Exeter Times, 1897-10-7, Page 3!OWN)* a de - events tveight tie et man,' ehains hostile (trews ana a Pur - 0. Lula better among among Oa the an lew nd. he. rights ibeliesa nunia- :Uterus to its in. An or tris seeral ras ari y rove id; be - serious •g' Mint ineeted would other 1 to te death, iine4 I of Ras money, t horn. be free BlirOWNING 1)„ 0 t • r. s, Grittiness, Otetoi.fit Culver' ty mace and residence, owe uiou Lein * Itey,uxiatea. )R. B.INDITAN, coroner for t.ie county ot office, opp .site Carling ittes. store:wester, AUCTIONEERS. THE LEGAL. - PRAC'fICA1, FARIVIIAG. oat order is the chickens. If for eggs. you want to get some oC the light kinds such as the fogborns or Olinorcas. The '''''''' -.-------•-•-•-'-'---•-•-•'•-• ."--- Hamhurgs are good layers but their CAIUSES OF POOR CROPS. eggs are too sinall Cor market purro es The Legborn and Minorca; ley a Poor crops are bound to come atone sized egg. But if you are going to d° time or another. Sometimes nosy are ykour h atsh in re with then thenitialtamisldr I:LIME:SON , Barrister, Soli - ,- • attar of Supreme Court, Notary APnblie, Conveyancer, Coulon issioner, dro Voney to Losmi °facet ttnerni'f, MootR. s, ftetor, El. poLLIN s , airriater, , Solicitor, oliveyamter, Etc. EXETitilt, ONT, bFFIOR f Over O'lleirs Bank. & ELLIOT, 4 anisters, Solicitors, Notaxies • Conveyancers &o, . )1arlItiouey to LOAD at Lowest 'totes 3( interest. :omog , MA1N - sTrotwr, EIETZg* Benvan every Thurtday. InEDICAI., nat. a. ItIVP.RS. M. B. TORONTO UNI flR. D. C. IV. Tolonto liniver sity. office-Cralton, Out,. Re. ROLLINS AMOS. e ,feparateOfileee. Residence sem as Moiler, iy, Andrew st. Otlices: Spackmares ' Main et; Dr Rollins' saute as formerly, north or; Dr. Amos' some building, south door. ' A .1t0LiaN$, De T. A. AMO, D Exeter, Pot ammo ver it. make iney :wain may for enehip terted. 0 F wh. r' '1114 the knit s still eoele este s eel" Os .1 Ilia non I 7t'3. riots itt- av tisi p rime. nit aeh- 16)3 or. W ation eery. 115. iiotr etit y Lon, mune; ;one piens eines rano riur con. tittle d en - rank 1:110 alien at ion O Iler Kul le it - voile neut. ry in to h Ant, does r !no w 74) '10i h- 1 len, ken. tx:C then r to:a- bove a p - with hair. e the 11 BOSSENBIIIRRY, General Li el • coused Auctioneer Sales conducted '411Parts. Hatistactioe guaranteed. °barges intierate. Bonsai:1P 0,Out. 4'ENRY EILBER Licensed Ana - 1 tioneer tor the (want 01 moon , end Ilicolleses • Sales ottudnoted sit mod - @Vito rates. Palo°, at ',pat.-011We Merl, VietEltINAItY. the result or natural causes and some- theY ;uarflpieetrtheay are e wie tong legged tines not. Too onuob or too little rain and Make excellent mothers. 'they too much heat or too much eold are be- are also good layers and when Y°11 yond the power of the farmer to con- trol. It frequently happens, however, that even with a favoro.ble season. a poor crop is gathered. A few of the CS,UStit are: - To enable a growing crop to utilize the food in the soil the soil should be brought to the most perfect physical condition. If too compact, it becomes impervious to air and water and, thus demises the plant of stooge part of the plant food. If the soil be clodded or lumpy the plant rootlets are re- tarded in their growth. Proper drain- ing and a thorough working of the soil will go far towards putting it ia good shape. .Abai occasional dose of liree will al -o greatly improve the ;mechanical cenditien of the soil, If the later should be too heavy the ‘,,,tlii lighten it; if it be too light the lime will make it me coxnpaet; or sweeten it 11 it be It is poor policy to grow the seme crop On the same moil year after year; every farmer should select a rota:1i:: suitable to his particular soil. as a rule, include some leguminous crop like or peas in the rotation whieb can absorb nitrogen from the air and thus add to the soil's supply of Plant food. The plant must be fed aedproPerly. If given too much of one kind of food an dna eriouli of another nature's bat, cove is disturbed, and an unhealthy plant, results. The three plant food i3- grefirentsurbiol1 are the airst to become Vo. lion; and in a proper manlier, Oasts fee "'int" k 'era Y aS will neurish any P wp130.tiettbsbgtatiziedt lie supplied a severe dra n on the systera. ilea 11 moulting is WL. be a failare froM. the outset. eople who to"ge