Exeter Times, 1898-8-18, Page 51=Nee;;Veigee. re"—, eteeese•71•1' .1 T With, Hood's Sarsapn.- a k .„" Sales Talk," and Illtew that this medi- lobe has enjoyed public confidence and 1 • ' 134 any other proprietary medicine. This patronage to a gxeater extent than Record, chi simply becauseit poesesses greater linerit and produces greater cures than limy other. It ie not what we say, but I what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tete :the story. All advertisemente of Ileod'a 13arsapari11a, like Hood's Samaparilla it- self, are henest. We have never deceived She public, and this with its superlative :medicinal merit, is why the people have *hiding confidence in it, and buy 00 Sarsaparilla' [Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It. Prepared only by C. I. Hood en Co., Lowell, Mass, ,,,,.,, are the only pills to take )1lood, s rIttS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. mtitti too. 'THURSDAY AUGUST 1Stb, 1898. Perth 'County Notes. On Friday mornieg last W. J. Bin- ning and. his estimable wife left Mit- -ellen for Carberry, Man. A serious accident occurred to al ittle on of Mr. -Kiefer, 15th concession Logan, on Saturday last. He. got .crowded between a separator and a water tank, and the horses moved for- ward. The wheels of thenvag.gon passed ever his breast. One of his feet was badly crushed, and a leg skinned, but if he is not internally injuried he will xecover. A meeting of the Mitchell fire bri- gade was held on Friday last for the piu•pose of reorganizing the company. itobert Ryan continues to act as chief 'With W. Lemon, captain ; A. Ruston, lieutenant; Geo. Wood secretary and treasurer. Arrangements were also .started for forming a hook and ladder company as an auxiliary to the fire department. Geo. L. Money was ap- pointed captain and W. Tarlin, lieu- tenant. Ba,yfield's rate of taxation is 114 -mills on the dollar. 'Miss Cunningham, of Port Albert, las secured the School at Grand Bend. •mfrs. Curry, mother of Geo. Curry, eit., of tbe Nile,died very suddenly at his home, on Friday morning, at the e'ipe age of 87 years. Wm. Howell has purchased the store property formerly belonging to John McDonagh, Carlow • W. Green the present occupant, will leave in Oc- tober next. While at vs ork at W. Weir's thresh- ngthe other day George Elliott, of eederich township, slipped through ea scaffold and broke his ribs, also sus- taining intern al injuries. James Hobbs, of Granton, passed away the other day after A lingering illness of several months. The deceas- ed 'was well and favorably known all through that section of the country, Be had been a successfull farmer, and for many -years lived retired in that 'village. Four daughters survive .birn, Rigney, Sarnia; Mrs. W. jertnyn, near Wingham ; Mrs. Wm. Zedy, London Township, and Miss Mary as home. The deceased was a •-consistent member of the Methodist cluirch for the past 54 years. Ho was horn in Tipperary, Ireland, nearly 72 years "ago,tuad came to Canada in 1832. Ile settled in London Township, where he farmed until retiring to Granton 17 years ago. In 1850 be married Miss Margaret Thompson. sister to Messrs. WM. and :rohn Thompson, of the 13th eon. London. - _ A. KIDNEY BLOCKADE Is a serious thing for the whole body and calls gor speedy relief. Doan's Kidney Pills break op any kidney blockade and cure Backache ,Eropsy, Diabetes, Bright's disease, T..Trinary troubles and bladder weakness. DICKSON & CARLING, ntwristers, Solioitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Etc. Money to Loan at 41% and 5% .OFFICE, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. I. R. CARLING, n.A. L. IL MONSON. member of the Erm will be at Honsall on Thursday of each vveek, Notice. • Notice is hereby given that a I.Court will be gield pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act, giy His Honor the 'Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at Crediton in the Town Hall, on Taesclay the 23r0. day of August o'clook, a. m.'to boar and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions dix the Voters' list of the