Exeter Times, 1898-9-1, Page 1gs easentiala
Every ma,
and coraer ot*,..
*Totem is reached'
$ts quality the c67
'ends. Goodb1'
good digestie
Elegance of Style
We are not one bit too quick in making a :display o
rsarly fall DRESS GOODS. The season is really upon us.
The past week has seen the opening of the heaviest purchase
In Dress Goods ever made by this store, beautiful a.nd ex -
e Goods.
We believe in thoroughly reliable and worthy goods,
and you can put it down for a fact that prices here are Inuch
lower and assortment larger than ever before.
' A look through the f011owing list will give you some
'dea of what we are doing.
We hay
antes 411 Fancy Dress Goods.
anent ur,
36 inch French Novelty Dress Patterns, no two alike, in
hades of Blue, Green, Brown, Garnet and Black mixed, very
---asecial at per .
fa. 50 inch Habit Cloth, just the thing for 'tailor made suits
j;13.e leading colors of Blue, Green and Brown, extra, value at
• ,e 38 inch French novelty, Dress Patterns, no two alike, hi
----ssaery pretty colorings of Brown, Blue and Green, hard finish,
' =URN' not bola dust, a bargain at per yard 60C
-ship, h
hand -
one qk
40 inch Epengline, in colors of Navy Blue arid Black, very
scs%'.s new and stylish, hard finish, will net hold dust, per yard 600
86 inch Fancy 'Tweed effects in Navy, Blue and Black
Grounds, with small Blue and Green checks, very strong and
durable, jug the thing for childrens school dresses, good value
at per yard 28C
• Dress Linings and Trimmings.
As we are in connection with larger retail stores, we keep an up -
a'%) to -date and well asserted stock of Dress Trimmings and Linings at
prices that cannot, be easily eqaalled.
A. J. FORD &CO ., Woodham
sztt3V,L;es (z) (9Faht s zt,4 t.P.4
36 inch Fre n Vsepvelty Cloth hi blue and gold
mixed Only, re a -Aar price was 75c. We bought
the let at a reduction, and. now offer IV at 35cts.
-er 'yard: • 'Itis a, rare chance.
Farquhar, Perth County Notes.
Change of Business in Witi-
Having disposed of our blisiness to Messrs.
Couch &Roy, we disire to take this opportunity
. to thank our many customers for their liberal
patronage and co.oporationin tho success we
have attained: during our eleven years in busi-
nos& Wo have always endeavored to merit
your .confidonce in doing what we believed to
be right and that a friendly feeling may always
exist between us. It is with pleasure wo recom-
mend our successors, Messrs Couch & Roy, for
whom wo ask a continuance of that liberal
patronage and co-operation shown to us, we
neve no hesitancy in saying that both these
gentlemen come to us with the highest recom-
dations both as to character and ability, and
trust the same kindly fooling always shown us
may be extendcdto theta.
Yours Truly
N. B. The store will bo closed Wednesday
and Thursday, September lith aud 15th, for
tho purpose of taking stook after which Messrs,
Couch St Roy will continue business.
rtreas.—Ree.Mr.3-ewitt will preach • Mrs. Sohn Shoebottom and dough-
athe Foresters in the Farquhar Hall I.t.er, Miss Violet Shoebottom, of West
.Lt Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'clock, Nissouri, accompanied by Mrs. Mc -
all are invited to attend. - • Carty and three children, and. Mrs.
McLauren, of Red jacket, Mich., visit-
ors, drove into St. Marys in a Tight
democrat wagon. When coming
down Skelley's hill a bolt came out
of one shaft, causing the horse to go
rapidly down the hill, swerving the
waggon to one side of the road and
into the ditch. Mrs. John Shoebottom
was seriously hurt, while the other
two ladies and one of the children
were badly bruised and shaken up.
Biddulph. .
a•Cottarcarlie Connell meta -pursu-
ant -fa sidiournment, the reeve and all
e mirrilbers present. Moved by Jas.
oohey and W. Westman thats a rate
• .of 6 mills on the dollar be levied on the
whole rateable property of the town-
ship,for County rate,Grants to school,
repayment of loans and township mix-
- ooes and that the clerk draft a by-law •
,eonfirming the satne.—Carried.
The council adjourned to meet again Thecatapers have nearly all return -
on Monday the 5th of Sept. next at ed from Grand Bend.
10 aa J. F. Monck has been appointed
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. Junior Judge of Wentworth County.
Adam Jones, blacksmith, is missing
. at Orangeville.
. •
Clara Bartou with Red Cross sup-
plies was denied a landing at Havana.
