Exeter Times, 1898-7-28, Page 5CURE ALL YOUR PAINS WITH Pain-Kiiiern • A Medicine Chest In Itself. ' Simple, Safo and Quick Cure for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. 3e; 25 and 50 cent Bottles. El BEWARE OF iMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. PERRY DAVIS' lei MilfialSiMillleie:191. see/ie.-es-tees , . N.-. • s. es' Ma( MgcliKe* eee • I t :1.1= 0 The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years in DATIL 250,000 Cure, CURESTRICTURE, Thousands of young and middle-aged men are troubled wi tla this disease -many unconsciously. They ;Ley have a smarts ing sensation, email, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak oreans, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have 5 ERIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretthing, or tearing 1.011. ThiSttilliint cure yon, ns it -will re- turn. Our NEW METHOD 'TREAT- MENT absorbli the stricture tissue; hence removes the stricture permanently. ean never return. No pain, no suffer. ! inir, no detention from business by our method. The soxualorgansare strength- ene1.The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss ef manhood returns. WECURE GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural 3/isobar:gm, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability, at times Smarting Sen- sation Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Weak'Baek, General Deprelision, Lack of Ambitioe. Varicocele, Shrunken Paris,etc. GLEET and STEIOTURE Time WI the cause. Don't consult family ' doctors, its they have no experience 111 thesespecial diseasee-don't allow Quacks to experiment on yon. Consult. Spocialists,wh6lutve made a life stu d,v of i Diseams of Men and Women. Our TIDly METHOD TREATMENT will P0m- tively tura you. One thousand dollars for se moo WO th0O011t fax treatment and cannot ouro. Tornio moderate fora mire, CURES GUARANTEED We 44 treatELE ma cure: EMISSIONS. VARICOOSYPHMIB, 4LEET, STRICTURE, felPOTENOY,SECRET DRAINS. UNNATURAL D iSoelAnCie Bee KIDNEY anti 13LADDPII Diseitseri. CONSULTATION FREE. BOORS rittn. If unable to ea.11, write fot QTJESTION BLANK for ROME TREATMENT. 31:31,e0.. 6 KENNEDY4 KERGAN Car. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. ortRont, MCH. le essential to beeith. Every nook corne ot the oo 'systeith is reached, by the blood, and on UPI cleality the condition of every organ «e- mends, Good blood means strong nerves, goad digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumit- • Mem, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take llood'a •Barseparilla, This medicine purifies, vl- talizee, and enriches the blood, and eends ., the elements a health and strength to ^ ivory nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep. and cures that tired feeling. Remember, Sarsaparilla lathe best - In factthe one True Blood Purillen 'load's Pills tcaukree, eLalisryer •, easy to to operato. we. paimmascomenatassammalimalimaxasicatacpanagt The Latest News. Hon, Mr. Fielding: tried to cut down expenditure, and it immediately jump- ' ed up by millions. Ile tried to give the »farmers cheap binder twine, and the price is doubled. You hardly realize that it is medie eine, when taking Carter's Little Liver jfls; they aro very small; no had e' • effect ; all troubles srora torpid liver • are relieved by their use, In Aelelee., Michigan, is excite - Pent necaust! ''511)..e men who were &Ming a well have struck a vein of coal four anel a half feet thick at a depth of 206 feet. It means a sudden wealth for lefichisan which will no longer be the ", raggecl edge of crea- tion." On Saturday Philip Hunkof Toronto -was landed ab the countyijail by Chief Wheatley, of Clinton, on a commit - •anent of thirty days for stealing a ride en the air brake of a G. T. R. car. Hunt had stolen a ride from Code- Tich and got on, or under, the train leaving Clinton for Stratford, but the train hands espied the intruder and •bad him arrested. men and ligir,ornen Ite A machine that is constantly and 't incessantly working needs repairs at certain intervals. The human frame, worn by Mental and physical toil and subjected to the worries and cares of our m oclern life, ihas need of repairs and building up. in the hot summer weather nervous energy Is at low ebb, and • as a conse- sepence, nervous debility,terrible head - •,aches, dyspepsiaand a run down con- Bition make life a burden for thou- sands. Paine's 'Celery -Compound is the great repairer and builder when weak - mess and sickness prevail. This great znedicine has