Exeter Times, 1898-3-17, Page 8e Big l Store
cash or Produce, One Price Only.
LARGE IDEAS -Good is good but better beats it, And
our new and up-to-date stook of Spring Dress Goods has
been bought with a determination to discount and double
discount the past. It can be done. We snow human nature,
including Dress Goods. We understand perfectly well the
conditions tlmt command Dress Goods selling, Our new
stoop is ready. Come, look, admire, you won't be asked to
$1,00 the dress -a great snap, 6 $1.75 the dress,"7 yds" -new bik..
yds. double fold, nobby brocadedgoads--verypretty
dresden effects -a rare bar- and special value - the
gain --the dress for $1.00 dress , , . $1,75.
25c, the yard --pure wool grey
and fawn, new snowflake
elle cis, very stylish -
$2.10 the dress, "7 yds," -fancy
black oriental effects.For
aL black dress at a moderate
price, this is a daisy Dress $2.10
52,45 the dress, "7 yds" -for e
$3,50 the dress -"7 yards" new very stylish,. all black,
sills and wool mixtures,a. fancy broche effects. This
lovely range, all new and is one of our great leaders.
latest styles, they are very See it. -The dress ,.. $2.5
pretty -the dress for $3.50 $2,05 the dress, "7 yds." -black
figured goods, the kind
$2.85 the dress -for the new shot that you can feel and real-
eneti a n effects, this ie one ice that there is yalue there
o Ie -.yes big value.. The dress
of the -smart up-to-date
dresses.. , . , . . . .. . ......... $2.85 for $2 95
$5,50 the dress, "7 yds." for the
$5 00 the dress -for some of the very latest fancyblack dress
most stylish goods that goods. The ladies wonder
have ever decked our coup- how such stylish dress
tees.. Good enough, new goods can be sold for the
enough and style enough price . Cash and one price
for the elite of .ivy town- does it. Remember the dress
the dress for... . 55..00. for $5.50
"Lovely, f When we say our Dress Goods are
lovely, we say so because you'll say so,
everybody says so, and they are lovely. Yes, everything
that you are likely to need in New Dress Goods will be
found on the couinters at TIIE BIG CASH STORE.
J. A. S T S A T
.Agent for the WESTERN Assmaleice Coxi-
P4.Nr, of Toronto.; also for the Plum= Fran
rxsuB.Non COMPANY, of London, England;
the A r- nix & Cr INSURANCE COMPANY, v, of Eng
A. 0. F.
Cour,, Price of
Enron, No.77865.
1lali 9nd and 4th
Friday in each
month. Visiting
brethren are cor-
dially invitOd to
"ceNms Woon,
DC, it. ; GEo.
KE3ip, SEC Y.
IN 'vim' _"-
Lead Pencils,
WAGGON Fon E -,first class, 3
spring, one horseggan, near-
ly new. Sold clicap, saaply to John
McInnis. 'a el
FARMERS, ATTEWION • 4. quantity
of very choice ClelIPReel, Glover seed
for sale. Lot 13, Con. 2,17shorne. 13. L
J. P. Clarke, was Toronto, last
Mrs. Rennie, of London, is visitin '
at A. Rennie's.
Spring is approaching, as the fine
weather would indicate.
A. Dearing of Stephen killed a hog
last week which dressed 410 lbs.
R. H. O'Neil, of Lucan,was the guest
of his son, B. S. O'Neil, yesterday.
John Manning intends opening a
butcher shop in Carling's old store.
I?. W. Giadman, barrister, was in
Goderich Tuesday on professional busi-
Mr. Manes has beenre-engaged con-
stable of Parkhill, at $212.50 per
The Lumley postoffice store will be
offered for sale by auction on Saturday
March 26th.
Rubber Erasers, Millinery Show and Work Rooms
y now open at the Big Clash Store..
Pens, and Stock complete.
Mrs. Murdock, of Lucan, was this
Pen Molders, week the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Ink, T. W. Hawkshaw.
Ink Blotters,
Ruled, Plain'
Slates & Pencils,
Scribbling books
Drawing Books
Rulers, Etc.
Our fourth shipment ofladies' and
gents' Maple Leaf rubbers just to
hand, at J. P. Clarke's.
Miss Lomis, of Hamilton, who has
been visiting her uncle, Mr. Thos. Fit-
ton, returned home last week.
David Miller left last week for Spok-
ane Falls, Washington, where he in-
tends making his future home.