Fred, Wilson the thirteen -year-old
Dublin son of .George ' Wilion of Merritton,
— • has been missing since August 17th.
Bansas.a-Bernard O'Connell left last A Manilla, despatch, dated Aug. 27th,
week for a trip to Quebec in''the inter- says that the outskirts of the city are
sests of the 0. M. B. •„A.. --Charlie Mc- Imo state of complete anarchy.
'Keena is attending to the practice -of
Dr. Michell in his absence.—An "-"At . The fature is uncertain, but if you
_ keep your blood pure. with Hood's
Horne ' was given by Miss Clara Me
Kenna at her spacious and beautiful Sarsaparilla you may be sure of good
-stesidence,for some friends at a dis- health. .
'tame.. About forty guests were in- Edward Morris a Kingston carpen-
' Ited. and. spent a most delightful a,nd ter, was drowned.' near Howe Island.
. ayable eyening.--The home of Mr. His body was recovered. He was 26
al Mrs. Charles 'Carpenter has been(years of age.
stetted by the .death of their son 1 Hon. Edward Blake was a passenger
'nom, who died on Tuesday last, on the steamship Labrador, which ar-
. , er a lingering illness, borne pati- rived at Quebec Friday night from
'.., t:o1.3. and, resignedly. The deceased Liverpool.
a Tao favorably
ents known, aridwas is a great •
Indians and Whites in the Oassiar
paxas he a good . •
nutting district are threatened with
„edam moreover be will be sad-
...-iissed by his neighbors and friends.
a. sorrow stricken parents, brothers'
`.ri MOWS, have the heart felt sym-
, athy of all in the'S sad. bereavement.
. .
• BRIEES.—Messrs. Jas. Cooper and D.
McLean have gone on a trip to Algo-
ma and other places.—W. Shaw, who
has been visiting at A. Bell's, has re-
turned to Detroit to esume his studies.
—Mrs. R. McMordie and daughter,
Annie, left on • Saturday for a trip up
the lakes for the benefit of their health
as they have been poorly lately.—Ma's.
S. Balfour has returned from a trip to
Ferest.—Mrs..T.Crawforcl is at present
visiting friends in Ripley, and Miss
Edna Jackson is visiting at John
Crawforcrs.-1VIrs. (Rev.) Acheson has
gone on an extended, trip visiting
friends and relatives.
BRIEES.—Mrs. A. Park, of Detroit,
formerly of this place, is spending a
few days amongst Cromarty friends.—
Miss Todd Hunter, of Portage la
Prairie, Manitoba, arrived here last
week, and purposes speuding the
winter with her grandmother, Mrs.
Gillespie, sr. Her health is not good,
and he intends trying the bracina, air
of this part of Ontario.—Mrs. Jas.
Hamilton and daughter, of Blyth, and
Mrs. A. W. Hothaan, Stafea, visited.
friends in the village last week.—The
Endeavor social last Wednesday even -
os. •
Publishers end Proprietors
WEDDING.—The marriage of Wilson
Wood, of Picton, son of john Wood,
Tuckersmith, and Miss Maggie, daugh-
ter of Reeve Shepherd, also of Tacker -
smith, was solemnized on Wednesday,
at the residence of the bride's parents,
by Rev. W.X.Wadell. A large number
of guests witnessed the ceremony of
this pouplar young couple.
Cobbledick's grain. storehouse m Potty s Block, onsall. At Zurich eveiry.
Olandeboye reopened on Monday In, . Monday, commencing May 30th. • g.
All kinds of seeds on hand, also bra
Huron County Notes
- Bert Hill, of Seafortb, has gone to
a. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convoy Winnipeg, where he had secured a
Here s Your Chance /
ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent situation,
and Issurer of 1Vfarria,ge Licenses, Legal demi jafit,,s- er ef
mens carefully drawn at reasonab e rates qag , i- .i has been
Moneya)ostoo ff °Gaon the rei t pi osestateoitioaet. Ito we n s hf, ruprSsolnocirt,..Boeturning Officer for West
at •e plebiscite.
tx • J. D. coosCP. Mr.sLewis McDonald and. his neice,
of Sea,forth, who have been on a trip
Solicitor, Notary Publi—c. Hensel'. that, alendaysieet,
(late with Garrow sr Proudfoot)BarriStey .to the old country, returned home on
¶Ibepyer , bridge, on the boundary
.cents per pound.
be earl East Wawanosh arid Hallett,
FA. Sal-WM L. 1), S., D. D. S„ Honor Gradu
. ate ot Toronto Universitr, Dentists. Tooth
extracted without ale or bad. effects. Office
CIDER. MILL, Steam Hydraulic press, hav-
and shorts. ing commenced I work Tuesdays and Fridays
ntil the season advances, large capacity,cleau-
BRIEES.—Mr, Ellison Hodgius And es.s observed, come early n tho day.