we.1-lietten, and pour over enough (be boaing water o root th h aeritilaultitetramaelan4, phosehorie beetle°. they begin to But do not feed muoll 00111. moult never intended theta to run 1 tb tO hthdd soid. When applied in the correct pro- f a barne,ss. Matrimony, in \belt ease. tioettnear 121:ctlahoepapiengeltothvae; raeclad atahe 'rte, el e ir the nitrogen Is sup - lent and cause an Clean the mope owe a week, and But thoughtful people -p ilt Then ad tilt:putt 'meats and the season-' venture to ea,y that if yott tan folloy have measuxed honest." and sotarly e n Ortmet ly, in • •' Tennent & i'ennent Elie= it , ONT, frrterett t of tlio Outarto Veterin v trr. 01.1,1 cis : 44 Otto it01».fioittli arrow:1 Mil. Tait, WATERLOO MUTUAL 10110t; 1N MIRA Hy 1.. 0 0 • Established to 11(00, ; NEAD OFFICE - liVATLRLOO, ONT his Company has been over Twout yrsrs sueromful (moraine in Western Ontario, ono continues to livolrouguiteg lu,s or datrace by Fire. emu:otitis 81 Initiootories 1111,1 all other ,ler(n110.)2 of insurable property; bite:piing in.nrers have the ()taw() 01 laetrile:on tho Proinlemsligeor Cash :•;y:,teitt. • Dunne the past ten years this company has Iffiten 6, ' Policies, covering nropertY to tile von,Alut .$40,..472 0:id, end pat (alt le-1st:Katona ritti,162.0o, 00.00, consisting of (ah Oevereineet lbeposi land the unassos- ' led 1'r In owe nit hood nal it: toms •. .11' Atet.N. 0 M. .12.?0,1,03, ; ictretery J. II. lit 44141.4. luny:nor C11 A.3 1.1 ..agtt t. for Exeter onti vicinity EXETER TIMES tthout the House. TACT AND GOOD CHEER, "A, cheerful spirit makes each day inerfurned beautioue as the May." The busy "Lome keeper" and, the practical housewife, who prideo herself on ber devotion to the bome duties and interestee crust not forget the an- . . Eumething. If you hatch artlfi•ii portance of ptuativating smut o want to kill one or the table You.Ilave You will not need any. other kine eheerfunaess and, fellowship in the you are going to furnish fowls for everyday home lkfe. We want some - market, then you want some of the thing more tban a comb to rest up - heavier kinds, suett as the Plym,outh Roiks and Inaian Games. on awl_ food to satisfy our hunger. We Having stoeked op, the next is the can get these at a rai0way station. Whitewash the coops every mouth care in order to make it PaY• Man is perhaps more then anything in summer; put a little carboho acid ie e. -18e, a Soso,' 1 Wing- needs eota- the wane every time. During the win- ratteship and Dalowship, and apnea - ter atout once a month will do to aP- th,y- and affeetion and cheerful 0o -r- ely with pump baying a epray on the nozzle; have everything in the coop runasansga- movable; ute kerosene on your perches; Life is ample arid eatisfying Pne° cover the floor with about six niche& portion to the coirtp:Sterte,se of its cor- of straw for the fowls to scratch tn; respondence, fau.r eyes would be an ieive theta deeas nests every \ogee l fuse from toeacco factory or insect and. our ears a,n agonizing strain, if every faculty has found its *arras"' there were no sound 114 is malty when powder; provide them with a• dust batlo do not forget to lay in sufficient road dust in the fall for this purpose', also pal?' tYgrOlugdritb,ousnech as oyster shells Pandence that lite is lull and com- . plate, T1 them a vvarm mash bo the morn- It therefore follows that if our 'Kola Now for the feeding. In the winter nag, eonsioting of two-thirds tvbeat instincts find no correspondence In the bran, one-third corn. meal with some ohace we call home, it cannot be easy meat serage adeo add a little cayenne real home to me it may be am ole - pepper. For dinner give some whole gantlo eppointett. plane of tesidence, but wbeat esateerea in the strew on the it is may tbet and nothing more, this will keep theta good and bealtbo: underseetaaraendthileuahallorsdaopabaya olfV1IViele5, '3,VIIIII . . WII floor; so as to make them work for it: vary will be to step in the 000p and natter the grain. Of course you. will Bra ri";, so that all that will be neces- ‘c,h,aitllarIs In each °non have a feed box with contearteuents, to keep a variety of Itihaee'eegtgo ciasr8r7y water, and see that the tbtarkeeentinaaefsina remember:lag cabbage or onions. them with something green such as per cent. water; provide cdoalyd, weather; give For supper give °reeked cora and cats, In summer feed night and morn- ing, Pro•aIng they have a good range. 