Exeter Times, 1896-11-19, Page 111-U-RON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
JOHN wan% 4 soele
Publishers and Pennletter
Than Rich.
Is an old, old saying, but it is not
on Luck, that we depend to Win
*lir favor, but rather by genuine de -
'serving merit, every dollar's worth of
patronage We receive, we expect to
earn by honest, persistent effort.
It has come to this, that we have
now oiely a, few weeks more to sell
goods before the close o the year, and
we want to dispose of its uineh of our
Fail ,R Winter stock as possible
by that thne. We therefore coal- 1
ently ask yen for a boci s nue o
your patronage upon the condition of
low prices for anything yoe may re-
There is a good assortment of every-
thing which is most in demaud just
now such as
Those who de:eire to txrtke their
'money go the farthest and at, the same
time anxious to get the beet that's
going, &mold call and see what we are
.olfaring. and also note how
Cheap We are Selling.
R. S. FORD &C�
. B. -Poultry taken on Monday the
BrttErs. - Mrs. Miles Young has
rented her residence to Math ew Fl oody
foe the winter menthe. - The t inners
are rejoieing in this section at the ad-
vance in the price of wheat. On Mon -
nay as high as 8:/e, was paid an the
roatioie, Let us hope this will go the
• $, then look oat for bebter.tinees, which
• .are needed -The an aiversary services of
the Methodist .church are to be held on
Sunday next, when there will he
special ['teachers for the ocension.
the following Monday evening a meet-
ing will be held in the churcli, when
several rev. gentlemen will address the
audience. -Divine service will be held.,
in Trinity church on Wednesday 1
-evening at 8 o'clock. -J. H. Chellew,
our undertaker, has recovered from bis 1
recent Attack of typhoid fever awe1 is
able to be at his place of business cmce
more. - A coneidera,ble quantity of
gram is coming to market these
Middlesex Leads.
Middlesex grew 90,222 acres of hay,
Huron had the greatest acreage-
103,031acres-and Nipissing the least=
.6,125 acres. The biggest yield was iu
Carleton, lt tons to -the acre,
Of potatoes, Middlesex had 7,621
acres, yielding 175 bushels an acre.
The highest acreage was in York,
with 9,023 acre. The biggest yield was
Glenvale, 200 bushels to the acre,
and the next, 193 bushels, Simcoe.
Middlesex had 2,707 acres in mango]
wurzels, Perth had 3,313 ; and Huron,
13,032 anres.
Wellington gave the biggest area to
,975 S r 10 CO VI y
coining next with 13,036. The biggest N
yield was in Glengarry, 51.0 bushels to
• :the acre, Shncoe cemiugnest with 500.
M.dilesex hoe 13,3)1 acres in orch- s
ard and gardenand is anis only exceeded (-
by Lincoln, which has 10,685 -or one- i
tenth its entire acreage so planted.
Weutworth has one -fourteenth of its h
surface covered with orchards and -1
Middlesex leads in horses. with 31 1 n
lel. The hogs in Middlesex number C
zNid,932, Essex and Kent are slightly
ahead. Middlesex has 33,955 milche
cotes, and 104,650 cattle in all. .
Middlesex is the first ponitry comety t
Fin Ontario, ha,viog 392,000 head. Grey
:coulee nexe with 31.900JD.
Middlesex has the biggest vu ue o Hensall
all kinds of live stock -$5,606,000 vvorth; 1
Huron comps next, with $5,201,0001
worth, and Bruce third, with $4,802,000
Middlesex has 9,103 bee -hives, valued
at $50,346. No other county comes up
to this.
Fol owing are the market quotations.
Wheat s2 to $3
arley 25 to b3
Ots .42 to 43
22 to 22
. Eggs
' Timothy sced .....
Centralia.. Cloverseed
$8,00 to 42.0
11 to 14
15 to 15
....S5.50 to $2,75
to $5.00
Cxxoerxxe.-The undersigned having added
a new grain chopper, is now prepared to do
either stone or plate ehoppinn., rapidly and
welt. Wel commence running slant Nov. lean
Give us a call. 0. W. surra, Centralia.
Bninrs.-Thos. Neil has been con-
fined to his room with a sprained ankle,
-Jas. Delgaty, moved into the village
on Saturday and is oceuping theho use
where Jas. McFall formerly lived. We
welcome him into our midst and
wish we had more citizens his Aaiun
and character. -One of the hotel keep-
ers in the village was fined the other
day for selling liquor during prohibit-
edhours.-There was a shooting match
in the village on Thursday last, in
which a niunber of sports from a dis-
tance as well as those in the village
took part.