faraily,'Of Clandeboye , Mr. 'Wilbert, CHART, Hansen. •
Revington'and family, of Mooresville;
yrra ortc, GIRL .8.0.:1IN.—A younga
Mr. McCormick and family, of Toronto;
girl known as Mary Leaviss, 1 The man McGibbon; who recently
Mr. Oliver, of Lobo, arid aeveral others -
same months ago Was placed in clara,\Nrtgloe left the House of Refuge to earn his
too numerous to Mention, were camp some
the Children's Aid Society hams- living, was brought back last week; it
being found that the House was the
ing at the Bend last week.—Mr. and
don by some ladies who interested
Mrs. McCormick were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins. _alas, wins= themselves in her welfare, ran away the best place for him. .
afenclay from the home where she h. .
as A. .T. -McColl, who has just been
Hodgins, of Killaraey, Manitoba, is
been living, and. her wlaereabouts is at appointed Chief Justice, of British
visiting friends in Lucan.—Miss Mabel
present unknown. The girl -was in a 0o, lutm. ble,' , is for
old. Huronite. Be
Darya,- of Loudon, is the guest of Mrs.
coin . , and well cared for, 1
fortable home no.° ised law or a. time at Brussels,
C. Ryan, Bicicialph.—Mr. William, N.
but she is of a roving .disposition, and and afterwards at
Rowe has entered an action against
the officials of the society say), rattler The Clinton Organ. Factory will
the parties from Dashwood who pillag- (
ed ]us residence a few weeks ago. wa,yward. She has a very peculiar make its usual magnificent exhibit at
history for one of her years. Her cor- Toronto exhibition, which. Will be
Grand Bend. rl et name is Mary Belle Cook, and she
A Granite Kettle (riven
away with every pound of
Art Baking Powder at 50
8. N
eel!. completed and. was opened
fflc on Wednesday.
Tomball, a former teacher in S.
10 a Goderich township, has
re-engaged as principal of
Boissevaita liatt., High School, and at
an increased. salary.
is the 14 -year-old daughter of a resi-
dent of Hensall. -When she was about
13nrEara.—We are pleased. to. know
five years of age her mother died, and
that Master George Oliver is recover -
she was adobted by relatives in Mich.
ing from. a severe attack:of dipthheria.
named. Leaviss, with whom she lived
—Miss Morrison school teacher at
until last spring, when her father
Khiva, visited Miss Cunningham on
_ miss brought her to Hensall. Leaviss died
Saturday and Sunday last. a few years aar,o,lea,ving $500 to be held
Melissa. Mallard and Mr. M. Patterson
in trust for the girl until she was of
visited. friends in Port Frank on Sun -
age, the interest to be paid yearly.
day.—Miss Lottie and Mamie Foster
Her surroundings at Hensel' were not
of Varna are at present visiting friends
the most pleasing. to her, and at four
at Grand Bend and. Greenway.—Miss
o'clock one morning in May or june
Rouatt,of Brucefield,is visiting friends
LL ran awa,y as before stated in THE.
in this vicinity.—Miss Raybourn has
Turas. Since her recovery she had
returned again after spending a, few
been in London with a -eery respect -
days at her home in Port Frank.—Miss
able family, and. no reason can be gtvert
Vinetta Banes paid our town a flyine
for her leaving her home. Her foster
visit on Friday last.—The final:concerl
spank. parents were yery kind to her, and
of the season was held in Mr. only recently. bought her a large
man's grove ou%Saturclay evening ; it
quautity of clothing. She left home
was a decided.' success.—Mr. Murray
about 8.30 o'clock.
ing was aiery successful the beautiful has returned home to Granton after
grounds of Mr:N. Gillespie being oc- spending the season's outing at Grand
cupied for the evening. The pastor, Bend.
Rev. Mr. Scott, occupied the chair,and
a short but choice program was render-
ed, after which refreshments were
served. Games, etc., odcupied the
time till near midnight, when the
crowd dispersed. all seemingly happy.
—A cnriosity in the shape of a baneh
of snow ball blossoms is to be seen on
BRIEFS. —.Toe Hartlieb is on the sick
list this week.—Tohn Zuefie,ef Henson.
was in the village on business Tuesday
last.—Mr. Bloomfield. successor to Mr.