the power of rapidly re- wiring the tissues and purifying the blood. It bestows the proper nutri- =ent to all the e weakened tissues, bringing strength and true vigor, thus averting breakdown and collapse. Thousands of live are now, fast, wearing oett that can be prolonged and =lade happy by the present use of Paine's Celery COMpourid. Its use to- day will save months of sickness, mis- • ery and suffering, Take no substitute get only "Paine's," the kindthat cures. Money to Loan. We have unlimited private funds for invest- moent upon fern) or village -property at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & flARLING, Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, 33arristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Eta. Moneyto Loan at 41,,t and 5X, OFFICE, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. ' 1. It. CAULING, D. A., L. II. DICKSON. A member of the firm will be at Hensall on 'Thursday of each week. • Strayed __- Oil to the premises of the undersigned, on or about the 198h of July, a dark grey cow,spotted -with white, anyone proving property, and pay- ing expenses, can take animal away, •- DENNIS *It.leGEE • Whalen. P. 0. Voters' Listy 1090. ITUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF' IJSI3ORNE, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that I have trans - ranted or delivered to the persons mentioned In sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' Lists 44, 1880, the copies rermired by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- • pearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said INTunicipality to be entitled to vote in he Municipality at olectione for IYIembers of the Legislative •A•ssembly and at Municipal Electiens, and that said list was flea posted up at iny office, at, Whalen, on the 10th clay of Only, 1808, aud remains there for inspection. Electors are waled upon to examine the said list, and, if any omission or any other orrors etre found therein, to take immediate prec,ced- owe to MVO said errors corrected according to eaw. Dated this ].0th day 01 July, 1898. FRANCIS MORLEY, - • Olork, Usborne., First -Class Farm for Sale To be sold by public auction by Mr. Honey %row n,teu etionoor, on the undone en Lion ecl team, •len Tuesday, the 9th daY Of igust, A. D., 1808, ett two o'elock p. in. (militia tresuch conditions as shall them be pi -educe ..) All that parcel or trad of land centaining be admoasurement • one hundred acres, be the RAMO Moro or lees, • being cemposed of let No. fourteen, in the 10th toncession of the township of Ushorne, in Um Vouitty Of Huron, now in the oceiten Lion oP 'Thomas . Clarke. This farm is in prime con', mum. 1 under cultivatien, excepting 10 acres of good bttsh, has two oreharde in fall bear- -keg, and two nearer failing wells. There aro a •frame dwellieg, a b 4 arn x56, shod 1.4x36, e, stable 20x40, with follow all iii a fair etete Of repair; about 92 acres aro fit for fall wheat, pesseeSion of which will be given for ceopping this fall. The remititutig land is all seeded down with timothy and clover. Per further pertienlers apply te 'Mr. Clarke on the premises, •i! e the rutotheneer, or - MESSRS. ELLIOT & GLADMAN• Dated Otii July', 1808. Solleiters, EXotor „,v77„..A.ta.NOAAS7Zert,e7., ORRINROIRORNOIOR.I.R41., tVAticor.747.4got,,reer es. Ro,..,..o.N.Ort.6.6A Perth COunty Notes, 11,1,1i110).' has it that Dr. Aringtrong, Fullerton, who is now spending a few months in the New Yerk hospitals, will locate in Mitchell after hie return. The handsome brick cottage, owned by 0. M. French, Mitchell, as been sold. to John Jefferson, who intends re. tiring from farming and moving to IV/Rebell. Price, $1,300. Miss Mary Hendry, daughter of the late Aniespenclry, Mitchell, was mar- ried a few days ago in Ohieago, at the residence of laer mother, to Bert F. Mott, it well-to-io resident of that city. 4. Iiuzaane Soeiety has been orga- nized in Mitchell, with the following: --President, Dr. Smith; ,vice presi- dent, S. 11, Stuart; seeretary-treae- urer, • Miss 1Vlorter bon. solicitors, Dent & Thompson. , After a lingering illness, which was borne with ehristian fortitude, Robert Thomson died at his home in Toronto, on Friday inorning last. Deceased Was for many years a prominent resi- dent of Mitchell, being at the head of • the Thomson & Williarns manufactur- ing firm. A little son of T. Annis,of Zion,came very near being killed Thursday even- ing of last week. He was waiting in a buggy outside the house for his father, vvheu the horse ran away, injuring