Exeter Times, 1897-4-22, Page 14he Big ,` s tore.
ash or P diioe
.,`-.=..„- One Price Only1
1111144/ ll!!i1utlilttII11t1111111111d11181181181lli1lli111111111! 11811t!Ii
Special For This and Next Week.
I only lovely Gilt finished Dinner Setts tun count
$40 the sett, regular value $10.50.
10 only full gilt finished Toilet setts,10 pieces,$3.75,
regular value x$5.50.
The above two lines tuts first quality semi porcelean delf,
the best value we ever knew of if you want a bargain
ome Quick
Have you seen the white Marseilles Bed Spread we.
are offering; at 92c. the regular price was $1.30. They are
here for you if you want one.
YM. SWEET, STovEs ! STOVES.—stoves and heat
ors of all kinds sold at ruck bottom
v ETEI;INeatY StetGLON. prices. 3t anufa etured by the Gurney
Foundry Co., Toronto. (.all and ne-
ts prepared to do any kind of bird stuffing spect them u atSicse
tt oldttLt
mud taxidermist work at any time.
Agent for the WEsrstiv Ass go:Nee Cox
PAM', of Toronto ; also for the Pnos:tx FIEF
INSURANCE. COMPANY, of London. Engiant
the ALLIANCE Isst'nANt'E COMPANY, of E g
l 'ip -eb 'l ltk
A. o.1.
Court Pric . of
Huron, No.
Mect:sinwo' •'�
Hall 2nd and h
Friday in eac
month visiting
brethren are cor-
diallyinvited to
C. It. ; GEo.
KEMP, SEc'v.
3. S. I)I•AVITT, agent.
Foteen. -•-On Main street, Monday,
i a lady's gold brooch. The loser can
recover same by calling at this office
and paying forthia notice.
' :Serum TO BR!.TLF, RIpens. Biey-
cle Suits $3.,5,1 at Johnston's.
:Always buy the best goods and you
will 1w better satisfied in the end. ('all
at Johnston's and see the line of Mens'
and Boys' Scotch Tweed Suits, beauti-
ful patterns, lined and made to our
artier, equally as well as any tailor
goods at the price of common read
made goods, $9.5() for Mens' suits
Boys in proportion.
G. O. Jens •roe.
G. Sutherland, of Hensall, w• • in
�avn on Monday last.
John Leathorn and family moved
,to London Wednesda. .
W. F. May, of Mitchell, visited
friends in town on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Dauncey is in Wyoming
taking care of her aunt, 'telt° is seri-
ously ill.
Mrs. Elliott, of Mitchell, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)
FOR. • Anderson, returned home en Satur-
Schoolroom forget to read carefully J. P.
and Students f Clarke's advertisement and locals.
We DON'T claim that The prudent buyer will call ou him for
proof of what he says.
Books and
EVERY line we carry
better than anybody
BUT we DO claim. that
the above lines .
Dufferin House, Centralia, was trans -
EXCEPTIONAL 'We were pleased to notice in the re -
VALUE. port of the Dental Examinations the
A meeting of bicycle riders will be
held in the town hail on Friday even-
ing, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of
forming a club and transacting other
important business.
The Devon hotel was refused a
license, for 1807, as was also the ilim-
yille hotel. The application of the
PROPI;IRTYC exei;s.-•R,Hornhasclin
posed of the Dufferin House, Oeutralia,
to one Hannan, of Seefoa'th for the
sum of $1,1(}). Mr. Hannan has rent-
ed the hotel to Geo. Grafton, of Exe-
ter north, while Mr. Donohue, who
had previously leased the hotel from
Mr. Horn, will move to London. Mr.
S. Bradt will move into the Exeter
north hotel. Mr. Horn will move his
family to Exeter.
BURGLARY. ---On Saturday morning
about two o'clock. burglars,tpresutuab-
ly tramps, broke into several business
places in town and carried off small
but valuable goods. ('unz's waggon
shop. Knights tailor shop and Bishop &
Son's hardware store were breken into.