E. Simpson nioved into part of Wm.
Mr. McIlraith's snow ball tree. Lewis' house Friday last.—Mr. Sweit-
Cotracus—At a meeting of our coun-
cil held on Monday afternoon,a motion
was passed to procure 100 chairs for
seating the hall. The following are
the rates of taxation for this year:
County, 1 3-10 mills ; township, 1 7-10
mills ; general school rate, 1 1-5 mills.
School section rates at follows : No. 1,
mills ; No. 3, 4-5 mill ; No. 4, 4-5
mill •, No. 5, mill •, No. 6, 27-10 mills;
No. 7, 1 1-10 Innis; No. 10, 1 7 1.10 mills;
No. 13, 9-10 mills • No. 14, 12-5 mulls;
No. 1 union, 1 4 5' mills ; No. 9 union,
2 0-10 mills ; separate school, 41 10
mills. The following motion passed.:
That this council pay two-thirds value
for sheep and lambs killed by clogs,but
sheep shall not be veined at more than
$7,and no lanibItt more than $3.50,and
all parties having sheep or lambs killed
shall notify some member of the
council at once. Thomas Wiley was
again appointed. collector. A number
of accounts were passed and the coun-
cil adjournedto meet again on Monday,
September 26th, at one o'clock p. m,
Bnrsas.—The young ladies of the
village who are now gone to Detroit
were kind enough to entertain their
fri.ends at Mr. M. Corruthers before
taking their depatture.—Misses May
zer, of London, is ,reaewing acquaint-
ances in and around Crediton.— Israel
Smith was the guest of Sa.nauel Either
Sunday last.—Mr. and Mrs Vale, of
Detroit, were the gaests of Mr. a,nd
Mrs. James Clare this week.—Charles
Finkbeiner, of Mildma,y, oceupied the
pulpit in the German. Evangelical
church Sunday last and preached two
very instructive sermons.—The many
friends of Geo. Tinnison will regret
to learn that he has returned to his
home near Sarnia. George's smiling
face will be missed as be has made
many warm friends during his short
stay here.—A.mong those who took in
the cheap excursion. to Detroit, we no-
ticed Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins,
Mrs. John Eilber, Mrs. Chas. Eilber jr.
Miss Melinda -13eaver, Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. Rivers.—Miss Mabel Colley has re-
turned to her home in Detroit, after
spending a few weeks with her grand-
father, Fred Eilber.—Mr. and Mrs. C.
Either, of Mayville, have returned. to
their home. ---Chas. Fritz,ol, Dash wood
was in town on business Thesdaye—
The Y. P. A. Convention premises to
he a success. Don't forget the song
service:to-night (Thursday) in connec-
tion with the eonyention. -Special
singing by the Ministerial Quartette
and the various alliance's in both long-
BRIEES.—Dr. Sellery was in Kin-
cardine over Sanday.—Several of the
young people of the village attended
the wedding of Wilson Wood, son of
John Wood, of the Township of
Tuckersmith, and. Miss Maggie,daugh-
ter of John Shepherd, reeve of
Tuckersraith township. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Mr.
Waddell.—Mrs. W. Carroll, of Beech-
ville, who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. James Sutherland, the past few
weeks. returned. home this week. —
Nicholas Shirra, third. son of Mrs.
Shirra, whd has been in Manitoba for
the past three years returned home on
Saturday last,ha,ving received word of
his brother's death. Owing to the
great distance he, however, could. not
reach home in time for the funeral.—
Mrs. M. J. White and Miss M. V.
White, of Exeter, accompanied by
Mrs. Pike, of Woodstock, were in the
village on Tuesday visiting friends.—
Sirs. G. D. Arnold, Mrs. G. F. Arnold
and Mrs. 11.facarthur, are in Toronto R
this week visiting relatives. Mrs.Wm. ev. James Graham, formerly of Clin-
ton, is now assistant editcir of tbe
Moir and daughter. Miss Louie, are
also in Toronto visiting friends.—Rev. Chdritian Guardian. while herson, an
W. E. Kerr preached a special sermo. n Kea. Actor Mission in Toronto.
ain d minister, has charge of the
on temperance, in the ' Methodist
church, on Sunday evening last, deal- Word was received in Clinton, last
ing, with the subject in connection week of the accidental death of Hugh
with the coming plebiscite vote.— Cole, formerly of that neighborhood,
Miss Alcock, of Exeter,is in the village nephew of Chas. e.lole, which occurred
this week visiting Mrs. Sutherland.— at Flint, Mia.h., while he happened to
G. F. Arnold has added to the appear- be crossing- a railroad track. ; he was
C1100 of his store by the addition of untnarried, and a brother of Angus
fifteen electric lights set in the
ceiling with glass reflectors. — Ellen, the three year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Case, of the Lon- Angus Carmichael, con. 17, Grey,
don road, Usborne, left on Monday for strayed into a field. and was attacked
Manitoba, where they will spend a by a ram. The little girrs right le.g
was broken above the knee and she
was otherwise badly bruised and. in-
jured by the bruiting and. feet of the
Before leaving for Montreal, Miss
Davis, of Goderich, was the recipient
of a pleasing testimonial from. the
members of -St. Geerge's church. It
was a beautiful illuminated address
and 'accompanying it were other
tokens of love and respect, including a
purse of geld.
