Exeter Times, 1897-11-4, Page 6Fifty Years Ago, President Polk in the White House Math's.' 'While in Lowell was Doctor Ayer ; Both were busy for human weal One to govern and one to heal. And, as a president's power of will Sometimes depends on u liver -pill, Mr. Polk took Ayer's Pills I trow Pot his liver, 5Q years ago. Ayer's Cathartic Piiis were designed to supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves virith griping meclithnes. Being carefully prepared and their in- gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and. liver, their popularity was in- stantaneous. That this poptle larity has been maintained is well marked in the Medal awarded these TAUS at the World's Fair 1893. 50 Years of Cures. AFTER TEM YEARS SLIFFERIN* Two BO= Curs MILTERTON, 28T11 JT/LT, 1Z5. Gentlemeze-For the last tee years I had been troubled with kidney disease being so had at iutervals that I could not lie In bed at night nor stoop to tin ground. I had tried all the remedies I 'could find without effect, but heard of Dodd's Kid. :ley Pills and 'procured a box. I am most happy to say it for my own ;sake as well as for others that I am pen featly cured after using four Lame. JOHN RILEY, EU/CULTISTS MEED -SWORN STA.TEMENT,, ' Mrs. Maggie Moblarthi, g7 Radenhurst St, Teronto, Ont., swears that Ityckman's "Kootenay Cum" cured her of Paralysis which rendered one side of her body entirely useless. Physloians said there was no chance of her ever recovering the use of her limbs. Hope deserted her, but to -day she is walking around telling her friends how Ryckman's " Kootenay Cure" cave her life and happiness. Sworn to, July 10, 1890, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SIT/ORS STATEMENT OF A GRATEFUL MOTHER. Louisa White, nine' years old, who suffered with Eezema since her birth, has been entirely cured and her general system built upby Ryckman's "Kootenay Cure.' Th. above facts are given in a sworn state- ment made by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St., Hamilton, did. dated July 3, 1898, before J. F. Monck, Notary' Palle, COMIONATION DISTURBED - SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough St„ Toronto Ont.., had a complication of blood troubles,. Itheu. mensal, severe Kidney trouble and constipation. Was frequently disturbed at night, lost hie appetite and was a very sick man. His Kidneys are now in a healthy condition, hie appetite good, sleep undis- turbed and constipation oured ; all this was done by Kyoliman's Kootenay Cure." lie makes sworn statement t..3 the above facts before J. W. Seymour Corley, July 10,1890. FOR TWENTY-SEVFIN YEARS. ThECOOK9SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE AM CANADA. Price so,cents per Box, or 6 for$s.50. At oraggists7or Mailed on Receipt of Price by T. MILBURN CO.. Toronto. T IT E EX.ET E TIME OF ANY THE IIIXETER TIMEB iff. us IN 118Ei ija.tlIsxael7:2a11;ress liredn. IlioldtslegFtelPti)- S TB, II [Ni! ENGINEERS,en . 8 Robert George Tuftnell, The Pall Mall Quetta laments the THE VERY LATEST FRODI competition of the United, States, and says that everything points to that ALL THE WORLD 0 country remaining the cheapest steel - producing country in the world. interesting items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and Alt Parts of the Gide°, Condensed and Assorted for Basy Reading, CANADA. , The montrear drug (eats are agitat- ing for aborter hours: oa Sunday. Etelea..x citizen's have subscribed. $5,- 000 for the Windsor, N. S., fire su,f- ferers. The (Inane 1,egisliature is summoned to meet for the despatch of business on the 23rd. prox. Rev. Canon Minket has authorized the priests of the Archdiocese of Mont-, real to pray for rain. The water of the Ottawa river is very low, and there are many cases of ty- phoid fever at Pttawaz The statement that Mr. Langtry, the husband of the actress, was penniless at the time of his death is not true. as Mrs. 