Exeter Times, 1898-5-19, Page 471,
The Molsons Ban
tQAARTUISIVis n'S" PAOLI'S-1011%1850
Paidup Capita $2,000,000
runa 1,100.0s0
Head, De. =Pascal.
Money edvaneed to good tarsiers oath*
Ova liettrivitb, Quo or mere endorser et .7 per
ent. poi annum,
Exeter Branch.
pen every lawful day, from a.m. to Thra
SATURDAYS, 10 a.m, toiXi.,
orrent rates of interest allowed, on Swots
itxoter, Doo. 7th '95
THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1898,
Uponthe lists now under preparation
will in all probability be held any bye
elections likelyto occur in either Pro-
Yincial or Dominion politics Within the
next eighteen, months. The law pro,
vides that the assessors reborn tlaeir
rolls to the clerks on or before April
30, Tbe law also provides that the
Tolls may „be examined, by any person
assessed or entitled to be assessed, and
fourteen days after April 30 are al-
lowed, for takingobjections to the
These objecitons must be made
in writing ta the clerk of the niuni,
eipality and, they willbe decided upon
at the court of revision. If the assess-
or does not return his roll on or before
April 30, then foerteen days after the
return are allowed for the taking of
Objections. The clerk is directed by
law to allow the roll to be examined
and objections for either striking out
or adding names must be made inwrit-
ing tohini.
The present is the must opportune
time to have the lists attended to, for
the courts of revision will soon be
held in the various monicipalities.
The names of all parties entitled to go
_on parts I., II., or III of the voter&
lists should be placed on the assess-
ment roll without fail, and in the
fourth column of the roll after the
names of all persons entitled to vote
at parliamentary electioxis there should
be placed the letters M, F., so that the
names can be properly copied into the
lsit to be printed, and no mistakes
occur. Every man who is 21 years of
age, is a British subject, aud has lived
in the.Province nine months, and in
the municipality since Feb. 15, is en-
titled to vote.
T 14 " 11 92 111
'oesior ••••;ammalip;iereemermakm"1"1"1""'"."1"."...""wilmiewnoilegste,,
ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ft Gucap Mal161110
Mr. Miles Melatiall bas sold. his farm 1 Couneil Meets Friday evening.
The LateSt Wyss.
on the 8th coneession oi Tuckeesmith, Preseott, Ross left, for Toronto on'l
Msa"Jos. Yellow, of Exeter, paid a AND EFFEOTULLY CURE.
flying 'visit to friends in Alina, last
Dr, Anderson, .of Mitchell, the Mr. John Hitch, es taingstomk, Tens
to his brother Pingh, tot $ .
farm contains fifty acres.
IVIrS, 13, Fowler, and three of her
children, of Rat Pertage, are in Mitch»
ell to spend the slimmer With the
lady's pavents, Mr. And Mrs, Thomas,
We ress.ret to learn of the death, in
Stratford, of Mrs. A, Xilburn,who wee
a daughter of R. N. Brett, lof Mitch-
ell. Besides her husband she leaves
three small childsen.
This'beneficent war was started to
pot bread in the mouths of the sty-
ing Cubans, and its progress has taken
bread out of the mouths of "„the starv-
ing Europeans.
William Robert Proctor, aged 19,
grandson ef Mrs. Donagh, Gocierich,
died in Detroit last week after an ill-
ness of ten days. Theremaios were in-
terred in G oderich.
millionaire who offers $100,000 to
the United States excites more popular
admiration than the hundseds of ordi-
nary citizens who offer their liyes to
the same great country.
Rey. W. M. Martin, B, D,, pastor of
the °even Presbyterian Church, and
Rev. Dr. Willoughby, of the Runes
street Methodist (Morelli' exchanged
pulpits last Sunday morning.
Spain is"' giving bull itghts to traise
fu.nds for carrying 'on the war, and. if
it were not for bis great wealth Uncle
Sam would soon be giving strawberry
festivals for the same beneficent
Arthur Haines, of East Wawanosh,
*was thrown from a waggon through a
wheel coming off on Saturday night
while returning from Winghara, and
suffered a compouncifracture of one of
his legs above the ankle.