Try Our Excelled Soap
A ticket with each bar, and
the person getting the "lucky
ticket" will receive a beautiful
Cruet Stand.
Special value Prints.
J. P. aoss
Exeter Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, at Town Hall, Aug. 23 1808. All
present. Minutes of previous meeting
under the special control of Wilbur read -and confirmed.
Manning, formerly of Exeter. t Communication. from Underwriter's
Agleson McDonald, of the loth con., Association, re water supply, read and
Blanshard, threshed. out 220 bushels Med• •
of Dawson's Golden Chaff Wheat Moved 1Dy W. Harding, seconded. by
E.Christie,that the following- accounts
from five and half acres of ground
be paid, and. orders drawn on treasur-
and from a, sowing of eleven bushels
of wheat. er for same :—Wm. Atkinson street -
watering $15; W. Creech, $9.03 do;
James Creech, charity to Mrs. Sutton,
$5.00 do; Mrs. Muttart $L90 ; L. H.
Dickson ace. $8.51: Dickson & Carling
acc. $2; Ross & Taylor cedar posts
$2.84; Jae. Creech $1.34, freight, on
hose; W. H. Campbell $50.00, deepen -
The many friends of J. T. Acheson, ling well; J. T. Westcott $5,reward for
Goderich, congregated at Craig's conviction of boys for egg throwing.—
Hotel and tendered the gentleman a Carried.
farewell supper and. presented him Moved by E. Christie seconded by J.
with a gold -headed cane prior to his Evans, that 15S raills on the dollar be
departnre for Manitoba. the rate levied- on the assessment of
An effott was made before the Legis-
lative Committee to defeat the rati-
fication of the Clinton Doherty by-law,
loaning $25,000, but fortunately for
the town the will of the people was
During the corning winter the Sea -
forth electric light company propose
giving their patrons a morning
service. This will be a boon tothe users
of electric light, as it is necessary dur-
ing the long winter mornings.
Peter Cole, of Goderich township,
returned last weekfrom Melvin, Mich.,
tsli.ere be was called owing to his
father's illness. Mr. Cole is suffering
from paralysis, but was able to recog-
nize and converse with his sons.
the village for 1898.
Moved in amendment by W. Hard-
ing, seconded. by W. G. Bissett,that 16
mills on the dollar be the rate levied
on the assessmeiat of the village for
The reeve declared the motion car-
Moved by E. Christie seconded. by
W. Harding, that the clerk ask for
tenders for the excavating and. pudd-
ling for a tank, lift deep, 14 ft wide,
and 38ft long the work to be done un -
John Derry, who hasheen a, faithful der the supervision of Mr. Creech.
employe of Taylor & Son, Clinton, for The council to furnish lumber and put
ten years, hassold his house and .lot same in place.—Carried.
to Mrs. Fisher, And intends leaving Moved by W. G. Bissett,seconded by
E. Christie, that tank be placed on
south side of John street, north of
Sa,mweIrs block.
Moved in amendment by J. Evans,
seconded by W. Harding, that tank be
placed on Sa,nder's street at Speck -
man s cot nei .
will turn his attention to other put, The Reeve declared the motion car -
suits. r led. •
Moved by J. Evan& seconded by E.
It may interest some of our readers
to know that Mrs. Graham, widow of Christie, that council adjourn to Fri-
day, Sept. 2nd. at 8 o'clock p. m.—Car-
GEo. B.. BISSETT, Clerk.
for the Old Country, where his friends
reside, about the middle of September.
Robert Coats, youngest sou of Robt.
Coate, merchant, left Clinton for
Toronto, where he. expects to reside.
He will enter the journalistic ranks, if
there is a, suitable opening ; if not, he
inonth visiting relatives.—Mr. Sohn-
ua,ges. sten, of St. Louis, who has been visit-
ing his mother-in-law, Mrs. Hunt, for
the past few weeks, returned home on
Monday.—Mrs. R. Coed and family
left here 011 Tuesday for Linisville,
near Ottawa. Quite a, number of friends
assembled at the station to bid them
good -bye. -The milliners are in Toron-
to this week attending the milTin.ery
openings.—Saattuel White, who spent
the pa,st week visiting his parents, re-
turned to his home in Detroit.—Dr.
