Exeter Times, 1898-11-24, Page 1,
4,..4,7). kto*,:k,TA its its its its irs its go i 7
rs .,, 7 itS 'VS gttr!t,Att
to .1 -40. •••111•• •41••• ...1 •
401;14 VOZIVW;1;"•71Vra/V 1'A, A 0 IN ./iV oliN ir• '10 W
• ‘vE COAT,.
a l'31‘11
.31$ FAC—Pvs. "
EL t.P... 41 its
Why not buy your winter overcoat now? You 51
, are °nth:Jed to all the comfort you can get foryour lif
.. money. A months wear at the beginning of the win-
, .v...
110.-4 ter is as good as two HiOlithS 'next spring. If you lif
.7 need an overcoat yeti cant do better than see oursnow. x
§;, They're well made, properly trimmed, fit riglit. and
1:: sold.at prices th suit yon. Here are a few with prices: IV
ari•- . teea4
aye, Boy's double-breasted . solutely wind and water-
1.7 heavy all -wool frieze, light
„ proof, 50 inches loag,a, thor- erS'
or dark brownhigh etorna oughly serviceable, elegant tra
Ai collar, or cape; heavy dark oyeecoat, ' extraordinarily
check tweed lining for boys cheap at ,, . .... .. e. . . . ......$16.9e "as
U.,•,,' 4 to 12 years, $2.90 to . $4.50 Youth's an Men's,fly- • ielet.
se Youth's fine black . front, single breasted, black gat.
sil frieze coats,lighb grey check curl cloth overcoats, velvet Iry
tweed lining, double -breast-
collar, serviceable Italian 1•••• .1
VT* t4
ete 4ed, half belt on back, and „ cloth linings, good stylish Ay,.
le slash pockets, a firstrate finish,fit guaranteed at $6.90 'SW
garment only $6.50 and • $7.00 e)ks.47).
le Men's ulsters heavy . . Men's single-breasted
"sei4 Canadian Frieze,high storm overcoats, in navy blue and
colltuedoublebreasted,throat dark gray, English beaver X!,
estee tab, heavy check tweed lin- cloth, two inside breast poc- ea.
40' ings. full 50 to 52 in. long, , kets, velvet collar, best far-
ftr, dark serviceable brown easa mu's satin lining, good Ina-
aVe, ler a, leader at. .... - ........ $4.90 hair sleeve lining, a solid gel
la Another : - All wool value coat at $10.00 better •egi.
frieze ulster, dark heavy- still at our price only......:. $8.90
4t, checkedtweedlineing,either .A. very Stylish coat for ..t.p.
.. eke slash or breast pockets,deep men, is our fine quality curl ere
stor in collated° uble-breasted cloth overcoats{ in black or %so
AI. throat tab, fulllengtlablack brown and green mixed,sin- I.
"4-1V• or brown, you can't buy • gle brea,sted,all edges boand
ela • .......... .. ...m.
• A
Ilk•Te.', Cheaper ..... .. $6.50 midi, narrow black cord,
et. Men's imitation Rus- best quality, Italian cloth eVe
ree . le -••••1
*ea sian, lamb, . coats, double lining, firsteclass trimmings, 40
VI breasted, extra deep storm with silk velvet collar, a iSfitt
A collar, heavy black satin lin- nobby coat in any company
•Ift ing, nicely quilted, interlin- for $10.95 reles.
take.* ed with gossamer rubber,ab- 434
Satherland, Notary Public, Covey
ancer, Commigelonee, Fire Insurance agent
and Inver of marriage LiOeneee. Legal demi
Menta carefully drawn ab reasonable rate
lVfoney to loan on real estate ab low rates of hi
tercet. Mee at the Post office. Honeall.
(Late with Gerrow & Preudfoot) Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Public, Hartsell, Opt.
30111S WarrieL o
Publielicre pad Prepriet
..nEws.—mr.. anti' miss Hobbs, of
Thornclale, are visiting friends •
Mooresville this Week, - Miura
Lewis, of Adare, has returned from
au extended trip to Manitoba, and, re-
ports having a good time, this week. -
Elgin Shoff, of Toronto, and Ma,
Napoleon McIlargy, of Hamilton, are
visiting friends in Clandeboye this
A. Senora e Minweek. L. D. $., D. D. Sor Gracia
• ate of Termite University, Dentists. Teeth *I
extracted withbut pain or bad effeete. Offiee Lumley
ii Petty's Block, Hensall. At Zurich every
Monday, commencing May 30th.
BaiRES.-The little daughter of Mrs.