't i$ to prevexit vermin in nests use the re- eternal mho if tbere were -no lighte to insure bealtlifill conditions Without soroblitnis f.oers. Domvs(rse RECIPES. Beef Tongue oneemoked beef tongue. til thoroughly done, and wilen cold grate it very fine Take the yolks of four hard-boiled egg's, raasbed fine, andtwo tableapoorifuis of pure onve oil to the eggs, /eat in well; then a de,ssertspoonto, of good made mus- tard, well mixed, oneettalf teaspoonful of seta, a little pepper and a quarter of a. pint of vin.eger. Beat the drese- ing weal and mix with Um grated, town.. This is espet Only elm for sandweehes. Caloken 'awe oyster salad may be made in the same way. Add celery to the ehicken. Dreesing for Fotv1.-Two onions, five ounces of soaked breed, well squeezed, a few sage leaves, one ounce of butter, one egg, a swan piece of wellemineed pork, salt and pepper to taste and a little celery. Millets and Cry the onion befoee adding to the other ingredi- exits. Sauce for Pudding. -One pint of bait- ing water, two tablespoonfuls of butter, a pinch of salt, one cupful of sugar, two tattlespoonfols of flour, Ince Sauce. -Wash about a cupful of rice arid threw into boiling water and (took until, done. Do not stir, but hake the kettle occasionally. Beat leo two eggs and two tabaespoottfujs of sugar, with a little milk. .Flavor to taste and stir into the rice. Serve with cream. To be eaten cond. Potato Slices. -Put into a deep dist 'mashed potatom that have been left over. When ready to 'use, them, of martyrdom, will- isaPPIY the BYulPa" wh,o have roam ition to am ent Into slices neerly an tnclo thick, Glaze with the beaten yolk or an egg tlay and. comradeship that are eo es- Bald sift over tnem bread erumbs. Put settle: ; at any rate, they will make the attempt. I am not spealtiog xiow them Into ttle oven in a wen -greased. or those foo.teh people who sat thr the Peen arid allow them to become (rate luxury of being licusere,ble, nor of tbose brown. Pult• a little, bit of butter on peopsswhe teeth slice and serve on a warm platter Pried. onions are mush relished with stubborn and croes-grained sav-reavrystbsasymantoct, daloat4hiswikthobagcsorea,inzreast this dish. the very heignt of the, storm, with the Vegetable Turkey. -Take one pound. ssucageh rpeeomparalowu"Ti "There, pi ist0,01513.0t.ahesoso...1" of tbterreaadn, egg, salt, dc'nee-equirelpfutrte.orf t)nint4111,1}Qeauten,don°e1 alai correspontionce; IC for nothiug else, pepper, sage and 'mixed berbs out of sheer coax:alums, . Nature la for tu,rke dressing to taste. Caop NERV BEANS plied through clover or peas the ea- the above you will bave no trete potash and pbosp a, e., pleasant and Oen. 0 of this costly ingredient can be i __.... ma ,ing• 13,, e:1 and it remains for the farmer to poultry keeping a profitable business. set about putting on the neressitrY • ouantitte,s of ' 1 lie e he can determine by a, little prae-, 11 al experimenting Byputting aater- ent quantitiet on different parts of the duties and re.sponsillauee 04 not act so. The clear-eyed evomenly ing. Butter a pudding pan, eover the wife will not lniry herset la a book butter with bread crumbs, put in the when she knowe that the husband mixture, and bake an hour, or until nor well done. c'Aeie.entalptiintkoet tea ilnitgLeleuteeolleperarsaetlieeela 'when. Baked Onions, -At our house we like eaver4 thtt, ran, tne ...r of Nerrocz. iatY, Lubt Vi.:0,• and VallinS itaihnuti; restores the weakurss of body or mind caused by nver.work, or the errors or es - oasts of youth. This Remedial). , toluttly mtres the most eLtion...il cues All other l'IllUTMENTli have Wirt eato relieve. este batiee, este at t,tt ptr 1,1/416i:tan, or els: t.t t L„vi 144 . .,..telpt wire .! on JAV.',...t Sold at Brownine's Drug .Store Exeter mar. read tfect re - for re - The and •ash- nad- aech grin that Otte but find •ntal a fit and die. and eon ' '0111 Cher any end was ght tog - e in an- wiCe ling uieti tied 3m- - for - DF -1 WOOD'Si NORWAY PINE SYRUP. THE. MOST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Virhoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain in the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases. The healing anti-consureptive virtues of the