Exeter Times, 1900-1-18, Page 3fe•rii-,,siaresinne
the Normal Alan% Aeoirdupete
etiould no Weal; netrd.
Prot, Ettlxioy gave tbe relloweng
tow a what full-growa " men
lii witagh, wed hOlAr his We4ght
aleould be dividect's
fWaglit, 154 pouods, made op theta
Motales and tbeir appurtenances, 6a
pounatg siteleten, 24 pouado; ekin, 11:0
1-2 poixods; at, 28 pomade; area). 3
peoutaet taeraoto viscera, 31 1-2 pouaasi
abdominal viaeera, 11 pounds; blood
YOlo12 woula drain from boil, 7
Th i6 man ougat to coutume per diera;
Team bale:elle at0) ; bread, 0,-
800 grains; au. ie.'7,0eil graimn pato-toes,
IMMO graiu,A; buttur, GOO gealos; wooer,
liaale) grates.
His hears eaould beak 73 tiro.es a min-
Utie. and he save d beeathe1 timea
Oblate, in 24 'sears ha Weilid vat
onleie toot cid oure air to tae ex-
tent or A per vent; 4 mao, tberetere,
of the we.gat meotioueel oeglit to
have &V cubic tale a well ventiletea
uo. would throw oft by the ?kin 18
oop000 a water, 2.0 an vIt
Metter, and 490 graine of carbo m
every a4 ontlahia to al Mee shire
fag tho be= Wettid ha ay. pooled*
Wetbre and a attle over two,peuuda
of other Matter,
The inbithicante of tbe plaoet Marte
if there are aey-witnese every night
• eseeetaele ttie. ake of evhiole. the ea
treeomere telt ue, may he se eo noe
whert oleo IP the URIVerSe. Tliey
have a rayon tbat rates in tUe woat awl
(fete lit the eteet, eatt that goea tbrough
all iteptiatete in 4 eittate uighe. Toie
alocSk wh•011 eativa l'itatU4. IS only
Oulu seven milee ix dieneeter. and le
teoa ota,A JAI melee disatat rano
alera..Pruf. Had, why tatteovered, it toad
ite cumpenion, Delmee, 1577, found
that it TbeallYea arroteact the planet
7 hattre aod 38 xionetee, Pad as the
Plage! ftseit rotetes in al Ileum awl
37 eitameea tatt rauou. makes a. Bute
Meru than three revoluteous While the
rattan ia rutoting once. it s this rep.
tti reenion that glace Phobos ite unique
distiactiao. mielee toward the eaut,
the t.reetion in which Atara rotates,
but It goes so feat that it disappears
belove the eatitern horaeou and reap -
peen abeve the westero tbree Crites
whao Mara is turniug over cam tivae,
Theo the Marticine have a nOW TO0001
• creecent. mean, 4 half moon,
beim moan, a feta moon. ond. aUM
Me0a agaat oil in one night.,
In Lae eatte of the earth au a ite,r000n
the cowl:0one e reversed, .Clie
earth turua ov a own axis about
27 thanes wbi Moon Is going
aroutut it on ;nation of each
Is towerd the i. t the more rapid
movement 0 the earab makes the
reoon appear tO be noosing toward the
west That it is really going east-
ward ia aloown by Its risiog tram 45
ta 50 mit ee later every night and
by the daily Change •of its positton
among the stars,
A. mote was reported the other day
ot a New York woman who for over
thirty years had been in the Wait of
drinking five q
ea daily, and
became almost
Seetzig tr4 a M aZ that the
drituaug ea tea assuming
the •prupurtions a doctor
whoso specialty a was con -
"le it true," the phyalolan Was ask-
ed, "that people drink more tea than
is good for teem?"
" I should think it is," was the re-
ply. "I have patients who assurerae
that the tea drinaing they are com-
pelled to undergo while paying alter -
noon wits, trequently amounting to
a dozen eups in a few hours, has re-
sulted in the contraction of a habit
they are now quite unable to give up.
In the outpatient department of
the hospital with waittli I am connect-
ed the *tea tippler' is getting to be
as totemon as the gin tippler. I had
one under my notice a few days ago
'a poor woman. She trembled as if she
tad the ague and declared. that, al-
though she knew that it was the tea
that bad wrecked her nerves, she
-could no more. give up the habit. than
the habitual drunkard could foreswear
strong black
"The. numbers of anaernie and dys-
peptic women, and white, puny -faced
ohildren is alarmingly on the increase.
