Exeter Times, 1898-5-19, Page 5f tr nstC talks" the . 'ks �nidic value of . $cows Sarsaparilla. Merit in medicine means the power to. cure. Tlood's Saraapaxilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there - lore 1t has true ihexit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify you: blood, or pure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You aro not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, richand nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, atrengthen the and build up the whole system. 00 Sarsaparilla Rev. Mr. and Mrs Muir and feenrly, of Brucefield, left last week on a ppr'o• Imaged to Scotland, where their parents live : we wish them a very pleasant yoyage. At the adjourned nieetitsg of the license commissioners for South Huron licenses were granted to the River Hotel, Baayileid,and the Elliott mouse, for the full year, and to the Queen'e for six Mouths. The 45th anniversary of the opening of the Bayfield Road Presbyterian ohurch will be celebrated on Sunday, May 22nd, when Rev. Alexander Grant, of St. Marys, will eozrduct the seryices both morning and evening.. A woman who is weak, Irervous and a � Isthebest, infant -the One TrueBloodPurtiler. _prepared only by Q.I. Hood & Co , Lowell, Mass. Hood's 9s hiisD:ro not_ ug,gpn. 2o Additional Locals. it is expected that the 24th of a jay will see the close of the present parliamentary. session. The election expenses of Jos. Beck a amounted to $175, , Huron West lI -n 41. .T. Ga crow $4 : s J �v11i1 it cost Wm, Graham, of Stanley,has return- ed frotn Liverpool, having disposed of We load of cattle at a good figure. There are only_ two inmates confin- ed at the Huron jail, all the winter lod- gers having left, now the spring has cone. li'I,iselAgnes Gemnlill,ofriiondville, left on Monday for Brant Si, Mani- toba, for toba, where she intends g some time. sleepless,and who has cold tars s an feet, cannot feel and act like a well person, Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation'remove andremove nervousness, rest. .o n and give str >; This week it is our pleasant duty to record the marriage of Miss 'Anna Morrison, of Brucefield, to Mr. Park, of Stanley, which took pace at r hone in Stanley, last Wedn y Re Mr. Muir performing the ceremony. R. R ' R. Ross; dental student with Dr. Agnew, of Clinton, has received notice from the Dean of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario that he has taken at the recent dental exanni- notions . of that institution the his year, the highest mark. in Mr. Ross has hosts of friends in and around fensall, " Zurich; Dashwood, Clinton,' and Blake, at the latter of which he taught school for eleven con- secutive years, who will be pleased to hear of bis success in his college .career. Manyregretwill t to learn of the s ea th of Thomas Young, sr., a former res i- dent of Tuckersmitll, which sad event took place at Rossburn, Manitoba, ou April 25th, in the 02nd year of his age. Mr. Young was born in the Black Isle Rosshire, •Scotland, March, 1806, and immigrated to Canada in 1840, nettling on the 2nd concession of Tuckerstnith, near Dippers, Where he reified until 1882. • . In that year o Manitoba with his family and settled in Russell ccunty. He leaves behind' him an aged partner, six sons and three daughters. igt168t Fld66 ill 1110 TOMO 01 I'd Paine's Celery Compound the Hope of the` Civilized .World. Mrs. Win. Glen, of. Dungannon, had the misfortune to fall last week, and liece}ve a fracture of one of the small bones in the arm. Fon internal or external use Hag- -yard's Yellow Oil cannot bxcxe le d ,•d s a pain relievingsoothing ;£or all pain. County President John Govenlock, of Seaforth, says it is the intention sof the executive to call a meeting in the near future•for the reorganization of the Patrons in Huron. On Monday evening last while Chas. Middleton, of Goderich township, was driving home from his farm, his horse took fright and ran away, g Prinz out of the yebisle and breaking his collar bone. " The angel of death has once more entered Brucefield, claiming as its victim Mrs. Rose. -She was seemingly -well in neverls by stricken rapoplexy, y,, from whiiel •egrain eel' consciousness. A MARVELLOUS OUR IN ST, JOH; ' � NFL . Another Proof that Paine's Celery Compound Cures When the Doctors rail _.