Exeter Times, 1898-11-17, Page 5fi.
Is essential to
health. Every nook
and corner of the
aystontis reached by the blood, and on
its quality the condition of every organ do.
panda. Good blood means strong nerves,
good digestion, robust health. Impure
blood means scrofula, dyspepaia,rht)umy.
&isip, catarrh or other diseases. The surest
way to have good blood le to tyke Hood's
garsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vl-
• talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the elements of health and strength to
a .very nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
.good appetite, gives refreshing sleep
and cures that tired feeling, Remember,
Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifies
e cure Liver Ills; easy to
Hood's pillstake, easy tooperate.250.
oney to Loan.
We have militatedprivate (ands for invest-
-nent upon farm or village property at lowest
rates of intsIC
H• DR. A. R. IUNSM.A.N, L.
D. S., 1), D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Troth extracted without pain or
bad after effects, Office in Fan -
:son's Block, West side of Main street, Exeter.
DR. ANDERSON, (0. D. S. L.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University,
and Royal College of Den 1a3 Surgeons of
Ontario. .M1 Bridge work, Crowns and Plate
work done iu the neatest 'possible manner.- A
harmless aemsthetio for painless extraction.
The strictest atteution given to the preservat-
ion of the natural tooth. Office, opposite Cen-
tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont.
'There came to my premises, two steers. a
light and a dark roan. Owner may receive
them by payingcost, and proving property •
Joixx Pons, Lot 22, con. 10, Hay.
Farms for sale
A few good farms for sale cheap •Money to
loan. Apply to JOHN SPAOKMAN
To IRe... nt
In 1 ett:r .iorte;-ste- re-9n leets .._bs the hlnelt
formerly known as the Wolper Property. Tno
-premises has boon overhauled, refitted and
repainted. This is without doubt the best
stand iu the County for a goodeneral store.
Apply to L. 1VICTAGGAItT,
Hay P. o.
Farb. for Sale.
9, ut,r4, Blans- hard, 103 acres of ]and in
state of good cultivation, well undordrained,
.5 acres bush, 500 rods board and wird fences,
good young orchard, frame house 30x20 ft.
kitchen 20x18 ft., barn 80x36 ft., wagon -house
. 94x22 ft., and other out buildings, hard and soft
-rater very convenient with windmill, within 2
:Hiles of post office, school and church. Foi
further particulars apply to the proprietor,
'THOMAS THOMPSON, Woodham,1. a'
For Salm
Brick Blacksmith shopiframo dwelling house
and half an acre of land,in tbe village of Whal-
en, township of Biddulph. Thorn is a good bus] -
:aces done in the shop; on the premises aro gool
trees and smallfruit,good supplyof water,
and everything convenient. Reason or solling,
•tine proprietoris going out of business. For
further particulars, apply to.
Wbalon, P,O.
r s m
Farm For Sale.
the township of,Ilay, lot 14. con.
hcb Linn .;»a good :tato of cultivation,
high and wo11•clramtwa-ead''sSituated ld miles
south. of Zurich. There ar A o
large frame house with all the oonvouniiennces
good .hard and soft water also never failing
wells for stock, also first-class bank barns, with
other outbuildings. The farm is well fenced
.and has a large orchard. This is one of the
limiest farms in this section and is admirably
located. The owner is desirous of retiring
from farming and will deal liberally with the
'Purchaser. 4.er
Write or apply to George Schoellig
:Zurich, P. O.
Onto the premises of - the undersigned, lot 5,
' con. 11, Hay, on or about 1st October, a owe
lamb. Owner can have same by proving pro-
perty and paying expenses.