MacDiarinid has disposed of his
favorite gray driver, which has done
noble service the past fifteen years,
and. purchased a handso'me yoang
beast. — Shirra, has re-
tailed to his home in Detroit.—Mrs.
Moorehouse, of Saginaw, who has been
here visiting her brother, IL J. D.
Cook, left for her hotne on Saturday.—
Miss Mary Hagan, who has been in
Detroit for the past month visiting
her brother, Peter Hagan, and other
friencla returned home on Monday
eveniag,—Quite a large number left
this station on Saturday on the ex-
eursion to Detroita-James Hutton, of
Forest, was hi the village this week
visiting his sister, Mrs. C. A. Mc-
Donell.—Miss Hannah Ortwein return-
ed home last week front visit with
friends in New Hamburg and Baden.
—Messrs. Willis and White have ship-
ped two car loads of hogs from this
station during the past week.— Miss
Bella Sparks has returned from a
pleasant visit with her uncle, Sautes
Dalgaty, of Centralia,--Williain Buch-
anan is iinproving the appearante of
his dwelling by the addition of a
veraudith, . and ornaanental works..
Arther Reitla who has been in Winni-
peg for it number of years, 1R here
visiting his mother and sisters.—Thos..
Black well, of the Parr line, who has
been ill for a number of years died on
Saturday, at an advanced age. He was
baraworking and indristrioas
A. widow and large. family of sons and
daughters survive him. It is an oia
sliyirig ault bereavements do not often
come sintay. Just after his death, the
family WerO apprised of. the drowning
Of lila son, Thomas, in Manitoba, Par-
ticulars have not been redeiverl up to
BRIEES.—F. Kibler was in London
starvation, according to reports from one day last week.—Miss Tillie Faust
returned home frona a two weeks'
Clark and Annie McIntyre left for' has
Hamilton delefates to the Meth°. Detroit Monda,y. B Ronald and yisit east. --Dr. W. H. Abourn le,ft for
" Greenway.
• BRIEFS. —S. lirlton's barn and
stables were burn2d by lightning on
, Wednesday morn g last. Loss over
'1.,200 ; insurauc $800. Several of
e young people spent a very pleas-
• evening at Thonaas Jenning's last
elc.--1VirsaC.Rialchorn, of Glanceclar,
an., arrived he last Saturday on a
isit to her old tonie,—Miss Esther
-ePhersen.retur ed. home last week
?in . Sarnia, sr ere she has been
, ding several weeks visiting her
•• Nellie. --p. H. Baskerville, of
la, was atound here last Mon -
eats, apples. The old church
v fehi on W. J. Wilson's
•, t week ; e is making it into
rit down staits the other day and .experi-
sentat driving -shed. The
. I Har m Horne 11,estivAi ?need. a, narrow escape from serious in-
field ea September 76h. / pity arid posstble death. —This week D.
,:rorti Crediton will furnish the
;n TROIJIO S, biliousness, sallow
diexion, yel,' w eyes,jaundice,ebc.,
I to the mAitive powers of Lama,-
• 'ills. Thy are sure to cure. Stratford' the sale was a good one.
on Ed they will be grea. tlaT missed.—Mr. the est a few d sM
ay ago.—Rev. M.
A IVIcEaohin and W. Webster left Ebnews, who left here about a week ago
dist General Con erence will, it is al- •
Wednesday morning to drive to for Africa, has since been married to
legal, disclahn any responsibility for A.
ithe Grimsby Park nia,nagement. .
Detroit from whence they came:a, few an Ohio lady, and both have gone to
Africa.—Adam Fossalcl, of Detroit, is
' Fred Pollard, the Brantford hotel weeks ago.—Miss Annie Baumgarden
here visiting his father and other re-
porter charged with robbing the hotel and Hattie Lamport leave for Detroit
mails, has been sentenced there to Thursday ; but don't think- they are lativea—Our fall show will be held on
the 21st and 22nd of September. There
three years in the penitentiary, King- all gone yet, there are. more in Shipka
is a large list of special attractions,—.
- than one would ima,gine.—Mr. D. sten.
