Exeter Times, 1897-4-22, Page 9Before
take Ayer's Pills, and you will
:sleep better and wake in better
condition for the day's work.
A.yer's Cathartic Pills have no
•equal as a pleasant and effect-
ual remedy for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepared, that they cure with-
out the annoyances experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer's Cathartic
Pills., When other pills -won't
help you, Ayer's is
blood is sure to
do havoc some- ,
where. The only
Menthe is sound
kidneys, the only
Citge, kidney med-
icine, the only
tedicine is Dodd's
Kidney Pills,
to a rery remarkable remedy, both for X.
VERNAL and EXTERNAL use, and won.
derful in its quick aotiOn to relieve diotresa
I s ft sure ouro for Sore
Throat. Coughs.
Miarrheca, Dysentery, Cramps,
Cholera, and all Bowel Complaints.
le TILE BEST rens.
ear known for sere•
sickness, Sick Jileadache, rain in the
Mack or Side, Illietsulathins end Neuralgia.
PAIN -KILLER tratrimittki
ig all moss of isruisets, uta, Sprains, Severe
esteem, etc.
PAIN-KILLERis the well triad and
trusted friend of the
Mechanic. Fanner. Planter, Bailer, and in
,ract all ClaSSOS wanting Meditate always at band.
ond sAnt To USA intern:lair or externally wills
oortainty of relblf.
Beware of imitations. Tdka none but tbe genuine
.PERRY DAV13." Bold eyorywbera ; rOr. big bottle.
Mrs. Maggie McMartin, 27 Radenhurst St., Toronto
' Mt. „swears that ityokman's "Kootenay Cure" mired
,,or of Paralysis which rendered one aide of her bod)
,ntiroly useless. Physicians said there was no ehanct
.f hor over recovering the use of her limbs. Hope
.1::rer1ed her, but to•day she is walking around telling
:ter friends how Ilyekinan's "Kootenay Cure" gar
.ur life aad happiness. Sworn to, July 10, 1800,
z °tore J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Publia.
Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered witl,
'Eczema since her birth, has been entireiy oared and
un• general system built up by Ryokinan s "Kootena)
Jure," The above facto are given in a sworn state.
matie by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139
Stinson St., Hama*, Ont„ dated July 9, 1890,
ef'cire J. F. Monek, Notary Public,.
Charles K. Newman, 19 Marlborough St, Toronto
Ont., had a conepheation of blood tronbise, ghee
manes, sees*. Kpint lopuble and oonstipatien.
il'es ffiquently dishflbefl at night, list his appeth,
md was a very filen math His Ridneyi are now in r
ooaltby condltiqp, his appetite good, sleep undim
and-rv-melipation Mired ; all this mil done b,
,Iy• elfina0 0 ' ilootenay Cure..!: Hs makes 0;06'
Itateinent the above tants befork J. W Sopa=
• Jul,'JO. 1890.
tatereeting items About Our Own Country,
Great Britain, the United States. and
All Parts ol the Globe. Condensed and
Assorted ter Busy Reading.
St. Patrieleas Boys" School at Halifax
was seriously damaged by fire.
Caetle shipments front Manitoba td
the British markets have corameneed.
Dr. Montague speaks in very high
terms of the prospects of the Bothwell
oil fields.
Montreal retail grooens have organ-
ized a boycott on the depa,rtmental
Manitoba's total contributions to the
Doraietion India famine fund amount.
to $18,390.
The Thirteenth Regiment of llarolle
ton is now completely armed with the
new Lee -Enfield rifles,
Mr. Henry J. Medlin of Ilarailton is
dead as the result of swallowing a
beam -beaded taok six years ago.
An attempt to burn the steamer Gar-
den CitY at Post paal01.13/0 INV..% frus-
trated by a cotaple of fishermen near
The Massachusetts Iastitute of Tech -
Teleology etunmer sch.00l of architecture
win be held at Qaebec City this „sum-
A general order has been issued by
the Militia Department whiela re-
stricts tie pay lists to men who are
Lit fax active service.
A portion of the C.P.R. track oe. the
Pacific division carried away by. a
landslide has been relaid and trains
are ru.nning as usual.