Mr. McNaughton, brother of the
late Miss McNangbton, is in town set-
tling the affairs of the deceased.
T la
SrR end, -During the past week the
inhabitants of this part of the north-
ern hemisphere have enjoyed genuine
sprit g -like weather, notwithstanding
that March month is but half epent,
The snow has all disappeared, thefrost
is out el the ground, :incl but for an
occasional light shover the roads.
would soon be dry and dusty. The
oldest inhabitant does not remember
of seeh fine weather in March,
Exreriu NoRZII Naris,--JohnHieks
leaves for Elimville shortly, where he
will conduct the temperance hous%,..
the present tenant Mr. McCauley,
quitting the business. -Henry Fink
and family leave for the Rainy River
District. --Postmaster Brooks, who has
been ill for nine weeks, is able to si
up. -Will Russell, of St. Marys, spent
Sunday under the parent 1 roof, --Mrs,
Mattice and two children, of Detroit,
are visiting Mrs. D, Bramad.'
lekardCoy E
Dress Goods �-�•
We have just passed into stock several very large ship-
ments nts of Dry Goods which came to us direct from the malars-
, iii cturers in Great Britain and Europe. Among these are
Dress Goods, Silks, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves
Parasols, Velvets, Etc,, Etc. All of thelatest fashions are
represented in our stock, and, these Goods having been im-
direct by�- us the rices will be found to be very-
much. in our customer's favor.
Teems S'r._C.*xuncer.-Last Sabbath
the pastor conducted evangelistic serv-
ices morning and evening, and also in
the Sabbath school in the afternoon.
Unusual interest was manifested in all
the services. The church membership
and school workers co-operated earn-
estly. He is also holding services
each evening of this week, The at-.
tendhnce is .not large, but there is
much interest shown, especially by
the young. 'Special services will be
held next Sabbath also,
BRbren ITS LEG -While a party of
young people were delving northward
on Monday evening with ateem of
horse's fronx Bissett's livery one of the
animals, when opposite Harton'sfarm,
slipped on the icy road and broke one
of its fore legs. The animal was
brought bank to town, but the break
being a bad one, and beyond repair,
ib was deemed advisable to shoot the
beast. It was one of Mr. Bissett's
hest horses, and his loss will he consid-
erable. Another of his horses met
with a similar accident last year.
- -
DIED IN Amu., Mem. -Adeline
Case, relict o'f the late Mr. March-
mont, of Alma, Mich., and fifth
daughter of Mr. William Case, also of
Alma, formerly of Exeter, died on
Monday last of heart failure. Deceased
had been ill for some time, and her
sister, Mrs. Jeckell, of Usborne, receiv-
ed word Monday that she was better,
anda telegram a few hours afterwards
announcing her death. Her remains
were interred in the Exeter cemetery
on Wednesday, being brought here lay
A. W. Wright, of Alma, Mich., in his
private car. Mrs.Wright, sister of the
deceased, with other members of the
family, also accompanied the remains.
AcclnnNT--John.Ker lake,who owns
the old Weir farm, on the London
Road South, met with an accident one
day last week, which might have been
attended with serious results. Ma-
sons were engaged tearing down a
brick house for the purpose of rebuild-
ing it, and while pushing over one o;:
the walls, it fell sooner than expected.
Mr. Kerslake being close by, a part of
the wallfellupon him, knocking him
down, inflicting several severe wounds
and bruises. The escape was a mirac-
ulous one. Although suffering consid-
erably, Mr. Kerslake hopesto be
around again in a few days.
meeting of the citizens of Exeter was
held in the town hall on Tuesday ev-
ening to arrange for a celebration on
play 24th. The attendance was large,
and after deciding to hold a demon-
stration, ofacers were elected as fol-
lows :-Pres. Dr. Rollins ; Vice Pres.,
Dr. H. K. Hyndman ; Secy., Dr.,A.
Tennent ; Treas., B. S. O'Neil. 'Work-
ing committees were also appointed
and various matters pertaining to the
successful carrying out of the sports
discussed. It was decided to pay $800
in purses, for a free-for-all trot ; 2,30
trot, 3. minute trot, and a running
race. Aprogranr°for the forenoon was
discussed,i'but action was deferred un-
til next meeting.
