Exeter Times, 1898-9-22, Page 1TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO 6
Millinery Opening
—on ---
Tuesday & Wednesday, Sept. 27th & 28th
And following days
" aseeitsaraweese4a...
The Fall campai,,an Will be inaugurated in earnest
on the above da,tes when our show room will be filled
with a display of the latest novelties in Fall and Win-
ter Millinery by far the most •extensivct,' we've yet
Ati....„Ladies' Mantles, For Jackets and Capes
It will be a revelation to sec our fall stook of
Jackets, there's variety and value there to iirterest
everybody. Come and see •
In addition. to an extra lot of REAL LIVE
BARGAINS in Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery,
Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottonade, Shirtings, Under-
wear and Mens' and Boys' Clothing.
We will treat our customers to the music of a
First cia.ss Graphophone.
the music.
Come and get a share of the bargains and enjoy
A. FORD & CO ., Woodham
The -solid- ve1
Berars.-Mrs. Mcafordie and (laugh-AcMDEtinr. Oa Monday
Ler, Annie, have svave returned from their imam Peta of Porb Perry, who has
trip. --Master Alex. McNevin. has gone been working as a, builder in this
ecaattend GoderichOollegiate Institute section, was instantl d
G. 1. Sutherland, Notary Public, OonveY
ancer, Commissioner, Piro Insurance agent
end Issdrer of Marriage Licenses, Legal docu
moats carefully drawn at reaSonahle ratee
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in
Wrest. Office at the Pest office. ilensall.
H D. comm.
axle with Garrow Proadfoot) Darrister
Solicitor, Notary Pub/le, Rosen, Ont.
Tri, A. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D. S.. Honor Gradu
A. of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth
extracted without pain or bad effects. Moe
in Petty's 13Iock, Honsall. At Zurich every
Monday, commeneing May 30th.
ThinsTeAxx, FLotrnalcO Mna,s,-A large uantwY
of wheat wanted at the Rowell flouring mil
at Once as the groat demand tor our flour 2
greatly increasing and are running night an
day in order to supply the demand. John-
rntser our Read IVIllier who has had over 2
Years of practical experience m the largos
flouring mills in Ontario and Manitoba is giyin
as the best of satisfuetion.
WEDDING Basses. -A very pretty
wedding was celebrated on Monday
19th Sept. at 2 p. at the residence
of Ja G. Troyer, when his sister Emma
Keturale youngest daughter of the
late Jobe Troyer, Hills Green, was
maaaied to Mahlon A. Rice,of Toronto.
The ceremony was perfornaed by Rev.
W. H. Kerr, pastor of the Methodist
church, in the preserio of the near re-
latives and friends. Tim bride wore a
robe of white Duchesse, satin with a,
pointed yoke of ruched chiffon and an.
ornauaent of pearls,covered by a tulle
veil. „ The bridesmaid, Miss Efae J.
Troyer, niece of the bride, wore a white
frock with tulle yoke and lace. She
also carried a boquet of white flowers.
Emma Coleman, niece of the bride
was maid a honor. She wore a white
frock with cream sash. Wilfrid Rice
of 'pronto, nephew of the groom ac
ed as best man, while little Emor
Troyer, nephew of the bride supporth
the little maid. The newly wedde
were the recipients of roarty valuabl
presents. They left ou the eveningthai
for New York and other points eas
pon their return they will take n
heir abode in Toronto. .
