Exeter Times, 1900-4-5, Page 4Cepita ed :ns-HBank Y PARLIAMENT. Mee Semen) elanacee Oface,Moatreal. WolsORDSTAN TROmeS, Este, d AIA'sAsun advanced te good. farmers on their o with ono or more endorsor att nee t. annum. Exeter Breach open every Ueda day from lea. DI. to 3 p.tu SATURDAYS. le a. re. to I p. m. etretee of interest allowe1 en cleposita. eaeoN es CARLIN% N. P. TeelRDON, sotaerroes. ereeisseevt eanh.35. triole's Day. at. Patrick looked dewn on the cities beim. :From his seat by the golden gate ; Atat he lauglied es he- eoricea SILP croon% Awl the ilaws that were lloetirea la state. "Sure. this is the sisinteentli day at the mot Os Ax1. the su74 WM be seesinee for me, can that be Lee den so /Mae and so gey Ile a weighty iniprowemeat." Said tic. • member Me to ,ia tee eve:zealot aro eettlathz7 was rem' end &Fairest. telrehlea welt to the freer. "eas gay ee the rest. 'a it came tea Wight 1eween Idriten cull - Baez .9weet grin weiawell in the fray : Ar.tt her Fusiliers fouoetb&ot on they are. And trity'll net he forgotten netlike. IAD? rt3laral atA St:Inland aud °Ireland ;Are our. Ana Pei istinctions must melt Wetly Roberie le Bloemfontein carries our eag In the laud of the kettle and veldt - "Sere. the flee of 'the cemetery is rid. white auil blue, Bathe eras little Shenuerls is greet). Atel lie prone ten te see it on iricrY voat .111 honour or Wc-oticl the Uheero." Calendar • for MARCH, 1900. 1 8 LI 2 29 2 0 16 23 3e• Ttenaintve 3 10 17 24 WgDNESIDAY... 4 11 1.8 25 Tsxneasese.... . 5 12 10 26 FltILAY ei 13 20 27 SATURDaY7 14 01 de -'ructisilA.i.APRIL This Explains It. ' An Ottawa eorrespontlent writes: - "It is known why the government whIch welcomed the West Huron and Brockville enquiry last yea t should this year ir* hound to head off. John Pritchett, who swears that he was en gaged to ;tet order an assuireed name tie deputy returning officer m West Elgin, and eourited for the Grit cantle, date twenty ballots that were marked ter his opponent, has been beard from. Re ewears that he hag been getting a hundred dollars a znonth !rem the par- ty organizers to stay out of the coun- try. le ow he tells the whole, explain- iug that he operitted in the Brockville and Huron polls in association with he rest of the machine. t The merchants of Listowei have de- ckled to close their stores at seven ceeloek every evening throughout the year. An Act will be introduced into the Ontario Legislature by Mr. Duff of 'West Simeoe, making it compulsory, for toweships to pay for the iejuries indicted on sheep by dogs, when the owner of the dogs cannot be found. At present the payment is optional on the part of the township. The village of Granton is the centre of and headquarters for "the largest" bay pressing and shipping firm in Can- ada. During the past season hundreds of thousands of tons of thiseammodity has been shipped by NVin Baynes to the United States, England, South Africa and other parts of the world. The 11iigh Court of Justice decided a • case 'of nterest to &rinses last week. \ The decision settles this point, that a fire policy bolder cannot collect in- surance on property which was occopi- ed when insured but unoccupied when - burned. The moral is to notify the company if you intend to vacate an in- sured peenperty. Miss Query, a teacher at the Hard- ing Hall Girls' School,London received a telegram Sunday morning notifying her of the sudden death of her father, John Query, of Toronto. The deceas- ed was at one time a resident of Lon - &'n. being •enoltged in the wholesale business with r•Joseph Atkinson, but has lately bead in Toronto. He was 55 years old. A bull clog weighing about 150 pounds, owned by G. H. Gunter, jewel- ler, Listowel, jumped on a horse and tore the flesh of the latter's neck very badly with its teeth, which required fifty-two stitches. The cause for the dog's actions is unknown, except that it had been muzzled for some time, and when the muzzle had beeu taken off it took advantage of its freedora. The brute will likely he shot. The Canadian Commissioners for the Paris Exposition have furnished an office at No 10 de Rome, Paris, for the convenience of Canadian visitors, and the Canadian nornmissioners are anx- ious that all Canadians who visit Paris should use it while there. Canadians can have their letters addressed to this office and upon their arrival get in- formation as to