13nears.-Miss Louie Moir retorned sohh oario, who has been seriously
horne onalonday front Toronto Con- ill, is recovering -Robert ,ielSonald,
Drysdalited friencls in town
servatory of Music. --Miss a the of the Thames Road, who is past bis
e Vis
peat week. -Miss Ballantyne pleasant-
ly eritertaanect a number of friends at
theie home in Hay township on Friday
evening last. -Revival meetings are
being continued this week, Next Sun-
day will be Evangelist Kerr's last Sun-
day. , The .meetings have been pro-
ductive of much good.e-A number of
young people attended the dance in
Exeter on Tuesday evening last. -
G. 3. Sutherland spent the forepart of
this week visiting friends in Forest. -
A. number of people from this village
attended the re -opening of the Presby-
terian church at Chiselhurst.-- The
roads being frozen business has im-
proved the past few days. -Wheat is
worth 70c per bushel' on the Hensall
market, other cereals equally high. -
The Ingram property offered for tittle
on Tuesday was not sold, the bids be-
ing insufficient. The property wiEl
now likely be sold by private sale. -
Thos. Elston, of Roclgerville, is quit-
ting farming and will engage in some
four score years and Mee, followed
the plotigh the Itisb day of October.
This is something not heave of every
day, fore, mail of hie a$e.-Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. IL Short, .Rapid CJity,
are at present visiting- relatives and
friends in Usboene lead Fullerton.
Mrs. Short is the only surviving
daughter of E. ill, of Russeldale,
lately of St. Marys.
Warkman bas mov-
ed on hisnew farm, in Hay township,
near Hill's Greeu. TIr, Workman and
the family will be greatly missed
around here. -Mrs. W. j. Waddell's
brother was visiting at Rev. Mr. Wad -
dell's last week.-Alven Workman has
engaged to work with John Taylor for
one month.
CHURCH REOPENING. -The re -open.
ing services of the Obiselharsb Presby-
terian church on Sunday and Monday
last were a, success, some' $200 being
other avocation. Ile will hold a sale realized front collectmus aud proceeds
of his stock and implements on Decem- of tea. The sermons and, program were
ber 7th. -Miss Martha Hunter, who well received, the Coven cburch choir,
hes been spending the past few Exeter, doing good..serViee. and alto -
months in Toronto, returned home gether the affaireva,s a rriarked success.
last week.-joseph Derstein, Who has The church is a neat and attractive
been visiting at James Moore's left on one and reflects credit alike on the
Monday for New York, where be will committee and contractor. Rev. Mar -
work at his trade, barbering. ---se
- - s• tin, at Exeter, is the popular pastor of
the congregation.
• 10' eaSparks and wife visited Mr. and Mrs.
• I
01(4 ' Your money back if you want it. Altercations made to alee \elicks, of Egtnondville, on Sunday.
As: • els"
:V Conn.cil election, in this diyision.
,tk.vo suit, in an hour. There are ten in stock to one mentioned here, ,the ase -Messrs. McEwen and Torrance seem
ea, prices are all as good value as we've mentioned. eye to be the favorites for the County
lat. I • Si
9 -le*
4AZ1 Dashwood
The Solid Value Store '.%;•4
o'er W 0 0 C111110all -LaUSINESS CHANGES AND S.A.LES.
•10. •••Il • 4..}. 'pp
itkr" .kitdAYWAVA 4'YA °A :4. 0.• Os its ars itts. 4.4 its ;Lists
"ma.* •OMAJOMMOMI...1
Kirkton .
SeeStonernan Bros:, Permanent finish Black
Worsteds, and Scotch and English Tweed snit-
s, they can't be equalledin the cities.
eWeee.ea-Robte Fletcher lost a valu-
able mare last week from bete -mina:
don. - James Moore sold "four fine
thoroughbred cattle to a Nebraska
• buyer last week.- John Moffatt had 19
hens smothered while moving from the
River Roardeato john Burns' farm.-
• Miss Radtaiel Kirk, who is attending
the Model School at Mitchell, has been
t:eS" successfal in securing a situation as,
teacher cif ahe Thames Road school,
-duties to commence Jan. lst.-A Kirk -
ton boy's success. Levi A. Miller,who
went to Le Roy, Minn., on June 19th,
1897,, has since that time graduated
with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway 00. as telegraph opera-
tor and now holds the responsible
posititon of head operator in the Le'
Roy depot. -
Buy your Lumberman's Gum Rubb_ers and
overshoes, at Stoneman Bros, Eirkton: They
the celebrated Granby Itubbers,.every pair
g nteed.