A large mass of rook weighing sever-
al tone fell from the oliff down on
Cbanip.aia street, Quebec. A couple
of bowies were damaged.
It is expected that the lower floors of
the Western. Department, buildings he
Ottawa, which were injuxed by fire,
will be ready for occupatioa by the
first of May.
It is rtunoured at Winnipeg that the
object of the visit of Sir Frank Smith
'and other officers of the Dominion Bank
is to start a branch. there and at Van-
IAn intimation has been received from,
, Atuatralia to the effect that several oh
the Premiers are considering the ad-
visability of tre.vellreg to London by
the way of Canada to participate in the
diamond jubilee.
Mr. J. B. Riley, United States Consul,
gives the exports from the consular
district of Ottawa to the United States
for the quarter ended March 31, as
$550,909, of which $467,151 was lume
Chief Justice, Sir Francis McLean tel-
egraphs from Calcutta to the Gover-
n.or-Cs'eneral thanking all who have con-
tributed to the India famine fund.
and. reporting the progress of the work
of sellef.
The authorities of McGill University
Montreal, eavegeoeived from his High -
Imes the i'llahara.tan of Jeypore,
a 'number of works on India architec-
ture, known as the ;Teypare portfolios
of architectural details.
Harry de Wbaclt, who recently ra-
ted to travel by land from New
Tor to Paris es ill in London.
The trade returns for nine months
of the present fiseal year were 0184.-
734,000, nearly ten millions better than
teat year.
Danean Forbes, of Oualoden, the de-
soendant of President Forbes, of Scotch
btstario fame, died itt Oullocle.n, house,
three roiles from In.verness, on SAW" -
The British shipbuilding engineers
and their empaoyers have a dispute
which is growing very grave, and
great strike is irahnineut h aal the
Diphxmatic notes are passing between
London and Washington with reference
ti the. Behring sea fisheries, and a, dif-
fictulty is threatening s serious as
the Venezuelan affair.
The :usual Queen's Maundy bounty,
was distributed at (Westrnmster on
Thursday, and the coins given to the
old people were eagerly bought as sou-
venirs of the jubilee reign.
'A despatch front the American Sec-
retary of State, -couched in decided
terms," hasbeen served =the British
Government, urging that the indis-
criminate slaughter of seals in Bering
Sea be stopped. •
It is stated that Lord Wolseley, Com-
mander -in -Chief a the Baitisla force
will have to shoxtly retire on. account
of ill -health, 'Lord Roberta and Sir
Redve,rs Buller are mentioned as fate,
ariteie for the successions
Referring to the trouble in Hawaii
regarding the landing cf Japanese
mzgrats, the London St. James' Ga-
zette says that if a rupture takes place
between. Japan and the United States
the latter raw find, the Japanese navy
a hard oustaxaer to tackle.
Mr. R. W. Hanbury, replying to a
question in the British House of Com-
mons, announcedthat the Board of
Trade, woald ask the Government
the Dominion a Catnacla to furnish a,
report on. the result of tee law prohib-
iting gambling in future.
Truth says:—"It is doubtful if Lord
Saisbury's health will permit him to
retain the posts of Premier and Sec-
retary of State for Foreign Affairs. Un-
der these ctreu,nestanees mealy Union-
ists axe suggesting Lord Roseherry as
Secretary of State for Is'oreign Affaare."
The Sons of England are making ar-
rangements for the holding of a dia-
mond ju.bi.ee service on Sundae-, the
20th of June, that will circle the globe
at the hour of four eeolook in tbe, aft-
ernoon. Everywhere the National An-
them will be sung, and. prayers offered
for her Majesty.
Mr, John Ha-ys Hammond, the Ameri-
can engineer and former rnember of the
Johannesberg Reform Committee, arriv-
ed in London on Friday from South, Af-
rica. Ile says affairs in tbe Transvaal
are very unsettled, but he does not
think an outbreak of war with Great
Britain is likely in the immediate fut-
The report of the penitentiary inves-
tigating commission has'been transmit-
ted ter the. Ministe'r of Justice. It ie
stated that one tresuilt of the investi-
gation will be a thorough shaking up
of the staff.