living,accommoclation, etc. T. A. Auld, M. P. P., of Essex states that there are now twenty-five fac- tories handling Canadian tobacco leaf. This means, he says, that $600,000 a year, that used to go to the United 5tates, now finds its way into the pockets of Canadian farmers, The consumption of the home grown weed ie growing rapidly, and last year it amounted to 0,000,000 lbs., or nearly one-third of the entire amount of to- bacco consumed. One of the most serious fires in the history- of Forest occurred early Fiday morning. At one o'clock it was found that A. Wren & Company's foundry was on fire, and in a short time it had spread to all parts of the premise, which were frame. AU the buildings were burned except the lal-aeltsmitla 5hop and the pattern shop. Very little of the contents were saved, The probalile loss will be alaout $25,000 ; partially covered bi y nsurance. Eight heads of families are thus thrown out 1 ' work. Hu'reon County NoteS. 'WM Bennett, of the toweship of titesy, has. sold Ids 100 -acre farm to W greokehridge. of Morris township, for the sum et $8,000. D. Grant ,ofTuckersreith, has eold )is one hundred ace farm on the Oth couceseion of Morris, to Thomas Mc. Laughlin, a 13russels. Mrs. Ohae. Smith a jimes„ Ohio, ,E1X.ETER 1.1:1.MBS Perth Pioleitngs The Butseu Wm t Staffa was sold to Geo. Bustan for $8,350. The Spring Fair will be held in St Marys en Wednesday, April 1L Messrs Beti Balkwell and 0 Grafton left Stratford ou SaturdeyforDeuphin. Mane going via G. T. R. The committee a management has decided to hold. the Xitelaell spring writes 1 have used every reroedy or Fair. Thursday, April lOtb. sick headache 1 could hear of tor the "Look before pm leap." Be sure past fifteen veare, but Carter's Little Yoq Set good's SersaPerille, when you lever pigs (la van more goo than au call tor it, and you will Aud health in its the rest use. James Gardiner a Fargulter had an Tuesdaymorning 1-1. L. Rice of auction sale of cows caul youna cattle St. Marys eecoved the sad intelligence of the (teeth of his brother, A. T. Rice tha,t he purehiesed short time age. and also of horses and issouri, Is sold lais farm of 50 acres bog. cows of Toronto, at the aeee 5I years. brought from ee3 to W. *Yeazoeled, N !John BroWn. of tbe 2nd con. West cattle brought as high as$19.23 a r Donald McKellar, of Teckersmith, to Rem,' Brach, and will move next who sold. his 1;10 -acre farm last yea' to week with his l'oehilY to Manitelea. are think Burritt Co 4S: ., Mitchell, . John Hay, of North Eastbope, has pine hased Donald icEeUais50 lug eerionsly a nueeing Bramntoo, c -acre farm and has evhere they have beeu offered enticing mar Cromarty. for $2,800 inducements to move their bosiery mMilirsk josepli Parker'and sou and daughter, have left Motherwell to matte their home in Forest, Ont.. aver net/ 1,490 pounds. one three. , where they have purchased a nice pro - year -o d Hereford, bred from A., Mon- teitit's Hereford bull. tipped the scales at 1,760 pounds. Mr. Smith said if the cattle had all been Herefovel he wonlil have pd a cent a pound more for them. been removing his household goods mad implements. Mr. 11, C. Monteith, of Tuckersteith, cently delivered to Mr. S. Smith, in Seafortle fifteen bead ef cattle, which Dublin on•nwrik• Dr. McKenna, of St. Michael's Hos- pital, Tozonto, is spending a. few days at home with his mother and sister. - Mr. Ditrick, late of Downie, has moved to bis new home, on the Coley fameiu Hibbert. -J Crawford spent a day in Seaforth sluce our last issue. -Lou Loby, our popular townsman, at present employed by the G. T. R. in Stratford, was in town last week. - John Bennewies spent a few days in Stratford last wee. -.-Mrs. IS.t. Gribans was in Seafarth last week vieiting • k triend.-Miss Amite Shea has one to Dinettes to visit relatives. -The tour -year-old son of George Holland, Beachwtied, met with a sad accident by gettiog hie leg broken. He is in the cepable bands of Dr Mithel.