'Langtry made hem a regular al- lowance through her solleitor. The general. disposition to increase naval armament can be gauged, by the feat that eighty-seven warships are be- ing built iu Great Britain alone, of which thirty-four go to foreign Govern- ments. It is understood that Lord Strathcona and Sir Edwin Dawes, of the British India., Steam Navigation Company, have joined the Board. or Directors of the Petersen Fast Atlantie Company with the Marquis a Lorne as chairman.. It is again asserted that Lord Salise bury will shortly resign, end that the struggle for the Preraiersbip will be between the Duke of Devonshire o.nd Mr. Arthur Balfour, and that the late The amount. of property exempt from memo. ter wit1 have all Mr. Chamberlain s in- munthipal taxation at Ottawa is esti- raated at over $15,000,000. UNITED STATES. jubilee stamps will soon be at a pre- Yellow fever has appeared, at Mont- mium as the Postoffice Department gomery, Ala. . supply has been exhausted. Women occupied twenty pulpits in The bye -elections in Terniscouata, Ri- Baltimore on Sunday. moleski, and Drummond andfor November Arthabas- ka. are fixed. mber 18. New Orleans has had ver 100 deatbs from yellow fever since the outbrealc, The Canadian Thanksgiving day will A monument to Robert Louis Steven - coincide with the United States festival and be. held on November 25. ' son, the novelist, was unveiled on Sun- , da.y in San Francesco. It is learned. that nearly one half of the Canadian lk>an of ten million PeoriaIll„ has been arrested. His Ex -Tax Collector Wm. Millard. of dollars nell eome from, Canadian banks. falcations amount to $20,000- , de - The lYonainion Government wile this winter improve the Ride= co.nal, with Three Cuban patriots have been in a view of le,ssening tee lia.bility of moths St. Louis the last fourteen days pro- feoods at Ottawa. the'r andt sditipping ammunition for Mr. A. Pepler, agent of the Dominion , Mr. Justice librarian Bank at Guelph, will be transferred. of Harvard, Winear, ;Md.), succeeding him.Association, clied at and presideat of the Ann - to No.panee, Mr. Stanton of Toronto There is a proposition I efore the Gov- ', dalbridge, Mass., on Friday morning. e an. ,Library eminent from the Rathbun Lumber The steamship Alameda, due at San $- Francisco front Australia, has 2,000, Company for the manufacture of wood in azatt a. 000 worth of English sovereigns on aI�ollol board for London, Paris and American Mr. W. H. H. Penton recently bank banks. teller in the Dominion Bank brazen et , During a revival meeting in Rich- Napattee, will enter suit against the mond Va., the Rev. T. U. Leavitt pray - bank for e50,000 damages, ed that two women, who lau,gbed dare Senator Forget, :president of the ing the service might die immediately Richelieu and Ontario Navigation COM.- ahd go to hell. pany, states that the company's new Zeb Rudolph the father of Mrs. boats will be construeted in Toronto. Jaines A. Garfield, the widow of the It is reported freta Beltinix that Sir late President, died on Wednesday eV - Ribbert Tupper hes deeded not to re- EDG,, ,.,...._ ening at Lawnfield, the Garfield home. sign his Beat in the, CtOaltiannS when he removes to British Collumtia.years of age. The jury in the case of Luetgert, the Mrs. Kitson, wife of the commander Chicago sausage manufacturer who was l. Military College at Kings-hascharg•ed with the murder of his wife, of the Roya ten, injured in a, runaway accident a disagreed, standing nine for eon - month. ago, is still daugerously ill. I vie,tion and three for acquittal. Mr. Tarte proposes next session to I rhe one hanzired and fifty-first an - ask Parii.a.ment tor. a large vote for niversery of Frinceton University was extending the Government telegra.ph 1 celebrated on F rid a.y. Among the Columbia. ---- and. Brit's."' , Cleveland and the Governor-General of ; , speakers were ex -President Grover tines in the North-West CI enada. A bulletin will soon be published by the Inland Revenue Department em- ' A short time ago, in a fit of displea- sure various parts bodying the reveled of an analysis of at his twin sons, George M. Pull - m. of , men made a will disinheriting them, drinking waters fro Canada. little thieking at the time that death The services of err. Thomas Gisborree, ' lwe-gasalad0ocsnomozientto. give permancy to the euperiatendent of Government te.e- graph Hugs in the North-West and. Bri- Aecording to commercial advices tislt Coillusabia,, have been dispensed with i fr°1n Nev Yt)r‘14 on the ground of economy. , is fairly satisfactory, though not as the business situation The Minister of Agriculture hes ap_ ! good.aawisasiregrpeoted in many lines, pointed err. J. E. Starr, a Nova Scotia : falling of in degnmulaenra att.dat tLinenre is nit. fruit -grower to go to England to in- . beau xnade up by speenlative activity, vestigate and report on the extent of i Vve.irm weather has interfered oansich the market offered there for Canadian 1 erably with the movements of season - fruit. I able goods. Cotton goods are dull, and Fairymen throughout Cano.da have