Fig Ivo iff alai t„;e 013„ptilyes 44 the a fears of grt•31.er service' and tiQviior. ! end eeree eeteieleeteente Italie been (#ueetet regulations. It o as tun the , vaeti :rated. in .eut bin at present to emend the :ell- * c as ou e strutter natio* to let erica tune. b et tANO -;graIDP4X .01117:04.8 tO II%) en 1146 in- rq.,I;C:' “1:9. otiVrN,, are placed or the .g I lhth Der..., Ben Mu -et', tee el.:gen-44e du Louvre ity. rhis was doat". by authortty o. the 1 tb° "ulinlekration of the department. 0 lateen tba; tiee Howen mete a e'o Hour, at L was due ;43 ralaii7,0,:F 411,33 CL,P,P41 the otight ot the onentiteitte ou foot to e gette. twitter ef Viene. vibe eetaie plate euiegeatieg, fro= litani.tot eel a cow:eel:on it) a ctempeny rath ornly _ 1.t would be better to _ tory, etc, tee nee 'neer dezertet, ie. the !, S14000,1102 cape ei. toastituted for the m tut unto. etto tent en regula.tious and Nueth-otet Territotiea. ;, purpose of eepleentig an Menet(' tee - line be-;tv‘11,:ddlinitteriel Army Act bad been re - A beet of Lora tetra:het-ma is -to lie,' Press servlee on the railway plated in Heave) of CoMmorte tit twee'n iru`r•18 ana •AnItverre ' Mi. leouglas ascertained. 4.11 4.t the are orle lies be„uti eie • v n - land grant to the txreat North - 0, ta wa, en reausnenato el oils of ins "1 " to the tt eon- fr°1°. brIeugh•'1:3u- central itailWay eenil,Gny the fOlIONVIng despatch from. its core tiogerie Canediane or h( Teheran. At leitoet, v. laela is on tlie miles already earned. A.frice, h Itueseitx border. connectiun will olti- elr Osler was told by ler Burdeu Murell 2441- Alit4etine. a Putt? wo"14. w“a nt el% be, oith the Caucasian "It should be clearly untierslooa fot Melly reel led in IA tnntleg. leis) ova s .siera ,,ad from itamadon tiler iteeett Snider ri,:les are isetzed to animunttioe are now on hand, of JOloemfontein is absolutely n'eces- having raise! Si , :ales to Sit - " extended to Bandar -When. on the Mr. Oster NVUS informed by Mr. Fish- etamps curreney. eatee i ten. shmild be borne in mind that we are Tim Detgdin 6.01.erratten haa Bign. 14414 Net to pite. Immanent corps (eft- REASONS FOR THE DELAY ••••••••• Why Roberts lias Postponed His Advitnee So Long'. destra.toh iroin London says: -The cond. edition of the Tittles contains f Teice in ry- De°. 11"i" 1443 " Jaynei wtth the eseeption ot tint ftay respoudent at Bloemfontein, dated the rural coeps; e60,571 rounds of 1 0.1rez-!ett SeiNuo,ap.dus. VOItIgett a 11 h t he Persian road event uelly will he - but no more as being made. sary as a. military precaution. It traneeerting the agues trout revenue Persian gulf. 'rim work will be cern- .fl, that no specitic provision has yet Wen made for the erection osit f a u- about to enter on a new phase of the Prineipel Grant, or Quentin Univer.1 sit,y. wants a new arts building and A able Canadian Croverriment building in operations, with tile main communi- secend budding, containing reatli eon R CANADIAN DEAD. ronuection with the ROO Pan-Aaneri- cations through a recently °cone:led roten, libr try, MtlaCUlti, antt coni Lica- Md..* can Exposition in Buffalo. '1',he Gov- hostile nd that the recent hllWith reepect to urnra44 my in the Lanks or the ernment has received an invitation, successes necessitated a great expen- country, a don a. ig• n- _ funde for the cauluatuteaueitt of these , ", Faitbut no plena or arrangements have diture borse power. kIere and in buildinge he will m tke an appeal to " Second Contingent - yet: been made. Ne.tal we aha.11 move on the come the Kingeten Cuuntal. A despatch from Cape Twon, March ,ette Foster was told by Mr. Slither- mencement of the South African win - The ( ataraqui Iron Smelting Com- ee, eays:-rhe firm death bas octane • land that companies incorporated in ter, and must be prepared to face the : ean hold or have transferred to them of the first frosts upon sueh any or all of the province,s of Canada emote puny lees olfereti to put up a emelting ea in the ranks of the Canadian : wore: phint worth =5,000 in King. .,;,, , . ,„. animals as may be affected with sten, tvitu a tenacity ef itom MO 3o at uu n; ea 3, et Iles. 