Exeter Times, 1900-1-4, Page 5a Et J1TB.T MONEY TO LOAN. at from 44, to rnemtra tt,' ne MAN. Barristers, Seliciteue Blau St, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. we bare unlimited privet(' feuds far invest,- meut upon farm Or village property at lowest rates ot interest. PICESO.N CeARIANG, Exeter. TT KINSMAN. L. D. S. AND -ea- DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L. S. 1). D. S., Honor Graduate 'of Termite University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without an or bad after effect. Oftice in Fate son's bloce. We -t side of alam treet Exeter' DR A'llrliSON, (.0- a, 8. L O. ) DmanisT. Honor !Graduate of the Toronto Univereity. .a� Royal College of Dotal Surgeoes of Ontario. All bridge worla Crowns. At d Plate work done rn the neatest- possible manner. A ha.ruilese amesthetle Mr paluless extreetion, 'The strictest attention given to the preservat. ion of the nateral teeth. Office oppoeite Cele; teal Hetet, Exeter, Ontario. A HOOFER, 14imsecl A-ao- tioneer or the aunty of Heron. ea es con- ducted iu all parts. and foreouvenience can be arranged for at this Oleo, eeetisfactionguarare teed, Cbarges moierate. Exeter P. O. FRISer tne onto tbe premise:sot ttobt. emery, let 0, eau. U. ['slit:woe, on or about eeth November. ts, heifer. Owner can liai-e eame by proving property unit pee Me expenne- RORT, CREE11.1% .111., Wincheleea, Pale 011.1 C otiee ie berate,- given that the 25th AN- AL MEETING of ;he membere otTIII HAY ToWNSHIP T.AltMEIthMUTUAL s INSURANCE COMPANY will be held. tto TOWel HALL, ZURICH on Tiles:day, iOlThorY Kee. at no O'clock P. M. 1.111151.'eaSeaRceeising the Directore and Secret ary'e Annual Report. Election of Dir. , lectors, and other businces for tho good awl welfare of nao Company. All members are re - ;Waded to Mend. 4101IN tUUUTT. Bete HIS'elthr Preslacnt. elecretare. HOSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. The undereigned Executors ot the eetatoot the late itiniel Suite of the township of eller for SAO hottect anti stable and tbe fiveael- tette in the alibi& of Dasnweeit. ate hen% Met stable Are frame and aro ad- anireley situated, For Curter particulate Miele 10 K. eleetz Esq.. or August Helmet:leer • Daehwead, Ont.. the Exec utorte of Dapiel Same deceased, or to their Solicitors, eleaas. COLL'IN.14 STA:ern/Ilea Exeter. Ont. N()Tux OF APPLICATION Xn theSurrogate Ceti at of the County of Huron. In tlw matter of the efutudianship of Lorne Mt:Taggart, the infant child of James Leonard McTaggart. cif the Township of Tuckersmith, m the -County of Huron. phyeician, deem- ed. Notice 1 bereby given that after the expira- tion of eiveuty ;Jaye front the Met publication of this uolice, application will be made to the Surrogate Court of Um County of Huron for a grind of lettere Of guanliausleire of the above minuet infant, to Horatio eTelson elearagetue or The Township of Tockersmith, merchant, the gnuelinther of the said Want, COLLINS & STA..NBURY 441"' Solicitors for the Appliennt. Dated thefath day of December. MO. NoTicE To CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Dauiel Sacks, lac of the Towr,ship of ,Hay the County of Huron, retired farmer (Teased. leollee is liereby given pursuant to the pro - ion e of chapter 129 Revised Statutes of Ont. 1807 that all persons lao.vMee cleans egainst1elie estate of the said JAMUL tatees, deceased Nebo died on or about the 8th day af Jenuary lell9 ore required on 4:1r before tho tho 1st day Ite January 1900 to eerie poet PraPtehl to Rene R. 2N--L'.c71.i=t°111115;Al g16'11'eA'aster, mete