him to snch an extent that sixteen stitches werci required to bring the cuts together on his head. One of those events which cause two • hearts be beat as one, was celebrated in royal style when Martin Murray was united in the holy bonds of matri- naony to Lizzie,fourth daughter of John O'Loughlin, of the lObb line,Hul- lett, Th9try took place in the rls 1...own chum a, • Peter .Tordon, of tbie 'Third conces- sion. of Hibbert, has just completed a most phenonainal piece of work, that of raising a barn all himself. The building is a bank barn about 40x47 feet. Mr. Jordon prepared the timber himself, raised and finished the entire building, withont aid from any other person, except his twelve -year-old son, who led the horse. Left Mitchell last week for the var- ious destinations mentioned: -J. T. Norris, Hibbert, to Vaneouver, B. C. Mrs Duncan Bower, Mitchell, to New Whatcomb, Washington, Thos. Moore and sister, McKillop, to Edmonton, North West. Mrs, Thos. Harburn and son, Ilibbert, to Moosomin and return. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Fuller- ton, to Dauphin, Manitoba and return. Chas. Hintz, Logan, Reston, Mani- toba, and Isaac Buchanae, Mitchell, to Dublin, Ireland. Do not despair of curing your sick headache wheu you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect it prompt and. permanent cure. Their action is mild and nat- ural. John Sweeney, a well-known farmer residing four miles from Delaware, on the Burwell road, in Caradoe, commit- ted suicide early Friday morning. From particulars it appears that some time during the night Sweeney arose, unknown to anyone in the house, and went to the barn, where he procured it halter, and fastening one end over a beam put his head through a noose at at the other end, and then kicked away a support. Death probably came in a little while. • BIRTHS. BELL -In Lumley on the 25th inst., the wife of George Bell, of a son ELLIOTT-In Faiefield, on the 20th inst., the wife of William Elliott,of it daughter. HODGSON-In McGillivray, on the '21st 'inst., the wife of Joseph H. Hodgson, of &daughter. HEYWOOD -In Exeter ,on the 2sith inst., the wife of Caleb Heywood, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. COPPIN. -LEVETT-In Stratford, on the 20th inst„ by Rev. W. 3. McKay, Baptise Thos. Coppin, Mitchell, to Maud, fourth daughter of Harry Lovett, Stratford. CHAPIVIAN-DAY1VIAN-In Hensall, on July 12th, WM. Chapman, to Miss Marry Jane Dayman, second daughter of John Dayrean, both of Tuakersmith. SHELDEN-HOVER-AtParkhill,on Jely 3rd, by Rev. Robert Aylward, B. A.. Wm. Shel- doe, of Le Roy. N. Y., to Miss Sadie M., daughter of Silas Hover, of Parkhill. . DEATHS. .MORRIS -In Colborne, on July 14th, George Morris, aged 67 years. SULLIVAN-In Ashfield, near Kin gsbridge on .Tuly 13th, Jeremiah Sullivan, ages!. 67 years. ADAMS -In Berlin, on the 17th inst., Joseph Adams, father of !Mrs. C. L. Moser, Dash- wood) aged 62 years. BATES -Li Goderich on Sueday, July 17th, 1898, Charles P,rnest, youngest son of Charles Bates, aged 12 years, 2 months and 12 clays. To Advertisers. The benefit derived from an adver- tisement depends altogether upon the number of persons who read it. To • reacb the greatest number of readers at the least possible expense, is it • question that should be considered very carefully by business men. A thousand small bills printed in Tor- onto or London, and distributed in this section, would be just fts etteative as if the bill had been printed in town. There is not a doubt, about that, but if you want to reach the people in their homes, newspuper advertising is tbe only successful way. To get the best, results use the paper with the largest circulation, and thegreatest amount of 1oca,1 news. Circulation is the proper basis upon wh ich prices sh ould hefted. If a newspaper with it circulation of 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one with a circulation of600 worm be entitl- • ed to $30, An advertiser should take these facts into careful eonsideration, when making contracts. Another fre- quene loss to advertisers is in the use of several papers when one covers the ground. • THE TIDIES is read by more people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, fIay, the northern part of Bidclulph and McGillivray than all other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it will be found the most effectual way in which to reach the people. oromardrerroomergese Children Cry for R I A Children Cry for CASTOR 1A. Atart,• E TTER ALTRHEUM RELIEVED IN 1 DAY ORIN OIBIRABBEI RZLIIIIValn DV 0N AP. •PLACATION OP DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT, 35 CENT& It is a marvellous aura for all such dia. gusting and disfiguring dlacaeesas Ea, soma. salt Rheum, Tatter, 13arbors' Itch, scaid Bead Ulcers, Blotches. It sums all eruptions of the skin and makes it soft and WILIte.