-Mr. and .11rs. Stephen Delaney, of Cromer ty. spent a couple of days last week with Airs. Doyle, at St. Colutnban. Stephen __— Senora Reironee-The following is the correct report of the school in S. No. 3. Pupils names are in order o merit V. Daniel Sanders, Eddie Beaver ; Vera Sanders, Laura, Jell% Chas Sanders, Herbie Ford, Arse Pen - hale, Frank Triebner,Homer Beesbaw, Iva Box, elershall 13ox '• Sr 111, Roy Perseus, Viola Penhate,Sadie Willis, Hattie Willis, Clara Beaver ; jr. 111, Alonzo Ford, Willie Triebner, Jeannie Sanders, Miunie Sanders ;Sr. 11, Ed- die Willis. Nelson Sanders, Herbie Dmring, Lizzie Sanders, Herbie Beav- er, Edith Parsons ; Jr. 11, Tonnoy San- ders, Ralph Willis. Annie Hicks, Harry Triebner, Gladys Bissett, Gar- net Craig Pe IL Cieelia Ford, Fred Beaver, Lillian Stanlake, Vinnie Cook- son, Samuel Stantake ; Pt. 1, Tommy Penhale, Vietor Sweet, Hilda Presz- cator, Earl Parsons. No. on roll 43, Average att. 40. Parents are cordially invited to visit the :school at anytime. LOCALS. A young son of Lawyer Thomas, of London, visited it D. Mill's this week. alias M. V White has returned from a visit with Mis.s Parkit scm, London. . perey, Mies Ella, Caspell. of Se Maeye, bee gone to Hattaiteelta, Northwest,. She is -granddaughter a A.Wood, 7th con. Niesouri„ and niece of W. Cespell, who 'ntends leaving tor Manitoba soon. Mr. 'Wm. Young. Logan, has rented a new 100 acre lot on. the 14th from the Cauada Company. Hehe, tis to till liv e at hie present home while doing some el earieg of the 'new place. 41 very pleasant event came off on March 14th at the home of David Rob- ison, North East, Fullerton, when his amiable daughter, Mess Emily, • was ruerried to Thos Pinder, a young farm- er ef One day last week a prominent far - tier in Zorra Was taken by surprise when be . found, a number of his pige had killed bis best cow. Tile cause of this vicious net was owing to neghet, on the past of the farmer to feed the hop. ;Wee Jenuie Patrick, who was in- jured in an accident at Kerwood, while travelling, on the Grand Trunk between Pore Hurn and eitrathroy, seed for $10,0110 damages and eecured The Latest News. the fee system, when reasouable, to be the policy without aey exatninatiOn at : the Inest just, way of taking insurance. He merely comes to tell us, or Mr, Speaker, while have had the seeds a note, that the insurance is go - The will of the late ex -Mayor 'rock- houor to have a seat in this house, ing to expire on sucla a clay, and if the ett. of Hamilton, has been. entered. for e have seen' villages and towns come insurance is to be reuewed we pay the probate. It disposes of an estate or here asking for special leg.islation, and premium and there is no reeexaroine- Sthr Vert: traveil" concerns in their municipalities, and it Secretary that, the Company blaY send for legislation for bonusieg. different tion. The argument of the Provincial for F. F. Dailey & Co., of Hamilton, died suddenly on the ottnada 41,0attue is generally granted to thew when it en expert eud take some teehnical is believed to be in the interest of the •jection and force the unforteuate in- reitiltreebyetoweeeelMg.3"i!ie Ottawa rounielPelitte Here have a Oompeny dividual into a settlement in the inter - in my Riding &siting for the privilege est of the insurance company, think Have no equal as a prompt and poen to renew policies for five years, and I has no force in this ease. It is tree, tive cure for sick headache, bilione- might say eould have peatiou of or ecairse, that the juseranee company nese, coustipation, pain in the side,encl. three thousand farmers in favor of may do what it see's, but think thet all liver troeblee, Carter'a Little Liver Pine t7 them. this Bill, asking to have the time ex- is the. place Nvhere the Government tended for live years ; and why shOuld raight well protect the public, I think One el. Tavistoek's very earlieee set- they not, receive this special privilege? insurance companies ought to be corn - tiers has just paseecl away in the death The Attorney -General speak Mg the pelled to pay the =beetle for which of Henry Roedding, sr., which op- oiler day referred to tbe Dounnioe they collect a premium. They insure curred after a prolonged illness from • , insatance company. This Company for a vertain amount and take the pee). rheumatism anti a form of paralysis, cannot be classed with [he farmers' le- ple's money, and they ought to be sptoeceztsiend came fwrobtnenebeermweetasY2tooyle'414V; seraeee eompanies, and if that Com- naaele to pay tbe amount of itiserance pasiy, in nay opinion, had strictly ad- that that premium represents on that old, and the site on which Tavistock leered to the farmers' business they (-lass of steeds was almost wilderness. evduid not be in the position in which The "JON. Gensox, Attorney - After an illeess which confined