'Yesterday Troolier - ; • , • „ - ; lulling ditune in the Yukon, provided horse eickness, It would be suicidal COO tons t4 iruu ore daily and employ- Itamety. of elm filet troop, Winnipeg. 1 they hold a free miner's certificateto pith troops forward till they are Ing item 100 to 200 heads. They will died a* tile heepital here iroua infiam-1 Mr. Fielding announced, in answer equipped to meet the exposure of pay tuna $1130,010 to e130n00 yearlY mation. Ile oae 1,..e..i known and liked , to Mr. Robertson, that the Govern- winter. Horses, clothing, and food in ealaries. In return they ask from and Ins ueath id gleatly regretted. i meta had considered the advisability we must have." the 'city, a free site, exemption from We are eat; lit deem US to our ulti-d of introducing life insurance annuities The correspondent adds that the taxation and a bonus of e4,000 year- mo...e detain:Woe, but hope to leave ' as adopted by the Post -office Depart- Boer forees have been re -equipped, and ly for fif:een yeare, which wouid be fur the fiont short ly, The general . ment of Great Britain, but it is hard- he says he is fully convinced that 15, - about equal to $3000 eaeh bonus nowheanh of tie comer/gent is excellent, .1y probable that legislation on the 000 foreign troops have been landed ' ' T elLei ad'e epirit of the men all that ' subject will be submitted this ses- to aid the republics. GREA.1. 11ULUN. euuld be desired. Briaeh Minister to the Court of Cop- enhagen, is aeael in his sixty-third I peer. I. is reported tbat the Duke of 'York meditates paying complimentary visits after the war to all the great colonies. Queen n'emoria contemplates pub- lishing another series ce. her diaries, tbe pruats to go to the Mansion House war Lund. Adeolral Sir Henry Fairfax, British Commander -in -Chief at Portsmouth, Sir Bdraund Douglas areitch Pane, is dead in Naples. The coast t uents of Dr. Gavin - Brown Clarke, Liberal meraber for Caithness, held a meeting in London, Thursday, and passed a resolution de. mending his resignation. Dr. Clarke's pro -Boer sympathies have given of- fence, In the House of Commons Thursday afternoon the Irish members endea- vored to sentare a lengthy discussion of the financial relations between Ire land and Greet Britain by encroach- ing on the time set for dealing with the London Water Bill. Considerable excitement followed, and affairs were In confusion when Mr. Balfour inter- vened and allowed the Irish members what they desired. UNITED STATES. Daughters of .New York Million- aires are sewing for Cuban orphans. Jahn D. Rockefeller will give Wel- lesley College, leLassaelausetts, 3100,- 000. Bishop Potter of New Yea, elairas the Filipinos are incapable of gov- erning themselves. • Archbishop Keane is endeavoring to raise 31,000,000 for the Catholic University at Washington, The United States will have to send 500 tons of provisions every week to Puerto Rico to keep the people. The United States Paeifie cable will likely be /laid only to Honolulu first, and afterwards extended to japaxt. From the first of September tot the end of Oetober last, 112,000 lambs were ithipped from. Catiada and the United States Value $270,000. The United State,s Government has promised, the mttyor of Portsmouth, Eng., to "-genii a squadron to Euro- pean waterS at no distant date." W, II. !Maurer, of Clhioego, organiz- er, (A the railroad stock yarde at Chi - Dago, }las kale appointed yardmaster BRITAIN MUST RULE. Mr. Herbert Gladstone's