I never ask what is the matter with
them. 'Why do you drink so much
itea?' is ray first question. '4. cup •of
tea livens me up so,' is the general
The doctor in question did not de-
ounce- the use of tea, but its abuse.
4. cup of tea about ao. hour and a
hall alter lunch he described as "cool -
forting and beneficial but itohould
not exceed one cup, or at most two
small ones. Above all.tea should not
be taken on an empty stoneach.
It is ;eery desirable that the con-
ditions under vvtich food may become
poisonous should receive more Praca
tical consideratton, than they do. A
2e11 -known physician hat called et-
a beation to some glaring defects in the
' Ideation of food storerooms, which are
e worthy of atteetion. Inehause con-
•' sanction the Position of the pantry
is too often treated as of minor im-
portance. :In some houses the space
• under the stairs or some equally un-
suitable and inaaequately lighted and
ventilated place is -thought good en-
• ough for the purpose. In a great num-
' bee the pantry is a •small offshoot
Qom the house, .tha ceiling, floor and
walls oaten being damp owing to
•iaulty construction, in eonT1e. of these
matters are rendered worse by the
water taps being placed therein with-
out any provisiou being -:made for care
rying away the, droppings from the
tap or overflow froth vessels into which
the water- is run. One of the most
freiitient entries in his inspection
notebook i " defective yard pave-
meiaan permitting of soakage of filth
'into abe soil underneath. Not. only is
the soil thus rendered a good breed-
' )ng. ground for pathogenic Microbes,
• also supplies those conditione re-
ansite inereased virulence:
Not NOlorc mol LI Mererd or the Mafil,
When* "Tommy At.tusft aloe lats
SIvataty Aaen seear-many a
rar treiti.rx st,i,iitir4ectsracdaptividuat
ie. and lio
milhary men have SQ comPleto-
ly wan, the admiratioo a their fol-
towers has ,Field Marshal Lord
Frederick Sleigh Roberts, who aailed
yestardey feom England On tae Donal -
tar Castle to take euprerne command
a the alritish forces in south Africa.
Fewer stilt are the colarleandeas Wilt+
have enjoaled SO largo a esure of
thei' soitliere love as that waieh the
Engs ana Indian armies long no
as4174 to"J-4044,"UUIeBo14:' or
"Rahaar ea he, ie varieus:y lenowa
their tonna of endearment.
Tele teeling for tbeir hero is alneaet
that of a family for to head. Veers
is something Patriaeehal about it,
".rgraaaat" ha ROOD. er
eerie' lelaile a beret, Wit eaten be Cade
Amu wee catialeinee Mere! Rod phy-
cal couraga a a high Order wita, brae
dean and modeety algal a keen
remelt regerd for the emaxert et the
man in the reakii .erugnOy" atteiglit-
viey tale aenVet werstape, AAA bo
1)44 been doleg tbat befere "Bebe ' for
thee@ many years,
With molar fidoere lo Ids record,
Lerd, Roberta Ws Malay a feat 04.
duip awl iouividual bra.vera to
Tait for wale he is Decal
fame hia march from' gabol to
lee reot .gondelairh 4J white
lingleaa wee ene tenterhooke of au-
xieta tte to Ala eafety. it be Wile
aleinteela thot be fauna ativauce
leoleal, to the preatoue Tear, far
«ioitateleult toek, Rieuevesefal
moventeue ot a bed$ comptisiog ateate
e eand Lghters liatieti and
it taw:wand camp Italow-
oey-tairee hollered etereee
u.ea terotiea 4.41 ult. i.u-
L irtQ,$" tUZ Wnege, Mfith toe
leritisix tweeter and
dozeu z.ttvs bi eunei4ored by come
late letelia recuerkelae no -
°Z its kind, in armoire'
dal bronze star was v -
fl tO aeoli toe the men pareicipeting
pidity conapleteta battled the
bz bila 'Wu actuataea uzt euab-
4 2o to administer
Web tamed toe came/Apo Hie tee-
s then, taken lo coujuneLlen wttli
uSg1n. end cautiun otrL-
Uo ot this man, no wee, than ale tact
in dealing with all around hun, augur
welt for the rtafillment of the Braieh
/hopes which aro counting Oft his okelL
1.0 eaunterbalance the extreme mubil-
ite of the Baer foreee, tram watch the
Britisa haTet Buttered most aeavily hi
the preeent war.
