Exeter Times, 1898-9-22, Page 8The B.ig .Cash EXSTEll TI.KES storee innlaat .titireeertIsuidoerige olfaoluilaofpattioeffecohi: The death occurred Monday morn - CASH or PRODUCE ONE PRICE To AUL. 04' If there is any one department More than another that reflects the remarkable growth and development of this business, it is our Dress Goods department which to day in point of size and equipment, elegance of style and superiority of stocks, finds no equal in the town, It is in no boastful stiirit we make this statement; it only goes to show our leadership and the exact position we take in matters pertaining to Dress Goods. BLACK DRESS GOODS If you have a thought of buying a Black Dress you'll find complete satis- faction in our beautiful stock whils't a • straight saving of money is sure to follow. $1.62 black figured Dress Length,new patterns, good solid Goods, bright, the Dress for $1,02 $1.95 nice new Bieck Brocade, good heavyweight, choice designs, the Dress for $1,95. $2.28 lovely Black Brochee, a beauti- ful sea Goods, perfect in edger, the Dress for $2.28 $2.80 Choice Black Floral Effect, a real money saver, the Dress for $2.80, $3.25 for our great leader in Black Dress Goods, the choicest Dress for money that we have ever shown. The Dress for $3.25. 15.00, $5.50, $7.00 and $8.00 for the choicest Black Dresses that have ever entered our shop. Stylish colored Dress Goods, new- ness and novelty all through our Dress Goods, not a side tracked style in all the big stock, You're sure of Tray if you buy your new fall Dress at The 81g Cash Store, 1.10 for a very pretty Blue and Black Shot Oriental Dress, good honest goods, the Dress for $L10. SIM for new Two Tone Tweed Effects, the Dress length for $1.43. $1,63 new Goods, new colors, new styles, latest effects, very large range to choose from, Dress Lengths only, $1.03. $1.05 for very choice new Ombre, shaded effects, this is one of our great leaders, Dress Lengths for $1.95. $2.28, $2.60, $3,25 and $3,50 the Dress Length for new lovely stylish Goods. Values that will surprise many a shrewd buyer. $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00. ° The Dress Length for the newest, choicest, and. most stylish Dresses that our closest cash buying- could. procure. Our Millinery and Mantle show rooms are O'pen every day. Stock the biggest and newest and all $1.niri'vg with the latest fashion - thoughts of the season. Our trimmers and designers are artists, come allfl see their productions. J. A. STEWART . Fey Marriage Licenses, INSURANCE. R -FLA Agent for the WEsTsex Assns.-az:es COM- PANY, of Toronto; also for the RUCENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England; the At.,LIASCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. ook WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books • Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, Etc. 1, GRIGG Weciclimn• Rirags, Wa.tclies, Clocks, Jewelry, Specteacles, Etc CALL ONisa.. R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. nald L, Hutchinson, youtagest son of Medical Health Officer Hutchinson, aged 20 years. Ile succumbed to the third attack of pneumonia in one year. Dr. Hutchinson and family formerly lived in Exeter. ADrERTISING Pis. --Last week l‘f iss Rook, of Usborne, advertised a lost watch in TUE TimEs. The paper came out on Thursday morning, and the watch was returned to the owner on Friday, the finder having seen the advertisement in THE TIMES. It pays to advertise and It pays to read the advertisements. PETTY THIEVING. -There are a munber of young lads in town, of res- pectable parentage, who have lately been caught with stolen:goods in their pockets, such as locks, knives, gum and other small articles, These goods have been identified as stolen property and if the parents of the boys do not look after their sons, I must; and upon the next complaint, I will mete mit to them the rigors of the law. -john Gill, Constable. Section No. 3, Usborne advertisesfor a teacher holding a second class certi- ficate. The cut rates on the railroads will be abolished on Monday and the old rates restored. The tableaux given in Exeter on the e evening of Labor Day by mmbers of the Trivitt Memorial church, will be given in Reason at an early date by same persons. Thomas Grundy, of, Goderich, has been appointed bailiff of the First Div- ision Court, for the county of Huron, to fill the vacancy caused by the re- signation of John Knox. Mr. McComb had sorne 20 fowl stolen from his stable on Thursday night last. There is a, clue to the guilty parties Some of the