her they are to -clay. The Attorney.Gen- General The question as to whether to bed for three weeks, Mrs. Phoebe era said the other day that if a treas- a man is to be ebliged to pay for a, re- Anie Penwarden died at her reSidence. Neer or secretary of an insurance cow- riewal fee once in 4 years instead of St' Thwnas" WednesdaY marhing' Ifl pany carelees In his book-keeping, once in five years is ot very little irn. the fifty-eighth year of her age. Aiis. and if a farmer who insured for two pertance compared with the considers', Penwarcien was the youngest daughter or three thousand dollars, after the tion in the naatter of book-keeping in of the late Col. McQueen, of South- risk has been careied two or three the Company's concern. It is a roatter wcild, who died eight Years ag°' years, goes to the secretory arid asks which any one who is not accustomed She leaves five children, his policy to be reduced five hundred to insurance knows very little about, George Dann, an 4711(1 resident °f Lan- dollars, and it is reduce0„ It would be but when you are told very eninheti- d°B "nsh1PT died suddenlY °a Vri' very eifficult for the Inepector of Ire celly hy a gentleman whose profession daY 1/3"11i1)g hiS resIdeuee$ eun' le3t. serene(' to see how the Compauy is that of Inspeetor lesurauce of nt the Age °f Yean` /1/° uause ". %ends. Well, say in regard to that the Government that he has very mil was heart f"ilure* Mr' Da'nn objection, that if the Inspector should strong views adverse to the continn- was a most respected citizen. al, the find such a ease as that, lee hint wind mace of a policy beyoud three years. township, and his death will be greatly up the company or give him power to let alOtie four years, then I see uothing regretted' leaves A whiPw' three take away front ouch compitey the else tor the Government to do but to eons aud four daughters. privilege of issuing five-year pollees. take the ground that what, is proposeil A few days ago a Grand Trunk en- willgearautee,as praetical man.that in hill sueli as this is objectionable, gine ran off the track at the east end there will be no difficulty in connection objectionahle on grounds of public entrance to the arant°4 switch' the with my Company. My Bill is per. policy, objectionable upon insurance came 1 eine an ineauStatim oss' missive to issue five year policies, and ground% We rennot be regulated in and ice whiCh bad accumelated any company \rho considers it to their a matter of this kind by the views of through the night. It is said that in intereet, can take advantage thereof. some particular insurance company no consequenee of tide accideut, The Inspector has it in his power at matter how meritoriously or ably it Robinson, section foreman. has been oily time to say. "Yon will have in may be managed. and have no doubt suspeneed for ten days. wind up your business," if he Otitis the that the Insurance Company repve TurkishSealp food removes dandruff, book-keepieg bad in any Company, stoned by the honorable member who itching or the Scalp, restores the nat- e and I am quite satisfied, if this tame moves tide bill is ably.managed ; what ural e°1°"n4 vItalitY or faded nn" will allow us the privilege of issuing we have to consider is the matter of grey hair, Turkish Scalp Food is rap- policies for five years, there will be no public policy. The Insurance Law of idly growing in public favor and takes trouble about the book-keeping, the Dominion does not allow e policy the lead of all other peeparations on Met Speaker. this /louse is anare to extend more than three years, 'the market. For sale tit Lutz's Deng how stock ratepaniee do their business; aud the law of this Legielature was Store, Beeler. Only gift a bottle, they issue polielee for one or three until a short time ago three yens. years. then without the agent ever Why not extend to years, and the STORY' OF A SLAVE. seeing the property. issue a renewal hnnorable member for %Vest Mem= receipt, and in hundreds or cases uo (AIr. (oumee) will say. "Why not ?" animation is made for years ; and But in matters of this kind we Wailt have good reasims to believe that to adopt fair noire of and not, to stoels compitniee who are not farmers' have a policy which has some particle friends are opposing the Bill. b7o lar theory behind it rather than the doubt it will he again said to -day, in general view. I can well enders -tend