UVOtt his return to gland after
that, cumpaiga he was thauked by Lae
governmeat ot India ena by both
bousee of Parliament. The Queen
sumutoned bira to Windsor. The llama-
cipolity oi London presented to tam
a word and the Leedom cie the city, a
rare gift accorded to comparatively
few men. Universities, the a naent
trade guilds and comMereial bodies
vied with one anotber in giviiag de-
grees, privileges, banquets and addres-
.But that was only one episode in a
brilliant career, and many of those
best qualified to judge believe teat
Roberts' most valuable services to the
empire were comprised in the arduous,
unobtrusive labors by which he re-
modelled the frontier defemes and vir-
tually remade the lndia.n army, bring-
ing it to is present ingh efritiency.
More than once his reforming opinions
were so opposed to general notions at
the time that they made bine the, ob-
ject of attack, and even ridicule. But
he stuck to them, and later was vin-
dicated by their adoption.
Ilauch a his success aei a general
and, as a builder was due not( only to
his- remarkablealiagnetism, but to his
close touch with the men in the ranks,
Leaving India in 1893, after two teems,
or nearly eight years, as conaruander-
in-Chief, at a farewell banquet in Cal-
cutta be stroegly urged. upon all ofii-
cers the, necessity for showing sym-
pathy with soldiers and their families,
and of giving effect to -orders in a lib-
eral and intelligent spirit.
• On the same occasion he showed his
faitle in his system by saying that if
the time of trial ehoual ever come,
not only on her troops, I:Cat feels and
her guns, but on the loyalty •of her
founda.tariee and the 'affection of her
sabjects. He always gave the credit
of his victories •to the men under his
command. -
Onnot his names among the people
who honored him ()lite, second to their
sovereign in the parade on the °oda-
sion et her diamond jubilee, to and
a. half years ago, is that of the "son
diere' 'general." No military leader in
England: stands higher in the heart
of ale British nation, arid in the judg-
mentof European critics his ability
ranks with or above -that of Lord Won
seley, his commander in chief.
'After passing through Eton and
Sendhurst, Frederick Roberts, then
nineteen years old, obtained bis first
commission as a second lieutenant in
the Bengal artillery, on December 12,
1851. Going ea •once to Indie, he
ieareed from his tether mutat about
Afghanistan, and the ; campaign
through. which General Sir Abraham
Roberte had just passed, thereby lay-
ing the foundation of the knowledge,
which he later put to such good, me.
Hesoon afterward obtained astaff
appointment, and, discoverin the
value of Hindustani set to work to
acquira the language with the assid-
minis thoroughness charaoteristio of
all his doings.
• went through the mutiny in 1857
e,ad 1818, from the siege and rapture
of Delhi to the .rellef ot Lueltnow•
winning di•en tion tbroug,h Hecour
age and ability. Three horses were
shot under him during tho cam --
At Zi•titiodung, he won the Vi-toril
Cross. had „lust saved a native of-
ti"er's lite wen be saw two Sepays
carrying off the colors. DIshiog after
them, tie slew one, and seizing the
standard, brought it belle in triotaph.
Ile would have lost h's rfe had not
a musket missed fire while its muzzle
was pressed against bie body.
In one of hie earlieet enangernents
while aiding drivers to limber no a
gun, be was
eZ.j-oTa:dwas T
as nor m:rPtlaNI only
muse a leathern Poach which had slip-
ped around to his be 1i, rece;vd the
force of the impoet. Re left the mu-
tiny as a tortvet major and Math, a
roadal with three claspe.
In 1850 he marred. MISS Bows, a
daughter of Captain Reeve, of the Sev-
enty-third rents -tient. She entered
thoroughly into bi9 work, and ber
sympatby bas grent-ty aided hino 'rale
lady aoa two daeghtere AMY comprise
his femily.
In 1850 he beearne a regimental eate-
tain. After q lot ndrain sdr t vt work
be Won t ruedel and clasp in the Um-
heylaa campaign in 183.
