Exeter Times, 1896-11-12, Page 1, • uter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. No 13. WE THIS PAGE EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12th 1896. COULD F11_, 1 j Fel owing aro the market guotatieee. Sensall 'Wheat Barley 70 to 70 ,;25 leo B ifteta:-Itt:ter t7.00 to .18.00 40 Ite 40 1.2 be et Fees 1 . . ..Se.so to ail CT.Iony' °etrhsYe Le e. d ee.e0 to S5.75 Bamps.-11.irs. George White on Frie day eveaing last, pleasaetlyentertain- ed a number of young folks. -The foundry was closed Tuesday afternooe to give the employees an *opportunity of attending the funeral of the wife of J. Gorby, one of the fellow -employees. -The Methodist church choir sing at Sexsmith, Thursday night. -Rev. Kerr and wife, of Brussels, who have been visiting their son at the parsonage, re- turned home this week. -he trustees of the Cluselluirst, Kippen and Hills Green circuit, or the Methodist church, have exchanged their property on with ?Jr. Robert Patterson, sr., King street, west of the post office, for Ins handsome two-story dwelling on corner of Richmond and .A.lbert streets. The exchange was an equal one, theitrustees retaining the privilege: of removing their stables. It is stated that G. O. Petty, the enterprising pro- prietor of the Yorkshire Packing House is likely to 1 urchase the teenier lot from M. Patterson and erect thereon a fine brick packing house with store in tront, This will materially improve the appearance of the street and add to thevalliP of adjacent proper- ties, - The 'flame is most, eagerly sought after in the public reading room -Game is plentiful in the swamps. - Thanksgiving Day will he the twenty-sixth of November. -Rev. J. S. Henderson sang a very nice solo in Carmel church ou Sunday evening last, much to the pleasure of the 3 TIMES OVER 3 With facts, interesting •facts too, about our goods and prices, but the TIMES has other things to print as well as advertisements, so we are compelled to keep our remarks inside of this column The important thing just now in our business N providing the people with .‘,suitable goods against the coming cold weather. This means a plentiful supply of good, warm Underclothing and Dresses, Fur Coats and Fur Capes, Overcotas & Suits, etc, Onr assortment of these things never was better. There is an abundance ,of everything for you to select Irani, with the prices entirely in your favor. Mantles and Shawis, Gloves and Hosiery, QUICK SELLING PRICES 0-1N-• ruLLINREY and MANTLES. We have already put the knife into these goods and will sell Trimmed. Sailors and English Walking Hats for 00c end 00c, worth Sc auld $1.25. Beautiful Trimmed Hats worth $3.50, $3 and $2.50, now $2.05, $2.25 and Children's Felt Hats, special at 25 cents each. MANTLES-1°1"ml' A lot of ehoice garments to pick from. Prices V.50, $5, $0.50, $8 and $10 eaeh. ev See the Jackets we offer this week for $2,25 each, woeth $1.53 to $1. Come quick if yon want a Bargain. OVERCOATS For Menand Boys.-Pites of good heavy cloth Oyez coats at the oNvest prices goi•ns. Mens' sizes at $1, $1.05, $0 and $9 each. Upon eruninetion of our goods you will find Viet, the 'abaci) prices are largely in your favor. We realize that now is the tame to sell Winter Goods, , the b Jues of one of her arins.--eD. land we want to close out everything we tem while the Selling TOM is on. lUrquhart has recently been making I exteusive shipments of Oatmeal.- While Mrs. Jane Lang was crossing the street one dark evening recently . 'wooDHm A. she Wa.9 kno:ked da hur own by rying nam; se .tt. B -Pont taken every Wednesday in exehange for gootis, we pectestrien ardsustained e.L..u""iihe„- eeiees• , e e i to one of het eyes. Avere injury n electric light audience. --The members of St. Paid s church are prepiring an excellent program for their foul simper and con- cert, to be held on Thanksgiving. Day. -O. 3. White. of St. M zrys, was in !town Tuesday and shipped a carload of : hogs te! Torouto. They were purchased Iron, John Willis. -Mr. Vokes, home 1 buyer, of Buffalo, visited at James White's this week.-Jaines Merray, 'treasurer of the towns" ip of Tucker - smite, has been indisposed the past week, He is on the mend. -Mrs. Alex. 131cHweu, of the township ef'Hay 1 ad the misfortune recently to fall off the doorsteps of their resideuce. injuring R. S. FORD & CO. -111/11••••••••••••..