BRIEVS.-The annual meeting of the
Hibbert Branch Bible Society was
held in thelCrowarty church, Rev. Mr.
Kenner, Pres. in the chair. The fol-
lowing officers were elected. Pres.,
Rev, Mr. Mills ; Vice Pres., Rev. P.
Scott; S Treas., J S VI
Interesting adlresses were delivered
by Rey. Mr. Mills, Hensall and Scott,
Ormintrty.-john Hoggarth and Miss
Catharine Lemond were united in
marriage by the Rev. P. Scott on Wed-
nesday last. They have gone to Sea -
forth to live.- -Miss Katie .1%IcKaig has
returned from Manitoba after spend-
ing an enjoyable summer, feeling im-
proved in health.
Bantrs.-Rev. Mr. Waddell intends
holding a seri ee of revival meeting in
'the Met11.1hodiet chu h cornmening
1'116 week. - Henry Ivison had the
misfortune to be kicked by ore of his
.horses last week. Lnekily it, ,as not
serious. He is able to be nronnd and
not requiring inedioal attendance.-
Geo. Taylor has a turnip that tips the
scales at 2te 11)5; also a, inurphy that re-
quires a 4 lb weight to raise it. Mr.
Titylor would like to hear of some per-
son going him tine beetier.-Jee. Cann-
ing has been deepening his drain to
provide for the better outflow of
water from his cedar. - The London
Free. Prase of Frideysayse-Geh. Mc-
Leod of Kippen was an -applicant at
the relief , office: George wanted,
neier money or grob, bat wanted
protection from the hard going class.
He belonged to Kippen and his name
was McLeod, he said and two of the
hard going, 'Class had ,followed him
down, They were in town now and
casting slues ;dent. And then with
the air of a man w.mo hadn't got what
he wanted, loug whiskered McLeod of
Kippen departed.
• Aalsa, Craig.
Da -MM. -The following were Satur-
day's shipnients frnrn here : Mr. A. C.
Stewart, two carloads.of cattle to- To-
ronto; McArthur Bros., two carloads
to Montreal ; Messrs. Drought &
Robinson. one double -deck car sheep
to Bank" ;B. Coughlin, one car sheep
to Toronto. -Invitations are out for
Friday afternoon to attend the mar-
riage of oue of Else Williams' fair
daughters. -Miss Evelyn Robson, of
London, is visitingfriendsandrelettives
in the village this week. -The follow -
ng shipments were made from here
Monday: Messrs. A. C. Stewart and P.
Curtin shipped two 'carloads of cattle
or Liverpool ; Messrs. Drought &
Rc Nilson, two carloads to Toronto
R Coopland, two cars to Glasgow ;
Messre. N. 3.1cLechlin andjames Doyle
one car each to Toron to. -A n "At, Hei ne"
vas held at the rectory on Friday
evening, when over lin persons were
resent d saver h'tppy tirne was
ent -Angus McKenzieleft 00 Sat
lay for Lniidon, England, in change of
male shipped. by leicetathue Bros.-
Samuel R. Gillies and bride returned
ome on Friday evening, after spend-
ing several weeks' visit'with relatives
f the beide'. in Dakota. - Another
etty th left was:. com mitten in: this
'ha n ity during Saturday night or early
Sunday morning. •On Saturday Mr.
West Brownlee, of the 7th. eon.' of Mc-
Giiiivray, killed two' pigs and hid
hem cnt up ready to salt. On Son -
'toy morning be was surprised to find
lie oork had been stolen.
..sais 410 clazt.e
Can boast of having the best o.,ntl finest
range of Ladies' and Childrens' new Jack-
ets ever shown in the country, going, at
prices guaranteed to suit the times.
C. Here We are ith a Few Lines.
Tine Black Serge Coats, excellent fitters well worth .$5.00, cash price
Another line Black Serges, Velvet Collar, " " , 7.50,
Another line Brown Beavers, " " . " " 0.75 e t 4
f 4
Another fineBlatik (Nigger head,) well lined' 9.00.
-OurMillinery Department--
New ' Which is under the able management London
Fall of Miss B. McConnell, who is again pre- Paris &Hats pared to turn out the very best work at New York
„in i lowest prices. Stylish trimmings in Styles.
Atti....,...111BRONS5 VELYETS5, LACES.
