Exeter Times, 1898-5-5, Page 11i °RON & .MiDDLIi2Si2 GAZETTE. IVENTY—FIF,TH YEAR NO, 30. 1•••• - EXETER, ONT.; CANADA., THURSDAY MORNiNG MAY 5th, 1898, E • ) E prin House I anin 11.4. _4. SP- 4IP- -AP You7.I'e at it now.. F.,verythingupside down. You're „fter every particle of dirt, dust and cobweb, and soon _.1. , r.- the house will be as clean as a new penny. -es ...... -IP But you don't want to stop at cleanness. The walls 1 see Kala look bare and cheerless, even more so now. rest li --ee Weigel crUher, two far storm loekisse fo be, to get Itga Loll match, for dining room parlor, bed -room or hall. atthi, 111- Yea iv- ,Ine very brightest, newest, daiMiest and cheapest I ever Why Not Paper Them ? -AP -AM -AP Ve've got every kind of paper. for every ldnd of --II . Wall papers and ceiling papers, With borders t4.coods in this county. 11 Wer _ Here etre tl-'ae Price Particulars ;-----"""molv _Jr Fine line ofAmerican and Canadian Papers, for parlors, ...- AM.-. dining rooms, and bed -rooms, with 9 inch borders to metals, special, at......... . . .. . .41110-. 411.- New Glimmer Wall Papers, choice designs, in the latest aas colors, for bed rooms, sitting rooms and halls, per singe roll, special, at ...... . .... . .. ... - a ... . . . , . .... 41111.-. New Gilt Wall Papers, complete combinations of wall, rs-- border and ceiling, pretty floral and conventional pat- AP- AMP- terns, light and medium colors, suitable for any apart- a- ment, per single roll, special ............ ..... .... ..... as- a"- A splendid selection of new Embossed Gilt Wall Papers, AP- the very latest designs, in choice colorings, these are mo-- ao-- just the thing to make attre,ctive parlors, dining rooms 0 -- or bed -rooms, Per single roll, special, at ... ........ 12ic 4111.- ,e- ear We have a complete stock of Ready Mixed and Dry Paints, 27- Paint Brushes aud everything, necessary for house cleaning, at prices air-- that will surprise you. ...... 2-- A. J. FORD (Sc. CO., Woodharn. --AP --AP --61, 1. -- "The Cheapest Store in Perth." ::-..r. is.-- -as.-- Sc. 6c 10c N. B. -We have decided to keep oar store open each evening of the :110P z--- week during the busy season. .Canada Conference of the Evan- gelical asiociation, • The 34th annual session of the Can - da Conference of the Evangelical As- a elation was held at Waterloo, on nrsday, April 21. Bishop S. 0. Freyfogel, of Reading, Pennsylvania, opened the conference with devotiona exercises, and gave an appropriate and irepressive address, which. was well re .ceivect Rev. J. G. Litt was appointed secretary, with Revds. S. R. Knechte and A. Y. Heist as assistants. The presiding alders were stationed as fol- lows : Rev. .T. P. Rauch, south dis- trict ; Rev. M. L. Wing, west district, and Rev. D. Kreh, noeth district.. Be- tween $1,200 arid $1,300 was raised for the Canada, Conference Missionary Society.- The ministers Were. stationed is follow : East District.-Berlin,S.R.Knechtel; Waterloo, G. D. Denim; Oampden, W. J. Yaeger; Morriston, T.H.Grenzebaoh; Blenheim, E. Eby; Rainham, Samuel Oraucla and J. G. Burn; Hespeler, 0. G. reatz; Hamilton, G. F. Haist;Niagara, W. 0. Helm; Gainsboro, E. H. Bean; arnprior, C. Bolender ; Pembroke,- j. WitheItn ; Golden Lake, E. Becker ; W.E.Beese• Bonneehere .to be supplied; Toronto, L.H. Wagner. West District. -New Hamburg, T. 