•1*•••••M • 8irkton. Don't fail to read R. S. Ford & Co's ad. this week. The other night, after a:short illness froin inflammatiam of thelunge, Heury Dime, one of the early pioneers of Usborne, .passed gyeetly away. The deceneed was well and favoeably known, not only in Ushorne but all through the county. Ile was in by- gone yeaes it member of the municipad ,corancil ; he was one of the organizers of the Blanshard . Agricaltural Society and he WAS a life -1011g Conservative was twice married, his first wife, who died in the old country, being at sister of the late Jacob LeGeate of St. Mairy's, His seeond wife, nine sons and three daughters survive him, viz : Francis, at Mount, Forest; Samuel, Mrs. F. Switzer and Adam, in Blansh- ard ; John and Nathan, in Kirkton ; Robert and Amo, • in Usborne ; Jacob, at Lone Laketon, Asses; Mrs. :William Hutchison, in Listowel ; and Mete, at. home. Mrs. Charles Dome-, Fiesherton, is a sister of deceased. Mr. Angus' .Tohnston who has been ill for some time at theresidence esr his mother, in Parkhill, from the •effects of lime trouble, pessee aw ty last week at, the coin pate Lively yoring age. of 46 years. It will be remember - •ed by many in this vicinity that Mit Johnston was for it entriber of years •e') t1 L in VI-, tailoriug b isiness 10 Parkhill and was very suecessful. Ot late he resided in Yarker, Ont. On Tuesiley evening of last week, it happy affair took place nettle reeidence of Mr., and Mrs. Elaslene Belgrave, it • being the marriage of their deug,hter Ceerie,to. Mr Jas. Hatteh, of \Vinhin. The neremony was performed ey Rev. T..Higley in the presence of a number of invited guest. • having since been placed at the corner of Kin and Nelson streets will pre - County Council Elections g Neat similar accidents in future. - James Bo n thro n, 'coin inercial traveller. or Toronto, spent Sunday with his father itt Rodgerville.-The Messrs. Cook, Jr., have rented the west store ifl 13nehanan's block and fitted it np very tastily es a, bieycie wareroom.- .Mr. Ingram's property announced to be sold on Seturday. was withdrewu, the bids offered not being adequate to the valne of the propeetv.-Ms. Jas. Sutherland retereed oii Tue.sday from a • pieasant visit with friends in Mitchell and O.; ford county.-Tne Presbytery of Hume ane t in Clinton, on Tuesday. Rev. Henderson attend- ing. The Boss case is still engaging the attention of that hody.-Tbere was (mite a heevy fall of snow in this lo- cality on Sunday, making the streets muddy. -W. 0. Davis has on exhibi- tion some very large turnips grown on the fame of Alex. Ingrain, of Hay townshi p. -Robe Cael isle, Jr , who hits heel' spending the eurnmerin Carberry, is expeeted home in it few d tys.-Ohes. Troyer, tax collector, will be in the vit- lage*on Thursetty of this week, to re- ceive taxes.-Rey..T. S. Headerson, of Carmel church, is pcopering it elms for the approachiug coin anunion.-T. J. Berry has sent word from 13 aston that. his car lo -td cif horses aerived in excellent condition. Tile in tekets have improved since the Presidential.' elec- tion.- EL Seroeder, of Zueich, (2elled on friends in the village on Tuesday. - S. Rennie, is fitt.ing np it pert of the second story of his new blosk for a ilretsau tkingshop, for Miss atgan. -The many funds of John Lettee of the township a Tuelieremith, will regeet to. learn that he is seriedsly ill.-rha gettin netrket is ;wale brisk, 83 cents hevinte, been paid Po e wheat t his week.