Exeter Times, 1897-9-16, Page 8Cask, or Produce--
--42 a•- - One Price Only.
Our. Millinery and Mantle show rooms are
now open. Come and see the unusually
attractive exhibit of this season;' choisest
productions. A. magnificent collection of
high class novelties. We show some very
special pattern hats, that are not to be seen
elsew here.
You are always welcome to �oiie and inspect all that is
new in our show rooms, you will not be urged to buy.
7 THE VV EsTE1114.—LTp to date some
five* hundred tickets have been sold at
this station for the' Western Fair, Lon-
! cion, Nearly three hundred went on
Wednesday, The two trains compris-
ed „twenty cars 'which were packed
with people from along the line, ee
Our new Dress Goods and Mantles are all in and ready
for your inspection
J. A. Stewart.
Is prepared to dt, any kind of bird stuffing
net taxidermist vvurk at any time.
.Nev Roux ANI) Shill: Sll(fl.--:1.
Walters has opened a boot el shoe
shop, next to Timis office. Repairing
prompts attended to, New work a
specialty. Setesftction guaranteed,,
(all anclsee us, A. VV ALTERtz.
%fess Reid is visiting friends m
1V. ilkt sport.
Miss Susan Sweet, of Detroit, is
visiting under the parental roof,
rANr, of Toronto ; also for the 1'Ecomx rum Chris Hodgson, of Brooklyn, Ont., is
ItirtiCr2a of Ctivirar ilogl Lug i visiting his nephew, the Messrs Hodg-
and. { son, 1'shortie.
A. O. F. 1 Mrs. Verity, of Brantford, and Mr.
Fountain, ofTorantc, are visiting Mrs.
Verity's s daughters in town.
Will Caldwell, formerly with J. P.
Ross, is in Nelson, B. C„ having left
Winnipeg. He has agood situation.
Court, Price of
Huron, \'o 7S65.
iileetsiu ood's
Hail Sud and 4th
Friday iii each
month. Visaing
brethren are cor-
dially invited to
I,Astai, IN 00D,
C:, '1t. • (Ino.
g,E;,&r, SEe'li.
-- POR --
a SC x0014
o____.i f€PENING. -•—o
Lead Pencils,
Rubber Erasers,
Pens, and
Pen Holders,
Ruled, Plain
Slates & Pencils,
Scribbling books
Drawing Books,
Rulers, Etc.
J■ Grigg, EXETER•
LACROSSE.—The lacrosse match on
Tuesday between the °'Exeelsiors" of
Mitchell and "Larges" of Exeter, re-
sulted in favor of the Exeter team
four goals to two. The Exeter team
seemed to far excel the visitors in the
game, and could have made a larger
Jos. Hohnes, of Mitchell, visited his
uncle, Rev. Dr, Willoughby, at the
James street parsonage over Sunday.
Miss Eva Browning, after a two
Months' visit with her grand mother,
in Markham, ie'turned home Tuesday
evening. •
While cutting "headings" at the saw
mill on Saturday, Thomas Creech, had
his handbadly injured by a stick flying
back and striking his hand with great
blrs. Ann Heitman, the other day,
received a telegram from her son, at
Brantford, stating that his wife is very
ill, and not expected to recover. She
is a victim of consumption.
STOVES 1 STOVES.—Stoves•and hea
ers of all kinds sold at rock bottom
prices. Manufactured by the Gurne
Foundry Co., Toronto. Call and in
sect them atBissetts oldstand, Exeter
J. S. DEAVITT, agent.
Leaves will soon begin to fall
COMING TO EXETER.—A meeting of
the Ontario C'reauieries Association
was held at the Grand Union Hotel,
Toronto, Thursday night. The follow-
ing directors were present: Messrs. A.
Wenger, Ayton, president ; John H.
Croll, Aultsville ; John Sprague, A.nie-
liasburg ; VV. G. Walton, Hamilton ;
Wm. Ilalliday, Chesley; A. Q. Bobier,
Exeter ; Jas. Caxnichael, Arva ; 'Wan
II. Synder, St. Jacobs. A discussion
took place regarding the falling off of
exhibits of creamery. butter at Ole To-
ronto Industrial Exhibition, in which
the circumstance was attributed to the
want of a proper place for dairy pro-
&tete. It was the general opinion of
the association that this important in-
dustry should receive more attention
from the managers of the exhibition:
and that weekly cold storage space to
the erincipal ports in Great Britain
should be provided by the government,
instead of c yeey two weeks, as now
arranged in some cases. It wasdeeided
to hold the annual convention in Exe-
ter during the second week in Janu-
ary, and to engage the best dairy tal-
ent that could be secured.
Mr. Thomas, of London, is visiting
in town..
Rev'd and Mrs. Bray are visiting
friends in London.
