Exeter Times, 1898-8-18, Page 1II °RON & M1DDL E SEX GAZ E TT E MENTY-FIFTH YEAR X`c• 5 441111414111.4 ci.i,AZSZIRAvR..64tWSZSZSZSZSZ"?..410 TELLING THE PLAIN TRUTH If there is any one thing we insist on above everything else, it is to stick to the truth in advertising, and put nothing in the papers but what is exactly as represented. A pecularity of this business will be its absolute regard for the truth in advertising. We intend that the news of this column shall be accepted literally, which means strictly to facts and using plain English, The way we buy and the way we sell, makes it possible to do good business without a particle of exaggeration, either in what we tell you or what newspapers print. We insist that things here shall be exactly as represented, and that incitidee every item in this list, 27 inch reclgrouncl with small white dote, just the thing for childrens we r, regular price 7c for 5 cts. Children's Taffeta Gloves, in colors of Grey, Brown and Fawn, very durable for wear, sizes 3 to 6, forme e price 20c a pair, we will clear at the unifornaily low price of 1 0 cts a pair. Shirts Waists made of Canadian and English Prints, good fast colors, Collars and Cuffs to match, assorted colors, regular price 50c for 39cts. Woinen' plata fast black Cotton Hose, full fashioned, good value at 7e and Sc per pair for 5 Os. Women's fa,st black Ribbcid Cotton Hose, double heel and toe, were sold readily at I21e. per pair, now 3 pair for 25 cts. Women's fast blade plain cotton, Hose, seamless feet, high spliced heels, regular pike 20c per pair, for 2 pairs for 25 cts. Women's Cotton Hose, full fashioned, high spliced heels, Isearnless feet, silk finish, Hermsdorf dye, made to sell at 25c per pair for 1 9cts. Ladle's Fine ribbed. cotton Vests, shaped and nicely trimmed, special to clear 1 2i cts. In ends of Fa.ney Waist Silks that were 30 to 60c pee yard, are to be cleared out at bargain prices. A. J. FORD &CO .,Woodham. N. B. -We pay highest price for A.4 Butter. • vszszkr)eiewirscestseszszszszsep The by-law raise $35,000 for the in- t. .stallation of a municipal lighting plant 4 was carried atBarrie. Frederick Dewey, locomotive fore- man of the M. 0. R., was killed by an •engine at Niagara Falls. The death of errs. Jas. Bogie of the Nile, is:recorded. She died ather home on Saturday, 6th inst., at the age of 73 years She had been sick for -three weeks in which time sbe was delirious and knew scarcely anybody. Robert 1V1cIlyen, ex -reeve of Stanley, returned on Friday from a trip to the west. He spent considerable of his time in the Edmonten district, which, he believes. -has a magnificent future tefore it, though it will take consider - .able time to develop it. • Well !Holing. The subscriber iF prepared to do all kinds of well digging. Dry wells deepened with brick in. Satisfaction guaranteed. 2 ia W. H. Campbell. Hay, P. 0. For Sale. --- Brick Blacksmith shop,frame dwelling house and. half an acre of land,in the village of Whal- en, township of Biddulph. There is a good busi- ness done in tho shop; on the premises are good tufruit trees,and smallfruit,gOod supply of water, and everything convenient. Reason for selling, -the proprietoris going out of business. For further particulars, amil,y to. WM. OGDEN, , 'Whalen, P,O. Notice To Creditors In the matter of the estate of James Millar, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, that all persons having claims against the ,above named deceased are required to send. in particulars of the same to James Ramsay and John P. Ross, of Exeter, Ontario,the Executors .of tho said deceased, on or before the first day .of October, 1898, and on and after the said. date the saki Executors Will proceed to distribute tho estate of the said deceased, having regard .only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid, and they will not be liable to any person or persons of whose claims they shall not then have received notice. COLLINS, Solicitor for Executors. Dated at Exeter the iith day of August 1898. Voters' List9 1898. :MU.NICIreeLerv OF LIE TOWNSHIP OP USBORNE, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that I have tranS- Anitted or delivered to the‘persons mentioned in sections 6 and 6, of the Ontario 'Voters' Lists Act, 1889, the copies required by said. Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list ,nacle pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- oearing by the Past revised assessment roll of =the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the Municipalityat elections fOr 1Viembers of ihe Legislative Assembly and at IVIunioipal Elections, and that saidlist was first nested up .at my oilloc, at, Vithalon, on the nth da' of July, 1898, and remains there for. inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said iist, and, if any omissien pt any other errors are ft.und therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors eorrected aecording to ;law. ,-. Dated this 10th day of July, 1898. FRANCIS M0RLD1r, Ueberne. IXETER MILLING COCC)dSOU8 TO. HIE ROLLINS AND MING MILLING Aro now ready to do business with tho pub - IVO generally. AR kinds Of , LCUB, 'MED AND MILL STVIOID Ver sale at close prioes. Leave yOur Orders the mill. We del Ver every day to any part ,, . Of tho toWti free. o hope you will help Us to Make a sucCoss Of tho business, which Means a ,SudeOse her the toWn. , :Highest Prices Paid for Wheat Afi all titnos. 'retnerceee No, 81, ,STEWART I3ROS. & WILLIAMS. t 1 v,1 Exeter Municipal Council. A special meeting of the Council was held in the Town Hall, on July 28th, 1808. Reeve in the chair, Members Present. J. Eyans, E. Christie, W. G. Bissett, W. Iterating. The Council met for the purpose of preparing an address and giving a purse and presentation of the same to Mr. M. Eacrett on his retirement from the clerkship of the village. It was moved by E. Christie and seconded. by John Evans that Mr. M. Eacrett be presented with an address and a parse of $50.00. -Carried. Mr. Harding voting nay. T. B. CARLING, Reeve. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, ae Town Hall, Exeter, .August 12th 1898. All present except Harding. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and confirmed. Communication from Waterous Engine Company re hose received and. filed. Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by E. Christie, that the following ac- counts be passed and orders drawn on Trea,surer'for sameGrigg $2.00 postage per clerk; 13. Bishop & Son 98c per fire dept. ; The Municipal World $1.07 blanks for voters' list ap- peals. ---Carried. Moved by E. 'Christie, seconded by Sue. Evans, that the Reeve and Treas. be empowered to borrow what money is required to pay current expenses. - Carried. Moved by J. Evans, seconded byW. G. Bissett, that Mr. Campbell's offer of $5.00 per foot, to deepen well at Town Hall, be accepted. -Carried. In view of the public indignation ex- pressed by the citizens at the act of Rowdyism perpetrated by some party or parties unknown on the evening of the lith bast., by throwing eggs at( some of the Mitchell lacrosse players when/leaving town, the Council offer a rewacci of $5 for the conviction of said parey or parties. Moved by Ed. Christie, seconded by W. G. Bissett that the council adjourn till Friday Aug. 26tleat 8 oalock p• GEO. H. BISSETT, Clerk. Chiselhurst BRIErs.-David Leitch left. for Da- kota on Tuesday of last week. He in- tends to work at the harvest. -Miss Ethel Oates, of London, is the guest of Miss Shepherd, of this vicinity.-Johri Brintnelawho was injured by his horse shying and throwing him out of his buggy, had three ribs broken by the fall -Lewis Schroeder has been sent down for stealing a hicycle.-john Shepherd bas improved the look of his driving house by giving it it coat of paint. • Brucefield. Buiness.-The sheep dogs accomplish- ed some of their destructive Work lase week. George Baird being again the loser to the extent of three valu- able thoro'breds killed outright, and isix others worried so badly that they will be almost useless. On Irritley morning Mr. Barges' flock was visited and depleted to the number of ten lambs, killed or wounded. This time, however, the dogs were caught and shot, and unless there are other brutes at the same work, the shepherds and the flocks will rest easier in the future. -1. McLa,chlun of Brussels, is spending a few days renewing frogman- titnees here. Mr. 1VIcreachlin hassecur- ed the principalgjpofahtrge school at Sault Ste. Marie. The people there are fortunate in securing the services of such it careful, energetic teacher. The victory rests With America's Greatest Meclidee,Hood's Sarsaparilla, when it enters the battle impure blood. EXEtER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 1.8th, 1898. g oo esu ts. The Reports of the Boards of Exa