__ JOHN'S, FH A4 T/i To gain adm Faroe, honor, reputation, worth and wondrous achievements must be some of the necessary qualifications. Paynes Celery eleryClompoundhasgained all of these in its work of, life-sav- ing in the world It has salved hus- band, b:a;nd, wife, sister, brotherand child to the family after the efforts of the best physicians proved unavailing. i p Paine's Celery Compound is do ug its grand wok every day, bringing th joy and happiness to nusands of homes. '.Che euro; of • Mr. E. Landy, of St. Johns, Nfld.,is worthy of the attention of all sick and suffering people. The results as' described etiyyerMr. man and should induce every suffering g m and `v ittance to the Temple of l at e The brickwork on the new Doherty factory, Clinton, will be completed in a few days if the weather stall keeps •,•fine. As many as 191 persons were ca pacittie ontbeone tinge last weekin ax�ouss capacities, A fashionable wedding was celebrat- ed in St. Paul's church, lVingham, the principals being Miss Edith May,a daughter of Mr. H. Davis, collector of ustoms, and Charles N. Peake, of • Toronto. Ven. Archdeacon Davis, of London, and Rev. Canon Davis, of 'Sarnia, uncles; f the bride, and Rev. Mr. Lowe,- rector of Wingham, per- formed the ceremony. At the meeting of the Hoinaesv ille -Templet's on Monday night they ap- ointed a ''committee to wait upon the eague, and ask fora union of they two for the purpose of •carrying on more -+effectively • the plebiscite campaign: They intend going to work and making a thorough canvass. They also invite :other liodies, `whether strictly temper- ance or not, to unite with them. It is very surprising that the people of Bayfield have not yet seemed to learn the lesson that allowing horses, avows, pigs, geese,.sheeP, etc.,, to roars? nbout.the streets is the means of keep' ing a great many visitors from town. The people in -more distant towns and rides, who know this to beethe •ease, go some place• else, when `otherwise they would go to that really pretty • village. The other day while Dr. Turnbull -was wheeling inGoderich township, ef u se d to • lie carne to a farmer who i give him half the road, and as a conse- quence there was a collision that upset the dentist, The Dr. bas a badly in- ,• lured hand through the mishap that • will .for a few days handicap him in his work. Dr. Turnbull. it is under- stood, will take legal proceedings -against the person who ran over him. At about 6.30 on Monday morning, smoke was discovered in, volumes, /coining out of the barn of Jas. Col- slough, base line, Goderich township. The neighbors instantly came to his assistance, and by the very hardestand most persistent kind of work, succeed- ed in saviugthe barn from destruction; in fact before much damage was done. The fire wa's in the straw mow, and by a• liberal application • of water they kept it from spreading to any other part of the barn. Alexander Scott, rnetwith a very painful accident on Friday last. He was working with a shaper in the Broadfoot & Box factory, Seaforth, when,in some way,his hand gotcanght in the machine and it was mangleclrn a terrible manner. It was found that a portion of every finer on the left hand had been taken off and the first fingerhad to be entirely removed, while, the band was otherwise cut and injured. This is the third time he has suffered from similar accidents, and he has lost' at least one finger from his' right band and some of the fingers re- moved this time had been maimed - The Stanley council met atthecall of the Reeve on Monday,all the members were present. The tender of James Donaldson for •25 thousand feet of cedar at $13 per inti. *as accepted,to 'be de- livered where required by council. The repairs on' hall were found satis- factory and Geo. in fonll n. who 20, hh had. e the contract, p. i ol- lowing accounts were paid :-Sawyer, Massey Co,, blade for road grader, "$8 ; express on same, 50c.; Jas. McKie,bolts for hall and grader, $2.60 ; W. J. Mit- chell, printing, $3 ; J. Donaldson, tim- ber, $8.60. Regular meeting of coun- cil as Court of Revision on May 30th at 10 o'clock. • ' A telegram from Portage la Prairie, in the Winnipeg Free Press says :- "John Ferris, a Portage plains