Exeter Times, 1897-4-22, Page 5p
Made and Merit Maintains the confidence
of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a
medicine cures you when sick; if it makes
7ronderful cures everywhere, then beyond
allquestion that medicinepossesses merit.
• That is just the truth about Hood's Sar-
aapariila. We know it possesses merit
because it cures,'not once or twice or a
hundred times, but in thousands and
thousands of cases. We know it cures,.
teijiabsolutely, permanently, when all others
fail to do any good whatever. We repeat
lathe best -In feat the One True Blood Purifier.
cure nausea, indigestion,
Hoods Pills biliousness. 25 cents.
On good improved farms at ti and 5 ; private
funds. Apply to ELLIOTR, ELLIOT.
20th Jan. 1591. Solicitors, Exeter.
Farms For Sale.
A few good farms for sale cheap -Money to
ran. Apply to JOHN SPA.CKMAN
Samwell's Mock, Exeter,
Men,and womon,toconduct business at home.
Work is simple writing and copying lists of
addresses received from local advertising, to
be forwarded to us daily. No canvassing; no
previous experience required, but plain writers
preferred. ermanent work to those content
to earn ai or more weekly in spare time.
.Apply to W. AIMEN Pun. CO., LONDON, ONT.
Specialist in Gold Filling and
Plate 'work. Extracts without
any pain or sickness, or any bad
•effeeta in t+ts'r l n t an , et la. AtZerich on last
Thustt, i etas trait' i. linin; wast side
Marsttrar'. F:ceter.
DR. ANtl SO1e(0 0. S. L. 0. S.)
Honors planate of the 1) omni surgeons
vanity lin 1 tl. last 1.1 lnilo� of
of Onta to All lie Iza work, crowns Ana Plate
work `.ttieiiln
barmle .5 n ec.possible
Thostriakes, satentionil'IV,P1 CO the proservat-
Uou of tet i t v. i • s' t , :an 0 111 opp`3+its C'Con-
.lral Hotel, Esat er, Ont. _-
Will be at Grab's hotel Zurich
on the•a000nd Thur.gday of each
every MBiondav a hotel
701111 P9�T5
At W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order
for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The
hest place in town to
get a fit.
The Tailor.
A Suit of Clothes
.or a Single Garment
Should Combine now a days,
,,Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,.
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
'You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A. J.
sNELL never disappoints his
patrons in any of these. A.
large assortment of
:Tall 84 Winter Goods
.In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
,mow on our shelves, and we will
'take much pleasure in showing
them to you. ' There are many
other lines that are specially at-
tra ctive,
X1...7. 61161/411,X4,
6'iABI I T
Exeter, April 14th, 1807.
Wheat por bushel ,.... ...70 to 72
Chickens Per lb
Ducks ,
20 to 22
...38 to 40
..... ...12 to 13
e to 4
44 to 4
5 to 5
Dried Apples.. .. .. 2a to 21
Pork stressed ,. $4.75 to $�55 C0
Pork live weight... 3$3.50 to .$3.G0
Hay per ton..,. ... ,. ,.. . 700 to 8.14)
Clover seed ..... , , .... ..4.00 to 5.00
Alsikc clover 50 to 5.00
Timothy seed 2.50 to $2.75
Those who have used
London, April 14th, 1891.
Wheat per bushe ,. .... ....75 to
Oats.... ...,17 to
Peas ,
Barley ....2FG1 o
Buckwheat •...24 to
Rye ... 55 to
('orn 28 to
Beans 40 to
Butter .... 11 to
Eggs 12 to
Ducks 45 to
Turkeys per lb.... 7 to
Geese per lb...., • 9 to 10
Chiekons ,. 30 to
Cheese os per bag...... .... ..40 to 50
Hay por ton ...,$ 7.00 to $ 8.50
Pork per cwt.... .. $1.50 to $1.75
Flour—The market for flour is quiet and
prlees steady, with no demand. Straight
rollers are quoted at $3.50.
Bran -Trade quiet, with branuoted at
$8.50 in car lots, and shorts $9 to x10.