Come 'while the assortment is large at
Storeeat Creditor' end Zurich
1 BRIDEPS.-Miss R. Maines, visited a
E. Sheffer's: over Sunday,. on her way
,to Blyth, to attend the wedding of he
'sister. -Geo. Troyer, of Advinston i
!visiting under the parental rod a
I Hills Green, and with friends in th
i village. -The Methodist church choi
i furnished the Medical part of the pro
, gramme at the Seesmith Anniversary
. on Thursday lost. They rendered
. splendid music and eame in for a good
ly share of praise, Rev. Henderson
' and the local Methodist clergy also
took part -Mr. Carr is very ill, suffer
; ing tram dropsy.-Nrs. R. B. McLean,
i of Kippen, visited her parents in the
!village over Sunday. -Geo, Baldwin
oE Seaforth, spent Sunday in tow n, -
!Miss Victoria, .Smith, milliner, met
i with a had accident on Friday. Pain
litets had been repairing the interior of
her store, and bad removed the newly
i painted steps leading fret -hone porton
of the hnuse to another, in order tha
they unght thoroughly dry. Miss
'. Stinkh, who was aware of this, forget
' ting the circumstance, in the 'nigh
I had occasion to go to the store, and. in
!passing where these steps stood
stepped to the outer floor, a. distance
of three feettfallingagainst a stove and
i eating one of her ears besides other-
wise injuring her body, We arelpleased
.etensny she is able to be around, though
suffering considerable pain. -George
Dobson, of London, .formerly of Tuck-
. smith, an executor of the estate of the
late John G. Smith, was in town Sat th urday closing matters of the said
* estate. --Miss Annie Pfaff, who has
ibeen in Exeter, for some thne, has re-
turned homt.-Wm. T. Caldwill of
1 ansville has sold hie residence on
Brock street, west of the railroad to
Messrs Brown & Clerke.--Miss 'Hattie
. So . • : 'and is visiting Miss Alcock in
Exetite."-We understand that Clutrles
Gilchrist intends opening a butcher
shop in connection with his bakery. -
James Petty was in London on busi.
ness last week. -Mrs. Beattie of the
Commercial, is verseelew.-Jas. Craw-
fotd, the efficienttelender of Carmel
, church choir and Johnniefiller a mem-
, her of the same, intend assistieg the
' choir of St. Paul's church at the
Thanksgiving concert. -Dr., Gunn, Cif
Clinton, was in town this week. -Miss
I Nichols, of London, who has been
!visiting her sister's Mrs. D. Urquhart
, and Mrs. Simpson, has returned home.
• W. R. Hodgins and Thos. Ellwood,
i hen a successful day hunting an Satur-
day, having bagged. six fine rabbits. -
Mist Geddis, of Exeetr, was the guest
! of Mrs. Gavin Ross, of Rodgervi lie, over
, Sanday.-J. 0. -Clausen,harnessoinker,
received several orders for harness
from customers in Manitobat-Robert
B sage n ,ib intends tnevin e in to his com-
fortable new house next week. -The
managere of the coming Than
supper have cause for libel against
your correspondent in saying that
they intend holding ...to Jt supper.
Tell the d l that it is a fowl supper.
-John Chapman, of London, son of
Wm. Chapman, of Hey, was in the
village Monday, conihining business
with pleasure.-G.I Sutherland was
in E cebee on bud. le -is in conle3bion
with the estate of the Ede- John G.
Smith. -The imputation that G. J. S.
was the author of the Phre-
nology yarn, is wrong. To your
humble scribe belongs the blame if
any.-Agaug, of flax -hands on Monday
oight put in. five hours thue binding
by Moonlight on the farm of Mr.
Burns. -S...13. Humeson, who has been
in Manitoba for .soine tune, for the
benefit of his health, is expected home
•this week.-Aiss Annie Essey was in
the village this week yisitiug her auut
Mrs. Humeson.-john Troyer sr., was
in the village last week. --James
Chesney, V. S. eecently received.
the Government appointment of live
stock inspector for this section. He
invents stock and grants certiticates
to shippers. This appointment will be
o great, convenience to local stock
dealers. -Mr. Heirlien, of London,
spent the forepart of this week a
guest at W. R. Hodgin's -Miss Jennie
Dice, of Cellingwood, is visiting ruder
the le irental roof, --Mr. A. lishop, Ex -
M. P. P., was in the village this week.
Thos. Ballaeityne *11;1.3, in Godetich this
week --Considernble wood was brought
into our village last week with the day
or so sleighing we hed.-Our Sabbath
schoele me already, preparing for
Christmas and New Years' enteaitain
n -
ients.--Trade Continnes goo andt
Only requires good sleighing to ninke
thump b,m,.,a....-rif, weet store of Ren-
nie's h
new block will soon e ready for
°et:apemen. We understand that Johnticeteebur intends moving his stock of
hardware into it. -Mr. T. :Murdock,
our genial livery proprietor, has been
Soth e what indisposed. du ring the .past
week, but we hope soo a to see., him in
the enjoyment of h;s :usual, good
healtli.'-..--Mt. D. McCall still continues
to make large ship merits of apples teone
this 'eteeelen. • He. is • now 8144*mA. in•
pene b ites speeiallS prepared for that..
pit epiese.-ael iss Latireerte sister from
Seafetth is here atpresent ou a visit.'