'Limbach and H. J. Holezman ; North Easthope, M. Maurer; Tavistock, F. Meyer ; Searingville, E. Burn; &rate ford, S. M. Moyer ; Milverton, G. Fink- beiner ; Maitland, M. Clemens ; Zurich, A. Y. Heist; Dashwood, A.IV.Sawyer; Crediton, J. G. Litt ; Fullerton, S. Krupp; Aldboro, G. H. Wagner; Middleton, H. H. Leobold. North District. -St. Jacobs, D. H. Brand; Elnaira, Reider ; Wallace, L. Wittick ; Listowel, J. C. Morlocls ; Normandy, H. A. Thomas ; Ciarrick,G. Bream ; Mildrnay, C. S. Finkbeiner ; Hanover, J. A. Schmidt ; Chesley, G. F. Braun and J. W. Bean; Port Elgin, . Theo, Rauch Nippissing and Parry ,Sound, L. K. .Eidt and E. Gischler, Blanshard. A. few dears ago Reeve Berry, of Blanshard purchased a fine new Thom- as organ from a dealer in St Marys, Tommy Draper, the veteran dray - man, was commissioned to deliver it, aud so as isot to interfere with his town draying Tomnsy left at such an un- seasonable hour that he reached the Reeve's residence at 3,o'clock in the _ lamming. It is said by oneor two par- ties veho.clairn to have been up along . The Exeter Turf Club Will hold their Spring meeting on -TUIEgDAYs MAY 24411, Wlaett the following program will he ,.carried out :--- gsninute trot, $150 230 trot, $200 Free -Ivor -A.11,. $250 Ruuning Race, open.. .$100 3.4.. ROLLINS, A. E. TENNANT, Pnas. Sec'as, The Cyclone Fence James Johnshm %as been appoieted selling agent for :the County of Huvon fox, this cele- 'brated fence. The ordinary farm ;fence consists of 10 cables of reversible . Jtwisted wire, but a fence of eay height can be erected, It is a strong and .handsome fence and a rapid seller. „ ,CYCLONE 'FENCE CO 1 • - • Frani 27 to 60 Inches., From 7 tb 11 Cables. 011ti You Pence cheap., 100 Rode Per Day, TORONTO, ONT. \ 'Township Rights for Sale. I %via' sell a limited number of tolvn- -ship rights On reasetiable -terms, ,also righte for getes, IT'or particulars, pamphlets, eta., apply t() .JAMES JOHNSTON, larrasAras the way that he could be heardsinging for a mile an old familiar tune as be acconspaniecl it on the instrument, the words of which he had twisted into "1 must be homelore morning." Farquhar. Baangs-.=Robt. Kelland is Working his farna on the boundary this spring. The farm contains 100 acres of the best soil in the county. The ploughing was done by rhos Cameron s men, and the seecling by Win. Skinner, of Elim - and in one week they put .in 40 acres. This is considered good work. Mr. Reiland intends selling the farm, together with the crop, in June. -The board of the Usborne Ss Eibbert Fire Insurance Co. met here on Mon- day,and passed nearly 175 applications. This company is growing rapidly in opularity with the farmers.- Mr. estlake's new hotel is in course of erection. • The brickwork is nearly completed, and when finished will have a fine appearance. George Stewart, who recently purchased aix interest in the Exeter mill, intends working his farm untilfall.-Geo. Kycld, of Hensel', has the contract for Fred Stewart's new brick house. The stonework has been completed, and competent judges say that the work is of the very best. Mr. Kydd always gives satisfaction. Zurich. (BRIEFS. -We have this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Conrad Walper, who died Tuesday night of last week, at the ripe age of 83 years. Old age was the cause of death. She and her deceased husband and family inovea to this township synen all was forests ancl by hard vegrk they secured a good home. Her remains were in- terred in the 13.ron,son line cemetery on Friday afternoon. She was the oldest person in this vicinity, if not in the township, Her son Abel Walper, of Berlin, attended the funeral. -Mr. F. W. Hess has bbe Week work of his /jewelry store completed. -Mr. II, L. Peine has been to Preston, where he has rented an hotel. -Rev. A, Y. Haist, has returned from the annual Conference in Waterloo. -Gardening is the