--- Mosere. Cook have recentlj been wit mding Limb* electatie Iig.tb system. With ei mendable euteepriee they heve aleo conmouteed supplying their patrons with • electric light in the mornings, which is tniidi appreciated and will no 471, t result in i creased patronage. - Mrs. Joseph Ellis le visiting her . old home, in Goilericle-Me, aud eirs.john Elgie, of Drysdale, formerle of Heu- slI, in the village on Tuesday, - Rev. W. E. Keve peeeched the sewed of lea series of special sermous to the young meth. The choir was composed of young mea ugly. Mid the umeic reigleted was Creditable indeed. The epacems (beech, incleding the isles Was crowded.Ree. Kerr is .becoming 'weekly more popular and it would , m.ein as though the chureb will have .to he edleratedeg-The death cir Mes. „Tolle eteebv took, flhlW(' tt. the it' -11*SitiOnee in the township a Hay, on Sneezy indreing, after a soinewhet lingering illness. Deceased wes an estimable lady mad with lLur lensbene had he teuded moving. .to }Leis lI in it few .leys. She le:Leese:le u 41-: till art -eremite to nmeen. :their. loss. Her renames were interned in the Exeter cemetery, Tees and the funeral eernion will laci. ereaell el be- Re E.. Kerr, of the •Xethod is I; eluiveh, S und ay idorn tug ef winch ebureb. she Was •:• 'veined metithee. 'The beveatyerl, ()nes hare:the sy pathy or the coin al en KY. -Several Hensallites attetieee the runeral, of the late John Siriclair, of Kippen, and the late Mrs. Gorhy, ef Itae..on Tueetley,. Both peremie weee welletnown in the VillageeetteHoeton or Ti lekeesinith, • who heetheen ill tor , several days does:.1 et.; eveee,Sorea! The nominating (Owns for the right divisions of the county of Midallesex 1 have been ebneen by Watalen Corbett, ! to represept the County Council divis- ions as follows, to act at the municipal elections in Jen nary next: - No. 1--31.2Gellivrey, Bal,dulph and , the village of Levan -\\lU. • N • , t W'll . ' Teaistteyr, ., lcIe4:rti tIISV.f tItownOW' )1MCGt, of Parkhill and village of Atka, Craig. No. 3 -Loudon township-Thonues A. Laneerord, Meple Grove.: No. 4 -West Nteeouri and North Dorcheeter-Wm. Lee„ Thorndale. • No. 5-Westmine1er, Delaware and village of London Wesb-John Tinerni- croft, Lanibeth. No. 6 -Caretloc and Loho---William Komoka No. 7-E ;fret, Mose, and viltaige of Glencoe. Newbury, War lsville-John F. Faulds. Glencoe. No. 8 -Metcare Adeleide and town of Straehroy-John H. McIntosh. Jets, Reid, who has been in Menitoba FO)' some thee, returned home to Moray last, week. ' Lad il an Gui braith , of Sable,was forced to mulereo tetoperatiou fol' the rein oval of his right ear as a consequence of Call WT. I Prevent sickness and save doctors' bills at this seasen lay keephee yonr blood rich ane pure With Efood's Semi - patella. I The Baptist elmrthes of Parkhill and McGillivray have ex-ten:led at call to Rev. Ma: Brown, of, Ellen, which, we understand, be has aeceepted. leTat one in twenty are free from some Hale ailment causeit by inaetem dr the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pills. The result will be s Me aunt sur- prise. They give positive relief. ci..mo • esta.o Can boast of having the best and finest Pali range of' Ladies' and Childrens' new Jack- Pall 1 1896 ets ever shown in the country, going at f m - prices guaranteed to suit the times. * Here We are With a Few Lines. C.' Fine Black Serge Coats, excellent fitters well worth $3.00, cash price $3.83 Another line Black Seteges, Velvet Collier, " " 7.5e, " " 0.50 Another line Brown Beavers, " " " " 6.75, " " 6.00 Amotherfine.131ack (Nigger heild,) well lined It " 9.00. " 7.50 --.454Snaz*-OtrMillinery Department. 'New Which is under the able management London I Fall of Miss B. McConnell, who is again pre- Paris & flats pared to turn out the very best work at New York In lowest prices. Stylish trimmino's in i Styles. . tz, 1 - 46611,„......-111811011E9 VELVETS 9 LACES, Come w'.1qc the assortment is large at BLOWN & PREETIBIR'S. Stores at Credltote arid Zeiricts JOUN WM= Az Pablisbers end Pest half dozen tramps on Tuesday night -comfortably settled themselves in Mr. McEwen's small office near the hotel, for a nights lodginee Some boys threw stones at the building disturb - Ing thele repose. The tramps suddenly emerged from their quarters to get satisfaction and pounced upon thefirst in sight, that person happened to he Geo. McEwen, the worthy reeve of Hay township, and owner of the office, who received quite a punaineling. Mr. McEwen was returning from lodge and was quite surprised at the salute - time The tramps, however, soon shook Hensall mud off their boots. - Miss Myrtle Hodgins visited friends in London last week. -Messrs Roht. Willard and W. Luker, Spent Sunday in iCrediton.