Remarks at a Liberal Meeting. .A despatch from London, March 29, says: -Speaking to -day at a breakfast • oE the Liberal agents, at Nottingham, Mr. Herbert Gladstone, son of the late statesman, declared that nearly all the Liberals had agreed in regard to the settlement of the South African ques- tion that it was the duty of the Gov- .ernment to make a recurrence of the war impossible, and to show the world that British power in S.outth Africa Was predominant, and that the Brit- ish flag must wave over the whole of Africa. DESTROYING COAL MINES. Boers in Natal Blow Die the Dundee Colliery. A. despatch from Pretoria, March 26, says :-A. despatch received from Boer headquarters, in Natal announces that the destruction continues of coal mines likely to be useful to the Bri- tish The Dundee colliery has been blown up, -the ma elainery has been destroyed, and the mime has been rendered 110e - less for three months. BLEW UP THE BRIDGE. Boers Able to Cheek Roberts' Ad- vance Force Just in Time. The Bloemfontein correspondent of the London Morning Post, telegraph- ing Tuesday, saysa-"The first ()old._ streams and the 3rot Grenadiers are al- ready at Glen. The Gordon e and the cavalry brigade moved Sunday. The foe rteenth beegade felloWed The three -span bridge at Glen, was dynankited three hours before the Guards reached it, The necessara re- pairing will delay a further advance for a time. Gen. Gataere's forces are now arriving.e sum. Mr. Monk learned from Mr. Fielding that the total amount expended to date by the Government in procuring the provincial electoral lists from the different provinces of Canada has been 39,829.46. The total expenditure incurred to date by the Government in printing the said lists has been 017,274.43. Mr. SProule was told by Kr. Mu - look that the Government is not aware of any city or town post -office which is conducted without the practical as- sistance of a postmaster, although there were some oases in whieh the amount of assistanee given by the postraaster varied. Mr. Prior was told by Dr. Borden that the Government has no means of knowing bow many militiamen or how many civilians have offered their services as volunteers to South Afri- ca, no record having been kept of such offera. Mr. Sutherland stated, in answer to Mr, Davin, that the Government will lay on the table, copies of the agree- ment between the Government, the Canadian Pacific railway, and the .Lown site trustees of the various town sites along the line of the Canadian Pacific railway. AGAINST LONG SPEECHES. aIr. Charlton moved that the pxac- tics of delivering speeches of great length in the Canadian House of -Com- mons has introdu,ced a discursrve style of speaking that fa destruntrve of peril/lent debate upon public clues - tions, is a waste of vahmiale time, un- reasonably increases the length of sesstons of Parliament, iS in marked contrast to the practice. with regard to debete, that prevails in the Britisb House of Commons, a-nd tends tb re- el the people of Cauada tone a care - 1 and Intelligent consideration of the proceedings of Parliament; that it is desirable that rules be adopted limiting, under certain conditons, the length of speeehes, and regulating the general, conduce of debate in that re- gard; that( especial oommittee should be formed/ to consider ahe questions ot Parliamentary, debate, length of speeches, generalj condlict of debate, and proper methods Lor sectinng greater promptitude M the deepatele of businessnso far as easy be consistent with the Parliamentary rights of tho ralhority; and the general, interests of the public, and eeport its re,cora- mendatione tot this House. main body on March 22. 