farmer, sold his grain this week, . and received $13,000 in cold cash. This includes some of his '90 wheat. Mr. Ferris nat- urally thinks there is as much gold in a Portage farm as can be made else- where. it is such deals as • this that break the monotony of a farmer's life, andanake • the newspaper man think there is metas inearlyhnewspaper busas much t- in farming - ness." Mr. Ferris is an old Huroniau, being a son of the late Robt. Ferris, of I anv and his ,1 � ii i Goderich township, 1, v friends are pleased to hear of his good fortune. Take Your Choice'. Wells Se. Riehardeon Co., GBNTr,EseEen-With great pleasure Cel- ery l: matte known what your Paine's ery Compound bas done for me, Last December I was sick and suffered from a heavy cold. My doctor said I was run down, and advised me giveto up my work (the tailoring business) as be thought it was not conducive to nay health. • Be gave arse medicines for my trouble, also for indigestion and ner- vousness. •• The medicines, however, as produced no good results, and I was reduced is a mere skeleton, and carne to the conclusion that I was going to die. Through the influence of an old iaePaine s' eery friend who came to see me I was pre- omiurto r seseereerree sere :...,: _... -- On Monday Robt. Thompson, Huron veiled upon to iree Paine's Celery Coin- mywhich legs. Ater using the first bottle and the pills that go with"the Com- pound, I had such good results that I continued with the medicine until had token seven bottles, when I found myself as strong and healthy' as ever before hi my life. Ram able to work: at my trade as well as in 'former days, and see no necessity for giving it up. From the results that have blessed nay. efforts with Paine's Celery Gorripound I would strongly advise every sick person to use the great medicine which has no equal in the world. EDWARD LANDY, 32 Plank Road, St. John's; Nfld. d lie said would set me. on Cole- man's working in no l+ hila, g • u Kerr, � e no . I� > J • ,• had the mis- fortune , ih of t ' Se G , mans stave mill, fortune to get his band badly cut by a saw which be was running. Mr. Scott, an c,ldemployee in Broad - foot's planing mill, Seaforth, got one' finger taken off and three badly cut while running a saw. • My friend, look here: youknow how weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter' sat Iron will l relieve her, now why it and buy her a box ? The West Huron License Commis- sioners met at I< n eetOr Paisley'sted of- fice fice on Monday, monEhs' extension to Alex. Young, of Kintta d. FOR. oV1:R FIFTY li ARS. AN ULD MID WELL -Warn ItmueAT.-•Mr8 WVinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over while teethinugg, with perfect sions of uccess It soothes the child, softensthe gums, allays all pain, cures wind. colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.iSolid by druggists in every part cents a bottle. Its value, 1s incalculable. Be surd andasktake for other Window's Soothing Syrup, . II MirST REPURTS road, Gederich townsbip,very narrow - Exeter, "D4av 18th,18fl8. y p ll escaped what might have been a erbushol .-, 1.05 toT.OG`` serious accident. He was removing Oats..... Wheat p ..•.35 to 34 i po'sts from the ground with the aid of Baxley ••••.• ..•• ...99 to 40 =r his team, when one of the posts broke Peas......... ..5a to 55 I2 to 12 and struck him on the face, rendering Butter.-_... a to 0 him insensible for a short time. Eggs .. 'Purkoye There are many forms of nervous Geese..." • 4 to o debility in men that yield to the use of Chickens per 1b • • . • • , 5 to 9 Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are Ducks ...... 17 to 18 Wool. .: ., 2} to 21 troubled with nervous weakness,night PDried resse . .• 050 to 5.50 sweats, etc., should try them. Pork dressed 0 to Pork live weight 500 to 11.2o0.00' -'r" ----------------'-`J ]lay Por ton , •$1.00 to x,5.00 Clover seed $1.50 to 55.00 Alsike clover ... $100 to $1.`35, Timothy send .... We Are Sure You Will Select the Diamond -byes. CATARRH -SEEDS, Is the breath foul? The voice husky ? . Constant drop. ping in the throat? Pain across the eyes and front of the head? Losing sense of taste and smell ?