It is peobable that the. Dominion
Government will shortly (give ineteur-
tions to its agents in England to see
that the children, sent out to this coun-
try are not the dregs of the crLminL
classes or otheateriee undesirable.
Mx. Donate M. P., has received a let-
ter from Sir Oliver IVIawat stating
that hie application for the Suppression
of the lieetnets of the Massachneetts
Benefit Insurance Association cannot
be granted utader .the laGV• as it exists.
A man about twenty-one years of age
jumped off the upper Suspension bridge
at Niagara Falls 011 Saturday. He was
seen to strike the field of floe ice. The
only evidence teat by him was a brown
Derby hat, with the maker's name in -
"Hall, Boston."
The Secretary of State has prepared.
a memarandurn for Council as a basis
for a proclamation making Tuesday,
the 22nd of June a national holiday
and the day far the official celebration
throughout Canada of the jubilee of her
Majesty's reign.
The resignation of Chief justice
Hagerty of the Ontario Court of Ap-
peal has been aeztepte,d. Mr. Justice
Bu.rton of the same court will be the
new Chief ju.stice of Ontario, and Mr.
Charles, Moss, Q. C., is mentioned in
Legal circles as the most acceptable new
Judge iv place of Mr. Justice Burton.
The p'roporeal to organize a, special
regiment of GOO men to represent
Canada at the jubilee celebration
will, probably fall throtegh, as the Govt.
eramr-General has received a cabala
message from Mr. Chamberlain ex-
plaining that the Impertiel autheritiee
cannot aocosen,modate more than 200
troops from Ctainada.
It is stated that the Goveraam,ent
has decided to grant the C. P. R. a
bonus or $10,000 pee mile for the eons
stractiom of the Crow's Nest Pass Rail-
way, en retuen for the company's sur-
render of the monopoly olattilses of its
agreement, a. redutotion. og freight
rates, and reaming powers fOr other
railways over the new line.
Adrairail Markham, rear -admiral of
the Mediterranean fleet, has declined
the Dominion Government's offer to
take coramand of the expedition to test
the navigability of the Hudson Bay
straits, on, the grounds that a seal-
ing vessel, with engines of only seventy
horsepower, is not a, craft suited for
the purpose.
The Red River is still rising at Emer-
son. Many have had to leave ' their
hams,. and great destruotton of pro-
perty is being caused. Same buildings
are submerged (to the eecond floor
There is over three feet of water in
the stores on Main street, and all come
roeu.nioation from the country is cut
Mr. • W. C. McDonald, the Montreal
tobacco manufacturer, was condemned
by Judge Pagnuelo .to pay the parents
of the late Alphonsine Thibandeau
$1,999, the amount of their action for
compensation, for the death of theix
daughter, who was working in the Mc-
Donald tobacco factory When the fire
of Aprill, 189.5., occouged, and died from
injuries received by jueoping from a
wmdow of the fourth storey.
The drift in England towards war
with the Transvaal is heartily welcom-
ed by ell closes,* •
Conamiesioner Roosevelt has resign-
ed. from the Police Department of New
It is repeated at Washington that
Spain is withdrawing her troops from
Cuba, claiming that the rebellion is
practically suppressed.
The Carn.egie Conapany, of Pittsburg,
has been invited by the Russian Gov-
ernment to bid on armour plate for two
first-class battleships.
A. gunner was killed and two otb,er
men seriously injured by the prema-
ture explosion of a charge during tar-
get practice Oil the United States cruis-
er Yantio.
Mrs. Tillie Morgan, a Denver woman
of martial spirit, insists on her rigat
to enlist in the National Guard„ and
is causing much trouble to the Adjut-
ant -General.
Col. John Hay, 'United States Ambas-
sador to the Couxt of St. James, left
New York on Wednesday for London,
to assume the duties of his new post
as soon as possible.
Mies Louisa Weiss, a young Ger-
man woman of Malone, N.Y., head on
a charge Of stealing goods, has made
her escape from gaol, and is supposed
to be making for Canada.
An incident of the floods in the
Southern States is the drowning of a
colored familyof semen persons
through their bull kicking the side out
of the boat in which they were inti -
grating to higher land.