. BR ES. -Clara, eldest daugtbar
John I3rockajr. died quite suddenly at
her home on Wednesday 16th inst.,
irom hemorrha,ge of the lungs,aged 22
-years. She was very highly respected,
and much sympathy is felt for the
' family in their bereavement. The
funeral on Friday to ZioneemeterY, and wife, of Cromarty, spent Sunday Thon is much pleased with thecountry •
David Cook, of Clinton, has several
WaS largely attended. Rev. eseeritt lag with Chas. Godbolt.-Matthew and svill move his family out there in potatoes fully matured and about the
«conducted the seryices,a,ncapreashed a Rontley, jr., who has been sick for the the spring. -- To - day being Thanks- size of bens' eggs which grew from s,
?the' very appropriate and comforting ear- last week has recovered, again and able giving Day services will be held 'n
1 potato lying upc'u o beard in his
"LI ;mon from john 14 : leg: - William to go on evibh his work. -Miss ,Ella the Evatigel'ical church in the morning cellar.
Brooks is at resent laid up With an Brown, of Kirkton, spent Sunday 'with and in the evening the Y. P. A.' will
.attack of pleurisy. -- Thomas Morley, 1Mrs. Geo. Godholt.
tof Central Business College, Stratford, hold their semi-annual business meet -
he junior Y. P. A. will hold a
time, with less medicine, amd for less
ness, constipation, 'can be cured in less
More eases of sick headache, bilious-
service a week from Monday'
night. All are inyithd to attend. A monsTaleY using Carter's Little Liver
Pills, than by any Other means, .
silver collection will be taken up. -M,
R. Davis of Exeter was in the yillage A Clintoia correspondent says: -This
on Sunday. There seems to be some week will finish the wind up of Apple
attraction here for Dick. -Mrs. Hotta King Cautelon's operations for the sea -
of Michigan is visiting in the village.- son of '98 ilia diet= total of his ship -
G. Broevn, of Crediton, occupied the ments will be in the neighborhood of
pulpit of the Evangelical church on 55,000 barrels.
e Report has it that N. Centime and. a
Sunday morning, Re -V. -Mr. Saueribeina
at Rodney taking part in the dedicatiou ratan wi h aIargee 'amount of money,
services of the new church of that tried
visited Mt'. Carnplaell and
place, Mr. Shetler took Mr. Sauer's to buy out his interest in St
place hi the evening. --Pat O'Rurke Joseph,elatter posiavely refus-
but de • • . .
who went to Dakota, last summer on ed to sell. He evidently has faith in
the farm laborer's excursion died of
typhoid fever which is raging in that
country. His remains Were brought,
home on Tuesday and interred in the
0 cemetery at, Mt. ()arnica -T. Snell
linms.---The Bible Society meeting
ast Tuesday evening was well attend -
d, subscriptions amounting to $50.00
were collected and sent to Canada
Bible Society. Rev. Mr. P. Scott was
elected Pres.; Rey. Mr. Nethercott, V.
Pres. -Mr. Boyle is recovering frona a
severe attack of.pleurisy.-Mr. W. R.
Bell's new shpp nearing eompletion
and will be one of the warmest and
best in the district. -Mr. Thos. Stacey
has bought a farm near Carlingford. -
Mr. R. G. Iloggarth has sold his fifty
acre farm on the 10th con. to Mr.
Nichols for $2,600. -The Foresters are
making arrangements with the Glass
Fainily to, give two entertainments ha
Staff& on the 15th 'and 16th December.
Snaps in Ladies' Hose, Ladies' rubbers and
Leggings at Stoneman Brosi,Eirkton.
BRIEES.-Oar Sunday School is pre -
pairing for a Christmas tree to be hel
on Sunday and Monday the 25th and
6th. of December, a splendid time is
ected.-Mr. and Mrs. Henry
ra.ncfs, of Crossyvell, Michigan, are
Visiting relatives in this '
.Mr. 'Wm Creery has completed his
new kitchen. -Richard Allin, who
spent the summer in the north west,
returned home on Friday lasa-Win.
Binger, lately employed by Wm.
Creery, has been engaged for the win-
ter by John McGregor.--Sim.on Miller
Brans. -George Cook of the Oth
concession has, sold his farm to John
Decker for$2800. The farm contains 100
acres but has no buildings. There are
Since the last issue n THE TIMES
several farms changing hands in this
Perth County Notes.
- -
Rat, Mutton, of Fullartonhas an
apple whieb. measures 13 inches in
The Joshua Freeman estate of- 110
acres in Mamboed was sold. on Tuee-
day to John Donald for $4,300.
Clerlingford, paying therefor S$,000.
H. Thirteen', a well-known. West
London barrister, announces himself a
candidate for the Mayoralty of Lon-
section, which would indicate that the
se-eeral changes and sales in property
have taken place in Dashwood and
neighborhood. -C. Fritz has dIsposea
of leis boot and shoe business to Messrs.