names and addresees and 'ooeurrition with particulars of their claims end state. metes of their Acemin la and tbe nature of their zecurities lif any) held by them. And notice is bereby given that after the 1st day or January 1900 the Executers will proceed to distribute the assete of the said deceased among the parties eutitled there- to having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received by the said John K. Goetz and the tedd Exe- cutors shall not bailable for the :mid assets or any part. thereof to any person or persons of whose claims, notice shall not have been receiv- ed by thew at the time of such distribution. COLLINS &STAN'BURY,Exzeme, Ozer, Solicitors for the Executors. Dated this 71,1i day of December, 1899 + •Li OUSE AND LOT' fl etreet east Apply to IHISS VOSPER SANDERS, Telegraph °Mee. Exeter. FOR SALE,. • thurItoberts, of Toronto. Alessre. R. es:he rood %tome' and a half frame house on Thos. Orr and Thomas Loughrin of that city, were ushers. The wedding fevers to the bride were especially choice, rind attested the high regard of her many friends. The groeni's gift to the bride was a beantifol diamond brooch, while be gave as mementoes to the bridesmaids, birthstone rings - to Miss Towson a sapphire, and to miss McLennan an opal. After the felicita-, tions to the happy .couple, the patty set down to a handsome dinner pre- pared by Miss Gibson as caterer. The dining • room was prettily decorated with hnily. The bride and erooni left on the afternoon train for west on their honeymoon trip. The bride's going away gown was of /levy Mee appliqued and toque to match. She Wore also a Persian lamb jacket., the gift of her mother. The guests from Exeter invited to the happy event in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Richard. G-idley, EC Miss Gidley and Miss Lily erdy. - LOcal8 Nue- YEAR Vrsreons.-Fred Hill, noodle Hy tteur' auch and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bissett, London; Chas. Wot- away, Brantford ;- se Missmeeenee SERVIOEs.--Oo Sunday last Missionary serniOnS Were preached ia Main st. Methodist church by Rev. Milyard, son of the Pastor. Kr. Mil - yard i$ at present attending college in Montreal. He delivered two very able and appropriate eermous. Although the weather was stormy -and eufevor able the subscriptions and colleetions were altelOat to last year, and by the time the collectors have done their work the amount, may be in advance f previous years. 4 STOR51••"-DUring the past few days the people in this section have exper- ienced a most severe snow storm, l'p to Christmas the weather had been mild and spriug like, with no elietee Christmas eve le began to snow and has since snowed more or less until New Year's day, when the fieishiag touebes were pnt, on, snow arse falling to the depth of a foot and a fterWares drifting- into the roads, filling them and rendering them impassable. Traf- fic on the highways was suspended for a day or two nud the mei mails were cancelled for a time. Die:19 SpODE,Niae.-John Rieke, who Q(' some montha s has vonducted tem- peranee house in brit who Was formerly a resident of Exeteledliel Monday, at his home. lie had limo 111 for wine time, the result of too free ndulgence in liquor, and on Sundey night fell out of bed onto the flow' 'here he lay expoeed the cold until th morniug. he was found in an unconsciou$ state by his two small children, who were alone In the house with him. He leaves wife. daughter of T. Horn. Exeter North, and three children to survive hips, flis remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery. THE ELE(710:10.