11.5 !,tiined the expedition of Lord ta-
o1 Megdata to Abyssinia in la la
As as ist enuar termesier generet ae
supertotende t o embark aion of the
entire expo. listen w la t r en men-
tioned fer ble eervi se, and Lord Nee
per eeleeted bito aa the bearer et eo.
wtebeo whiou outlaw -iced the entire
aueoess of the expedition. Time he
on another medal and Wa% brevetted
lieutenant colonel in tbe Royal Artil
Ae a reward for his serviees with
the Loo b 1 eepeditionery rove in 187a
be svos outdo a afilltara Corepeetion
the Order of tae Itata,
Th qualified ala t °toilet lo 1873 an
received an appeintelent as perialaa-
ent couirterneaster general. with the
twat rank of izajor general,
Lord Lytton offered lam the com-
mend of the Punjaub forces in 134,
when he be-ome a major genera: of
tttrt14.2. bfeg Tacggil
orn eo Ft A h
from Kabul to Jararted. It Was in the
war widele broke out soon aftenvard
that he firet begen to attract thcagen-
eral public attention, width culminat-
ed in enthusiaerri over
.111S VaailkatiS ZIARCIL
During eampaiga ,lAte Wets location -
ed olgat Mame in the debpatolle,u.
Outti march to Kabul, In IVO, while
in corameud or the gurtun Valley
force, he fought a fierce and l000dy
battle at Power Koala winning a
brilliant vietory at Cloarasai before
his capture of the capital. Thence he
-bad to retire to Sberpur eaUtoximents,
where bis foresight had led to the
constructioa or a strongly harem:h-
od positioe. for ,111.9t Uwe an emer-
geneY. Throughout the winter be
held the place wttb e force of 7,000,
againat 10.),000 fieree tribesmen,
Awaiting tbe arrival of re-itifor e -
remits, with the Add of which he
promptly recaptured. Kabul, and was
ready to raeach to laanaabite waen
the necessity presented aster.
From 1881 to 1885 he was In. coin -
mond of the Madras Presidency troops
and las Welt fighting was with the
Burtrial expedition, in 1880. He was
commander in chief of the forces in
India from 1885 to 1893, and the ni was
succeeded, largely on bis recommenda-
tion, by General Sir George Waite,
now bamigured in Ludyeraith.
Since his return to England Lord
Roberts bas been commander of the
forces in Ireland. He was raised to
the peerage. as Baron of Kandabar, itt
Afghanistan, and of the city of Water-
ford in 1892.
Were Lord Roberts emelt enough to
need any personal incentive to eke out
his sense of duty, thee could be am
doubt of it in Ins present command.
Hastily despatched to Cape Town as
Governor of Cape Colony and com-
mander of the forces there, be arrived
just after the battle of Majuba Hill,
when peace bad been declared, "A
peace, alas! without bailor,' he re-
cently said, "to which may be attri-
buted tbe recent state of affairs in the
Transvaal." He was summonecl back
to England. after less than :twenty-
four hours in Cape Town.
Ire was oreatea a Military Knight of
the Grand. Cross of the Bath and. o.
baronet in June, 1881, in recognition of
his distinguished services in India.
In the present campaign his only
son was killed at Tugela River, and
his- nephew, Colonel Sherston
His famous charger, tbe white Arab
Vonolel, which carriedhim from, Kabul
to ICendelaar, and through the jubilee
parede, died last year, showing to the
last that affection for which he
ineptres in . everything 'Joint that
comes in contact with Idea.
Is the shortest and true route from
Canada to the west and southwest the
great winter tourist line to California,
Mexico, Texas and all southwestern
points. Eaery slnadnesda.y at 9 pan. a
pet-Ka:Lally conducted tourist sleeping
ear will leave St. Louis' for Los Ange-
les and San Francisco. Passengers
leaving Toronto on evening trains
reach St. Louis next day at 2p.m.,
Kansas City 9.30 pan., same evening
and Denver next afternoon. nil Wa-
bash trains have free reclining chair
ears, and are solid vestibule, erom end
to end. Full particulars from any
radiroacl agent, or J. A. Richardson,
District Passenger Agent, northeast
corner King and Yoage streets, Tor-
onto, and St. Themes, Ont.