hens were in- tended exhibition pumoses. Mr. Dinney, whose death was re- ported in last week's TIMES, had en- listed with the U. S. army and had gone to front. No word has as _yet been received as to whether he was in- jured or died of fever. • ,An lndia,n doctor, who is in this section gathering herb's, was arrested on Thursday last on a, charge of steal - MART • ing a keg of lager beer from a farmer EXETER in Stephen township. He was subse- quently released, howeyer. itOn the 7th inst., Alfred Eiicrett, of v tp ixot. 14'isttueg London, son of 0. Eacrett, of Hay. was married to Miss EliZabetb, daugh- ter of Ja.nres Bisby, of London town- ship. They will reside in London. Mr. • THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER22nd,1898. Eacrett is a Jeweller in that city. HOWE OP REFUGE. -One of the in- mates has been trying an experiment of living without food, and although not sick, he has not tasted.. food in any shape or form for over a week. -An- other inmate claims to have willed a Manitoba farm to the County, on con- dition that he be maintained duriug the remainder of his life; the welter is being investigated to see if there really is anything in his story. -Mrs. Eliza, - beth Reid, of Seaforth, was a new in- mate last week. SHOOTING SEASON OPENS. -The sea- son for shooting woodcock, partridge, i snipe, plover and hare came n Friday and many left for the country to hunt. _According to reports the game is more plentiful this year than ib has been for several seasons In the north the people are complaining about the law regarding the shooting of ducks. They say the ducks leave the north before the 1st of September, and therefore they do not get a chance to shoot at all. The not thorn people want the law changed. that they may be able to shoot ducks earlier in the fall and later in the spring. Roanwome.-On some of the roads •that lead to this town,patinnasters are allowing thistles and other weeds to blossom. contrary to statute; in fact, many of the country roads are lined with weeds In cases where gravel was put on the road in springernach of it remains there the same as the day it was put on ; the public simply made a roadway around by the side, and the consequence is that the road proper has been unfit for travel all summer... At the next meeting of the County Ooimcil some one should try and put through a motion that the Council bay ,a stone crusher and roller, which could be rented out to the municipalities. At the Caledonian games at Luck - now on Wednesday last, amon# the 2nd B. Sparks, St. Marys : 3rd I . THE TIMES will be given to new snb- • scribers fol. the balance of the year for 25 cents. • The prize list of the South Huron show, held. in Exeter on Tuesday, ap- pears on the 4th page. Geo. Stewart, moyed h IS family from Farquhar, into town this week. We • welcome them as citizens of Exeter. Henry Hooper vacated. his residence on William street Monday, and J. G. Jones, of Winchelsea, moved into the same. LOCAL HAPPENINGS prize -winners were Highland Ladies clean your kid gloves with Millers Glovine, for sale only by Carl- ing Bros., headquartersfor kid gloves, all the most desirable shades in lace and button. Nearly every man, woman or boy Who can work, and is not otherwise •employed, has found work in connec- tion with the apple business in some form or other this year, Conductor Ireland,of the L. H. & B., was married last week to Mrs. Bessie • Smythe, of Wingham; he did not take a holiday trip for so impottant an event, but had the ceremony perform- ed "betweenruns." • At a meeting of the Council of Kootenay, R C., called, by the ma,yor $2,000 in herd cash was raised in an hour, and a subscription list started that promises to increa.ee the amount to $5,000 in aid of the fire sufferers in Westminster, B. 0, The Woodstock Evening Times will be issued shortly. ft says -"In poli- tics it will follow in the footsteps of the weekly for the pest forty-eight years, and support the Liberal-Con- eetvatiye party, the one that has moulded this great Dominion to the Splendid Empire that ib now is." Several of the arc lights have been strunglu the centre of the Street, as direct4by„the Council. The change is one 'tot -The worse, as besides the many disadvantages mentioned previous issue, the residents of the back streets are beieg done an injus- tice. When the lights were strung high the light shone over the huildinge, and illuminated the back Areas; now this light is wasted owing to the lights being too km. ir“. R. Pickard Co. Pringle, St- Marys. Sword dance, 3rd Miss