Norway Pine are combined In this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Bal- sams to make a true specift for all forms of diaease originating from colds. *Price - 25c. and 500. .1••••••••• 'FARM SANITATION. You can do very much. foryourselves he asks for a little ramie ; nor refuse onions baked. in mi,lt P tb • Pare e en the ground of being toe tiredewlaen nut in her ions and portal cook therein plenty be the limit of profitable applieetione- Pray" Lag( ' be proposes taking e t e if Yoll Oaten the entire suoves oC a crop. is your farms of all your animals eery weaingness to please she will find of salted. water. Drain them, and put into a buttered baking -dish. Heat a Item he can soon as 'ertain what Wou along the line of I ° 1 fact fax more than pro- her own pleasure. dependent aeon the time of applying tilizers when applied to the soil. must , don't forget 'that the houe .., you, and Nvitile you are about it -e well neecls ea. e during. a dry seaeon. Plants i an I for (Wilk but they cannot eat. Hence, fer-1 "'leaning coetteionallv. and the plea= the fertitizers; especially is this the fessional men with drugs ever can do • KUM-3'EN CRAFT. An excellent furniture p.olist. may he made by thoroughly mixing one part pint ot nailir to the toiling point, stir eitieniseteasitileutiteitemiesestiiiiiii ues kregetablePreparationfor As- similating thercod auctile Wa- ling the S tataarhs and Bowe of Promotes Digestion,Cimerful- ness and Rest,Con tal ns neither Opiutii,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NAB c OTIC. .744 wee 11rSATOIRPI7W1ER rigwArdn Sol - 41x.renrett Nadefla Serie - ..eldee Seed 4. Ilwernzied a:don:lad/1,, Keren Seed - Clarified Sugar ,wnevrz- SEE THAT THE FAC -SIM ILE SIGNATURE F -- AperfectRemedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stotnach,DiarrIvea, Worms ,Convulsions,reverisit, [less andLOSS OF StEEP. TacSitnile Signature of NEW 'YORK. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY 130TarriV4 OF EXACT COPY 0-F WRA PP ea. Cestoria is pat ap in one -sire bottles Gray, It is net sold in balk, Don't ellow anyone to sell you anything else oe the plea or panto tliat it Is "Ind se gooa" and Lein aisSirsr every pue pose," Ka- Soo that eon get 0 -A -S -T -0-11-/-A. Tin aeii/ireheenseee, cootie every eae. ef ' t PAVING BLOCKS OF SLAG- -long been the aim of blast furnace managers to put theix slag to a better use. Berliin a number of ; streets heve riacently been paved with slag blocks made from. shaft farragoes run on copper ores. Tim moetboil carrying out the promos. is a very en - has m a teaspoonful. or cornestarth pre- terestmg one. the main p viceisly wet with a little told milk, and avoid. too rapid cooling. The. slag is 1 teaspottefut of butter and season with run into iron mou.sis containing, spaces ! selt and white pepper. Boat two for thirty-six blocks. The raoulds are fan be absorbed by the crowing' sing Up engs light ',lad stir Into the milk, pour heated up before the oasts are made, if, therefore, f tli er 1 zere are pu on3us ' t - ni the tat.. • d crap, I ine of the privy vault, and ope g i of ratv linseed. oil with% two o onions this over the Onions and bake tin. the and. as soou as filled are covered witbi are tender and the ousturd set. heaps of sand. „ Item they are left pass into a liquid conditton before ies at planting time and a reason of dry . .. . tet .. rains and the free use oC carbolic acid in water solution. ...11 - weather follOws they ate prevented covered. for seventy -nitro hours, and may' taken out when it is possilae 101 Pl'ate of iron earl lime applied to the tine. Atiply vigoroutely Ntbilli a Piece a S,:alloped. Potaioes.--.Cat six raw po- und the plant ' le thus deprived of. near- : tbs how e not forgetting the s' Mt, may Plar'e where sloths are emptlea about 1 of tongs. After ftne.71 -cooling each 1 hendl0e. them corafortably with a pair frorn pass•:ne rrailily into annual state I soft flennel alter the turnieuxe has tatees. in thin s.hies- d 't ' ttlra MM. II! GS %VI th a vYiet7eltacballie cu0ttierif ithinent at the Vine Wilell it is est -initial.: Faye you =eta All ' -"t •*th a if ferelizent are put oa several weeks! an i diphtheria tn the faanilI. a ease of typhoid fever dwelling been carefuly duste.t . For a polish for shirt bosoms melt to- gether one •ou.nce of