opposition to my Bill, that we are (Continued on fifth page.i tinkering with the Insurance Law. Mi. Speaker, what are we elected for ? TUE DIFFICULTY nualovnu. Whit are we here for hut, to pass legieht- God mech. orte,„ march eg.1900,....eers. lion in the interest of the people? This let. A. eieLeod or ado owe, who has it not. w Political question, and over long been troubled with sick head - since I intraduced gill 1 have done aches and who tried numberless reme. rn5' hest to keep it ; hut if the 41-t- dies for the eatue without benefit, has torney-General is bound to make his been entirely cured be: Hood's learstip- followere elefeet this Bid, he will have arillit. Sbe says this is be best blood purifier She has ever known. We bear the same testimony from many others. Sarsaparilla is Cana- da's Greatest, Spring Medicine. Owing to illness George Moses, of Downie, has sold his farm and intende to retire until his health improvee. John • Thompson is the purchaser of the 50-ecres on the 4th concessiou, the price being $2,500, Thomas Murray has secured the 50 acres on the 5th con- cession, paying therefor $3,500. Levi Merrier and G. F. Graff, of New Hamburg, leave for Manitoba, and in - teed to make tlitk prairie province their future honie. a verdict of $1,00 at the assizes, Lou- To be bound hand and foot, for years by the chains of disetese is the worst don. Exactly one year ago Monday Jahn feral of slavery. George D. Williams' O'Brien went to Stratford from Irish- of Manchester. Mich., tells how such it towu. Monday he passed away, at 81ave Iv" made flee' He SaYS ; "MY the age of 77 years mad 14 days, at lus wife has been 8° beiril"s f" aye Yt'ars home. Deceased was au old resident that she could not tutu over in bed of 'Oshtemo where he had a farm for alone. .ilfter using ewe bottles of Elec- 17 yeare. trie Bitters, she IS wonderfully int - Mee 8. Radcliffe of the 10th Blans- proved and able to do her own work." hard was quite ill during the past two This supreme remedy for female dis- weeks. Having been a strong, heal- pses quickly cures 'nervousness, elee thy man, this sudden sieknees reused iessnesee melancholy, headache,bac - Amite alarm ; yet hopes are held out by ache, fainting and dizzy spells. The his, phyeician that. he will at least "MI° w"king medicine is a Paw° * , . . . - • ' to weak, sickly, run dowp people. 4117E1,1 t1,41131 i eerie er in ft short time. Bert Van Egmond, of itlitchell, this Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 assume the responsibility. I have been week received notice that he was cents. Sold by all Druggists. requested to withdraw the Bill or al - awarded third prtze in the Baltimore low it to be declared lost, on a divisioe. Patent Record limateur photographic Legislative Assembly, Province This I am mythic to do. 1 nut honest coutest. The photo winning the prize of Ontario. hi this matter, mid nothing but a re - was a group of Sun Bonnets anti, a gruup of Seaforth girls taken on the bluff at Baylleld. Se. D. Shaddock, of Calgary, N. W. T., was about here last week looking for thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls for Itis ranch of 200t) :Lives. He in couipany with Jamee Snell, drove out through Hurou and Perth counties, purchasing etock. They got hold of some splendid hulls. After an illness from pneumonia, ex- teudiug over one week, John W. Sehunitt, of London, passed away Sat- ' urday at the residence of Mr. Hender- son, Halo= street. He svas a prosper- ous !armee, mei had lived the greater part of his life near Mitchell, to -which NV. ,l, Redden has taken Chas. 1 i place his remains were sent in the af- te . .A. lamp, which was burping in an incubator in the cellar at the home of Jute Skiener, of Mitchell, exploded the other night and set lire to the place. Luckily, assistance was at Land, inid the flames were soon extin- guished with no more damage being done than the destruction of the incu- bator and 11, board partition. .Michael Keane died at els residence, Gore of Downie, on Friday, March 23, aged 60 years. The deceased, who had been ill for a long time, WEtS one of the .pioneer settlers of .Downie, says the Rebecca Amy, beloved wife of Char- bt. Marys Journal. Be WaS a native les Kestle, an esteemed lady of Exeter, of Kerry, Ireland, and along with his died on Thursday last, after a brief 1 father'e family' came to Canada when illness. She