-proof that this all too com- mon malady bas you as its victim Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has yet to find a case too stubborn to yield to it. Relieves instantly, and a perfect cure. • • This wonderful remedy effected . spethe y and permanent cure. I am willing to sp enmy days in3 reading the good news toot my fest of ellow sufferers. INo. BROWN, G,A•R Veran, 2446 36 l Ida. Marshall. St., Philadelphia. Sold by C. LUTZ, Exeter. Han is always in the ��I�e � 1) r S b he .1.03 col OS 1f tt d DT-TTZ's London. May 18th,1898. • Wheat per bushe -.11 to 341 Oats..., to GU Peas ... Barley Buckwheat Rye ...... Corn Beans ...... Butter ..-.-. Eggs Dunks Turkeys per ib.... Geese per 11,.. ... Chickens Cheese... , Potatoes Per bag Bay per ton Pork per cwt.. There are several kinds of wretched imitation and soap greese dyes that are sold by some dealers for the sake of 1 ar ne`tir profits. These dyes es bring con- sternation despair to every experi- enced housewife ;.who uses them. The results maybe sr mined up as follows : mixed, muddy colors,ruined garments, and material,badtemper, arida shower of wrath on the dealer who has sold the deceptive dyes. For long years the woven of Canada have had before them the celebrated Diamond Dyes for home coloring work. These chemically pure dyes have car- ried satisfaction and delight to all who have used them. Old, faded and dingy garments have, by the aid of Diamond Dyes, been transformed into new and beautiful creations ; money has been saved, and the happiness of families increased. Whore directions have been faithfully followed, not a single failure has been recorded. If you are a novice in the work of home dyeing, you have no* presented to' you the varied classes of dyes that purchase and tise. If you you can de- sire success,protlt,andunruffled usurper and home happiness, you must surely decide in favor of Diamond Dyes -the only warranted dyes in the world. You cannot be deceived if the name “Diamond" is found on each packet of On buy. y d dyes you ARME S .381 to 50 ...39 to 381 .,. $9 to 39 33 to 45 40 to b0 ...13 to 14 10 to 11'. G0 to 70 10 to 19 9 to 10 ..50 to 75 "".. 5 to 10 80 tot 00 .$ 0.00 to $ 7.50 $1.50 to $5.00 The Beate are to za llr2fi1dila# us t staying mea to horey9 Reay -lo -Wear Clothes. The inside of one, of 1;;horeyrs ceats is here illus• ,.... - toted by a drawing made ` _ from a photo;raph. The t, l grew advantage of a coat 4 f•', properly stayed is that it ........ • keeps its shape uintil its worn out, and does not look 1like an old garment after a, few weeks wear. An ordinary ready-made garment may look well at first but it is made mak® all havea guarantee to sell not to wear. ' card in the poc14et; ��i ,Sia:?,w j'9'. •ia •.. `, ° "'�',j'.i.'ey„y'S,+*�,�i {' ,.�'�i'Faysejsei"F„I' Ia :. '. We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. E ,a 13 RUNNING SORE. Mr. Stephen, Wescott, Freeport, N.S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters) a wonderful blood purifier and gives his experience as follows: I was very much run down in health and employed our local physician who attended me three months, ftn,iily my leg broke out in' running ycr.y with fearful , burning. I lead teen running sores at one time, from my knee to the top of my foot. All the medicine I took did me no good, so I threw it aside and tried B. B.13.; when one-half the bottle was gone, I noticed a change for the better, and by the time I had -finished two bottles my Leg was perfectly healed and my health greatly im- proved." - We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, all excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, AAINS, �.�, SORE THROAT . RHEUM 'rIS'I ]INFLUENZA. ASK YYOL'Ft 1.>15,A1.4.0, 'e 1. BEST FORTABLE.AAIRY,AND FARM:,; You will find.. at Bissett's Warer•oom the following line of Agricul tural Implements BERING BIN condition OSi'- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER V Ol also co nd p BALL BEARINGS FOR DICKS LUNG' uli line of Seed Drills, SYRUP. Disc and Diamond Harrows' Plows, and Turnip Drills. A Also WINAN's CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches On horses, a s AND STEEL SULKY RAKES. ' der for same Cultivators ` SOLE AGENT SE IMI MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers macbine �" I Gurney stoves and furances. Huron's honored pioneers Another of leas departed this