Municipality ef Stephen ger 1803. All persons having business at the Court are :requested to attoe,c1 n time_and. place, 0 -MISTER PROUTY, Clerk of Said Court. Dated this Oth clay of .August 1898, Farm For Sale. ETA geed Farm for sale ol: 100 mos of land in the township of Tisborne, beleg lot No.8, ,on the lltlt coneession and lying en the oast side •of the Exeter and Sb. Marys gravel road. This Is a most excellent farm for fall wheat or grain of any kind. There is a froine barn, stable and shed on the farm bat 110 1101190k Thoth is also it good well of spring water ancl a young bearin•g orchard. end. tibent, 80 acres of land under culti- vation. For farther particulars apply to 'nonslip OttIMV. So" let 12, Con. 10, Tp. 'Pah= e, Wieelielson, P. 0. Farm for Sale. • The undersigned offers Cor sdo his excellent %nil of 125 (Lorca, being Lot, number ,5 con. 12, gray, e„,omprising 100 acres, and the 'West quer- 'trenr. Lot 0, can 14; Hay, comprising 25 acres•, This is an excellent farm on a sPlonclid road. 11, ahlies north of the flourishing village of Dash. ,WOod. On this farm is an extolled frame •uWoRing, With ikitehen altrielied i first class imek bernenevee Whig well of Water, geed orchard. With thole° veridies of fiat% The • fare le Well fenced Mid is in a high state of thltivation , el 5 mike from Zurich, ft milett • from Hensel elation, 0 miles from EXOtor, (0luirches and &heels convenient. Tornio WAY - Nor particulnra apply on the premises Or to 51)ashw0od P. O. JOHN VOELNEfie •, Prep'. .„ GOVERNMENTS AND THE fla The Second Reading of the Fisheries 13iIl Not Opposed, Mr. Hardy Exnlallis Ris I1111 -Mo :Dilated Upon the importance of the 1thilustry and Pointed Clue That Owing to the Privy ConneiPti Pet:181ml There wouid Be Two Sets of Oillolals-Mr. Hoyle Makes Suggestions. Toronto, .Aug. 10. ---The Atterney-Clen- oral's Fisheries bill met with no epees'. tion at its second reading in the Legisla- ture yesterday afternoon. Mr. Ilardy Explains Ilis 13111. In moving the second reading of his bill, Mr. Hardy explained that since the deeision of the Seem= Court, upon which tho bill of 1897 had been 'based, had been greatly altered by the Privy Council, his new bill had b000me urgent as well as essential. One of the features net upheld by this coert of last resort; had, reference to the rights to take fish With certain implements, and also to the olose season. Tile Privy Council had adjudged the provinces to have cOntrol of the bottoms of rivers and lakes, and therefore the right to take out' fish rested with his Goeernment. Se dicl the right to impose license fees. The revenue front these licenses wes.of considerable import anoe, the Dominion 'Government having • realized from 880,000 to $88,000 per annum therefrom during the 14st few years, To the Dominion Goverement, on the other hand, had been declared the right to make regulations as to the close • season, and also as to the implements to be used. Certain minor 'regulations as to the USG Of the foreshore still rested with tho Provincial Government, The fact that the Dominion Government had the. right to fie; tho amount of license to be charged, made a &Lidice*, he admitted, technically possible, but 311 tho • usual course of events actually improbable. No Modus vivendi had been arrived at be- tween the Minister of Marino end the Provincial Government. He had simply come to a partial arrangement whereby the Federal Government °encoded that they had no right to issue licenses, but were allowed to collect such of this year's licenses as were issued before the decision of tho Privy Council had been given. Two Sets of Officials. Two sets of officials to administer the altered law would now be necessary. The Dominion Goveminent would have to appoint officers to see that the regula- tions wore observed, 'while the Provincial Government wouldappoint others to protect the fisheries. -Upon the high seas and the international lakes and rivers the Dominion Government would still retain controlling power, because in the event of international questions arising they would be held respo'neible. ,Thoy