Wheat -The tone of the local mallet is
stronger to -day owing to advances of li4d
in Liverpool and 20 to Sc In Western States
markets, Red winter is held at , 72e with
713/.,c bid, and white is quoted at 72;;e to
73e. No. 1 Manitoba hard is quoted at• 7:1e
to 790 Midland, and 72c Fort William May
delivery, No. 2 hard 70e to 77e Midland.
Buckwheat -The demand is moderate,with
prices nominal at 20e to 27c west.
Barley -The market •is dull, with but little
demand, No. 1 quoted at 30e, No. 2 at 27c,
and No. 3 extra at 24e. Feed barley sold
at 19c to 20e west.
Oats -The market is dull and steady.
Sales of white west at 1812c and 10e, and
of mixed at 171_e.
Peas -The market is steads', the quota-
tion being 3Re north and west.
oatmeal -.rhe market Is quiet and prices
steady at $2.75 to $2.80.
Corn -Trade quiet, with cars quoted at
24c west.
Rye -Sales are reported at ;10c west and
at :Ile east.
Liverpool, April 13. -Spring wheat, Os 2.1
to tis 3t1 • red, no stock; No. 1 Cal., us
1u;_al to Os 111,d; corn, 2s tiiid• peas, 4s
2d: pork, SOs Ca; lard, 22s Od: bacon, 1.e.,
heavy, .'Os lid; do., light, 25s Od; do. short
curt, 25s Od; tallow, 1,8s Gd; cheese, white
and colored. 56s Od.
London -Wheat off coast quiet, on pas-
sage lirm, but little doing. English count-
ry markets Oa cheaper. Maize quiet and
Liverpool -Spot wheat firm; .futures firm
at Os 7•t,d for May and July, and bs 7ai<d
or September. Maize 2s 'Mid for May, and
2s 93,+as1 for July. Ffour 20s Od.
Parts -Wheat 21f. 40e for May; flour 43f.
40e for May..
London -Close -Wheat on passage firm,
but little doing. Maize dull.
Paris -Close -Wheat steady at 21f. 40c
Cor May; flour 43f. 45e for May.
Liverpool -Close -Wheat futures firm at
as hiss for May and July, and Os, $d for
ileptc•nt er. Maize firm at ns a fee May,
's mad *or July and 2s 113,4d for September.
Flour 20s Od,
:Pronounce it Unequalled as
remedy for COUGHS, COLDS
Winan's Condition & Cough Powder
o1i hors es, best in the mar-
-ket, always on hand. Also
a Q.atobe nefacto and Lini-
ment, the medicine so sue.
,cessfulty used. by Mr, Chas.
.Munroe; Parkhill, in this
and other towns, in treating
and curing various diseases,
For Sale pi
C, LUTZ, S ,
WEBS, -On March 26th. 1897, the wife of
David Webb, Stephen, of a son.
BELT. -On March 31st, the wife of Wm. Belt,
MgGiilivray, or a daughter.
SMITH -In Exeter, on the 13th inst., the wife
of Israel Smith, of a son.
RiELLY-In Stephen, on the 10th inst., the
wife of Wm. G. Rielly, ofa son.
HARMER. -On March 21st, the wife of Win.
Harmer, McGillivray. of a daughter'
EAGLESON.-in Stephen, on the 4th Inst„
the wife of air. John Eagleson, of a son.
HODGINS.-At the Rectory, Soaforth, on
Tuesday. April_ Gth, to Rev. Rural Dean
and Mrs. Hodgins (twins) son and daughter.
WORDEN. In Strait, on the 23rd ult., the
wife of Charles Worden, jr., of a sou.
MeCLINCHY.-In Seaforth, on the 7th inst.,
the wife of Joseph MoClinchy, hotel keeper,
of a son.
RYAN. -In Hibbert, on the 22nd ult., Mrs.
Jeremiah Ryan, aged 85 years. ' •
BELL - In Tuckersmith. on the 10th inst.,
Robt. Boll, sr. aged 72 years, 11 months.