Fon MANITOBA. A party' from
Huron county left London Monday
.night for Manitoba and the North-
-West. They are chiefly well-to-do
rmers, their wives and children, and
they go to seek new homes in the
Northwest. They are in charge of
Robert Sims, of Crediton, who spent
the summer in Manitoba, and is re-
turning with bis family. Amongthose
who left and their destinations
are :-
To Winnipeg -Miss Ida Weiner, of
To Reston, Man. -Archie Dewar and
George A. Lester.
To Manitou, Man.- Robert Sirns,
iusan Sirns, Bella Sims, Levin Sims,
nd Sohn Sims, of Centralia, and T.
Tapp, of Exeter.
To Napinka, Man. -Simon Gower,
George Matz, wife and daughter, and
hristina Lawson, Crediton.
For Gratna,Man.-William Simmons,
For Moosejaw - Philip Ryckroan
and Samuel -Simmons, I3ensail.
For Portage la Prairie -George Van
Horne, Hensall.
daySheriff's Officer Gundry, of Goder-
ich, assisted by Constable Gill, of this
place, arrested Norman Phair on a
charge of complicity in robbery. It
will be rememberedthat last week two
young men of this place, Henry
Heather and Nelson Peterson, ` were
caught burglarizing a store in town.
They were committed for trial by
Squire Snell,: On Friclay they appear,
;ed before Judge Masson, of Goderich.
. the trial evidence was adduced
irn upon previous aus robberies. in
xeter, in which young Phair's name
was connected. Constable Gundry at
once took steps to investigate, and, se-
curing sufficient proof to warrant him,
he on Tuesday arrested Phair. Sev-
eral revolvers and other anti: le were
.s er e
found in his possession, which had
been stolen from Oobbleclick's hard-
ware store some years ago. 'Fie was
taken before Squire Spell and com-
mittedTl, trial, o Goderich for trz
t i elan
admitted to the officer that the two
who were already in custody had been
carrying on the nefarious work for
some years, but that while lie joined
thein years ago, he had of late refused
to take part iii the stealing, This ar-
rest adds another link to the chain of
evidence which will bear out the pre-
vailing opinion that the various burl
glaries were being committed by people
Do -you want anew hat The Big Cash
Shore have a most complete stock of all, ,
the new things in men's hats. See
W. Trevethick has the excavating
completed for a new flour and feed
store on Main street, north of P
I James Bissett, Huron street, is still
very low, and distant members of the
family have been summoned to his
THURSDAY, MARCH 17tH, Thea. „"enat al)cut, lace curtains ? 5 big
liezelene at the Big Cash p Store 75c.,
o, •a an pee au. ey
ware bought at a snapprice. Y'o.
Heifer try them.
Fall range of mason's big overalls,
mason'seirab felt hats;niason's working
shirts and mason's extra workings
hoots at the Big Cash Store.
No competition can outdo this: We
place before you in raisins "Connois-
seur Clusters," choicest, at 10c. per lb.,.
suitable for table or cooking, at J. P.
Peter Case, .ofRocigery}lle, sold three
ation was. extended to Rev. Dr. Wil= ;head of cattle to Mr. Wes, Snell,of Ex-
loughby to remain pastor of the church 7 eter, the weight of which was 4,000
for the third term. He accepted same, (pounds. The price paid was 4i cents
subject to the statroning�eommittee.. 1 per pound.
The Royal Templars intend to cele- The auction sale of cattle on the
Use Winan's Cough Balsam fort
coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles.
Acknowleged the best cough medicine
on the market. Especially good for
children. Manufactured by C. Lave.
Mrs. Tremaine is visiting friends in
.At a recent meeting of the Quarter-
ly Board of ,James st. church, an invit-
$125 $150 d $2 ' Th
orate their anniversatry, on the 21st of farm of Thos. Cameron,Themes Road,
March, by an open meeting in Gidley's
Hall, when a first class literary program
will he rendered by hone and foreign
talent. Everybody welcome. General
adinission10 cents. Doors open at 7.30;,
commence at 8.
T. P, Smith, Esq., specialist, gradu-
ate of New York, Philadelphia a:n.
Toronto Optical Colleges, with be in
Exeter, • Friday .and Saturday, April
I terand 21 d o r at C min. ercia
1 Hotel. If
you have any defect in your eye sigh
it wills pay yon to calf` and see hi
Examination free ; call early. Ir
does not call at private houses. ,
on Saturday was largely attended.
The stock was first-class and good
prices were realised.
