Exeter Times, 1898-5-5, Page 5•f • This is the complaint of thousands at this season., at They havexio appetite; food floes not relish. They need the toning up of 'the stomach and digestive organs, which • course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptic can. Isnow, creates an appetite, overcomes that Med feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt- ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp- toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost "a magic tough." Sarsaparilla 'tithe best -in fact the One True Blood Pushier. are the best after-dinner, Hood's Pills pills, aid digestion. 26e. simeemeoAdd>itionai Locals. The Sb. Marys horse fair was a fail - A young man named Williams, hail- ing. from the village of Dublin,has left to join the -United, States Army. 4).S.Doan,whose.tannery was recent - .;y destroyed by fire in "Clinton, when the insurance is : all :settlecl, will have Paid in more than, twice the amount dile draws out. Peach trees in Soiitli Essex are re- ported in full bloom, with excellent prospects for fruit, but many trees are dieing destroyed in the effort to stamp out the San Jose scale. Mrs. S. Black,of Wingham, has sold her hotel to Dan McCormack, of Gode- rich, who will take possession very soon. The building will be thoroughly oyerhauled and put in -first-class Shape. The action of Carter's Little Liver Tills is pleasant, mild and natural. they gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. Charlie, 16 -year-old son of Mr. Cook, west ward, St Marys, has died from the effects of a kick of a horse. He was thrown into fits, to which he had 'been subject, and succumbed, as stat- ed. W. Dennee, late of the National 3>,otel,St.Marys, but now of the Detroit hotel, Elizabeth street, Detroit, had another baptism from fire the other night. Loss on building $1,000, con- tents, $2,000. Cause unknown. W. W. Nichol, B. A., of Stratford, rias been selected to fill the position of anatbernatical 'and science master in the Listowel. High school vacated by Wm. Irwin, B. A., the new Public school Inspector. The salary is $650. Wm. Welch, of Listowel, has been appointed assistant superintendent of the Infantile Insurance department recently opened in connection with the Excelsior Life, which company he has represented in that district for some time past. • D. B. McLean, of Tuckersrnith, last week, accompanied by William Mur- ',loch,. of Stanley, started for the old ,country with a number of fat cattle. Mr. McLean goes for the good of his health, which has not been of the best of late. An Ohio paper mentioning the fact tbat a Local departmental store is •. about to handle threshers, engines, wind mills, and presninably other imp]ernents,hnmorously describes the rfvoncetn s stock as follows : "Their new stock will contain threshing machines, pills, steam engines, coffins, sausage, 'wind mills, dog houses, roller skates, band organs, slate pencils, fresh fish sewing machines, hard coal, cod liver oil, cattle on foot,tripe, lightning rods, postage stamps electric currents:crude Heil, in fact everything the heart could ;desire or the fancy furnish." BIRTHS. a-afAHI l FY -In Stroetsville, on the lst inst., the wife of 3. Mahafry Moe Miss Addie Browning), of a son, • MARRIAGES. MERIO i' -ROS S -In St. Marys, on April 25th, by the Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, Geo, Heriot to Miss Mabel iioss. • iY,IFI'ITIi-IgIVL Goderich on .April 27th, by the Rev. Jos. Edge. at the house of Robt. Given, his daughter. Miss May J., to Chas. It Griffith, formerly of London. .,'I;1NNON-DONOHTJE•-In the Roman Cath - relic church, Clinton, on April iS by the Rev. Father 'West, J Lennon, of Detroit to Emma • Donohue, also of Detroit, daughter of. Mrs, Gagen, of Clinton. DEATHS. WILSON -In Hay, on the 29th ult., Mary Bell -wife of 5. D. Wilson, aged 36 years ]tOG.ER--In Usboruo, on April 20th, `William Roger, aged 64 years, 2 months, 14 days. 111AIR-In Hallett on the April 26, Elva Irene daughter of Walter Nair, agocl9 months and 25 clays. OTEWART-In