Bareas.--Dresden Times :-"We ar
haled tipeiir3,Reelc kD chronicle the
eparture frora our maafenta alesald
rs. W. A.. McKim, two of most'
°Pular citizens, who have for many
ears filled no small place in the re-
gions, social• and business Iife of
resden. For six years Mr.111e1Ciin has
one in and out amongst us,a, pushing,
ear -headed business man, a citizen
ogressive,and broad in hs views on
public questions ; a, member takin:g
pronlinent part in the Masonic and
ddfellows' Lodges ; a steadfast ad..
rent of his church, liberal of his
earts and of his time and in all ways
deservedly popular inenaber of
clay. Universally liked, he leaves
any friends who will regret that he
s deemed it best in the interest of
business to remove to Hensel'. --
large number of the villa,g,ere at-
ded the Exeter fair on Tuesday'.
ere was a large crowd, over $500
ng taken at the gate. Several ex-
itors from here were prize-winuers,
ong the number being T Murdock,
o secured 1st money for his stalliort
ing Stanton",an the 2.93 class, -Mr.
Mrs. E. Pearce, of .FOrest, were
t week guests atJames Sutherland's.
rs. Wm..Stonemen was in London
Thursday last visiting friends. -
and Mrs. A. Buchanan, of this
age, were in Zurich on Monday
visiting their see Dr. Buchanan.
berecis very little interest taken in
Prohibition campaign here. At
lecture the other evening the
ience was composed principally'of
es. The vote will be small, as the
tors consider that 'there will never
nything done in the matter any-
. - Alfred Eaerett, jeweller, of
don, son of Christopher Buret aof
township, was married in Lon -
last week to Miss Elizabeth,
ghter of James Bisby, of London
nship. Congratulations. Thos.
mer has gone into liminess again
ondeeboro.-Miss Berth II dg•
inpanied by Miss Hattie Hodgins,
ipley, are vititingattlendeld Lon- a
-M. Greenslade ineved into town h
lonclity and took possession of e
er's restaurant. ' Mr. Sheffer and E
ly litte-e moved into aftsPetty's re-
eeejames White drove to Exeter ti
uesday. His friends are pleased a
tice the rapid improvement in his a
Perth Co LA nty Notes af UrOnCdUrity N °tee
Sanshine Annivereary Services next
Sabbath September the 25th; aPeeial who has been viettbaw in this vicinity, term of five years the farai of Hugh
About a, year ago James Hopkinson, Wra. Robertson has released for a
Beeervm.ojenso.allass.3e0neo.f pc,:madriodn'T p. m• bY fell through 4 scolfold while in the lVfooreland, 3rd. con , W. Wawassosh
bbraorkneohfaGeorge Crossman, Hullett, and
ever since.is .g. e has been up
joseph then of Cherry Grove had a
narrow escape recently. While help.:
nig to unload a, lead of peas the trip
tome way it:1.11401K' and the bunch,
of peas fell down, striking him on the
head: Although rather badly barb he.
is getting avouncl again,
John B. 0, Frank, of Lobo ; his son,
Wm. 8, Frank, and son -le -law, Geo.
Woolcoa, were on Saturday sent for
trial by Squire Lacey of Lond
larrears.-Feeveral from here attended,
the Exeter Fair on Tuesday.- Our
F • . ay) Thursday promises to
be a good one. ,A large crowd is ex-
pected. -Last Sabbath Rev, Litt, ex-
changed pulpits with Rev Hii t f
this .place, and both. morning and
evening preached excellent sermons.
-The Y. P, intend haying a Tem-
perance Rally Tuesday evenm.g Sept-
ember 27th. Special music is beine
prepared, and good addresses are to be
given. All are very cordially iavited
to attend this rally, The Y. P. As
Oonveiation is to be held Sept 221 -id and
23rd at South Cayuga. Miss Laura
Williams is going as the representa-
tive of this society. -Mrs. Trevethick is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Reeding,
for alfeav days. ---Our inerchants are do-
ing their annual cleaning for the fair.
The weather is delightful, still keep-
ing cool.