Edighoffer and. J. Kellerman, and has
one to Zurieh, where he has parches-
The fifth annual assemble' of the
young bachelors, St. Marys, • will be
held in theastpwo hall, on Thursday
Nov. 21th.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birch have left
St. Marys for Jericho, wheretirfr, Birch
ohi?Ltae hbrub.pl.01R11d.0teto Section foreman
Mrs. . Geo.: Roger, of -Motherwell,
some days ago met with a painful ac-
cident. She heal the 'misfortune to
have her foot pierced by a fork.
'Bishop Baldwin will visit St. Marys
on Sunday, Jan. 8bh, to declare St.
James church entirely- free from debt.
He will preach both morning and, even-
ing. '
Tho• s, Skinner, has sold his entire
horse, Mark 'Orr, and purchased a
prize-winner at the Toronto Industrial
fair, a blood which has been on the
turf for four years.
Mrs. Thos. Foster, of Granton, has
leased her fine farm to Henry Gatecliff,
of the 5th concession of London town-
ship for a term of seyen years at a ren-
tal of $300 per annum.
John Batten, of Winchelsea, met
with a very severe accident the other
day. He was picking apples and in
some way missed his footing, breaking
his arui and injuring his spine severe-
Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio,
writes: I have used every remedv for
sick headache I could hear, eae for the
past fifteen years, but Cat
e!er's Little
Liver Pills did me more go d than all
the rest.
Runes Logan, son of Wm. Logan, of
Rills Green, and David Reict, son of
Hector Reid, of the 2nd. con.. Stanley,
have returned home from the North-
west. They hadgone about four
months. They were in Moosejaw dis-
trict most of the tiene.
farmera can sell their eproperty quite'
as readily as by employing agents. -
Dr. Campbell has purchased the house
and lot whtehbe has been occupying
in the villaae for some time.-B.Browa
has disposed of his boot and shoe bus-
ed boot and shoe business of B. iness to C. Fritz, of Dashwood, who
Brown, an.d engaged E, Roedding as
bas taken possession. -Thanksgiving
foreman. -Samuel Livergood has sold to -day, when there will be a
his farm of 100 acres, being lot 5, con, Dar
shooting match in W.I. 'village. Dr.
11, Hay, to Evelyn Broderick for the
Campbell and Ed. Bossenberry are
sum of $4,700. Mr. :Livergood intends spending Thanksgiving Day in St.
going to tlae northwest -George Geiger
Thomas -D. S. Faust has purchased'
leas sold. his farm of 100 acres, lot 9,
an acetylene gas plant and will light
con. 14, Hay, to Chris Miller, for the his store by gas. This makes the
sum of $4,900. Mr. Geiger will retire fourth store in the village thus
from farming .and probably move to
lighted. -Messrs. Noah Sararus, Wm.
Dashwood. Bender and Michael Meidinger, have
BRIEES.-Cha,s. Hohlbein left this returned from Cavalier,North Dakota.
week for the Old. Oountry to visit
They complain of very- wet weather
friends.--Mr.Edighoffer has closed his
in the Northevest. -- Gobleib Merner,
shop in the eastern part of the village.
who has sold his farnalto two of his sons,
-Henry Willert has returned home
has moved to town and will perms,-
-ream Da,kota,where helms been selling
neatly remain here. -D. Steinbaeb a
akeles. He reports apples scarce in few days ago bid farewell to an pad and
that country and sold readily.ab from
faithful servant in the shape of his
$5f to $7 per barrel. -Henry Willert horse Jack. The animal Was 25 Years
stipped a car load of lambs on Mon- old old and Mr. Steinbach had. owned him
ay. He reports the market for 22 years. -E. X. Hagan, principal
The estates of Adam and Louis WilIert
of one public school,was talon sudden -
will pay.only a few cents on the dollar.
ly ill one, evening recently and for a
-LouiseWillert has purchased the post
time was considered in a dartgeroas
office store at Shipka from Mr. Reitz -
condition, He is now on' the mend.
ma,n.-Hoffinan Bros. are preparing
and resunical his duties on Mon -
their factory for a goodavin ter's, work.
--Sohn Pope has a couple str•ay steers daY'
on his premises. -H. Guentlaier, the
east end carriage builder announces Robert S. Robertson, son of W. R.
a cheap sale of cutters, sleighs, etc.- Robertson f G d ' h ' - '
,0 o erie , is.eoroinencing
A. Thon who has been in Dakota this the practice of law with John Idington
summer has returned home. Mr. fe 0., crown attorney, of Stratford. '
air. Stewart,- agent for R. S. Lang,
has duriuge this season purchased. for
the trade in this yicioity. 8700 apple
barrels most of which were, manufac-
tured by a St. Marys firm..Re shipped
7 car loads from here test week. -St.