The Christian Endeavor of the Pres-
byterian church hold an "at-home" on
the 28th of this month. It promises to
be a success, as a good programme is
}ready secured'. Small admission.
Don't miss our 10c, counter_ in Glass-
*are. Why, if you don't want to buy
some and he see e the articles and nd then tell
some£your friends, u
o n s, b t buy you
must when you. see them, at J. P.
Mabel Newton, daughter of Thoma
Miss Dttre Ayres, daughter of Rev. Newton,
with her pa,rents re -
Mr. Ayres, of Point Edward, niet with
a serious accident Wednesday morn-
ing. She was in the act of corning out
of the lions i when she missed her foot-
ing on the step and fell heavily to the
ground. In the fall she struck her
head heavily on the etep, suffering
centi moved to London as rescued
from the flopd there on Monday. Bs
Seng Iatne, shie had to be carried through
the water.
George 'Weekes and wife,of Chicago,
are visitingMr. Weekes' brothers,
town. MrWeekesg oes to ,.Comate
concussion of the brain, besides being shortly to superintend the marble and
otherwise bruised atnd,pliaken. up. The granite work on the neve innnSci a}
injuries are of Y.id(a;r Siatttret litrild}rrg beingilrested theta,
42 inch fancy figured Lustre,
good fast black, very special
valve , .25
45 inch Henrietta Cloth, blue and
jetspecialblack., extra heavy weight,
54 inch. Bicycle Serge, all wool
and stainless colors, very
French satin cloth, lovely goods,
New vigoreux cloths, all shades,
very nobby and fashionable,
special....,.... ........
Ladies' Blouse Silks, (Japanese) �.
special per yard
Black and white striped silks,.
very fashionable, for Blouses,
good weight, special..........
27 inch Japan silks, all shades,
pure silk, best value ever shown
FancyTaetta Silks all shades,
lovely goods, special...
New Blouse Silks fancy shot,
Will be a great feature in this season's trade, we have them at all
prices from Sets. a yard to 4octs. Ask to see our new Organdies at
25cts a yard.
Our Milliner who has visited the principal Canadian and
American Millinery centres and attended the openings has
now returned and is prepared to receive any orders which
may be entrusted to her,
Wal lam` ..
i 4per
We are showing an elegant range of American Wall Paper, rang-
ing in price from 3cts. to 4octs.'per roll. A number of these lines
are confined exclusively to ourselves for Exeter.' 6
in town. Judge Masson was to have
passed sentence. upon Heather and
Peterson on Tuesday, but, obtaining
new andimportant evidence, Constable
Gundry wired His Honor to defer
Mr. McLeod and family mope to
Woodstock shortly.
Manitoba farmers report difficulty
in getting farm help.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ross visited
friends at Kippen this week.
Miss Annie McCord is visiting Miss
Ovens at Maple Lodge this week.
Richard Bissett, of London, is visit-
ing his parents and friends in town.
Bicycles have been brought, into use
in town already this season.
Gamow, of West Huron, says he is
going to appealthebalIot dispute there
to the highest court.
Ten shades of summer hustres; regu-
lar price 25c„ in 10 or 12 yd. ends, at
15c., at J. P. Clark'es.
The 0. P. B. special excursion to the
North-west Ieft Toronto Tuesday in
two sections with 600' passengers.
Mr. Dempsey, of Pembroke, th
defeated Conservative candidate fo
Prince Edwardout t
County y seen Sunday
in town visiting his cousin,. A. Dem.;
Sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mr
Wellingtou Johns in the death o
their 10 months' old child,. which oc-
curred on Monday, after a short ill-
The rate -war on "the railways has
ceased,,and the old rates of transpor-
tation adopted. For the past few
weeks the travelling public have Leap-
ed the benefit of the wrangle.
A young daughter of George Mut-
tart is suffering from a very sore leg.
Some time ago the child fell dawn
stairs and sustained injury which has
caused the bone of the limb to decay.
The Royal Templars of Temperance
will attend the Main street Methodist
church in a, body next Sunday evening,
when Rev. 0. Smith will preach a
temperance sermon, it being the
twelfth anniversary of the order.
Reeve Oarling who was in Brantford
the other day, was shown the plans of
the proposed new Verity buildings.
They will comprise 1,700 feet in length
by 64 feet in width, and together with
the machinery will cost over 5100,000.