miners in connectick with the Efigl School and matriculation examination held in July have been considered by the Educational Coanciaancl below ar given the names of the successful can didates at the different centre«, so fa as concern the exannuations of Forms and It. It is ,expected that the re sults of the examinations of Forms III and IV and for commercial specialists, commercial diplomas hncl domestic science will be pp.blished in ewe or three days. It is intended to have the marks of unsuccessful candidates sent within ten days to the Principals of High Schools or Public School Inspec- tors. The marks will not be sent to candidates by the department. Certi- ficates will also be sent to Principals and Inspectors about the lst of Sep- teinber. It is recommended that un- successful candidates should not .ap- peal until they have consulted the High School Principal after receiving their marks. Appeals to be entertain,. ed must be made before the 20th, of September. ' FoRm I. Clinton -M. O. Acheson, S. M.Ache- son, D. Cantelon, A. Huck M. Mick, M. Ker, H. A. Leech. 'Honors -E. Archibald,. S. R. Clourtice, R.MacPher- son, Goderich-E, Craigie, S. W. Craigis, D. Elliott, R. S. Harrison, S. E.Morris, F. A. L. Nantel, M. L. Newton, J. M. Spence, L. D. Sutherland, F. Turner, F. M. E. Tye, H. C. Wiggins, T. P. Brown. Honors -W. E. Elliott, E. E. Farrow, E. Fea,gan, W. L. Hiles, W. Mair, S. C. Masson, H. S. 141asson, W. J. McCreath, H. W. Taylor. Mitchell -F. M. Cameron, E. L. Eis- ler, H. G. Hurlburt, A. McNaught. Honors -W. A. liurIburt. Lucan-M.A.Armitage, L. J. Braith- waite, R. Carty, L. G. Dempsey, R. E. Fox, N. L. Guilfoyle, R. II. Hodgins, W. N. O. McComb, W. McDermott, I. M. Mara, J. Morkin, E. E. Stanley, J. - Simpson, 0. M. Tompson, G. E. Temp - son. Honors -E. O. Hodgins, H. T. liedgins, J. St. John, L. A. Wilkin. Parkhill -H. V. W. Laughton, C. Love, S. Saulter, M Thompson. Seaforeh-11 E Abell, E M Abell, C R Aetzel, I A Arnold, 111 Brownell, J G ()rich, T Cummings, J T S Dickson, 0 Dapp, M E Elliott, E Evans, T Govenlock, G I Hamilton, M L Harty, N Holland, M Laidlaw, L S 'Lawrence, G McDonald, A. J D McMinn, M 1V1eMilla,n, M Murphy, E M Pickard, 0 Prendergast. Honors - R B Bend, D Campbell, B Van Ed- mond. St. Marys -W 0 Allen, M Anderson, E Armstrong, T Box, II G Broeeir,'S T Delbridge, M P Dickson, It Fisher, L sHarding, W Here, A Hill, M .A. Martin, H Maybe, Meighen, M MacLeod, C H McLean, E Rea, L Richards E Roberts, E A Robertson, Sharp, "P Smith, W 0 Squire, DA Stafford, F A Stafford,H Weston, L A Wood. Honors -A A Hay, A Mc- Orackin, C Paynter, A J Wheaton, W Hutchings. , IN4yaglee(h(lioonnow),,0 CasiNakePnast,teorsims, teAelJe - (honors), N Stout (honors), .D Sweitzer G. J, Sutherlend, Notary armor, Commissioner, 4' Public, Convey Olinton's rAbe of tadxoaltlaiort.), bas been 1 (honors), G Theannson, thenors), 3 Thompson (honore) A 0 Vining, E T., :ea, U.:surer ofuMarriageteconi:essiirtriongellut irsonab e rates :tetWlacii:iilsiag2otb2a:nEsilillis:itoetnhoeofntatxhaetatonn for this Ra37,14 m Reber& ivrteroanety. girgon(loYnt tgl,)'att eie s Mc k h PostA 40 Cur? °""1 e 3 13 Shier, W Stephens, A Young., a . John Stephens and eaeauv leave Sea- i'oa,r G Box. matriculation (4)-11 G , e. a comol. fOrti1 in A couple of weeks for Calumet Brown, 0 A Baird, M E Lane, D m .1,1„ Liv,eisiciaheig. an, where ,tlaey will in future Monteith, 0 annuity, W 0 Squire, C 'V so(LatecaNy,INtliotaGr;tir,ouvbvii—cee. ,PHrooluisdaeoen13,,,arrister - Walker, E 3" Wigelswortb. The Seaforth Hortieultural Society will hold their seconcl annual flower show on the 25th, 26th and 27th of this n1S°neathfOrtle. conneil have decided to Insurance $1,400. Thomas Boyd, NE.. Logar Township, also Jost, his barn and most the entire crop destroyed by fire. wife and daughter ; N. Sarerus, Stratford road, had bis barns and al- —To Cavalier, Dakota : M. ICearcher, persons left, this station foe the Weser': Fon T --K2 WEM-The folluwin' place a tewn clock in the tower of the l‘EfInclinNge.r ;11otsosen Brandon, N. i'ataratt'ty.' ''‘, evening, town hall at a cost of $635. It will Dr5rsclale, returned home Wednesday havvvooden dials. Mr, Durand, sr., who resides neer after a visitsof six weeks at the whole of the seasore's crops, In- W. Webber, S. W. Coxworth ; saved for $1,000. -Miss Alexia Davis Langdon, Dakota: L. Benedict; Port- Grafton aud vieinit3r. Trinity Church.