Mr,'' John Taylor, of near Chisel -
horst, delivered two fine loads of hogs
to Mr. Chas case, Seaforth, Tuesday
last. The price paid was $1.70,:per hun-
dred. Pigs are as good as wheat and
both are as good as gold.
Stoneman Bros' business, at Kiri,: -
ton, is prospering. Last week Mrs.
William presented her husband via h
a daughter, andthis week, determiuod
not to be outdone, Mrs. John mad e
her husband happy by presenting h
with a fine boy.,
Friday morning last the wife of Mr.
J. 13. Blacklock, who up to a few years
ago was a resident of Mitchell, died
at Stratford. She was born in Ful-
lerton, and. was the daughter of Rol3t.
Woad, who moved from there to St.
Saturday afternoon aborse attached
to a buggy, driven by Mrs. Hogan, of
Logan, ran away in Mitchell, throwing
the womanout -with great force. She
was cut about the bead and. otherwise
injured, but no serious results are an-
to write on hie examinations. IS ONE TIIAT WILL PROMPTLY
Not only the Philippines bathe Ha-
waiian Islands are likely to become U.
S.. territories as a result of the war with
Spain. Less even than their British
forefathers,the people of the U. S. are
inclined to give up territory they get
hold. of. The demand for the retention
of the Philippines whichit iSpresumed
Commodore Dewey has taken posses-
sion of, is growing in the press and. a
measure for the annexation of Hawaii
is before Congress andreceiving favor-
able attention. It is of Cuba's future
as t.S. territory also that many of the
papers are talking. Whatever it was
in the beginning this is assuming the
features of a war for conquest.
A crop failitre in Europe last year
and war this spring have combined to
teach the older nationra signal lesson
a$ to the value of wheat. Cotton has
been called king, and coal is crowned
king, but bread riots in the old. world
cities suggest also that wheat is king.
Canada is soverign over unemployed
acres which could raise wheat .sufe_ the -pace.
dent to feed. the world, Great:Britain =
ma,y come to understand the supreme Canada's famous bacon is bound to
usefulness of a vast domain of wheat come to the position itrightly belongs
fields under the Union Saok. But for
Canada the -United States and Russia
would feed Great Britain, and. if they
could corabine to cut off the supplies
the millions of the motherland would
starve, despite the might, of navies and
the valour of armies. Canada, then
is doing real Imperial work when it
seeds down the vast prairies of the
west, and harvests mops which can
keep Englaaad independent of possible
enenaies for food supplies. Sofar Great
Britain has not encourged. Canada in
this Imperial work, but the -lessons
taught by the sudden rise in the price
of wheat ought to suggest to the
statesmen of the UnitedKingdom that
Canada. is necessary, not to the pro-
sperity, but to the life of the British
x x
Allmen of good-willshould hope and
pray that Great Britain and the United
States may be joined by the eventuali-
ties of this war for the furtherance of
peace and of free commerce on the
earth. It is not unlikely that an es-
sential unity in character and aim be-
tween the two nations may unite thein.
The causes which separate the Empire
and the Republic are few and small
cOmpared to the causes which should
unite them. They are both in profession
Christiansnations. They are both in
practice commercial nations- And
n either Great Britain nor the United
States has a great deal in common
with the military despotisms which
glorify the sword as an end and not as
a means. Aside from the moral ele-
ments which should draw the United
States closer to Great Britain, there is
a self interest which must teach Ameri-
can statesmen that when the other
great powers control the markets of
the world. to the disadvantage of
British commerce, they at the same
time injure American commerce. But
the new responsibilities whiels the
United. States will assume will be the
greatest of all reasons for enduring
peace between the two branches of the
Anglo-Saxon family, The very isola-
tion of the United. States made its
statesmen irresponsible and reckless.