was the victim he was only 12 years of age. of several' paralytic strokes. Before coming to An interesting event took Place: on Prout's pesition as section -man on this division. The members of James St, church on 'Wednesday evening last presented Mr. and Mrs. 3 P. Clarke, with a flat- tering address, as a token of esteem, on the eve of their departure for Win- nipeg. Miss Edith Beatty, who for four years past has taught in the junior department of the Sebringville public school, has severed her connection therewith, and goes at once to her home in Hamilton. Exeter, r. and 1VIrs. Kestle lived in Stephen township, where Mr. K. was a successful farmer. Deceased leaves a husband and grown family to survive ber. A SOLUTELY FAST DIA/WON DYES Can't be washed out with Soapsuds. Wednesday, &larch 25, at the residence of Mrs. R. Bell, Shakespeare when her youngest daugliter, Maggie B., was uuited in marriage to John W. Herold, the enterprising young mer - cheer, of that village. The nuptial knot was securely tied in the parlor at four o'clock by Rev. Mr. Covvasnand was witnessed by about eiality friends and relatives of the bride and groom. Drainage Referee Hodgins, of To- ronto, has at last given, judgment in coraiection with . Mina's appeal, against returning to Ellice a certain amount of damages anti la.w costs which badbeen paid by the latter township subsequent to suits conduct- ed nearly ten years ago. Mornington and Logan were also called upon by E1Iiee for similar returns, but Elroa The Diamond Dyes in all the new and fashionable colors are made esPeo- was the only one to appeal. Their ap- peal hue been dismissed with costs. ially for home use. They will dye The regnlar meeting of the St Marys cotton, silk or wool or mixed fabrics of I heavy or light weights, and town council was held on Monday, Pr°thice 1Viarch 26. The principal business be - colors that never fade or wash out. fore the boatd was the appointment of No other dyes on the market can equal the Diamond Dyes in strength, a delegation to go to Toronto in com- brilliancy, durability of color or pany with Mayor Lawrie to appeal she -against the passage of the bill before plieity of use. Long years of severe the Ontario Legislature for the uniting tests have made Diamond Dyes the of the North and South Perth registry most popular in every civilized land. offices. The delegation appointed was As sortie dealers sell inferior and. as follows: Mayor Lawrie, Dr Irving, weak dyes put up in packages to .Messrs Sharp, Harding and J D imitate Diamond Dyes, always ineiet Moore. The Government have defer - upon getting the genuirie with the red action, name "Diamond" which is a sure pro- Wm. Forsyth, of Prospect Hill, left tection to every home dyer. on Tuesday, march 27, for his new No failures, no disappointments or home at Parkberg, N. W. T. Mr. For - lose of materials when you use Dia syth sent a carload of household ef- Mond Dyes. Are you interested in the fects, stock and implements the pre:: making of hooked Mats and Rugs ? vious clay and will probably engage in If so, send for our new illustrated ranching in tbe West. Mrs. Forsyth "Diamond Dye Rug Book ;" free to and family went with him. Before any address. Wells & Richardson Co., leaving, the friends and neighbors at 200 Mountain. St., Montreal, P. Q. Prospect Hill called to spend a fare- well evening and presented them with Nearly 000 emigrants from Ontario, an address, aceompa.nyiog, which was the United States andEngland arrived a handsome fur coat for Me. Forsyth at WinnipeF recently for ManitOba and a Pair of for gauntlets and a ,a3c.v.. ing set to 'Sirs, Forsyth. and the TerritorieS. Iu moving the second reading of Bill (No. 115 "To Amend the Ontario In- surance Act," Mu. EILnER, (South Huron), said: I desire in addition to what I said some days ago that this Bill is in the interest of a, large number of farm- ers in this Province. This House, on bothsides, claims to be the farmers' cord of names will dn. and I trust that this House will place itself on record as favorable to my BM. TEM Ho. rot. sTRATTON (Provincial Secretary) said be hoped the honorable gantlet (11113 ( Eilber) would not press his Bill. He ateeptecl wbat the honor- able gentleman said as to the unani- mity existing in his County in support, of the Bill, but thought if the people friends, and I wa,nt to see how far the these really understood