Tuesday Of last week, Jahn Walker, of
the 2nd con., Tuckerstuith, met with a
fatal accident. He had driven his
team to a field on the farm, iutending
to cut clover, but before hitching on
the reaper, be stooped to fix some-
thing about the machine. A couple
colts in the next field, ran alongthe
fence. This scared Mr. Walker's teata
t- and they commented. tdjumpand ran.
e gained his feet, and walked to the
y Mr. Walker grapped the lines, and as
d he did so,one of the horses kicked. him
d on the stomach. He fell but soon re.
t 'lumen . Getting worse a doctor was
n 'lease, where he rubbed himself with
sentfor, who held,that be was bleed-
ing to death internally. He died Wed-
nesda,y morning at 4 o'clock. He was
45 years and ten months of age
. Greerrwaye,
Betieras.-Rev. J. W. Biiirda-Pe-eA., e
preached a very accepta,ble temperanCe-
'sermon last Sunclay.--Over 80 Macca-
bees attended the funeral of their bro-
ther, Sir Knight John Shepherd, who
died last Sattrday, and was buried on
Monda,y at Salem. The faintly have
the synapnthy of the surrounding pub-
lic in their sad afiliction.-tafrs. A. M.
Wilson and daughter, May, are visit-
ing Mrs. Wilson's -brother, Rev. II.
ICerr, at Thainesville. - The regular
monthly meeting of the Sir 'Knight of
Maccabees, tent No 68, will be held on
We'dnesday, Oct. 5th in place. of the
4th, on account of the Presbyterian
Harvest Home di nra erat Corbettewhich
will beheld Tuesday the 4th of Cato-
ber.-Thos Fallis is visiting friends in
Arkwright.-Andy Glendenning lost
a valuable horse lasbweekat is thought
one of the others kicked it, and broke
both bones Of its hind leg.
be a
itt L
--Almost daily loads of barrels- may be
iseen passing through ofilr burg, the
apples are Plentiful and a fair price is
..--ethred for them.-Drobably never be-
fore was as Mach, fall wheat sown in
this vicinity as .this year ; seine far-
mers sowing as Cinch aa 50-aecres.-
Mr. and Mrs..Tames Blair,of Centralia,
were visiting friends and relatives in
this vicinity. --A. Smillie,:of Tucker -
smith, and Mr. McGregor were anion
ethe prize winners at Toronto. IVIr
Smillie taking a prize for a pair o
Chas. Skeates, Wingliam, was
one of the prize svinners at tlae`R.Q. T.
bicycle races in Tormato on Saturda,y
last. There were one hundred and
,eighty-seven who started in the race
.and.of the first twenty who came in
40harlie was numbered. sixteen with a
handicap of seven minutes. A. Mc-
'Ivor,of Goclerich,was number eighteen
working around a building. He was
piling stone when a plank fell from
above, cutting his head open: He was
ahnost instantly killed.
as Zwickerfhaletwaged Miss Addle Mor.
k, of Exeter as Milliner, and will hold a
and IVfillinery Openingon Thursday,- Friday
nd Saturday Sept. 29th. and 30th and Oct. 1st.
The latest styles. _Everybody welcome.
:aBnravs,-Miss Hannah Lewis is o
tire sick list. -The diphtheria is ab
ng, school has not yet re -open
Ohn Trevethick has been ill th'e* past
week. -Judge Masson was here on
Monday holding Court" of A.ppeal. A
large number of names were disposed
of. -The brickyards have closed for
the season and commenced burning.
110 Oil' •
You hardly realize that it is medi-
cine, when takingOerter's Little Liver
il s ; they are very metal' ; no bad
with four minutes handicap. McIver effects.; all troubles from • torpid liver
is first on the list of fifteen who made I ertareheved by their use. .
-the best time, making a7 miles in 57 Oa Saturday there joined the silent
minutes, 324-5 seconds. His prize is a' majority anotlaer of Seaforth youths
;parlor suite valued at $100. Skeates in the person of David McCullough
:made the race in 1 hour and 32 seconds. Murray, youngest son of Mrs. Jno.
Murray, at the early age of eighteen.