Mrs. Ann M.:mien is visiting her son
Thos. in Brantford.
The I,. A, W, now has a total rueni-
`k ership of over 06',500.
Frank Snell, of Ingersoll, visited his
arents here this week.
Miss Gill entertained members of the
bicycle club last evening.
Mrs. Munroe is visiting friends in
Loudon and Sttnthroy.
Mrs. Geo. Kemp is visiting Mrs.
(Rev.) Fait, at Burlington.
Thos. V'c illiam:4, of Exeter north has
rented ..Holland's farm.London road.
The machinery is being Placed, in
order for the new electric light plant.
Dr. Rivers and wife, of Crediton,
visited at J. H. Grieve's on Tuesday.
County fairs have their innings the
next few weeks, with the editor at the
Miss Dench, of ()wen Sound, is visit-
ing Miss Flossie McTaggart, Exeter
Bicycle tuber are now being made
of paper, according to <n English
A son of John Ryan, of Luean, is
very ill With inflammation. His re-
c.overy is despaired of.
'"`t 'Satre l Sweet was awarded the con-
ttract for the mason work hi connection
with the electric light plant. ;,
Plums are very plentiful in `this sec-
tion, selling at 25 (ls. a pail, while
pears are selling at 15c. a pail.
The District Meeting of the Eeter
District of the Meth. church, will be
held in Jatiies St. church,onthe30 inst.
lIrs. 13. S. .O'Neil and daughter,
Irene, have returned borne from visit-
ing friends in Brantford and Toronto.
W. E. Browning left on Tuesday for
McGi11 University, Montreal to pur-
sue his studies for a M, D. We wish
him the sane measure of success that
has attended • hitn in bis previous
L. Hardy is buying apples for 11. 5.
Lang in Middlesex County. R. 'i Lang
is east of Toronto buying. Mr. Lang
expects to export heavily this season,
having his father iia the old country to
look after his interests there.
The many friends of Rev. Wm. Pen
hall, Corunna, former paster of Elini-
ville Methodist Church, will be pleased
to learn that he has so far recovered
from his severe illness of typhoid fever
as to be able to visit for a week or two
at the home of his father-iu-law.
Yes, sir, men .can get $20 per day
ordinary labor in Alaska. It may
well be added that it takesabout$19.
a day to buy enough to eat and give
man strength for a day's work. Ever
rose has its thorn, but this Kiondyke
proposition seems to be a regular old
We were pleased to learn that the
Exeter Electric Light Company have
procured water at the Verity building.
Well -borers have been at work for two
weeks, and on Friday struck a strong
spring at a depth of 801 feet. The
spring was tested to the fullest extent
and could not be lowered.
Have visited Montreal and Toronto
during the past week and have picked
up lob lines in a great many goods.
Don't forget to visit our show rooms •
on Saturday evening, Sept. 18th, Mon-
day and Tuesday Sept. 20th and 21st.
est display of import millinery. E.
...Two weeks ago,Mr. Beaver, of Dash -
The wood, inserted an advertisement in
,.aei 14 ret. THE Teems of cattle lost. He had
scoured the country for miles aroun
but could get no trace of the lo
animals. The paper was his next r
sort, and upon the second week's
section of the advertisement he
ceiyecl word from north of Zurich th
his stock was in Stanley, a Mr. Treu
ner, a subspriber of THE TtixES, he
George Baker and wife left for theirdescription given.
home in Mt. Forest Thursday, after We notice by the County Fair prize
visiting friends in town. list, that Messrs Carling Bros. are
Nelson Sheere left last week for offering a special prize of $2.00 in
The Toronto Fair visitors have re-
turned. home.
Mr. Wade, of Sarnia, visited the
Mesers Sanfuel and Charles Gidley,
this .week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles *Perkins visit-
ed friends in Toronto and other places ing the past week. g seen cattle there answering
iekard Co.
A Gra
d Display
We will make our display of new Millinery, Manties,
Dress Goods, Trimmings etc., on
Saturday September 18th
And Following Monday —
,--- -and Tuesday
Every body is cordially invited to examine our stock.
New FaU Dress
Mrs. Parkhill and two children, of
Essex ('entre, is at the Central Rote],
the guest of her sister, Miss VVoollatt.
The Epworth League of Main St.
Meth. Church, purpose holding a con-
cert in the basement of church on next
Tuesday evening.
- 'Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook returned
home from Burlington on Saturday
last after spending a pleasant week
with relatives there.
The two trains on the Huron and
Bruce Wednesday morning brought
in 2,100 visitors to the Western Fair.
—London Advertiser,
Better, bigger and prettier will be
the verdict of all who see our great
display of Fall and Autumn millinery
Saturday evenieeg Sept. 19th, Monday
and Tuesday Sett, 20th. and 21st. E. J.