white wax and two ounces of spermaceti; tura into& llow pan. When cold break. tz put them in layers in a. but ed earth- 1 bsoek es tested s en dish, with sett, pepper and, latter hammer, breaking that. DTI everY loyer. Thieken a quart mint witb a teaspoonful of cornstarch, and when it has cooed pour it over the air bubblea. Pavements of this ma - i are semi to have been in ser - have large content results. vice fifteen years and are giving ex-, befoie pantirig. they have abetter 013- portunity to di soobiate through the toil. an. I are ready fortbe plants when the pants are realy for therm This will depend to some extent 1111011 the crop to be grown and tha elrevious treatment of the mil, Hit is inteneed toi,ow t lover following with,some sale crop. the economical plan would te to put all the potash and pliesehate on the i•lovei• aril depend on the litter to fur- ni h the nitrorent then the whole MaSe covid. be turned under the following l,'1) 'hip:. Snob a.n arrangcncent would •ure a good supply of plant food and or,ank. /natter far the succeeding Drop. If, however, it Le intentled to fertilize :gene. sale crop direct it would. be best to put 011 the mineral fert'lizer referred totome time before planting and hat 'ow into the f oil: These fertilizers will not leach out oC the toll, but will re- main there for the use of the crop. Ni- . atm are soluale and unless taken up by the plants at onee they wettest to leaeb out of the soil Simi be last. It lays best teput on nitrogen as a top dretsing at planting. In the case stnaal grain it is well to apply the ni- trogen in broken doses at successive periois ot plant growth. the along the lineeither in or about the barns and stablet disease germs in the filth that is allowed to accumulate and you suffer in otiose- querre wbile we doctors and patent medicine vendor: are reaping' a harvest. FASHIONS IN JEWELS. The newest wate,hes are gold, with colored. dials mounted by the side of a compass or a calendar to match the size, of the wateb oie a curb ohaitn and. they are called jurnelle braCelets. The most up-to-dete ebains are form- ed of alternate rubied, sapphires and diamonds, set so closely that little of the chain is seen. Sorae of them have suspen,ded fine gold ohain-bag purses with bayonet tops in gold. centered with a. massive cabochon ruloy set in dia- monds. Oiee, of the large flat gold hearts, POINTERS FOR BEGINNERS. 1 A evriter says that before erabarking i in the poultry business there aro sev- eral things to be taken into consider°, : time viz: the object in view, whether it i be for eggs or for raising fowls for t market, and alRo are you going to hatch artifically or by the Old method. Also 1 are you going to be able to furnish them with suitable quarters and pro- per care. 1. As to location, select, if possible, a trast of land sloping southeast, in or- der that your fowls will have the ben- efit of the sun when it does shine in vvinter. 2. As to their quarters. In this m- e -O.:: spect do not be too saving of a little V space always bearing in mind that . 1 it will not do to overcrowd them. Al- low ten square feet to eash fowl, and you will find that they will do much better than when givini less space. 3. The kind of coop where stones are minatokipli;ebos jaIrduesttahreesi zited:f cvhieesetert potatoes. Set the dish in the oven an ,e dash for slipper and one the tidal, - and put in a box mint required...Vie earl, 1ee three-quartere of an hour. this wax. Fresh meat sheiald not be allotved to remain roned in -pe,per, for the paper will absorb the mutes. Itemove the paper and lay the 'meat on an earthen petite. Fat wilt not burn if it hose something to doe so if it hes tobiOeft ilde for a. few minutes, put a crust (inbreed or a slice of raw potato into the kettle. Chemists say that it takes more than twice asinuch sugar to sweeten pre- serves and sauces, if pat in when they begin to cook asit d.oes 11 the sugar Is added after the cooking is done. To canaries glass bottles that have held. oiL-Place ashes in each bottle and ixamerse in cold water, then heat the water graduaLly until itboils; aO. ter boiling an hoar let them retnain till oald. Then wash the bottle in 800. 