life.Mr. John Henderson, of Seaforth, passed peace- fully away' at his residence on North Main street ou Sabbath last. 1d r. Henderson had reached the great age .of 88 years and 11 months. He was a aaative of Oxhain, Roxboro' Shthe in 49cotlaud, where he was born year 1800. Ile was the eldest son of the late George Henderson, a' a was one of forte brothers, John, ,dl.ndrew and William, all of whom Teside iu '1GZcKilloj, on contiguon s only y • i being now w Illy Ln �' farms, Mrs, ' ors M 1st , survivor, There were twosisters, of whom Lamb and Mrs. Easton, erson are now .also dead. Mr.; fiend • as rnitrried in the year 1827 to Helen "ter of Mr. Saves Scott, of Scott, a xis 'Roxboro' and Mrs. John Grieve, of Mc- Killop. She died in 1876; Re came er this country with his fainilsettled on he and other SWIM. If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS He is a sure fitter. 131s prices are away down. His .goods are the best, Call and examine his goods before buying your of directions and card of 48 eclors free to any address. Write to Wells Sc Richardson Co., Montreal, P. Q er. hoaine, 8�re. .�.ft . '�00� $ P�08p n tI . Vie and recommended d by all Sold and rocani ,. Only regi- t tsi n0 an ads n s dr yy !fig medicine discovered. sit reit- able, paekcrgcs guaranteed to of �bvs0 , 4 �..s o sexual weakness, all effeetti of of Ta forms or 000, Opium. or Stimulaan s. Maileed o reeeipt Ot price, Op of plies, ono Pam o 51,s six, e tb a address. Ono e, six MU Cure. -Pamphlets Ce t 'woott esiantianY, Wfndeor, Ostt4 Waggons , Buggies J. cl® The -linehatham of the celebrated McLaon and ughlin Buggies. TALL SUIT \ W, joHNS, r The ar `)'ftp yflo STERLING HEADACHE.( MIL73URN S Pow.omts cure the worst headache in from five to twenty minutes, andleave no bad after-eifects. One powder 5c., 3 powders 10c., 10 powders 25c. friends in 1834, and, se xlua nofrcesr51On of Meli`i11ap, on the farru now owned and occupied by Mr, Sas, Wood's Phesphoctino is sold in Exeter by :L,ocklaart. , .7. W. Drowning, druggist. ER LOADED! C. LUTZ Nursery Stock Vols BOOR Agents g eoi sl �le�l Imle � al •lava p rico pg Or anyone desiring to better their position suet increase their income write is on the increase. should us The demand for home . grown We want more leen. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES E'REE. WE IIAVE THE LARGESTNURSERIES IN THEDo1ZINXon. WE PAT BOTH SALAIIY AND COMMIS. SION. `� 111:-d�9 WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. N NURSE'S STORY. Tells how sho Plewa Troubles. cured if {Heart and The onerous duties that fall to the lot 'a nurse, the worry, care, loss of sleep, irregularity of meals Soon tell on the nervous system and undermine the health. Mrs. H. D. Menzies, a professional nurse living at the Corner of Wellington and King Streets, Brantford, Out., states her Every incoming freight train since last January, emptied part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every • foot of our largefloor space. 4. We are not hurrying you to Purchases, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments, Oras Stock of Furniture of all kinds complete. more com Was never 1� always va.s Purchasdrs get from y the lowest p e t rices and the advant' all the study of styles and of 1 age of the most perfect taste that we can command.' GIDLEY t SON, !+"1TBNITURB AND tl ND•1 P.T;1 lEItS. WEFIIRNISH PURCHASERS W1TH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. andwprofitable Don't anwrite emp oyinenou et an mess ease as follows "Por tkne as shortnessyr1 1 have suffered from wea , al itation of. the hear breath and .15 p The least excitement would makeSutter, yh0 I even found 4 night tter and at dilideal to sleep. After i got ASilbuxnr a 8ear6 an Nerve sills 1 'experienced' bat reeve urn their use t P and on aoiatiri g.. menu has been meriteduntil now all t la old symptoms are gone and 1 airs comp i y f xs1 Worsteds and Tweeds, are auxe a.,, Milburn"a Ueart and Nerve rim cure Anwetiaia, Nervoueneps, Weakness, Slag- Sossiaess, Val itationt Throbbing, Fain Sp, ells in tiness or any condition :going from Imp � - Impoverished Bltlod, 7ri130 toted �eris. Nerves ort^ ink gealcl. ;las Loading Spezi hots lllm Amato 20 YEWS 1.