Exeter Times, 1898-9-8, Page 51 , 7 . ., r* t€ Merit talks" the intrinsic value ot Boodal Sarsaparilla, Merit in medicine /mane cure. Boodle Sarsaparilla possessee and unequalled curative power fore it has trite neer% When Bood's Sarsaparilla, and take . to direction, to purify your . care any of the many blood are morally certain to receive The power to cure is there. trying an experiment. It will blood pure, rich aiad noarishing, drive out the germs of diaease, the nerves and build up the H0 d' Sarsaparilla Tithe best, in fact -the One True Prepared (nay by 0. L Hood ez Co a ks the power to actual and there.. yon buy it according blood, or diseases, you benefit, Yo a are not make yout and thus strengthen wholeaysitent. , g . Bloo d Purifier, , Lowell, Masa. Do not urge,ain or .1100CPS PHIS gripe. Airdru.250, ................„........... rhe ritiolsons Bank 4011ARTE1ED BY PARLIAM-13/NT,1855) Vaidup Capita - - $2,000,000 Hes Fund - - -- 1,400,000 • Head Office, Montreal. WnLFERSTAN THOMAS,Esq., • GENERAL MANAGER 3�oney advanced to good farraera on their Own note with one or more endorser at 7 per tint. pet animal. . Exeter Branch, pen every lawful day, from a.m. to p.m SATURDAYS,10 a.m, to lp. m. ..zaprrent rates of interest allowed on depoits N. D.HURDON, Manager. ' Exeter, Deo. 27th, '96 Money Ns,. have 'unlimited ment upon farm rates of interest. a DICKSON to Loan. for invest- at lowest Exeter. private funds or village property & CARLING, (Ile gltitt[ ititie0.... .. SEPTEMBER 8th,1898. THURSDAY, CANADA'S TURN NOW. We have presented a hostile front to Canada all along the line. The • Dingley law in its entirety hurts Can - Ada more than any other country with which we do business, and the lumber ,clause was a blew in the face, which we attempted to follow up with Oar - lies amendments and section 22. We are not prepared to yield anything on these points, but we demand that Can- ada shall lay down the arms which we lave forced her to take up before ne- gotiations will be opened. This is not ommon sense. Canada is not at our feet. She is very alert on her own -- 33oston Transcript. This is a common-sense view which, -unfortunately, is all too rare in the "United States. • Elated over ther suc- cess in Cuba and Porto Rico, the Statesers are busy picturing the Brit- ish West Indies as almost -ready for annexation, and more than ever they are convinced that Canada just yearns to be snatched to Columbia's bosom. The average citizen of the Republic is so intensely egotistical over his nation that he cannot conceive that tile people of a neighboring country can be content to remain mit of the g old. Even the wholesale visiting which the Statesers do in this country does not seem to have enlightened the politicians of the Republic, and they go right along in the delusion that the time is fast approaching when Canada will become part of the 'United States. This mistaken belief can be effect- ually shattered if Sir Wilfrid Laurier .aand his colleagues keep their back- bones stiff enough at the Quebec con- ference and refuse to grant any con, essions except in 'return for greater • concessions from the United States. lt is Canada's turn now, and the Canadian Commissioners should see that no mistaken generosity, no liberality of feeling lead them to give snore than7they get. -Tot onto Star. 1Lib j A PopiNv Nome ort. u cc essful Only When the Diamond Dyes are used. In thousands of happy and thrifty lollies in the Dominion and in the teOlony of Newfoundland the work of rug and mat making is becoming very popular. Home made rugs and mats are More highly esteemed just now than imported goodS. This is not sur- prising when we reMember the fact that the home articles are the hest 'wearing and prettiest. The Di tun on d Dyes has given a great impetns to the work of making home- made nage and Mats. In forte/ er times tbe troublesome part of the Work Was the dyeing With the Old fashioned and poorly prepared dyes the dyeing operation was long and unsatisfactory. She instruction of the Diamond Dyes imith their special colors for wool, and •:for cobbon and 'nixed goods, has ban ;a boon to womankind. Old and faded rags and yarns for mat and rugs ean • MOW, be