rather -I see why yon ceritt
like Hr. Chubleigh. His habits; are ex-
cellent, He doesn't drink or smoke
or paay the races. What's your ob-
jection? •
Daughter, • who loves anotlier--Oh-
er-I don't know. Suddeely bright-
ening. Pd be so aireally honiesielt
with him; Papa:, beai so nahike, Y.011,
'rhore is exhibited in the drawing
room of 131extheim the wonderful geb,i-
en eradte in which each rirat-hera San
01 the illtillkS4 et XeirlbOTOUgh is rooked
during his infancy. In this cradle,
whicls is perhaps the most beaufiful
and costly thing of its kind in the
world, the present little l‘larnois of
Blandford was placed on his christen,
ing day, 10104 he had been given the -
name of John Albert Rdward
Churchill. VAC little heir, by the way,
Is named tor three well alientei per-
sons, John. for the great Duke; Al-
bert Edward, for tate Prince of Wales,
one of his godfataers, and William fo,
bis grandfather and godfather, W:1
Uuto K. Vanderbilt, The two chit
dren are closely guarded in the pure
ere which copeists a the most charm
ing sa t of rooms in the palace. Wbeo
they go Mkt in tile bIlbe and. white per
toltui tors for exeretee timy are lettere.
ed ah011I in what is known as the
kitchen gardana, whielt are eat open
to tourists for inspection. On other
days they are wheeled about where
taeir entrees wit withie, the 3,1e acres
of private gr t ttials,_wiach are waited
Of from Blenlielm Park.
THE Nla1I31i3 CF Oarlt 1141ItS.
A,ecordiag to tbe Medical Itevord
attrebeired people posse, commonly,
betweea 14 ,tele and .00,t0J Laire on tae
ecolp, the oumber being about the
mate or men and woolen. Bark-Inor-
ed people hove, on an average alieut
104 0, walla red-baired people are
said to have only $a019 hairs. Rut
the latter apparently pea tau oee
great advantage in the faet that ti.ev
retein their h Ar better, seldom boom.
ing b Voir b .ir is b coats ,r
than that et dark or fair-haired per-
Mr. ilfePbersoti-aiw do Yoa 'Wow,
that taaa mate is from Tip -
eery? .
a lainee-,Sore, eter IllePhoorson,
line ablawya 1111 a' thlra filteas boye
is axid:uta la tbeir spaobel
ra West Africa, the natives hiss
when they are astonished; in the New
Hebrides when they see enytlaiug bean-
tiful. TeBeaatos applaud a popular
orator la the assemblies by biasing
hire. The a apane-ie, again, Phan' their
reverenee by a him
TO Cure Catlett and Stay Caned
Cu must, use the most up-to-date
anti most approved method of treat -
Meat. This eau only be had int Catarr-
hozoae which cures t'y inhalation and
is sure to mach, the right spot. Treat -
meats requiring the use ot sprays,
doaebss. sun ts, cinimaas, are a thing
of the past, i.nd the medicated air
reatraeat suprssiles them all. There
is no danger or ri‘lt 11 using Catarr-
hozone. 11 is Loth pleasant and, ef,
aeotive to employ in avy case a Arria
zale Throat., PetiO J3reath, Broocbitis,
;.!ata rrh and. Astbrcen For sale at al/
iruggists. For trill outfit send, 10c, in
etampa to N. C. POlieON & CO., Ilex
318. gingstoo, Oat.
Mr. Pepper -Heal Pee forgotten as
rageli as yo a over kneivi Mrs.
know it, John. 'Yoe ahvays were the
meet forgetful meut ever saw,
eOR (Wee OtteTv YRARa
necilW onoehere ror eh, a carldeen lettbeog it 000thsee
the elleht, oulume the eve so, *labs pan, tams Med
gelie. vale the nen rev r&fx, tar • mrs'hul* 2 45A toe
Ur Rohl by al elneaveto en tegxeinut tho world. tle
saes act a a tar '"Nro..1.14tWow &tattoo; Strop.
Ifulloeh my hoe; you bavelmen put -
(lag on weigh,1 teae't helpit, doctor'
°COTS* Atiel I was Gray to drink at
meals. Got to eat, buck a delne of
Lot ot notate. don't yae knowl
La Toenana, 164. t'dta4a•Nt. C'“'/A11'
;ook awl enough, to eat.
She.... -.0e -t you think ara goad enough
to feed? Love ts woman's whole eela
tence, and. I timidity sh3 overlooks
teat bete in the genie tban man does.
,1.4.10141 Ger rheteems.