-Messrs. Corn. Cook and James Bonthron visited friends in Lucan, on Sunday. -Will (ons it and etster Annie, of Hhlis Green, called on friends in the village Shervitt, of Grand Bend, visited friends in Hensall, last week.- -"Uncle Jerry," once a -strong admir- er of phrenology, it is said has lost all confidence in the science since one evening lest week when he sought to test its reliability in connection with what the pbrenologist h d. said as to his adaptability to one of the fair &tinsels of the village, and vice versa. In the case of "Uncle Jerry" the heiui scientist was correct (that be was fond. of ladies), but be was widely astray in his naming of a suitable young lady, of which "Uncle Jerry?' is now, doubt- less, thoroughly convinced. On the evening in question, with the utmost assuranee, and wearing an angelic smile, he trippingly stepped, alongside his thought -to -be lover, but lo 1 the re- buff was like it thunderbolt, "Uncle Jerry" wilting like a. mush-romn be- fore a noonday sun, and as he passed ep street, leaving only a. vapor like • onto the rays of a search -light, the spectators say he swore vengeance upon the phrenologist. The yonng lady has almost recovered from the shock, -On Monday afternoon the Quarterly Board met. Prosperity was reported all over the circuit, The stewards' ot last year were re-elected, with theexception of W. Reddy, of Bethesda, who declined, when 3.11r, John Welsh was elected in his place. Tho. pastor reported 45 having given in thew names as members during the a ear. -Mr. Robb. Anderson, we are sorry to learn, is suffering from ty. phoid fever. -Miss Annie Middleton. of St. Louis, is visiting friends here.-Dr- Macarthar, of London, and. K. Mac.- arthur, of Ansa Craig, are visiting- .. their brother, J. Macarthur. Xippen. BRIEFS. -The very steddee au un- expected death of John Sweetie, aduch occurred on Sunday the 8t5 inst., shows the tmertainity of life. Me. Sinclair bad been complaining 00 Fri- day of feeling unwell and none of the family thought it eetts perions, lint on Sunday morningcleath came unexpect- ed. 1U.r. Sinclair was a inan highly esteemed and respected by all, The funeral on Tuesday was largely at- tended by sympathizing. friends, The family have the sympathy of the com- munity in their bereavement. -Miss Hannah Ivison is visiting her sister, Mrs. Potter, at Poeter's Hill. -Mrs. Thos. McKay was visiting friends at Clinton, last week. -Mrs. Munroe has rettitudd, to Exeter, after it week's visit 'with Mrs. F. Ricker. -Joseph McOlymont was nutlet* the parental' roof Sunday. -A flock of wilti geese passed over the village Sunday even- ing,and by the apparent noise bed lost, their leader. Sone of the villagers gtn to their doors wondering what all the coimuon was about). Iegak out for cold wher. Crediton. - - BRIFFS.-The first snow of the sea- son came Sunday night, but not suf- ficient for sleighing. - E. Heist. aind 8. Mr. McCracken, of Shipka, ran into one another's buggies Sunday night. Beth rigs were broken. The night, was very dark. -Will Ounz, of Exeter, visited friends in town, Sunday. In- cl teat ions are that we will soon lose one of the fair demo s of this village. - Berney Brown the other day fell with a shoe knife in his baud, and cut a .t.ash about eta inches in his hand. At oee thee it looked as though he might remain on the doctor's hands, but later reports state he is much improve Lovina Brown has returned rieeri eeik tureiths' visit With feienals in New York and Brooklyn. -Mrs. Delve, who has bsen ill at her fittiier's, John feevethick, is improving. - August. Hill has purchased a gun and at hound. I end can now be seen wending his way daily to the swamp. He never conies I home empty handed. - Mrs. Will I hidden, on Thurs.!. by, prese tei her Imshend with another boatileing boy. Will weaes :a broed Clarke has kelitted his stable, and now has one of the finest in the contitry.- The fax mill has commenced. running for the Winter. -L. Hodgins and Jno. Dyer, are erecting handsome wire fences. in front of their property viench • adlls greatly to the trnprove- it tent of the town. -Sam Lamport has fully recovered from his ecateet Meese, au lis at his post in the • tonsorial par- lor. W. II, bate been superammeted. henters. are expected hoine 'Settled:v. Their friends ate:anxiously nevaieing their visual, roast ot• venison. They heve been very suceessfol.