0114 Lineeer, who refused to surrender. was atat. "General Botha denies the reports that the Transvaa.1 women were wounded in the %agate trenches. teen. Buller has twee the l'oera a. list of their wounded, stating that he buried t suety men. Gen. Botha says t is impossible, as bis rolls do not show any suieb loss." Ladysmith epecial says: -"Boor 1 patrols endeavoured to trap a party o the Thirteenth Hussars, on ,learch 25, at Wagebbank. A hot cbaso en- sued. Several Boers wore wounded." The saute despatch says; -"A peiut- ad docament bee been found, givthrk the Boor losses at Spion kop at. over axe, but this can scarcely bo credit- ed. FINDING OF THE GUNS. Lord Roberts' Last Report to the War °Mee, A despatall frOM London, March 29, says: -The War °Mee has received the u following despatch from Lord Roberts, dated Bloemfontein, March 213th: - i "General Clements occupied Faure. smith to-do.y without Imposition. One :nine po e und r and one Martini -Maxim were discovered in a. prospecting shaft 'of a mina, where a large quantity ot ammunition was buried. "Arms are being surrendered gradu- alIy,and the inhabitants are settling down.3 "Col. Pilcher visited Ladybrand on March 26th. On leaving the town he was attacked by a party of the enemy, and one of his force was wounded, and '"During the skirmish north of the five are missing. illodder rive; on March 25th, five men were wounded. Three are reported to be missing. Capt. Sloane -Stanley, of the Sixteenth Lancers, and five men of that regiment were taken prisoners." MAGISTRATE CAPTURED. Boers Threaten to Try a British Official for Murder. At despatch? from London, ',March 29, says: -'Replying to agmestion put by Mr. Eugene, Wason, Liberal mem,ber for Claelemannan ane Kinross, who asked whether her Majesty's Govern- ment possessed infor•snation as to the whereebouto of the ;British magi- strate, Mr.. Gastin, of South Africa, who was captured by insurgentieutch colonists, and threatened with trial for murder, and on What grounds the trial was) to be held, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, said :the British...High Commissioner, Sir, Alfred Milner, had reported thatAlr. Gasein was sent to Bloemfontein March 191 Mr. Oharalber- lain added that Sir Alfred Milner had bean asked, to enquire into the pardon - ides of the case, and to make the neces- sary representations through the United State.% Consul at Pretoria, Mr. Adelbert Hay. STEYN„ IN THE FIELD. Cheers Solna ern Commandoes Join- ing the Boer Army at Kroonstad. 1.9: despatch. from Preoria, March 28, via Lorenzo Marques, says :-Presid- ent Steyn went down from Kroonstad to Winburg to welcome the southern oommandoes on their way to join the inain force at Kroonstad. Scouting in the direction of Brandfort, between Kroonstad . and Bloemfontein, con- tinues. There was a skirmish there Monday, and six.British soldiers have been captured sinee then. General Cronje has written his fam- ily from the British evaeship Doris, at Simons Town, greatfully acknowledg- ing tile excellent treatment he and his men have reeeived at the hands of their captors. The Government' of the. Netherland has formally. declined to /Mike any in- terventian, between the belligerents in the South) A f dean war Corn - Strong. No, 2 Amerlean, yellow, tooted at 45, track, Toronto, and mixed, at 44 1-20; Canadian corn scarceand firm. . Peas-Virm. Car late, Me mirth and west; and Ole east. liarlety-Tone firm. Car lots, No, 2, =Odle freight, 421-20; and east, at 43a; No. 1 is quoted at 431-2 to 44o, outside. Bye -Quiet. Car lots, 52e, west, and 08e, east. Oats -Firm; on native buying for local account. White oats. north and west, 28 to 28 1-2e; middle freights, 281-2 to 29o; and east. 291-20. Buckwheat -Quiet. Ofteriugs light. Car lots outside are quoted at 51 to 52o. Bliffeeo. Aeril S. -Spring wheat -No. hard, spot, 82c; No. 1 Northern, 79 1-8e; No. 2 Northern, 751-8c. Winter wbeat-No. 2 red, 73 1-2c; mixed, 73o; No. 1 White, 721-2o. Corn -Strong; No. 2 yellow, 42 3-4c; No. 8 yellow, 42 1-2e; No. 4 yellow, 42e; No. 2 corn, 431 -le; No. 8 corn, 418-4o. Gets - Dull ; No. '2, white, 29 gel to 3)o; No, 8 whit e, 2,9 to 29 1-1o; No. 4 white, 28 3 -le; No. 2 mixed, 26 1-2o; No. 3 mixed. 