=Those of (me villagers who. attended
the tea meeting held: At Seksreith on
Thiiinday.: evening • •laet speak ' , 'of •
having epjoyed it • very. reuchaayour
those entitled to it -
At this season of the yea',\ tin neigh
o villages -
borintowns and ves Merchants
e •
usually buy poultry and ship it. Why
do oar merchants not do so here ? it
brings considerable trade to town and
is generally a profitable undertaking
for those interested.
BRIEFS. -Mr. Herbert Elliott has
✓ beat the record for husking corn. He
s husked 40 bushels for Jas. Young and
t 75 bushels for Mr. Hayter. If there is
e any other man th eau beat this we
✓ would like to hear from Mon -There
- will be no service here for a time on
account oficliplitheria.-Jno.Talbot has
moved back on his farm again. -The
Cerbett cheese factory closed last
week. We are glad th,at the factory
• has been able tonna so long this sea
alson as there is nothing pays better.
tarand Bend,
Beasts, - The weather continues
beautiful. Warm as simmer weather
- on Monday, and the fall wheat is look-
ing splendid. Fall ploaghing is all
finished op. -Mr. Munroe and wifeleft
here cm Tuesday for tneir home in
t Berate after spending seven weeks at
the Brenner House. -Mr, Rainford
- has moved into his house whieb. he re-
t cently built. -The young people of the
neighborhood have organized: a society
, going under the name of the "Grand
Bend Epworth League of Christian
Endeavor." There were 23 joined the
first night. It is hoped that everybody
will take an interest, in this kind of
work, so it will no doubt prove it suc-
cess. -The revival services held in the
Methodist church have been closed
after being held for nearly four weeks.
ANNIVIM1RSA.R.Y.--The anniversary in
connection with the Methodist chureh
here, was a grand success. The at-
'. tendanee votavery large, in fact the
church edifice was filled. A splendid
i supper Was provided by the holies
Iwhile the intellectual and .musical pro.
grant was superb. Rev. Locke, of
, Exeter, Rev. Henderson and the
-1 ministers of the circuit gave splendid
i addresses, while the Hensel' choir
Isupplied, in a highly entertaining
manner, the inusicnt pert of the pro-
gram. Proceeds upwiteds of $35.
1311,4Ers-MiSs Essay was visiting at
Mrs. Wm., Northeott's. -- Freeborn
Johnston, sett' df our teachenfraictured
the large bone of his leg, by jompinte
out Of a reasononto a turnip. - Mr.
mind Mis. Roger Nerthcott are spend-
ing a few days with friends in Thed-
• --epaaparlth,---ix
, ---
bleamosiont - A. terrible boner ex-
plosion oceurred in the new saw Mill
owned by Thos. Robinson, nodsitnated
nearly in the centre of the town, at
1.50 Monday afternoon. The in ill was
demolished, and windows emashed in
every direction. Mr. Robinson and
his son Ellie are seriously injured,
m bile a little girl, the daughter of Mr.
.Oun nington, was killed. The Messrs.
Robinson were at the mill at the time.
him J. II. Ounnington and her two
children were in garden, which adjoins
the 111111 yard. One . of the children
was ;truck by a brick from the build-
ing, which caused her death. Mts.
I Cuenington's arm was also injured in
saving the other child. The shock
cOuld be diseinctly felt in all pests of
the town. A number of windows in
the vicinity were broken. iind parts of
the boiler carried. over fifty yards. The
building is a complete wreck. The
son, El Robinson, died next day, and
the father, from the nature of his in-
juries cannot recover.
(troth -ton
Bnindes.-The huntsmen have re-
toriled from Muskoka, They had
veey good luck in shooting the re-
quisite number, 21 hoe deer. The
1 snow fall on Friday made things
sleighing being excellent for a few
dtys. The mild - weather, however,
has dispelled the "beautiful" and
again .we are wallowing in the mud. -
The boys are practising daily on
wild birds and pigeons, fitting
themselves for the forthcoming shoot-
ing coatest Some are deing excellent
work, others havinglast their reput-
ation as inerlesinen. --eshlessrs. W.