Yon will pot know how much good The deceased had been sick for some
'Hood's Sarsaparilla, will do you. until months and vvas a victim to that
_you try le Bay a bottle todayand, dread disease which is fast becoming
. begin. to take it. ' 1 the white man's plague.
4 q't• qe•04-ItiSie+tre40144$44Viltat4tk;g4tre4011t1l*Stig.1/4k6-4440."41/Se44.,.0#
411.4rAMN. 4V00 Ie. le, let. -.4%. " A /et IA .Ite. ley el. Ia. IAN, `• vA.
.4110 "tte
ntroduction Sale
Winchels a
air4 •
. ,..A. sah.:
1151( o n 3
Oeetba. of R
Olt fami
A siden
Islaving purchased the StOck of Messrs. jones & lit Iit:°neanTl°t
I- li.-a.t a rate on the $, arid being desirous of mak- 1°
Central la.
Basaps.--The question of Prohibition
was ably discussed in the Methodist
church last Monday night. The Rev.
It. Hobbs, of London, delivered a pow-
erful address, and carried his audienee
with him. At the close of the meeting
an expression of opinion was called for
by pastor (who occupied the Allah.),
when almost the entire audience stood
up in fever of Prohibition. Centralia
will not be ashamed of its vote on the
20th inst.-The Rev, .T. P. Westman,
of Montreal Oollege,preached here last
Sunday night. -- Frank Colwell has
sold his farm to Robt. Elston, of Hen-
sel), and bought his brother William's
ferm.--Mr. Revington, of Moorseville,
has been buying apples in tbis section
-Russell Huxtable and Mies Ida Ala
of are on the sick list. - Mrs. Wes.
Huston still continues in" a very criti-
al condition. -Mrs. (Rev.) S. Salton
as gone on a visit to Toronto. -- The
ntire neighborhood turned Out to the
yeter fair. We wonder the ,Exeter
eople de not return the cempliment
ncl visit Centralia fair car the 1st of
nly. Merchants at least "liorild aave native o co tland, who emigrated with
n eye, to business not, f tti his • t
ea by Aaron Lochard, in W. Wawa- '•
nosh.farm near Dobnybrook, formerly owl.. .
Mr. Silaps has perchased the 100 itc.
Faerow Bros. have sold their farm
for the handsome sum of $5,100, to
Win, Planket, West Wawanosb, who
sold his fartn to his brother.
On Tuesday ivialle ThomasBlaaker,
apples, he fell frona the tree, and bad
the misfortune to break a couple of his
of Clinton, was engaged in pieking
le charge of stealing cattle from. the I Ofl The death of airs. Robt. Crawford,
former's Xeres while they were ;„ Oth concession. Hallett occurred Wed -
charge of a sheriffs officer. "..` nesday tight, after only a, couple of
Taos. Lemma's' well-bred Cocker days severe illness, at the age of 70
' years and 6 months.
Spaniel "Sunday", which was on ex -
to have been stolen. When the other
kabala/3a at the Toronto fairsis believed Iey, was working she slipped and f
One day as Mrs. W. IVIotfateof Stan-
eritehell dog., were reaaraed .?y. ea.. arid in trying to save herself badly
presa "Sunday's" chain was in the sPrajued her wrist whieb. has l'endel:"
case. The dog was valued at $150. ed her arm useless since.
On Sunday morning Mot we were George Snell, blacksmith, Londes-
again reminded of the encertainty of ,,b_off, i.s laid off ,this week with blood
life. Death has again visited Fuller. 1.,..esonaig in his right bend. He rece
bon and carried off as its victini. the ed a slight scratch on Friclay.last, but
beloved wife of W. J. Phipps. Mrs. took no notice of it at, the time.