Public Auction Salo
Sale of Real Estate in the village .of Ilensall,
Wen. McCloy has received Instructions from
Geo. Ingram to sell by Public auction in tho
village of Bonsall, on si'ucsday, Nov. 22nd 1809,
at Two o'clock, p, in., the following valuable
property: -(Part 1) consists of 22 feet •frontage
-on Main street on which there's erected aframo
, store one and a half storeys high, 20 x 02 feet,
-with stone cellar full size of the building, stable
14x 18 feet. -(Part 2) consists of 22 feet frontage
• son Main street on which is erected restore 17x21
foot, one story and a half high with a kitchen
and bake oven at the roar also a goad well and
mump.-(Part 3) consists of 22 feet fronts•g�a� on
Main streot•-(Part4)..on south side of Kioh-
.mond street. consists of 54 foot frontage, on
:which is erected a comfortable frame hoose, 20
,x 21 foot withkitchon 10 x 20, steno collar, wood
shed 10 x14, stable 18 x 20. -(Part 5( consists of a
vacant lit on Riciunondst. south and directly
opposite part 4, ono fifth acro' 00 foot lifrontago.
This ;property is situated in the centro of the
business part of vIlilago -TERMS OF. SALE •-
• 20 per cent of purchase money on day of sale,
balance inay remain on mortgage at 0% tier an -
imam for a unbar of years. As Mr. ingrnm
leas disposed of his farms and purposes going
' west, the property will bo sold without reserve.
131EO. INt,RAM, . WM. MoCLOY,
Prop. Auc.
Miss Annie Gillespie,rilla, Ont., writes "I
hada, bad cola and severe omtgh for some tomo
and could not got rid of it until I used: Dr.
'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which quickly
toured Price 25e.
Como with the cold weather, but can readily
bo cared by the application of 1lagyard e Yellow
Oil, the best romody,for external and internal
vivo made.
Mrs. Will Varner, near Canada, N. S., writes:
" I havo.usect Murdock Blood Bitters for head-
, ache and Impure Teloot], One bottler matte a
neuro, I think thorn is no better made,"
Mr. Ii.,' Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont..: writes:
'II experienced great; relief from Miisanlar
Rheumatism byusingf� two bottles of Milburn's
Rheumatism Pills, T'hoyarcasplenclidromedy,"
Prioo SOc, all druggists.
IE you have a nagging cough and aro teeing
flesh, go to a dingg.•• store and gee a bottle -oE
•Shilch a Consumption Cure, Take twc-thirds
.sof it and thea, if von aro not benefited. return
alae Mottle to who ,von
ist, and he will return•
o V. I ha fait. lee ono could
rog Company, Stratford, Ont.
B1tiEFs,-Alex. Thotupson, who has
'been visiting in the vicinity of Moose-
rxlin, Manitoba, for the past couple of
months, returned home last week, lie
says the crops in that part of Manitoba,
tkre good, and he is quite taken with
the cor]ntry,-Wxn. Simpson, who has
been working Alex. Mustard's farm in
Algoma, returnee]; hoarse recently. -
Messrs. Robert foss_ and Wm.. Mur
dock brought home a fine -chow of cat -
tie from the vicinity of Paisley on Fri-
day lttsr, There were eighty head of
fine cattle in the lot, Mr. Marclock
will feed about 6Ohead this winter and
Mr. Ross a similar number. They
droye the cattle all the way,-- Neil
Smith, who piircllased the Kennard
property,. in this village, is having ,the
shop fixed up and will oecupy it him,
self.—Rev. Mr, Dinrray, of Kincardine,
will conduct anniversary services in
the Presbyterian :church on Sunday,
the 27th inst.
.BranFs.-Wet wveatber is now the
order of the day.— Messrs, Couch Sc
Roy intend handling a large amount
of poultry this season, they begin on
Monday next.—P. W. Brown returned
home• on Monday last after along trip
to Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Medi-
cine Hat and up through the North-
west Territories, •Mr. Brown's reports
of the west nye very good,—P. T.Halls
and family have moved to Exeter,
where teyviii reside for the winter.
—Miss May Bell, daughter of Jas.Bell,
is visitingat R. Delbridges foe a few
weeks,—Mies EdnaGo is ..visit-
'G dbolt
friends in Exeter. — Mr. Chas.
Clark, .of London, who has spent the
past four months with his uncle Wm.