dyed any brilliant shade with the Diamond Dyes -shades that are perfectly fast to sun and soap. If you wish 1;0 be at all times suc- Cessful in dyeing for erg and mat mak- iktg, we here utter a warning note against the use of adulterated package, And eoap grease dyes that only produee 1nudd y anti. trea,k y Colors that eanno t possibly stand an ordinaay washieg, Ask for the Diamond. Dyes, uSe them as' per directions, and 'VOUr $1100e$8 15 aure, 4k eg .11114P4111121911431604104www044".00214VR WHEAT STEAQY. F Th A d TIE trading IlarrOW at Chicago, But Liver - reel and Fallti IllarIcetS gala Well - Priees. • 'Paeseaay Eveniag, Sept. O. Treating le wheat Oa the Champ market wee en 41: very moan sesie „to -dee -Ana Novell - west; Teeelpt.s were a.arger agallabut anaaket opeaed at•about 4atorday's final agares, and • eloaea about ateady, with a ,gela tae per bashel, /in the Peeetreber encl. Mal eitieus. This aionall'e delivery (inclined On the Leven/eel board the Seat. and Dec, Wheat faturee.opened %a higher, tied clesed yea higher per cental thou the pre 'el. final Agurea. Darla Wheat and hoar advanced to -day, bat 'Aritwe;rp went 'off a, lit tie. • Visible and Afloat. As compared; with a week age, the viable supply of wheat In Canada. and lite lanktea States has Inoreased 1,220,000 bushels, that of corn BAILS inereealed 234,000 busaels, that of °ate hits Increased 9.41,o0o bashols. To ae.eapitulate tile visible supply ot wheat in Canada and. ;the Statee, to - 'tether , with. that alioa•t to Europe, la 22,- 827,000 bushele, 'against 23427 000 bashers a week ago, and 34,737,000 bushels year or e ge • Toronto St. Lawrence 19111r3ret. Thirty-two hundred 'bushels, all told,,of grain was sold yesterday at the following prices : White wheat, 300 busltels at 07c to USc;" rea, 200 busliela at 07e; goose, 800 at 1.17e to. 138e; 800 bushels. barley at 422 to 45e; 1000 'bushels oats at 270 to 28e. 110 Imeheis peas at 45e to 51c. • There were 30 loads of hay, timothy sell- ing at $7 to 78,00, and clovet at $5 to 70.00. One load of straw acad. at 77. 'i'orouto Live Stock. Tire run of live steak at -the Cattle Mar- ket to -day was not large -56 carloads, com- posed of 1000 cattle, 1015 sheep and Iambs, 1000 hogs and 50 calves, The fat eattle, With a few exeeations, were of a rather inferior ; Choice export cattle sold from 74 to $4.00; light export bulls, 73 to $3,25; medium ex - Port bulls, $3.35 to 73.00; export bulls,' heavy, of choice quality-, at 73.65 to 74 per Leads of goad butcher e and exporters, mixed. at 73,00 to $4.10. Choice picked lots of butchers' cattle at $4.10 to 74.20; lands of good, $380 to $4 ; medium, $8.50 to 73.70; common.'73,12% to 73.30; Interior, $2,8Va to 73.10 per cwt. Heavy feeders sola at 08.75 to 73.80. Stockers were a little easier, selling et $3 for inferior and $3,25 to $3.40 per cwt. for animals of good quality. Milk cows nun at $26 to 745 each. Calves firm at 73 to 76 each, or 74.50 to 75 per cwt. Sheep -Prices unchanged Ewes scat at 8.25 to 73.50, and bucks 72.75 to 73.50 per cwt. Spring iambs sold from 72.75 to 73.70 eath r 4;4.12% to $4.25 per cwt. Hogs -Prices unchanged. Choice selec- ions off cars at 74.70; Light and heavy fats, ,25 to 74.40 per cwt. Markets weak and laces are inclinea to go lower. Too many ight hogs coming forward. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Sept. 6.-Rogs-Dstimated re- elpts for to -day, 18,000; left over, 4683; est grades arm; others steady; light, $3.60 o 73.75; mixed, 73.56 to 74; heavy, $3,55 to 4; rough, $3.50 te 73.65. Oattle-Receipts,3500; good grades strong; titers weak; beeves, 74 to 75,65; cows and eifers, 72 to 74,30; Texas steers, 73,10 to , Western, 73.50 to 74.40; feeders, $3.10 to 74.50. Sheep-Xleceiptg, 14,000; slow and weak. East Dairalo Cattle Market. East Buffalo, Sept. 6. -Cattle -The offer- ings were prindpally stockers that were left over and sold about on the baeis et Yesterday's close, Calves were in fair demand, moderate supply aud steady at yesterday's close. Choice to extra were quotable at $7 to 77.25; good to choice, 70.50 to $7. Sheep and Lambs -The trade was na sat- isfactory to -day, tus half of the offerings of 10 loads were the -unsaleable 