Phipps has been a resident of Fuller- A very eretty wedding. took place at
ton all he life, and no one will be more the home of Mrs. Mul&ew, Egmund
regretted than she by her large circle ville, on. Wednesday eyenm
en -1g be marriage of her young
of friends and acquaintances. . i
Wm. Louth, of Wellburn, has made daughter Merin, to :roan Scott
a great success of plum growing. Three
he has a great crop. Some of the eldest daughter, Mary Calvin, w
years -ago he planted out 12a plans A fashibnable wedding, took pia
trees. They commenced to bear the Thursday at the handsome residen
second year after planting. This year of D. C. Strachen, Goderich, when I
trees had to be propped up on account married. to Dr. *E. R. Hooper, son
of the load of fruit. He finds the Dr. Hooper, of Toronto.
Luinbard variety to be the best bearer. A very pleasing event took place i
A very old. lady died at the Perth Goderich on Friday, Sept. Oble whe
House of Refuge at noon Saturday iu jOhu Blair, son of Wm. Blair, of th
the person of Mrs. Slater. She was cut line, Goderich township, an
born in England, May 19, 1808. For Frauds, Youngest daughter of 'T°h
teeny years she resided in Stratford,
ber late husband conducting a tailor- Porter, con. 3,were united in the bond
of matrimony.
ing business in ,that city. She went e elYchibald Finlayson, , a former res
to the House of Refuge on April 26 of dent of Lucknow,and a member of th
last year. For the last six weeks she Duluth Fire Brigade,met with an ace
had been weakening very rapidly, and dent which resulted in his death o
leer death was hourly expected, the 7th. The same was caused by
Mr. Sharp, of St. *Marys,
aeply on Tuesday, the disease being
died sed,- collisioa between the hook and lac:1de
brigade at Duluth and a trolly car.
h . ke. A& -Shit Ft) Wantiffid:1 -Me aestesesarseeeSte.-91-,121fee Efannal
two Weeks agaft '' The agedcodple were 1 crearn.ery business shows the 're-ce.tilt
members of East Nissouri Baptist 1 and expenditures. Hohnesville patron
Church and were highl respectedy l go nothing, and are thankfal they
ail who knew them. Just an hour be- ' have nothing to phy, as the assignee
fore his,death, Mr. Sharp walked out lawyer, who has $260 still conaing to
to the barn, where pile threshing bine kindly give a receipt in,full.
mazsz wHITE 1-3 SONS
I''tiblistkors and Proprietors
Here's Your Chance!
A Granite Kettle given
away with every pound of
Art Baking Powder at 50
cents per pound,
Try Our Excellent Soap
A ticket with each bar, and
the person getting the "lucky
ticket" will receive a beautiful
Cruet Stand.
Special value in Prints.
J. P. Rost*
Gordon Avenged
_ Onebeuirnlolii: oisiuEzzgypVs sand and beneath, the
The Britis 1 forces glory and greatrenown have
est"Lotti A."Lnaderrfairdvo Alt ebree gaavueanng:Gd'o' rtahoanth7nalisithe e battl e
' hund-
red British di.
ce But ,t,,(1ziol „„,e hundred only a that deter-
1is Who tgnijteht like demons while giving blow for
aiS: 13 utrbrailicireis:a thousiad men-at-arms by night lay
Who fell bayonet, sword, or deadly
a hail °Plead.
ri "Gordon is fnow avenged," to God we giye:the
a Tear fgrdni. tip Atmore black ilag, St. George's
n Let proudly- deli: criebnion Jack that's brayed the
s battle and the breeze
Float o'er oldilKhartoum's battlements as the
sunsinks by1degreeS, 0
Lie: FS
Sweep :V: aPrii nt a°51 ItiNivitha
s rena -rfnoigeiasitilrotngLant:edr: briudte zattlls1 jar
r,.. blood must flow,
Sweep onward gallant Lancers, but ahhve hold
a our breath
r Two thousand hidden devils are waiting for
1 5 hike now for Queen and CountrY, the foe is
s six to ono, -
„ Cut, ha*. thrust, party, iturrah : the deed is
e 'aeries
And thew:Hi-the' re'elilanyqdt behind you stand
.s.,„_-_. ........