The fifteen one thousand dollar Ratz and family of Howell, Mich., George Schoelig arrived home a few
bonds of the Outremont municipality left fortheir home Wednesday, after days ago.—Our township elerk,P.Hess,
has the voters' lists all distributed.
which mysterionsly disappeared in spending a week with H. Wing.—Our sr.,
'Examine them and see if they are car -
Montreal were picked up on the street business men are quite sporty this
by an old man and returned. • season and spend much time fishin. rect. —Conrad Roeoe, of near Stratford,
—Mr. P. Walker, of Parkhill, I has been here on a visit.—Mrs. John
Mrs. M. V. McLeod, herself an ac -the )Bremner,who was on a visiting trip in
spent Sunday with friends in
tress, has offered personally to deposit
—Miss Sarah Walker returned Perth Co., rethrned borne a few days
the $8,000 necessary to secure the re- village.
lease on bail of Actor Emerson, who to her home in Parkhill after spend- ago.—Rev. E. Schuelkie and wife have
in a few days with Annie McIntyre. returned from ,Rochester and Taxis -
shot and killed Manager Tuttle at Lon- took where they have been visiting
Clinton:—Miss Maude Cantalon fell
Cantelon shipped three car loads of
apples.—W. Doherty & Co. have 140
men at work and are now turning out
about 20 organs a day.—The output of
Hohnesville, Nite,Brucefickl,:and Stun-
naerbill cheese factories was shipped
from here on Monday to Ballantyne of
1 You may have an attack of Cramps and
• 1 Diarrhoea after eating them. ausb koop on
hand a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of %Vila.
Strawhorry and you're safe. It cures Cramps,
Collet Diarrhoea, Dysentery and all bowel c om-
4,,,,,,=.1,,...di .ilodab.(Iriness with the yet-
LOUR, VE1 AND 'MILL S1,71.11111
' vas sale at olotairicos. Leave your orders A good rant for sole of 100 acres of land in
.461 the inn We &rot, evety day to any part tho township of Ushorne, being lot No. 8. on
of Me town f MC. WO hope you %Inn help loi 10 010 nth ooticession and. Tying on the east side
make a sticeeas othe business, whieh Moans a of the Bxotor aad St. Marys MVO road. ThiS
tiocess far the toll. is rt Most exoellont font for fall wheat or grain
, i• of any kind. There is a rain° barn, stable and
'Ilighest Pr 0. Paid for Wheat shed on the farm but no MUM There is also 11.,
'ail. times, (goIlarolve.91olelit aPPiorofinteS 1V tic ,1 1 (II I?: t tannfainaiir itItillir ettltilitlig.
. ?Von lepr furth7 partlentars ea ilt, to
'811" el 1,VAIrii' '!i1\14. & WILLIAMNA [14Z, Vflirs'isea,', dn" 12' '1"' " ' Til'
- Farm For Sale -
c -P
iss Birdie Whiting is at present
visiting relatives in Parkitill.—Miss
Emma, 13astard is visiting relatives
near Crecliton.a-One drunk was up
before police magiettatethis morning
and was remanded for a week. •
home after spending a month with
blends. Mrs. Sariders from Elora, was
visiting b.er parents Mr. F. Demuth.—
Miss Lizzie Hess, from South Bend,
was visiting' her parents and many
friends,—Mr. tr. Deichert has returned.
I his patents for the good of his health,
Harold Clarkson, second soli of
Ohm. Clarkson, headmaster of the Sea -
forth Collegiate Institate, has left for
Port McLeod, Alberta, • where he ,bas
secured the position of priticapal of, the
public school at a salary of $1000. net
year, •
John Miller, Stratford road, departed
this life Sunday morning, Aug. 21st,
six months. lie was born in the
County of Derry, Ireland, in 1825, And
came to Canada in 1818, He 'soon rif.
ter settled on lot 1, con. 14, Downie,
and in 1850 married Miss Boyle, of
Dungiven, Ireland.
miArto itioriarr FOR couGHS.
"C have usod.Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam and
found it a grand remedy f)or coughs and colds
and hirldvrecommond it.' O. m, POH14111TY,
A Mataof irregular habits will find one of
in the meriting' elcar his hertd, stoady MK norms
Ithd tOtt him in shape for les day's work. 1 rico
tea and Ma
after itu illness or gradual dee hie of
Catinn tt, tint.
1VLilburies SforlinaHearlao 'POWders taken
',Mr. Bennett has left the country and.
1 his ninny friends regret his departure.
1.—Mr. Wm, Kalbfleish from Ottawa is
home on a visit. —Madam jabarr has
I left town. and besides some broken
hearts as she toid. thern. the future.—
Jackson Bros., clothiers, of Clinton,
make an important announcement
this week, to the effect thst they ate
about to convert their store into a, de-
partmental one, and the first step in
this direction will be the assimilation
of the boot and shoe stock of Jackson
& Jackson, with their own.