would still retain patrol vessels to pre. vent illegal fishing in such waters, while the Provincial Government would appoint controllers of inland fisheries. The ques- tion of official salatiesluicl not yet been decided, though the salaries ' in the Dominion Department ranged frona $3,- 200 to 8500. In the meantime the House was asked to sanction the appoint- ment of a deputy commissioner to organ. ize a new Fisheries Department. Vast Importance et the Industry. Concluding, the Premier explained in detail the sections of the bill, and added an amendment to the silent that it should go into force immediately npon passing the Legislature. Ho spoke of the vast importance of protecting the Bsheries, an importance which could not be over- estimated or too graphically described. Ile spoke of it as a convenient and healthful means of sustainance to those settling in and opening up a new coun- try, as a means of relaxation to those engaged in every other calling in life, Mr. Whitney Acquiescent. The Opposition leader agreed with tho Government's idea of the immense im- portance of the fisheries.'He still believed that the matters could have been arranged so that the necetsity of a special session would have been proolud- ed. Ho urged, however, since the present session was a foot, that the bill be con- sidered without haste, and reserved any further remarks till it reached the com- mittee stage. • Mr. Hoyle's Suggestioos. Mr. Hoyle, as representing North Ontario, a constituency largely interested, congratulated the• Government upon getting the decision from the Privy Council, and made a few suggestions. Learning from the Attorney -General that. the matter of obstructions canao within the power of the Local Government, he urged some restrictions in this matter, especially 'as the obstructions aleng the Beaver and Severn Rivers were found an inconvenience to anglers in his riding. People, he thought, Should have the opportunity to fish without being com- pelled m go 15 miles to do so. He also suggested that the game wardens, 09 not being overburdened with work, might take upon thetimelves the duties of fisher. les inopectorS, and aVold the expense of salaries of new appointees. Mr. Foy wanted the bill consolidated with the Fisheries bill, to which it was an amend/limit. Mr. Hardy thought this might involve the ellinination of certain olausee, and nngbt deprive the province of possible rights now in dispute. The Battle Begins Afresh To -Day. The bill will come um in coiemibtoe the whole on Thursday. To -day the Con- stable bill Will be Introduced, In reopens° to Mr. Whitney's protest, Mr. Hardy 'decided practically not to ask the House to sit mornings. Prorogation this week is a possibility. Mr. John Richardson, M.P.P., (East Yo)'k), denied that he had been approach • ed with the offer of the job of Fisheries Inspeictor, or that his coustitheney weeild be opened for Hon. John Drydoe, • Tornado :Killed SOVO 11 People, Minneapolis, Aug. 16 *A Canby, 1V1inn.1 •spatial to the .Thernai sere: A ternade last night struck 12 miles north. West of this pltiee, killed Sinn people, wrooked inauy buildings and did groat damage to the crops. The entire family of Joseph Hutchinson, including hie wife and four ohildren, were killed, ale() Peter Juglin, Bailee Mirses and Hay Burned. Portage In Pkairld, 'Aug 10,-Durieg ti heavy thunderstorm Sueday °voting lightning struck William Wie aeries bare, two milee north of the toot His stables, With all their contents, tvvo horses and 25 tons of hay; 'were ell lost. The loss about $2,000, XET Ell TIMES 0.111000400000090•0 A Dyspeptic? • SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE IS THE RAINBOW OF PROMISE. • Paraelta;i4Yreptetii01441: %Trill the sufferer WM Pee a efed' Ind °stip. Oautii Atnericpa 4rT108 14_0 greeteet diecovery in fecdi scleuce ter the our° of all ehre .14004c1 liroablee. it acts dlreci coolie; ct nerves -et e scat 0 all - eMe, Denude testi y or eureema e, Relinf troth the first doee. •Wl a Fireat sufferer from atemeoh and if Sire troablep, Tried a score of reme'41:1. No relief, 441t 0 bottle of Setith Amerieau leoverie worked won- • dere, Six bottles ;Ode a now man oe nee." -W, H. Sherman, Morrisburg, , Get. 21 • D90,4) Q*064.40,90 no new and. 490110 Medicinal -TAU ,he tried and tooted, Sold by C. LUTZ, Exeter. 