Fadiin nInionsavosilitiehlahroomveaa %ea Act paseed at the last session of the l 1 tUrai prospects. Collections aNagrerbie rerlial: begun to take advantage of the Dairy x has Dorainion Parliament, which provides i ported as " weak " in several di - for the registration of cheese factories rections. There is an advance in and. creameries. hide,s, window glass, and lard. Pros - Thomas Lapierre and. his wife, oil pents are generally encouraging. Sherbrooke, Que., found. guilty of an GENERAL. attempt to cause the death of the form-, Yellow fever has broken out in Jam - ern little claug'hter by means of ill-, aim with unusual virulence. • treatment, were sentenced on Sat- tentiary. zniaralis about. to retire from public Heind Chang, the Chinese states - archly to five years each in the peni- The Russell County fire fund now life owing to illness. amounts to nearly *22,000. Itis said The. Abyssinians are devastating that about $50,000 will. be required if Somalilane and committing horrible atrocities upon the prisoners. the Central Committee is to be enabl- ed to carry out its plan of giving the The peace commissioners have adopt- ed eight articles of the permanent trea- sufferers money or lumber with which to rebuild. ty of peace between Greece and Tur- key. Mr. W. W. Ogilvie, who returned to , Montreal recently, expressed himself as rile German Government, it is greatly imeressed with what he saw derstood, has decided to re -arm the e in the North-West. He says the far- ntire infantry with new six-millime- mars in Manitoba and the Territories tre. rifles. have this season had. the greatestgood The Japanese in Seoul, the capital fortune ixt a magnificent wheat crop. `''1.3, Cidor"erdearret:SFLIIItemronadey c,iulanteti-fRrunee-- A cablegram has been received by man spirit. the Dominion Government, saying China has a •goLd excitement, too, that on Lord Lansdowne's instructions the precious metal being reported to a medal will be issued for all who par- have been dideovered uo the Chang tieipated in the reoulee of tha Fenian Mountains. raid on Canada in '66, and in the North- West expedition of '70. The liberality of Canada's subscrip- tions to the India famine fund was officially acknowledged. on Friday, when Mr. Courtney, Deputy efinister One man was killed and a number wounded in a riot on the occasion of the funeral of a. leading socialist in Florence on Monday. The cruiser Kostroma, belonging to the Russia n volun teer 1 leet is aground of Finance received a letter from the °I" the EiAla reeA' "d°rdziltg" t° reports Chief justice of Bengal, who says that frono. Suakim, Egypt. with the exception of the UnitedKing- The British steamerChen. Gordon has dom, ;the largest contribution has been. wrecked off Umlazi, between Natal and Delagoa Bay. The crew and passengers were sexier come from Canada. GREAT BRITAIN. _ Lord Salisburydevast- ating cyclone in the Philippine Islands emphatically denies Receet despatches report a. that he has any intention of resigning wince, in addition to the destruction his portfolio. of much property, killed four hundred Sir Edwin Arnold, author of "The persons. Light of Asia," raarried a Japanese The cooninission eppointed to enquire lady in London on Saturday. into the disaster of the Hodynsky Mee. LieLang-try benefits to the Plain, in Moscow, in May, 1896, report extent of three. hundred pounds yearly that on that occasion fourteen hund- by the death of her husband, red and twenty-nine lives were lost. In connection with the increase of An Italian magazine article, which the strength of the British army, the is supposed to voice the views of leach colonies will be asked to augment their bid sta tesmen, advocates the with - forces. drawee of Italy from Dreibund, and The Queen has conferre I the Ri ht the forming of an allianoe with Great Britain, It is understood that the Spanish Government will protest against fie:- be Lent , deustering expeditions frotm the Unit - There was a sudden inellux in ed States, and will hold that Govern - don ducting the /wet week, and mese breiteh of in - of the large residences are now dput merit responsible for a for the winter season. ternationel law. The Madrid Trapareial, protest 1 ng 'Wr Lieut. inedon Churchill, son of againist filibustering parties for Cuba Lady Randolph Churchill, is acting as war correspondent for the London from the United State,s, says it is Dally Telegraph in India. Impossible for Spain to submit to such huandia tion. i' T'he Government must The