Barbera Sparks, St. Marys. Best dressed girl, lst Barbara Sparks, St. Marys; 2ad Ina Riddle, London.. A contemporary says that Brown - ridge & Plumbs talented cotnpany of ladies and gentlemen presented that, grand old drama, of East Lynne to the citizens of our town last night, to a large and critical audience. The uni- versal opinion was that East Lynne had never before been .presented so realistically. This company will be ab Gidley's Opera House, on Monday evening, 28th inst. Admission 10c and 15c. Reserved seats on sale at Dr. LUCZ'S store. At the Police Court, in Toronto, on Tuesday a man was flned $20 and costs because he tried to sell a return ticket to Jarvis for twenty-five cents. He pleaded that he was not aware that he was breaking any lay, but this availed him nothing,the law was there and the Police Magistrate could do nothing but impose the penalty. The blame rests with those who made the . law. Did they honestly believe that a wrong would be done to anyone if a ticket for which a man had paid his money should' be transferred to an- other person for a, consideration? If not, why did they go out of their way to manufacture crane ? For the public will continue to treat with contempt laws that are not made for the benefit of the community at large, though their infraction is technieally as emu- ival as the breaking of just statutes. In what other country except Canada would sixth legislation be tolerated In what other country maid unbiased legislation be expected from legislators who openly place themselves under obligations to the railway, companies by accepting paeses over their lines ? John E, Harding, of Stratford, has at last got his reward. When the onslaught was made on judge Woods, rumor -had it that .1. E, was atter the position,but a protest against appoint- ing a local Man was made to the Minister of Justice, and he had to look fOr pastured new. Now it is announced that he has been appointed Junior Itidge of the County of Vietoria, M ,L, MANTLES! Our sales of Mantles to date far exceed those of any previous season. And the reason is not 1?.d.rd to get at, We purchased our stock from the best makers in .Germany and Britian for Spot Cash and passed them through the. Customs, just in time to save one fourth of thOuty. And we are now in a position to fit any lady, Miss Mohild in the village or country with a very stylish; up-tollato Coat at a very low figure. SIX SPECIALS. HOTELS MUST OLOSE.-The follow- ing reply has been received with re- ference to the closing of the hotels on. the 29th, when the plebiscite will be taken :-"Toronto, Sept. 14, 1898. - Sir, -In reply to your letter of the 13th inst. concerning the closing of hotels on die day when the plebiscite vote will be taken, 1 am instructed to say that, under section 83 of the Dominion Election Act, it would appear that taverns on polling day must be closed; that failing to close involves a penalty of $100. It is contended that there is room for difference of opinion as to the effect of the clause.s which bear on the subject. The department is of opinion that section 83 does apply, as above intimated. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, Henry Totten." HURON PRESBYTERT.-The Presby- tery of Huron met, in Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday, 13th inst. The Finance Committee reported that a 'rate of 100 per family, within the bounds, wound be sufficient to meet business and travelling expenses for the ensuing year. A. letter from the Foreign Missionary Society of the Church was read, asking that the SUM of $1,600 should, if possible, be raised by the congregations of this Presby- tery in aid of the Foreign Mission Fund for the ecclesiastical year. Wm. Aitcheson, of Seafortb, was certified to the Senate of Knox College, Toronto, as a student of the second year pre- paratory course. Deputations were appointed to visit aid -receiving con- gregations, as follows :-To Leeburn and Union Church,Goderich township, Messrs. J. A. Anderson,Roht. Hender- son and A. McEwen; to Bayfield and Bethany, Messrs. W,alter Muir, J. A. McDonald and Hector Reid; to Gra,nd Bend and Corbett, Messrs. J. A. Henderson, W. M. Martin and I. P. Ross. Remits from the General As- sembly were sent to Committee to pre- pare reports for discussion at the next regular meeting in November. A strong resolution in favor of the total prohibition of the liquor traffic, was unanimously adopted. PosTaiNorrns.