Special agents of the United States
Sub -Treasury department at New York
are reported to have unearthed a sys-
tem of smuggling of embroideries and
other goods from Montreal. Several ar-
rests have been made.
Mr. Wallace Thayer, of Buffalo, has
consented to the extra.dition of Mrs.
Sternaman, charged with poisoning her
husband, if her trial is set down for the
MayAssizes. Mr. Cartwright Deputy
Minister of Justice, says that he will
endeavor to have the trial take place
at the next assizes; but he thinks that,
following the ruling of Judge Ferguson
in the Hyenas case, a United States
counsel will not be allowed to appear
in the Canadian court.
The weeklyreports from the com-
mercial agencies in NtilV York state that
the conditions of business are practic-
ally unchanged. The stook market, of
New York has been more or less af-
fecte,d by rumours from Europe of a
warlike nature. Business in the United
States (has been seriously interfered
with by floods, an.d prospective labour
troubles are causing considerable mis-
apprehension. While the general con-
ditions of business are perhaps normal,
the outlook is generally of a promising
Prince Bismerek is much improved in
Spain is contemplating raising a
loan of fifty thousand dollars for war
Ten persona were killed by the ex-
plosion of fare damp in the Ofberha,.sen
pit neag. Essen -on -Rehr.
Eight Ertglishrmen and 26 native
ruiners were killed by an explosion in
a mine near Johannesburg on Tues-
According to reports from Bombay
2,853,000 persons are employed in the
relief works in the famine distriots in
P,rince Bismarck has oompletely re-
oovexed from his recent indisposition
and is able to take bong carriage
drives. •
Speciale from Havana say
that high-
ly respectable woMien are beingarrest-
ed and imprisoned on the suspicion of
aiding the insurgents.
Russian prisoners tor Siberia will in
future be taken to their destination by
train and be thus epared the harrotrs
of the long march.
Prince Hohenlohe, the German Im-
perial Chancellor, has resigned, and
persists an his resignation being a,e-
cepted by the Emperor.
There is excaltehment in Honolulu over
the arrival there of a large number
of 3.0•113anose gotatorp, WillO have eea3,13
into the country in the guise of stu-
tjahety WifeifdliCangin S etlre tabouaLs sla,clarb;toilf tthhee
country with tee Brittsh ealony of
Belize. There Is now a feeling in fa-
vour of ratifying the treaty.
rive American fishing vessels are
ole tope.cerocnutri:
beet owing to the rigid Lmforcement
a the Anti -Bait laws,
A despatch from Cape Sawa says the
Het Dagalad, the Dutch newspaper, de-
clares that leading officers in the Trans-
vaal sneak openly of war with England
being inevitable.
The Federal convention in Adelaide
by a vote of twenty-three to ttveave
has rejected atu atmendment to allow
Atou5trvaoltiewnfoureusemernaberB4s profasethn.e
The next advance of the AnglotEgep-
tan force% in the Soudan will barnacle
as soon es there is water enough for
the steamers to pass the fourth eata-
rAaougtuosft.the Nile, probably is July or
A despatch from Japan says that the
recent coevention between Russia and.
Japan in regard to ()area have seriously
injured the standin,g of the Japanese
Ministry. which is not likely to last
nanoh longer.
The strotrighoad of Ganmeen, Bechu-
analand, (hae been captured by the
Duke of Edinburgh's voluitteer
Galishowe loot three huadred horsee,
malty c,attle and many warriors. The
British had six wounded.
The Turkish Government has form-
ally informed. the Greelc Government
that any further raids of irregulars
into Turkish territory will be regard-
ed, by Turkey as a, deolaratioa of war
upon the part of Greece.
It is eenli-officially stated that all
coercion of Greece upon the Part of
the powers will cease so soon as' war
is declared, because otherwise it would
th:ravrenthticonchameter prosurkieli in -
'no choice of the movement to begin
war with Turkey does not rest with
King George or the Greek Govera-
raent, but with the Ethnike Hetairia,
a secret organization, which directed
tirereegeurosslarisee of the frontier by Greek
The British cruiser Reversal• which
left Cape Town on February 12, under
sealed orders, arrived at Durban, Ne-
tal, unexpectedly during Thursday
night with six other Ilritieh warships,
arid two more warships were expected.