order et the day and the people are taking advantage of the fine, sveathek. -There are several horses in training here for the Exeter races. -John ia Preeter has purchased a matehed team the Of sorrels zuid now drives the finest of turnout hi the county. -The Mons fos dykers, having delayed too long, will an noW possibly- ga only as far as British at ANIIMONAIMAPPIMA Hensall Kirkton Buren, - Thomas Cameron, one - re J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey th-yrippr, and thurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal dem rnilch cows foiv StureAn, at Kirk- ancer Oorranissitieer, Fire Insurance went ' ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates ton at an early date. r. Sturgan's setae 'intends selling a line lot of Tx .1. D. COOKE. Money to loan on real estate at low rotes of in Wrest. Mae at the Post Wilco. Henson. stock, have been the most, succ'essful owing to the superiority of the of the kind held. in these parts, and (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister farmers wishing to increase their dairy senator, Notary Public. Ilensall, Ont. Will do well to watch for this sale. Te A. eenory, L. D. 5„ D. D. 8,. Honor Gradu- Date will be given later. •ate of Toronto flair...ratty, Dentists. Teeth • . extrabted without pain or bad effeets. office in Petty's Block, :Kansa]. llamas -Thomas Cameron is run- ning the saw mill at Brucefield,-The Hensel' assessor has finished his work and. reports as follows: Total assess - went, $204,400, or an increase of $12,000 over last year: Population,890, an in- crease of 139 over last year. Children of school age, 04. Dogs, 00.-F, R. Sr. III, Annie Yearly, Joseph Querrtn, Beattie has disposed of his gents' fur, Alex. McDonald ; Jr. III, . Theresa uishings business to two gentlemen Querrio, Allie Harding, Laura Fink - from Mitchell, vvho have taken posses- beiner ; Alice Mawhinney, Joseph sion.-Mrs. J. D. Wilsornof the Zurich Wild, Lucinda Kraft ; Pb. II, Teenie road, near Fansville, died on priday Smith, Chester Mawhinney, Ella last, after a severe illness,at the age of Witzel; Pt. I, Iosephine Regier, 36 years. She was the eldest daughter Laura Ratz, _Albert Regier. of Daniel Bell, of Hay township, and X. M. MoReasote, Teacher. was highly esteemed 'by a large circle t of friends. A husband and three small Grand Bend children mourn the loss of an affection- ate wife and mother. --Messrs. Willis BRIEFS—Mr. Humphrey's men have and White on Tuesday. shipped a car completed the work of putting the load of hogs, aaid Me.isrs. Dick and Guelph Acetylene light in Mr, Bren- Winters a car load of cattle from this ner's hotel, which he purchased. from station. - The Royal Templars on Albert Wilson, of Greenway. These Thursdaar evening held an open meet- lights are a great bnprovement from ing in the Methodist church. -4- large the oil lamps. -We are pleased to see number of visiting councils were pre- that Miss Alma Bossenberry is able to sent from. Crediton,Exeter, Varna and. be out again after being on the sick other places. ,he attendance was list. -We are sorry to know that Miss very large, and a good program was Beniteanintends leaving us at the sum - rendered. -Rev. Henderson gave an mer holidays as she has engaged with. excellent address on "temperance,' Orediton pulkic school for the corning which was highlyappreciated by those present. The society here is growing year. &nom .RnPoRT.-The following is in membership and. influence, and is a correct report of the standing of the becoming quite a factor in shaping the scholars, of No. 8, Stephen, whose morals of the young folk.