--Wlaeat is 65 cts. a 'Winnipeg, Geo, Kydd and john Goetz; succeeds MISS Doble as organist of age la Prairie, man : Geo. Steaey ; to Wm. Thirsk, of Stanley, near Blake bushel and bread 6 cts per loaf, Ra- Robt. Tinney to Balder; mrs. Bell to has it brother and. other friends living ther a good profit for eomebocly.-The Carberry; T. McTaggart, London road, near Edmonton, and he goes to visit Mitchell lacrosse team played with to Virden; John Dow, Hurondale, to them. ; Exeter on civicholiday, and Balder won themiss Lowe, Hurondale, to On Monday last, while playing game, score 4 to 1. -1, -The stench from Stephen, Dakota; miss maggie White about the kitchernthe child of Wallace the river has become almost leader- to Raunthwitite ; Alex. moir, to Den- Johnston, Sauble line, Stanley, was able and the Medical Health Officer is stove. ver Col., where be teaches school. . severely burned by falling against the preparing a report thereon. -Mitchell BRIEFs.-Schroeder and Spohn, a is to have more granolithic side- walk. -Miss Janet McLean, of Hibbert lefb herelast week for Woolesley,Assa. JOHN WHITE IF4 SONS Publishers and Proprietors Hensall. Huron County Notes annern Bayfield -IL - A E Aikenhead, G Campbell, 3 Peck, .4.. 15 Whiddon. II. (4)-M Galbraith, A McLeod. Matri ciliation (1)-D Aikenhead, R Cameron, A K Galbraith. Clinton -IL -J Badotir (honors), E L Cartier, M A Ellis, A Leech, E McEwen, W Mair, W O'Neill, R F Seel*, W E Thonepsem. II. (0-, W S Baird, P Baird, M D , Camp- bell, E Falk, D Halliday, R Helyar, R W King, J Laird, A E MeEwan, M Moffiefa.; I C Pickard, M S Walker, D .A. We, iker, L H Colwill. II. (3)- M 5 1VIillyard. Matriculation (4)-L Andrews, G Andrews, 0 Brandon, E Carlisle, C Chidley, E M Metcalf, R Riley, J C Snell, W S Turnbull, .A Wiseman. Exeter -IL -B W Caldwell, S Gre- gory,. H Lane, E A Merrill, M Smith. Matriculation (4)-W A Kibler. Goderich-II. W I Beau, N F Church, M 1 Clark, G B Clark, W A oevan, ii 33 Deane, 0 B Ferguson W L Hackett, 11 Long, A M Medley, A S McLean M E Olivant, M Rutherford, B' D Straughan, P Turn- bull, E G Wilson, 0 E Whyarcl. 11 (4) a -WR Brydges, 0 M Buchanan, B R Durnin, 311 N Hiles, W L Hiles, W S Lane, I 141atheson, V .A. Watson, E L Williams, W 11 Wightinan, II. (3)- M Rastell. Matriculation 4)-M M Douglas, T Ford. T Heddle,j ohnston, M T 'Keefe, M McDonalti,M McKenzie, L L 1VIcMath, 0 D McSween, D O'Con- nor, R Snell, T M Stothers. Matri- culation (3)-M E L Brydges, borne, B Rya% J II Stewart, W Stoddart. Leican-11.-P W Abbott, .A. Bell, M M Fraser (honors), 3 Hamilton, M Hodgins, W Horne, 1L (1)-.A W Bell, W Braithwaite, E Gamer, G Smythe, Matriculation (4)-A Oarnp- s bell, G 11 Grant, F Melton, R A Mac- 8 donald A Mackay, E McLaughlin,13. t 11 Parkinson, 0 Roberts. Mitchell -II. - E L Archer, A Dougherty,- I) Il Dow, 13 ° Dow, R B Francis, m L Hooper, W Robertson, L Robbason,V F Thorepson,I1 m Weight (honors). IT. (4) - 0 Baker, E T Hurlburt, I) it Larleworthy, U R moore. eettriceletion (4) T 'Balk will, A Campbell, 0 T Klein. Parkhill -II. G Bice, Et 13osson- bury, E Davidson (honors), N Fink- beimer, L 0 Fleteher, D Galbraith, A McIntyre, T R Reid, T Ryreo, X Wet - sem. II, (4)-W ex IIimiphrice, mallet), W Russell. It (8) --IC Mitchell Banars.-D cuing Ileiday night's storrn Fred Horn, who lives about a mile and it half frcnn here, on the Sellery, L. D. 8., D. D. S. Honor Draclu. • ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bad effects. Glace in Petty's Block, Hensall. At Zurich every Monday, commencing May soth • . 4 Crediton. BRIErs.--Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber, Tr. and Mrs. Eilber's mother, of may- ville, Michigan are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Eliber.-Mrs. D. Fink- beiner of Sebewaing, Michigan, is visiting under the parental roof. -Miss bicycle fame, were both arraigned be- Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Smith left Sea - fore the London Magistrate on Thurs- forth for their new home in Hamburg day charged with the theft. and on Wednesday last. Mr. Smith will Schroeder .pleaded guilty. Spohn was engage in ageneral mercantile business there. acquitted, although he had disposed of the wheel at the .second hand store, Messrs. Holmes and :Skinner, of and shared the proceeds with Schroe- Lucknow, have arranged to put a der, each a the prisoners carrying one grain bnyer on the market in Clinton, a the watches when arrested. Sabres- and also contemplate the erection of a der was sentenced to nine nionths ia new storehouse. the Central Prison, and Spat= was allowed to go on suspended sentence M. Kaecher wife- and daughter, of in connection with. the Gibson. wheel. Melinda Schwartz is the guest of Miss Lizzie Eilber.