The object of the naval demonstration
is not known at Durban.
The Prince of Monaco expresses his
willingness to offer a reward for the
detection of the steamer which passed
one of the boats of the foundered
steamer St. Nasaire without giving
tbe eufferers in the boat any.assistaime.
The action of the steamer is strongly
coederated by all seafaring men.
Sataractory 'Metall of the res of Dr. Tersitt's
Scrum—Statistics of Mortality.
A: despatch from Bombay sags :--Put
at fifty aaotved oases of the plague
whicth have been txnder treatment by
Dr. Yersin che,re ha,ve been thirtya
three recoveries and seventeen deeths,
sae a mortality of 31 per cent.
Since the outbreak of the plague
the mortality bee been 83 per cent:
The cases treeted, in which the na-
ture of the diseaee was confirmed,
were distributed as
Re- Treat -
Cases. Mod. covered. ment.
Feet day 2 15 17
Second day 6 11 12
Third dayG 6 3
Fourth day 2 1 1
Fifth day 1 0 0
— — —
Total 17 33 33
The cases treated with feeble doses
of serum gave a mortality of 10 per
cent., while the cases treated with
strong doses of sufficiently active
serum gave a mortality of only 7 per
Dr. Yersin also anade preventive in-
jeotions of serum in twelve persons. He
is awaiting fresh supplies of serum to
carry on the experiments.
The Plague in Bombay is diminish-
ing, but fresh centres of contagion, it
is reported, have been discovered ha
the provinces. The plag-u.e is very
severe at Karachee and Poonah.
The Situation at Morris and Emerson
Growing Worse.
A despatch from Winnipeg says :—The
wife of Conea.d Noar, a German settler,
was drowned on Monday while endeav-
ering to escape to a place of safety
faxim the rising waters at Emerso.a.
Near also had a narrow escape. The
flood. situation is growing worse at both
Morris and Emerson, as the Red River
is still rising: oin Emerson despatch:
says:—" A cold, sleety rein has pre-
vailed all day, which adds to the mis-
ery already existing. in the families
°coped up in second storeys., Their
close quarters since the flood commenc-
ed have made them feel very despond-
ent, and they would gladly welcome
scone means of, exit to their friends in
Winnipeg on dry ground. The citizens
have all they can do tolook after their
families and property. All are doing
the best they can ande,r the ciecume
stances, but the outlook is gloomy
for some time to come. It is a se,riou.s
matter foe Emerson."
The case of a burial tong delayed has
recently comae to light at Revel, a Rus-
sian town near the Gulf of Finland. The
body thus tardily interred was that of
a Belgian soldier et fortune, the Das
Charles de Croy, who had been Com-
mandexein-Chief of the Reasien army at
the historic battle of Nerve. in 1700.
Made a prisoner during the fight, De
Ctoy took up his residence at Revel,
vothere he died in the course of events;
Itis creditors dem:waged to his burial,
however, until his debts were paid. So
the scattier raniounified and his remains
have stayed ever canoe in a chuaah,
where they have been exhibited to vis-
itors as a curiosity. Now, at last, amid
snob, pomp as wee to be found among
tate locaa authorities' he has been give
en a fitting coffin and premerly inter-
red in one, of the vaults of the church.
Is that a good hen, Unele Josh? "
A good hen, seal "Uncle Josh; why
that 'ar hen lays eggs as big as( hail-
The Woman Found Vier Death—rite Rabies
Drifted Nearly a Mile Down Stream and
Were Miraculously Saved—Wonsan and
Babes Well Clad.
Mrs. Sophia. Vogel's life. came to a
teagio end in. St. Louis, an Saturday.
It is the pethetio etory of a evemenn
atruggles with the trials ineidexit to
many a wornan'a life, trials borne WI..
complainingly by wine, that prove too
great for the sensitive nature of
others, who toll of them in insane hab-
blinge or in eonie each way as the
dead face of Adolph Vogelts wife told
hers on Saturday.