The Fall tern' of the High court of
Justice will open in Goderieh on Mon-
day, Sept. 20th, before His Lordship
Chief Justice Meredith. The, Crown
business at the court will be conducted
by J. F. Lister, M. P., Sarnia.
John Spackrnan has returned home
after a yery successful season at Grand
Bend. Many yisitors were at the
Bend this year from different parts of
the States and several points in Gan-
da. Mr. Spackman reports a greater
terest taken than ever in this most
vorable summer resort.
The annual"Harvest Home" services
ill be held in James Street Methodist
hurch, September 26th. Rev. Dr.
Pascoe of VVingham will preach the
sermons. On Monday evening Sept.
27th the "Harvest Home" supper will
be given by the Ladies' Aid Society.
For further particulars see bills. -
The half price sale of the To-
ronto Bankrupt Stock of boots Be
shoes at Broderick's cheap store, gill -
goes on. Everybody pleased with the
big.bargains. We want to clear out
the balance of this Bankrupt Stock,
and the half-price sale will continue
all this week, and on Monday and
Tuesday of next week. We are selling
ready-made clothing very cheap.We
sell cheap all the time. J. W. RoDE-
xcK. \'w
The sporting season opened. Wed-
nesday. It is now legal to shoot grouse,
pheasants, prairie fowl, partridge,
snipe, rail, plover, swans, geese or any'
other waterfowl or game bird or am -
mal, including black or gray squirrels
and hares. Wild turkey must not be
killed till Oct. 15th, and no one person
must kill more than 400 ducks during
the. season. No one who is not a resi-
dent of Ontario is entitled to hunt
without first procuring a license from
the Provincial Secretary, costing $25.
The persistence with which the game
laws are being enforced is increasing
the number of birds in the West.
elbourne, where he has secured a
situation with C. Balsdonee
Rev. Mr. Smith will next -Sunday
evening preach a special sermon, sub-
ject : "Girl." Bath old and young are
>`" Thos. Beaman, of the London' road
south, is erecting a new ,brick cider
mill to replace the frame structure re-
cently torn down `ee
Rev. Dr. Pascoe, pf Wingham, will
preach : Harvest Home sermons in
James street church on Sunday, 26th:
A mass meeting in the afternoon.
goods to the boy or girl, at the age of
15 years, or under, for the hest essay
on the "County Fair," which will be
held at Exeter, this year. This is a
new departure in the way of giving a
specialprize, and therefore we commend
Messrs. Carling Bros. for the interest
they1 are taking in the intellectual
Heretofore the special prizeshavebeen
given for the best crock of butter, etc.,
but in this case it is a test of brain
power, and would suggest to the boys
and girls to gettheir thinking caps on.
We propose toublish the essay, at
Me ssrs Carling Bros., request.
40 inch French Serges
nice fine snake and
beautiful blacks,
our leader
40 inch Broche very
llel,v, and makes tip
a beautiful Dress, "l 0
44� inch silk finish
.Henrietta cloth in
medium and bhu',
black shades, extra.
special value...
42 inch fancy cloth,
raised patterns,
very new and cor90
rect style, special . , t'
OA lye Ian O� v'1� Ill AIS IIS Ian IAS
Ladies' ail
Vire have just received from Germany a large quantity of
Ladies' and Girls Mantles, and we invite the public to call
and have a look at them, and if you want to buy a stylish
• Up to Date
Coat we think we can suit you both in style and price.
This is our first season for Mantles, so that every coat is
new, not an old coat in the store.
4,Yfr J0, %I!,
j ie
It may be a little early to speak of Furs but we wish to
remind the public that we have a large quantity of Fur
Goods in Robes, Ladies' and Gents Coats, Capes, Muffs,
Ruffs, i,uf s, Caps, ete.
See our Ladies Fur Capes at
$B .A. $1O
Our leadership in Dress
Goods is more pronounced this
season than ever before. The
superior duality of our stook,
the immense range of reliable
fabric and the charliling as-
sortment of novelties. The
newest patterns and choicest
styles bought direct from
Britain, Germany and France
ensure us the best season's
trade in. Dress materials we
have ever had, The follow-
ing list shows the trend. of t
40 inch French Serges
all wool, great as-
sortment of shades,
special value_
Fancy Tweed Dress
Goods all shades
allcl colorings,s,plc?11-
did value.........
Fancy novelty Dress
Goods in combinat
ion colorings, all
new shades special
value, .... .