British engi aee re claim to have aot with energy towa ris Wil sb i n g - won the fight for an eigiot-hour day, eon. and therefore decline to allow that ,A. patrol of dervisb horsetnen on point to be arbitrated upon. Saturday attacked a village near Berber, killing eleven men, captur- ing Many women and children, and carrying off cattle. A. detachment of n.ng 1 o-Eg ye tian oavelry overt ook and reeled the readers with great loss, Hon. Sir Nathaniel Lindley, Lordjus- tine of Appeal since 1881, as Master of the Rolls. Arehhishap Machray, of Rupert's 'Land, who attended the Lambeth Con- ference, itt seriously ill in Engeando and his recovery is very doubtful. Et is announeed that the marriage •1•111•0•0 INTERVENTION OF THE BRITISH BOARD OF TRADE. ...- Att leentieni Letter to the Masters and 8011101141-411 APPeat to the United State for Financial Aid. A despatch from London new -The Executive Committee of the Amalga- mated Sooiety of Engineers is about to send to the leading newspapers aud labour organizations in the United States a statement, giving the details of the strike of engineers now in pro- gress, and declaring that the sum �f *100,000 is required weekly to pay the men on strike and meet other expenses. This amount, the statement says, can only be raised. by subseriptious, and the committee appeals to the liberal- ity of the American friends of labour .to assist the engineers to defeat the employers' attempt to crush their or- ganization. A new and most important eleraent leas been introduced into the great en- gineering dispute by the official in- tervention of the Board of Trade. The Right Hon. C. T. Ritchie, Pre- sident of the Board, proposes, in an identical letter addressed, to the mas- ters and. the men, a conference based upon the followin.g suggestive arrange. Ment:— First, the federated employers, while disavowing all intention of interfering with the legitimate action of trades Union% will adrnit no right of inter- ference in the management of tbeir business. The trades unions, on their part, while maintaining the right of combination, will disevow any Inten- tion of interfering with the manage- ment of the business of the employers. Second, the demand for a 48 -hours !week made by the men's joint commit- , tee, upon the Federated Employers of 1London, without a, previous request i for conference with tbe employers, is i withdrawn. Third, a. oonferenee between the re- presentattves of the Federated Em- ployers and Engineering Unions, shall be held forthwith to discuss andeettle tho hours of labor,. Fourth, the constitution of the con- ference &mil be arranged by its chair- man or other selected. representatives of botli parties. The Tiraes, in hn editoriel on the engineering dispute, says; -"It would be a very paying business for German or American artisans to supply funds to prolong a streggle which will drive the engineering business from Great Britaen to foreign compet- itors," Members of the Employers' Feder- ation in Glasgow, say that there is no, prospect that the medtation of the Board of Trade in the engineering dis- pute on the lines suggested by the identical letter of the board will be accepted, FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION. One Milli Killed -Several. Men Seriously In- jured - t. Four Storey Building Wreck. ed. A despatch from Detroit says :-The boiler in the Detroit Cabinet Comp- any's factory at Hancock avenue and Rlopelle street, in the north-eastern part of tb.e city exploded at 7.30 on Friday morning with fatal and disastr- ous effects. At least two men were fatally injured„ one of whom has since died, and ten men were more or less seriously hurt. Dead-Lamente Tunney, foreman in finishing -room; died in Harper hospital. Dying -Moses Peltier, engineer, skull fractured; unconscious, at Harper hose pitah Seriously injured -William H. Beck- er, outs in head, neck, scalded badly; Wilbur Kraus, ribs broken, body bruis- ed., may be injured internally; John Nonninger, cabinet-maker, legs and breast cut, bad scalp wound; Herman' Kreinberg, pecker, badly bruised. all over body, may die, Carl May, cabinet- maker, and Barney Trembley, band sawyer were also hurt. The cause of the explosion is not yet ascertained. Both the front and rear ends of the four -storey building were blown out entirely, and. the brick walls are in ruins. No fire resulted from the explosion. The concussion started the whole north-eastern portion of the city; and many windows were broken. The damaged