- The election ENO" an l'anwIV wre APParetittY quiet. owing no doubt to the eterney weather. The several eaudidates Were however, alert in their own interests, and and a large totel vote was polled, W. IL Lovett headed the pull foe Coimeillor, receiving the largest, vote eve polled in Exeter. Chas. Rowe, unigh publicly stating he was noe hi the field, received several votes. The Connell for 11309 will be, NV, G. Dissett, Reeve ; Councillere, W, H. Levett, 1, Armstrong, J. EFallS and J.:1Iulie Divisiou. Fon RstiVs 1 2 S 4 Th Bissett, W. G.. ... .. 89 07 n--laht- Taylor, John........, 29 41 41 01-172 Fort corsethr.on. A.rnistrong, 78 59 (1(1$j-.-287 Evans, 3.- 73 47 35 70-23I Howard, E. S 35 48 01 IS -21.7 Levett. W. II ...... 75 00 72 95-303 Muir, John 3-1 53 73 SO 210 Rowe, Charles, 7 2 13 5-- 27 Wood, John, 07 41 30 78-210 PRETTY 01IRISTIJA$ 'WEDDING. peetty holiday wedding was celelwated in Stratford, Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mre. Pinch; corner Shrewsbary end Cambria streets, of that city, when her daughter, Miss Fenny K. Pinch, became the bride of J. A. Bothwell, L, D. S., of that city. The wedding took place about 1.39 before a pleasant company composed principally of relatives and friends, several of whom were present from a, distance, in the drawing room, which 1VtiS prettily decorated, with white caruations, emu smilax and arti- ficially lighted. Tbe bride, who was given away by her cousin, Nelson, AIonteith, M. P. P„, looked especially attractive. in a gown of white brocade of satin, trimmed with pearl and clef - fon, wearing a tulle veil with wreath of lily of the valley, and carrying. li shower mpet of white roses. Mrs. A. Tilley played Mendelsohn's -wedding march as tbe bridal party entered the drawing room. The bride was attend- ed by Miss Mame Thomson, of Pitts- burg, Pa., as maid of honor, and by Miss Jean McLeianan, of Stratford, as hridesmaid, these young ladies being gowned in white organdie trimmed with vaie lenciennes lace and sertion and white satin ribbons, and carrying a boquet ef pink roses. Dr. Bothwell, the groom, was attended by Dr, Ar- VOTICE TO CREDITORS Of John Ilynclinan late of the village of Exeter in the County of, Ruron. Physician, deceased. - Puratiant to Chapter 129; of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims Against the estate a Jahn Ilynernan late of the village of Exeter in the County of Huron. physiehm, who died on or about the third of October. A.. E.,189e, aro, on or before the first day of February A. D. 1900 toleend by -post pre - td. to Mestirs.Dickson & Carling, Solicitors or the Execiuters of the seed deeetesed their ehristitte names and surnames, eddresses and eseriptions, the full particulare of their claims statement of their accounts and tho nature of lose:males Of any) hold by them and. tho( tier the day last aforesaid the said _Executors -ill proceed to distribute the assets of the Id deceased among the parties en baled eh ere - having regard only to such claims of which eetice shall have been given as aboye required ad thermal Executors will be lieble for the saiaassots, or any part thereof to any person or perame of whose claim at elatill18 notice shall not have been received at the time of such dis- tribution. NOTICE TO nsirrons All accounts, notes &o, alio or outing lo the Erin of Ilyndman & Hyndman, Physicians, *which saki arm has been dissolved by the -death of the said deoeasedJohn Ilyndemminus be paid on or before the first day of March D. 1900 to U.K. Hyndmart, Phesicion, who