Clark returned home yesterday to
work at his old trade. — Miss -Alice
Miller spent a few days of this week
visiting friends at Kirkton.--J. C. Bell
spent Saturday and Sunday last in
London.—W. J. Roy spent Sunday in
Mitchell, must be some attraction up
that way John.
The following resolution, which re-
fers to a, former well-known resident
of this locality • has been sent to TEE
TIMES for publication :—At a recent
meeting of Evening Star Tent No. 773
.K.,0. T. IL, Kilmanagh, Mich., the
following resolutions were passed
Whereas our Heavenly Father in bis
infinite wisdom has called the wife of
our beloved Sir Knight, Samuel Elen-
baum, from her earthly home to'be
with Christ forever ; whereas in her
death our beloved Sir Knight has lost
his beloved companion, who was es-
teemed by all ; he it resolved that the
heartfelt sympathy of the members of
Evening Star Tent No. 773, be extend-
ed to the bereaved husband, children,
iulntrt est �, .> -sister; of the
deceased. In her death they have lost
a devoted wife, aloving mother, sister
and daughter ; be it resolved that our
Charter be draped in mourning for
thirty days, and a copy of these resolu-
tions be spread upon the records of the
Tent, and a copy to be printed in the
Sebewaing Blade and the Exeter
TIMES, and a copy sent to the bereav-
ereaved family, Adolphus J. grafts, J. D.,
Finkbeiner, Ab. S. B3uschlen,
Do not despair of curing your sick
headache when you can so easily obtain
Carter's Little Liver Pills, They will
effect a prompt and permanent cure.
Their action is s iild and natural.
The trouble at the Noxon works
Ingersoll, has been settled and work
will be resumed at once. There has
been some change in the personnel of
the management and things are ex-
pected to go along more smoothly.
North and West Middlesex, North
Bruce and South Grey election petitions
were allowed to drop Monday
morning. In the first three of these
the respondents are the Liberal mem-
bers. In South Grey the respondent
is a Conseryatiye.
A despatch of Monday said: -Fred
ti vey 20 years of age,a law student
of Toront-a- r ,1s a,A;.. Owen, 38 years
old, ex -teacher of the' Parkhill high
school, Parkhill; Ont. ; and Ed tirrsk
Hicklen, 20 years old, an agent,Toron-
to, 'were in Detroit on Friday night
'The without a' penny. •Tl a weather was
threatening, and they went to St.
Marys Catholic church, 'intending to
spend the night on the seats. They
were found however, and arrested.
Capt. McDonnell, of the detective de-
partment, was impressed with their
intelligence and honest appearance,
and released then-.
• Campaign of 1898-9.
The question of the survival of the
fittest is just as applicable to news-
papers as it is to individuals. The
public print that is derelict in its duty
to the public cannot reasonably expect
to retain either the confidence or sup-
port of its constitutents. The publis-
hers of The Stratford Herald long ago
recognized this as atruism and at once
set about to make the publication un-
der their control the •purveyor of all
the news and the undaunted exponent
of the hest interests of the district it
Serves. How well they haye succeeded
is rapidly seen in the yery large cir-
culation which the paper enjoys,eover-
ing a wide field, and doing it so
'thoroughly that in some sections there
are very few homes in which it is not
a welcome weekly visitor. •
The aim' of The Weekly Herald has
been and will continue to be to serve
its district thoroughly as its local news
purer ynr, not forgetting the more ins -
porta nt general news of the country,
h)oth ho;ne and foreign. An important
feature in any first-class newspaper is
it comprehensive market report and in.
this x l,ect The Weekly Herald knows
no su aerior in its district,
During the • ensuing year no effort
will be .!paired to make The Herald
sustai:i its high reputation, anti it en-
ters u;)twn the eatnpaign of 1808-9 with
the vi an and energy born of an indomi-
table i-1,irit.