building is a brick etructure 150 feet square. four storeys high. The floors were practically uninjured. AN IMPENDING FAMINE. Divergen1 Views Regarding Ireton d'S fond ton. A despatch from Dublin says :-There are two sides to the question of the famine in Ireland. One side is that of the Government which claims the fa- mine is exploited by politicians as an argument against the administration of Ireland. The other side, held by znany of the clergy, Politicians, and peo- ple, is that it is certain there will be great distress through large sections of the country. A meeting of the Roman Catholic prelates was held at lrfaynooth last week, and those present adopted reso- lutions that the ezehbishops and bish- ops of Ireland deem it their duty to present to the Government a statement of their conviction, foroaed on the per- sonal knowledge of seven naerabers of that body, that the failure of the po- tato and cereai crops in many districts, particularly on the southern and west- ern coasts, mast lead to great distress, and unless speedy measures of relief are adopted, to disastrous conse- quences. lefecteings are being held, the parish priests presiding, urging the Government to start relief works be- fore the people are actually suffering. The Government officials insist on keeping themselves fully informed re- garding the conditions prevailing, and will be able to cope with the distress, but they say they are unable to an- nounce at this time what district e or how many people will be affected. THE TELL --TALE STREAKS. Matilda, I wish you; would ask that young Mr. Peters to have his cuff -but- tons repla.ted. Why, mamma, what de you mean,? They seem, bo leave bleak, streaks on the back of your shirt waist every evening. e PLOUGH WORKS BURNED. EgteltSive Fire In the City or Brantford - Two Firemen Seriously InJured. A despatch from Brantford says ;- The most disastrous fire in the history of Brantford took place here =Tues- day, resulting in the serious injury of Iwo firemen and the loss of property to the, value of $75,000 to $100,000. At 5.30 the 220 hands et the Verity Plough Works were busily engaged at their work, and there was not the slightest alga of impending danger, when sud- denly the men in the big painting room on the third. atorey, at the tore were startled by a, column of fire, whioh seemedto leap as if by magic froxa a, tank of coraposition, composed chiefly of benzine and. other inflam- mable stuff. They ran wildly from the rotate, one Man named Eaerett being momentarily overcome, and an- other Mall named Dyson jumping from a second storey window, =dye - j • In, an incredibly short time the inurien.se factory was la it sheet of flames. Tho whole force of the brigade was quickly on the seenea,nd pluckily set to. work to conquer the blaze. The fire hadn't been long in progress when one of the wails of the mein building fell in, hurling Firetaan Allan and. Fireman. James Vitt= a distance el some, 30 feet. They were rescued from e debpis, Allanitt an uneonseieus condition, and taken to the hospital, and Finch to the fire hall, where his iajuries were attended to. Under the direction of Me. Verily, the employes managed to rescue a large amount of manufactured mater- ial. The buildines were completely gut- ted. The Veritys, have been working day and night for some time, and there was a very itesiry stock of ploughs on hand. Mr. Verity states that he valu- ed the buildings and contents at $100,- 000, They carried $50,000 insurance. A. good deal of ironwork will be much damaged. A. loss of $75,000 will no doubt cover it. Among the companies interested are: -Northern, $10,000; Calendonian, 610,- 000; Waterloo Mutual, $12,000; London Assurance, $5,000; Mancheeter, $3,000. The fire was nearly extinguished by 8 o'clock, The buildtugs destroyed are those which the city was going to buy from the Veritys for $15,000, the firm's business demanding larger premises. The Mayor has offered the Veritys the old Waterous building. _ NOT EXAGGEAATED. The Food Semen, la the Token District ls Not mar Sullieleut. A despatch. from Washington says : - Captain Hooper, commander of the Be - bring Sea. patrol fleet, who bas arrived Lo Washington to attend the seal con- ference, says that the reports con- cerning the SearoLty or food in the Klondyke region are not, in his judg- ment, exaggerated. In the neighbour- hood of Do.wison City there are, he said, about 5,000 miners whose supple of provisions for the coming winter is no greater than