eatborietcl toeticeive and disieharge, the stt1,11 A,.ati all accounts &c, repealable, unpaid atter', 6 Sid last montioped date will he placed in cufrb Mr collection, Dated at Exeter this 271,13 cety of Dee-Fla/bar D. 1299. DICKSON & CARLING. Sorrs for Execi aud sena us wit h 5 cents pi sever, ,ind eee get by return maitea GOLDEN DO /300De the t yon in Menr, M -in one mantle than Itaythieg else in Am ve KINNEY, E. T., Salem-Yermouth Death has beck very busy atnon , the near irelativee of Davil Connell, * 1 t en of whoreehnve stir:climbed to • . the grim reaper within SOVED years Iitel tided in this list are, father, tit other, sister, btotber, lihree nephews, two nieces, one emit ant two tira te, Cousins tire not 111 31.3. A„ ors. will or • ea. 41114... THEY RETURN THANKSes Exeter, Jan'y 3r1, 1900, To the Editor of the .T.intes.-I take this opportunity of thanking all the raeepayers of the village of Exeter, and especially the ladies f or the .very ,handsome vote they gave me on Mon- day hist. N,Vishinar, you all a happy and prosperuus New Year', I remain youe obedient servant, W. G. Btssinee. To the Editor of the 'Tress. --Allow me through yont paper to thank my many friends in Exeter for their lib- eral support on Monday, in not only electing me to the Cornice Board, but placing me at the head of the list, The best attention will be given to m u n icipe 1 la teeters. Wishing all ad Happy New Year, W. IL LEVETT. 00° FOR OVER, .FIFTY YEARS AN Oto AND WELL -TRIED Rem:q.v.-Mrs, Winslow's Soothine, Syrup has been used for 'over fifty years b3 -millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens tho gums. allays al pain. cures wind coltc. mei is the best reniedy for Diarrhoea. 11 is pleasant to the taste. eold by druggist s 1 l4'V013 part or the world. 25 131 1 li. 111• 4ic diiiahie. `sere arid ase for Mi- Wintiletw's Sotthing ' Syrup anti take no other kind. zion Battle Ended, BORN FIT TOX-In Exeter on the thte ult., the wi To the Editor of Tiee About, a month ago the ultimatiun was signed by Sir. Chamberlain and Paul Kreger. Tbe battle has been raging einee, The 13ritish uncler en- aal Brook and Lieut. Jones, the Boers under C7ommarein- Hern and Captain Smith. The British, who have or late been eoneentritting their forces on the Otle and 7th cops, had their army well trained and in good fighting trim, while the Boers enteenched on the tftli and fith eons., had not their soldiers so well disciplined nor so well trained, their forces being somewhet scattered, The Baal Irettle was fought on Wed- nesday of last week, the 13ritish gen- eral making the attack on Lite Boer position, under Commander Hen. There was a, fierce cannenade and rifle lire between the two armies. After one hour's tierce firing General Broel; eent a large force of eavalry and in- fentry to the Boer trenches, The Bowe not being able to steno, before the cavalry fied in every direction, Umpire E, Avery (let:levee*, the British victorious. The casualties were ow merons amongst he Bowe, none killed, thirteen wounded. fl are doing well under skillful treatment and wifl r cover. And now. Ur. Witter, the battle fought and the Yietory won, it will he the duty of all tr. do tlwir utmost, to nwhe the ine011eing teaeber welcomth Lt will be linpossible for hill) to be sue, cessful in our echool if he 110.$ not the enereeration of tile scholars and the .1.tr.