-The post office de- partment has decided to issue postal notes of sixteen different denomina- tions as given in the following table, with the commission payable on each amount. Festal note for 20c , lc. 25c. ...... , .1c. 30c lc. 40c 1c. 50c 2c. 85e 2e. 80c 2c. 80c 2c. 60c, ..... 2c. $1.00 2c. $1.50, 2c. $2,00...........0 4 • • a 2c. $2.50, . . ... .. . $3,00 3c. $4.00. .3c. ..... 30, These postal notes will take the plate to a large extent of poet office or- ders in remitting small sums of money as they are cheaper and more conven- ient, there being no application forms to fill out. It will he noticed that pos- tal notes are only issued for even amounts, but odd cents may be made tip by affixing to the face of the note postage stamps sufficient to /rake the amount required. Thus, 34 cents may be made up by affixing four cents in stamps to a note for 30 cents. The telephone Co, is repainting the telephone poles in town. SIX SPECIALS. Ladies' Rough Boucle Cloth Coats, great value $3,00 Ladies' Black anil Colored Boucle Cloth Coats, with • fancy Buttons, ' •$4.26 Ladies' Black and colored Curl Cloth Coats, • in all • leading shades, tailor made, very fashionable .style, •$5.50. Lailies' Heavy Boucle Curl Cloth Coats, in green and black, splendily made,very' stylish coats,special Ladies' Fine English Beaver Coats, trimmed with large and small pearl buttons, raised seams, etc., .very correct, • $9.00 Ladies' very Fine Beaver Coats, applique trimmed, beautiful fitting, a seller, $10.0P. We are also showing a very complete range of Goods and are aiving great bargains in Fur Capes Jackets. •See them. he Direct importerz; KA ur nd cammorgoisurRejrj ANNOSZANNOWAMMMXIstit=f1513==diallOWA” CA Furs LANG 13R This week we have placed into stock one of the most complete stocks of Fur Goods we ever showed, consisting of Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Capes, Muffs, Ruffs, Robes Fur Gauntlets, in fact most anything you May need in Fur Goods,. Call and see our Ladies' Blaqk A.straehan Fur Coats at als6 our $8 and $10 Fur Gapes, they are the best yalue We ever showed. J. N. Hooper Visited at W. G. Bis- • .Purely Personal sett's over Sunday. o Miss Rosy Eacrett is visiting friends Mrs. .Bee, of Parkhill, visited Mrs.R. in town., this week. A. Kemp has returned front his visit ) / Miss Young, of Seaforth, is the guest in Toronto. • • • of Mrs. R. H. Collins. Perry Dignan, of Stratford, spent Mr. Fred Stubbs, of London, spent Tuesday in town. Tuesday visiting his friends in and around town. Messrs. -Will and Harry Browning left on M onday fo resume their studies, the former in 'Montreal, the latter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunsford, of Michigan, are visiting at Thos. Bissett's sr., and with other friends in and around Exeter. Rev. Colin Fletcher, Thames Road, has not been able to take his regular pulpit work for some weeks, and we regret that he is very ill. Friends from Chatha,m visited Mrs.1 Bobier this week. Warren Ross spent Sunday visiting friends in Brucefield. Miss Jeckell, of Usborue is visiting friends in Alma, Mich. Mr. Fisher, of Wyoming, is visiting his niece, Mrs. Wm. Dauncey. The Misses Shettler, of Dashwood left, this week to visit friends in Buff- alo. Mrs. John V. Crocker has returned home from a visit with her son in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, of London, spent the past week' guests at Wm. Drew's. Percy Quinn spent a few days of the articles We have just received a good range of Ladies' and Girls' Mantles in tho newest styles. See our $5 Coats. • • Dress (l��S This week we have passed into stock the last shipment, of our Fall and Winter Dress Goods so now our dross' goods • Stock is complete and you are invited to inspect the Goods. for Yourselves. CARLINC BROS NOTICE. -W. W. Harrison's evapor- itor at the market will open September tie• 20,000 bushels of apples wanted. /donee. One, ov Busneass.--Selling off . goods at less than cost. Bargains in Ltassels, filo flosses and ladies' untie ,ear. Macs. M. E. °Roc - .. St. Marys Fair Oct. and 5th. James Beattie, grocer, St. Marys, has made an assignment. bast week visiting his parents in Clinton milk dealers have raised the etroit. price from Sc. per quart to 5e. W. W. Hoffman, general merchant, Seaforth, has assigned to D. A. Fer- guson, Toronto. Miss Annie bIcLaren,of Mitchell,left this week to visit her brother in Souris, Manitoba. Mrs. °has. Abbott of London is visiting her mother, Mrs. Abbott, 'An- drew street. John Snell has returned to. St. Thomas after a few days visit with his mother here. A. J. Rollins is in Sarnia, at present • Mitchell Council are submitting a looking after