Lyon, yfOob,eerieno. tISNRRATIAORNT.
14a -That fatuity itt the brownstone
12OCUSIOU is very eco muical, 1 bear.
May -Extremely! Wily In y Actiaady
hew their beet winter ea tars made into
xit -titters for clear feattman ansI 'onoh..
TO enna A VOLD fa Ostit PAY
Talge ialaxottlact promo Quintino Tabiete All
One Van's Idea of What 2 nem i ad la) 1
„, ars ere e Money t $ 40 tura.
Ao.w. Grove', pr mature 18 08 each box.
you think. dear, you would, love
me any better if Jay bair were some
other color? I don't know, What
,othor colors hove you?
"Pharaoh 10o." rg:.".:Crotfal•
ehaul inrevre,or item:nem mei Cured
or liheratmasekt osJ inekaeler-A
*.HI; Date to Itreeminritil tho
own/due That 41.1tYttl 1111It-,
000111's guluey Pills Do
Even Mire Than ts
(Untied for Thew
XtalnlOr8, Jan, 8.
For home tirae past I bave, contem-
plated wtiting toneerning tho =wit,
01 theavell kuown end wonderful nice!
ieine, Dodd.'s Kidney Pills, bu
alirotegh utgili:t have failea Le a* 001
Nish what I Wow tenni my duty Dur
ing et: a:ea:4'1;1'120 r frequentle
troub.ed with lame baek, so much an
that was unabie at times to stoop
without a great deal of pain and exer-
tion. I experien ad other we:I known
symptoms pe uliar to Kidney trouble,
1 aleo was air ii4ted with Ratiumatiena
in my right, leg and hip to an extent
that 1 one onetantly, while at ray
work, suffering agonizing pains in the
ports We ted. bey work during the
tuanmer months consists of cause box
making and this required. Dlle to be
stated driving n alas. Prev eus
to taking Dadd'a Kidney I ills
I was forced to took to the
invention of a machine to nail
covers on, which 1 named Jack in a
Pinch After taking one box of Dodd's
leaciney PEle I found an improvement
in my condition and before I he.d flea
ished sir...bee:es I found myse'f naiaing
in the natural way and Jack in e.Pineh
wae, discarded. I was able to sit up•Itt
my chair as of old and drive five hun-
dred one -and -a -quarter -inch nails in
eighteen minutes. My brother and 1
worked together, and if necenary he
can testify to the cure I have received
through Dodd's Kidney Pills,
In conclusion I would eity that
Dodd's Kidney Pills are all and' even
more than is claimed for them. If
this is of any benefit to the proprielors
in any way they are at liberty to make
use of it es they may deem advisable.
Wishing them continued success,
I remain,
Very sincerely,
,Chocolate is still u.sect as money in
Pertain parte of the interior of South
America, as also are cocoanuts and
eggs. According to Prescott the
money of the Aztecs consisted of quills
Sall of gold dust and bags of chocolate
grains. Before the introduction of coin.
ed money into Greece, ekewers, or
spikes of iron and copper were usea,
six being a drachm'. or handful. The
sMall, hard shell known as the cowrie
is still used in parts of India and
Africa in place of coin. Whales' teeth
are used by the Fijians, red feathers
by sorne of the South Sea. Islanders
and salt in paete of Abyssinia. In
parts of India calree of tea and, in
China pieces of silk pass as currency.
Oxen still form the circulating nacd-
lum many of the Zulus and
Eigat sections at tne Paris 'Univer-
sal Exhibition of 19C0 will be devoted
to "the history oi the religions of the
world, with tbe belief of ell the known
races or men, pest and present."
Dearne :4 Caaliot Ofe Cured.
y 'deal amplltrattdto, they dxnttat emote the
ste.ed portmn of the ear. Tnero ie only on
ware to envie eiedfner-s, mei that is by eerostitu-
rfonnl yelled Me. Deafness is onevad by an tn.
famed condition of tbe =Irma lining of lieu
hos' aohhen Tube, ken this tobe is infism.
ed Ton hero * tuubtbg mind or ImPorteet
hearing, '.nd abort it is entirely cell -wed cleat:ern
e. thn tomtit, and treeless the inflammation tan
be t ken ont and thin tub. towered to Us nor.
11141 eelleii lee, healing Will be dostroved f r
ever; nine caw ant& ten are woo° l by no-
terrh w'Icah lanothina but au inflamed condi,
Li of the notereis eureirea.