Marys Argus.
Huron County Notes.
Gaderiele bas 17 groceey stores.
el:1Th° Tentperance lodge inli nton
has Almost gone out of existence.
nere s Tlurour Chariee
Some portions of the granorithie
walks in Gederieb will have to be re-
layed in the spring.
Ta• E -Maddock, foimerly of Clinton,
has purchased a fine residence in New-
market, and evideady inteade making
that town his permanent home.
Alex. Deuomy and Miss Mary
Brissau,of Drysdale,have jained hands
in the bonds of matrimony. The nup-
tial knot was tied by Rev. Father
T. Forbes, SOU of Arthur Forbes, of
Victoria, Texas, where he expecte to
For Men also a
Seaforde left on Moaday last for
obtain a good situation on a railway,
of which .his uncle is manager. of Ladies' and
Dr. Thos. Grey, late of London, per -
poses opening an•office at Varela,. He
is a bright clever young niau and as Underwear.
there IS an opening there, there is no
reason why he should not do well.
,is spending a few • days at baffle this
aveek.-F. e/forley attended the Muni-,
.cipal Clerk's Association,of the County
of Huron, at Clinton on the 1.6th inst.
B. 0. Jones, of Biddulph, shipped
five cars of fat cattle to Liverpool this
week. E. Hudson and B. Hicks take
charge of them across the Atlantic,
-Another important, article crowded Have no equal as a prompt and posi-
out of this issue.
Are you married to the Old-time belief that
.consumption is incurable? Itso you are wedded
to a mistaken notion. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure has overcome many .a ser-
ious case, and it never fails when taken in the
early- stages. One bottle will trove more to
you th an a whole column of argument. Try it.
'Every bottle guaranted.• ets., 50 cts. and
tive cure for sick headache, biliousness,
constipation, pain in the side, and all
Liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Tee* them. , •
Matthetv Dewey, wleo has beld, the
position of foreman:la the _86: Marys
Argus kr the past ten or twelve years,
has resigned to go into business for
Jf you want good value for your money go to-,
R. EeBachan, who had become very
popular as Teller in the Merchants'
Bank at Aeitchell, got word from Mon-
treal the other day that he had been
appointed to Oakville, where the bank
is opening a new ageecy." ,
The Bishop of Huron will hold a
"Wet day," for the clergy of ,the
deanery at Seaforth,on FridayeDecem-
ber 2nd, to be followed by a public
service m the evening, at which the
Bishop will.preach.
Mrs. Little, of Seaforth, died on
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Little had
been ill for about 2 years, and was a
severe sufferer, so that in her case the
change was a welcome one. She was
a lady who was respected and beloved
by all who knew her.
A very pleasing 'affair took place at
the residence of Miss Bella, Thompson,
St. Marys on Tuesday evening, the 15
inst., when her former Sunday School
class met and presented her with a
beantiful cream ladle as a token of
their sincere regard and love Tiii•thSia
Mrs. Robt. Tucker died from heart -
disease, at the residence of Mrs. Soma
ders,Mitchell, Wednesdey last. Her
husband was inthe milling business ia
Mitchell many years age with Messrs.
Stiles &Beet, but met with financial
trouble, when he moved to Manitoba
and died there soon after.
Dashwood. llaS been re-engaged as teacher of S.
Ladies' Jackets from $2.00 upward. My $5.00 Jacket is a (tracker, cannot be
'beaten. Good value in Dress Goods. A splendid line of- two tone effects at Grand Bend
41.50 per Dress length. All the latest styles in Millinery, 80 yards of ---
Flannelette for $1 00. ,, All other lines of Flannelettes, good value. Factory Bainns,-Mr, Addison Bossenberry
'Ootton, special value at 4c a yard: Feather Ticking, lOce a yard and upward, returned home Monday, -Mr, Brenner
-Good Towelling, 5e a yard. Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 2 for 25e. Childrens' is at Sarnia cloeing up a deal for pert
'Vests, 10o and upevards. Men's Shirts and Drawers 25c and upwards. Men's' of the Dalziel estate. --Peter Devine
Ulster Overcoats, $3,50 cede The bese $5,00 Men's Ulsters in the teadea has hired 0, Welsh's fishery for theall
S.at an advanoe in salary.
• FURS Men's Wombat Coets, lst quality, $12.00. • Men's Rosman Dore
,Coat, lst qualiby, $18.00. Men's' Australian Wallaby Coats, 1st quality. $19,00,
Black 0ow Robes, the beet, $11.00. A large stook of Newhaids and Goat
' Robee will be sold at close prices.