'lots ot yesterday, and the demand was aght. There was one load of Oanadas which sold for 75.40; native lambs, choice to extra, were quotable at $5.40 to 75.50; gooa to choice, 75 to 75.40. There was only a pectlal clear- anco, valiel). consisted of the picked bunch es. Sheep, choice to extra wethers, 74.50 to 74.75; mixed choice to extra, $4.25 to 74.50. Hogs -The offeriugs were 22 loads. Me demand for good corn hogs was active and higher than the close yesterday. Heavy were quotable at 74.05 to 74.071/2; Yorkers, 74.05 to 74.10; pigs, 78.55, but not many sold; roughs, 73.40 to 73.60; stags, 72.75 ta $3.25; grassers, $3.00 to 73.95: About all the good stuff was cleaued up. British. Markets. Liverpool, Sept, 6. -12.30. --No. 1 North., spring; OS- 25; red winter, 5s 51/id; No. 3 Cal., Os ad to Os 3d '• corn, 3s OM; peas, 55 10; pork, 50s; lard, 25s 06; tallow, 105 65; bacon, heavy, I.c., 30s; light, 25a 65; Short cut, 20s 66; cheese, white, 87s 6d; colored, 38s 65. Liverpool -Close -Spot wheat steady, wit)) red winter at 5s 5110, No. 1 dat. at Gs 26 to Gs 3d and No. 1 Northern at 68 31/25; In - tures, 5s 53id for eept. and 64 234d. for Dec. Maize, 35 id for spot; futures, 35 lahrl oa Sept, 3s, 20 for Oct, and 64 3345 for Dora Flour, 20s 00. TI6LEGRAP1110 nrar,rs. Itear-Admiral Sampson, Major-General Wade, Major-General Matthew C. Dun- can and Lieut. -Col. John W. Clous, member for the Cuban Commission, left New York for Cuba on the Resolute. The London Daily Mail uncierigtande that Cecil Rhodes, aciang for a South .Africa syndicate, is negotiating for tht, purchase ot the Delano Railway front Portugal. Capt. John McCafferty, ex -collector of customs for Alaska, haa arrived at San Francisco, and expresses the opinion that there is no gold -bearing quartz in Alaska. Tbe steamer Portland has arrived al San Fraucisoo from St Micbtiers witt, treastire estimated at frnri $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. Poster M. Payne, a railway tolegrapb operator, is believed to have been mur dered at Memphis, Tenn, Feed. Renfrew was at Belleville sett. °need to two years in penitentiary for • burglary. They 1rieeted Officers, Toronto, :Sept. 7. --Tho annual meeting of the Canadian Furniture Manufacturers' Association yesterday elected the follow- ing cam's; Mr. George MoLogan was ro. elected president, and S. Snyder vice. president, James Baird treasurer, and J. R. Shaw secretary and Solicitors. Those present were: air. Snyder, Waterloo; .7. 5, Anthes, Berlin ; j. Broadfoot, San - forth; W. M. Burr, Guelph; J. Mor Took, Guelph; Mr. Ellis, Iagersoll; Mr. Grontzner, Berlin; Ma. Baird, Platte. vile,; Mr, larechtel, Hanover; W. B. Rogers, Toronto; Mr. MoLagan, Strat- ford; Mr. Dowling, Harriston, Ilargo Montgomery Subic. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 7. -Word has reaohed hero of the sinking, et the barge Mot/tottery in Lake St, Clair yesteeday. She, with the Cahoon, Was in tOW of the Leland and collided with W halebnoa No. 137, The Mon tgatriery Was sunk in 21 feet of water and the Cahoon so badly dainaged she had to bo taken to the De. trait dry dook, Tbe Montgomery brew was gavel The Induatrkal. • Toronto, Sept. 1.e-Yester3ay was Gor mania, Day and telly 40,000 personat, tended the Fair, ThIu Is Farmers' Day, 422 great day of the Imbistrial, Paine's Celery Compound gives the needed sthxmlous to good digestion and assimilation, and • keeps the blood pure, NATURE'S MEDICINE BRINGS HEALTH AND HAPPINESS TO • THOSE IN ADVANCED King .David, the sweet singer of Israel says; "The days of our years are threeseore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and SO1TOW. The physical troubles and bur- dens of old people are many. Dis- ordered nerves, constipation, fiat- ulence, drowsiness, indigestion, palpi- tation and impoverished blood seem to make them grow weakerfrom day to day. Paine's Celery Conapoiincl is a precious and invaluable medicine for oldpeople. It is nature's true nerve, tissue and flesh builder; it keeps the blood pure and fresh from day to day, regulates the organs of digestion, and keeps the appetite natural and healthy. >No other medicine in the world so quickly recruits the strength and waning