beneath the guns '-'..s,,, ' :: ., ,,,
Ready one,more to few the foe MM. goo" -°4"
Retain s0‚
N. lp-rzn Ettraloa4N
machine was at work, end his neigh- At the last ineeetng of Court Pro -
hors gathered at the threshing. perity. O. P., Olinton, the mem-
Saturday morning; after a lingering hers took the opportunity of preeent-
and painful illness, Ernest Williams, ing their head officer john D
Logan road, passed away. About
tbree months ago he was operated on
for appendicitis, and, for a tinas he
seemed to be getting on. nicely, mita
a few weeks ago, vvhen a second oper-
ation took place. He was so run down
from his long illness thathissystem
was linable any longer tot bear the
strain and he gradually grew weaker,
until death stepped in and relieved
him of all earthly troubles.
As stated last week, S. Marys has
lost one of her most prominent citizens
in the death of David Maxwell, bead
of the manufacturing firm of D•
wasabout to leave for the."Old Country,
with a handsome gold watch and
guard, the watch bearing a suitable
ealgaaTiPga- ,„..•
• •St. James charoh, Sertforth, was the
scene of a very quiet, but pretty wed-
ding, which was solemnized by Rev.
Fatlaer ltle0a,be on Wednesday morn-
ing at nine o'clock. The contracting
parties were John Malone, of IVIcKil-
lop and Miss Emma Armstrong, of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Londes
oro, were called home from Toronto
ICaxwell & Sons, who passed from tl '
life on Saturday morning Sept. 10th at
IIS i Saturday last rather hurriedly, owing
. ,
to the fact that their eldest daughter
the age of 66 years. He was a than of , was hurt considerably while in the act
the strictest integritsehighly esteemed [Of dismounting from her wheel. She
and liked by those with whom he came is still confined to her bed, and is ire -
in contact and one of whom none ev • proving slowly.
On Tuesday John Walker, of con. 2,
Tuckersmith, was. passing some horses
in the stable when one of them kicked
him in the stomach ; the injuries were
so serious that althougb. a doctor vitas
called, who did everythino. oss"b1 f
spoke a disparaging word. It was with
the greatest regret that the commun-
ity heard of his death. Born in•Forfar-
shire Scotland, in 1832 he came to Can-
ada in '54 and located first in Montreal
and soon after in Harnilt F •
there he moved to uu Paris in '59 and es- , him, he passed away, two days laterale
tablished the present business of the I was a, young man of 40 years of age,
firm, rematiling until their removal to and unmarried,and Was much respect -
St. Marys in '88. Re was one of the ed by all who knew him,
first nammfacturers of agricultural ma- p d Rush ea Gorrie, met with 1
c.hinery in •Onterio. re . ,
very serious accident on Tuesday
------44"----- afternoon. Ite... was at Mn, Finley's
On Wednesday morning there pass- threshing, about three miles north of 'f
ed away one of the oldest pioneers of this village, and was feeding the n3a-
the township ofStanley,John McCowasa 'chine, when his right hand came in
aged SI, after a long affliction caused contact with the cylinder, which tore e
by eangrene. Mr. McCowan was a it to pieces. Dr. Tuck was at once
, orge ng the f ! stuumoned, and amputated the arra a ..
paten e and came to Stanley whe few inches below the elbow
been represented, svitbout au except- 18, con. 2, Stanley-, and by' diligence
Ed. and economy he soon made himself 4D
comfortable home. He afterwards
Crornarty. purchased the old homesteads let, 19,
f \Phial had been for sorrie year'eain the
PS.-C4eorge Hamilton Inc re- possession of Simon Roche, on which
to Chatham after spenclin th N he was living At the time of Tug death.
Foe, internal or external use Hag -
yard's Yellow Oiaeannot be excelled as
a pain relieving and soothing retnedy
.Fa.11 Fairs.