While nothing is missed from the two
former, revolvers, razors and other
shall wares of value :were taken from
the latter. Bishop & Son's loss is
about $.10. The night watch -man saw
the tramps, on the street and accosted
them, but before his question "where
are you going?" was answered the
knights of the road were off through
an alley into the darkness. They had
completed their work before seeing
the night -watch. •
Berne. Ass.u' T.-- Tuesday even-
ing. Mr. Wesley Bissett, who lives on
Huron street, about. nine o'clock
heard a sharp cry ; and a few moments
later heard people Owning into his
woodshed, crying fur help. lie arose
and found Mrs. Cookson, a farmer's
wife, of the 3rd eon, Stephen, anti bet
daughter, also a Mrs. l'ookson and
babe, all in 'L state of great excite-
ment, with Mrs. Cookson, jr., • suffer-
ing from a badly injured fare, there
being a large gash inflicted over one
of her eyes. it appears they were re-
turning home from town oe foot when
maidenly attacked
b - a taLll
they were y,
powerful man, who without pro-
vocation knocked Mrs. Cookson, se.,
down and dealt Mrs. Cookson, jr., a
heavy blow on the face, knocking her
into the ditch. As soon as possible
they sought refuge in the nearest
house, and although neighbors were
speedily summoned, no trace could be
found of the culprit. Strong sus-
picion points to a certain individual
who was in town that clay and who
left for home about the hour of the
FAREWEI.I. Ao.1.ix EsC.U'ES. -- A
special from Stratford on Friday last
says :—James Farewell, who escaped
from constable Gundry en route from
he Goderich gaol to the Kingston
penitentiary by a daring leap from an
express train somewhere between To-
ronto and Kingston a short time ago,
turned up at St. Marys on We`e'•+'•e
day night. It appears that like wife
has been living in the west for some
time. Recently she received a letter
front him, informingher that be would
conte after her on Wednesday night.
She informed a friend of the fact, who
the police, and
gave the information top ,
as a result Officer Win. Gundry, of
Goderich, County constable Shand,
and Special constable Wm. Copeland,
of St. Marys, lay in ambush for him,
keeping at the same time a strict look-
out at the house for him. During the
night Farewell drove up to the house
with a horse and buggy, which be
tied in the neighborhood. The officers
started for the house, and had not
gone far before they came to a fence.
Farewell rose up on the opposite side
of it. Constable Shand nettle a dive
a" butwas struck in
to catch his man, >ra st t
heavywrench, which
theabdomenby a avrtl c ,
laid hint out. Constable Copeland,
who saw the blow struck, and fearing
Shand had been killed, took to his
heels, shouting for help. In the dark-
ness Farewell escaped, and has not
been seen since.
-+- THE R. Pickard Co. -�
... Cheap Dress Goods .,.
NOT the "cheap" in quality, but in price. The cheap
quality have no room in this store. We believe
in thoroughly reliable and worthy goods, no matter what the
price may be, we are in a position to give reliable goods to
sell at moderately low price:, and this is as true of Dress
Goods as of any thing else. �'. a aim to supply the wants
of all classes of shoppers, and those who prefer the less ex-
pensive Dress materials are sure toget here what they need.
These prices may be of interest to you
It is said the fall wheat has not been.
Jas. Walters is in Hamilton title
Mrs. J. Elliott visited friends in Lon'-
don last week.
Bicyclists promise to become more .
numerous in Exeter than ever.
wane v> L. >. _ Mr. Ed. Brown, of London, was the
cessfully passed his first year's exam guest of D. Spicer over Sunday.
tuation. He is from the office of Dr. The Appleton package Teas are the
Anderson, tl
JCrigg:: Briusley, visited at ZVni D Luncey s
his final examinations at the Royal
last week.