---Chaeles eRoessler and --e-The same paniShment was given the George Fisher spent a. few days in Berlin last weekattending the Saenger - fest, they report having spent a good time. -Mr. E. Simpson and Miss Coursey have again returned to their duties as teachers in our public school. Miss Baynes, formerly teacher at Grand. Bend taking Miss Ball's place, the latter having resigned and accept- ed a position in the Exeter phblic school. -Mr. O. Rau has moved to the east end of our town and Michael Klumpp moved into the house vacated by Mr Rau. We welcome Mr. Klumpp to our village. Mr. Klurappelike a host of other retired farmers, knows it good thing when he sees it. Orediton can boast of possessing more retired farmers for its size than any other village in the province, which speaks very highly for the village. Orediton has all the conveniences imaginable and they are, highly appreciated by old and young. We must also refer to Orediton as a. great railroad centre, Ailsa Clraig, Luca,n, Centralia, Exeter and Clinton can all be easily reached with a few hours drive. -Rev. T. G. Litt left monday morning last for Berlin to attend the funeral of the late errs. Rauch, wife of the 'Rev. j. P. Hauch -presiding elder. -The lectures given by Ex-Sergt. Major Gustav Henry Schoof in the methodist church on "Darkest Africa" were well attend- ed and highly appreciated. -A very friendly game of base ball was played here Thursday last between Parkhill and Orediton Stars, resulting in a victory for the home team -Henry Rader and fa,mily, of Hamilton, are renewing acquaintances in and around the village. -Mike Hirtzel and John uorley left Tuesday last for manitoba. -mrs. Wickett, who has been yisiting in the -village for a few days left for her home Friday last. Hills Green --- 13ea.Evs.-Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of London,have been visitingAIrs.Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Forrest, and other friends the past few days. - Mrs. Thos.Hudson, of Marlette. Mich., prisoners for the theft of J. R. Mitchel - tree's wheel, of which they were =e- victed on Monday. Schroeder's terms are to rim concurrently. The watches were ordered to be returned to the pawnbroker. -Mrs. Daniel Moir, ,of St. Marys, is visiting relatives and. friends here. -Mr. and Mrs. _Richard Speare, of Lucan, have been spending the past two or three weeks with 1V1rs. Alexi-Ingram, Mr. Speare's mother, and with Mr. Speare's relatives, neer Cronaarty.-Mrs. W. Carroll, of Beach- ville, Oxford County, and. Mrs. G. P. Scott, of Tharuesville, visited Mrs. James Sutherland the past week. - Dr. Ferguson was in Londonlast week and purchased a fine pacing pony. - Miss V. Smith left this week for the Millinery openings in Toronto. -Miss Maggie White left on Tuesday for Manitoba. -Mrs. Coati and family leave this week for Carleton Piece to reside. -James Petty intends shipping a number of cattle to the Old Country in it few days. -Miss Ella McPherson has returned home from visiting; friends at Dungannon. -Lawyer Ar- nold of -Windsor, is visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. --Mrs. Daniel Bell, and daughter, Mrs. John Mousso,are visiting friends in Mani- toba, in the hope of benefiting the latters health. -The misses Murdock spent Sunday at Grand Bend. - - The firemen were called out on Mon- day in response to the alarm, the cause being a chimney on the residence of Mr Ie. Bengough.-Mrs. S..3. Latta, of London, was in the village on Monday. -A number from here intend availing themselves of the excursion to Gode- rich on Wednesday. -The Medicine Co. have left town and gone to new fielde. They did fairly well here, but the public did not take hold as the Company would have wished. There was the usual baby contest between babies belonging to E. Rennie and R. Jr. Twitchell, the latter winning. -Crops are not yielding as well as was expected the first part of the season, owing, no doubt to the dry weather. -G. J.Sutherland. spent Sim - day at Grand Bend.--teichard Coed left on Tuesday for Manitoba.