^0. Sold. by C. LuTz, Exeter, .reAre• After. Wood's Pleospliodine, d'he Great Rnylish Remedy. Sold. and reeorareended. by all druggists in Canada. Only reli. able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One witt please, six will cure, Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by 3. W. Browning, druggist. To be free from sick headache, bili- ousness, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly, vegetable.' They gently stimulate the liver and the stomach from bile. " England has paid $450,000 pensions • to eleven past members of the Oabinet during the last thirty yelrS, some of whom held office for a ;Mort time only. The late 0, P. Villiers, long the Father of the House of Commons, took the lion's share, over $150,000. The counsel for theNapanee prison- ers, Ponton and Mai.kie, •applied for bail for their clients, pleading that the proseeution had given no evidence up- on which the men could be kept in cus- tody. Tbe Magistrate favored the ap- plication, and made an order for bail for both. 40 FOLLO weiD IiITSBAND'S ADVICE. ".1 was troubled for along time with • sick headaches. At last my husband bought me two bottles of Hood's Sar- saparilla telling me this medicine would cure me, as it bad cured him of salt rheum. I began taking it and it made me feel like a new women." MRS. RoBERT MCAFFEE, Deerhurst, Ontario. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Easy to take, easy to operate ;reliable, sure. 25e. SRENISSiXelieliereleiSreleileiceielteeestestesel Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over .t 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Lathes ask your druggist for Copies Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no offer, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous, Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, The Cook Company.Windsor, Ont. OW -Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommendectby all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 ancl No. 9 Pohl lit Exeter by .7, W. Browning,. dil.ig,g1.8t. T cji441,90gectgasset.:.."...... A ee„„,.. - 414. .A.........R, KET,,..., REPORTS..,..,,,.......74:006)ttto000 ,r7:0, .....,...,tm......_Au,f0Ivgprydtie4s:._.,_Hrlvvv NsiriSivilec'Chemitblg9N Ile'l to 1 a 'magi .Exot,,e„1:..J2.dy 2TLII, 1E93 Wheat per bushel Farms for sale as always in the Chickens per 11) ' ..... . , ., . , ..., 4 to 5 Ducks • , ... • • .... 5 ke 9 'Wool._ . . , . .,,..• ' - . 17 t° 18 If he lvears ono of W 2k. to, 0 JOHN'S W. :,:::.:111, to tt4; neatly fitting ricitYveirsielr:: . „• .'. . .... ... „ ..116,00o° 1:)0 e$(e; : 800 s u 1 la s Tiznotey seed . . A.Isike elover . • - ,e.50 to ;F,I,lti London, July 27 Wheat per eushe Oats............... Peas.... „ • . Barley. . Buckwheat ... • .. Beans . Butter • .,. Fins Ducks Turkeys per itt• Geese per ab Chlekens. Cheese Potatoes per bag.. , • • Hay per ton . Pork per cwt.. . th, 1898. Iiis prioes are away down. 8610 .: - - -" to 50 Call and examine his goods before .....32 t: 33: Ills goods are the best. , ,.383ei too 1,3 buying your ........40 to 00 .. . .. 13 to 14 •10 to 11 00 to 70 w JOHNS, '•••••'•113 to 13 8 to io The Tail01- 50 to 75 . ,* ,86 101 00 ,e 6.00to $ 7.59 to 85.00 -.4624,.......YALL SUIT FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL -TIDED IIIMIDDY.-Mrs WIDS1OW'S Soothing Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their children while teethieg, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gume, allays all pain. cures wind colic, midis the best reinedY for Diarrhoea, This pleasant M the taste. SoId by druggists in every part of the world, 25 cents a bottle. Its value is thealculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.. DYSPEPSIA, For some ti1110 my stomach has troubledme a nd I tried most everything, but nothing did mo any good till I started taking Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles have made me well." Mils, LIZZIE SANBOIN, Baldwin's Mils, QUO. . "I have beetLICsuffNElerEiiT'N. with heart trouble and excessive nervousness since last spring and became completely debilitated and weakened, • so that I thought I. WBS going to die. Milburn's Heart audeNerve Pills have completely cured Inc, end I cannot he too thankful for my recov- ery." MKS. .7AS GRIST, Blenheim Unt. CHILDREN'S KIDNEYS Are often so lwerik that they cannot retain their water. Don't fscold or punish the little soon everything will be all right an ones, Give Ahem Doan's Kideey aPilthise btotnads sweet and dry. • SUMMER COMPLAINT Carries off thousands of children every year. Mother, your child's not safe unless you have a bottle of Dr.