• ::)S0 lt 11611 be the duty of v;uh9.,...vet to encourage the children to appreeiate their teaelier's efforts =mega them ; if not. it will be up -bill week. for him. W bile a Mineher of us W011id refnin the present teacher our trestees thought differently, it is ()W.' duty to atilde by their decision witliciet any Woking. lf he gives perfeet satis- factiou, we sincerely hope be may. The present, teacher 1105 been in our midst tor reven and a half years and his services heve 13ee0 appreciated by nearly all the ratepayere. and he has done eexellent work in mar ;whoa Mr. Brock, when lie became a mill - date for trw trnsteolifp, needed to know how many friends he lost. Those of us wbo voted. agaluet, Mr. Brock dal not do it, becamse we were not friendly toward him. We voted for Mr. Bat- ten because we expeott.4 he would uiale the most efliewnt, trustee, and as friendly to Air. Brett as weever vere and intend to remain so. We alI respected Air. Brock RIO 41e) yet, and we intend to abide be, the decision and hope everyone else will, and make 12. pleasing and happy for the 'morning Melt er. AN'h thank you. Mr. Editole for the space in your valuable paper. We remain, yours truly, ONE W110 IS Ixtruitneerem. OLITII IIURON FARMERS • TITUTE. Tlie regnlar meetings of the ionh Ifilr011 armee institute will be held as folliews, vis; e1-t4Celie1d; 41311. S, 1900 Ono &cloy% p. ni. Deseeee bale . S. WoodWard, Lockport, N. Y.,. aubjeet. * rentable beef malting." J. S. 'Woodward. Lockport. N. Y„ "Corn how best grow and use it." .1. E. Crealy, Seafortle Ont.. "Cream. erles'und how to maim them prontable." "Our export bacon Mule te bo discussed. 'EVENIWO tOnftattith 7.30 o'clock p 133, e. S. Watelwartl, indeed, "A lay sermon. lEatteetOr T'OeVre Hu11,JEU1. Otli One tecloee, p. U. 1.5. Wooilward, Lockport, N. Y., tritleteet, "Minutia simply machines, wbat for and how to ewe" 3. b. Woodwarte-Erouoteleal 1431134 production, R. Meletordie, l'elppe», Ont.- .0.griceleure, put, aud lemma,. Our export bacoa trade. Mite Oro ereeettso. 7.30 o'clock p, 133. 3. S. Wooawitra-A. iny sermon. N. 33. .-A lady swelter is expeoted to adelress each meeting. At each evening meeting a Ilterery and musical pregnunme will be pro- vided. R. B. MeLEAN IL GARDINER Pres, EXETER ROLLER PULLS WOOD WANTED ALWAYS READY FLOU Wholesale & Retail CHOPPED FEED. BerfeY, Peas, Oats, Corn Big Stock on Hand PricesRight. JOSdP1-1 COTABLEDICK MANAGER. CALL AND SEE ALL OUR HEW ancy Goods Xmas ; lid New Years are over but still have lots of pretty and useful ai&ieles for the people. GAMES OF ALL KINDS. Triangle°, the newest gems out, is a Very fasuiating game and affords great imusement for the long winter eyenei ‘ngs. Also Carroms and Crokinole) /boards 75c, round or square; 5 and ' 10et games, child's sleighs and rocking horses, toys, China, Glass and Ebony ware, Lamps, Granite toilet setts, boilers, kettles, shoe and stove polish, ink lead pencils, school bags, castor and machine oil, matelies, etc. FRESH OYSTERS and FRUITS" Levites Fair! tOR RceRISIAN STEAM , LAUNDRY. Of FAN cm. 144t0n of %am,. MARRIED Tem -On Deo. le. by leer. Mr* Penh:ell. at the reeidence of the !melon pale eute. Mise Jennie Gibson, ot Morrie, to J. Tertian, of Blythe - At the fondly hone, bplingInt*, Rowlett, Dee. 13, by the ilea. K. A. Shaw, of Ilayeleld. Arthur W. Darned), of ealmerston, 80 Mello. May, youngest dategle ter of George Gregg. TONEMOUSE --GLENN - On Wedecediy. Dee. te at the eletliodiee patronage. North, etreet, Godeeiela, by the Wye Jasper `Nilsen, AL Jes. atouetiouse. of We( Han-mm*3e to Annie J. Glimmer ,mhneld. Bsevsl1,5-CV9NS--.41 the resideneeof the hridee father. Goderieh tewitsbee ou Dee. efa by Rev MurdottlaW A Reeverit, to ;Miss Ida. J., daughter of eco Beetle:ell of Goderich townsbia, 