Stanley, on April 26, Mary Barkley, 'wife of James Stewart, `aged 58 year • and 9 months. ,dG • Ait;Ro LL Art the House.of Refuge, Clinton, on April9.0th, Vicltr,s12. Carroll, wife of EL F. Carroll, late of Exeter, aged 70 years and 11 ,months. Catarr Shackles Broken in 60 Minutes It's an alarmingfaot, but. statistics bear it out, that at least 8o in every hurt- . dred persons in this country ate tainted in a lesser or greater degree by'that disgusting, ffen- g nous stye and dangerous dfs- ease-Catarrh. If sympq toms appear, suchas cold in the bead dizziness, pains in the lorehead, headache, droppingIn the throat, offensive breath, loss of taste and atoll, lie Catarrhsbaokles may bo tightening about you- it L. JLG)hllgw t8 mT It>E#!1L Owri]r�t" x , p ekt IP tine most potent Catarrh turd knewn to-day-- Recommended o•da -_ 1� t a u tv yy Recommended byempinent nose and threat s eclat G itts- Ives tellef it from to to do Minuted.. 0 For yeas 2 was a victim of chronic Catarrh; the first 5 lication of Dr. A new's Catarrhal 11k�0 . tier avepsae frisbee relief, and in an Incredabiy that while I was permaently cured'-Iatiias Npadloy, Dundee, N.V%-33 Solei by C, Li i' , E/telOt' Market R0l3VIO - and Forecast. TORONTO, MAY 31T/D. The prospects for a general Canadian trade continue bright. The whole, trade of the country is now on a better basis than it has been for many years, As an indication of this the number of failures in business is each week getting less, The depression of the past two years has had the effect of squeezing many weak frons out of business,leav- ing,as a rule,only those who are finan- cially strong. WHEAT The wheat markets during last week have been kind of barometors indicat- ing the condition of the war atmos- phere. As the war feeling grew stron- ger the ,markets became firmer, and now that .var is a certainty both the European and American wheat mar- kets are returning to the normal, as there does not appear to be anything in the wheat situation to warrant a continuance of very high values. The wheat supply in sight is greater by several million hushels'than it was last fall, and the prospects for the coming wheat crop are bright. However, if the war should continue for some time it would likely stimulate the markets in certain districts. Late cable despatches show a sharp I advance in the price of wheat, hard Manitoban having gone up 2s. 61 per quarter, with a good demand at the advanced °prices: The receipts' at Montreal during the week show a large increase,' The mar- ket is lower, sales having been made No. I Manitoba hard for May shipment at equal to $1.10 to•$1.12 laid down in Montreal. Sales are reported at west- ern points at 92 cents, which is equal to 97c, to 98c, afloat at Montreal in May.. At the Toronto market comparative- ly little wheat is being offered. The market, however, is excitedand high- er, and red winter is quoted. at 93c. west, but it would probably behard to get very much at that price, and like- ly a few cents more Would have to be paid to get it in carload lots. The Chicago market is also excited and dealers are somewhat nervous. There have been some large transactions daring the week on export account. The shii,pment§ from Argentine during the week were •1,113,000 bushels as compared with 1,000,000 bushels the week pribious. '°-L'AItLEY AND OATS. The British market for oats is excit- ed, and values are steadily rising. Some large sales of • Canadian have been put through at 6d. to 9d. per quarter over the previous week, 16s. 9d. to 17s. having been paid c. f. and.i. for 'White Canadian. At Montreal sales aggregating between 300,000 and 400,000 bushels have been made at from 35.c. to 36?tc., afloat May. Sales are reported at 35e. to 35 c. in store. PEAS AND CORN. The Old Country market for peas is higher and more active with 'a good. demand at an advance of 9d. per quar- ter. At Montreal receipts continue about the salve with sales at 66c. to 67c., afloat May, and at 64c. to 65c. May. At Toronto towards the end. of the week prices were lc. dearer, at 5Sc. north and west, with a better demand. The corn market shows a little stead- ier feeling.. Canadian yellow at To- ronto is selling for 32c. west, and Am- erican. at 38c. At Montreal the Ymar- ket is firm at the recent advance. A large shipment was sold on English ac- count at 37c. TIMOTHY AND 'CLOVER SEED. At Montreal'the market is unchang- ed and quotations are practically the sante as last week. At Toronto the demand is small. During the ° week timothy is quoted at $1.60 to $2.25, red clover $3 to $3.90, and alsike $3 to $4. 