*Powler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry1n the house. It is always prompt and pelffaeicntt ivo to oheek and cure all bowel nom- .Coues vNn Cones are falways promptly mired by Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. 250 4' If you are crazed with headache send forMil- burn's Sterling Headache Powders, stop it in a minute. 10 and 25c. At all dealers. Boms, no matter how many or how large, will all disappear -Mien you use Burdock Blood Bitters -the best blood medicine made. • .toe Wm. Fawcett, Fullerton, has just returned from Scotland with two tine entire colts. CONSUMPTION nod all CENG DISEASES, SPITTING of BLOOD. COUGH, LOSS OF APPETITE, DEBILITY, tb &benefits of this article, are most 'nuanitest. By the aid of The D. & L. Emulsion, I have gotten lid of a hacking cough which had troubled me for over a year, and have gained consIder- ably fa weight. T. 11. WINGHAM, C.E., Montreal. elle. and $1 per Bottle DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, MONTREAL. Kidney Trouble FOR YEARS. Nothing did Mr. R. E. Pitt any good until he got Doan's Kidney Pills. Throughout the County of Leeds and the Town of Brockville there is no medi- cine spoken so highly of for all kinds of Kidney Diseases as Doan's Kidney Pills, As Ca.nada's pioneer kidney pill, introduced by Mr. James Doan of Kingsville, Ont., in. 1885, they stand to -day far superior to all the imitations and substitutes that have been offered the public in their stead. Mr. R. E. Pitt, the well-known con- tractor and builder, voices these senti- ments when he says, "1 have had kidney trouble for years. I had tried numerous remedies without much relief, and had given up my back as gone for good, but since using Doan's Kidney Pills the result has been marvellous! The pain is all g -one. I feel like a new man, and can bighly testify to the virtues of Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's Kidney Pills are sold by ail dealers or sent by *mail on receipt of price, 50 cents a box Or 3 boxes for $1.25, The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. WIN SPRING FLOWERS -44._ Comes the necessity of SPRING GARMENTS We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of 07.00 Fancy -Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL J. H. Crieve WANTE More Boom for my entire: Stock in order to make Room for my =- car of Furniture, to be here in July. I will give Special :itiscount for the next 30 DAYS. le -R. N. 'ROWE, EcTrz's )iug tote We would recommeria those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINI1VIENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WLNAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG S Y EUP. 0 LUTZ Nursofy Stock hEenis Book /018 ! Agricting impiemem Axis I Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is on the increase. We want more men. If yon want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES vrizz. WE RAVE TELE LARGESTNURSERIES TREDoXINIon. • WE PAT BOTH SALARY AND COUNTS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WEEOLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. WE FURNISH PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR SToCK IS FREE FROM SAN Josim SCALE. - Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large • quantities enables as to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Snooped with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't vvriteunless you mean business and want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO A Suit of Olodies or a Single GarTerit • Should Combine now u. Correctness of Style, Good WorkrnanshIp, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in. an old and reliable plane, and A. J. 13NtLL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall 'el& Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at, at. IVO. 43/ ESVirlois 3-1111.1111WillintiM3151111111515=4=56/144f What icr Castoria, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescriPtion for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a hanniess SubStitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and. Caster Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years, use by • Xillions of Illothel..s. Castoria destrnys Worms and. allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and liVind, Colic. Castoria'relieves Teething -troubles, cures constipation and. Platulen.cy. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and. Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -41).e Nother's Frieml. Castoria. "Castoria is an extellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of he good effect upon their diedren.e DR. O. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre. scription known to inc." 11. A. Astenen, M.D. Brooklyn, N. THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF e.-ieeee APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. 7'47 'CENTAVO r,orrgv, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ...-'7"fr.4:-;441.7,h5aiLcie,":"StEgMr? eeeig4114-1.4.WsieSe!siVirTelfkgr4t4r;'!:-. `G I.L*K The Beams and I afters 4 \S- 4 3 - are to a building just what the staying is to 4 4 4 4 4 Shoreyes Ready -to -Wear Clothes. '51 The inside of one of 4...,.a / . 4 Shorey's ecats ia here illus - 44 ..., 4 .. trated by a drawing made 4. .`..7 from a photograph. The + I great advantage c f a coat -?.. 4 properly stayed is that it 4 keeps I's shape until it is worn out, and does not look like an old germent after a few weeks wear„ Aix ordinary ready-made garment n-idy look well at first, but it is made to s...11 not to wear. Shorey's make all have a guarantee card in the pocket. le ••T•rwf y Thomas Ooppin, son of J. S. Coppin, Mitchell, was married in Stratford on Wednesday to Miss Maud, daughter of Harry Levett of that city. THE PIONEER LI el ITED world, now running every nigh bptween Is the name of the only !perfect train in the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul arid Minneap- olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all imyroved faeilities for the safety- and enjoyment o. passengers:. Al) illustrated -pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pim-leer Limited, will 'he sent, free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. 11, Realtord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. r • A CARRIAGE MAKER A few second hand organs gift ICYCLES vet tzetelselteeilBeeiMe- Are You Interested In Wheels? We handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN 0-4-4 I': r. and AMERICAN 42 makes at prices* to suit the times. Suffered ten years from weak heart action and nervousness. Cured by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. No trade or profession is exempt from disease or derangement tif the heart and nerves. The eresiure of work and the mental worry are bound to produce serious consequences sooner or later. 7171-1 tc.• ' ti. ‘.\ o•-''"...- ..-,s- -V ,,,; ,..... ,.., . T.; 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewirag Machiries ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S. -Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. FARMERS ou will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricel tural Implements BEARING BIN,- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARD/GS, STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afull Hee of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and. Diana o»d. Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills, SEWING MACHINES, ETC The Celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and 'wringers machine STOVES...4*w.._. gr. Donald Campbell, the well-known carriage maker of Harriston, Ont., said "I have been troubled of and on for ten yea,rs with weak action of my heart and nervotisneeS. Frequently ray heart would palpitate and flutter with great violeece, alarming me exceedingly. Often X had slikrP pains in my heart and could not sleep well at night. I got a box of Milburn's Heart sna. Nerve Pills and from them de- rived almost immediate benefve Theyre- etored vigor to my nerves Dad streegthened myentire system,removingeveryzymptem of nerve or heart trouble, alla enabling tae to get restful, healthy Bleep." Milburn's Heart and Nerve PAU cure palpitation, throbbing, dizzy and faint epone, nervousness, sleeplessness, weak- ness, fdtnale troubles, after ocects of grippe, eta. root) no. a box or 8 for $1,26, '0411 drugt$stri.; T. :Milburn & Co., ToroutolOnt, LAXA.ILIVEN 11111.11,9 cure Canatipa. thin, anlouteette, Wok Ileadnahe and ptasIt They4o at'P' ralolktn or Ev0p1rtAttyi Gurney steves and furances. waggons Buggies Bicycles The Chatham Waggon and it fall line of tlie celebrated 11101,auglIIII, uggies. ••••:1