energies of men and women advanced in years. Paine's Celery Compound has added many long years to the lives of oldpeople in the pastAnd to -day thousands sing the praises of the wonderful medicine, because it has bestowed peace and comfort. and kept them free from the infirmities of old age. To Adver tieers. The benefit derived from an adver- tisement depends altogether upon the number of persons who read. it. To reach the greatest number of readers at the least possible expense, is a question that should be considered very carefully by business men. A thousand small bills printed in Tor- onto or London, and distributed in this Section, would be jrist as effective as if the bill had been printed in town. There is not a doubt about that, but if you want to reach the people in their bottles, newspPper advertising is the only successful way. To get the best results use the paper with the largest circulation, and thegreatest amount of local news. Circulation is the proper basis upon Whi apt! ces sh ould befixed. If a newspaper with a circulation of 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one with a circiilation o MOO would be entitl- ed to $30. An advertiser should take these facts into careful oonsideration, when making contracts. Another fre- quent loss to advertisers is in the use of several papers when one covers the ground. THE TIMES is read by more people in Exeter, Ushorne, Stephen, Hay, the northern part of Biadulpit and. McGillivray than all other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it 'Mil be found the most effectual way in which to reach the people. Cook's Cotton nod Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous, Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two lacent stamps, The Cook Company,Windsor, Ont. lagi-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 sold ill, Exeter by J. W B.•owning, druggist. Saves Thousands of Lives. Fonr years ego Jacob Dewitta, of Hay bland, was dragged to the verge of death by dreadful heart disease. He was even up to ale. From vigorous menaood he hatl gm° to a broken deeptancient wreca. He pecteered Dr. Agnew's care for the Heart, used it faithfully, and to -day weighs 218 pounds, and Ilves to bleats tao day the great remedy watt recoenaeamaed to biro. It relieves In 30 minutea.--24. Sold by 0. LUTe, Exeter. SOE1OOL OPE iNai A full line, fresh and right of SCHOOL BOOKS and every School re- quisite at BROWNING'S • Where the Scholars are always used well 212=5:18120aligallitTaMESIBMSra/ 1 IXETJ :,14.4444,44.44.44g. Catarr Shackles Broken in 60 Minutes Vs an alanniug fact, but statistics bear it out,that at least lo in every nun, firod Peraens in this country are tainted tea leaser or greater degree by that disgusting, offen- sive and dangeroes dia. ease -Catarrh. If amp - toms appear, pith as cold in the head, dizziness, • pains in the forehead., beadade, dropping in the throat, offensive breath, loss of taste and steel!, dm Catarrh shackles may be tightening about you - am. AGNEW'S QATatuseeasa, POWDER to the most potent Catarrh cure knowe to -day - Recommended by eminent pose and throat llama - Isis -gives rellofin from to to to minutes. " For years I was a victim of chronic Catarrh; the iirst application of Dr. Agnow's Catarrbal pow. der gave me iastant talks& and in AP incredibly short while I was permanently cured."-james Headley, Dundee, N,Y.-.Se Sold hy C. LUTZ, Exeter. ....VI..., 'V' 1,4:B 8 r • • MAI*ix ET caaaraaratararzaaaaaaaatatantlattalansavagaseaaataattalta^ QF3TS. People with,_„...o. Eaeter August :Nth, Ma Wheat per inithel ,..... ... .09 to 70 Oata.„... ,,,...1., 0,01AI 0,1425 to 67 liarloy"..... ... ..,4(2. to 48 Butter,... „... .12 to 13 C4113gege:;, • :a Tarkey'S. .- .1.0,a. ..1.•••• . / , 0 1... 10 00 10 Chickees per M ... , , - ....:::: 40 Fto° 750 a,..„ Daeks.-.. •••,, . .,.. .. 17 to V3 pork &mod . • • " :..$9:4604 tto0 Ng Pork live weigh - ,l„ .... Xday per ten ,, .., r e e a .. . ... .. . . . .. . .. `4-1110t0 tto° 82 Alsike clover 4.60 to 5.00 Timothy seed • • • - • .. -... , . ... lea to 1.23 Dried. Xpplest- . 