80. POTATOES At Montreal the market is quiet with prices at from 55c. to 65c.as to quality. Towards the enol of the week atToron- to potatoes were quoted in car lots at 50c. to 52c. They sell at 60e. to 65c. out of store. EGGS AND POULTRY. Late cable dispatches report the English market as quiet, but low prices are stimulating consumption and pre- venting any great accumulation of stocks. At Montreal:the receipts are 'ample, some large sales having been made at from 9e. to 94c. No. 2 sell at 8i. At Toronto prices have advanced a little and were selling the latter part of the week at 1Oc. Poultry is dull; chickens are quoted at (30c. to '75c. • .BUTTER.' In marked contrast to cheese the. butter market has taken a decided skimp during the week. This was to be expected, but then, no one looked for a drop of fully 4c, per lb. The sup- ply has rapidly increased during the past month, and when the severe de- clension in price came the receipts were very large. However, late ad- vices from Montreal indicate a reaction and less anxiety on the part of hold- ers to sell. Prices for creamery are from 15.1 to10 e. One good feature in last week's business is that although' supplies have been large there has been no accumulation of stocks. During the latter part of the week there was a slight falling off in receipts. The English market is drill, and with liberal stocks holders are anxious to realize. Prices, however, are about the same,with Canadian selling at 92s. to 96s. in Liverpool for fine to finest, and at 94s. to 08s. in London. At Toronto prices for good creamery have not receded so much, though they will likely be lower this week. At the end of the week, prints were u selling, at 10' to 20c. incl tilos at 18e. to 10e., Dairy was quoted at 15 to 16e. CATTLE. London cable -reports indicate aflrm- er tone in the market, with a good demand at an advance of 2c1. per stone. Advices from the western, markets also indicate a somewhat stronger feeling. Toronto' inarket, however, showed an easier feeling. sru6Er. Tosvarcts the end of the week the market was more active. Good ewes and wethers sold at 3;tc. to 34e., and bucks at 2qe. Yearlings sold at 5c. to 51e. Spring Iambs are selling for from $$ to $5 each. Offerings at Montreal show an increase but were pretty Well cleaned up at 4c, to 410, Spring lainbs are reported plentiful at$2 to $4 each, The Brit sh market isfrier and higher, With a large business repotted at an advance of 2d. Z1YIl'UIt It BL OoD iN SPIUNG, This is the almost universal experi- Mice; Diniiuislied perspiration during winter, rich foods and close couflne- ment;indoors are sonie of the causes, A good spring medicine, like Hood's Sarsaparilla, is absolutely necessary to purify the blood and put the system in a healthy condition at this season. Hood's Pills are the best fa►nily oath- articand liver tonic, Gentle, reliable, sure. FOR OVER PIETY YEARS, AN OLD ANn WL+'LL-TRlED Iteeetnny.-Mrd Winsl'ow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty yelars by millions of rnotliersfor their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, soften the genas, allays all pain, oures wind eolic, and is the boat remedy for Liarrhaea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents it bottlo. Its value is incalculable. Be sure andasic for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. a SK YOUR ".)::r‘ ,-OR IcAuLet BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM. Spring Purification. The clogged -up machinery of the system requires cleaning out after the wear and tear of the winter's work. Nothing will do this so thoroughly and perfectly as the old reliable Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures Constipation, Sick IIead- aches,' Feeling of Tiredness, and all the evidences of Sluggish Liver and Impure Blood, trhich are so preva- lent in the spril.g. It makes rich, red blood and gives buoyancy and strength to the entire system. Exeter Limber Yard.. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Coiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and .Cedar 'Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. 30000 Feet common Pine at $fO 00.per M OYADNATRSEE J ass ■ ■ Wtli�e FARME S You will find at Bissett's. Wareroom the following line of Agricul Lural Implements EEIING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND. BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RA ltRS. Afull`line of Seed Drills Cultivators Disc and. Diamond Harrows Plows,"and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated' 'Knoll Washer Raymond sewingand wringers I machine 1 .. STOVES m Gurney stoves and furances. Wag onsBuggies. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. S. CIDLEY & 8 HINTS FOR XMAS. AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. This Seas O nIl have We aye surpassed oily-. selves in making and gathering together. of choice oddments in fancy furniture suitable for presentation. The assortment is now complete and everybody is invited to view our stock if only for the sake of seeing at what very reasonable prices choice furniture can be purchased here. v. SPECIAL. -We wish to call special attention to a lino of very handsome $cd Room Setts in Elm, Oe'k and Ash, Antique and Cremona finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has here- tofore been possible to quote for similar goods. Routing chairs in green, i b .ten, Antique, •Oak . Curl bireli and Mahogany finish, from $2.40 up. PAN"OY TABLES. --A magnificent line bought at sacrifice andmarkedat corresponding low prices. Centre Tables, 3F an oW Chairs, Secre- taries, Lounges, Pitney Rockers, Music Backs, Couches, Extension Tables, Three Piece Parlor ing Picture Mouldings Suits ds Curtain Artists materials, etc., etc., ete. Undertaking and Embalming in all its brairehe9, 0/011/41 `' a ie' SONt 4 THE, Model No, 1, Roadster, THE RACYCLE which gave such thorough satisfaction last year and was ahead of all other wheels in improvements, again takes the lead this year, Our sales were large last year; but this year already they have been phenom- enal. This in itself speaks for the success of the wheel. In pedaling one virtually walks. In climbing a hill he sits in the same relative position over the pedals, that he would on any other bicycle on a level street. It is not the gear so much as the position of the rider. To get a wheelbarrow to the top of a hill, would you get in front of it and pull it up, or behind it and push it up ? To sit directly over your pedals on a Racycle and push down and back, is much easier than to sit back in your saddle, on a bicycle, and shove forward, trying to pull yourself by your handle bars. Our 84 gear can be propelled easier than other wheels at 68. To see them is to buy. The Recycle. (Narrow Tread-) Color Royal Blue, Model No. 2, Ladies', ow ►. IN its Tveat cmk yMh4� Not Ride tBest ?CIO WARRoW pp ,,pp TREAD 4 A1N liANOER Irma pull on Shaft and between bslls. THE I ACYCL r s a lbicjrale but a bicycle is not a Racycle. In presenting the Racycle nar- row Tread, 1898 Models, we take it for granted the public realize that no bicycle can be higher in grade or better in materiaf,. If not, we guarantee it to be so. Competition has forced manu., facturers to avail themselves of every new improvement to such all extent that the value of a wheel can no longer be hidden behind a name plate. 