woulrl barely suffice for hall the number. Great suffering; will be the inevitable result of this scarcity of food. Although some of the more vigorous among the miners might attempt to get away on the ice to the Yukon, the chances were, he thought, that a considerable number of thena would perish from hunger and exposure. WAR IN THE NEAR FUTURE. Japan and ltrieSia Preparing for a ( an- ti let. The steamship Empress of Japan brings the following advices from the Orient : - A correspondent in Corea, writing to it Shanghai paper, takes rather an ominous view of the state of affairs in that country, stating that there is no doubt that japan dnd Russia are both preparing for war in the near fu- ture. The Japanese are surveying the southern coast of Corea, while the Russians have obtained a small island off Fusan as a naval coaling station. The Japanese also are building bar- racks in Gensan that will hold 5,000 men. Thts Japanese in Seoul are using money quite freelet in order to foster an anti -Russian sprit. The japenese Government wile tbe forced to go abroad to float a public, industrial loan. Out of 67,000,000 yen, only 3,000,000 was subseribed in janan. It is rumoured in Hong Kong hat 16,000 rifles have been shipped to the Philippine rebels. HOLES IN UMBRELLAS. One of the fruitful causes of holes in the folds of an umbrella is improper care when it. is wet. To roll up aunt umbrella is to invite the dyes to rot it, and one of the banes or the umbrella manufacturer is loaded dye on silk. Out of 100 samples of silk subrnitted to the writer, not over ten were pure dye, and 50 per cent, of the silk thread submitted was overloaded with dye and would not stand our chemical test. Irhis is a fruitful cause of trouble in um- brellas, and our concern insists on all the silk and silk threads standing a chemical test in this respect. When overdyed slake are wet, and the um- brellas rolled and. set away, we find the (owners complaining that their um- brellas are cracking in the folds. Fine holes anpear, and they are apt to re- turn the umbrella to the merchant and claim damage. An Opportunity. She -I don't lode at all like myself to -day. He -It would he a good time to have your picture taken. 1111111•11111•1=1111101•11126 Much in Little es especially true of BOod's Pills, for no mede eine ever contained so great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicine chest, always ready, al. ways e fsfactory; prevent a cold i 11 s efficient, always Bat- or fever, oure ail Itver ills, lock headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. ese. Moody Pita to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla, l'ented cedr ea. • • TROUBLE IN WEST ARM, A WEST INDIA DETACHMENT FOR - THE FRONTIER. Wrench in !Twilit g on Territory of Great - Compluattiona lantainent - British tinkers to the Front - French are Ordering Beni ^oreentents to tee Lagos ittuteriand. A despatch from. Lagos, West Coast of Africa, says :-A detachment of the West India Regiment, stationed here, has started for tb.e frontier of the Hin- terland. A Paris despatch says :-The jour- nal says grave news has reached St. Louis from the Da,hoiney Hinterland, to the effect that cornplicabions are im- minent at Nikki and elsewhere in Bor- gu of whicb territory Nikki is the cap- ital, and which, it is claimed in Eng- land, belongs to Great Britain, by vir- tue of a treaty concluded with the King of Borgu prior to the treaties made with that moeiaroli by represen- eattves a France. It is added that. on receipt of the news referred to M. Lebon, the Min- ister of the Colonies, who is MOW looking after Freneh interests in Sera ega,mbia, immediately despatched rola- foreements to Dahomey. A semi-official statement regarding the reported trouble in West Afrioa was issued this evening. It says:- " The news from West iefrica fore- shadows great difficulties at Nikki and in Borgia. The Niger Company, Brit- ish, is sen,diege effieers there to incite rebellion and. distribute arms te the natives. In view of this situation French troops bars been despatched to that district from Senegal, as a preventive measure. Moreover, the British negotiators for a settlement of the Niger question have been in Paris for more than a week, tied everything points to Great Britain seeking to let the matters drag. Seem- ingly she doee not intend to dismiss tbe question, but means will undoubt- edly be fennel to ;foil these tactics." A despatell from London say -Re- plying to the semi-official