the dangers members will go in giving such legisla- tion to the farmers of this Province as they consider to be in their interest. I do not want to take up much time. but. T want to say that I can readily and easily understand why it should be thought by some unwise to make the term of insurance longer than three years, by those companies doing busi- ness in the city of Toronto or in any other city in the Province where they have their business scattered over the whole of this Province, and where not a manager or director knows anything of the property insured outside of the information given in the application received from the agent, and in the case of such companies I think it would be wrong to allow them to issue poli- cies for longer than the three years; but I am representing a Farmers' Com- pany which is carrying about chree million dollars of risk in my constitu- ency; that company is composed of only farmers; at the last annual meet- ing they said they believed it to their interest to have the pnwer of issuing policies for five years, and they signed that petition which I presented of 216 members who attended the meeting. In our Company some one at least of the Diredtors knows every risk we have. We do not do a business scat- tered over the whole Province, but we do business entirely in three or four townships, and we will not insure in our Coninany any risk unless we have a personal knowledge of the risk we are undertaking. If the members of. our Company who have the interests of that Company at stake if the Di- rectors of the Company who have con- ducted the affairs of the Oompany for the 'wit 25 years, believe it is to their interest to have the power to issue pol- icies for five years, the Government should give them that, power. Who can have the interest of the Company more at beart than the members thereof? The Attorney -General the other day said, referring to my Bill, "If the mover's object was to extend the terra so as to save the cost of the renewal fees, which be understood was sometimes fixed at $1,50, all he had to say was, that. there was no statutory authority for the imposition of this fee." Mr. Speaker, as an insurance man, I was surprised when I beard the At- torney -General make that statement. That statement has gone through 11- comitry that farmers' insurance co.,. panies in this Province are allowing their agents to collect from the assur- ed $1.50 as agent fees when it is with- out statutory authority. T wish to read Section 123 of Chapter 203, R.S.0, 1897 : ."Nothing herein contained shall prevent a Director from receiving ap- plication for insurance, or from taking to his own use the customary applica- tion, survey. or policy fee, but the said fee shall not exceed $1.50 for ant - one application or policy." That is the law upon the matter and no doubt a debatable question wheth- which nii ht accrue in the extension, they wou d not he so much in favor of the Bill. Mr. Stratton tionsidered that the three years term was it long , enough time to elapse before there was a revision of the contract of In-' stwance. Some change might be made in the premises which would material- ly affect the risk (for instance chim- ney might be changed), and. in case of loss this would leave it open to the Companies who wished to act sharply to repudiate their liability under the policy. There was danger in this re- spect in the present three year policy, dart that danger would be greatly In- creased by the extension of the con- tract to five years. MR. OONMER.-I rather favor the bill of the honorable member.. I do not see any reason why a farmer, or the party who insures, should not him- self be the judge of how long be should insure for. There is nothing in this whicla prevents him renewing his insurance every year if be likes, or every three or two years. In my judg- ment whether yon make it three years, or year, or five years, you will not have a much better examination in the premises insured than you have now. What is the practice? A man's prem• ises are insured ; the local agent in the city, in _the majority of cases, renews ill•••••••••••444:40444.644•••••••••••aoed IAdvice to !Consumptives! IThere are three great reme- dies that every person with Iweak lungs, or with consump- tion itself, should understand. IThese remedies will cure about every case in its first stages; and many of those more advanced. It