Goderich, September 97, 28, 29
Tuckersixtith, Seaforth, Sept. 23.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22, 23
Turnberry, Wirigharc, Sept. 27, 28
East Wawitnosie Belgrave, Sept.
29, 30. •
Morris, Blyth, October 4, 5.
East Huron, Brussels, ' October 6, 7.
Hay, Zurich, September 21, 22.
Mitchell, September 27, 28.
LrvErt TROUBLES, biliousness, sallow
cornialexion, yellow eyes,jaundice,ete.,
yield. to the curative powers of Laxa-
Li ver Pills. They are sure to cure.
The protest against the eleetion of
T. D. Hodgens tor East Middlesex will
be dropped, and it is likely- that the
protests against De. E. Xessep (Conser-
vative), of lencoln, and Dr, 'Jamieson
(Conservative), of Sontliaerey, will
also fall through. Ooneelering South
Huron we hear nothing,
Otte of the oldest residents of Wat-
ford passed away recently in the per-
son of John Shannon, Warevick street,
sylto had attained the ripe age of 99
years. Deceased. Ives a native of the
Comity of Monagbau, Ireland, and
who, enth his family of daugh-
vat worried in 1852 to Meey A Char-
ters,.survive hi
,Weare shoWing new and most
ashideable , stock for ' gentlemen,
svater-proof coats with velvet ,collats,
ell nvide andfgoo'd fitters, three colors.
. P. CIL:4,1MB.
ale editor
ing the acquaintance of the greatest nurnber of peop
ales in the shortest space of time we are taking the plan o
When we will offer the whole of their stock at
-1 Commencing Saturday, September 17th
And Continuing until,Monday, October 3rd. .*
41t.. will find some of the best bargains ever offered in .the
s. fFor years Mae' Treras lia.s it was a wilderness. He settled on 107'
Jo • ,,,,*, • The grain commissioners of Ontario ti°11'-
f a "At and Quebec met Taesday morning
7as. an aroued. This action was taken. on
,31$16 DAYS' 1NTROD
and decided to increase the standards
lAccount of the excellence of the gen- Bilm
.,..•\ real saninles shown. - ttArtied
Space will not 0.110w us to quote prices, but you
4, County, in ail departMents.
We expect that our New Fall Goods will nearly all
bein this week. Purchased for CASH, in the lowest
markets, we will offer a complete stock in all depart- .1.
ments, comprising
Dry Goods, Groceries Boots and
Shoes, Clothing, Puts, Etc
• , ;•.14
q; (Men's Fur Coats and Ladies' Fur Jackets a.nd Capes a
specialty) at the very closest prices.
I -Toping to be able to keep up the high reputation of this
store for good reliable Goods, at.
Ll, N 13,—Mr. Jones or Hails will also be in the store during :1
' fr the sale. .,.*
41-3141 f rfg
ere V obese Ate ele,kalt ets ewe ea,
VA 14
Smart Weed and Belladonna com-
bined with the'other ingredient's used
in the porous plasters, makes Carter's
W. & 13, Backache Plasters the best in
the market. Price 25 cents.
We will take it as a favor if our
readers when buying of our advertis-
ers, will mention to thent that they
saw the advertisemenb ib the nem
We are always ready to do you a favor
when We can. Now is the time to re-
ciprocate the TIMES':
Londoners in general, and the mem-
bers and adherents of the First Pres-
byterian °hunch in particular, svill re-
ceive vvith satisfaction the news that
Rev. W. J., Clatke as to refuse the call
to Erskine Church, Toronto, extetaled.
less than two weekd ago.
The Methodist General Conference
forbids rnemleges of the church to dance,
play- cards, mite to the theater, but
at the same time it contemptuously
rejects a proposition te give practical
effect to its comreapds by- expelling
all members who violate the discip.
line. •
There are many forme of hervous
debility. in men that yield to the use of
Carter's trim Pills, Those who ere
troubled with netvous Weakness, eight
tweets, etc., should try them.