They had no distant colonies or mer -
Chant vessels to think aboat. They
had given no hostages which might
be sacrificed by war. Tbey thought
_they bad everything to gain and
nothing to lose. It will be another
story when the United States has a
merchant navy to take care of, and
when to go to war with Great Britain
would expose Cuba and Hawaii, Porto
Rico and. the Philippines to danger.
The far-sighted Canadian has good
reaeon for wishing to see the Stars and
Stripes float over the isles of the sea.
The more isles the United States has
to govern,the less likely her statesmen
" 1 to 'make trouble to Canada.
Better for humanity that, the Ammi-
cau ftag shmild fly over thePhilippities fliilltenatc; $$33°591V- liE1°P71' $4$194888
than that the Spanish flag,the German Mitchell, $3,736.87 ; Nveewrtocitin; $477:33 ;
flag, and the Russian flag or any flag St. Mary's $5,48.05; Stratford, Sa-
bot the one ensign, the Voien gaek, 593.10)Wo0dhans $345.64. The salar-
iesipmdwtshter=outs p2oAtraptisrs are
Which Canadians have chosen for good
,,nd all in life; and even Unto death, see :xirktott, sac A40;611:11/0
chell, $1,020 ; NeWtorn $160: St.Maryo,
Supplementary estiinates for the
current fiscal year, brought down in
the House of Commons Tuesday, am-
ounting to $1,460,351, show the total
expenditure provided for the year end-
ing 30th june next bo be $47,441,077.
This is an increase upon the previous
year's estimates by the generons sum
of $2,610,050. Until the further sup-
plementaries for the next year are sub-
mitted,itis impossibleto make an exact
comparison between the estimates for
the present and the next fiscal year
But the figures already down indicate
that the Government is keeping up
week. '
is town, , How He Had Spent Dollae Upon
Chicago, .,
relll the Standard, Bidgetown.
POTATous.-Two car loads of Vote- •
guest of his brother, Dr. Anderson,
to. The following paragraph is taken
from an article on "Bacon Curing" in.
the journal of the Royal Agricultural
Society of England, just received at
the Department of Agriculture: -"It
is safe to say that the coming rival of
all other countries in the production
of Bacon is Canada. The attention
given to the breeding of pigs by the
agricultural authorities and the en-
thusiastic co-operation of the farmers
are alike contributing to this result.
'Pea -fed' Canadian is replacing Danish
meats andstaking the leading piece in
the English market. No doubt the
supplies in Canada will continue to in-
crease by the same leaps and bounds
as of late years, so long as the Domin-
ion farmers devote as ranch attention
to the quality of bog produced. It is
said now that one house alone in Can-
ada often kills as many hogs in one
week as the whole of the Danish
Thos. Rainsay,who has been visiting Dollar in Vo.in Before Finding the
his jitirents here, left on Saturday for Medicine That Cured It i
tees at the Exeter station, 'vs , nh People who read ftoial week to week
The baseball mateli on May 2411).-- of the marvellous cures effected by
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
=riling will be a leadiag feature in, little think that right in their midst
the celebration. - exist inany who have been relieved
Rev, R. Redmond, of Dorchester, from pain and suffering by the tise of
,:.,erit several tlays of this week visit, these wonderful little pills after hav-
ing at J. E. Dignan's big Suffered untold, agonies for niOriths.
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson bas returned Mr. John Hitch, it man well and
parents in Mitchell.
home from a pleasant visit with her
county, wasever ready when appor-
favorably known throughout the
Miss Hattie Follick leaves this tunity- offered to speak a word in
morning (Thursday) for Wasvanessa, praise of these pills and. was never
Manitoba, where she will visit Wend's. tired of recommending them to his
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderton entertained the friends. A representative of the
two female members of the Salvation Standard, anxious to know of the
cause of Mr. Hitch's recommendation,
Army Marine Band, on Wednesday.