1NDEI45ON-SIT0LDICE - At the residence of the bride's parents on Dee lath, by Rey t; Abey, of Oreeeele. W 12 A,ndersene. of Wal- lace. to Miss Jennie, elaughter of eidaln Shoe diee. of Grey. FERGIJEION-PIIII4LIPS-1a Belfast, on Dec tah. by the Rev eir Fairbairo, of Pune= note assisted by Rev. 31r Wbaley, of St, Helena Thies A Fereoteon, of Lanes. to Mies Rebecca J. eoungest deugliter ot lir. and Mrs teemnia P112 lIps, of Belfast. BAKER -1101,VARO --A t Vecearla St putiouyst, titelerirb. on Pee eitzle by Res 0.1 AIDA ere4 W Raker. and Miss Mary J leeward. kettle or Bayaeld, IIEDDE.P.SON-SUEPIdi Ellie -et, the re:erect:co of bride's parents. of Clinton. at high uoeneen Christmas Dey. by Rev W G liOrt-son, Mt-' IV eldee datiebter of Jainea Sitepherell, of Clinton. te J ilinidersee, of 'reroute. OttiO -Mlle:VE-0n December 21113. at the reeidence of the Itareilltttt of the bride. by live P Musgrave Ileekr, to elleee Agees Jane Grieve, 'both of Meleinop. *u3'9'rt,NY-11013)Ne0:s7, -On Verember 17. at the residence of the parents of tho bride, by Ocr P aim:grave. T ti Wbeaticy, to Mite -11111110 3 Robinson. both of eleleillop. FiteGGART lieSELWOOle - At the residetice of the brideet brother-in-law. Holten, on liecember nab. by Rev 3 A Hamilton, David Hoegart. to ellea ElleolnetieJ lieseelweaa, all • Iluttete. lARDIN'Ell-ett the residence o the brielv'efather. Getierieh township. on Pee. ember 19113, by live A Stewiert. Themes Mur- peey.te Mies Eine Gardiner, daughter of John bardner. alL ct tioderiele. Township. VIN-STEINDAVII--At the resideut e of Mee; father, Zurich, on December eette. by R .3 Sitenderaen. Geo M Baldwin, of ieaCorth, to Mise tenth d E requiem:le chive: daughter of etelnbaele:02 Zit rat -latoYfat- At tete re,itienee of the bride's' father. itiatsall.ou tetveueleer ifeth. Vey J S ilertatereon. John emelt. et lietaell. to Al iss Annie Troeer, eldest., daughter of Jamee reree-er, ilemettl. eetALLAC0316E-ELLIII- et MP readenceee the brielteR failiVr• non -:a% on member ,by Rev J 5 Ilendereen. F W T Sterellaeembe of Renate. to 314ee Isabella rani, ebleet daughter of Jos Ellis. eeq. Kegler et the 3feth411lie4 parson' time $t. Mare -e. . to the lane ult.. Perey Dickey. of Rearesberte mei Annte lIePt Smith. of Nita mete VIND .1011NWE02-Trs 114;111-14:10131,11 SVe1eetelay Dee 27. Mary Anson, wife of Wen Johu.on River Road. aged Pe Note crop the leite nite Harriet Poke aged plyearza. Ooderieli has a hely who made Xmas boxes awl ileed them with intenaile vendee. el eVere hind. Five Packs of Cards Free, Ono reit, `May 1. V, la Thence One paelt *Evert. thlepael; leartatione theopeele •Ileld. toelfrate One peen 'Otr Sofa Just Holds Two: Samples of 21-e other slyke with bet* Mil of no. *ions. Sena 50. SEver for poeteue. A. W. KINNEY. E. T., SaleuveYiermontle N. s. GIVE A. YOUTH resolution and a couree lineinees and 11oft hand at the folegST 4 and, who 421111)1am llardis.to his career. Catalogues tree. 3. W. W 1TEUVELT, Principal NEW Meat Market The undersigned has opened ep new meat market one door Soutit of Gann's Store where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN T. MANNING LilUS itS W NT Highest Paces Paid. CUSTOM SAWING -DONE AT LOWEST PRICES. Sutherland Ines Co. LTD. Late Gould's Mill, Exeter, Ont. New SI smith Shop The undersigned wishes to announce that he has opened up a bla,cksinith buSiness in Dayis' old stand, Main St., where he will he prepared ,to do all kinds of General jobbing 40R BLACKSMITHING HORSESHOEING 4 SPEGIALTY. , A CALL SOLICITED Jae. Russel MARKETS. 