--Tohn who was called bere last week by the Smith is confined to his room through death of her father,isspending a conple illness. He has not been well since be of weeks with friends here. -While sustained an injury some months ago threshing on the farm of Thos. Farqu- at the :foundry. -R. Coad's sale ou bar one day last week, Win. Blair niet Saturday was a success. Tbe chattels with asomewhatpainful accident. The said Cluff, of Tuckersmith, pully in connection with the straw has a prolific sow. Since spring be carrier was being lowered, and instead has sold her offspring to the amount of comiug down straight turned. on end of $180.-T. S, Berry shipped it car and striking Mr. Blair in the face, cut load of horses to the Old Country, on Saturday. He accompanied them his lip so badly thatitnecessitated four stitches being pieced in it. -Quarterly as far as Montreal. -T Murdock, G. Petty, J. Lamer, 3. D. Cooke and Benj. Shirra and Tames Stewart at- tended the circus in Gr'oderich Satur- day. -Mr. and Mee. Roadie who have been visiting at W. R. Hodgins', re- turned to their home in St. Clair, Mich., on Monday. -Miss Holland. of Exeter, is visiting Miss Cook. -Mrs. Muir, of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Dick -- Mrs. Goetz has returned front a visit with fele-lids Stratford.-Yos. Norris is visitine friends in town. He returns to Detroa shortly to eesuine his stud- ies in the Dental College. -Mr. of 'Parkhill, is visiting his cousin, Da- vid Nichole-Feed Beek hes returned to Minneapolis, after a, pleasant visit with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Beek, -3. V. MCDonell, was in. Walton last week on business. -Miss Steinbach has returned from the COnsetvatory of tisk, Toronto. -Mrs. Hopkirk visited her sister, Mrs. Taylor of Exeter over S unclay,---A stray sheep came into the village the other day, but did not re- main long alive. Some of the Sheep- dogs espied it sled despatehed the ani- mal short time. meeting services were heid, in the 1Viethcalist church on Sabbath last. - While returning from the Varna gar- den party, Isaac Hudson met with what might have been a serious acci- dent. In trying to pass another rig both rigs turned to the right, and as it result Mr. ltudson's rig was upset, which precipitated biniself and fair artner rather forcibly into the ditch. °newer, beyond some injuries to the hafts and buggy -top, there were no erious results. -In returning home he other night,William Jarrett and Mishit Carro 1 were appointed fenee- viewers in it manner rathee unexpect- e4 to them: Wlien corning out of G. Gram' e lane the horse beceme frighten- ed at a porker and despite the heroic efforts of the driver backed the rig into the fetice and eyerturned it, throwing the eccupants ageing the wire fence. Elleha now think e that thistles and barley beerds are notas sharp es barb. -Mrs. George Forrest, and two child- ren have arrived home front Alberni, ritisle Columbia. and will sPencl it uple of months with Mrs. rorrost's irents, Mr. and Mrs. John Canieren, id other triendse-Jarnes Logan left r Mai -Aube oh Tuesday. -- Thos: trott left Gotlerieli Sunday via eanier Car in ona fee °on r tright;wheee will resume his dirties as teacher: The following persons left on Tries - y for the Westr-Robt. Ooehrane, ell 'Maxwell, jellies Logan, David eld, and Albert MainS. They aro 4111 eigetic young men, whom we tageet love, should they deeide to locate ere. GANANOSittliVS POPULAR, 4tWronce 1110 knoWn disynser the ".qtaft et life,"Gananeque,Diit Salton haVe ocl Milburn's W.: and Nerve Pills ant cien her teeenTielie ;,.1 JO) foe heart tronhiCS and rronstOss,' 'Gunne, J L Hart, etatricalation (1)-- 4, O. Gray,. A NI clCone, R Ryan. Fa, st tio da 15 en to th 02 115 hig no 13 Cie Matriculation (8)-T13- Mackey. Seaforth-j1. R Lr Elliott, T m Latimer (honors), W A Pickard, (4)-R Andereen,IV1 Beatie,A Brownell, G A Gray, It Govenlock, t Jackson, 13 McDonald, H "Wilson, E Wright. "I. (3)-0 W Senders. etateiculatioh (4)- L 3 Blatchford, j Eberhart, Gillespie, X Govenlock, j ginuey, j McGavin, T 3 Ryan 33 Scott, 1 11 Waugh, 1) Wren, II'S Welsh marl - ciliation (3)-T Fowler, Pi 3 mcmiebael. St. Marys -II, -WT C Brown (hon. ors). m Gillies A Haynes, 0 Jieklin Olenore), X at'Leaming, W mooee, C Gilbert 13. Waddell, who at one time weeked. in °lintel), brother of Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Hensel!, died 011 Thriesday last near, Toronto, froth