The train from the nerth was late on called upon him at bis home recently
Thursday evening last, owing to A oar and upon telling that :gentleman
damage resulted. . . -
running off the track at Blyth. No the object of his visit Mr. Hitch con-
sented to an interviette The story in
DWI McAnsb, of Toronto, has mov- his own words is,as follows: --"In' the
ea. to town,and we learn intends open- winter of 1891 I was taken with ,,a
'severe attack of la grippe, froin which
hag a machine shop here. He is a son-
in-law of Richard Crocker, town. I was confined to the house for some
aoci_ time. This was followed by severe
John Hind sustained a painful pains and swellings of my lower limbs.
dent on Wednesday of last week,which
I consulted a physician and he
necessitated his laybag off work for a
told. me it was acute rheumatism. I
few days. While placing the handle
continued under his care for about
on a chisel he cut his thumb badly.
John Carling, K; 0, M. G., has been two months; I was unable to stand
appointed by His Royal Highness the alone, but sometimes when I got
started' was able to make a few steps
Prince of Wales one of the localrepre-
sentatives of the Associated Board of unaided' Thetrouble was principally
in nay feet and clung to me all summer
the Royal Academy. of Music and almost every thing that
Royal College of Music, London, Eng- long' I tried
land. friends suggested, hoVn.g to lain re
On Wednesday a little son of Mr.
William Hillebreeht, Of Broadhagen,
while riding on a waggon, on which
there were several bags of grain, fell
off, one of tbe wheels of the; waggon
passing over his stomach and break=
ing it rib and otherwise injuring him:
The by-law to borrow the slim of
$2,000 to blind an iron bridge on
Water street North, St. liarys,carried
on Saturday, the vote being 44 -for and
3 against, as follows: -West Ward, 6
For, 1 Against; North Ward, 18 For,
0 Against; Smith Ward, 20 For, 2
Mrs. John Robertson and family
left Seaforth on Tuesday for Dakot•
where she will join her husband, w
has been there for the past year. Mr
John Robertson was accompanied
her brother-in-law, Mr. Albert Robdrt
son, who also intends locating in
Dakota. •
.A. member of the .British Govern..
rnent is reported to have prophesied
war between France and Great Britain
within a month. Preeatitionary in-
surances are reported to have been ef-
fected against the risk of war between.
Great Britain and France within the
next six months..
There died at the home of her par-
ents, on the 14th line, McKillop, Flos-
ence Menetea, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Forbes, aged 14 years and
three months. Deceased had been
troubled with inflammatory rheunaa-
tisrn of late, but ib was not thought
that it would prove fatal.
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. . Robert
Herriot left St. Marys to make their
horne in Aylmer, where they have
parchasecl the bakery and, confection-
ery business of Mr. F. W. Freemantle.
Mrs. Herriot has for years conducted
a fancy store on Queen street.
lief, biit neither me icine tit'ken in-
----see-e- ._ wardly nor liniments applied extern -
THE ELECTRIC ItAruwaY.-The pro -
ally gave me any relief. The pain was
rooters of the scheme for an electric very great, and 1 was only too ready
railway from London to Grand Bend,
to try anything suggested. I spent
interviewing the IVIinister ofRailways, dollars upon dollars in dottor's medi-
cine; but all to no purpose. The last
via Lucan, were in Ottawa Tuesday
soliciting a bonus to aid the construe- week I was attended by a physician
tion of said rOad. The deputation cern- it cost me live dollars, and having
prised. a number of business men of about that time readin the newspapers
London, and while they made an able of the work accomplished by Dr. Wil -
plea, the Minister could not give them Earns' Pink Pills, I concluded it was
any definite answer, but requested certainly worth the experiment and
that plans of the proposed road be pre- accordingly purchased a box from a
pared, and together with tlae nebessary local druggist and commenced their
memorials, sent tii Ottawa before the use, discontinuing the doctor s xnedi-
benefit to London, but wherein it will or July,
taken the first box or the pills
next session of Parliament. This road
won doubtless prove of incalculable eine. This
1892. After I had