BOWES -On the 9th Inst , Ellen-Bowes,mother
oflMrs. Juo. Niblock,,West Williams, aged
85 years.
MOORE.-In Hibbert, on the 28th ult., Helen,
wife of John Moore, aged 81 years and 4
WELSH -In Exeter, April 14th. Ann, relict
of the late Richard Welsh, aged 77 years 9
months .
COLEMAN. -In Egmondvillo, on Thursday,
April 8th. Christina McKay, wife of Mr.
James Coleman, aged 40 years, 7 months and
2 days.
Turnips For Sale
A quantity of Turnips for sale cheap. Apply
to R. McCord, Thames Road, Usborne, or
Hay P. O.
4 good servant in small family who can do
plain cooking and who is used to housework.
Apply personally or by letter.
• •
The Ridgeway, •
London (South).
GOLDEN WBDDING,--A very pleas-
ant evenine- was spent at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunkin lot 23,
con. 8, on the 5th inst., when some
80 guests, including sons, daughters,
grand children and neighbors, had as-
sembled to celebrate the 50th anni-
versary of their wedding day. Among
the number present was Rev. Colin
Fletcher and wife. Speeches were
given by several guests and a pres-
entation made of an easy chair to each of
the aged couple, accompanied by a
feeling address, which was read by
their son Thomas, while a grandson,
Nelson Prior, made the presentation.
Other valuable presents were given by
friends present. After a sumptuous
repast, a very pleasant time was spent
in social chat and games, Mr. and
Mrs. Hunkin have been residents of
the township for 40 years. They were
married in Devonshire, England, to
which place both owe their birth, Mrs.
Hunkin's maiden name being Eliza-
beth Kerslake. Besides some 28 grand
children, the following members of
the family :-Henry, o. ,an ; Freder-
ick and Thomas, of list. ae • Mrs. S.
Passmore and -=Mrs. John Westlake,
of Usborne, The TIMESoins a host
of friends in wishing Mr.�and Mrs.
Hankin many wedding anniversaries,
During the Year 1897.
The Latest News.
Thos. Gundry, of Goderich, has sold
to Mr. Wlir. Porter, of Downie town-
ship, his imported Shire stallion Morn=
in Star, reg, No. 11890.
Drury, ledger keeper of the Bank of
Montreal,at Stratford, has been trans-
ferred to Montreal, Mr. Pennefather
will take his place at the ledger.
Mr. Scarth, from Goderich, has charge
of the cash book.
Mr. James Eagan, inspector of
weights and measures has been super-
annuated, and gets a, retiring allow-
ance of $432 a year. Mr. Eagan is 67
years of age, and has been 18 years in
his present position. •
There are many forms of nervous
debility in men that yield to the use
of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are
troubled with nervous weakness, night
sweats, eta., should try them.
At a meeting of the officials of the
Dundas Center Methodist Church,
London, last week,Rev. E. B. Lanceley,
the pastor was unanimously invited to
remain a fourth year in his present
charge. Mr. Lanceley accepted. The
complications arising out of the action
of conference presidents are thus
pleasantly avoided.
A young lad named Adair, played a
sneeky trick on the Ingersoll 'Packing
Co. a few days ago, and it succeeded so
well that he repeated his venture. He
stole one of the hogs from theen,
drove it around, sold it to the firm,
and got the cash. Then a few days
later he sold another, so the firm had
paid two prices for these hogs. The
young rascal got Dearly $20 for, the
two hogs.
Dyspepsia in its worst forms will
yield . to the use of Carter's Little
Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little
Liver Pills. They not only relieve
present distress, hut ' strengthen the
stomach and digestive apparatus. •
Mrs. J. R. Boothby, of Stratford,had
a narrow escape from death. She up-
set a lamp and her clothes caught
fire. Her sou tried to extinguish the
fire with his hands, bat 'finding this
would not succeed he carried her out
and rolled her on the grass, where,
with the assistance of his father, the
fire was put out. Mrs. Boothby was
severely burned, as was also her son.