$ 1..,1i • 250,000 0li E0., • ViE CURE EMISSIONS S Nothing can be more de raiiib:rg to Young or middy -aced men than the Pres a x� enco of these "nightly losse,..,.'" They l 'i Produce weakness. nerForrlless, m feeling of disgust and a whole 'triino svmp oma }" They unfit a man for business. xua ri°l )mss life and social happine. No matter f; whether caused by evil habits ;n youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our �1 New Method Treatment will positivoly {•••• mire you. O CURE- O PAY Stone & Wellington TORONTO A &ni t of Ul othes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. 3'. SNYILL 1183701' disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of THE ACYCLE 11&W Winter Goods taxa -Liver P llseeleanooatedtonu s• w now on our shelves , andweill take iriuoh pleasure in showing them to you. There are . ,inany t other lines that ` are specially at • a.otive. 'Reader, youneed help. Early ds later excesses may have weakened eu Iilsposure may have diseased you. X ou will erre you• ilYou Your= no risk.ur NOW 250„000 CURED sale ••• Man -You. aro i Yor i� and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and desponde • blotches and pimples. sunken eyes, ;wrinkled face, stooping form and downcastcountenancereveal the blight of your esistunco. CURRIOCELE, No matter hot: serious your ease may e be, or how long you may have had it, our,.1 NEW METHOD TREATMENT urn U i cure. it. The ''wormy veins"to their normal condition and hence tho! sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. The organs become vitalized; all unnatural drains or losses cease and manlyowers return. No temperarY benefit. but a�ppermanent euro assured. NO CURE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. TIIE RACYCLF which gave such thorough satisfaction last year and was alle.acl of all other wheels in improvements, again takes the lead this year. Our sales were large last year, but this year already they have Zeen phenom- enal. This in 1ls4lrslxeaks for the success of the' w'htdi. . In pedaling on¢,ii,'lirtually walks. In climbing a UV? e sits in the ' sande relative„tpahtion over the pedals;' that hef,,tWould on any other bicycle eti a level -street. It is not the' gear so much as the he rider. To get a position 0 ft wheelbarrow to the top of a ,hill, would 3. -cu get in front of it W and . pull it up, or behind it and :push it up ? To sit directly over your pedals on a Racycle and push down axed back, is much easier that} . to s1 back in your saddle, on a bicycle, and shove forward, trying to pull { yourself by your handle bars . Our 84 gear can be propelled easier than other wheels at 68. To sec them is to buy. THE RACYCLE is a bicycle, but a bicycle is not a Racycle. • ` In presenting the Racycle nar- row Tread, 1898 Models, we take it for granted the public realize that no bicycle can be higher in grade or better in material. If not, we guarantee it to be so. Competition has forced aranu-' facturers to avail themselves of every new improvement to such j all extent that the .value of a wheel can no longer be hidden behind a name plate. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRIC'i`TYRE. VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL EMINAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND K- FlseCLCSR11 BOOKSFREE. HARGE MODERATE. unable to il. write fora QUESTIONN BLANK for ROME TREATMENT. 3ntIEratea KENNEDY &R 148 SHELBY STREET, OSTRor , 6V1ICH. a N PERFECTION AT LAST. It e tf� V't"eoP100,' WARRANTED EVERY TiME. TRUSSES N NEW IN' DESIGN', NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assortment ofthe best and Finest approved 'Trusses and Meehan cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased sed tareatirote thematrfa •� cturer� a. n ' r c We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PI#,IOES VERY MODERATE, Sole A:geney DOMINION LAI3ORATOR`i'. J. W. BROWNING, Pone Althoughwe make a specialty: of the "Racycle," we hand? several makes of w h Eels , and ea supply the wants of all. We can: give you a bicycle from 30 Up> and guarantee better value fol'' the moneyany one than deaet in the county, We carry the largest stock in the county and : sell a1 closerp rices. A visit to our show's rooms will convince anyone 01 thisfact. C0Oppgg� D11 K . , Huron for Agents LIMTDED HOWARD, � Agent for :1 xett4 0