statement concerning the dangerous state of af- fairs in West Africa issued. in Paris on Tuesday evening, the British Col- onial Offi.e offidials declared that there does not seem to be any reas- onable fear of complications at lancki, "provided the Frencli Government In - haves reasenably." But, it was added at the Coloneal Office, Great Britain has taken the determination to police more effectually her territories, "and if the French persist in trespassing complications will naturally ensue." TI now transpires that Major Nortb- cote, who sailed from Liverpool recent- ly, is going to Lagos, and not to the Gold. Coast. so that it will be in, the Hinterland. of the former colony that he will oftener the position of Conn mander-in-Chied Captain the Hon. C. G. Fortescue, of the Rifle Brigade, went with Major Nortbcote to Lagos, while Caitain Gif- ford also proceeded to Lagos in the same steamer. Nikki, the town which is said. to have been occupied by French troops. ie in the Hinterland of Lagos. and of the French Dehetney territory. ft is known that the lereneh have been in Rousse ever sin‘e the Niger expedition to Bide and Rorie, while for a. long time past the Freneh have del/lilted the right of Great Britain to Borgu, of which Nikki forms part. AFTER OsMAN DIGNA. A. Column of Troops Starts lUnder General Bunter - 'Serviettes, Revenge on the dermal Tribe. A deseatoh from Cairo says :-A col- umn of troops rommanded by Gen. Bunter, it is an,nounced in a despatch from. Berber, on the Nile, has started to drive Osman Digna, the greet der- vish General, front the Atbara River; but, the despetch adds, it is feared Os- man Digna will not wait for the An- glo-Egypticen trove to attack him. Detailjuet obtained of the revenge of the dervishes upon the Jealiin tribe, ca.uised by their refusalt to jaiu the forms of the Kheekfa zigainat the Brit- ish, show it tohtive been terrible in the extreme. The left bank of the river be- tween Berber and Metemmeh was practicality depopulated. The dervishes butchered every met: member of the offending tribe, and. took the pretty women to their harems, after sending 151) selected virgins to the Khalifa. The dervishes, in addition, threw many wo- men and children into the river. CheefelEVVC=e2FILX,nelea Tho fae drone signature/ of 1 le on every wrapper. ASV THE CAT'S FRIEND DEAD. Lonely cats, deserted by their own- ers or lured from their homes by heart- less boys, have lost a good friend in Miss Annie bray bew, wh ()died a short time ago in England. This woman was the founder of a cats' home, and her whole time and energies were devoted to oaring for deserted and stray cats, on whose behalf she was constantly ap- pealing to the kindly hearted. Every summer she issued. an epithet through the press to persons leaving town, beg- gipg them not to foraet poor puss, Leaving it to starve in their absence. Miss Mayhew was a firm believer in the theory that there is a happy hunt- ing ground for felines in the future and that human beings and. animals wiill sernewhere meet again in the great hereafter. It ooraforted her to think that in BOUM way pussies who had suf- fered gross aruelties at the hands of men and women in this life might some day have their compensation. UNAPPRECIATED FAVORS. Hotel Proprietor, to guest at break- fast -Did you enjoy the flute -play- ing in the room next to you east' night? , Guest, savagely -Enjoy itt 1 guess not. I spent half the night powed- i on the woe' for, the fool to stop, Proprietor --Why, Sneider told me that he plaered over every piece, he knew four tutees, and the person in the next room epplanded after every 0110. naltainwisMS : WHEN BUILT UP. HUN . cos:" That's 0 OWN advice to every weakly, sickly, ailing vrornan and girl, and there's nothingequal to .-4, INDIAN WONIAWS BALM for purifying' the blood, .4 toning up the nerves and building up the health. .,.: ) es) 0 e —csth 111.11=1111•1910.X - - . - COBRA TACKLES A BICYCLE. 