New cure cloths, very
taking goods and
very stylish
New Mantllos
The w fe of Alfred Allen is danger-)
Ladies' heavy rougih
Serge Coats, cut in
latest style and
nicely finished,
special 2.75
Ladies' black cur
cloth coats with
heavy velvet collar
high cut, very 4.50
adies' heavy curl
cloth coat . braid
trimmed millinery
style, very hand -
Our mantles were al
bought direct from the manu-
factures in Germany and
Britain, and when buying
from us you save the middle
mans profit. The mantles
this season are the best value
we have ever sh(Avn. Read
the following prices :--- '
Ladies' heavy Serge
coat, high cut col-
lars newest brand,
7 75
Misses', Tweed coats
assorted colorings,
velvet collars,large A et
Ladies' very heavy
boucle cloth, coat
high collar, latest
cnt very warm gar -
10 00
A Rigby Waterproof Bicycle Suit
iMade of all wool tweed. Coat with four safety pockets. Pants with
two side and hip and watch pockets, made either to buckle at the knee
or button with cuffs; all double stitched seams, can be bought retail
for $4,75. Worth $9.00 made to order. For sale by all first-class
dealers in Canada.
E. Saekrider, of Belgrave, visited J.
Mrs. Saxon Fitton is seriously ill
with pneumonia.
3, J. Knight, who was the eictim of
poison ivy at the Bend, recently, is
holidaying at Toronto and Buffalo,
The attendance at the Western Fair,
London, this year, has been up to the
astvaetTor *,;;71, far over we have left this
ming the thunder storm 'Monday,
the barn of Mr. Baekerville, at the•
station,wes struck bylightning and the
s.ides splintered.. It did not
J. A. Hook, of Tilsonburg, relieving
agent, is taking J. 3. Knight's office at
the station, during, the latter's ineepa-
. city, throngh illness, as mentioned
hest week.
Through the efforts of Reeve Bolder
the annual convention of the Ontario
Creameries' Association willhe held in
Exeter this winter. This will bring to
Exeter a very huge number of
strangers from a distance.
On .'111onday, the residence of Widow
Horn, Exeter north, was struck by
lightning during the electripal storm.
The chimney was split, tho ridgeboard
knocken off and picture frame indoors
brokee. The inmates sustained a heavy
The many friends of Will Robinson,
of Elimville, who went to the London
Hospital senile three Months ago to
have an operation performed for ap-
pendicitis will regret to learn that he
is not making the desired ineprove-
Millinery Openings on Seturday
evening, Sept. 18th and Monday and
Tuesday Sept. 20th and 21st. We will
exhibit the very newest novelties in
the millinery trade and know you will
be peleased if you see our large (1ispla
The complaint is general in this
neighborhood that potatoes are rotting
badly, and fears are entertained that
there will be very few good. potatoes
left by diving tithe, A blight has
struck the ;talks, which is supposed to
be the cause of the rot. An applica-
tion of Bordeaux mixture at the time
when Paris green was Pat on would, it
is said, hav.e. prevented -the rot by kill-
ing the germ of the diseaee, which is
We have just opened up a large asortment
urs of both Ladies' and Gentlemens. fur goods,
we can give you the latest and most stylish
goods at very low prices and wotld be pleased to have you
call and examine our stock of Jackets, Capes, Coats, Ruffs,
Gauntlets, Caps, Collars etc.
New butcher shop.
at Lowest Cash Price.
ss ds!
Discount of 5 per cent in cash or 7
per cent in meat will be eilowed on all
cash pnrcheses. Call and inspect, our
Highest cash price paid for Hides,
Sheep, Litiub and Calf skins.
OXE D0011 Soon' CENTRAL ItorEL.
The Lady who appears on the
street or in her home dressed in
black, suitably trimmed, has a
garment adapted for any grade of
society, and looked upon as al-
ways in fahion We are show-
ing some of the best values and
latest de'signs, as shown in our
window during the past week.
They have had scores of admir-
ers, some of them have been pur-
chased, and there yet remains
some 12 or more choice designs,
in dress lengths only. Their
values are not surpassed in Town.
Also choice lot of Colored dress
goods in single dresses only, be-
sides a large variety of Bla.ck
and Colored Cashmeres and
Serges, Ribbons and Trimmings
to match, Will have next week
the greatest values in Moire Rib-
! bons, in Black. Come and see
I them, Ladies, and you will be de -
Having spent a few
days in Toronto look-
ing up the latest and
most popular designs in
Dress Goods, we are en-
abled to show one of
the most handsome and
attractive stocks or
Goods ever shown in
this sectiOn. Our new
designs in Silk mixtures
commence at 25 cents
and vary in price up to
$2.0o per yard. Call
and see our Goods be-
fore purchasing.
We also. .succeeded
in .picking up some
specially cheap lines of
all kinds of Staple and
Fancy Dry Goods for
cash buyers at prices we
were never before able
to offer to the buying
0-0 R. Pickard Co.,: lighted with them. 4
DIRECT IMPORTERS.: J. P. CLARKE ix83-**C41:41414441--",