HARDWA.RE STOOK COMPLETE -A large assortment of Axes and
Cross Out Sawa
My stock of.Boots, Shoes arta Rubber Goods is complete all lines.
Itelpath Granulated Sugar, 22 pounde 'for $1.00, Matches 8c. a box
R•oyal east, tic. a, boa, ar•8e size.) 12 Bars Electric Soap for 25c. 6 Tiers,
ALL GCIODS 130ITGIIT PCB, SPOT CASII 19cl,t(tagr,p8ti,P,°PlitIlittsywcrkoteLiirgt6C!
the best in the trade.
MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PARVI PRoDuoil• w. Kerr of the lirueeels Post, le eartle eath re °nee t Dressed/floats, 81.
At admission foe of 15c will be charged.
Sweet 'HOMO Soap for 2k hoice Salmon, 10c. a can. Tey my 25c. Japan Teas
season,--Mre. Elliotb is moving front
Port Blake to her home in Parkhill.- his gun, 116 s"nen4na in baggin i'ne
of them, and the reineincler took to
On Monday, there died at his father's
residence Soak reli, 3 tunes DeCantillon.
The deceesed Was a y01111g man un-
married and abotit 32 years old. He
was born in the township of McKillop,
and spent the greater part of his life
there. Some years ago he went to
Cleveland where he had a good situa-
for the winter. -Thieves made a raid tion, being a, young man o sober, in -
at the home of Andrew Disjardine dustrious habits, and made limy
last week, They took a number of friends wherever he went. In July he
W tagtein.liis health, but he gatilually
James Dick has sold his hotel pro-
perty- and business in Seaforth to Jacob
Kling, of Winglaana. The neve pro-
prietor takes possession on the lst of
December. We have not learned what
Mr. Dick intends to do, but he talks of
taking a trip to British Columbia.
brighb and intelligent young man,
in the person of James 3:Se0antillon,son
of Patrick DeCantillon, of Seaforth,
died there last week. The deceased
had always enjoyed the best of health
Imtil June last, when he was stricken
with hemorrhages, while employed in
Sas. Moreland, of Brucefield, hasiu
his possession a portion of the meteor
which fell recently near Collingwood.
He deecribes the -meteor as being 91
feet in perimeter,evith thickness of 27
feet, 17 of which are bade& beneath
the soil, so great was the force with
which it struck the earth.
.A. few days since Mrs Geo. Odell, of
Tuckersmith, received word of the
death of her father, Geo. Cooper,
which took place at Friendship, N. 0,
on the 15th 'of October. He was at
week in a field, when the summons
e,,,eaeiete and .drooped dead without a
aft uggie, atthe age of .73 years' and
11 months. Deceased was one of Ha-
ron,s pioneers, having settled in Hal-
lett, le miles west of Kinburn, some
4.8 years ago when it was all bush, and
Clinton wa,s only it hamlet of three
houses. circulation, and thegreatest amount of
local news. Circulation is the proper
basis upon evhich prices sh o ulcl be fixed.
AseMrd. Muir and Mrs. Jabez Par
sons, of Downie were driving out of
St. Marys on Monday afternoon of last
week their Worse took fright at two
passenger trains that bad just atartea
out from the G.T.R. Junction. It bolt-
ed to one side upsetting the buggy and
throwing the occupants out. Mrs.
Muir an elderly lady, wasaeriousler in-
jured, thee of her ribs being broken.
Alexander Bannerman,at one time a
prominent citizen of Blansha,rd,died. in
London on Nov. llth,uadee very pecu-
liar circumstances. He was working
on a roof, when he was abtacked by it
fit of sneezing,froin the effects of which
be never recovered, having ruptured a
blood vessel in his head. The funeral
took place Seoul the St. Marys switch
on the arrival of the 8 a. m. train from
London on Tuesday, interment being
made in the North Presbyterian bury-
ing grounds.
There passed away in Se. Marys last
week an old and respected resident in
the person of Frank Anderson. De-
ceased had been ailing for only a few
weeks and his death was a surprise to
his large circle of friends. Mr. An-
derson was born ite 1812 in Forfartown,
near the present city of Dundee, Scot -
full range
J. P. Ross
FRITZ-In Credit= on the 16th inst., the wife
of W. Fritz,aita daughter,
RUSSELL -In Exeter on the 22nd inst., the
wife of James Russell of a son.
THOMPSON-On Thames Road, taberae. ea
ABBOTT--ISAACIAt ,the (residence of tile
the 22ad,the wife of John ThomPsen of it sort.
to Miss Annie Isaac, both of Biddulph. Townt
bride's parents. on Nov. 7th, Earnest Abbot
HAWES-GRIIVLOLDBY - At the Methodist
Parsonage, Walton, on Nov. 9th, by Rev. A.