is only • the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies? Fresh air, proper food and -‘0119S [1111118101i of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites. 13e afraid of 1 draughts but not of fresh air. plenty of milk. Do not forget .1 Eat nutritious food and drink Ithat, Scott's Emulsion is the oldest, the most thoroughly en- dorsed of all remedies for I eis, oron tested and the highest weak throats, weak lungs and consumptionin all, its stages. er it is proper teepee' the agent by sal, _see seseeees ,• ain drpggists. SCOTT & sowNE, Chem' T to. :try or by a fee. Personally T believe ' , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , , .1•101.414sa Cotniloil ohOry CA J. D. ROBINSON, DUNDAS, ONT., Gives His Honest Opinion al Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mr. J. D. Robinson, a resident of Dune das, One, has found these pills to do all that is claimed for them and made the following statement of his case; "Some time ago I obtained a, box of Milburn's 'Heart and Nerve Pills, and van now. without hesitation say that they have been beneficial in relieving me of ais obstinate and long standing oonaplaint affecting my heart and nerves. "I was troubled with sleeplessness, dizzi- mess, paipitation and neuralgia for mils a long time that I had really given up hope of a cure. Now, that others may learn of tho virtues of this remedy, I give my unSolioited testimony. "My honest opinion is that there is no cure so good for heart and nerve troubles as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills," Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. •a box or 3 for 1fI.25, at all druggists. Buy:the Best and Ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETHING NICE_...40, We have it, you Want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITITRE and you will find what you ai e. looking for S CIDLEY SON FURNITURE AND -UNDERTAKERS. Opera House Block. Many gIaa si a zsYac Id:t14; shiftless AN -e vinbe ena:111: She ea'ttudy, ea doesn't deserve the least bit of it. fails asleep, is nervous and tired all the time; And what tan you ex- pect? Her brain is being fed with impure blood and her w5ole system is suffering from poisoning. Such girls are wonder- k; fully helped wad grefaiy hanged, by taking Hundreds of thou ands of 6.01001g1r1S have taken it +Suring the past 50 years. laity of these girls now ave homes of their own. They remember what ured them, and now they give the same medi- cine to theirown children. You can afford to trust a Sarsaparilla that has been tested for half a century. $t.e) a boitht. All ilautlite. If your bowels are CODSti- , rated take Ayer's Pills. You t. can't have good health unless you have daily action of the '4‘ rOea?lit's;e2t5a.c1:-4441-4ret"its cured m ▪ • .-vapcpssa.' ettr.DWILI!, l.tath, Welt* thy floofor. • xf yet: 17AVO any etnaerant. weatever eeere tine ten tatenei aeries IOU VOISiblY receive, anis the doctor rreen-. You win rectiVe a Point re - without coo. Addeo% C. =At. tom% M • , GO TO Rowe s FOR Bargains; Furniture! Undertaking A SPECIALTY R. IL ROWE. When Doctors Disagree Consult 15. an Cr Optician 2ff Nervousness -headaches -- sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the - direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cure. that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientificaliy fitted": glasses do. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, : .. AT . . . T. Fitton's Jewelry Stow A LITTLE COLD LET RUN, A little tickling in the throat -now and ' then a dry, hacking cough -"net bad enough to bother about you say." But every hack =dreg a breach, in the ' system, strains the lungs and •• prepares the • way for more serious troiable. 'Twould be wise for you to take Dr.. Weodeteiorway Pine Syrup now; before the - lungs become permanently affected. It is the most -certain and satisfactory remedy for Coughs, Colds, Brolachitis, Croup, Hoarseness, Sore' Throat and:, Whooping Cough. Mrs. Gee. V. Foster, Laindowne, N.B., has this to say: 11 was taken suddenly with 7 a cold whielv settled on my lungs. I had' a terrible cough andit gave me'great alarm. All the rernediesT tried' Seemed of no use. I then started- taking Dr. Wood's, Norway Pine Syrup) which . cured,me so promptly that it was a pleasant ourprise. shall always keep it.in the. houseduring the winter seliSori." ell,t32', 142,