13:1e245'. A-NL'ArtY,Itle, Wilekg• per itieetea e 3 d) 8 4) 11 3I'u 31) ee to te le . 17 to 17 9 Le • • 7 to 7 ...„ 0 to 0 teite Kew Butter.. . Eggs.. Tarkeys (iieeee Chielreue per te- lamer; . Wove 113 00 Driee...*epplee... 5 to learkdreesed 83.00 tO When prr iraelal,.. .... Lend era JAN l'ae ItY 301o, 302449 ..........4.6.43 Ti: vrt 31 • . , • •.......... . •.. ..•. . -, 0ttoO 446)7::..ea .::°I8::•.•.:1V4rt (4.t°70 . . .. ..,7 •.•...::.93 9 11 19l06 j„aci:. 04) ie;0 ,, Kge .10 to 42 Gee:, per re 0 le , , . . et to 75 Ch e eteee per rag... • . ... t to 19 Poireese Pere per eivt... ; op, e.te ta icl Hee per am .. frt.* to eeeee Couldn't sl • with the Eozoma, r Salt Rheum as it i often called3 s one of the mos agonizing of suin diseases, nothing hut torture during' the day and two. fold -torture at night. But there's a remedy' permanently wes the worst kind of iiotun relieves the itching, burning anti smarting and soon leaves the skin 51111OtOtil and healthy. It is Burdoelc. Blood Bitters, Mrs, Welch, Gre:nbank, Ont. riled it and here is what she says: "B.S.B. cured me OF 17,ezenie three yeara ago and 1 have had ee return of it ei:4Co. 1 was so bad Mat / weld sot :deep at night with it, "Being told of B.11.11, I tried it, and two bottles made a perfect and permanent cure." TI -11E Clo bung lonstantly pursues 11 man it is tqtsy onough of F ()lotion, though when you are able to avail yomelf of our offer. We are showing a tine range of 13laek orstetl in twills. vene- flans and clays (bought before the heavy advancti in price and selling at the old prw(s.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting.. We show A big range at moderate priees in Scotch and Canadian tweeds we eary a large and well as- sorted stock. Priees to suit all. .1 large stoek of the lat- est goods \ oerefor singt from $l0 up. GIVE US A CALI, and sec what WO MU do for you. J. H. Crieve. MERCHANT TAILOR PALE PEOPLE Have their blood enricheC, their heart strengthened and their cheeks rosy by using mourn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Insuffteient quantity or pooe quality of the blood is one of the evil results that usually f ollow any derangement of the heart. If the heart becomes weakened in any way it cannot pump the blood to the hinge as it should, there LO be purified and im- pregnated with the life-giving oxy,gen. cAs a result the el--,eaelW''., blood deteriorates, are eeeeeseeea;., ,Je - •'• »..^` '1 12 Icaes its nourish - I hies vitalizing, b ilth-giving qual- -. The face be- eoeies pale, thin and CVeXell _the lips bloodless, the hands and feet cold. V14' There is weak- ness, tiredneSs, shortness of breath and palpitation. When those suffering from thin or watery blo d start taking Milburn's Heart and Ner. Pills they are assured of a cure. Every dose acts on the heart itself, causing it to beat strong, steady 5031 regular. Every dose,too, introduced into the blood those vital elements neeessary to make it rich and red. Soon the pale cheek takes Oa the rosy hue of health, there is Strength instead of weakness, energy and activity take the place of tiredness and lassitude. Miss 11. Skullion, 60 Turner Street, Ottawa, Ont., says: "I was greatly troubled with my heart, together whiz extreme nervousness for many years. These complaints brought about great Weakness and feeling of tiredness. My blood was of poor quality, so much so that I became pale and languid. Milburn's 17e113t and Nerve Pills eared me after all o failed. They built up my eystem, wirithed ley blood, strengthened tay AWNS and reStorea inc to health." AS PROPOSITION Beauty end stele a itheta ten - is easily ataitiet 4‘, es taint e We - Out Appeal:a:we es*. 