Olank, S. Either aud 0. Beasrer Went
out for a rabbit huut on Saturday.
We cannot learn whether or not they
came home empty-handed. =
•Lenrie„ sr., has been on the 'sick list.
Ile has sufficiently recovered to be out
ag tin. -Garnet, son of Ric h lad B Aker
is sick of typhoid fever. - Butchering
is the melee of the day. -We are sorry
to say that Geo Brown,one of the
'pioneers, is losing .his sight, and gobag
correspondent on Monday evening
was .chetwo to the meeting of the -Fen
worth Leigue oatnt curiosity, having
overheard' some of the ;voting ladies
say "We have tote, of fun there."
Apparently,they Were correct, as aside
from those actively engaged in the titscussiOn of the topics, the assemblage
looked more like a sparking. school
than a meeting for the reeeption of ,
knowledge.: League meetingS. ,are, to
be commended; but until their true
ebject is :More 'Pithy realized the de-
sired improvement in the mental ,eon-
dition of the young' metsbi;,rs will fad
.far short of the mark. This fact may
not have occurred to many, and it is.
simply mentioned here, as .hbat tet
blunt -We are informed that Meests.
Chris. Either and John Kahn, of the
9th con, intend moving into town
shortly. In consequence Will. is one
of the most happy men M town. -Miss
Lovine &emu has gone to London to
learn to play the pipe organ, prepar-
atory to titiciug the position of organist
iti the new chionti shortly to be open-
ed. - Bibb. Baker hag purchased W.
Young's lioiSe, buggy and : euttet.--
Protriveted meetings re ip progress in
the Methodist church. - Mrs. Jacob
Finkbeiner, who hes been' visiting
friends in Nebraska returned home,
this Week. : Shereports a pleasant
visit and an enjoyAble trip. •
You may eat cheap tood and not he
seriously hart by ; bot, yen cannot
take cheep mectichus without feositive
injury. 1.2 you use any substitute for
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, yon do so at the
peril of your 'health, perhaps of
your life, Insist on having Ay-er's,
;tad rioe 'tete
Pais' from indigestion, dyspepsia,
aml too heerty eating, is relieved at
(ince by taking one of Carter's Little
hiver Pills immediately- after dinner.
Don't forget this.
113sinss.-D1.161-cCahre:of 31Pf Detroit, is
visiting friends and relatives at
Shiplea.-Prank McKever has rented
his farm on the 14 con. Stephen, -
T. Coughlin shipped two car loads of
fine lambs on Friday of last week. -A.
McEachan, of the 14th con., Stephen,
left for Port Huron, Mich., last week.
-Edw. Cotter, havingeold his farm to
Jas. Doyle, will soon be a resident of
this vtilage.--Archie Munroe, of 16th
con., neltfeGillivray, has almost com-
pleted a new addition to his resi-
BainFs.—james ilinWilson is just
finishing up his moods of threshing in
this vicin ity, -Mrs Dan Hagan present-
ed her husband with a bouncing baby
boy on hallow'een.-Dan Hagan has
rented his farm of 100 acres to Nor-
man Buchanan, of Shipka. for a term
of years -The apple packers have
gone to different quarters. They
completed their work in this section,
and ehe last of the barrels were seen
going one on Tuesday. -David Pollock
had quite a task one evening lately
doctoring cow that had eaten too
mauy apples. Had it not been tor
the timely arrival of a veterinary, of
Exeter, in all probability itwould have
BRIGFS,- Mrs. Wm.Davie presented
her husband with twins on the 15th,
-daughters. -John Latta, who has
been very 111, is imploving somewhat.
-Oa the 21stSept. last Wm. Mauds011m
aiter a lingering illness passed away
at his father-beelaw's, Dr. L. L. Ben. -
nett, Georgetown. He was 29 years
of age, was well and favorably known
here, having been raised but a few
miles from, Chisellmrst -The ship-
ments of apples to the Old Country
have not proved asuccessful speculation.
Those who participated in the boom
froin this sectioa are not very well
pleased with the results*
Brtesene-Mr. J.. E. Tom, inspector
of Public Schools for this distriet paid
his semi-annual visit to school section
No. 10, Stanley last, week. He reports
the classes, especially in the junior de-
partment,thoroughly advanced in
their respective studies. Too much
praise canna be given to the excellent
week of the teacher, Miss p. BP%
Miss Bell has beenre-engaged tor an-
other term of years. -T. A. McLachlin
principal of S. S. No. 10,Aenn1ey, has
resigned and intends studying .ter the.