13811(18, and rinse in clear water. If the kitchen floor is orbit% give it a coat of raw linseed. oil to which has been added a, tuxpentine and dreier. APPIY with a rather stiff bruieh after dinner, if not a first coat, run dry with a. flannel cloth, itwill be ready for uge meet morning, and is easifily cleaned. with tepid water. There is °leaning enough that must be done telltale have been worn abroad so numb tbis season, had set in it an Indian em- erald set around with an old !breach design diamPnas. A beautiful tiara being shown in Leaden was all diamond leaves and scrolls lightly put together topped.by slagle large pear-ehaped. diaraonds. The Tadian Princes now in England lave. a great passion for beautiful jew- els and never tire of admiring won- derful ones •wona a,t evening func- tion.s by English women. Their own jeweLs of which they wear a profusion. are not out as well as the western stones. One nabob invested in a hand- some diamond necklace set with cabo- chon emeralds, with pear-shaped exam cads Imaging from the points. They are tosetne.ted -with watches, especially the little jeweled ones, and often wear several at one time. ElEAO-MAKERIS HEM F44.F.Ifi OM: UnIEfanai ittr‘r ',ION, THE EXETER TIMES is published every Thurscivr morning at Times Steam Printing Idolise Man steoce, no arly opposite Fitton's:jewelry store, Exeter, Ont„ by SOHN WHITE & SONS, Proprietors. na'rgq ON ADVERTISING: First ins,rtion per line 10 cents. Each subsequent insertion, per line cents. To ity.tire insertion, advortisonicatS should the front boarded; also put in suffi- he o.ent in not later than Wodner clay morning. dent windows front, so as to make it bright and climatal. Provide them plenty, I advise the following, being a cheap and serviceable coop: Inside measure, 12x20, the rear and ends of stone; rear wall 4 feet high 2 feet thick, the ends tapering to 6 feet in front to the width of the building; point walk on both sides, board roof, also covered with some patent roofing, Our JOB PRINTING- DEPARTIVIENTisone of the largest and boot equipped in the County With yarns.: coiyo onr prompt. attention. It stones are not plenty, build of of Huron. All work en.rusted to no will re tirnher. coops a,re 18x16x8 feet 11)",51°1" 1‘49.11 ("4 Newf41)8Pers• high. 'With V-shaped roof, and raised 1-AnY'ver on who takes a potpor regularly • ff the round, making a from the pOs'i, office, whether directed in ins inc. es ° g narne or another's, or whether he has sub. place for the fowls to escape the heat 2...et apogee orders his paper discontinued of blin sun and alSo saves the building , . , , „ scribed. or not, is respowible for -payment. he meet pay all arrears or the publisher msy from rot. t make yard the lellgt.13 01 and then collect the whole aniout t• let.t,y.iether, buildin.a. and 4 feet Wide, of wire net - continue to send it until the payment is made, i n3s-tilliil t'clicl 1148 p.' a ceo 1.'01:1esree thee, parier lentil). trams, then place on top of yard. This tisntenbscriptions, the suit may be ollisullnutadr,,0 lasItolmt,t1be r,thway. b rib I may reside Io, call take off when 1 desire to spade the paper is latic en irom the' ofilce 'n ting. For the top of yard I make a ta nielovereurtsslave .1 et that refusing to ta abmt i swot). or perio.licals from the post e_ean la e'ard., I keep fowle in un- threei o clock by which time co, or ronior,»g and leaving them uncalled prinut facie evidence of intentional pr_events them laying Ont. havbag the coops the next , ilependeroe. . BUYING A CHEAP SUIT. Mr. Shortpurse-I see you are ad- vertising cheap summer suits at five dollars up. DE aler-Yes, six. Five dollars up. Now, here is something I am sure you will like-han.dsoime, durable and well cut, onler $33. But the five -dialler -- Yes sir. Look at this suit, sir, only $20. five-donar suits I would -- Ah yes. Want something cheaper. Dere es, an elegant suit for $27, only $27, think of that. But tbe five dot -- Ana here is o,ne for, 428. But the five - Or, we can let you; loam this for pi. But the --- Here's something cheap, many $19. See here 1 I want to see those five - dollar suits. A gentleraat like you surely,wouldn't waut to wear a five -dolor suit. If you have such a thing would like to see it. I see I have made a mistake. jitn, sho.vv. this feliow, them slop -sloop rags. INSULTING. Bill Collector -I have pre.sented this bill to your husband time and time again at hisooffioe, a,n,d he is always too busy to attend to it. I have also called here with it, fifteen timee, but you eleva,ye put rae off. Mrs. De Ilea -What ? You have call- ed. at this house with that petty bill fifteen times,/ Such frequent calling with one bill is an insult, sir, Begone! Nnrie. X. P. of Chicago, has in her poissession the sword which Lord Byron earried ja the war for Grecian they will be through Thin MINNIMMIIIIMEalagairg"Ig It I SAM The Same... Old Sarsaparilla. Allse "lbw That's .A.yer's. The sante old sarsaparilla as it was, made mad sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer 50 wears ago. In the laboratory it is different. 