was in
be it boon to the villages through I could feel some change and after tak-
which it is proposed to pass is far to ing seven boxes I noticed. a great im-
seek. And also, if the Government provernent. I continued. taking them
commences to aid these small electric
railways, it will, in justice ,to other I mnst say I felt as well a.s I ever did
until I had used thirteen boxes, when
until the country will be over -run with in my life. Some of roy customers who
localities, have to continue such aid,
street cars. came into my yard would ask me what
- I was doing that I was looking so well
— (knowing tire sick spell I had under-
- London tax rate will be 21i mills gone) and I would always tell them
for the presentlear. " ' that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bad
POTATOES.-Tvvo car loads of pota, wrought the. change. They Are the
toes at the Exeter • station. W. G. cheapest medicine I ever bought,"
BISSETT. said Mr. Hitch, "and if I had what I
• .. _ spent in other medicines I mold sit at
, — my ease this winter." Durine•theinter-
Exeter Salt Works Co. iew Mrs. Hitch was an occupant of
e room and she heartily concurred
what her husband said, and stated
The Annual meeting. of the above Company
t for one other member of the
will be held in the Town Hall. Exeter, on Delon -
day, June 6th, 1898, at 7.30 p.m. for the election ily the pills had been used
T. B. CARLING, h success in a, case of
Mr. Hitch
of officers, and other business.
Seey, ere nervousness.
be time he was seen by the reporter
appeared in excellent health. die is
56 years of age and it man who had
alvva,ys been used to hard work. He
was.born in Cambridgeshire, England,
and came to this country 27 years ago.
Before locating in Riclgetown he con-
ducted a brick and tile yard at Long'
wood's Road, Middlesex county. He
has been carrying on a successful busi-
ness in Riclgetown for the past ten
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by
going to the root of the disease. They
renew and build* up the blood, and
strrfigthen the nerves, thus driving
disease from the system. Avoid imi-
tations by insisting that every box
you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper
bearingthe full trade mark, "Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People." If
yOUP dealer does not keep them they
will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine 0o., Brock-
ville, Ont.
It is economy to profit by the ex-
perience of others. Tlaousands hays
beeu cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
why not you.?
0 So the falling a the hair tells
of the approach of age and
declining power.
No matter how barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
you confidently expect leaves
again. And why?
Because there is life at the
So you need net worry about
the falling of your hair, the
threatened departure of youth
z?. and beauty. And why?
''.7',• Because if there is a spark of
life remaining in the roots of
the hair ,.
William Tippet a-nd his friend, 1.
Grant, of Bayfield, left on Monday to
seek their fortunes in Dakota.
Harry Jennison, son of the late
Richard Jennison, Mitchell, was mar-
ried. in Ohio on the 3rd inst., to Miss
Hattie Woods, of Stratford.
Owing to it recent enactment' of the
Ontario Legislature, judgment stun-
monses will have special days set
apart for their trial and will not form
part of the regular Division Court
Venus has now follsr established her-
self in the western section of the sky,
where we can find her about sundown.
She grows larger and more brilliant
each successive night, a-nd the year
will be drawing to a close before she
ceases to be the great attraction/of the
evening. The other planets pass her
on their journey along the firmament,
but do not succeed an wresting her
laurels from her. She takes a con-
spicuous part in numerous interesting
phenomena. OD the • 22nd she is co -
dined by the two -days -old moon.
Hugh Calder, it resident of Kin-
cardine for several years, and formerly
of Brnce township, was found drowned
Monday morning on the lake shore,
about a mile south of this place. The
head and upper part were in the water
with the head downward. Mr. Calder
had been quite ill for upwards of a
year, and it is presumed that he had
fallen in a fit while walking on the
lake shore. lie was over seventy
years of age.