- Meeses. Ryan and 'Winer netdetheir weekly visit to. Oliveleybove. There inuet beetroeg attractions there.. - Centralia. 011OPPING.-The undersigned baying atid1,1 a now g,ralli eliotiper. is now prepared to do either stone oP tiles plate clumping, rapidly and 'well. Will ,ecourn mailing about Nov. 10th, Giro iis a call. C. W. 8.11f111, Centralia. " Tutm the rascals out" --the reinitiate party c, -may he epplted to 1irobus as weil ks to men, Tne germs of disease that lurk in the blood are "turned out" by iAyer's. Sarsaparilla as effec- tually es the old postmasters ttre dis- placed. by'a new administration. Anderson. Don't fail to read R. S. Ford & Co's ad this week. Betrers.-On the 17th October four cattle. the property! of Mr. Rodgers, River Road, were found dead on the townline. Paris Green the supposed cause, was also found on the grass near by. -R. G. Radcliffe lost a vain - able cow. She had eaten too much frozen clover. Henry Switzer also met with loss in the same way. -Mr. Fred Lane, who has been sick is still under the doctor's care. -Mr. and Mrs Philip Lane, of Creditor:, visited friends here this week, Stalta. BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. Reid, from Essex, are uests of • . this week.-Tle Methodists have de- cided to have their annual supper in the town hall on Thanksgiving Day. - Miss Rollins, after it Jong visit, has re- turned, looking as bright as a new shilling, and is welcomed by her num- erous friends. -John Sadler has gone north on it shooting expedition. He brought back the game last year, and vve wish lurn an enjoyable tune this year. -The bible society annual meet- ing for the Hibbert branch, took place at Croinarty, on Tuesday last. Revs. Seat, Mills and Kenner addressed it. ••••-•#.411.-.0 Hayfield. BuzEps.-Mr. William Clark has gone to reside in Seaforth, where he intends carrying on it bakery and store; we ax -e Sorry to lose such a good citizen. --Mr D. Wilson has moved into Me. Esson's house on Louisa, St, -Reeve Bares is settled in his fine new house on Clan Gregor Square. Councillor Erwin moved in to his hotrie on the square on Tuesday last. Councillor Bliley takes possess- ion of the Commercial Hotel. Mr, Thomes King has sold ont his bakery and dwelling honee to Messrs Mel - lough & Langios, of Dungannon ; they take possession on the first of De- cember nexr.-Mr. Dunlop and Mr. Chris. Dresser have moved into Mrs. Elliot's house on Louisa .St. Whalen, • Don't fail to read R. S. Ford & Co's ad. this week. BR:Mrs.-A necktie social in con- nection with Bethel Sabbath School was held at the residence of Alfred Gunning on Friday evening last, big erowd, good time, satisfactory pro- ceeds. - Miss 0. Hodgson and Miss Ailey J. Beooks started. for Manitoba last week and intend to stay there for a, year .or two. We understand thee they intend opening up a dresseeliking establishment in some town in the Prairie Province. - James Kernick at one time the village blacksmith here, hut for the last twenty years or more 8. resident of Muskoka, isel'enewing acquaintances in the neighborhood. - The first wood -bee of the season Was at W. Ogden's on Thursday last. At night the yonng people eought, enjoe- ment by tripping the light fantastic till the wee smell hours. - Miss Olive Horn, of Exeter is visiting ae her uncle's S. Gunning. Greenwasr. BtrtEFs.-Sas. Brophey has complete ed. his new stable. -Relent E tglieh has built a new addition to his 110045 foe a wood. shod. -Norman Buchanan, car- penter, of Shipka, has the contract of building a new settee for Henry Eggert. - The Gospel temperance meeting was well attended last Friday evening. The program was highly in- teresting and instraictive.-The officers and teachers of the Boston Methodist Senday School met hist "rnestlay even- ing to arrange for then. annual 0111'1.4111as tree entertainment to be held Christmas night. - Mr. anil Mrs. A. M. Wilson attended the Provincial S. S. Convention in London last week. -Mies Alice spratined her ankle while playing at school and hes been uneble to attend schpol for aliont n. week. -0. Helm, who was visiting friends np North returned home laet, week. -A. O. 