We will give One Ihreirod Dollate for mo-
ms° of Degnesl fee teased by ostarrh) 'hat con
not o wed by Ha Ps Catarrh Cure. Send for
F. .T. CHENEY. IC 00., Toledo. 0.
ild by Dritteg .r4. 7So.
Haas Femily Pille are the beat.
One's sense of sight may' be first-elass
Whose hearing may be weak,
Ear many see the mountarn pass „
:Who cannot hear its peak.
The " Baim_orai," Free Bus
European Ph:. e::cos
kotol earslake to rem St a day p. Opp
G.T.R. Geaticata letonereai. Goat Corslako &
AVENUE HOCSE-IT:c"a-efleguAlen".
V roily telra tee ALM
per day.
air bloteckaalicVrt
hallway. Firict-olses Commercial House. Moder/1'1m-
provementa-ltates moderate.
Old Lawyer -How are you getting
along? 'Young Lawyer -t have one
client, Old Lawyer - be wealthy?
Young Lawyer-HeW. P.
c. 1006.
Carbolic Disernfectanta Scalps, Cant.
relent, TootOr Powders, etc., have been
awarded 100 modals and diplomas for superior
excellenee. Their regular use prevent inreoti-
ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists niailnd free on application,
To p sl do t SHEET ur
8 ell,
OF Gal: yO, 11:T y. e
!,pci other PRODDCE, to ensure best restate consign to
The Clawson Conunissiun Co., Limited,
Cer Weet•hiarleet 84 Colborne St I to
keg A (Rabat ever et ita cern WbiOO, vt,ON
gh Mce
over, t get IkAltoogotx•LedM . 0100 upiti, • A
Lead package
loieoi 50
A most efficient substittit.e for
odrliver oii,, pleasai;tt to the taste,
an4 agreeing with the most sens.
tive stomach. Used by physicians
in tbe. treatment of all throat ind
'lung troubles, f results
count for ost UG.
imit to the
theited tie any addree
casite to covrr pQ8tsg
al Co. tielittwats", Toronto
atilSaget Ceesaagge-iteOeatiteesattetioet An e
404. Boo Cocottes -roll ttl "14"?''4
PARK. Ille*C4 &We ;110 Pntt'
ILI. tnetantly relieve o,tioTdln,rcougft
Or, srewaceineeira Syrup of !leeriest'', sok
;Oda tor It•••Aant. xn45 OD rAGOOPIL of t7e.
Peimen Malleet Plaeineery. Mentrolta
tot etsek Icht$ Accsekul4+
,Rma Sad by ell
or QUeee W. Temente.
Cvters su) ougg. lee. CAye• IA jitry. P., MY
Comm k Co,, Asents, Montreal,
THE ORS lef 43 DieUltATOIV:1-eo-tane
- O. aollene. *no moult for see reaelean. alid
etataleame. 373 lie, rata htrea, Montreal
t atoll*
reds. Wn;cqy1fo
I had been ei sufferer like a grea
many other WOrtlen With a ,disease pe-
culiar to my sex. 1 tried everything'
I could read or think about to help
me, hut Wee getting worse instead of
better. My eanditiou was terrible -1
was losing flesh ond color, and my
friends were alarmed. 1 consulted a
doctor of this town and he said I
would never get better; that 1 would
always be sickly nod delicate, and that
medicines were ot little use to me.
Hearing what. Dr. Ward's Blood anti
Nerve Pills had done for others I de-
termined to try them myself, and to-
day I weigh one aundred ancl forty
pounds, while before I weighed only
one hundred and eigbteen pounds, and
I now have a tonatitution that is hard
to beat. I have not suffered any pain
in months and earnestly hope that
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills will
reach every woman suffering as 1
Sincerely yours,
MAY COLE, Simms, Out.
Price 50o. per box, 6 boxes for $2.00,
at druggists, or if not obtainable at
yonx druggist, mailed on receipt of
•price by Sam. Williams & Co., Toronto.
Book of Information Free.
Bears Important News to His Fel.
IOW Citizens.
Toronto,Jan. 5. -Here is a letter
We hope. every one of our readers will
peruse.: -"I am 39 years old. Have
been troubled' for four years with
what I thought was Rheumatism -
stiffness in the rauscles of my legs,
later to the arms. Soon the stiffness
changed to soreness. Went to Hot
Spring.s, and came back a little better.