4n Ontario Filritler Rescued by Pine's Celery Compound., WELLS & RICHARDSON GENTLEMEN -It IS with very great pleasure that I testify to the value of •yonr great in edicitie, Paine's Celery Cornpout d. For nearly two years I suffered from indigestion and kidney and liver troebles. After trying sev- eral niedicheee that did not effect a cure, I decided to Ley your eempound. Before using it 1 was so low in health that I coeld not eat Or sleep. I could not lie ia bed owing to pain in flyback, and it was only by resting on my elbows and kneesthat I was enabled to obtain a slight deeeree of ease. Before I had taken one bottle of your medicine I began to improve-. 1 have now taken in all fourteen bottles with grand re- sults. I am it farther and an now working every day. I am a living witness to the worth of Peine's Celery Com pouucl. Yours sincerely, G. J. SMYB, Sheffield, Ont, BIRTHS HUNKIN-In IJsborne on 'the 14th inst., the :wife ofTboinas Hnukin, of a daughter. ULENS-In Greenway, on the. 15th inst., the wife of W. T. Ulens, of a son. DEATHS. DAVIS-In Exeter, on the 151h lest., Richard Davis, aged 74 years. • RADOLIFFE-On Friday. Aug. 5th, Elizabeth Hedley, wife. of Samuel Radcliffe, of the 30th concession, Blanshard, Perth County, aged 71 years. . A petition is in dee:elation in Wood- s oek praying the Government to insti- tute an andib and inspection of the town books. Children dry Tor CAST() NA, t • Children Cry for CASTOR IA. EMULSION CONSUMPTION 01).1 n11 I.U.NO eotseaSES, SPITTING or BLOOD, COUGH, 1088 OlF APPETITE. DEBILITY, the benents of this article are most manifest. 13y the aid of The D. ec L. Emulsion, I have gotten rid of a haeking cough which had troubled me for over a year, and have gained consider- ably in weight. • T. H. WINGHAM, C.E., Montreal. 50c. and $1 per Bottle DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, MONTREAL. f‘: RS. K r• The Leading Specialists of.Ainerica 20 Years h Detroit. 250,000 Cured. WECURESTRICTURE Thousands of young and middle-aged men are troubled with this disease -in any uneonsciously. They may have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak organs, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. This will not cure you, as it Will re- turn. Our NEW METHOD TRH AT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; heneeremoves the stricture permanently. It can never return. No pain, no Suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The ao xualorgams are strength.. med. The nerves aro invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. WE'CL1' E GLEET Thousando of you and raiddle-aged mon are having thme sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. • They are frequently unconscious af tho cruise of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Diecharges, ing Manhood, Nervousness, 1>eor Mem- ory, Irritability, at timei Smarting Sen. mitten, Sunken Eyes, with dark eircies, Weak Beek, General Depression, Lack of Ambition, Vorieocele, Shrunken Parts, etei GLEET and STRICTURE maybe the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in thoge. special diseases -don't allow 4uttoks to experiment on yell. Congult beecialists, who have made life study of Diseasesf oMen ti Women. OurITEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively etne yen. Otto thousand dollars for a easo wo accept for treatment and oannob cure. Tel ins raocleratefor a WM. CtillE$UARANTEED Wo trete and cure t VA1,11000ELE SYPHILIS, GLEET STRICTURE fe4nt:STEM:1Y, SECRET DRAINS, 1.1NIsTAITURAL DISCIIARG- ES, KIDNEY 011c1 BLADDER Diontses. CONSULTATION MEE, 'BOORS VItEE. If linable to call, Write for QUESTION BLANK• for HOME TREATMENT. . • KENNEDYKERGAN lleG Whiten Ave. ted;Shelby SI, betuort, tvitcH. K&P K eicK K MARKET REPORTS, Exeter August 1711, 1808 Oats,.., ....... , ., Wheat per bneliel ...... :2( o 2 08lo 70 _, 7 a4 ey...