-Robt. Bell, marks were for the month of April_ jr., disposed of one of his celebrated Names are in order of merit : -Sr. IV, high speed engines to Conrad Kuhn,of Bruce Bossenberry, Hermon Gill ; Jr. Crediton. -David CJantelon; has leased IV, Ernest Mollard, Zulia Allen; Sr. a store in McOloy's block, where he III, Edna,W'alper, Maurice Brenner;Jr. will carry on a prodace business. -J. III, Alice Gill, Victoria Gill, Archie E. McDonell intends taking a trip to Webb; Sr. II, .A.rthur Baker, Willie the old country shortly. -Grain took a Lovie, Pearl Page; jr. II, Myrtle drop duringabe week, and the buyers Webb, Harold Wolper, Curtis Gratbon; are now paying 98 cents. A couple of Pt. II, Willie Baker, Roy Holt, Dave days last week $1.05 was paid. -Dr. F. Tetreau; PaI,Georgine Tetreau Mazor A. Sellery, of Kincardine, has opened Baker. , a dental parlor in Petty's block, and VINNETTA BANES, Teacher. has fitted handsome and. commodious apartments. -The recent wet weather ha s rendered the roads muddy. -A Tuekersinith number of horses are in training here for the races in Exeter, on May Comem.-The council met in Bruce - 24th. -Cook Bios. disposed of eight field, April 25th. All the members bicycles on Saturday evening. It were present. Tho Reeve occupied pays to advertise good articles. -J. the chair. Accounts were passed to Macarthur, banker, sustained the loss the amount of $.10 and orders issued on of one of his fine barns near Ansa, the Treasurer for their payment, In Craig, on Monday evening, it being the matter of the petition to have cer- struck by lightning. Loss considerable, tain lots taken from S. S, No. 2 and *covered by insurance. --Mr. and Mrs. added to S. S. No. 9, the council, after Thos. Welsh have returned home from careful consideration, decided as foi- e two weeks' wedding teip to Strath.- lows: that lot 2, 21, con. 4. L. R. S., roy, London and elsewhere. -Messrs. be taken from No. 2 and added to No. G. O. Petty and W. McOloy have irn- 9, the other lots to be left in No. 2. proved the appearan"ce of their new They also instructed the Clerk to dra,ft brick block by the addition of a metal a by-law in accordance svith the above verandah. -Thos. Robson, Clerk of to be submitted at the next meeting .Midcllesex Co., spent Tuesday &vanilla of the council. The Clerk was further the guest of Mr. Xarries Petty. -g. instructed to get out posters asking Rennie has improved .the appearance tenders for 31 jobs of gravelling and of Isis block by a coat of bright paint. the building of a bridge across the -Miss Mary Hagan was in Seaforth Big Drain; tenders to be opened May last week renewing acquaintances.- 20th at 2 o'clock, terms same as last Mr. Ingram is excavating for a stone. year. The Court for the Revision foundation for his new brick block on of the assessment roll of 189$ will be the south side of King streets -Mr. held at Kyle's hotel, May 261h, at 10 Thompson, of Toronto, spent part of o'clock. A petition was presented by last week and this, the enest of his W. R. Smillie asking to have lot 24, uncle, Mr. G. D. Araold.-Miss Emily con. 1, L. R. S., taken from S S. No. 2 Welsh is in Stratford visiting her and added to S. S. No. 3. This petition sister, Mrs. Seeds. -J. W. Ortwein will be considered at the next meeting made a business trip to London on of the council, sybicb will be held in Tuesday. --Chas. Meyers, of Lendon, Brucefield at the call of Glatt, and at is in the village this week purchasing which the engineer's report upon the produce foe the London market.