Adolph Vogel is an honest mart and
an industrious ane. There are scores
ready to say that he was baconsidexe
ate of his young wife, that he let the
cares of the 'household weigb too heav-
ily upon her and that caring othing
himself for a neighborly visit or an
evening at the play -house, ite denied
te her these forms of recreation.
"When Carrie LS two years old, there
will be a brother or sister," she said
in a stoles five-minute coraidence wit)),
her neighbor aoross the way. She
said it with none of the delight ehap-
py wangle shows When she announces
the dawn of motherhood.. Her face
was moody, her voice trembled.
"1 Olen die, I know," she said, "1
study about it all day when I am at
work and 1 ecannot 5105» tor thinking
of it at night, aly chit ren wxU heve
it stepernother. I ctazat bear to think
of that. It makes me crazy. I can't
go away and leave them. They raust
go with me."
The plain, hard-working woman wite
of her own paid no heed to thisplaint.
"If I only had noticed her thisraiget
not bays happened," she said over and
over again, while tears streamed dowa
her sunbrowned fake,
On Saturday Adolph Vogel's wife
dressed the children and herself with
unwionted taro, arid with them. went
on board the ferry -boat Dr. Frederiok
Hill. Other passengers noticed the tall
aAnteattathliy lbderae4u1st. nye(' tiorifn tshbeoroikhn,i black she watched so tenderly and because
of her abstraction and the restlessness
of her eyes. One of these, kindsheart-
with her in the comforting little cora-
meraplaaas women love, but. tbei woman
turn trip was nearly completed.
boat-hou,se, keeper, was looking idly a.t
gave no aign that she hea,rd. The
boat orossea the. river, end its re -
the river when tee Dr. Hill steamed
ed Miss Lana Utriale, tried to talk
Mrs. .Edward Bradley, wife of a.
was leurryieg down the stairs to the
lower deck. S'he almost leaped down
the steep, narrow stairs, dragging two
oeildeen with her.
She Ian to the railing around the
deck, seized the smaller child in her
areas, kissed it, raised it above her
head anti hurled it into the water.
Then she caught up the other child,
and, flinging it almost beneath the
boat, sprang in herself.
"I screamed," said Mrs. Bradley.
"My husband and Walter Stolter got
out the boat and rowed after them. The
woman sank a few yards from the
ferry and did. not rise again."
The men rowed rapidly after the
children, who were betng carried
down -stream by the swift current.
tossed on the waves and guided the
rescuers. A row ot a, quarter of a
mile and they were abreast of the
children. Young Stater grasped Hut -
data first. The babe had fainted.
When Carrie waa pulled out of the
svatex elle smiled and said: "Da metre
ter?" Both little ones were carried to
the City Hospital.
Adolph Vogel lead gone into his
house et noon and found neither wife
Dlor child there. "She has one of her
spells," he said angrily to the man
next door. "But she knows where she
cgetaher cbeead and ll
butter. She wi
ome b
,A boy ran to tell him of the womaa
who had jumped overboard, taking her
children with her. "They don't know
Who she is, but she threw hor hat off
on the deck Data there was a note
pinned in it. It said; 'Send to lVfirs.
Bertha Jost, 2537 loth Market
etf'elitru sister( It's Sophia," said the
wa:etched man and 'hie ran towards the
ferry tearing hie hair. Alt the City
Hospital the Meeting between him
and his claildrreu was meet pathetic.
All three wept.
' "Vo ist det mutter?" sobbed the
man, "In a. hole in, wa...ser," said
Fever is the immediate effect of the
terrible experience upon the younger
child. The older seems stunned.
An "automatic singer" was exhib-
ited to the editorial staff of a Paris
newspaper. The apparatus is in the
form of a tripod, an the top of which
is a, machine sraaller than the photo-
graph, into which the cylinders are put.
The sound is transmitted by highly per-
fected boards to a metallic trumpet,
auld Lt Ls stated that the voice can be
heard 220 yards aff.
Oh, wad sonatt power the gittie gle us
To see oursel's as others see us;
'Twould make some writers quit on son-
And wowen change their taste in bon-
, nets.'