Children Of's/ for
summer yacation with his parents,afr.
and Mrs. F. L. Hamilton, of this plaee;
he was accompanied by Miss Cousins,
who has been visiting Mr.Raninton's
Lora couple of weeks. -- Mrs. Boyle
left on Tuesday of last week to visit
friends iict the county of Lanark. She
was accompanied by her niece, Miss
Katie SteiVarawho has returned home
after spending the summer months
with her aunt. -Mrs. Bubrilz who has
been very sick with inflammation has
taken n, change for the better!, -- Will
floggerth, school master, tided as
jadge .of poultry at the fall fele ilk
Eiceter.-Mise Meg& Matinee, of
Bruseels, was the guest of Mrs. S. A.
Miller last week -Miss Tottie Norris
neW rides a new bicycle. -Rev. Peter
Scott is at presen takieg a visit among
friends in Port flIgine-Rcv, Me. Hen-
derson, of Atwood, supplies the pnlpit
during his absence.---fr. and Mrs. P.
Campbell purpose visiting the scenes
of their childhood in Dalhousie and
Sherbrooke townships, Unmet covin.
by, in a few days.--Mts. John Hamil-
ton, of St. Patti, forxnerly of this place.
Is visiting amongst old friends, --Miss
Helen Hain i I ton, Toronto, is staying at
her uncles P. L. liamilton.-Quite
titlrolvt, from this vicinity \vent to
London fair and returned well pleased
with their trip.
boAv euns A atAlarrOlte, MAX.
Alexander 'Preset,. Maul, IVtan.L writ_cs " I
cannot refrain from receinmettalee DOM*
gots it (1 itttiolt Pills in any penon t t bl d "
onto me Woo eot enrc toes wiser
A tanot dwoder. boicv, it thee emlid
feral' pain, ,
.11----tennvestors an'ceBorrowers Receive a Definjte Contract
They nia,ke one feel as though life
svas worth lissibg. Take one of Carter's
Little Liver Pills after eating ; it will
relieve clyspepsia, aid digestion, give t
tode and vigor to the system.
A Bogton man advertises that he o
"will telly cast-off ladies' clothing." ett
it is bpliew,ed, however, that he merely
doesnarkettev how to write good Eng -
l." h
Afore' 'tree' .1170tICVS 113,01iPhOal110)
Viatriat TIOnedil.
Sold and recommendea by au:
utgists/toleriada, Only
epotrie, discovered.- tSix
guttrmiteed to cure Me
orms of Sexual W 'Oil effects of abase
rexeesseMental Worry; .getptta•use Of To'
f , p , • one
MgPoilie61 ggiii"eiSV'rlit13,11"
will cure. Faniplilets tree to any addresg."
Who Wood Comptumpitclgory Onto
Wood's Phosphodine stold in Exeter by
V. Drowning, druggist.
THE pRoviNciAL $2,-,F4808Si
(Incorporated 1Siti)
CAPITAL, -- $5SURSCPre't,000,000
& Loan Association
„There is nothing better offered in the rvay of an investment than the permanent Stock in this
Association, which is still selling at par ($100) per share and a fixed Dividend at the rate of per
cent per annum paid each ball year, on the ist January and 1st July. The difference in the earning
Dower and Dividend paid is credited to Reserve Fund, and Investors pa.rticipate to the extent of a
further cash dividend each 6ve years of 50 pet cent of such Reserve Fund ;as soon as $50a,o0o of
this stock is issuedit wilt be withdrawn from sale.
The Associationgives a definite mortgage, has no aucti
ate on sales or bidding for loans. These
made Promptly. and can be repaid without cost after two years, tefore connnittinef yourself to
any investment or completing a Loan, ‘Vrite for one of out pamphlets which fullybexplains the
principles upon which our business is conducted,
.4« VINCENT,, General Agent