The Clerk a the Crown received the
return of the writ of South Perth
election on the 9th inst., and the pro-
test was entered Saturday. A serut-
iny is asked for, and several charges of
bribery are made, besides charges of
irregularities against the Returning
Officer and his deputies. The seat, is
claimed forMr. Monteith, Mr. Patrick
Whellhari is made co-respondent in
the seit,
Rev. Canon Dann, assistant rector
of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, has
decided not so accept. the call to S,t,
Thomas' Ch Hamilton. This de-
cision will be learned with much
pleasure by the many friends of Canon
Dann in London, where he is univer-
'stilly esteemed, It is understood. that
the rev, gentleman has notified the
churchwardens of St. Thomas' Chinch
of his intention to reniain in London.
The gross 'revenue of the following
nostoffices last year was as follows: -
Dublin, $691.45 ; Fullerton, $252.37;
HOSKINS-In Kirkton, on May 2nd, the' wife
a R. Hoskins, of a daughter.
GREEN -In Stephen, on the 14th inst..the wife
of Frederick Green, of a son.
CHAMBERS -In Crediton, on the 16th inst.,
the wife of 1VIatt. Chambers, of it son.
TW1TCHELL-In Hensel], on May 4th, the
the Flag of their Country, Milbank, $148 Milverton, $365 ;
The tax rate be Goelpb for this year
Witt be 24 mills.
wife or Rohl,. Twitchell, of a son.
Notice to Creditors •
In the inatter of DAUNOEY*
BROWN, of the village of Exeter, in
'VICKERS -In Kirkton, on the 2nd inst , the
wife of Vickers, of it daughter.
STONEIVIAN.-In Kirkton, on the Oth insk,
the wife of Sohn Stoneman, of it son.
PBOUDFOOT-In Godmich. on May 7tb, the
wife of 5. IVI. Prouctfoot of a daughter,.
the County of Htiron GrginMerchants,
Notice is hereby given that thb above named.
Insolvents have made an ,Assignment to 'me,
'ander the provisions of Revised Statutes of
Ontario, 1897, Chap. 117, a all their Estate,
Credits and Effects, for the general benefit of
their Creditors.
A meeting of their Creditors will be held at
the Offices of Messrs. Elliot 8.•:. Gla,dxnan, Main
Street, Exeter, on
IVItNALLY-In Tara, on May llth, the wife of
Dr. McNally (nee 24 iss Lane) of a daughter.
FLETCHER-On River Road. 131anshard, on
the 6th inst., the wife of William Fletcher,
of a daughter.
ItELLY-SHEA-Al, the R. C. Church, Bid-
dulph, on the 8rd inst., Miss Bridget Sheet°
Mr. James W. Kelly.
JENNISON - WOODS -In Clevelanc,1 Ohio,
May 8, at 1273 Broadway avenue,by Rev. H.
X. Stewatt. Henry Jennison, formerlv of
to 'Hattie Woods, of Mitchlfil.
Wednescloy 25(11 illy 189R,
5112 o'clock pau.,for the purpose of appointing
Inspectors and,the giving of directions with re-
ference to the disposal of the estate.
All Creditors and others having claims
against the said Estate aro requested to file,
with Messrs. Elliot 56 Gladnum, particulars of
their claims, verified by affidavit, as required
by said _Ant, on or before'the day of such meet-
rt5i..fter the 251h June,1898, I will proceed to
distribute the assets df the said Estate amongst
the parties entitled,thereto, having regard only
to the Claims of which I shall then have notice,
and I will not be liable for the said assets or
any part thereof so distributed to any person or
persons of whose claim I shall not then have
had. notice.
Dated at Exeter this i6th May, 1898. .
Main St. Exeter,
manse, Exeter, on the 18th inst., by the Rev.
W. M. Martin,B. 3/, Charles Stehthagen So
Clart4B. IAndenfoldt,"both of Dashwood.
CLARKE-In Stanley, on the ifith. inst., Mre.
Clarke, aged 88yeers.
HENDERSON-In Seafortb, on MO ath, John
Ileriderson, aged 80 years.
BUSH -In Crodithn,on theilth inst,Mrs.13ash,
relict of the late Robb, Bush.