•..• BP ea t8 P"r" : : 7. • • me. ..k.or‘ ' :* 4: : ' • „ • :::• :1444250 1;t'koeQo 11'14036 Turkeye .,. Env.... , .'„'.......,-, 44 LI 10° Geose,..... 4 to 6 DCludoeilccse.n. s..p. e. r lb , , . , 1., .1T,, .,5 to 0 Wool,- .,.. .. ... - 17 to 15 DoxrielcadtePePslees;:,. . .. .„, 24. to a -.... 5,60 to q5.50 Port live weiglit.- .... ,..„,„. 440 to 1.50 Hay per ton .. 5 00 to 05Oo Clover seed .... , ... .... , . ,. .. 1.00 to • 00 ATilignilioteheylsoeveedr :.: ...„ , . „ , ...... 11..6000 too ,5'113 Louden, August 17th, 1808,. heat per bustle , .. .... ....81 to 81 NOits V .,32 to 34 ••••••• o 00 Pees ' Barley ,IMARSit No elle aeli len e a skin Weer and ken &nal blemish *whew blood le itanara. -olerannn, lilood Bitters purifice mid rentoves pimmesene all kinds of ereptioue, leaving the skin clear &cud cenooth. Farms for sale (A few good farms for sale eheine-Money to n Apply to JOHN SPACILYIAN ••••••1111..elt•••••••0...*110011.13. A is always In the SW M. If lie wears one of W. JOIIN'S neatly fitting SUIT'S ....44 to 50 __,. ,, Buolivthent . ........ ... .30 to 384 bte IS 4 sure fitter, 11.ye ...... ..e. ... 09 to 39 Corn . . . .. „ 83i to 45 13 -is prices are away down, Beans ... Butter ..•. • • • ..• 09Pork per owt., ' Ene Hacks Turkeys per lb C4e0se perib Ohiolrens Oheeso • Potatoes per bag Hay per ton 40 to 00 10 to 11 HIS goods are the beet. . 13 to 14 16900 ttt000 117002 b uOyailnl get yriodurexternine his goods before -FALLSUIT 50 to 75 S to 10 6.00 to ri,50 W JOHNS 81.50 to $.5.00 The 'Tailor FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. • At OLD AND WELL-TMED 1114XEDY.-11Mrs Winslow s Soothing §31ap has been used. for over f(fby yonrs by mu1l1on It soothes the child. sorcens the gums, allays all gibicaurir'eswind colic,end is the, best remellY hceIt is ple asant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a -bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure o.ncl ask for 1VIrs. Wieslow s Soothing Syrup, and takeim other kind. THE PIONEER LIMITED — - Xs the name of the only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee .3r. St, Paul and minneap- ens vut the Chicago, Milwaukee 8: St, Paul B ailway-the pioneer road of the West in ad - op pug till improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of tho Pioneer Limited, will he sent free to any person elm receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address 'Geo. H. Healtord, (3eneral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. •—•141. • TO Advertisers. The benefit derived from an adver- tisement depends altogether upon the. number of persons who read. it. To reach the greatest number of readers .at the Ipast -possible expense, is a question, that should be considered very carefully by business men. A thousand small bills printed in Tor- onto or London, and distributed in this section, would be inst as effective as if the bill had been printed in town. There is not a doubt about that, but if you want to reach the people in their homes, newspuper advertising is the only successful way. To get the best results use the paper with the largest circulation, and thegreatest amonat of • lecal news. Circulation is the proper basis upon whichprices should befixed. If a newspaper with a eirculation of • 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one with auircnlation o600 would be entitl- ed to $30. An advertiser should take these facts into careful eonsideration, when making contracts. Another fre- quent loss to advertisers is in the use of several papers when one covers the ground. THE Treres is read by more people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, the northern part of Biddulph and McGillivray than ell other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it Will be found the most effectual way in which to reach the people. CUTTING TEETH Is hard on the babies. Thousands die ann- ually from Difirrhcect who mightbe saved by Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild. Strawberry. It cures all bowelcomplaints of children oradults. 