Prete. DOW until the 1st of January,
1000, The Weekly Herald will be sent
to any address in Canada or the tnited
,States for the sum of $1. Address all
orders to The btratford Herald Print-
ask tnoro. 25 cts, 50 ci•,s and $i.o0;a bottle.
• Exeter November 10th 1801.,
Wheat or bushel .08 to 70
OatsBarley .
hlgge• • • • • , ...
Chiokons per Ili
Ducks,... • .
Wool, ., „
Dried apples..
Pork dressed
Pork live weight.
Hay porton,.,. ,....
Clover seotl ............
Alsikc clover
00 lk
.25 to 20
•- 40 to 45
50 to 130
...15 to 15
7J to 10
5 to 0
5 to 5
17 to 10 8
5.00 to 5.5o
3.75 Lc 3.75
5 00 to 0.00
1,00 so 5.00
Timothy seed .. .,,, XOP to $1.2°'
London, November 10th 1898.
Wheat per bustle ,.. . ...62 to 03
Oats,,,., , • ...23 to 24
Peas... , ,,.. ..54 to 0
Barley -... e....44 to 50
Buckwheat •. ,., 89 to 339
Corn .....,34 to 48
Beaus 40 to '00'
Butter. ...•., ..,. 13 to 14
Eggs , , , .. 10 to 11
Ducks 60 to 70
Turkeys per lb.-. ,,..,, • ,1 . to 12
Geese per lb 9 to 10
Chickens 50 to 75
Cheese .,..,. t 8 to 10
Potatoes per bag ..80 tot 00
Hay per ton , ..$ 0.00 to $ 7.50
Pork per cwt,. .. S1.50 to 83.00
How the Whole Family Can
Dress Well at Small t.
S1l l o
No Need of Looking Shabby
Even Though Tithes are Hard
—Easy to Make old Gowns
and Suits Look' like new when
One Knows .How.
It astonishing how much can be
made from seemingly useless garments
by the woman that knows how. The
old faded gown that is out of style can
be readily dyed with Diamond Dyes to
a fashionable color and then made over
so that it will look quite as well as
new. Suits for the boys cau be made
from old ones discarded, by the father,
and a bath in the wonder-working
Diamond Dyes will make them look
like new. Dresses and cloaks for the
little girls can be made with but little
trouble and'scarcely any expense from
cast off garments of the other folks,
incl when the color is changed with.
Diamond Dyes the made -covers will
look as though they were fresh from
the dressmaker.
Diamond Dyes are made especially
for home use, and the plain directions
on each package make it impossible
for even the most inexperienced to
have poor luck withthese dyes. They
color anything, from ribbons, feathers
lgiCf mats jackets and
aLY1CL8L'htP�'Gb'9T'cTS."Fr?a•'�••.''.•' ,
gowns, and make colors t1i it are 'ft3t°
to sun andwashin- colors even hand-
somer than those made by the profes-
sional dyer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wittig, of lot
40, con. 3, South Easthope, had an ex-
citing time early Friday morning.
They reside on a fine 100 -acre farm
about two miles from Stratford, and
very near the Buffalo track, and are con-
sequently somewhat exposed to preda-
tory expeditions on thepart of nuoner-
oils Weary Willies who frequentthe
neighborhood of tbe railway track.
About 4 o'clock Friday horning they
were awakened bythe creaking of their
bedroom door, which Mrs. Wittig at-
tributed toa mouse. Mr. Wittig rose
to investigate, and, having lit a match
found himself confronted by a burly
individual armed with aheavy revolver
which he presented at Mr: Wittig's
head, accompanied by the injunction
"Don't speak ; don't move." A smaller
and rather fair man, similarly armed,
was also in the room, and, while the
stout fellow covered the unfortunate
farmer, his fellow marauder ransacked
every drawer in the place, besides in-
vestigating the contents of the gar-
ments hanging about the room, in one
drawer r therewas the sum of 10.2
we $ ,
but the robbers were apparently
amateurs at the business, and didn't
find ared cent.
• When the children grind'lheie teeth, hare a
ravenous i
o s apppet te, yet don't seem to thrive,
tout erylwormw without harming the
abild. Price25c.