his oil interests in that by-law to raise $5,000, to improve the neighborhood. . electric light plant. Miss Martha, Ford, of London, spent Wm. Taylor, Mitchell, has sold his a few days of this week visiting 75 acre farm in Fullerton to Frank friends in and around Exeter. Morris, Price, $3,750. Miss Mortlock has returned from a pleasant visit, with friends in Ham- ilton, Burlington, and other eastern points. Master Clevela,nd Whiteleft on Mon- day for his home in Toledo, after prolonged visit with his uncle, L. Mc- Taggart. j. S. Coppin, License Inspector for South Perth, was in town on Tuesday, The Thomas farm, Wellburn, has changed hands. It has been sold to Mr. Hall,ofKintore,for $5,000. • Richard Birch has leased the John- ston farm, at Anderson, for a term of years and will take ,possession before spring. . The township of West Zorra, is one of the lowest taxed municipalities in Ontario. The rate for 1898 has just was also Inspector Ballantyne, of been fixed at 4 3-10 nulls on the dollar. Seaforth. • Corn cutting has now commenced. . Mrs. (Rev.) Fatt, who has been a Last fall it was considerably damaged guest at Capt. Geo. Kemp's, during by frost before it was cut, so most the past few weeks, leaves this week •farmers are trying to avoid it this year. joe Connolly, of Logan, met with a bad accident last week, being kicked on the hand by a horse. The flesh was torn, ancl some of the bones was dis- located. Wm, Cassidy,of Dublin, has sold. his fiftacre farm on the 3rd con. of nth- rtWm. Aikens, and will, after to v,isit friends in Kincardine, Rev. Bray. owing to it failure in his vOiee, was unable to take the evening service in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday last, • N. Dyer Huron as- sisted. Rev. Dr, Willoughby and Messrs. Carling and Huston, have returned from the General Conference, which ------ has been in session in Toronto during .Tanuary lst, make his home on Ins the past few weeks. property near Stratford. The Misses Brawn and Crane, of Blenheim school board received 81 London, spent Sunday the guests of applications for the osition of prin- Miss Davidson, On Friday Mrs. John- ston and Mrs, Nott, of Princeton, were visiting Mrs. Davidson. Judge Masson was in town Monday, He went to Credi ton to sit at a Court of Appeal in connection witlithe voters' list. Ile also settled the appeals against the Ushorne voters' list on Tuesday. Dr, John Hynclinan, returned 1101110 CM Saturday from &months' Visit With his sons in Rolla, Dakote, He states that the climate there had no hem- licial efleets upon the asthmeovith which he bas been troubled. cipal. The salaries asked varied from $350 to $700. J. C. Hamilton, B. A., Laurel, was appointed at $500. On Wednesday morning of last week, a quiet marring. took place in Stratford, when Mrs, Thompson, Ont - Axle street, St. Marys, and B. S. rarrew, liveryman, were united. Rey. John Kenner, (at one time of Itirkton),of TroWbridge, acting tinder the adviee tV his medical adviser, has given up his work for a month or two, and hes gone to take it much-needed rest, TEACHER'S ASSOCLA.TION MEETING. - At the local Teacher's Association meeting to be held in the Public School, Exeter, at one o'clock, p. m. Saturday : Oct. lst, the following programme will be presented. Organi- zation. "Infinitives and Participles", C. H. Russell; "How to Teach Writ- ing" Miss Robertson; "A talk on the 0. S. 0.", W. H. Johnston; "School Law", H. N. Anderson. Honsus WANTED. -The undersigned will be •prepared to purchase Heavy Draught,Carriage and Saddle Horses, weighing from 1,200 and 1,600 lbs. The horses must be sound, in good condi- tion and from 5 to 10 years old. At the following places, viz: McLean's hotel Lucan, Tuesday, Oct. 4; Hawk- shew's hotel, Exeter, Wednesday, Oct. 5 ; Hasting's House, Parkhill, Thurs- day, Oct. 6: Hotel, Ailsa Craig, Fri- day, Oct. 7. THOS. SMITH, London, Eng. • come to LEVITT'S FAIR AOIN PAIR DAY imt,AND INSPECT OUR GOODS. Scotchware, direct from Scotland. Englishware, Dresden :Elates, and. Fruit Sets, Epergnes and Vases, Cups and Saucers,Mugs,Fancy Purses,Pipes Perfumes,. Whisk Holders, Flags and. Fireworks. Meals and Lunches wilt be served at all hours. Ice cream and ice cool drinks. ',Byars FAIR. ETR MILLING CO. SUCCESSORS TO WHERE INVESTMENTS PAY. -For the smaller capitalist perhaps no better investment can be found. than , that afforded by it judicious and care- ful outlay in real estate. The danger of this course lies in the ignorance of many who attempt it, as to the con- dition of the real estate market, and