35e., at all dealers. Milburif's Sterling Headache Powders cure headaches quick, and leaVe no depressing ,after effects. Price 1(ic. and 25., at all dealers. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pilla and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 -per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, The Cook Oompany.windser, Ont. ar-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canade. No. 1 tind No. 2 SOld in Exeter ly J. W Browning, druggist. .. .. . .. . _ . .,...._.___ PcarwitotivivtAme,orteAveresows,4 ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND ITHERE IS NO Kin) OP PAIN OR . ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERN:4., THAT PAM -KILLER WILL NOT RE- LIEVE. k LooK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND aye - t' STITUTES. THE GENUINE SOT) -LE SEARS THE NAME, PERRY iii*AVIS 42. SCIN. CIMAL'eetVaviela-teNaWl. Travellers Should always carry with them a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. The change of food and water to whieh those who travel are sithject, often pro- duces an attack of Dierrinne, Which is as unpleasant end discotnfeetieg as it roey be cleant,erons• A bettle of 'Dr, Fowler's Extrect of will Strawberry in your grip is a gtiittaritee of sefety. On the first in- dication of Ortmepe, Colic, Diarrhozet or Dysentery, a, few doses will promptly cheek further [layette° of these diseases. It ie an old, eeli. able reinedy, with ova' forty years'. of MIMS( to it credit, • whose merit is re- ' cogeized everywhere Lend one that the doc- tors mcommeed preferenee to all °there. Sold by medicine dealere everywhere at 350. it brittle. Ahveye insist ch the genuine, as many et the imitto,,,,na are highly dangereng, Head -7011mft--- uarters For 4--e-4 Undertaking—ma& A n Furriiture A4 R. N. ROWE'S Everything up-to-date. Largest stock eyer shown in Exeter. R. N. ROWE IL:CTa'Z'S Icug )gtole We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH' BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. • Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICES LUNG SYRUP. -C LUTZ Nursery Sig 110011i8 Book Aunts ! Agricultural implement Agents ! Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us The demand forhome 0-rovvn Nursery Stock is on the increase. We want more mein If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE THh.LABGESTNCRSERIES IN THE D °Mem o WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER w.H.OLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GITAB,A.NTEE ALL OUR sTook. WEVueeNesnruncuAsEns WITTE CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OITR STOOK IS FREE FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others Ib will cost you nothing to leara what we can do for you. Don't -write unless you mean busin ess and -want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO A Suit Of U1ooP3 or a Single Gariroot Should Combine now a d vs, Correctness of Style, Good WorktnanshIp, • Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit, You look for these in an old. and' reliable nlaee, and A. 3. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of • Fall 'Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, a.ro now on our shelves, and we will take reueh ialoasure in showing them to you. There are many otherlines that are specially at,, active. 4 65147$710L. What Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and. Children. It contains neither OPIUM, 11/Orpleinee nor other ,Nareotie substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and. Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years/ lase br Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and. allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vonaithig Sour. Curd, cures Diarrhea and -Wind Colie. Qastoria reiieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, reguhttes the Stomach. and. Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria, Is the Children's Panacea—the mother's Priem& Castoria. Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. 0.0. 