'There Modern appli- ances lend speed to skill and experience. But the sarsapa- rilla is the same old sarsaparilla that made the record -50 oears of cures. Why don't we better it? Well, we're much in the condition of the Bisb.op and the raspberry: " Doubtless, " he said, "God. might have inade a, better berry. But doubtless, also, He never did." Why don't we better the sarsaparilla? We can't. We ate using. the sante old plant that cored the Indians and the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since tee make sarsaparilla com- pound out of sarsaparilla plant, we see 110 way of irnprovement. Of course, if we were making some secret chemical compound we might.... But we're not. We're making the same old sar- saparilla to cure. the same old diseases:1:You can. tell it's the same old sarsaparilla be- cause it works the sante old cures. Xt's the sovereign blood purifier, and -Ws Avers. 0. drop enjoy when they come home hun- gry from school. Beked Egg-Plent.-Cover with boil- ing', water an(1 cook halt an hour. Drain off the. water end. 'when the egg -plant EUGENIE AT ATHENS. The St, ,Tame.s Budget reports a pathetic incident in connection with the recent visit of the Empress Eu- genie to Athens, When she was leav- ing tbe hotel in order to return to her yacht some Frentihmea belonging CARTEKS ITTLE IVER PILLS. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles ineti- dent 10 13 bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating,. Ft.in in the &c. While their most retuarkahle success has been shown in curing SIC Beadache, yet C'ADTER'S LITTLE LIVER Pmts. are equally yalitable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying comple,int. while they also eorrect all disorders of the stomach, stimulate Me liver and regulate tbe bowels. Even if they only cured A Ache they Avould be almost priceless to those who sulZer from this distressing complaint,* but fortunately their goodness does not end h. who once try' them will find 142 (4)01 enough. to handle out it ()pea end tremove the interior, being careful. not asembled outside, uncovered respect-. hall thes; little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do wtthout them o the, Plait -Hellenic legion who to break the skin. Math,season with fully, ana one of their eumber„ advano- • But after all sick head p.enty of butter and stilt and repper to taste, toul .put back into the skin. Sprinkle the top with bread crumbs, beaten ap with an egg, and. bake to a golden brown. Very nice, indeed. NEW ZEALAND DOGS. •••••• Itemaricable Intelligence Snow's In Their came of Sneer. New Zealand is a country that re- lies largely upon the labor of dogs as opposed to the toil) of mein. A, man with severak dogs, trained one and all to a proper pitcia, can cope with the duties of a lerge number of men with - oat dogs in any work' that is purely pastoral. Last year itheep dogs wee an im- portant factor in thit ca,re of 16,000,000 sheep, which prod:med. 30,000,000 pounds ot wool... The does are almost as great a sight as the sheep on the four an- reael events of mustering, named re- spectively shearing ra-uster, November, stragglers' muster, February, wean- ing muter, Marcia autumn muster, May. The muster of every sheep' on the ruln is imperative, and these are ram exceptiona where Less than four ing a few paces, setti th er .m 3 , . "Madam, WO come from a war which has provetl as unfortunate as yours." 1 is 'he bane of so many lives that here Is where Tile empress, who appeared mucb mov- . 