Prominent Barrister Takes Ilia Own
irt despatbh tram; Vaneoktver says
Mr B. A. Magee, a prominentbarrister
of this city, committed suicide on. Tues-
day afternoon. Sone weeks ago he
visited Tisdale's gna stare to purchase
at revolver, bat no finding MO l'ff Snit
him said he would call againl when new
stoele arrived. Tuesday afternoon he
called at the stoke and selected a 38 -
calibre Smith & Wesson, itt response
to a. trequest; Mr. Tisdale loaded it to
show how the ejecting mechanism
worked, Magee tbok it up, mad+ before
Tisdale could stop labn bed placed. it
ize his tadeth and fired, Death warit
inistantaneofas. Deceased was a. na-
tive, of Nova. Scotia, and 1 graduate
of Dtalhousle University, Halifax, where
he took the degree of LL, R., in, 1888.
Re came to this Province that year,
and has since follo,wed his profession.
About fate years ago he married a:
daughter of Mx. George Biaok, ono oh
the paoneees of 1858, who recently. died
Magee had. been deinking heavily of
late, and it is said this and family trou-
bles eansed his act, • s
A Prominent .1Igst1ce or the Englialt Reuel*
Taken for Prize,Fighter.
Six Honey Hawkins, one of the jus-
tices of the English bench, wears hi$
hair very short—the prize-fighter's cut
—MO IS clean shaven. On two occas-
ions this habit led to Her Majeety's
judge being mistakeu for a member oA
the olas.s to be shenned,
Sir Henry was once waiting to take'
his ticket at the Epsom Railway Sta-
tion, at which there were a number
of resists returning from the races,
One of there was rude to the judge,
who remonstrated (with him, where-
upoa the man invited him to go out-
side and have "what for." Sir Henry
then took oft his hat, thinkieg that,
as the men. were probably of the crim-
inal classes, they wdald recognize him,
and quietly remarked:
"Perbeps yea do riot k,now: who I
"S'elp me, Bob," his assailant said,
edging off, "a. bloomin' prize-fighter,
Not me," an.d the judge was uot further
Oxi another occasion Sir Henry, out
on a ram.ble, between assizes with a
compttnion, stopped at a wayside inni
and they were soon hard at skittles
with two rustles. Things went on
pleasantly until, in an unguarded mo-
ment, the judge removed his moleskin
cap. Thereupoa one of the rustics,
eyeing him suspiciously, said, "I don't
raised being neighborly, but I'll be
hanged if I'm goin' to play skittles with
a -ticket -of -leave anani"
12 rzud llhnself, in Ono Respect at Least,
Like a Illau Whose Means are Ample.
"If," said the man of moderate means
"we dwell too long upon a. word our
apprehension of it is likely to become
dull. The word may even cease to
look familiar; and we may find our-
selves unaLle even to tell whether it
Is correctly epelleil or not, though it
may be a 'very simple word indeed. It
comes to us all right again the next
ie we luoontkinuedio
adtit,veits-hen,n we view it
"I suppose that this is a common ex-
perience, though it earnest seems as
If some persons ought to be exempt
from it. I met, for instance, once, a
man who is worth I don't know how
many millions, but a lot of 'em, who
over some Inn.tter we had occasion to
discuss, spoks of this teraparary men,
MI obtuseness concerning a word as
an experience of his ONV11.
"It seemed kind of strange that a
roan with all hes mlilisus shouldever
find himself unable to spell just a,
simple little ward, but int that respect
we were more .aearly so in certain
ow:theervse.7 just alike. I could, wish that
A Wilkinsburg, family was discussing
rausio yesterday when one member
strove to recall the name of a certain
I can't remember it to save my life,
she said, although it is on my tongue's
end. As near as loan wine to it his
name is doorknob.
Doorknob, repeated one of the others.
There is no composer whose namo
sounds anything like that. I'll go over
a few names; Beethoven, MendeLssohn,
Wagner, Haydn, H 1
That's it, interrupted the forgetful
one. It's Handel. I knew it was some-
thing you seized with your hands.
Seribbler--I've been suffering a good
deal lately with writers' cramp.