'Wilson returned . to the 0. A. College lest Friday ape intends to remelt' there till spring. -A. Hoban hail11 valnable cow badly hure by a tree falling al:MSS her back. Hay Crornarty. Bittems,-Wu!. Venner ouTuesday trapped a skunk which measured 3 ft. in from head to tail. It was a very large animal of the kind and quite a curiosity. Devon BRIEFS.- Miss Jessie Creech, of Exeter, spent a couple of days at Cal Hall last week. -The Orangemen oi I Orediton intend having a, Chickei &teal on Tuesday Nov. 24th besides program. Particulars later. - Frani Hill bad a, very sore toe operated at. by Dr. Rollins. Ingrowing nail was the cause. tarand Bend. We bad a, heavy frost here on Sun- day night, the first, that froze the ground. -Mr. Hamilton has been runn- ing his planer this week. -The potato crop has turned out well this season and can he honght at 25 cents per bushel,-Mte Zaffe is having a neat Stable built for his cow this week. - The K.O.T.M. naet the first Monday of this month and transacted all necessary heftiness. One of the motions that was passed was that ..as next meeting is election:of officers, there be refresh- ments served. So if you don't come yon will miss it. -Ware Oliver is ex- pected home this week. He intended being home last week and had started but was driven back by prairie fires. - Rev. Carrfore's family is again visited with another case of diphtheria. The youngest boy has it now, bet, is doing Tetrean was taken ill on Sunday, we have not beard how he is doing -Charles Hays, brother of Ada Heys, of the township of Arthur is visiting his sister here this week. • ...wooOmmia Bid_dulph. Comecite-The council met purenant to adjournment, the Reeve and all the members present. The following ac- counts were paid :-Geo. Ryan, town- ship portion of Brabirgon ditch, $2.50; James Thompson. 1-2 cost .cencrete tile culvert W.B., $9-75; Joseph Dixon, in full for gravel account, 1800e $3; Wm. Hueston, in full for gravel account, $3; F. W. Farneomb, township engineer, re Brabirgon ditch, $12.50; G. A. Stanley, account for spikes, dis- trict 3, $1.83; Valter Hodgins, repair- ing beid,ge, district 3, 50eeltobt, Black- well, ballencecentrect re Dorsey ditch. e3.60; I). O'Shea. gravel aceonnt in fell, Stl; Jets. Whalen ballance gravel .chntract, C.S.R. district, $48.25; E 1). Blake, tile account, $13; Joseph Cooper, repairing culvert, division 1, $1.33 ; W. Galleher, ditching end tite, division 4 Mid a; S.'75;$Thos. MeLerighlin, repairing ditch, district 3 and 4, $a; J. Lookey, 3 days spreading gravel, division 4, $3; P Breen, grant to road beat, division 4. $3; William Thompson, road to pit, division 3 and 4, $7; J. Carrigan, gravel acconnt to date an t 6 days at gate, $17.80. The clerk was instructed to communicate with the chief engineer of the G.T.R. re lowering of culvert for drainage. The council' adjourned to meet, again nn Der. 7th next at 10 ant.---Joitte STANLEY, Clerk. ••••11.11a• Woodham. - BRIEFS. -A cern-husking bee was hold at the residence of Henry Adam Switzer, Base line, on the evening of Oet 29, when abont49 young people of the villageandneighborhood attended, including those engaged in the pro- fessions and in inercantile pursuits. The evening was one of the finest of the season ttnd the "bee" was greatly enjoyed. by all. Mrs. Switzer and daughters served a splendid. sapper to the entire company, after which a, conple of boars were spent in amuse- mentee-Several members of IV, J. Sinclair's family axe down with V- I phoid fever, andelie Sinclair is also leid I no with an attack of hemorrhage. - Mr. Dodds, who is retiring from farm- ) mg, held an auction sele of stock. etc., last week. Fairly good prices prevail- ! eil.-What to do with the apple crop, 1 es one of the conundrums of thaseason. -Mr. Wreford's friends here are pleased to leern that he is camvalee- mee-Don't fad to reed R. S. Ford & Co's. "ad" th is wee ke -Bush) ess is quite brisk in the village this week.-Ty- pheid fever is very prevalent in our neighborleiod, Messrs. Wm. Sinclair and Wm. Henna being among the- le rest victittr-1.