4.74:..,44ly 5O44i.i. You. never 5.."'.7 na itlyi• ; "Sheer Shoes." s',t iiemy of 'cc cover conifertaQy r feet, Tire rershieeti eomfeet feel Lee- e o bt lied .I:ade in ttt vt_ Vatape, ea lasts modelled from actual f• -:et, all widths and sizcs, Lathers, styles and colors. livery pair welted, llama a price stamped ea t13;; 60±e., 0 ARP 11 PACKMAN, SOL LO 'AL AGENT. ONEY'S MONEY Any man wllo wears ha J. D. King Co.'s ib PrOC: Rubbers .tat:Qs mon c -..-move., 'a Me; warlft yo; t'Lau reTie .leberea, biet1,2i1S le Lae:ea:3;e tt.itt.n; Any progressiv- t you ali about $tob Pilovioif not, We'itte g Co., and they tt,41 you. ca't to bo 'without then; boouiso they aro th best. $oo that Stab Proof is si-,...btrz) on bottom eaelA sine. The j. D. XING CO., Ifinui fIVronto. Montreal. Winnipeg, me Tailor -‚ B1boj1• '6: Son. IPM.V1•71•••••••••••••••~71Z rotes, wedding took MaCe At Mit" 111;t4 oti the 2n11 con, Stan:. it' .day. -0.1az his eldest daughter Wa'i united in marriage to ('0 alt.. •••••,.....••••••••••••••••• Xou requwea: 13 LAC K6u1t, very often at tide teenier year. We aro prepared to tit you *nein the nest style. 13522 quality o ods cio,est prices. - Wedding Su A Specialty To THE h lady aed of her Deafness and Noises in the Ilead by Dr. Nicholsons Art ifieial Ear Drums has vont *I,( 4(1 to his Institute, eo that deaf neople enable to ?revere the li`ar 1)z inns may have tIittn free. Sip - ply to Dept. A. tlie Institute, 71e Eighth, SiNvittw. l'ihnv Yorker. S. JAS SNELL TH ILY 'Meat Market For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, idneys rarrentning is zat rasy Wide. Tbe (inst)lnt Teaeleing up road the lifting ntl stooping over are all severs strains on the kidneys. No wonder a earpenter exclaimed, reeently, that every time her drove a, 31411 11 seemed as though he was BOLOGNA. and SAUSAG piercing his own baek. Ile uses LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB. FRESH PORK, and all kinds or eitheet great difeenite, and I bad revere -neuralgic OAN'S Kidney Pills now on the first sign of Backache and. is able to follow his trade with comfort And % profit. "1 hare had kidney aud urinnry troubles for more than threeye4r.3 with severe nair, hi thesenall of ve back arid in botb sides- I could not sump Fresh arid *gated. Pleats1 Dein in bethtemnles. Seeing, the advertiseraeat of DotesMetre Pills. I got ate*. They havognen on hand. sue traiok relief, removiter, the) Pain from the back Note tbe address, one door north of mIcl ray heed. The =Irene eifficalty Is now entire/y The R. Pickard Co's store. / me, I feel fresh affd igorous in the morniees, and arti much stronger in avers wee since Ice:Mae LOUIS Off, PROP rd'aitils.u4'..a.' otT 8.11)s'earPauter ar4 SCHOOL EOOKS A FULL LINE OF NEW 0BOOKS FOR School awning AND ALL THE .011ILD- R.,ENS NEEDS AT Browning. Where the Scholars ai used well. TRY R. N. BOWE, FOR Furniture YOU WILL GET SATISFACTION EVERY TIME. Undertaking RIGHT UP-TO-011TE fiLL LINES. A Man is always t The„ SWIM If be wears;`, one of W .TOHN'S neatly fitting Suits Ile is a sure fitter. His pricee are away down. Ris goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before hu in NOUX FALL SUIT The Tailor. Bytes - apd--- Ignev the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that v cant room with one of our If Room Setts, Tables. Chairs, Etc GET SOMETHING We have it, you want rake a look at 0111' full line or ?FURNfind what you, are' loolting, ITURE .and you wil' S CiplapEX' PNITIME eeehpisl °Rem, Ho 4