M. D. degree. -31e. A.ncleew Suott has
been con aned-to the house for the past
week as a result of• a mere 'bruise ;
symptoms of blood poisoning sehin.
We are pleased to say he is impeoVing'
slowly. - Neil Ress, who has been re-
siding in Manitoba for the past seven
years, is at preeent visiting under the
parental roof. Mr. Ross reports things
as booming in the prairie province.-
Mr. Simon -McKenzie, of Tuckersinith,
had the misfortnne to dislocate his
shoulder a few days ago; he is now
able to be around again, although the
limb was very painful for a Mc. G. G. A.. Turner had 59 of his stock
!steers dehorned on Saturday last.-
' The Messrs. Anderson. of Goderich
township, shipped a ear -load of lambs
on Monday last. - The recent snow
storm made a very winteryappearance
on Friday and Saturday, but the thaw
has made plenty of mud.
A Naartow DEATH ESCAPE. -.--On
Monday morning about nine o'cloek
N. 11.1cle. Fair, of 0] in ton, was attending
to his usnal duties in the roller mills
and experienced a very narrow escape
from a most terrible death. He Was
dustme off some Of the bolt gearing,
when his right sleeve got caught. He
is stout and strong and of good nerve.
As luck would have it, Me.
II. Hunt, bead miller, was near by
when Mr Fair called tor assistance.
Unable to wrench. from the vire-like
grip of the gearing, or to secure a
piece of iron to feed the cogs, he rush-
ed down three flights of stags to the.
engine room, and shut off the steam.
He then gave the amlarm, but the mi
willing prisoner responded that all
was well. His clothes were chewed
&ern arm to leg, but fortunately the
brave awl strong young man's body
Was not so seriously injured.
BRIE Cantelon's apple .ship -
111'111;4 this fall Will reach the 53,03
mark. -We regret very much to learn
of the serious illness ot Mrs. Thos.
Stevenson, --On Monday Noble Lovett
Sold to buyer Dinsley, .of as nice
yoang hogs as we have ever. Seen. The
lot dressed 985 lbsand. brought. -$4.75
per hundred. --The apple 'evaporator,
Monday morning about 7.39 had a nar-
row .escape frem destruction by fire..
The drying. mem becatne ignited, and.
the alarm 1V1-1,14 801111 ed.. The enaelayees,
however, had subdoed the • fla MOS,
*heti the. the epee Mt ;trained. - Darn itge.
light. -Mrs. Goodwin has gene
sh1 to nurse a: patient who.. is 'down
with the fever. -The pork market .is
tllmub the • simile as last .wcok $4' for
hetinydeeesed. and' $1,75'. for tight, -
0.. Olsen has :purehased, freni the
Ohidley estate, the. warettiOins (111
Victoria, street, and is fittent rip t he
sroperty for a flour and feedstore 8.115
from W. 37nakson•for $2;500, his Splen-
did..plate front store • •tiext - the amst .
MeOlellan has purchased
Balsrs,-The sleighing has gone.--
Master Norman Fletcher, who is at-
tending the F. 0. B. C., s-pexit, Sunday
in town -J. Kirk is on the sick list at
present. -The snitof Manning vs Muir,
in Stratford, was decidetl in favor of We have just put in stock a
Willoughbv preached &male
versa,ry sermons here on Sunday last.
His deliveried were eloquent .1 and complete range of
peactieel. The anniversary was a sue -
cess financially and otherwise.
Cmaxeste Ilsa hingre-There was a
disappointed congregation at St.
Joseph's Church Thursday morning.
The marriage of Mr. John Cassidy, of
Hibbert township, and Miss
Kirby, of North Easthope, was to have
taken phew. The bans were publish-
ed o11. three consecutive Sundays, and
everything appeared ready for the
ceremony. The prospective groom a
widower over 50, came to town Tues-
day so as to be on hand in time. The
ledy, who is the owner of some pro-
perty, is a Protestant, but it WAS ex-
pected she would turn to her husband's
faith. However, something *turned
up which influenced her at the last min
ute to change her mind, and she failed
to put in aineeppearance. The wed-
ding was, therefore, deferred.
BRIE1414.--32rs. Einwechter, of Mich.,
is visiting friends and relatives in the
village. --Miss M. J, Morrison, who
has been principal of Dashwood pub -
lie school for ti o last three years, has
been engaged to teach in 'Manitoba,
next year nt a salary of $4e0. --T.