The population of the earth is to be
enumerated in 1900 and made public
on Jan. 1, 1901. This fact will be at-
tempted under the auspices of the In-
ternational Statistical Society, which,
at its recent meeting at Berne, Switz-
erland, started the movement which
is to take the world's census. The pop-
ulation of the world has been roughly
estimated. at 1,500,000,000, or, as Prof.
Serviss.puts it, thirty inhabitants to
every square mile of the globe ; but
this is believed to be low.
Stratford, Ont.,April 14.-A horrible
accident happened here this morning.
As the Toronto train was moving ons
J. W. Cowan, saddler, Lf Forest, made
a rush to - catch • it,. swung on the
platform, missed his bold, and fell
under the wheels. Both his•legs were
taken off. Nearly the whole train
passed over him. He • died fifteen
minutes later. A coroner's inquest
will be held, but blame can not he
attached to the train hands. Mr.
Cowan leaves a wife and three
children. He was about 40 year of
Bothwell, Ont,, ' April I4. -In
company with two . other' men, John
Hackett, of Petrolea, was. stealing- a
ride on .an east hound freight train
this morning. When within three
miles of the station he attempted to
jump from the Moving train, but
fell short, and the cars passed over
one of his• legs above the knee
Amputation will be, necessary.
Hackett is ,a son of Wm, Hackett,
formerly proprietor of the Tecumseh
Hoose, Petrolea.- He was employed at,
the Bothwell oil fields, and, was on
his way to work at the time of the
accident. .
For dull' particulars see advertisements, or apply to
LEVER EROS.., LTD., 23 Scott ST., TORONTO i for 11) doses.
a .sa
Critical Condition.
Is your blood impure andpoisonous?
It is if you have eruptions, blotches
pimples, sores, eczema, salt rheum
or erysipelas.. With such troubles
the blood is fast carrying poison and
disease to every part of your system.
To be clean, sound, vigorous and
healthy you must use Paine's Celery
Compound. Its vitalizing and health -
giving properties show at once upon
the blood it is unequalled as a health
producer and cleanser.
No bitters, nervines, sarsaparillas ar
pills can possibly remove the dangers
that lurk in your system at this time.
For pure, red blood, rosy cheeks and
good: digestion you need Paine's
Celery Compound that has done such
a -mighty and wonderful work in the
Beware of the substitutes that are
frequently offered for' Paine's
Celery Compound -those worthless
imitations that are pushed on the
unsuspecting for the sake of the large
profits they bring the retailer. Insist
upon having "Paine's," the kind that
makes people well.
If you wish to .purify your.blood. you
should take a medicine which' cures
•blood diseases. The record of cures
Uy Hood's Sarsaparilla .p . th
this ie the best medicine roves for the
blood ever produced. Hood's Sarsap-
arilla cures the most stubborn , cases
and it is the medicine for you to take
if your blood is impure.
Hood's Pills are the - best after-
dinner pill; assist digestion, cure
headache. 25 cents.
You have -a Sallow Skin, Pimples, Eruptions,
DiscolorationS. •
Why resort to cosmetics and powders to hide
he effects 7 -
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills regulate the system
restore to the cheek the healthful
rosy bloom' and peach . blush • of '
Disorders like these " arise from
sluggish liver. From one to tWo ° pills
a, dose, will clarify and purify the
complexion in that short order. Dr.
Agnew's pills at all drug;; ists. See
that you get what you ask for. 20c.
Conservative gossip says that Mr.
Fitzpatrick will resign the Solicitor -
Generalship before the close of the
John Sears, one of the Brantford
leen accused of counterfeiting, has
pleaded guilty and will he sentenced
next week..
A course of Hood's Sarsaparilla
taken now will build up the system
and prevent serious illness later on.
Get only Hood's.
It is estimated that Montreal opera-
pera-tors have very recently dropped $750,-
000 in Chicago speculations. The prin-
cipal loss was in wheat.
John Wyn, of Hamilton, who is said
by Drs. Husband and Leslie to have a
broken neck, is able to leave house
again and go about the city.