The Mart Exeter. College of Dental Surgeons of On- Mr. Harrison, who has been work-
tario. He has also taken, with first
Fancy Breclae Lustros, good
widths, lovely designs. war-
ranted fast black, extra,(special
value pet yard
Fancy Broche Lustros, brilliant
finish, 44 inches wide, large
and small floral and sport de-
signs, beautiful fast blacks,
special value per yard • ")O
Fancy shot Mohair's new combi-
nation shot effects, in blue
and lielitrope, blue and brown,
etc., etc. lovely goods and very
fashionable, special per yard
Fancy 'tweeds, designs asserted
colorings, good value, special
All wool black laenrietta cash-
nieces,good width and weight,
lustrous finish, great value,
.25 per yard • 30
Plain fast black Lustres, good
width and a great seller,
special per yard..
41 inch black henrietta, pearl
finish, good weights andinakes
up a beautiful garinent,special9
per yard
best. The R. Pickard Co., sell them.
u has been successful George Mawson wife andfamily, of
y. '
in '
THURSDAY, APRIL 29th,1897.
Mr. Nelson is moving his family to
London this week.
Most of the farmers have disposed
of their cattle for export ; the prices
.varying from 3I to 4.1 per lb.
Dr. H. K. Hyndman, was in Gode-
rich on Friday on professional busi-
Abel Walper, of Berlin, was in town
on Tuesday, and called on many of
his old friends.
Norman Creech has taken a position
in Browning's drug store, and willlenttng the Epworth Leagues of the
learn the drug business. % two Methodist churches here, visited
3. W. Broderick was in town of Elimville Tuesday evening, to take
ptirt in an entertainment given by the
League there. Messrs. W. H. Par-
sons and T. H. McCallum gave excel-
lent addresses, while others of the
visitors helped to entertain in other
class honors, the degree of Doctor of ing in Lucknow the past few months,
Dental Surgery in Toronto University. returned home this week.
Mrs. Gavin Ross
and son R. B.
•• are talking
�'he Royal Templets P Ross were in Paris this week attend -
another open meeting. The quality ing the Synod of the Presbyterian
of the last held in James st. church church.
was of such high order, the address Miss May Clarke, who has been
being given by the eloquent speaker, visiting her cousin, Miss Meta Clarke,
the Rey. Mr. Henderson, of Hensall, of Toronto, has returned to her school
that the society feel that a good cause studies again.
and advocate cannot be too well Miss Kinsman, who spent
spoken of. Look out for another. 'Easter under the parental roof, re -
A young man named Wilmot turned to Blenheim Satet"day, to re-
LIoyd, who lives with his mother on same her position as public school
William street, and who is in the cm- : teacher.
ploy of L. Hardy, bridge builder, on Mr. Alfred L. Russell, of Detroit,
Tuesday last had one of his legs broken eldest son of Rev. A. L. Russell, Lon -
by s Mexico,to
left for Los T o
• ] ` upon it. HeJ
by a heavy tiinberfa hog p
was assisting in the construction of a take a position of secretary on the
bridge, when one of the timbers ac-IaL.'aratia & Pacific R. R.
cidentally fell, with the above results. The present year 1897 began on Fri-
Anumber of young people repres- t r'evill end Fridaysoin n Superstitious d has fifty-
people believe that this is omiuous,and
are looking for, all sorts of terrible
things to occur.
There are thousands of bushels of
oats in the farmers' granaries, but
they are not likely to get a very big
thing for them. They have been
holding on all along, thinking oats
would take a rise, but thus far are
doomed to disappointment.
Rev. S. J. Allin,of Brussels,is under- f Jaxnes Horn, W (1liaLrn street, wash Ladies' in silk taffetas,
going treatment in London forcatarrb run over by a bicycle ridden by a fawnsGlovesd browns; and taffetas,
k ,
young lady,yesterday afternoon. blacks, ,
of the stomach ; he is suffering severe- y ye
i Eu ene Jam
oq h ne
d kids in J , e
ore ,
ly,and is in exceedin ly delicate g By a e,c passed on Monday evening mit and Paulin makes. In lace mitts,
health . His pulpit yyork is being sup- it was decided that the curlew bell he blacks; cremes and browns ; .these are
plied in the meantline by Rev. Mr. rung in I'altnerston at 8:15 p. m., and reliable makes ; to be purchased at J.