24 to 3 London. August alth, 1898. Wheat per bushe „, „at !,0 85 Oats, 34i Peas , Barley, .... • . • • . ,...44 to 60 Buckwheat, , .30 to 38i Rye ...... -$9 to ;39 Corn 33i, to 48 Beams . ,... -40 to 00 Butter . • 13 to 14 EaRa 10 to 11 Ducks 60 M 70 Turkeys per 1b,... ,10 to 12 Geese pert-- 9 5( to 75 WarDted ::: • • • • .. an 00 Hay per ton .a 6 00 to $ 7•60 An experienced imde teaeher holding a that or second class certificate for School Section No. 1, Stephen, Duties to COMMOIll30 lat January 1809... Apply peasonally or by letter to the undersigned elating salary with testimon- ials on or before 29th in, Wel.13AKE11, 4- 41. Setey-Trotts., Exeter P. 0. Estray Sheep Strayed onto the prendees of the undersigned, on or before July 2e1h last, white Ewe with a • black head. Tee owner is requestea to prove. property, pay charges ana take the mdroal away. • HENRY EHLERS, Lot 2S, North Boundary; TOVl nship of Stephen, 4-4t. 11 miles west or Dashwood. Fain for sale - -- A few good farms for sale cheap -Money to oan. Apply to JOHN SPACKIVIAN Farm For Sale. - •-• A good Farm for sale of 300 acres of lend in the township of Usborne, being lot No.8. on the llth coneessioe and lyine. the east side of the Exeter and St. Mar) s gravel road. This is a most excellent farm for fall wheat. or grain of any kind. There is a frame barn, stable and shed on tho farna but no houset There is alsou good well of spring water and a young bearing orchard and about 85 acres of land -under culla- vation. For further particulars apply to Roanna OnnEav, Sa„ lot 12, Con. 10, Tp. Usborne, Winchelsea P. O. 111 OW; igialaNWIlalglallaMliN22381 CURE ALL YOUR PAIRS WITH Pain-Kiilier. A Medicine Chest In Itself. Simple, Safe and Quick Care for CRAPillaS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 cent Bottles. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. PERRY DAVIS' 1 W.1•1Aft8M.Aki' KM* .Lst M go The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years in Detroit 250,000 Curd. WE CURESTRECTURE Thousands of young and middle .agoa al. raenare troubled withthis diseasoa-many ?at , unconsoionsly. Thea may have a smart- el . ing sensation, small,- twisting stream, eas, •, sheep cutting pains at thatee, slight dile ai.aa . s tarn. Our NEW alEIII0D.TIttlAT- kir ..i, charge, dillicalty in Oonntleneing, weak .§71 M organs, emission., and,ellaho symetores 0,P......1 iFg; of nervous debility-tb,ey havo. SIR10- A-5,7•0 qj TURE. Don'tlet docteia exporimenten el7I, , you, l'..y- cettleg, . stretching,. or tearing r,, you. Tii,...,,, II n, -,t care Ton, az it Will re- Er41 KENT absorbs the stricture tissue; • ItZ.L.4 lieneeremevesthestrietureppunanently. '• ,-"N It can never return. No poen, no suffer, l'aai hie, no detention from in:airless by our kaa naeliod. The sramfiergensarostrongth- 'a ,,cd. The a znees aro iuvigerated, 'and La: eliat of manhood. roterns. talai.2 ir Udaaaal, e LE, Es '''t%" 4', VIO na eo Le t2- • . '.'L' II 11.' Thouseeds of yotag e.r.d Middle-agod ' • men C.70 having their smatat vigor end vitality continually sapeed be this .0127 Oase. They are frequently unemseime, of the cam of. those symptoms. General k. Weakness, Ili/natural leisceargeeaTenia .1 log Ilenhood, Neraourrmse, Peoe taenn ea:ale era, Irritahilayent timet Smarting Sen- *Pal Parts, ate. GLEET c.r.d. STRICTUIlla eaten, Sunken yes,with datk circles, -•,..?a,a Weak Back, General Pcpressaom Lack ;Aka of Am:l bition, Vs.00t-ka aahi tunken maybe -the otoset •Dao' t consult family doctors, as they have IR., expo:lance in thesespecial cliseeeca-dou't - ellow Quacks to experbnent on you. Coasult Specialists, whehave made it life study of Diseases of Men andWomen, Our NEW METHOD T13EATMEW.1.7 will posi- tively euro you. Ono thotrand 'dollere for it easo wo necoat for treattatmt and OtIlLTIOUOtlre. Terme moderatesfor e,eure. CURES GUARANTEED Wo treat and cures- EMISSIONS, VARI000ELE., SYP11ILTS, GLETT. $TRICITU1tEs IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS, UN.WATURAL DTSOHARea 138..KIDNEY and BlanDIDR Dieettsee. CONSULTATION .F.ItEE. ' BOOKS FREE. if unable to dell,' write for QUESTION BLANK ..for ' BOMB TREATME_NT. . , KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor, Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. IDETROIIT, MICH. oa uarters . Poa-' Undertaking-.0serk Furniture At R. rki ROWE'S Everything nr,-to.date. Largest stock ever sho - in Exeter. I. N ROWE Porte per cwt.. • • „ 40.50 to $5.00 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS, Ail OLD AND WELL -TRIED 11E1VIED1',-1111:8 WitISIOVV'S Soothing Syrup has been fated tor oyer fifty years by xnillions of rnothersfor their children while teething. with perfect, success. It soothes the child, softens the genus, allaYs all pain, cures wind oho, audits the best remedY [ for Diarrhtee. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of Lb° r odd. 26 cents a bottle. •Its value is incalculable, 13e sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of the only perfect traia in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, IVIilwaukee & St. Paul Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety aud en3oyment of passengers. An illustrated -pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery aloug the route of the Pioneer Limited, will ae seet .free to ;my person 'upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heettord, t4eneral Paesenger Agent, Chicago. 111. Children Ovy TOF 047,44. eat: • 1.1 era'at raa ea' ea -aa MARTYR TO IliART TROUBLE Mrs. Selina E. Coro, Amherst, N. S.. says: "At times I seffered intensely from palpitation and fluttering of any heart. I was weak and my nerves shattered, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills bare regulated my h eartatoned my, nerves and hailt up my Health." \ DOAN CURES A MANITOBA MAN. Mr. Alexander Fraser, Miami, Man. 'writes: "I cannot refrain from recommending Doan's Kidney Pills to any person troubled with kid - (Icy disorder, for 1 belies -e if tbey could cure me they could cere any case., Children Cry tow 11 11 ad al n NLIaA KINSMAN. L. D. S. AND "L DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. s Block. WTee4testhideexotrf ametaeind.satri..tEhoxuett:ra.in or bad atter effects Office m Fan- - Oa Iv>01,i;SOF, (D D. 8. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Ropers .,1..aduate of the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. An Bridge work, crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner, A narmless amtesthetie for painless extraction. Phe striekest attention given to the preservat- ton of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen- tral Hotel Exeter, Ont 1,;„ 7‘ A5cH_,pct):foR N(" -THE BEST ANTI-RmHADEumATio 115-23-11--°'1113A5Tri-74,1).2-i, inAs-rEq LE8140:1ENEiteyoADRLD PLA DuFA:VieRT7°110ERsE PR25;tet 4 fl:OaNTREAL gigni A YOUNG GIRL'S ESCAPE. Saved from being a Nervous Wreck BY MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. „ For the benefit of Canadian mothers, who have daughters who are weak, pale, run down or nervous, Mrs. Belanger, 128 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, made the following statement, so that no one need suffer throngh ignot name of the right remedy to use: "My daughter suffered very much front hearb troubles at times. Often she was so ba,a that she could not Speak, but had to sit and gasp for breath. She was so extremely nervous that her limbs would fairly shake rid tremble. Freq nen tl y she would have to lomat school; and finally she grew so weak thee we were much alarmed about her health. I gave her many remedies, but they did not seom to do her any good. Then I heard Of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and got a box of them, and they have indeed worked wonders with her. I can recommend them very highly as the best remedy 7 ever heard of for complaints similar to those from which my daughter stiffered." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills never fail to do good., They cure palpitation, faintness, dizziness, smothering sensation, weakness, nervousness, sleeplessness, anae- mia, female troubles Ana general debility. Sold by all druggists at 50o, a box or thtee boxes for p.m. T. Milburn de Co., Toronto, Ontario. LAU-LIVEN PILLS act eti 'the system In ousy end netisrel 1110111001a1 POIMOVitill all litiisOliS end letiritiegi They cut% Constipate.. tion, Sick boadactico ttosso 0yspopsigto Sour Stout J acho tatirttlico titid LIvar COM, plaint, Pricy. 