A couple of ladies from New York,
who had. been visiting friends at Hen -
sail: were heard to remark. that it was
their first visit to Canada, and they
The Epworth League Conven-
The Epworth League Convention
held in Kirkton, Tuesday, was a decid-
ed success. The different societies
were well represented and the sessions
were enthusiastic. The central topic
for the day was "Forward Movement"
Missions. .Mr. Emberson gave a report
of his tour through the .district and
showed us that the prospect is bright,
there being already- two hundred and.
thirty-eight pledged to systematic giv-
ing, and one hundred and twenty-two
pledges estimated. As a result of his
tour and the address on the "Move-
ment" given by Dr. Stephenson, of
Toronto, the following resolution was
adopted by the district
"We, the Epworth Leaguers of the
Exeter District, in convention. as-
sembled, resolve tos'de our best to
support a missionary' under the dire -
tion of our General .Board of Missions,
and request our District E.L. Executive
to request our General Secretary te
give us one to support."
The report of the District Secretary
shows Active merab ers 856, Associate
582, making. a total membership in
Exeter District of 1438. Centralia is
the largest league. Funds raised by -
the societies for the year arnountea to.
$794.64, the greaterpart spent for local
purposes. Financially, Woodham is
the 'banner league, contributing $2.60
per mein ter.
were more than taken up with the The followin offieers were elected
beauty of this country: one of the President, Mr. elgaty, Centralia ; Ist
ladies slated that she had never seen a V. P., Rt1v. John Ball, Kirktort ; 2nd
plum. orchard until, she saw them in V. P., Rev. T. E. Harrison, Grantor' r
Ontario. 8rd V. P., Miss Annie Beek, Mensal! t
4th V. P. Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers, Crediton; ,
Lieut. Col. Varcoe, of Goderich now
Superintendent of Junior work, Mrs..
commanding the 33rd, returned 'froth
T. J. Monroe, Exeter ; Secretary, Miss ,
a short term at the military examinat.
Gill, Exeter ; Treasurer, Miss
bus in Ottawa, having passed a most MaY
Ha.sk.ett, Birr ; Members of Executive,
creditable exam. He scored 23 out of 4
per cent in Wes, Harvey, Hazel White, M.cs:, W,.
in three subjects, and 78
equitation, a intieh better average than Lif. NIarshall, Miss Essie Maaggart, B„.: ' ..
usual, occupying but seven days which w. Williams ; Delegate to Conference '
Executive, Rey., W. S. Waddell, Hen -
is also a. shorter term than is itsually
required. s alsrl h.
e delegates were well entertained
George Connell, laf e of. Clinton wag by Kirkton which ao ' t, I
Quite a number from here are attend- .
proof against the fascinations. and I me Y ceserves
great credit for the great pains tbe
itig the convention held hi Crediton.— charms of fair sex, but he has surrencl. members took to make the convention
Miss A.nnie and Emma Zimmerman cred at last, and on Wednesday was Agreeable for the delegates nod vi4itor4
from Detroit. are home on their holt, married to n, prominent young lady of betweeti the sessioes and in arranging'
days,—Mr.A.dain Fessald has retarned Godorich Tow nab ip, Miss Zen& Shirai,
to Detroit. music to enliven the convention,
.-&-4.4144.4 eldest daughter of john Sturdy, of the As a result of this convention it is
Oth concession, 'manioc° of Mrs. Iiike. expet,,,a ono a gym 6 :Ida:mice in
When you feel tired, languid, net We join with then. inany Mends in
extertaiag congra,tnlationis. League work will be mode this year.
Miss Gira.,
mutts Yam% Nnees.
vous and are treuhled with pintplea Distriet Sieeretary.
and eruptions, you avill find Hood's On Monday lost, as Mr, George But-
terworth WO13 helping Mr. William
imparts to it the qualities needed to be met, with a. Peculiar and lutillfkil Engineering Works Won; deatroyed by
It mires all humors. While yitchin onto the load in the The ioss will mama seateea ,,, naar ss
Mood's Pills core -sick headache, Toronto, spent Stinday at Mrs, Sather- ivith his head in front of the NvAgon la tonnection with the PITO, 1,4
1141.1O0nw bilif '''sness .
Price P.5 cc.th i.s,
Sarsaparilla exactly meets your need& Turner, of Seaforth. to draw in netts, Tim etitire plant of the Nittgats
It purifies &Ina enriches the blood and
tone the ner.ves and Ole whole Oysterii. iseSident. Ile is subject' to flts fixtd five at all early hour Monday limpid?
10 too Ione ot ttlesd 0.11d felt reached by insurance. Pril, foiredry
Harry Wilson and wife of
v '. id lier illsd's \ iOwheel. Thewheel strnek hm on tile oroy(1.lanIitllWiSB
het' absaecitlalartses •