Pain and '=''ea8•fasess ;"anisheel
through the use of Milburn's
Heart and (Nerve Pills.
It's sad to think that so many women
suffer from pain, Weak Spells, Heart
Palpitation, Sinking Sensations,
Used to Hide Disease.
Women Who Use Thee Run Terriire Risks.
rdilio's 6616rij 6olllpo[Il1d KP➢IIo i s ill))
Troffl lbs and Disuses That Women No>k
Tru It to .
vsight is
getting .shorter, -.0,0%,.
u7 :c ' : l E ?''a r :p tai • art.
ski _.� :•s
,1'h. i °lore it 1S ttece dl3. thatT1'U -Ila: ei . (•ti c1e
it e tll;lt are c>�p:1lGt1}' SlliicCl L() 1'()11]' eyes.;si;;• ��11t1C'1cl,ll is • home�11V �7V Health and cod .00 again and- prei.ared tel give you the licst t ..l.t;lt attention.
";Kate Field,,a prominent and, honor- , has of late years. greatly lessened the i
d Americsin.lady Marla writer ofnote,
declares tlhet after a most complete in-
vestigation she finds that $62,000,000
worth of poisonous cosmetics are sold
annually in the United States. It is
difficult to give any degree of accuracy
the amount of money spent yearly in
Canada for cosmetics, but the figures
must be large.
It is well understood that Lhe people strength.
who purchase cosmetics use them with By the use of nature's remedy all
a view of deceiving thosa with whom facial cral blotches, pimples and wrinkles
they come contact.
are soon
banished, the fleshis clean.
Cosmetics smetics cover ti multitude skin o , altitude of sins tbe .kin sof •L c
.rn1 clear nand the eyes
and evils. They are einployecl to cov- sparkle with brightness, This is the
er up 'facial blotches, eruptions and true work of Paine's bGele
Celery Compound
,!;.in troubles, that always result from as thousands have declared - who have
1.11pure blood. They are also used as a tested the reat medicine.covering for wrinkles and crow's feet To users -of cosmetics we say, c'aast
brought on by fast living; late hours aside at once the health destroyixlg
and imperfect digestion: - Thousands agents that you are now using and try
of women from dn,y to day cover up what the wonderful Paine's Celery
and disguise traces of disease and early Compound can do for you. Cosmetics
decay, instead of wisely and boldly at- mean continued deception and increas:
tacking the cause. ed misery; the use of Paine's Celery
An old and well -know druggist as- Compound guarantees aspeedy banisle-
sex'ts that the introduction and popu- ment of your troubles; a return of now
lar use of Paine's Celery Compound and fresh health and good looks..
sale of all cllsin `tics, Wise and. prod-
ent .wvome•n well "know that Pame"s
Celery Compound, when used, gin's
directly to the root of disease, quickly .
rem oc'ing all poisons and unpuritiee•
fx•otn the 1kIkkfcl, giving the nervous,
system full tone and vigor, and giving I -
that regular and perfect. d igestion that -
maintains health and physical-�-
Tu 1 TONI&
Jewellery store.
[Mornings preferred for testing.
Autumn Leaves.
Farewell 1 fair dying leaves,
Our shady days are passed ;
Tho cold winds moans or grieves,
Through frosted withered grass,
.Aad tolls each bitter morn such things
are"not to last.
We watch then drop one by one,
And through the Woodlands creep ;
Withered, forsaken, left alone,
Iu hollows cold and deep •
Thorn to lie forever, in death's unwaken
No wreaths of flowers aro platted,
Upon their frosty bier ;
They lie with naked face,
'Til shrouds of snow iutere,
Thom to decaying state of immaterial
No songs are he'trd around,
'Neuth bareiess limbs and trees;
No death bell tolls its sound,
But north's cold mournful breeze;
Who's songs are bitterness, who's joys
are but to freeze.