- Broadfoot Drain will be considered. Quarterly services were held in the A. G. &MILLIE, Clerk. Methodist church on Sunday. The • es, finances are in a healthy conclitionated - Orecaton. everything points to the continued prosperity of the church. -Jos. Norris A PLEASANT SURPRISE P.A,KT-Y.- of Hensel], who is attending Dental College, in Detroit, has passed his first Last Monday eight a large.number of the members and friends of the Orecti- year's examination, with honors, Khiva. SCII0014 REPORT. -The following report shows the standing of pupils m S. S. No, 6, Stephen, for the month of April ;-Sr. IV, Jacob Ratz, Clara, Rats, Maggie Barry; Jr. IV, Claude Fisher, Eddie Rata, Mary Querrin ; ton Evangelical church gave a pleasant surprise party to the Ree's S. A. Winehelsea. Schmitt and family. , The party a,ssembled in the basement of the Scareor, REPORT. -Following is the church and forming in a procession, report of S. S, No. 6, Usborne, for the led by Father Staebler• repaired te the mouth of April :-V Class, Ella Canute parsonage, where the party was intro - Ethel Godbolt ; 1V Class, Sr., William duced. Mr. Henry Eilber, M. P. P., Hunter, Linda Hunter, Dora Del- read the address, which was very com- briclge : IV Class, Jr., Robed Wilcox, plimentary tattle reverend gentlenniii, lVIay Hawkins, Alice Berryhill ; He was also presenter] with a purse of Sr., Torie Miners, Pearl Spicer, G-ertie money. The Rev. Mr. Schmitt on be - Miller ; III, Jr.,)3ertie Cooper, Bertha Woods, Charles Godbolt, May Jones, Bruce Cooper, Garnet Miners ; If, Sr., Oliver Jewitt, Cecil Camm, Nellie Gliddon ; TT, Sr., Flossie Francis, Olive Beraybill, Darwin Bayes • Pia XI HurOn COUritY Notes The 13ig Goclerich, has bee leased by Richardsori,of .ICingston, ti firm that passed so mach, wile through the G. T. R. elevator la season, and before another weekpass away, the Si. Andrew from Fort Wi ham will be in wit& the first cargo fo 198. One of those events in life which a ways prove very interesting took plac in Goclerich on Wednesday noon a the home of Robert Given, Elgin Ave when his daughter, Miss May, wa wedded to Charles Griffith, former' of Loudon, but now on the staff of tit furniture factory in Gotlerich. News of a very sudden death come from BeIgrave. Wm. Caesar, of tha Village, attended the Canadian Fores ter lodge the other evening, and o coming home, retired, apparently i usual`health. Shortly afterwards he remarked to his wife that he fel sick.. She immediately rose to ge something for him,. and on returning ouncl that his spirit had taken it flight. john ClaA, eon. 1, Goderich town - hip, on Friday passed away after an linen extending over ' eight weeks, early all of which time he was confin- d to the house, bein,,e• afflicted with iver disease. Deceased was born in Armagh county, Ireland, in 1843, and ante to this country with his parents vhen only two or three years old. The wilily settled on the farm, about six miles from Goderich, and. he lived here all his life. JOSsIN' IVRITIS SONS aubashers andasrearieters in 1868, settling , with his brother fn London township, Middlesex county' n He reined there only two years, ie and then moved to Goderich, where he at worked fax 17 years with the North st Americaa Chemical Co. I es Thornas,Warcl has met with a seri- I I- °us and painful accident. One clay r lastweek hiniselfandaboyweredriving .nice new stock of Spring a cow to Mr. Wm. McAllister's. The 1- BL-P:EZ,ILLV a -00D 11 ear .A.t the adjourned meeting -of the West Huron License Commissioners, a license was granted to Milne's Hotel, C a, a linton, and that of the Waverly House with -held. In Wingham, a icense was granted to Ring's