Rice, of St. Thomas. that the children under 14years of age
Ridingbicycles on sidewalks in Lon- P. (71st 1Le s.
y unaccompanied by guardians, be corn-
don 'Nest comes high. Wm. Oke, pelled to repair to their homes by 8:30.. What might have been a serious
pleaded guilty before Squire Lacey to 'accident, happened to Howard Powell,
breaking the bicycle by-law, and he The warm rains of the past two or on Monday. He was standing on the
was fined $1 and costs. The costs were three days gave vegetation a mighty school ground, when a boy, who was
$3.35, $1.60 goingto the Magistrate impetus. The face of the country Inas
g 1 running past, threw a sharp pointed
and $1.75 to the constable. Oke pat undergone a great change. Budden
P trees and luxuriant green grass inch I stick which struck Howard. on the
J. ci Broderick has purchased
in tan and a chin. The stick penetrated through to
noancin thathe. has direct sate the benefits of the rainfall,
gthe teeth.
from the manufacturers a stock of he husbandman's heart is glad.
ReadyMade Clothing.Nice g� oods, Don't forget that scores of v:trds of We have secured. the best value in
and te very latest styles. Call and t Muslin have been s irr'' we : Ladies' linen handkerchiefs, to sell
get a nice suit' cheap.. Our stock� of
Boots and Shoes is nocomplete. Wee
are showing a nice line of fine' Oxford
end Button boots. No trouble to she
cods ; and we sell' cheap all the time,
Tuesday. He is conducting a boo •
and shoe business in Goderich.
The schools of the town were r
opened Mondaymorning. The holiday'
hungry children will nowlook £orwar
to May 24.
Many bicyclists habitually leaye t'h eir
~wheels where they will be exposed to
strong su g
take all the life and elasticity out of a
The result of the recent examin-
ation in connection with the Royal
College Surgeons,has been
f Dental
(Jolla e
r, 9
published. Among those who passed
tire, ,~aid do it moredamaaethan many from this section are :—Exeter, A. R.
thousand miles. of hard riding would. Kinsman, final; L. L. Follick, 1st year;
The endowment branch of maw- Clinton, D. D. Ross and R. R. Ross,
lance in the Select Knights of Canada 1st year ; Goderich, J. Robertson, 1st
lit;+ being liquidated, and it is supposed year Mitchell, .E. Holmes, 1st year; J.
�'hat policyholders will be returned the McNaughton and B. Gerry, 2nd year ;
" nt ofpremiums ` paid in. The St. Marys, W. McLean and Jno.
rincling: up of this department will Bothwell, final
sot. affect the beneficiary fund of the
eiety. There is :a branch of this
ociety in Exeter.
he national Anthem will beg
d prayers offered for the . Queen on
iaua3a ,, June 20, throughout all the
o'nie of the empire. "God Save
noeu" is to be sung continuously
sons of England throughout
rlaonial Empire, starting in: the
laftds, and following' the sun
he world, the anthem be
ha each place as the sun
On the afternoon of Thursday, April
15th, the teacher and pupils of scheol
section No. 1, Usborne, -held a public
examination.. Soon after one o'clock
the visitors began to arrive and b
3 o'clock the : school -room was file
Mr. Anderson, the teacher, w.
assisted by the following teache
Messrs . Johnston, Gowan, rohnst
Horton and Keddy, each of who
examined some of the different class
during the afternoon. The &nswei
given by the pupils were both prompt
and correct.
Black Peau De Soie silk warrant-
ed, fast black, lovely goods,
worth $1.: 2 a a yard, special ] .00
We also keep a full assortment of dress lining and trim-
mings s which cannot be easily equalled. We have just
which you
)' dresstrimmings � C �U
novelties el lu5 cl:nd
opened 11 lot of 1 � t
should sde'.