131CYC]L,.13Sr -ip•• Although we make a specialty of the "Racycle," we handle several makes of wheels, and can supply the wants of all. We can give you a bicycle from $3o up, and guarantee better value for the money than any dealer in the county. We carry the largest stock in the county and sell at closer prices. A visit to our show. rooms will convince anyone of this fact. Special Recycle. (Narrow Tread.) Color Carmine. ii% IAGEN7sI. Ey€P pray ,I9VD TOWN JN THE COUNTRY CATALOO-VE'S ON APPLIOATION CHICAGO OFFICE: etpie.,6A.SV1. Co._ AW Corner Welwol. Ase and Congress St. MIDDLETOW NII, OHIO. LUTU ER HOWARD, Agent for Exeter. illARKET REI'; RTS Exeter, May 5th, 1E98. Wheat perbusbel Oats Barley...... Peas Butter,.. Eggs Turkeys Geese Chickens per lt, Ducks Wool. Dried Apples.. Pork dressed ..,. . .. Pork live weight Hay per ton... Clover seed ............ .... Alsikc clover ....,.., Timothy seed ............ c 98 to I 00 .33 to 33 .. 51 to 55 .. 58 to 55 ...12 to 13 9q to 9 4 to 5 4' to 5 "17 to 13 b 21 to 2§ 5.50 to $5.50 9.40 to 51.25 500 to $8.00 $L00 to $5.00 54.50 5.0 $$1 00 to $1.25 • London, May 4th, 1898. Wheat per busho ,.. Oats.,., Peas.... ..-. . Barley •,•- Buckwheat Rye Corn .. Beans Butter ., .. Eggs Ducks ....... Turkeys per Ib... Geese per ib Chickens...... Cheese Potatoes per bag Hay per ton Pork per cwt... ....98 to1.00 .34 to 34§ 55 to 60 ...38§ to 50 ..3(1 to 386 S9 to 39 33§ to 48 40 to 00 ...,13 to I4 10 to 11 fro to 70 10 to 12 9 to 10 50 to 75 80 fo100 .5 8.00 to $ 7'50 .• 54.50 to $5.00 • ERYSIPELAS CURED. I wish to state that I used Burdock Blood Bitters for Erysipelas in my face and a general run down state of health. Tho use, of a few bottles cured me completely." MRS. CHAS. COOK Belleville, Out. "THOUGHT MY HEAD WOULD BURST." A Fredericton Lady's Terrible Suffering. Mae. Gxo. Dorxnxx tells the following remarkable story of relief from suffering ind restoration to health, which should clear away all .doubts as to the efficacy of Milbuin'S Heart and Nerve Pills from the minds of the most skeptical: "For several years I have been a con- stant sufferer from nervous headache, and the pain was so intense that sometimes 1 was almost crazy, 1 really thought that myhead would burst. consulted a nutt- er of physicians, and took many remedied, ' Le . ut without s ff et 1 noticed lkiilburn' e o otandN erePil. advertised, a TT v I s and as they seemed to suit nay ease, I got a box and egan their use. Before taking them I was Very weak and debilitated, and would some- times wake out of my sleep with a dis- tressed, smothering feeling, and I was fre• quently seized with agonizing pains in the - region of the heart, and often could scarcely muster up courage to keep up the struggle for life. In thie ataped ca > ion Mil. bure'it Etoart and Nerve rills came to'tho rescue and 4 to i state, with rant 'i!V t cid that I ain vlgo.... u and strong, and all Chia irdpre•Yernent is duo to We wonderful wadi. we Amar 0i We try to suit everybody. Come and see us. A look..through our two story uilding will convince you that lwe carry a good assortment. Take a look at our stock before buying. Everything up-to-date in under- taking. nder taking.]j a }p��.,N YF++.s I OWE Narscry SiOc!c 01118 ! Book Bels ! Agriciii!ura! !mom Awls ! Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase( their income should write us The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is on the in crease. We want snore men. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE THE LARGEST NURSERIES IN THEDoA3INIon. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER 'CHOLE OR PART TIME HEN`. WE GUARANTEE ALL Otto STOCK. WE FURNISH PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE' FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't -write unless you mean business. and want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO 9 Suit o f O/othes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable »lane, and 'A. .T. SNE LL neper disappoints 'hi patrons in any of these. ` A large assortment of Fant VRL\ winter Q aeedis In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelvesand will / we 1 take much pleasure in showing them them to your There are many oilier lines that are specially p t Y a active. A. sulftza.. t Model No, 5.', Ladies'. Agents For Huron County. c lI E The, LeadingSpad :11"9 lir t" efAilla 3. 