Attious—In your fin -gars, or in your
Makes thourinds of wornen snAer
silenoe, rather- than tell their y,
trouble's to anyoo. To suck 1
Incliart Woman's Iflahn is a
foot boon. It cures alt wobib
trenbles, corrects monthly irrege-
beiges, abolishes the agonies of re
ehila,tirth, makes *eak Warren 9?
strong, and renders life worth Ft;
•••••• • se*
*Relief for
•Troubles •
• •
• . • •
in cumin arid N mid Atli WO .....
O Dnnots ES. Orli _ lit‘iGf /IP PLIVID, IF
,,,, corota, raps OS APP J'AID, 0
"' DonitLITZ the beLneRti4U t
, .
• article aro taWeer.069:51t „ .
. rolvdeBory if e. bRyagea1cak1r,Vl,9x.lri,s:g.; p
I1V4,,I,:Zo4r"s n1'1.4ae l•,1:c4fpctei, .rlltiaialivlr" el.I
• Vii,
• :::5:9ov47'
. - 3,q, 0, Vail *it kr•"#inVet .
• oAyis a WitgeHot op, 01,, Taw 0
.. .
o 0 • Oki ' e". • 0 * ei
Positively ctif6S
COUGHS and di otps
in 5 surprisingly abort rime. Ie. a eel,
entiSe certainty, trlaid and gee eteibirig
and healing in its abets. '
W. C. kleComora & Sale
Bonehead, Que.
resit Inc leiter that Pnrmly•re,ltor31 mi. Mrs_ ,
0. Oavreseof cliroaluonS in Asa Old bra oh=
tubas. Ica also cured W. 0. liadonsbar of a,
loapetsualnJ cola.
M. J. 11. lierrv, Chemist,
623 Youge St., Toronto, writes .3
" As a general cough a na Lam syrup Pyr,v.,
Pectoral is 0 most luveleabla Proseritton, le
alran dm utmost talds.ctlen to *II wIlo
have tried It. natty having spoken to moot tbe
Nu:tilts derived non, its 1163.01.tbalr
h is suitable for eig ol:yOunicbrIrld Olaasynt 10
tlio taste. Its saki ultif Too bat hapr,nemiellulf
Ana I eel altektd Neamsnana lt ej st sofa, Ind
rCisblo tough reestielgs.'
3arg° r4f,f18. 25
rifIS & LA.Wg11b174 ds). LTD.
Sole Ptetnialicirs
Backe/tele, racevAcheeficiatle
rains, Neuralgic Pains,
rain lit the Side, etc: '
Promptly Ethelred and Cured by
The "D. & L."
Menthol Plaster
laving nand your D. Is 1.. Menthol Plastor
lbroc$eo,zlpifl tbn'baolt end lumbago.
wilsteitatioglv ro,Ofnmond %gum ad 00010,
sure and ralaretatelyt in fact. %Ws:tanks
Price 211e..
Propifetort, MONTREAL.
? IN SEALED' C4rozes.
e•e4 P LAW'
Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers,
and is advertised and sold by them as a sample et
the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon 'Teas. gor
that reason they see that none but the very fresh
leaves go kit° MORSOOO packages.
That is why "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, cao
be sold at the same price as inferior tea.
It is put up in sealed caddies of g lb., 7 lb. and
5 lbs., and sold in three flavours at 40e., 50c. and 50e.
STEEL, HAYTER & CO., Front St., Toronto,
A Doted evangeliet is fond of tallA
Lug of hbs experienees 15 preashing to
the rtegroes oit the &nth.
At 1140 eaoSe, of arra of h.iis moettnigts,-
a very large old colomed woman ok -
up to bum anti ehoolk his hands war
whale she said:
God bless yon, Btru.dier Xonesi Y
evahhody's preacher. eva,hh
loves to heah yea Preach, an' evah
gah loves ter bah yoia; an' 33
Jonee, you. Preaches me? like a
than any wthlhe man that est
sin' Ern:cider Xones You'v'e got
skin, but t'ank 410 Lawtd, yo
a, black heart
(What's the matter between you a
your neighbor? asked the judge.
I cultivate a garden arta he keeps
Oentence sting.rndeCt, I live n.
suburbs myself.