hotel, nd that of the Dinsley House with- eld ; the reduction in both cases is nder theeiew act which permits only certain number, according to popu- atiou. The applicationof A. Young, Matta, was refesed. The application f B. Mason, Sanford, and J. Delongs, Port Albert, were gra,nted. Frank Gutteridge, the well known Wider and contractor, of Seaforth, las invented a very ingenious machine or the manufacture of pressed cement ricks, He has had a machine made nd had it thoroughly tested in his actory and it works to his entire satis- action. The present machine is de- igned to make from eight to ten thou - and bricks per day and the capacity a s can be doubled. It can be run either by steam or byo horse power, ancl with it cement bricks can be made as cheap- ly as the ordinary clay bricks. On Friday, April 22nd, Wm. Maines, of Goderich, passed away, after an lness extending over five years, fitir- ng the lab two of which he was more r less confined to bed. For three ears he suffered' from asthma, and wo years ago was taken with an at- ack of hemorrhage of the lungs, which ltimately caused his death. Mr. Manes was born in Tyrone county, relandan 1819, coming to this country boy was going with the cow and alr. Ward was riaing in a buggy. The animal turned. the wrong road, when alr.Ward hurried along with the buggy and heaaed her off. As be was tura- ing round he turned toe shout, iipset- ting the buggy. He was thrown saet, u:S ,,„ and in some mysterious way the horse harness was the beast, that Mr. Ward fell on him, and 00 tangled up in the quaTilisteiea, test patterns and best had to cet the Rees befere he could get it removed off him. He had his breast AT BARG-AIN' PRICES, bone broken and his leg injured, and was otherwise pretty badlyshaken 'GfaCeie Opened, SPECIAL VALUE'S, Exeter Palen° school. GROCERIES. Always fresh -and guarartteed pure. Room 1, Class A, Stella, Gregory, Harvey Lane, Mabel Smith, Amey Johns ; Class B, May Armstrong, May Thomas ; Class C, Olive Hooper, Martin Hanson, Frank Ross, Edna McCallum. No. on roll, 40; average attendance, 29. T. J. LotersrAna, Teacher. Roost 2, Sr. IV, Olive Wright, Lorraine Hooper and Barbie Gregory equal, Florence Bissett, Frances Row - chile, Sam Thomas, Dan Rendle;jr.IV, Percy Renclle, Shirley Bobier, Edna Davidson, Lottie Hyndman, Jessie Dow, May Clarke. No. on roll, 41, average attendance4:35. Miss O. VOSPEE, Teacher, Room 3, Sr. III, Vera Snell, Lucretia Wary, Millie Martin, Annie Jones, Winnie Hovvard, Annie McAnsh ; Sr. III, Mary Parsons Herby Horrell, Flossie Taylor, George Jones, Melvin Southcott, Harold Bissett. No. on roll, 50 ; average attendance, 40. MISS MAY GILL, Teacher. Room4, Sr. III, Annie Brimacombe, Ruby Treble, Ella Heywood, Ettie Kerslake, Clara Ross, Harry Zinger; jr. III, Lily Welsh, Laura Towle, Vera Rowe, .Alclewir. Evans, Vera Cobble - click, Annie Brown. No. on roll. 51; average attendance, 41. Mms H. E. WALROND, Teacher. Room 5, Sr. II, Martha Carling, Edna Dow Roy Fartrt^r. Harokl Webber, Elmore Senior, Hazel 13rown- ing ; Jr. II, Eddie Vosper, Roy Ford, Frank Brimacombe, Wilber Bissett, Flossie Sweet, Bertie Snell. No. on roll, /0 • average attendance, 58. Mxss H. D. Paneanu, Teacher. Rooar 6, Sr. II, Fred Trevethick, Gladys McNeyin,Mity Quance, Martha Snell, ViolteSutton, Gertie Gould; Jr. II, Alfred Wilcox, Frankie Davi, Arthur Cann, Ida Cottle, Flossie Anderson, Elsie Wilcox. No, on roll, 77; average attendance 62. less S. Rosixsox, Teacher. Room 7, Sr. II, Nettie Moore, Olive Gould, Gertie Anderson, Maud Fan - son, Mary Murray, Mary Brock; Jr. Ross II, .A.lice Howard, Florence Kydd Clifford Spackinan, Eno, 1.1cPtersort I Frank Bawden, A.da, Brimacomlie. ' No. on roll, 70 ; aVerage attendance, 59. airs& L. D. MAY,., Teacher. Dashwood. BICYCLES -Ten second-hand bicycles far sale from p..5 up. Also now wheels sold cheap. We handle the best maims. Bmyoles for hire., C. FRITZ, BRIEFS.