0$GOOD, Lowell, Mass. Castor' ia. "Castorla is so well adapted to children that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." IL A. 4.RCECER, M D, Brooklyn, X. Y. THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS . ON EVERY WRAP.PER.... NO/NOMINNONnowIe.•••••••••••••1•,..a corm5..1y, 7touranive STR ET, NW YORK CITY "eiegi,Leeteete4 .SeeeiD eeeet:Lle-ee "e OUR SILVER 3UI3ILEE. Western Fair, London. SEPTEMBER Sth to 17th, 1828. Entriesclose Tilt September. Space allotted cal receipt (d entry. Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits tinsel -pest -ea. 'Yn eti eeFee all that others can show and to 'better advantage. Royal 1.1izteca 19. Prince GIKabe's japs, Sit' Ff assail Ben Ali's Mains and „many other eeteee Is, the bast in the country. Fireworks each evening, "Blowing up the ' seisted by all the ring and stage attre Special excursion trains leave London at 10 pen: and alleles() you can stay to the fireworks. Auction sale of Booths end Privileges, Wedne.eilay, Auguit rib, on the grounds at 2 p. zu. Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to LT. -COL. W. M GARTSHORE, President. . THOS. BROWNE, Sceretary. A Creat Event CANNA9S GREAT 0 a ri 111 gcro 11 1 e) re /4\ BEST FORTABLE.DildRY AND FARM. and rees Industrial Fair! Toronto AUO. 29th to Serd.'10, 1898 New and' Wonderful attractioes Excelling all previous 'years. The Cultan-Am oilcan War Exciting Naval and Military Displays. The 14109I. ventions & N ov el tie From an parts of the world. Entries of. Exhibits close Aug, 611). Cheap excursions froni everywhere. For prize lists entry forms, programmes, and all particulars, address :r. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, President, Manager, Toronto A YOUNG GIRL'S ESCAPEs Saved from being a Nervous Wreck BY MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. For the benefit of Canadian rnothere, who have daughters who are weak, pale, run down or nervous, Mrs. Belanger, 128 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, nittdo the following statement, ee that no one teed suffer through ignorance of the right remedy to use: "My daughter sinTered very rnuch from heart troubles at times. Often she es as se bed that she could not speak, but heti to sit and gasp for breath. She was se extremely nervous that her limbs would fairly' shake and tremble. Frequently she would have to leave school; and finally she grew so weak that we were much alarmed about her health. I gave her many remedies, but they did not seem to do her any good. Then 1 heard of Milburree Heert and, Nerve Pills, and got a box of them, and they have indeed worked wonders with her. I can recommend them very highly as the best remedy I ever heard of for Complaints similar to thece front which my daughter ouffered." Milburn's Heart mid Nerve Pitts neYer fail to do good. They cure palpitatien, faintness, dizziness, smothering eensetion, weakness, nervoueuess, sleeplessness, mine- rals, fernele troubles and'general debility. &Id by all druggists at ooa. a box dr three boxes for $1.25. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ottario, L-IEN PIL.t ontheAULVLS System in an easy and natural manner, removing all poisons and im. purities, 'they atir0 Oonstipa. tie'', Sick Headacheemous nesao Dyspepsia, Sour Steno auk Jaundice and Liver Cont. piainto Price 250$ *""'"--cagelir eareeta..— IYou will find at I3issett's Wareroone the following line of Agricet toral Implements BEF?,ING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL, BEARINGS, T STEEL RAKES. ; Aft.111 line of Seed Drills, Cull ivators Disc and Djnnoid Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SWM MACHINES. ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing ind wringers imachine Gurney stoves and furances. waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. 41BILAL? WITH SPRiNG FLOVIERS4*.—. Comes the necessity of SPRING GARMENTS \'‘'.Agfs' Wm e are the van with all that is desirable in tkpAille. Let 1.ts t6C of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds hi 'all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for $10.00 that ea be bought in the county. GIVE VS A GAM J. Ho Oriel,