Was a moderate drioleer, but quit us-
ing aquae altogether, and eaeefully
regulated my diet. One day I got
wet and then the trouble was wcirse
there ever. Had to lay off for three
weeks. Have had similar attacks at
lintervale ever siece, each one worse
than its predeceesor. Had headache,
pain in the ernall of the back, urine
(leek, scanty wail scalding. Begae
using Dr. Arnold's English Toxin
Pills a short time ago, arid am already
wonderfully improved. Fesi ecitifie
dent they will cure me, and 1. shall
give them the chanee and report. I
have, not felt so well for years as
have: sioce I began using your pills.
177 Yorge St., Toronto,
Dr. Arnold's Ainglitcb Toxin Pills, Qv: only medicine
oh earth that curos disease by killing the germs,
Canso it, aro sold by all druggists, at pc. ii,drunnle
sire 2Se.., or sent poet.ni.ie, on reectipt of ttiiilrai,, by The
nold Co,. Limited, 03./taat. Lao Sluicing",
42 Kiag Street Walk., Toronto.
nite for peerf.honlors.T$
B 3aenef-4, Pletroa.
Isar COWR.
LArr.0 fate 1'41414
PPM AAA Waal* #40 pot
totem" sad 'umiak. rotor.
Jolson block. Toroseb*.
t•ZeWti;tilan 8.,147teeRitiikell
LJakkwr 381111$1.3r1M cname,w..
a ar‘aria-aiLEAD. COPPER. BRASS.
Wholesale only. Lono Disarm ToisPhoreoltat.
Dyeing I Cleaning!
eerie', ear but mama work to ok*
Look for scent In roar town. or and Mead.
friontreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Michigan Land for Sales
nsamilkie ond, Crawford. Counties. Title
feet On Michigan Central, Detroit & IlacklosA
Leon Lake Itailroads. it velem todmifigCCe.71-4
per Lan. Thmo Lanes are °loan 10 Zotarprislar Neuf
Towne, Chonehoe. Sahnole, eta, AEI will bee aid ore ool
roatonibla terms. Apply to
It, .$1, PIERCE. Agent, West Bay 11Ity,Mtsb
Or J,IY, OURCIS, Yfleittomorc Sikh.
P•rtland, Ma., to Llyarripa IIX.
Large And £ast -tcyncrsiai ver,
RAWL Of passay a :-Flrit‘Cab" taa
Gavin, sm; -Steerage, $21.5*
Fur (urrAtor anterfnation* •
DA -V11) TORRA.liCE ktRO., ttotefal 'Agents,
If St. Sicrament Mt. Montreal,
Coming to Trento
FLATS, Stearn Heated, Stearn Pcwar,
Elevator and all oonvonlonoes.
Tam! BUILDeNG, 73 Adelaide St. 'web;
To Manufacturers
litiniTHEY STEAM PUMP -6 x 4, 7 inch
stroke, in good working artier, capac-
ity about eod horse power. Price nes.
FEED WATER REATER-Se horse power,
in good order. Price aze.
0111E No. 3 STURTEVANT FAN .ere inch,
in perfect order. -Price 822. •
011IE No. 4 BUFFALO FAN - 27 inches
high, upright discharge, in excellent
order. Price $35.
5. PRANK Miasma
TRUTH, 75 Adelaide West, Toronto,
ego n. ANNETT, Manager.
40a5 J. Wan se and Troao
The Ca adian
•Heine Safety
• BC)iLEFi
EsPl\anade, To rorito
Opiti Sherbourn ,
i -
iitZli C*Asis Wa+c-
,,.., PP, n, p
tTlib :
iiei1art5 , fOT.0iiiii,
!Litins aiu unI.
,•.:1Et'i(t P. ou ntis'cutpnvEs c I et
, , , ,
Toroneolloserit tiyht o.., Ltirako.,
RAI ' ,T,lioT„: NsiOn Co, 1:ttoitea.
, t 'The Diltta Percica Subber A Alia. Co,
relleg' 1-11'0'itliswiColirricrris Co., Limit,,d,
, Tito Wilson Publirli Mg ,Co.; 1,41.znitool
(Agar TerOoto, Irk bre boilers inky lig silo wor