—On Monday night Mr. IL. Willert's saw mill, about three miles west of this village was destroyed by fire. „Marge quantity of lumber was els° burned. This is the second time it has been burned down, it haying been burned about a year ago. n will be a heavy loss to Mr. Willert as there VMS no insurance. Incendiarism is supposed to be the cause as they had not been I working in the mill for several days. - We notice that some of the neighbor- ing towns have adopted the early dos- . • mg by-law. Why can't the business men of Dashwood. follow the example and close say at eight or half past eight during the summer months ? IIP -0 49 I GI ITCHING, HORNING, SKIN DIS- EASES CURED FOR THIRTY- FIVE CENTS. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and cures Tetter, Salt Rhemin Scald Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers. Blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like ma,gic in the cure of all baby humors. 35c. EtAGYARD'S YELLOW Om cures all pain in man or beast; for strains, Cuts, bruises, callous lumps, swellings, in- flammation, rheumatism ancl neural- gia it is a spemfic • SZTI'SJ. :7414,'Yj.kA.j.IN.''-";14*%f1*;-1/4;s'kke*l'dN.'el'A'IN,4''g?Fitt'C';f41N,fr-4'-ilN•fr'44'*ATN•"'t,f't'SY.N;'t,e'-l*SiirVfr:i'4'.IC''4'''4:VYA .314 ;gfr 4k-14 sae 7.4 fie sae 71,1 2.2 tt, Dry Goods, GRICeriOS, Roots & Shoes,Wall Paper &Crockery 2ni„.18 H — A AitiVaZIR. r$:4 nd BARGAIN -GIVING still continues. Grand opportunities Greet ‘A‘' you at every step. Piles of goods leave our store every day, but as fast as one a line is sold out another takes its place. We aro constrmtly adding new goods, tilt and selling. them at , ANK1;ZU T ST CK P ICES. Pr era And will continue to do so until the balance of the 40 clays is up. Some of our prices might interest you. WV (Here are soma) saIas half of himself and fainily responded y to the address and presentation in a I i4C-1 few well chosen words thanking his as members for their kindness towards himaluring his sojourn as a minister ease this locality. Ib had always been a ases Myrtle Levine, Lisle Worden, Wilson pleasure: to him to administer the ata Hawkins ; Pt. I, Sr., Ivy Pullyblarik, word of God in this vicinity mai no eaaa Luella Basses, Clarence Fletcher ; Pa, matter where his tot would be in aas I, Jr., Sainriel Hicks. Hattie Hunter, future clays, he would always haye Laura Woods. the fondest recollections of his kind PETEB, GARDINEB, Teachers members in Crediton. The ladies Pro- ELLA E. Harms, ' videcl lunch which was appreciated by Tbe death of Thomas Armstrong all present and after a few hours were saaa etc., the Rev. Father 44. dshiotunoortto)cellp. sign,meentso otrhethdeeattotoslill lof ssPbelnet singing, emening entertain_ Blanstiard. After en ill ness of onlyP silent with a touching -a prayer. The a%le" ir weeks lie peacefully passed ktway Rev. Schmidt, is retiring from this field eaes OL labor) knowin that he has left, "•fis the ripe old ise,e of 81 years. ea. len arid medicines ere jadged ba ,esee. . Raster Sunday reornieg„ April las many, wa4,n, sriaa s behind aim, Columbia, a what they dn. The great cures by eaa Hood's Satsa marina give it a good name everywhereTxtrixtsDAT, MAY I 2TH-Farna stock, alea ea. 