•• Special Bargains
NO. I ---Fancy decorated Window shades, 37 inches wide,
mounte:i on strong spring roller............... • . .25
NO. 2—Ladies' white et tton drawers, laced trimmed, per
pair.. •15
NO. 3—Mens' Fedora shape felt hats in blacks and browns.. .50
NO. 4—Mens' fine black worsted suits to order .... $15.00
NO. 5. --Mens' West of England Trousers, to order .. $ 4.00
NO. (--Nottingham lace curtains :s" yards long, wh.te and
cream, per pair .... .5o
NO. 7—.ill•shades in wide width Pongee' silks, suitable for
fancy work • ... • ..... .25
NO. 8—Fast color American prints, per yard......
,Snell ehlulces are not offered every (lay and those who
take advantage of' them will fare best.
Pickard 76T5-_1
Direct Importers
STrnnxrs' Rkcxree.---Mrs. France: (leo. Griffin, of London, was in
Moore, of London, will give a musical • the village Tuesday.
recital by pupils of her Exeter class, The bang of. the • beaten carpet
bruises the balmy air.
in Gidiey's Opera House, on Monday
evening, May 10th, program to consist
and vocal C1
finstrumental ,
quartettes, solos,etc. See programs. Al
splendid concert is expected.
THE WHEEL.- of those
interested in wheeling will be held on
Friday evening for organization pur-
poses. There.. is no reason why Exeter
should not have an up-to-date Bicycle
Club with proper uniform or dis-
tinguishing colors. There are a great
many wheels in town and a proper or-
ganization would certainly be in the
best interests of Exeter and our wheel -
men as well.
Have you tried Appleton's Teas. The
R. Pickard Co. sell them.
Mrs. Moore, of Exerer north, has at
present many pansies in bloom.
James Snell has erected a new fence
on the south side of his property.
Those $3.10 gents' serge suits are
selling fast at the, R. Pickard Co's. �/
eThe total assessment of Parkhill this
ar is $333,510. It was $312,620 last
3I. Bacrettis re -painting and other-
wise beautifying his residence on
station street.
We Keep You Awake===
t t+ /Capt. Kemp has purchased a lot
PRIV ATE POST (.ARDS. 'rhe Post- 'from A. Holland, and erected a hand -
master General has decided to relax •
some wire fence thereon.
the regulations on the subject of per- Quarterly services will be held in
missable printing on the face or ad -
Main st;. Methodist church on
dress side of private post cards passingSunday,
between one place and another inCan- May 3rd, Love Feast at 10 a. m.
ada. No objection will therefore, in The six months old son of George
the future be made to printing,designs Ford, Exeter north, died on Friday
etc., provided ample: eeace is left for morning last after a short illness.
the address, and that; there be perfect- Wile away from home on Tuesday,
ly clear space, free from border,left for .a small dog entered the premises of S.
the postage stamp. Private post cards Powell, aiddkillednine of his best latus.
are considered a good advertising med- Over four tons of maple syrup were
iuxn, and those business men who are shipped from Watford this season, be -
not using them, should do so now that sides what was used for local consump-
the regulations are broadened. tion.
Olean up. -��, Robert Gibbons Reynolds, of Gode-
House cleaningis the order of the rich, is sheriff for the county of
Huron, in the room of Robert Gibbons,
day. resigned.
Queen's birthday falls this year on Members of the lacrosse club are
Monday. � requested to attend practice if they
Mr. Boulton has purchaser) a new wish the club to attain any degree of
Cleveland wheel. efficiency.
vi h o f Parkhill
r visited Alexander 1VI
cTa s o
Mrs. Priestly, of London, vas ted
Mrs. W. Howey, yesterday. has been named by the Ontario Goy-
ernmenteto be Police magistrate for
he town of Parkhill, without salary.
No one shall fish for, catch, kill, buy,
ell or possess any speckled trout(Salve-
\ J. J. Wright, of the Point Farm inns fontinalis) between the 15th day
Goderich was married last week to of September and the 1st day of May,
Mrs. Porte, of Guelph. - both clays inclusive, in each year.