Snell has been engaged to teach S. S.
No. 8. Hay, for 1840.-0. Fritz has
moved his stock of boots and shoes
into liartleib's block, one door west of
Paulin's hardware store. - August
Shroeder has moved into his house on
Main st, whieh he revently purchased
from Wm, Pfaff, his son having taken
possession of the fano. - Quayterly
meeeing will be held in the Evangel',
cal church on Sunday.-.& very pleas-
ing event took place at the Evangeli-
cal parsonage on Wednesday' Inight,
When Miss Hattie Snider was united in
marriage to Henry Schroeder by the
Rev. Mr. Eby. May the young couple
enjoy a long and. happy wedded life.
Baisrsae-The snow which fell last
Friday Las gime and lett us nothing.
lwt mud,- Rev:va1 meetings still con-
tinue in the 2vangehe4l cbiareh and
with success. -The Kickapoo Indian
Medicine Company are giving concerts
in the town hall every night to a
crowded 'mese, Prof. Cassell in his
wonderful target shooting and trapeze
performance being well worthy the
lettronage, of the • people, while Mr.
'hVeseini itt his- tumbling and songs and
dances comes iu for his share Of
piause. They are very snecessful in
selling their medicines, and will be
with us all this week. -Miss Kate
Prang, who has been iu Vomit for
some time, paid her mother a, flying
visit on Sanday.-Robt. Beatty was in
the village on Sunday.-iTolin Hess,
our confectioner, is very sick. His
many friends will be pleased to see
tabu soon in his place of bush ,
ness.-We were somewhat surprised
on.Sunday to hear of the death of Mrs.
McClinchey, of Stanley, ou Sun-
day. Deceased was in the village on
Wednesday hist, and on Sunday a
corpse. Truly, in the midst of life we
are iu death. She was buried in Bay-
field cemetery on Tuesday afternoon.
The breeaved family and ifriendsi have
the satiapathyot the entirecommanity.
-Harry Dumart, jr., paid London a
flying visit last Tnesday.-Sam Faust,
who has been on the sick list for a few
days, is able to be around again. -We
hear whispers of that school concert
coming eff soon. Wait for it.
• n ; et
Walkert,071, eticit of $1,250 to
Northern Exhibition -directors,
It will
be a treat. h
Don'tially withrheiimatisin. Pnrify
your blood and cure it at once by tak-
ing a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla.
The Elmira School Board received
173 applications for two vacimeiee iu
1)10school, for which salaries of froxn
$225 and a30 per annum are paid.
A boy in ‘Nralkecton stole eight I
ceuts and was sentenced to one month
in 1aiI, The treasurer ot Guelph stole
$11,000 aud got three months lu jail. '
E. J. Bachelor, general store -keeper,
of Leunington, has assigned to Staple-
ton ealdcott. of . Childepete Burtoo &
Spence, Toronto. Tim estate is a con-
siderable one.
Nine outside officials of the Fish-
eries Department have been dismissed
for offensive partisanship cloying the
.eleetious. Ie is probable that more
diemiseids will follow.
If you are tired taking the large old-
fashioued grip i g pills, by taking
one of Carter's Little Liver Pills and
take some comfort. A man can't
stand everythiug. One pill a dose.
Try them.
Toronto is to have a new Conserva-
tive Cluti with a capital (if el23,000.
The s eh e e meets with the unquali fled.
approval of the le;iders of the Conser-
vative party mu the Dominion aud
1'io''iitCjttl Pale Lament
Including Dinner Setts, Tea
setts, and many new novelties and
new designs in Table China„
J. P. Ross
Perth Co-anty Note.
The trustees of S. S. No. 6, Logane
have engaged Mr. Alex. Graham for
another year.
John Snowden, of St Marys, dis-
posed of a fine horse to au Exeter
buyer recently for the sum of
Mrs. John Parker, of Elliee, just out.
side the Stratford city limits, died.
Monday morning from cancer. Mg
Parker had been a severe sufferer for
over a year past.
Da,vid Hughey, of Mitchell, has sold
his interest in the blacksmithing busi-
ness to his partner, Mr. Constance
Seebach. Mx, Hughey wilt remain in
the employ of Mr. Seebach.
John Ingrun, of Mitchell, who lett
for England five weeks ago with a
quantity of stock, returned home
again on Tuesday-. He lost one horse
, out of his lot while crossing the ocearto
' owing to the very rough weather be
At the Fall Assizes held at, stratfera
on the 13th, before judge Fei.giuson,
the case of Manning vs Muir came in"
for trial. The action was disinissect
against the plaintiff, Manning, Mr.