consumption. Deceased hats for some time been it sehool teeeher, and et the tiiiie of his sickness he was teaching at Don, near Toronto, and held a fleet ebtestertificato. He died after three mon el is illness: Joseph G. Snell, of Sneligieiye, one Of the lergeetimportere of fancy cattle teethes sehool George Inteeitn and in oaten°, died w etteeeday. While Mtge Kate Duncaii, to Carberry, Man, working hi his barn on Saturday hist whither\they go to visit Mr. Ditnertri'e be fell a distrinee of 2$ feet, Ile leaves daughter,' MPS, Robert Variley, tout otherY0 rt. Widow, het no children. Zurich, left for Cavalier,North Dakota this week, and intend to spend the winter there, that they may experi- ence the winter breezes of that clime. Duriug the severe thanderstorni" of Friday evening the stable belonging to the Methodist parsonage, at White Chard), was struck by lightning and totally destroyed. Rev. W. W. Leech lost his new buggy ancl cutter. The loss is almost covered_ by insurance. Miss Ivison, of Iiippen, who is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Potters, at Porter's Hill, sustained a peculiar and painful dislocation of her thumb on Friday last. She was milking a cow in eather cramped, quarters, when the cow kick- ed, striking her thumb and knocking it out of joint. The House of Refuge got three new inmates last week ; they being Mi- chael McCarthy, Stephen, aged 66 years ; Selemon Quick, Seaforth, aged 61 years; John Hawkshaw, Seaforth, aged 60 years. One of the inmates took it on himself to run away on San - day, but he was followed and brought back on Monday. A couple of weeks ago, Mrs. Butt; of Clinton, went over to visit her daughter Mrs. Robt. Mc Ilveen, of Stanley, believing the change would improve her health, but on the con- trary she is in a critical condition, medical examination having, revealed the pressure of internal d.erangement, from which serious results are feared. A. young boy named Doclsworth, of Clinton, about 14 years of age, met with a bad accident on Tuesday after- noon; he was in the new barn of Will Robinson and while chasing a swallow fell from the granary to the floor below putting out his bands to save himself, he broke one wrist and fractured the otohenr. Friday night last, shortly after commencing work to thresh at the farm of Roberti Elliott, Goshen line, Stanley, a sad Accident happened to Wm. Higgins. He was sliding down a stack when the handle of it fork leaning against it penetrated his body about eight inches. For a time his life was despaired of, bub we are pleased to say hopes are now enter- tained for his recovery. Au enthusiastic reception was tend- ered the Beaver .Lacrosse Club on its retarn from Georgetown. The boys werelustily cheered. A torchlight pro- cession was formed, and headed by the 33rd Bad. band,they marched through the streets to the principal square, where speeches, expressing the town's appieciation of the boys' efforts, were made. Seaforth clefesteed Georgetown by it score of 7 goals to 4. The death occurred at St. Toseph's Hospital,London, Satnrclay afternoon, of Gerrinee Penick, of Winglia,ne Mr. Pethick, was it member of the firm of Smith & Pethick, hardware merchants, of Wingharn, and wes well known and highly respected by a large circle of friends, who will hear of his death with feelings of the deepest coming to church on Sunday, MrS. A. regeet. Up to a few days since his W. Hothaneaccompanied by her niece friends looked forward to a speedy re- AfibS Hareilton,Blythe,bad a very ex- covery, but he took it sudden relapse teniteitilingtaeinxe;etrhieenbcteiggcoymbiyngeorndoewi%eat on Saturday-, and died as stated. touched the horse's legsywhiliciiccliiiyeititroeidd jeanlieFartilepdo,ohtitsia,enundst rtinedirsottlyneacofuelsv- it to ran, mrs. Hallam cm and managed to teen the corner to days ago. Mr. Fried is a Canadian the church where it svas stopped with boy, and some years ago, when quite nothing. worse than a pair of badly After residing there for some time lie young, be went to Frankfort Germany frigh tenea ladies.-Geeege meek, eele his fin e driVer on :monday to Thomite renioyed with. his family to St. Peters- Oliver, Steffite-Toseph:Bruce and Geo. burg, Russia, where he is Itl"t (king Stacey went on the excursion to Irani - well. Be prefers that country to toba Tuesday.. --Holidays, are over ano America. This is his second visit to school hits commenced ' ag,ain.