A deputation of ladies, includi11e'
Mrs. Bonnier, of London, and Lady
[Thompson, Toronto, waited upon the
Ontario Cabinet on Thursday on 1,E' -
half of the Ontario Local Council of
Women of Canada, and urged that the
sale of cigarettes to youths under 18
'in hotels should be prohibited. The
Iladies received a promise that their re-
. finest would receive every considera-
1 You should remember that no other medicine
s like Shiloh'
, : Consumption Cure in any res
p ect, if other remedies have failed to relieve
1 y our cough or cold, that isall the more reason
1 wby you should try Shiloh's. Always solo
u ndcr a positive guarantee. If it does not help
you the druggist must give back your money.
25 cts., 50 cts. and 31.00 a bottle.
w` o7etl5out theirrost. &Inn 1
nuuner's rese Anl.�=�'
Dead leaves, of et, teas Care' ^^-
Forgotten lower and nosh;'
We leave to winters blast;
And take our way in dreams in things
that too must pass, ELxrAs$xcoxxs
The Grand Trunk a nnonuces that af.!
ter November 14 there will be all in-
crease of one and a half cents on the
rates on grain and grain products from
main line points to New York. Philo- •
delphia, Boston and Baltimore. Rates'
from other points have been propor-
tionally raised.
Packed to make the package
look big
Pacified to retain the aroma
and the moisture
Tei - .
To make
Y7} utter
Nervousness,. Sleeplessness= -who could
be restored to the full enjoyment of per-
fect health by a few boxes of Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills. '
There can be no question about the
efficacy of this remedy. Thousands of
women, havefound it do all that is claimed
for it. Here is the testimony of Aire.
Gillen, Wesley Street, Moncton, N.D.
"Before taking Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills I used to suffer untold agony
from violent headaches, 1rregalarac'tion
of tho heart, together with pains or
spasms in various parts of my body.
"Sometimes I felt so weak that I was
unable to look after my domestic dubs".
hlowever, I had to endure this wore y and
trouble, because all the remedies I tried
,failed to gave me relief, until happily I
heard Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.
I had only been taking diem ashort time
when I' felt greatly benefited. This en-
couraged Inc to continuo their use until
a complete cure was effected,
"I have not been troubled with a hend-
ache since taking these piils. They in.
creased my appetite, invigorated my eet-
tire system, and gave me back my old
tine strength and vigor."
Take a Lnxn•Liver Pitt before teSteely.
quell work while you sleep without a i.rlp
or ;rr•eto. and snake you feel better in the
niv,•,o.ng, Price 25c. Sold by all druggists.
one must have
good milk and
this comes only
from healthy
cows: The
blood must be
kept clean and
pure, and the
digestion good
to ensure this
result, There
is nothing so
good for this
purpose as Dick's Blood Puri-
fier. This preparation is speci-
fically made for milch cows and
possesses real merit and power
to do what is claimed for it.
Given regularly with good food
it will convert a mere hide and
bones structure into a profitable
member of the herd.
LEEMINOeifill "^ 100., DICK 0 CO.,
• Agents, Mee., est, Preprletort,
e ♦e ♦ • 0, •
250ts, and Mts. a Package.
A. full Iinc, fresh
bright of
Karn this +aluable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling twenty Topaz
Scarf Pins, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forwardthe'
Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. Na money required. These Pins
will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best
diamonds, and has never before been offered at anything like this price. The
Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed.
Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention this paper when writing.
THE GEM PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont.
A Sd Ring
® or Curb®lid God ChainShell Uracelei
ttI� O2i'T send money. Just your name
E'3 and address on a POST CARO, and A�
we will send you 20 packages of
AROMATIC CACHOUS, a delicious con v,Il Ewa• '
1oction to perfume the breath, to sell
for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send
ua ottr money, $1.00, and we will send you FREE your
choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return-
able if not sold. Mention this paper.