IVIETHERELL--In Hibbert, �ri the ist inat.,-
111ary Metberell) aged 74 Yoars,
HODGES-Se IVritehen, oti the 7th inst., OliVoio
Hodges, aged 42 years and 2 days.
11.0s0. -In Brucefleld, May 6th,jane Rese,rellet
of the late Thomas Rose, aged 19 years.
GODBOtT --In Winebelsett, on the 12th inst.,
Geo. Godbolt, aged 42 years, months
ironats-ln IVLeKillop, May 7,Matiltba Forbes,
eldest daughter of sareuel Forbes, aged 14
IVIcNEVIN-In Exeter, on the 15th lesto 14e
etta. Zeller, wife of Wm. MeNeVie, egad 21)
yeera, 4 inontha.
'WAIMINGTON-In Goderich, on the Ilth
Mat., Riehard William Warrington, aged 14
yeers, 8 MonthS end 11 days.
• •
' can be overcome 'almost all cases
$3.,°°° t/ci Cralt-erthogiVotalnlrgilduiirtr v. a
$120, Carter, riged 4 year§ and 8 mceiths
by the use of Scott's Emulsion of
Cod -Liver Oil and the Hypophos-
phites of Lime and Soda. While
it is a scientific fact that cod-liver
cif is the most digestible oil in ex-
istenc.e, in '
will arouse it into healthy activ-
ity. The hair ceases to come
out: it begins to grow: and the
glory of your youth is restor,ed
to you.
We have a book on the Hair
and its Diseases. It is free.
The Beef Aldelee FPOS•
If you do not obtain all the benefits
you expected from the use of the Vigor,
write the doctor about it. Probably
there Is soine difficulty with your gen-
eral system which. may iltt easily
removed. Address.
DIL, J. O. Al/p.R.i, Lowell, Mass.
Mammoth White Gob,.
Improved Learning...
Cuban Giant,
Cloud's Early Yellow Denti.,.,
New White -Cap
Yellow Dent,
Sweet Evergreen,
pOook'o Cotton Root Compouti
Is successfully used monthly by over
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cern-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, 31 per
box., No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 33 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent
stamps, The ajoolr Company Windsor, Ont.
Or -Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recomTaended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No. 1 and No. 2 sold M Exeter bi W.
Browning, druggiat.
Fan -
9011 s Block bad after effects. Office in Fen-
d Toronto University, Dentists.
D. S., D. 1).S., Honor Graduate
extractedtaliideofmain swit „thBoxuett °pre. in or
WTe se te
New Angsma.,
and Wringing
DR. ANDERSON, (D D. S. D. 8.)
. Honors . graduate of the Toronto Uni-
versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
sf Ontario. .A.11 Bridge work, orowns and Plate
1,vork done in the neatest possible manner, .A,
tormless amtesthetie for painless extraction.
The strickest attention given to the preservat-
ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen-
tral Hotel Exeter, Ont
Farm for Sale
100 acres, lot 12, eon, 9. Ushorne, with bank
barn 66x4.0 and other frame outbuildings.
,House part log and part frame. Well drained
and well fenced„; quarter of a mile from school
and post office. if not sold by July will be
rented. For particulars, address:
Pickering P. 0., Ont.
it Is not Only palatable, but it is
already digested arid made ready
for immediate absorption by the
system. It is also combined :with
the hypophosphitescwhich
supply a, food not only for
the tissues of the bocfy,but
for the bones and nerves,
and will build up the child
*hen itS ordinary food
does not supply proper
Be sire yeti get SCOTT,S tmutilort; Ste that the
man and fish are on *10'v/rapper.
All druggists ; 5oo, and $1.00.
SCOTT & nOWNE, CheltIliSte, Toronto.
Court of Revision, Township
of Ray
A, meeting of the Court of Revision will be
held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday,
the 301 day of May, 1898, at 10o'clock
in the forenoon, for the purpose of hearing
appeals against tho assessment, All parties
interested arerequosted to attend.
Hum Hoes, Sit., Mark.
Zurich, May llth, 1898.