R. O'Neil, of Lueaa,n, moved into Ladies' Hose in plain and ribbed
the Mansion House yesterday,- Mr. Cashmere ; also stainless and fast
Leathorn moving leis family -to Lou- blacksHermnsdorf Hosiery. You ,can-
not get better. Tans for children.
d Olive Hern.a smell child, daughter ,'We are offerianglOc patterns
at p s of cash -
Ask to see those $15 Black Worsted
uits at The R. Pickczrd'Cb's.
Appleton's Teas are the best in the
market.TheR. Pickard Co. sell them,
a P. Clarke's.
- 44'._--^•E�i' - —
To the fact that hot weather or cold, you can
save money by trading at Caning Crony where
things are stirring from morn till night.. We
know that SUGAR will catch flies but it won't
catch customers ; and we are pleased to see
that trade of most people cannot be caught in
that way.
It just simply means that if a merchant takes
it off SUGAR and other groceries he must of
necessity put it on something else. As the old
saying is
It's no wonder the people are suspicious of
merchants when they advertise in the manner
in which they do.
For instance, a merchant advertises a Suit worth $15,00 for $9.o0
Here is a problem for you boys, during holidays ?
what was his profit when he sold it fol $15.00
C..A RLz JaP.OS,.
HOLDEN -At Zurich, on April 8th, the wife of
Thomas Holden, of a son.
DEICHEItT f.t ZurIch. on April Oth, the wife
of Peter Deichert, of a son.
CARLLNO-]n Exeter, onthe 24th inst.,thewife
of T. B. Carling, of a daughter.
JOHNS -In Exeter, on the 25th just•, the wife
of W. Johns, of a daughter,
McNALTGIITON--In Hayfield, on April '22nd,
the wife of John McNaughton, of a son.
IIOADHOU Sig..- -ln Kirkton, on the 16th inst:
the wife of W T. Roadhouse of a daughter.
HILL.--MITCHELL—At the residence of the
bride's father Colborne. on April 11, Mr. Lux.
ton Hill to Miss Emily Mitchell, daugator of
Mr. E. Mitchell.
WItIGHT-•-PORTE—In Guelph, on the 20th
lust.. at the residence of 0. A, Griffin, by the
Yen. Archdeacon Dixon, Mrs. J. R. Porto, to
J. J. Wright, Point farm, cloderich,
GOv ENLOCR—YOGNG•—At the residence of
the bride's father Glencoe, on 20th inst., by
the Rev. J. Ross, Wm. Melville Govenlock, I3.
A., of Ingersoll, to Miss Jennie May, youngest
daughter of Mr. J. Young, Glencoe.
13RINDLE3--CARD—In Shepperdton, at the
residence of the father of the groom, on Ap-
ril 14. by Rev, J. W Pring of Nile, Joseph
Brindley to (tae May Card, daughter of Levi
Card. merchant of Godcrirh.
SIMS --.At Irirkton, on April 11th, John SIms,
aged 47 years.
DOrPE,—In Blaushard, the infant , son of
Joseph Doupe aged 5 months.
IREID--In Goderich, on April 20th, Jas.A, Reld,
aged 40 years, 8 months, 15 days.
IIEID —In Goderich, on April 20, Jas. A. Reid,
aged 40 years, S months and 15 days.
MAItSHA.LL—In Goderich tp., on April 18
Mary, wife of John Marshall, aged 82 years.
GLANVILLE—In Stephen, on the 23rd inst.,
Clara Victoria Manville, aged 23 years and
11 days.
FORD. --In Exeter north, on the 23rd inst.,
Herbert James, infant son of Geo, Ford, aged
0 months, 2 weeks, 2 days.
F1TZGI>:RALD.—In Bosanquot, on April 13th,
t h r Mr. d Mrs. Ira
the infant stat t0 of an 13,
o a►
Fitzgerald, aged 4 months.