their consequent inability to make a wise expenditure.. This may easily be avoided by investing only through the medium of a reliable company such as "The Provincial Building & Loan Association," of Toronto. This concern is now in its seventh year of • successful business enterprise, hies earned the confidence and admiration of the investing public, because of the safe and cautious methods pursued by its management. It makes a point of -loaning only upon first Mortgages of improved real estate, and in no • case more than 60 per cent, of the sworn valuation at the time the loan Is made. During the first year the Provincial has placed it large amount or itspermanent stock of which it full description is given in the advertise- , ment of the company on first page. • Without doubt this is an excellent in- vestment, and being secured as it is by real estate is practically worth double the amount of the investment. We do not see how it, can be beaten, especially when we point ont the system of repaytnent from month to month, which huproves the value of the security each time a payment Is made. TH ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING CO., now ready to do business with the pub- . Ito genoraily. .5.11 kinds of FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF For sale ab close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. We deliver every day to any part of the town free. We hope you will help us to make it success of the business, which means a success for the town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat_ At all times. • TELEPIXONE NO. 30. • ' STEWART BROS. Sa- WILLIAMS. That tired, languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's LittleLiverPills before retiring, and. you will find relief. They never fad to do good. A recent telegraphic despatch to W. N. Watson, Seaforth confirms the report of the death of his son Harry, at 3,Ianilla. •••••••.0.1.• IF YOU USE DIAMOND DYES YOU MAKE DOLLARS. If You Use Poor and Adulterated Dyes 'You Ruin Your Goods and Waste Money. The ladies of Canada know well that the using of Diamond Dyes means the saving of many dollars, and thousands will tell you that the use of poor and adulterated dyes means ruin to goods and loss of money. The wonder work- ing Diamond Dyes combine immense variety,rneritand usefulness. Diamond Dyes are prepared in forty-eight colors for the coloring of wool, feathers and cotton goods. Minute and sirnple directions go with each package of the Diamond Dyes, so that the most inex- perienced person cm do as good work as the professonal dyer, i Bear n mind that imitators are con- tinually trying to copy the style and package of Diamond Dyes. When yon buy dyes for home dyeing see that year dealer supplies you with the "Diamond" ; no other make of peek - age dyes will do yetir work with profit and satisfaction, Send to 'Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal, Que., for valuable book of directions and simple card of colors ; sent free to any ad- dress. moomnio••••••iew.....164ioril Teacher Wanted' rorsdhoor sect., No. 3, T.Ishernet, holding a seeded elate eortificate, AppIleatits teceived up till'Oet. gOth.• 1OHN OILP/LLAN Kirkt0/14 Co ds With their freshness, right- , ness fittness and fashionable- ness,. always attract attention. We will show this week the newest Blouse Silks and satins, in checks and shot ef- fects. These are leaders. Dress Coods4t..._ Also plaid DRESS GOODS for ekirt and blouses. The leading fad is silk or satin blouse with plaid skirt. we will show a, beautiful metallic skirting the leading colors, being black and white. In fall andWinterDress Goods we will be found right. We carry a large varie- ty ef black and figured dress goods. In this lastdepartment the present and. past seasons have been our largest, we are showing plaid ribbons, suitable for ladies' Cravats attached with it dainty. pin, A new and large collection of ladies' link cuff buttons, collars and. cuffs. Side combs from 8c. to 25c. per pair. J P. CLARKE Bright New Goods If you wish Fresh Groceries, call AT DATJNORY'S A large stock of Flour & Feed, cheap, AT DAUNCEY'S Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs and other produce AT DATTNCEY'S Everything new and fresh, bright and dean ,AT D A.UNCEY'S GROCERY, FLOUR & FEED STORE. One door north of post office, Exeter NEM MEAT MIIIIKET, • The undersigned liAq opened up a new meat, niarket on, 1.:oor SOutil 01 Carling% Stor6. where he vvill keep the choicest of meats conetantly on halal. A CALL SOLICITED • JOHN.„T. NANNING