20 Years In €5O,OO Curet e ' LTD OT +1vA O' $:'t .>;,.1 • GiN�,>arEly; ,ri the "advise of a RllelfuhI!s DYspepsii Care 571 ST. PATRICK STREET," 1 OTTAWA, JULY 31st 1896 To THE P.E RENOLINE MEDICINE Co ONT. CURL' "�`T -t;l z 'lir r-' Iia+:. 'Tien �� �..� a�-,g 1'[x€„, d -: �+ �.�s 1 d. I,��i�d: one bottle of your fam- �C,�` ! of s 11e,uuTa:tic''-xei�ledy Phrenoline m N unconsciously. t A rhe sensatio rcrI twvat Lg serest ,+.,, utlillitasi ;,fxom .tvhi.eb, I have suf- in sensation, nsation a . • , x" g sm..J. twi �. , tr... r., f � e �ed � xri�i,� 1 n .,.� � ears.-,. sharp cutting pains at ton slight err` r y charge, difficulty in trema ne a, w ' e It also•cured rue of dyspepsia, from. organa e�ni�zana all t_as t w � Thousands of yonng and : ,c;t •1•, �Le,t 4 Ltld'„ tO rn.t Sill prise. it cured me of enaretroubledwttnthfs disease -wan' of nervous dehiiih:-the;, 1, e ult 1 iL t, i which I was.sufferine• at the time, so TUBE. Don' tlet dectorl exr:erinientort you, by cutting, stretehmg or tearing you. This' willnrt*cure,-nu asitlrillre- turn, (inc NEW M1.TIIOD iItEAT- .3IENT absorbs the stricture tissue; hence rem ovesthe strieturel:erraanentiy. It can never return. No pain, no sueer- ing, no detention from business by our method 't::esexua,torgansarestrongtii- ened. The norms .are invigorated, and the bliss at man hoed returns. T Thousands of your.; _l tddlo•ugc5 men are having' their sect:al vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They are freq./molly unconscious ofthocause ofthese symptoma General Weakness Un ;2t .Tar Discharges, Fail- ingPlanhogd Ir ervou •nes• Poor Mem- ory, Irritabilit; nt tinea Srnart.ngScn- sation, Sunken `res, with dark circles, Woak�ack. General 1)eprersion, Lack A bition Varicoccic Shrunken Part=, etc (atEEi' and STRICTURE may bethe caase. Don't consult family .doctors, as they hare e no experience in these- special dtseares-don't allow Quacks to experiment on yon. Consult aecialists,whohavc made a life study. of Diseases of Men andWomon. Our NEW T T METHOD .TREATMENT will t.poli- rveIy cure yet. One thousand dollars for a case we accept for treatment and cannot cure. Tcrmsmoderate for acure. CURES 3 AQED We treat and turn: E,ti'ISSIONS, VARICOOELE. SYPIITLT, GLEET STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS, UNNATURAL PTSCIIARG ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION 'FRE).. BOOXCS FREE. I£ unable to cal), write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor, Michigan due. and Shelby St. DETROIT, i'AiltrHa PERFECTION AT LAST WARRANTED EVERY TIME T iisSES NEW IN DESIGN, NEW + :tN PRINCZP,i,C, NEW IN APPLICATION. �.'large assortrl?ent of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal cal A 1pliances always in stock, pur- Ch . c Asea direct from the n1A,narfaotllrers. We guarantee every Truss 6 .,�.,x s to be made with the: finest English steel. PI ICl4S 'PERS` MODERATI+., Sole Agency DOMINION LAr3ORATo w e�. W. BEOWNJNG P,nor that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so imuch for me has your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending t to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works,. Rideau Canal. A Mao is always in g If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS. He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine' his goods l g o s before ' buying your FAIL SUIT the W JOHNS, The `caller mi-crrzYs fug Stote We would recomrelld those Suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and , BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN sCOUGH BALSAM. It is also:. 'a relivable reamedy for children, Wemanufacture WI:tV'ANr 9 LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy dJ for NEURALGIA, PiN • SORE THROAT, EIILMATISMC` INFL l:Z'1 A. Also WINAN S CONDITION POWDER, I'Rfife best S in the l rl mar - Try our Lotion for ,scratches on her . o ses�l,lso c condition pow - (dor foran S le SOLE AGENT POR DICKS LUNG LJ