The Central School at Rat 1 ortage
was g corn letel' gutted byfire Tnesda
The yy
The building cost $25,000. Insurance,
511,000. The fireoriginatedin the base -
meet of the east whig just after the
close of the school, all the children„
being out.
has not. et been ti-
A postmaster y ap-
pointed for Exeter. "The great num-
ber of applicants and the varied
ftuenees'beinubrought to bear render
it quite difficult to make the ap oint-
went°' said a prominent Liberal to
Tan Teens this week,
Will Tolland, brother of Mrs. Mun-
roe, of Exeter, was badly injured
the other day la New York.
While assisting in raising a boiler it
fell, and some of the timbers which
Were under ib struck Mr, Tolland.
Several of his nibs were broken' and he
was otherwise injeredr
A 'riivHhig Daily.
Mrs. Pott's Irons, 80 cents a sett,
Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Mops;
Brushes all kinds. The latest in Tin
and Granite Ware, Firmin Haddies,
Dates, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Ban-
anas, Cigars.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange.
New Goods arriving every week.
See our automatic
Additional locals on fifth page.
We are selling the large egg plum
and silver plum in choice fruit at J. P.
eterhaps you had better call at the'
Big Cash Store and see their Black
Serges and Black Henriettas. We,
lenow of no such dress values.
Yes,it would be hard to find a more
complete stock of wallpaper than that
shown at the Big Cash Store. Values
etre correct, too.
The Latest Styles
Having visited the markets during
the past week, we were alive to the
leading dress fabrics which are Serges
and Sicillians in Black, Brown and
Green. In Silk and Wool effects the
shades are Green, Brown and Fawn,
each color beautifully shaded. with
excellent effect,
keepin their reputation. In Oash-
meres,Jet Blacks andBlueBlacks, BIack
Serges, Fine and Coarse, Twill, Black
Broches and Ar:mures Black Lustres
and Sicillians, Black Soliels and Black
Silkelles-fast colors.
THE TRIMMINGS for this season are
Beaded Gimpings in black and colored,
also Tubular Braids, all of which we
are showing from new stock.
OUR LININGS aro unsurpassed.
Being imported goods, are away ahead
of Canadian in point of value and
OUR PRINT COUN IlR is up-to-
date with choice patterns and fast col-
ors, 30 and 32 in, goods, Printed Dril-
lettes and Satinees suitable for wrap-
pers 45 patterns in Canadian) and
.English Flannelettes, from 5c to 25c,
never commanded the arprecie tion .of
buyers more than the present; Thep
are selling well. If you want first-class
Damask Tabl}ngs, 6£3 in. wide in ele-
patterns, from 88o to 81.10, conte
in and see them. Also Bleached Dam- '
ask Towels.
Black figured Lustre.
Black and colored Serge . , ...
Fancy Tweeds , , . , .... .
Figured Wool ... , . .. , .... , . • .
Bicycle Suiting (two shades) .
Also a. large stock of Black Cashmere in
and Jet Black at 40c., 50c,, 6oc,, 75c. and
25 cents
2 5 ",
.. �5 ,f
... 25 "
Blue, Black
$1,00 a yd.
Ladies' MOM White Wear
Last was our first in this line and the _success
had in it encouraged us to go into it still heavier this seaso
Ladies' Wrappers from 90 cents up.
Ladies' Blouses all the newest styles from 4o cents up.
Ladies' White Skirts 50c., 75c., got., $r,00, $1.25 each.
" Night Gowns 6oc,, 75c., $I.00 and $i.25 each..
Drawers 4oc., 45c., 65c. a pain.
4` Corset covers 25c., 35c. each.
Fancy Stripe Aprons 25, cents.
White Aprons 40 cents,
Full line of groceries fresh and new always on hand. Our tea
have no_equal. Try our 25c. Japan the best in town.
Highest prices paid for; produce, Eggs,
10 cts.; Butter, 15c.; Lard, 11c.; Dried
Apples, 5c. Potatoes a bag OOc., Tallow, 3c.
Looks as bright as the Town Clock,
More important . these days
The cautious buyers are constantly on the look-
out for the proper place to spend their dollars.
Where they get• the best value, for their money,
that is where they do their trading. All we ask is-
that those who are in search of bargains will
Come i : s and get our prices.
1 -
Our entire stock must be disposed of by
ROL 1st.
We have not the time or space to quote priees.
Bargain seekers must call and.
Bargain see for themselves
what we are doing.
Jot y .