26o, Bye -No. 2 nominally 69 to 61o. Chicago, A.prit 3,-.1elaxseed ceased: - North-West and South-West, cash, ;intl.:May, al.65; September, 01.16 1-2; Gaoler, 81.14. Detroit, Aprif 3. -Wheat closed: -.14. 1 white, cash, 71 1-40; Noe 2 red, 72 I-401 May, cash, 731-2; july, '715-8. Minneapolis, April 8.-Whent -In store. No. 3 Northern, March. 65c• 61 3 6.; J'uly, 66 1-4e; September, 65 1-1o; on track, No. I hard, 66c; No, 1 North- ern.631-4e; Fleur 65o; No, 2 Northern, -First patents, $3.60; second do, 33.501 first clears, ,i2.75; second do, 32.10. Duluth, A -pill 3. -Wheat -No. 1 herd, cash, 67 3-4c; May, 68 3-4c; No. 1 North- ern, oash, 661-4c; May, 683-40; No. 2 Northern, cash, 661-40; May, 67 1-10; J1u4y. 68 1-40; No. 2 Northern, 63 3-4c; No. 3 spring, 69 1-2e. 0ats-23 1-2c to 24o. Corn -66 1-4c. BOERS SHELL WARRENTON • Lively Bombardment of the British Camp Yesterday Morning.. A despatch from Warrenton, says: - The Boers opened fire with artillery and rifles on the British camp to -day. The first 812611 burst while the Fusi- liers were at breakfast. A hail of bul- lets poured into, the village. Many cattle were killed. A. hotel which is used as a hospital, and over which the Red Ctross lag was fling, was fired upon. The attacking Boer force was large, but notwithstanding the enemy's heavy expenditure, of big gun and rifle ammunition, only one British soldier was wounded. GER. JODBEET DEAD. Boors' Co lll ll nutlet -In -Chief Succumbs to " Peritonitis at reeterta, A despatch from Pretoria, March 28, , wia Lorenzo Afarques, says: -Piet Joubert, Vice-Preeident of the Trans- vaal, and commandant -general of the Repu'blien :military forces, (lied short- ly before midnight last night, aged 68 years and 60 days. He succumbed to an attack of acute inflammation, after a short illness, at- tending church even last Sunday. The whale country is thrown into the deepest gloom by his death. His lass is believed to be ir.retrievable, particularly if any settlement should be arrived 3.it with the British. Tbe remains will be taken ta-mor- row to the Wakkeestroom district where they will be interred in the family cemetery on a farm he owned there. Weeds are incapable of describing the nation's grief over the loss of the commandant -general at a time ihat is so critical in the -history of the Re - The afternoon papers to day pub lab long biographies of Gen. .Toubert, Generally, they are in a kindly tone. Dyspepsia and indigcstion, common diseases, but hard to cure with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Mariley'.5 Celery -Nerve Compound. W.H.Bucitteehem,aee K;tig St, Rest, tiaalliton. Out, saYS:-"1 was troueled with Dyspepsia and Indigestion for a long -Date, and 'could get no relief until I tried !ilanteraCelery-NerveComeourol, which cured me, and I cannot speak trap highly in Its praise." FINNS, DOUKS, AND GALICIAN& Canada LIMely to Geta Lot or Them This Year. A despatch tram London, says - very small amount of Bridal emigrate tion is tee:emoted this season, hat Gone tinential emigration will probably., be of considerable extent, large party of icolandera, 1,00Q or so in nurctWe is destined to go out tide spring,: bound for Winnipege nails also, will go to Canada in large mimbern. 