Backache is almost immediately
relieved by wearing one of Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back-
ache Plasters. Try one and be free
from pain. Price 25 cents.
Mgr. Merry del Val, the Papal dele-
gate, held a levee at the Windsor Ho-
tel, Montreal, and gave audience to
Archbishop Walsh, of Toronto and
others. He will probably go to Quebec
on Monday.
The latest results of pharmaceutical
science and the best modern appliances
are availed of in compounding Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Hence, though half -a;
century in existence as amedicine, it
is fully abreast of the times in all that
goes to make it the standard blood -
In the British House of Commons
Mr. Chamberlain announced that .a
contract bad been signed between Can-
ada and the Petersons of Newcastle
for the fast steamship service between
Canada and Great_Britain. But, Mr.
Chamberlain added, the contract still
requires the sanction of the Imperial
titood News From South Dakota.
The glorious results of this season's
harvest of golden grain will pour a
stream of sound money into- the pocket
of every Dakota farmer.
South Dakota has thousands of acres
of choice farming and ranch landlying
east of the Missouri river, and within
oneday's ride from Chicago or Mil-
waukee which can now be bought
reasonably cheap, but which before the
end of another year may be advanced .
in price.
The stock -raising industry in South
Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi
tal is now being invested in cattle and
sheep growing in that state.
Diversified farming, the growing of
live stock, and the products of the
dairy, are placing South Dakota, fore-
most in the ranks of the successful
Western states.
Those desiring full information on
the subject and particularly those who
wish to seek a new home or purchase
land, are requested to correspond with
A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger
Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto,
"Five years ago I began to suffer
from symptoms ofKidneytrouble, such
as acute pain across the small of my
back, dizzy spells, pains in my limbs,
palpitation of the heart and restless-
ness at night. These symptoms to-
gether with others of a distressing na-
ture, proved beyond doubt that my kid-
neys were not performing their proper
functions, consequently the poisonous
matter was distributed through my en
tire system. My appetite was poor. I
became very weak and lost flesh rapid-
ly. In fact I felt generally miserable,
both in health and spirits. When I
stooped it was -with painful exertion
that I again stood erect.
"I received no practical benefit from
any of the remedies I took until five
weeks ago, when I commenced taking
Dean's Kidney Pills. They seemed to
go right to the seat of the disease; re-
storing my kidueys to a healthy, Condi-
tion, so that they perforn,ied their, na-
tural, office in removing • the poison
from my system. As a result my back
troubles and all other distressing, ail-
ments I have Mentioned are gone. I
have gained hi strength and . weight,
my appetite is good, and I can truly
say that I feel splendid, all being the
result of taking Doan's Kidney Pills,
and all having been clone in five weeks.
"I sa;v by the papers that the agent
for Doan's Kidney Pills was to be at
Messrs. J. H. • Nasmyth & Co.'s drug
store on the 27th nit., and so left my
Work expressly OD purpose to see him
and give this voluntary statement as
'a small retarn for the benefit I have
received, as I consider it only my duty
• to make others acquainted ` With a re-
. inedy so sufficient and prompt to re-
lieve sufferers from kidney complaint,
(Signed) J. A.. Watson. Huron -street,
Stratford, • Ont."
Lora Liven. Pills cure constipation,
biliousness sick headache, 25c.
. DEAD Saes; I. was troubled with earache for
a long time, and could get noease until I tried
Hagyard's Yellow Oil. I can truthfully say
that it has made a complete cure.
Central Economy, N. S.
DEAR nee, -I can heartily recommend
Burdock Blood. Bitters. For a long time I was
troubled with dyspepsia and weakness. The
least exertion would tire aro out. I am glad to
say, however, that your' B, B. B. has gieeatly
benefited me, curing the dyspepsia and making
me strong and well. JIE;NNIE EVANS,
Hespolcr, Ont.
Minnie Campbell, the 16 -year old
Windsor girl, who, it it is charged,
abandoned her child, ran away from
home and went to Detroit, was tried
for abandonment on Tuesday.