1 ed, stoeped and caused SCIIII4.: money 'to we make our great boast. Our pills cure it be 'distributed among her distressed while others do not. countrymen. Itis thirty years since and very easy to take. One or tvvo pills make CAllrat'S Lrilve LIVER FILLS ere very small her previous visit to Athens " a dose. They are StrIetly vesetableand do -.1! I not gripe or purge, but by their gentle Action ' THE COW. i please ail who use them. In vials at 25 cents TURNING ; i Eye for $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. When the siva•nship Queen was about ! MISER ISPICIIIII CO., New York. to ssil from Alaska from Seattle. &few . . g iti ig N qi n s .., days ago in t.i..o beight of the rush to , imoili ill grail gm anu mot the. Felotelyke a, man rushed down to the purser, an I exclaimed excitedly: I - Look here I paid for a stateroom for mytelf ani wife, and when I got there f I folinA an old t'Ow- Slickly:1g her head through the window. I am very sorry, sir, said the purser. We are very crowded, but 1 wull do the best I con for you, johni turning to 0.deck hand, goon deck and turn that cow arouna. ------- A BUSY SEASON. Mrs. Ebony -I spects youse very busy now, Mrs. Black? Mrs. Bla,ck-'need I am tvif de big revival ob religion. gain' on in de churth, and fob via:tire clergymen to do for. Eleepe me cookin' half de day, , ail' My 3I1IS1)0.1111 he has to be out half de night gettin' cbickens. musters are deemed suffizient. Amus - ter is arranged. on recognized lines. As nearly astiessible the raen work in line, within sight of each other. The top man drives the sheep gradually detvn to the man below him, who passes taem on till they reaoh tho man work- ing the flats. There is no precise rule, as each man cap keep his mob of sheep till the neat as mustered. Alt this time the doge have been working in every course on the beat, 'not en mama, but each in his own sphere, as the shep- herd commands. Shouilld he have half a dozen dogs they woutla comprise two "heading" or "leading" dogs, two "driving" or "latotaways" and two "han.dy" dogs. The "handy" dog is a deg able to turn its attention with equal exactness to anything. There is little erring; once his education is ac- complished Ms owner can depend upen him in any crisis. The dogs used. In, tilts colony on sheep farms are select- ed from Snots and German collies and the Smithfield slieep dog, and vitoy SIR much in size and. Gloss as they do in priCe. A dog fitted for the eapabilltim of a small Parra coul(1 be purchased for a so,vereign, while men who are in resi- dence on back country stations of 230,- 000 acres repea.tedily pay from £10 to n1.5 for their (envy. AGAINST THE LAW. Amateur theatrica.le, short -sleeved dresses and swimming baths are forbid- den to the women of Dolmen, in West- Phalia, by authority of their parish priest, because they are dringerou,s to morads. The fat. timile tipsters of /fe la Oil r.7 MTV PURE. RAG ANT, DELICIOV. NAN1 ils1 SEALED CADOks )4,e111113rEe.R 7(11 07' CP " MONSOON " TEA is packed under the supervisien of the Tea growers, and is advertised and sold. by them as a sample ol tbe best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none bat the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, can be sold at the sante price as inferior tea. It is put u? in sealed caddies of 16 lb., 1 lb and 5 lbs., and sold in three flavours at Lee., 50e. and 60c. STEEL, HAYTER & CO., Front St., Toronto. DRIVING LAMP Is about as near perfection as 50 years of Lamp -Making can attain to, It burns kerosene and gives a powerful clear white light. and will neither blow nor jar out. When out driving with It the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest hot se. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be hart ask your dealer tor the '' Dietz." We issue a special Catalogue of this Lamp and, if you ever prowl around after night -fall it will interest ycu 'Tis mailed free R. n. DIETz CO., 6o liaithf $t., New York. THE oEsT SPRINS Carts all Mood Diseases, Irma 9 1e:141?" Pimple to the worst •Scretutono Sore. MOIMSIIIIMIIMIaNOWMIIIIIMII.M.S.Stfl...IffelaWSZOVI 'WHERE 00Str DOESN'T COUNT. Mr. Skxtlee-You, say yen are going tA> .3v,a•Nre the Ortoern nominees, because met tired of heariog men c.m.uplain ibout high prices and. growl about the spense of t but where ,cen ,you that 3,.ott wiilt net hear saeh came 7 'Special tonne to Canadian nnetomeye, CCerk-I'm going to get -a, job as bar- 13^11'4,73.41)*,4•41Ve-ailisz,tin"--St=.3...virds. en.d.er,