0,114Q13a the smell parties to go to the Nortle-Wet ere a couple of Irene tired or BO Dbaktlataarth now malting. preparations to start for Cenada. Thd inoveneent Gatos= is nicety to iv large. A NEW DESTROYER. Children Cry for ASTORIA; Nitro-Glyeerine Can be Fired From Smooth Bore Guns. A, despatch froxa London says :-It is claimed that experiments at the Armstrong Whitwerth range at Sit - loth, Cumberland, have demonstrated that nitro-glycerine can be fired with safety from smooth bore guns. Sev- eral shells charged with 92 par cent. cif nitro-glyeerine were fired 1,500 yards. Experts regard the experi- ments as important. BOER AMMUNITION. Have Few Mauser Cartridges Left and Their Crensot Ammunition Is Almost Exhausted. A despatch Tamen London, Thuesday, says :-The Times correspondent at Lorenzo Marques reiterates the re- port that there are numaedous deser- tions among the burghers. He says that hundreds of the younger men, including some officers, are continu- ally arrested for desertion. He also asserts that the Boers' total stook of lefauser ammunition, amdunt- ing to foot million rounds, was issued to the Free Staters. 'The Boers are now using Lee-Metford cartridges, of which they have only half a million; and. Mar 1ini cartridges, of Which they bad originally -four millions . Their Creusot ammunition is almost ex- hausted; They are using a home- made smokeless powd.er of had qua li I y, Experiments in reloading Mauer cartridges proved a failure. WORTH £500,000. Realizable Free State Government Securities Found, 4 despatch from Bloemfontein, Wed.. nssday, March 28, says :-The military authorities ,have discovered in a Free State Governmentchest realizable se,curities worth 500,000. Heart Spasms„- •, DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HES, A WONDERFUL LIFE-SAVER, No orsert in the Innnentmattelne t wbc'e dleeasei teen bo more teeter), Wan tbkaa et the teedittel eleeeetry hae eneble to proper trtitmenk. palpitation or Enttaring, 01 breath. "reel: or firregtret uinz a faeS or Sukles, paletu side, (elating smile, dfopsioal ay, any (littlest* ipdicate heart, .aie. No wetter 61 itow 1aig Mee Agnew's Dere for cure-1t'A heart specific -tem "4131giyen /5!1W"a4°01161.t.Ph )1111oo7.o cure !or the lleart gave me ea 33, Nfte veviexilb5t.setr31.:e:o4(14,9tP3er°r.lut4'1.T11.1 j'ell'11°E114t1 Guarantee' ranee In 30 minute*. Sold by C. Lutz. Exeter. 250,000 CURED when ignorant of le terrible crit;ao Ton YOUNG MA Hero you sInnal against nittrtrO` wero committing. Didyononl o itid the fee:emitting allurements o % v -habit? Whentoo lateto twoi5 -56 tr- ribie resume evert, veer eyes oene1 tf your peril? Did yon lateortIn isa. hoodoo ortLUtfl Luu disease Wereyououred? Do MIAOW and then see some alarming symptotne? Dare yon marry in yearopresent eon. &lion? You know, ".Lioth, RATHER' LIKE SON." If marriedaro you coos gtantlylivinsill dread? Is piarriatte failure withyou on account et mot week - noes caused by early abuse or later ox - tomes? Have you been draggedlath mercury? Titiabookletwillimintoutto _t_ how our YEW METHOD TRICA - you the results of these mimes ukdrqitt ep MENT will positively ewe yon. t abowsbowthousandshavebeonsavedby our NEW TREATAIENTe how we can GUARANTEE To GUitIiI ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and oure-EMLSSIoNS, VARTOOOBLE, SYPHILIS. GLEE , STRICTURE, IMP 0 T NO Y. 5, CRET DRAINS UNNATURAL DIlt CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDE diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "Tho Wages of Sin" sent free by enclosing 2o stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to ealL wdto for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. 0 »1:. KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St, DETROIT, MICH. 1011 ilEAD-MAKER'S -srioida,irs)tv NEM FAILS TO eatil Benne lilt; f•n, moo" qP011 CURE ALI. YOUR PAINS WITH A Medicine Chest'In Itself. Simple, Safe and Quick Duro for ORAIMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 Gent Bottle". IsEwaRE OF IMITATIONS. BUY cHLY THE GENUINE. PERRY DAVIS' mem* 3 2I4 WHIMEINI51