Collins for plaintiff, Mr. Dickson for
S. W. Cady, the man aceneed of
pointing a revolver at R. McArdle irt
the G. T. R. yards at, Stratford on
August 9 last, was eon sided in the
pollee court, there on Monday after-.
noon, and fined $100 and costs.
Seventy-five dollars were allowed to
stand on the books, and Cady handed
over $25 and $3 costs.
Mrs, Well, of Stratford isnot feeling
ae well as her neene would indicate.
She was employed in cleaning toache,s
in the G. T. R. yards Monday aftev-
noon, when a yard engine shunted
against the car she was on, knocking
her froin the standing position on oos
of the seats to the floor. The reettlt
was three broken fbs.
Mitchell public sehool board hane
re-engaged the whole staff of teachers
for another year, at their present
s tlaries. A resolution was also passed
inetruetime the principal to tleina.nd
from every non-resident pupil evid-
ence of guardianship, to entitle them
to the privileges of the school. When
actual guardianship cannot be shown,
every non-resident pupil will be charg-
ed a fee of 50 cents a month.
Middlesex County Notes.
J. H. Laughtonte little girl, of Palk -
hill, fell into a cisbern while p1 tying
the other day.
The congregation of t'St. James
church, Parkhill, have purchased .a
pipe organ.
On Tuesdey, Nov. lird John Itossee,
of London Township, died from con-
somption, at the age of 65 years. •
Of wool. Middlesex produced 225,-
741 pounds in 41 604 fleeces. Grey mid
Sitneoe lead in wool peceluction.
Mrs. D. McCallum, of the 10th cone,
of West Williams, is slowly recover-
ing from a, slighaattack of paralysis.
Mrs. Francis Tetreau, of Parkhill,
had the misfortune to fall ont of her
cerriane on the 6th inst. an.d fractured
her ribs.
The store of White & May, of Ails*
Oraig, was burglarized:early on Mon.
day morning last,but nothing' of value
D. T. McColl, V. E, of Parkhill, hos
been appointed government insin.ctor
or cattle, hogs and sheep, shipped feoin
here to the United States.
Mr. Alex. McLitchlan, of Lemon,
is seriously ill. He resichn near Inner.
soil where be has been teitehingschoOL
His complaint is pneumonia.
5.• Gillis, of Ailse, Craig, has sold hie
fifty -acre farm, the east half of lot 29,
con. 20, Mist Williams, to Thomas
Thirwall, of Lobo, foxa good price.
Little Johnnie Oaves, of Sylvan,
whilst at pl:iy dining intermission 1.11
school last Thursday, bail. the in isfor-
tone to have his ktrin broken ii two
Mr. Win. Amos,hasheen r6-tngag.
a as teacher for the Lieary school ata
1..tary of $375 pet, annum, Mr. Amos
ia„s tmiught 10 this.school for the laSt
twenty years.
Hon. Clifford. &finite ex -Attorney- e
General of Manitoba,was sworn in 0 s
member of the Privy Council and
Minister of the Interior at Ottawa,
hieselity, After taking the oath of
face Mr. Sifton took charge of his
lepinieneut Ile 11 as gone to Winni-
An Alleged discovery of gold has
een in min. the Eagenia Fellsin
ray county, end nature 1 gas has been
mind on the farm of Thomas Browu
n Adjala, Cardwell, but whether of
)aying quality is not known. Not, a
ay passes but some new proof of the
reat natneal endownients of the Prov-
nce is Inid
office and will convert it, into a bakery (3
and confectionery e.etaelishment.
Will positively cure sick headache P
and \prevent its re.turn. Carter" Little
Liver Pills. 'Ills is not tittle but truth. b
One pill a dose. See advertisement. G
Small pill. Small dose. Small price. f
Donald McIntosh, who was charged
with takiiig deterioratid millt to the I
West Willian!s ehoese factory has tl
, been found guilty and lined, the fine F
' andcosts amount to $22.07. 1
Itev. Mr. Brown anti family o -f
Elea, Ontario, have arrived in Park,
hill vhere they will reside, Me.
Brown has rineept ed the can Lo tho
Parkhill and Mc G i 11 ivray Beptiet
The demands for Ayer's mil, vigor
in such +,vithey inneiniteS
oath Arnerata, Spain, Australia.
ndia has kept pace with the home'
consumption, which goes to show that
theee people kuow goodethion Wane
they try it,