LL do not appreciate
the Words of John a,
Saxe, whe 'sang, "God
bless the Man who
first invented sleep!"
But appreciation IS
not -wanting to thole
who have Suffered att
Mrs. Wialte„ of Mara
ToWnship Oet., who
beearan so 111 with
tiler*Ons trAubleti that, to quote her bre-
the, hfr.. cinald manna, it wansmown re -
edema of that illustrious section of 'North
Ontario'. 'Ivry Sister had tot moat a night
Lor over three Months. lithe °mild not have
Steed thiii Much longer, and it was only
When death_ Seemed -thiminent that South
Altedridati NOWA° beeittne the good thY,
eittian, atter taking tho first d089 of the
Norville she slept 411 night, and gained
until posSectis wtl, end has noW
Pioogii of tervoutilieSs..." This is a *onder.
"Medleltie in the Severest ca9�N of tier.
iroulnesS, 411 the greatest flesit-bUilder to
be tonna itti ttlibte hi the world. -26,
Sold by C. LUTZ, gzeter.
Farms for sale
A. few good farms for sale cheap7-Money to
n. Apply to JOHN SPA.CKMA.N
fl. !NUN) & SOIL
ge; iftt 41fr cV) ‘k/.^* .q) 4,YfrATft k!4
Iry yr, IN ...ill'," *TV /OP
Private funds to loan on improved farms
at live and five and one half per cent.
Apply to
1st Eecember, 1897 ELIT3TieffogLetei
, _xeter
• '
Comes the necessity of
A frame house in Kirkton vrith five rooms,
in good repair, together with fifth of an
acre of land, good location. Will be sold at a
bargain. For further particulars apply to
Mus. 8. RatinnY,
A numbeiof head of stock taken for pasture
during the coming season, on lot 26, con. 2,
'Osborne, by the month or season. For terms
apply to Wm. Blatchford, on the premises, or
Exeter P. 0.
Council will meet on Thursday, May 26: at
10 a. M. for general business as a Court of Re -
Vision, and letting the usual gravel contracts.
3w Clerk.
Court of Revision, Township
of Osborne.
We are in the van with all
that is desirable in the line.'
Let us '1).ow you our "stock of
$1'7.00 Fancy Worsteds in all
the newest colorings. at7,3
Remember we put up th.e
best suit for $10.00 that can:
be bought in the county.
1.11. Grieve.
Notice is hereby given that a Court for tho
Revision of the Assessment Roll, for the town-.
ship of Usborne, for the year 1898, wIllbs ifeld
pursuant to statute in that behalf; atthe Town-
ship Hall, Elineville, on Saturday, June Ath, at
10 o'clook a. In. Persons having bitsineSS at
the said Court will govern themselVes accord-
Peancis Me/num, Clerk'
'Osborne, May 12811, 1898.
Buli for Service
A thorobred Durham Bull for service on lot
18, con.11., Stephen. First class strain. Terms:
$1, to,insure, SAMUEL PARSONS,
Exeter P. 0.
Boar for Service.
A Thero'bred TAMWORTII BOAR for ger.
vice, oneLot 23, con. 8,Usborne.
TERM$, -81 payable at 1111110 01 service,
Boar For Service
To the House Keepers of Exeter
and vicinity.
About Feb'y 1st, the undersigne&
will open a Flour & Feed business, in
the store three doors south of Post -
office, where '
and other vegetables in season will be
kept on hand.
All orders delivered promptly.
I respectfully solicit a share of your •
The undersigned will keep for service on lot
9_,_cenCession 1, Usbornef imported Chester
White end large Eng iab. Berkshire boars
Whieh tan be registered if required, 'terms as
usaai. .101,114 MAY.
5-Ve • EXoter,
Are You Interested
In Wheels?,
We handle
some of the lead-
makes at prices
to suit the thnes.
A few second hand organs',
5 and 6 Octave, cheap.
Sewing Machines,
Pi a—Selling out Dise
roWs at cost.
Main street,,Exeter,