--Cro- Canada since be removed to Germeny qeet parties are the order ofi.the day, - and he expresses himself pleased with miss 'Lillie Hyslop bas returned borne, the evident, signs of progress' and pros- after spending two weeks aenaays eerily wherever he goes. Aressrs, Wm,' ercLaren, George Stacey with friends in and around Seaforth.- The followieg persons left Seaforth and Joseph Bruce left for manitoba last week for the points named:-Ite v. this Week taking it trip for the good of Montreal : Miss 'Maggie and Master Mr, Musgrave and Mrs. Musgrave to his health. -Robert Bruce, who has David Murray, to Virashago, Muskoka: knee le recovering, --The feneral of been Suffering from an abecese on his seer, N.", York , Dr. James meGeoete Mes. Joseph Worden who resided near Mr. and Mrs.'13. C. Coleman', to War. to Saginaw, MIcbigan,,,,, T. R. P. Case, Winchelsea passed through this vil- to Chicago ; George Baldwin, to Mt, , lage 04 Wednesday last for Staffa Pleasant, 'Michigan ; W. T. Shannon. ceructarY Tile funeral was Log* to Sault Ste. Marie - Wm. Motwen, ;a/tended. Reuss.% to Port Finlay, wheee he ' loseph Lialoges, it carpenter oi Ayl- incr.; Que., was arrested on the cberge of threatening to kill Rev, Father Lae belle. He says the "'riot prevented him from secrotil Here's Your Chance! A Granite Kettle given away with every pound of Art Bakinab Powder at 50 • cents per pound. Try Our Excellent Soap A ticket with each bar, and th.e person getting the "lucky ticket" will receive a beautiful Cruet Stand, Special Nralue in Prints. J. P. ROSS Farquhar CCIDENT, -On F- riday lase, John, eldest son of Frederick Hankins met with what might have proven a more serious accident. He was assisting in unloading grain -with it swing, and while swinging a fork full around, he wits struck and knocked down, falling - across the tongue of the waggon. Be- sides breaking three ribs he was other- wise injured.. Dashwood. CILEAT" Witsms.—$25 cash, guaranteed for s. year. C. FIIITZ. BRIEFS. -The following persons left this week for Dakota Nadiger, Wm. Nicholson, John Winkenweder, Chas. Fisher, Louis Reader, George Ruby, Pat. O'Rourke, Moses Miller, Spohn and August Schroeder. - Mrs Wm. Rohn, who has been visiting friends here the past few weeks, re- turned to her horne in Dakota last week. Dublin BRITIRS.—Rev, Father Downey in- tends holding a picnic in Logan on the 2erd. Quite a number of our villagers intend taking it in. -Miss Syinonds, who has been ill for some time past antl under the doctor's care, is regain- ing her strength.-Jarnes J'ordan' lost a very valuable cow .-last week. -- Williams, merchant, has his store and dwelling lighted wit acetylene gas, which a great improvement, and gives our village a brilliant appearance. Greenway BRIEFS. -Thos. Stinson and Miss Annie Galbraith, of Bayfield. visited friends here last Saturday and return- ed home Monday evening. ---Our public school openedhere last Monday.-NISS S. aracLaughlin had 36 scholars the first day and J. McWilliams, the new teacher, had 35. They expect to have weer 40 in a few days. We were pleased. to hear that the scholars were real glad to get back to their studies. Zurich. Beenes.--Mr.Morris Ehries preached Lis farewell sermon in the Ev. church on Sunday night. Mr. Mines takes it much to heart to leave his friends and, community. e all join in wishing Mr Blanes it safe journey and success. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deichert, of New Haven, Mich., are visiting with his father, John Deichert. - Miss May Stanley, of Listowel, is visiting Mrs. Wm. Hoffman. --Miss Alice Johnson has returned from it visit in Clinton and other places. -Sam. Faust, Wes. IVIerner, john Deichert and Bert Klien were down to Crediton on Sun- day. -Quite it number took in the Sangerfest from here -Oliver Tolle- son was visiting at his brother's on Sunday. -The tinware business seems to be quiet. -Chas. Bossenberry,111art- leib's manager, was working on the farin at his father-in-law's last week. -- School opeued Monday and all our teachers have returned. -A tramp was run in by Constable Eilber on Satur- day night. This should be a warning to others in this locality. Crornarty. BRIEFS. -:gr. and Ares. W. Hamilton of Toronto, and Miss Katie Hamilton, spent Sunday with F. L. Heneiltere They all left eronday, accompanied by mr. and errs, F. Le Hamilton for a weeks holidays at Grand Beuda-While •