2501, efectiv Visi na Remember our optician will be away for holidays from SEPTEMBER 1st TO THE lOth. Come in before he leaves and have your sight scientill.. cally tested. No charge made for testing at T. FITTON'S,. ASK YOUR. DEALER FOR r BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,AND FARM A Men is always in the SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS He is a sure fitter. His priees are away down. Fall Fairs. I Goderich, September 27, 28, 29. ii ItIdLIStrial, TOPOD to, Aug. 29 to Sept, 1 10. Western, London, Sept. 3 to 17. Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 14, 15, South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 10, 20. Huron Central, Clinton, Sept. 20, 21. Tuckersmitb, Seaforth, Sept. 23. North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22, 2.31 Turnberry, Wingharn, Sept. 27, 281 East 17Vawanosh, Belgrave, Sept, 29.'51' East 3o01:rtlis,u13rol3rnthbi°,1cIsts()ell):,r 41-.) e5to. her 0, 7. Hay, Zurich', September 21, V.. Mitchell, September 27, 28. 1, iLivEn, TROUBLES, biliousnesis, sallow complexion, yellow eyes,jaundice,etc., yield. to the curative powers of Laxa- 1, Liver Pills. They are sure to cure. His goods are tile beat. \ • 1.2 'UM Z7 S I — Call and examine his goods befoi era, buying your F A LI, SUITi x,totce W JOHNS, The 'Tailor BICYCLES aletteataeataraaaete I We would recommend those isuffering from CoUOBS, CoLns, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to 1 use W N 'CO UGI -1 • IT?,a4 ISA* a It is also a reliable remedy Are You Interested for c.hildron. wheels? We man u ct u re V11-1 NAN'S :LINIMENT, au excellent lunedv - ' Ior.1\ 1.2, 1:1IA I, CA A , PAINS, I SORE THROAT RBEUMATISM INFLUENZA. 11 Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar - We handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs ket 5 and Octave, cheap. Try our Lotion for scratches 6 sewing machines 011 horses, also condition pow- , der for same ALWAYS ON HAND. !SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG P. S.—Selling out Dise Har 9 YttUP. rows at cost. 1 C LUTZ R ERS PERKINS & MARTEN, Main street, Exeter. - Travellers You will find at Bisset I's Wareroom 1 Should always carry with them a bottle of Dr. Fowler's I Extract of Wild Strawberry. The change of food and water to which those who travel are subject, often pro- duces an attack of Diarrheett, which is as unpleasant ana discomforting as it may be dangerous. A. bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in your grip is a guarantee of safety. On the first in- dication. of Cramps, Colic, Diarrhcee, ar Dysentery, a few doses will promptly check further advance of these Stiseases. It is an old, Tell. able remedy, with over forty years' of cures to its credit, whose merit is re- cognized everywhere and one that the (loc- ators recommend in preference to all others. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere at 35c, a bottle. Always insist on the genuine, o.s many of the imitations are higlily elangerots. A Suit of Vlocitis or 8 Single Garh2erit Shonld Oombine now a dave, Correctness of Style, GOod Workmanship, • Moderate Cost, • Perfect Fit, Von look tor these in an old and reliable olaee, and • A. 3, SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A lirge assortment of Fail & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we wit, take nmoh pleasure in showing them to you. There are many oiherlines that are specially at- a drys. elierlae the following line of Agricrit • . • tural Implements ERRING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afun line of Seed Drina:, Cull ivaiOrS DiSe and Diamond Earl ()ITS Plows, kmd Turnip Drills. ' • SEWING MACHINES, En The celebrated Knoll Washer • Raymond sewing and wringef s machine STOVES. -443g0'...„ Gurney stoyes and furances. waggons uggies .aioy4b ps. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated XfoLanghlin Buggies. , 613111_41.2 WITII SPRING FLOWEIIS. Cornes the necessity of SPRING GARMENTS We are in the van with all that i8 desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of $1700 Fancy 'Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the hest suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the comity. GIVE US A CALL. J. Ha eirt0Ve