The auction sale at Thomas Fair-
less' 11th concession, Downie, was a
success. One horse sold at $74, one at
$52, and one at $51. Cows averaged
$33, and 2 -year-olds, $25.50.
Mr. William Henry Reid, the pres-
ent member for West Durham, has
been chosen to again be the standard-
bearer in the next election for the
Legislative Assembly. The convent-
ion was held on Saturday,at Bowman-
Winslowv's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of mothers for their
children while tcothu.g, with perfect success.
It soothes the child,softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. it is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Ara. Winslow' Soothing
Syrup, and tako no other kind,
• Much heart andnerve weakness is canned by
undue use of tea, cofreeor tobacco ; palpitation,
nervousness. irritability, excitability, lack of
confidence, etc., are suresymptoms. Milbur'n's
Heart and Nerve Pills being ready relief, by
steadying the nerves and regulating the heart.
They are a true heart and nerve food.
Before taking Dean's Kidney Pills I felt that
diabetes was fast tighteningits grip upon me.
Now I know that it has been met and declared,
I have used the pills steadily for some time.
and am now in the fullenjoyment of health,
and shall always be gladto testify to the merits
of this triumphant medicine.
St. John, N, B.
Miss Maggie (IrifMn, 37 Metcalf Street.
Toronto, writes : "After having bronchitis cold
so badly that I could not find. any remedy to
releive me, I decided to try Noiwny Pine
Syrup. It•made a complete cure, and I highly
recommend it to all.
Farm For Sale.
A first-class farm of 85 acres, being lot 9, con.
9 Babylon line Hay. This is a particularly good
farm, especially for dairy purposes, and in good
state ofp cultivation, is opposite a first class
cheese factory. ; school on next farm ; good
brick house, bank barn, two never 'failing,
wells, a good orchard. half under grass. A
good hardwood bush. For further particulars
apply to J' D. WILSON, Hensall, orto J. BECK
Egmondville. P. O•
Manypr • 'o aro area, worn out and weary•
in spring .lues when they could easily be
strong,vigorous, and healthy byusing Burdock
BloodBitters, which removes all More' •
cOSte matter from -the. system and rest
robust health.
You will find at Bissett's \Vareroonls
. the following line of Agricul-
tural Implements,
liB R I N G BIN -
Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators,
Disc and Diamond Harrows,
Plows, and Turnip Drills.
SEWING 1111313ES ETD __04 -
The celebrated Knoll Washer
.Raymond sewing and wringers
Gurney stoves and furances.
The Chatham Waggon and afull
line • of the celebrated McLaughlin
66 BILL"
Ma ':..., "'' . `tree
Are Yen Interested
Wheels ?
W e handle
some of the lead-
makes at prices
to suit the times.
A few second hand organs
5 and 6 Octave, cheap.
Sewing Machines
(N>zrrow "Frcetc1)
The Only Mechanically Correc
Bicycle on earth.
All mechanics recognize that the en
forced contraction of the bearings, : a1
the most vital point of a machine, viz.,
the crank hanger, must necessarily
weaken the whole machine. We have,
therefore, placed the bail bearings ai
Racycle Narrow Tread in the HUBS
OF THE CRANKS/and let the chain
rad, sprocket ru, BETWEEN the
bearings, instead ofutside them,
is the case with every' bicycle
world. By so doing '.ve 1
pressure on the bearings
cent, and save a great am
er'tion in propelling the i
order to distinguish our
chine from all other bicy
christened the RACY CL r
TREAD, that all might knoN
tread and crank hanger'. See
Cook Br oshe,
(Sole Selling Agents
for Or-stetri
Will now be found in their'
New Premises, Opera House
Gidley & Son.
An introduction:
P. S. -Selling out Disc Har-
rows at cost.
n stree ,Exeter.
It gives us pleasure
troduce to you our fine Be,
and Milton Overcoatings;, al
a big range of Scotch and C-
adian Tweed for warm wfte
wear. Our prices ' ares.
down. Did you see
Black W rsted Sr
orde`; t not w