C. Tiffin, Richard A. Hawes to Miss Eliza, .J.
Grimoldby, both of Megillop.
ANDERSO.N7--In 51. Marys, ea Nov. 12th, F.
Anderson, aged 86 years 2 months.
STEWART--In Tackersmith, oft the 201h inst.
Donald Stewart, #ged 63 years 1 month.
CARMICHAEL-In Seaforth, an Nov. 13th, R
Carmichael, aged 31 year and 11 months,
LITTLE -In Seaforth, on Nov. 15th, Elizabeth
8W,Lintonottlev. lie of Matthew Little, aged 69 years
CARTER -At Wingham, on November 19th,
John Carter (for manyyears an employe of G.
T. R.) aged 69 years.
BROCIC- -La Biddulph, near Whalen. on 16th.
inst,Olara, eldest daughter of John Brock, Jr.
aged 22 years.
. wer
To Advertisers.
The benefit derived. from an adver-
tisement depends altogether upon the
munber of persons Who read it. To
reach the greatest number of readers
at the least •possible expense, is a
question that should be considered
very carefully by basinese men.
thousand snaall bills printed in Tor-
onto. or London, and distributed in
this section, would be just as effective
as if the bill had been printed in town.
There is not a doubt about that, but if
you want to reach the people in their
homes, newspaper advertisiag is the
only successful way. To get the best
results use the paper with. the largest
The population of Ontario is repozt- If a newspaper with a circulation of
ed froro the Provincial Registrar's -of-
fice 4262,492, and the number of muni•
cipalities at 745.
Mr. and airs, Adam Beck,of London,
Ont. are credited with having won
$1,2g5 in prizes at last week's New
York horse show. Charles F. Bates,
of New -Yorle. city, leads the -money
prizelist, having $3,355 to his credit.
• ea
The live diseases for Which Shiloh's Consump-
tive Cure is especially recommended are
Coughs, colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and
• Consumption. 1..To medicine ever made by 1112.11
is equal to it in any respect Sold. under a
positive guarantee. Money back if it fails
25c,, Mc. an& $1.00 a bottle.
The • South Huron - Agricultural
Society will hold a show for the exhi-
bition of Fat Stock a,nd Poultry ia the
Agricultural Buildings in
--ON •
Ia,nd. In 1842 he emigrated to New FRIDAY DECEMBER 1098
hen the following Premiums will be offered
York state, and from thereto Thorold, w
where he secured work on the Welland
Canal during the years 1813 and 1844.
From Thorold Mr. Anderson came to
for ,competition :
. CATTLE -Pons Baum -Steer two years old
and 'under theca. lst $7, '2nd $5. Steer, one
Bla,nshard and purchased. a farm. near year old and uynetr, rates, 11.s2taa$62,. 2cnde‘v4.0yStheeeir.
the present village of Anderson, which calf -under one
.22g1tetIet,. two y e
ars old and under
postaffice was subsequently named f e rash,brgis'
and under two, lst 1:5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2. Steer
thefuture of the &tee. taftee hun. He moved to Sb. Marys
Welter Taylor, of Wingham, Was ' about 1876.
engaged in fixing up his strawberry The annual plowing match on Wed -
patch for the wintele one day last week nesday occurred on one of the most
when he came Across a number of ripe disagreeable days in the year. It was
bellies. There were also a number of on the farna of Thos. White,lot 20econ.
blossoms on the vines. This is pretty 7,Downie,ancl the atteredance was fair -
late in the season to have ripe straw-- 13r good. The classes and the order of
berries this northern climate. the competitors Were as follows:-ClaSS
Joseph Richardson, of the Huron 1.--Veralter Marray,Chas. Terner,Sohn
road, Ellice, shot a awan on Saturday. Bell,Alex.Redford and Thomas Smith,
When Mr. Richardson went to the Class II-Robt. Aiteheson, P. Smith,
barn that nickeling he saw a, flock of jr., and Nelson Oliver. Class III- 3,
abent teveater large whitebirds feedin,g Framol Sas. °smell, James Riley, S.
in one of hie fields- Hastily securing naYmale end Samuel Snow'. BailiS
class -1'0e Andereon. Welter Marray
won the prize for the best ridge and
John Bell for the finish. The judge
was Wm. Dickson,f Elaine and Wia.