FRASER—A.tthe residence of his uncle, James
Fraser, '<ti est Nissouri, Alexander W. Fraser,
son of Hugh. Fraser, St. Marys,
HODGINS—At the rectory, Seafortlr, on 21st
23rd lusts., Alma and Arthur, infant children
of Rev. .1. W. and Mrs. Hodgins.
a ;nouuced them to clean for- I at 15c, ever placed on our counter.
i er 16 and 18. In i'au to. Also a snap in superior lawn handker-
e.. above we arc now e:;iwing a ' chiefs. Dozens of them have already
eautiful tie ire iii Cret ::e, 46 in. been sold, regular price per dozen $1
wide; both sed • ;alike for regular for 60e with colored border at J. P.
price 50c,at .i. i'. On.eke's. Clarke's.
I31'sINz:ss.—Our ambition is to give
satisfaction. We are on the alert for
first classoods in all our depart-
e art
ments. Our late purchase of Teas
only require your taster ; liquor therm
and you will buy at J, P. Clarkes.
An account of $27.50 from Thos. .A
Langford, for damage to boree, cutter
.inti harness, caused by his horse fall-
ing off the bridge on the S and 0 road,
across the rivet, was presented at the
last meeting of the London township
council and referred to Mr. Clarke to
obtain the opinion of thesolicitor as to
the liability of the council.
Call at theme—..
New Butcher shop
- - Rolled (corned Beef - -
- - Pressed Tonga e - -
Sausage Bologna
Beef ,, Rabbits
Geese Salmon
- - - Rolled Bacon - -
Beef sold by quarter at low-
est cash price
CAirxTs.--To those wishing to buy
Carpet, 36 in. wide. We made a pur-
chase taking all there was in stock,
regular price 50, 65, 80 for 35, 45 and
65. Our wall papers are right. See
our latest arrival on exhibition at J.
P. Clarke's.
The McRobcrt and Hogan farms
were offered for sale by auction at
Liman. The former was withdrawn,
as a satisfactory offer was not made,
and the latter was re -sold to M.
It is stated that Miss Eva Newton,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Newton, of this place, was united in
marriage to R. Hereudeen, of Celeve-
land, on Friday the 16th inst.
Miss Mary Maynard was burned
nearly to death at 'Whitby by her
clothing catching fire from a lamp. •
Friday May 7 will be Arbor day.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache, weak
back, rheumatism, diabetes, Bright's disease,
dizziness, sleeplessness and all kidney, bladder
anti urinary difficulties. Price 50e. per box or
0 boxes for 82.50: Sold by all druggists or
sent by mail on receipt of priee by T. Milburn
It Co., Toronto.
We have just returned front market
where our purchases were of the most
careful character, and never have we
secured such bargains. I know this is
en old tale often told, but it is abso-
lutely true in one case. For 'examples,
Black Silks, Black Surrah Silks, Burn -
neer Silks, Silk Laces. In the Blouse
and Summer Silks, which are choice
patterns, we are offering them in every
instance at wholesale prices. , You
will say why ? Because they have
so as to 'offer
b e able to ' .off
been purchased
them, and the prices are in keeping
with the close financial times. The
priers are values that. cannot be dis-'
We have secured great values in
Black Lustres and Sicilian cloths,
ArnazonMuslins, Black Serges„ Creme,
Corn, Pink, Salmon, Fawn and all:
colors. In Henriettas we are showing,
'French figured Soliels. Golden Art
Drapery and our Curtain department
has never been so large ranging in
price from 500 to $3.75 per pair. Don't
fail to see our curtains at $1, $1.10 and
$1.20 per pair. We have never offer-
ed anythinglike them. Seven yds to
Our all wool Black Serge at 38c is
worthy the inspection of any lady
• wishing such at the price.
At dight Prices.
We have the largest stock
we ever carried. Commencing
at 20 cents per pair.
See our 334 yard Curtains
at 75 cents. Our lines at
$1.25 and $2.00 are also
special and 20% better value
than regular price.
The newest designs at a
great deal lower prices than
ever offered. We are giving
a special 10 per cent discount
from the cheapest to the
Is now on and all lines of
Clothing are being'sacrifdced.
Special mention ' might be
madeof our Wool Tweed
Suits $4.50 and also '. ou
extra quality Scotch Tweed
Suits at $9.50