'Adele Experience or it wheeislizin in south era India. Every One went leas Leen ;to the An- name:lay' Hillis, knows that after he - passes Podanur junction the road cros- ses an traduditing country, and the eye:Set has to toLl up ridge after ridge, although of course he has the compee- satin,g pleasure of lotting his maohine I go when ho rune down the eenmee, saYs a writer in the Madras Mail. It was when I eras spinning elowri one of I these ridges that this adventure carne 1 linen me, 1 was booking at some geed - ening clouds on the horizon eveitili fore- : teeki a thunderstorm, ere I was mecli- tatin_g en my elieneets of arriving at mr, deelinetton with a. dry coat.. when sundenhy I saw right in front of me across the road a :long snake. It, was imposeible to swerve to either side paid avoid the Watts:me reptile, for the s'.ope was too step, and. I was going fast. The oulY tiring to do was to atop. I heek-pedieditel with my whole , weight. The rising crank lifted me out of the saddle as I straightened my knee. I put on the brake with eat the force that my right hand coned exert, ,But the momentum Veda too great or the hin was too steep. The brake - rod had not been adjusted so as to make the brake very powerfa, and ib only checked the speed of the front tire, which stilt slithered round under the rubber eusbion as the bioyole went on over the snake, whiela rose with a hiss to ineet one and extended its hood. Quiek as lightning it struck at the front wheel, end ae11. armee I instino- tive.y lifteet both hands from tbe han- dee bar ou,t of ba,rm's way and leaned bark in my saddle, the thought flash- ing through my mind that &hoes and hose gave my feet and legs a chance, but that MY HANDS WERE NAKED. The instant ray bend was off the brake the bioycle shot forward, for in my fright I had. forgotten to continu,e to back-pedal and the road. was very steep. and I weigh, I [regret. to say, more than fourteen stone, sa that the abieleis si.nePlY gave a boend down bill. on' One bound, 1 had neteltate- ttme to replete ray bands on the han- dles when, with unutterably siokeuin horror, I saw that the snake was hal through the front wheee, end that the wheel- was dro.wing it through the ; fork with a, horrid "whish" 'and a Hen - nixie, sleekening of speed, :then there was eAltad as the head or the snake was drawn through the fork and hit the road on the left, and a fraction of a. second. later, a flap of the tail end of the snake as it was drawn throu.glo and hit the road on the right, fa -Sowed by the horrid "whish" again as it was untie more drawn through the fork. There was no time 1,0 think. The one idirte that possessed. me was to accelerate Ibis Process. I leaned, forward over the ho.ndee bar and pedalled with all my etrengt h. How that bicycle did, fle down the bill 1 The t men by the roadside passed me like a ribbon. dile dreadful "whish," thud, flap, "whistle' thud, cep continued, but the "whish" was not so loud, alnd did not perceptibly affeet the speed of the cycle, es the snake softened. under the treatment. The level ground v.t the foot of the slope I sped across at racing speed, and I rushed the opposite slope as long es I had any breath left in one. Then I ventured to gat oft. The snake head was gone as far as the spectacles on the hood, pounded into it jelly by the hard. high road; en the right bide of the wheel the snake tapered off in- to a few fleshless vertebrae. Two herd by in the fields by the roadside came to see what had. happened, and with sticks helped rue to remove the car- cass from my front wheel. When I reached Pollachi I had a whiskey and soda. I think that no man know e how, good a whiskey and soda can be untie he has had. a corbra in the front wheel of his bicycle for a mile or more, the while he has been pedalling for dear life! AN ADDED POINT. Lady Betty Cunningham, having had some difference of opinion with the parish minister instead of putting her usual contribution in the collection plate, merely gave a stately bow. This having occurred several Sundays in succession the elder in charge, of the plate at last lost patie.nce and blurted out: We cud dae wi' less o' yer manners. and mair o' yer Biller, ma teddy. Dining on one occasion at the house of a nobleman Dr. Chalmers ham ened to repeat the anecdote, whereupon the host, in mi not over well pleased tone, said: Are you aware Dr. Channers that Lady Betty L9 a relative of mine? I was not aware my lord, replied the doctor, but, with your piirmission, I shall menden the fact the next time I tell the story. CASUGHIT NAPPING. Mr. Wiggs, admiringly-Mrs.Haneom looks as pretty as a picture this after- noon. Mrs. Wiggs -That costume is very he - coming. She has a hushanct who likes to see a woman decently dressed, and isn't too mean to pay for it." NO UNNECESSARY DISPLAY. Let me see -last, Saturday was Miss May 'rewer's birthday, svas it not? How did the day pass off? It passed off quietly. It was her fortieth. Ac,b.T 4,,.;: RIA For Infants and Children, meow ligature Of le re 17-4/ 07017 'free were&