Crerar, of North 'Easthope acted as
2,000 cbarges $100 per year, then one
witha,circulation of 600 would be entitl-
ed to $30. An advertiser Should take
these facts into careful emasideration,
when making contracts. Another fre-
quent loss to advertisers is in the use
of several papers when one covers the
ground. THE TIMES is rgad by more
people in. Exetete Usborne, Stephen,
Hay, the northern part of Biddulph
and. McGillivray than all other county
papers combined, and an advertise-
ment placed in it Neill be found the
most effectual way in which to reach
the people.
throe, lst $6, 2nd $1, 3rd $2. Steer one year old
Williain Gratton has rented the Port
Blake farm for a term of years. -Mr.
Germarde has glyen,up his farm on the
elver flats. As will rent. Re purposes
carrying on his teade of wagon -mak-
ing. -Mr. 13e11, of Port Prank, was a
visitor here last week. -- A. child of
Henry Wilson's is dangerously ill with
spinal disease. ---john Patterson has
foiled employment, beer Ravenswood,
Those having the misfortune to be rno-
tured `should read the advertisemerit Ii
another column, of J. Y. tg411, Hernia
specialist, of •Toronto, who purposes
visiting Exeter, Commercial Rotel,
M.onday all day and evening Dec. 5th,
His succees in the treatment of *hernia.
judging from the evidence sabmitted,
appears phenomenal in the light Of so
calf under one year, *4, $2, $L ow no
Do YoThnk
We pay money to advertise
what is not true ? Better not
advertise at all then not liye
up to our advertisements. Our
ads are store talk of what we
have to offer and our methods
of doing business.
Our Friday bargains are a.
success if by selling at close
prices means success. •
A few more for Friday and.
years or over, $5, $3,'$2. Heifer, two years and till sold.
undo t ree. , .
STIEEP-LoNe Wootien.-Ewe, two years
and over, 1st$3, 2nd $2, 3rd SI. Ewe, one year
and under two, 13. $2, $1. Ewe under one
Year, $4, 52, $1. Waller. one year and. °vet,
$3. $2, Wother under one year, .$3, 52,51
DOWNa.-The same as long wool.
GRADS Saanr.-The same as long vrooled,
except that them is no third prize.
PIGS, -Barrow, over 6 months and under 12
moUthei lst 84, 2nd $2, 3rd 51. Barrow under
6 mouths, $1, $2, $1. Sow. over 6 lamas
end under 12 months, $1, $2, SI. Sow, under 6
meths, el, $2, $1. Pee of three hoes besi.
suited for the beneort trade, all bred and fed by
tho exhibitor, $10, 55, $3. '
.A.sweepstake badge will be awarded to die
best beefing animal, best sheep or best pig of
any age er..breed, Age of all animals will be
coMputed trim DeceMber 1st.
DRESSED- POULTIM-Ilett Init. of turkey
eockerels, hatched in 1898--lst $2 2nd. SI. ,8rd•
60a Best pair of tarkey batched ta
1893 -let $2, 2n.a fl, 3d 50c. BeSb and heaviest
tui•key tot any ago, 42, Best pate 01 geese,
hatched in 1808.-$2, $1, 50o. • Best pale oe duets
hatched in 18N, $1, 750, 25e. Beet DAR of teek-
erels hatched in 1899 -el. 75e, 25e, Best pair of
pullets hatched. in 1898-$1, 750,25e. 33estalleplay
of dressed poultry -$3, 52,51
Dressed means drawn end. tome.
pest sad isrgestdisphW Of dressed meate-
$4.1, 1,3, $2.
A 1 stock exhibited will be for gale.
Eittranee few will be charged as follow-
Thoton hbred male, one dollar (dolt ; Grade
fowls and some hay. &tine tei his home in Seaforth, `leophig
a ibt candidate for. sufferings. Consumption tvasthe cause many kilutes by Others. ate the ia.y,evieate414, JOAN MUnDOOIS
"°6111W004:10 entione p
Pate oe vti"
se oy, Pr
JOHN v -i County coniati'iss?osisito.e of death.
25 doz. picture and faney Hand-
kerchiefs, - • • e2e. each, 3 for 50
I. case men's oil grain long boots
regular pricel$3.50, Friday.. . . .485
1. piece grey military flaftnel, good.
value at 35c, !Friday 25e. and till sold.
pieeetheavy twill, atishrinkeble
flannel, reghlar Price 17c., our
price 15c,, ,..Priclay, 18e
50 yds title At feat colors,
regular price 10c.land Teri -
day rio
8 only. Men's Tweed waterproof
•OVereOate, velvet collet, sell-
ing aighb along ab $G.00 and
$0.50. -Friday $1.75. New idea
patterns.. ...................... 15e
We save $100 a month by
not doing any book-koopingo
that or most of it oons to yon.
+Ott** Irertnts.,
W. A. AlicklMo