,k .i.-'K�'.":1a-:,. ... •h:'ikyx..'.v� w,.d.';•i�`�nl,.� a+�.:.,w;a •E�',x•,3- `i^,•�k%4,•�w:
hHHcire i Ory for
CASTOR {� O R tr u
a a cad
'1" 110
and every School re-
quisite at
Where the Scholars are
-always used well
AN' OLD AND Wr1'LL-TIkIED Itn81EDY,-iwlrs
Winslow': Soothing S3•rup bas been used for
oa r tj
o ft •eats b * i s
v n illio o moth r
s h o f c :for their
children while teething with perfect success.
e, soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the bust remedy
for Diarrha'a. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind.
Is the name of the only perfect train in the
world, now running every night between
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Minneap-
olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul
Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad-
opting. all improved facilities for tho safety and
enjoyment o. passengers. An illustrated pam-
route showing
tho Pioneer Limited, ill yhe sent
free to any person upon receipt of two -cent
postage stamp. Address Geo. 11, Hcaftord,
General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
- a 7,1 ' !Let us show you our stock of
Polyps -mi.: ems, t,: , :at alaelie in
from live t,., t,i,•auyn. •t. ., •1't••:ves
110 bud r)'t,1-.!'.'•''"' t i' _',•i•%C„
lonevtl„r.a 1tir. 113,:,, ,-•, . :i''
S _ _.,.,c�j,.> Viz{. uii,.UeS.
a Nine colors. Black, Blue, Mid Brown,
Drab, Claret, Heather, Oxford, Blue mix-
`' -- . ture and Olive mixture.
Zlndproof, r•
as 1) l.. ,, 2%-;()\\ }' PS Ir 0.,L11-43
,L -I I4:
AND lea 1,1. 'ri 11iiNGS, .
S'1' 11?i.:- t • LI; Z' I' 4 h, .$. •
Afull lir, - c f is c r 1 i si::_ t i 11'itators
Disc; aria 1 al; n r) c- I'1•11 owes
Plows, aired 3'su nip Dl ills,
aDde Il"g
a yin ----
And ((
E t
AT R. N..RO« E'S
Everything up to -date. Largest stock
eyer shown in Exeter. •
R. it H WE
..t�_.1 ._i,. ' E
The eel c•hratad I Ii I, .1] \Vas:)er.
Raymond.sewing. and w•rinzeis
machine a
Carney stove% and furantt's.
1'11 cf5
The Chatham V.'e _rcri,is and 0 full
line Gf the ve'Ie'l'i te-d at•Laughlin
We would recommend those ,
suffering from Co uuus, COLDS,
and BRONCHIAL, troubles to
It is also a reliable remedy
for children.
We manufacture W.D1AN'•S
LINIME\T, an excellent reme-
1`aIA l 9
Conies the necessity- of
�` 7 4
POWDER, the best in the mar -1
'Try our Lotion for scratches I
on horses, also condition pow -i
der for same
We are 111 the van with all
that is desirable in the line.
We give this fine
watch, and also a
chain and charm for
selling two dozen
rotes, at 10 ets. each.
Send your address
and we forward the
Buttons, postpaid,
and our Premium
List. No money re.
quired. Sell the But.
tons among your
friends, return the
Money, and we send
the watch, prepaid.
A genuine American
watcht guaranteed a
good timepiece.
Mention this paper
20 Adelaide St. g.
Toronto, Otitt
Suit 0% (JIOtnis
t ' a Sit ie Gar eat
"hould Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
You look for these in an oJd and
reliable DJaee, and A. .r,
SNELL never disappoints hi
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
& Winter Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and we will
take inusth pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
other lines that are specially at.
A-. > . r 16ii'd4,�i .i'r,i6il,dlrEw
$1.7.00 Fancy Worsteds in all
the newest colorings.
Remember we put up the
1 best suit for $10,00 that can
I be bought in the county.
J. H. Grieve
A Mai is always in the
If he wear's one of W.
JOIN'S neatly fitting
He is a sure fitter.
Hisare y down
i prices aL a y d vn,
His goods are the best,
Call and examine his goods before
buying your
The Tailor,