'be tenders for the tmo stone taint. Implements, etc., the propeety ef 0, '3% 1 meets at Fish Creek, 13 of tr rorsythe's, B• Glanville, lot 14., opti ds StePhoth at in Blarishard, were opened on Satur- Sale et one o'cloek. W. Holt, ,Auct. 'il* PREACHERS AND PEOPLE OF ONE MIND. . aA. Host of Witnesses Tell of the Wonderful Cures Effected by Dr. A.g.n eav's Catarrhal Powder, Right Rev. Bishop Sweetenan, D. da D. • Rev, VV. H. Withrow, D. D. Rev. $35 Sale Register. y, arid were as follows • Jas, Mi'ingo Fraser, D. D„ and otheas soend ris, At,e•,. 7 I Robeat,' Clyde, ; Wei, Nor- Why don't you try Carter's Little qa* $814 ; ,Innies Mama, $370 ; Wm. Liver Pills ? They are a positive cure, "Sail coran, $395 ; M. O'Day, $380 1 D,for sick headache, and all the title pro- are &hie, $305 ; John Elliott, $390 ; daced by disordered liver, Only one ei° itk.,4 its pi,aises. It cures young and ol 1. Oot Airs, Geo, Graves, Tngersoll, write, ': Oro Ch; Corcoran, $387, Wrn, Norris, pint Marys, Was giVen the contract, Weems cennot exist either in child - ten or adults wheti Die Losv'e Worm at', Sa'alla is used, 25a. 4•11 dealers. 'ara "My little daughtee, aged thirte CO yearsesefferecl from catarrh of the St-, worst Itinid. No physician or reinedy cured, nail we wed Dr, Agnew% , Catarrhal Powder, and after using two dom bottles iny ehild was eompletela caeca," yie This a pleasant, safe and epeedy remedy for catarrh, Hay rever, Colds, Rola. ache, Sore Threat, Tonsilitis andDeafs nese, IVIlia TitOtTBLES, biliouStiess, SallOW plaxion, yellow eyes,atundice, ete., ld to the curative powers of Lavt. WORMS CAN'T STAY, ir Liver Pills, ,rhey are sure to Mire. Vallee Da Lowa ;Moment Worm SYrue la esif The new eonstables in St, 1V.tarye usea. ft'S Aleatit.te tee worms, crts-sr on the '4,,,Av la IP', II" tate, ConLitills sutlicktit, t,' 4' ' by.laws rigidly, &Alto that theY Intend enf°taing tilt' tettlarse As 'aere is no nesd set giving altaga&esalteale'sess• Oaasateasavalasaettatta'aV' k‘t4ratrit4"4"14.444,g4r.14,144.444‘,1A 448tor cat or ca.., siel afterwards. re `0.feNv ifi* 'qv e4iN! fAN.' s',0, *Tr +7,1** l'AV* ' irae IAN,,, ler waN, yae *le Ira* fr. iav Men's Ready.Made Suits, former price $10.00 Mena' Hats, former price 2.75 Ladies' Mantles, former price 7.50 Dress Goods, former price 45c Black Henrietta, former price - 65c Good Shirting Prints (warranted fast Colors) worth Prints (3(. inch wide ----warranted fast colors) worth Organdy Muslins (warranted to wash) worth 25c. Japanese Percales, worth 15c. Puritan Percales (fast colors) worth 12i -c. Arabian Prints (fast colors) worth. 12e. Parasols and Umbrellas, worth $1.50 and $2. Lace Curtains (large size) w-orth $1 and $1.50. Tweeds (good quality) worth 65c, Crash Towelling, worth 7e. Our price 5.75 Our price 47e Our price 3.75 Our price 220 Our price 49c 8c. Oar price 40 12i.c. Our price 8,1c Our price - 124c Our price Oc Our price Our price 70 Our price .95c & $1.23 Our price 67c & 87c Our price 870 Our price 4c A 41,s• 'assa° A.T.P OVP ATt, 41.11, 4i74 a.; 4% 01.41.41 11). 1,•14 e ejer '14V 41,r r „4 ,eAr <O. fr Ti:64 :444 ,011 "rACr sala *re, 4,1"fr 4,Ar 141): .1141 ,kie• et.* ty'Al 4,7). .1.• 4 A.N. 4,Y,A A large portion of the above-mentioned goods are all New .co ds re- ceived within last three days. Groceries, Crockery and General Dry Goods (in fact all the goods in our store) are being sold at the same sweeping duction,. Winter goods', such as Overcoats, Heavy Mantles, Furs, Cloths .and boakingsi.at almost your. oWn.prices. Come and see the bargains we have to show you. . ,114 aa-Bu1ter and Eggs taken as cash itud)iighest market, price allowed for san . 411, J. A G. ...1101-Attstort 0