-4 lot •Siderincr the very unfevorable weather we had on the 5th the °ester supper passed off in good ehape. Excellent addresses were de- livered by all the speakers whose emnes appeared upon the hill. Dr. Rivers mere then teemed the fuel tenee by his shorb but pointed speech. follow- ed by a,. recitation. ' Miss Case of London, renderetl three tee ose,hat were highly appreciateed by all, and fully sustained her reputation ate a culteeei singer. Mr. John Neil, of Centralia, neele a jolly chairman and 110 Clotllit will be invited back to be with ne oii :stinger occasions. Proce.eds amotteted , ea rieerly -$30. Mr. -Jones, otir eeti,...- 1 prising miller sends _ to 'Stratford every " week e, loed of his roller flour,' amid we are creditably informed that the dealer lit $ ta'atf 0 rei says ' ' I .never I tee i ea .. hest fli me that set d so Well . at id gavesuch, entire setisfeetioil." This speeke yel- Mee:eche the Woodham mtgs.-40re Co 1 ael itre 1 had :in 'apple.. peri ng • bee ''' tin Fri:ley .eyen i ng laS b, a. large timelier Of.: tho trimmer people or the neighbor -- hood, were peeseut. end•all iegiott .. it geed time. • • .- PRESENTATION. -00 the evening of Tnesd ty, the 3i.d inst., a lerge nu:Wier nf peeple, young and old gathered at. the home of Mr. Cicero AldWorth. Shortly after all had erteved, .111r. , 11. Joheston, onbehalf of the company I read the follow ing address, and pre- seneed Miss Aldworth with a. hand- seitte dinner set cif dishes and bedeoom set. team triSS ALDNITORT[1.-Wo, the ineMbers of Soxsmitn Sunday School ancl congregation have met togotherttlits.evening for the purpose of testifying to you that we appreciate your work:as organist In onr church services for the Ian two year -t aal in the 5anday4..th mi for the Past four years. We are p10-19:3(1 bl be able to testify to your faithfulness and ability in the dislharge of the dutie 4 in connection with.you;• Polition as organist. We alwart noted bow re lily ani cheerfully you performed thog3 &ales. And now we take, the phi vain) in pe,i. .a1.111115nr.z„Y3° anitt=i1R1igpir)g.4)Poronsi?tae08ittlic;1„e °eerier efforts in our hermit, it hone that yen may belong spared to act as Onr Organist Signed on behalf of the S.S. and eon Irreg.:Won, William Nroallicott .Janes O'Brien. Miss Aldworth feelingly expressed her gratitucle fot the present. 'After several sheet,. speeches by some of those preseut all settled dowil for a good tune which they had in the way of music and eoeial ehat. The ladies Provicled a bountiful repast to which /tipple 111StIce was dope, About ti iel night the compeny broke up after hav- ing spent it very enjoyable evening*. Exeeeenerme I -Les Pitoved A. triumph in medicine was atbeined when experience provel th et Sitottee Einelsien would not oely stop the pro- gress of Pulmonary Consunaption,:but I by its 'a:dinned nee, health and vigor ou Id be ful y restored. You hardly realize that it is nnedi-; eine, when taking Oarter's Little Liver Pals ; they are very smell ; no bad ef- Nees; all troubles from torpid liset' are relieved by their use Hugh3..1' tosh Seaforth. former- ly agent fer the 'Frost& Wood teen - Peeve, there; has taken at position With Lee Mao n l'41,t113. ae t a aia g colepeny, Broekeille. Mr. eleIntesh will ' he geiterel agent ror the company. Rev. De. McDonald, of Seaforth, is still confi oed to his bed. THE MARKET ME -04111011110.-11111 We have just put in stock complete range of III NEW CHINA including Dinner Setts, 't setts, and many new novelties a new designs in Table China. ALL AT LOWEST PRICE J. P. Rog Mitedien. DEATH OF 11. J. 111.T1tLBt/ET.- death of H. J. Huriburt occurred Saturday last, after a, lingering il during which he suffered intensei Mr. Buriburt, had been one of choirs most enterprising citizen% a.10 was engaged in the lumbering businis for years. It was while engagi measuring lumber some years 445 that he sustained injuries by a p falling upon him, 4Ind since that tut, he has been entirely helpless eel paralysis. His death thnwill be a halm relea.se as life was It misery to him. L . BRIEFS. -As Alex AteFalls, R. Thom sou and Jas. Laughlin, of Lucanove returning frorn the former's farxri Biddizlph the other evening, t horse took fright at soreething 081 road, and, running to one side,.11 ehe buggy and throwing the men litetwo former escaped with bruises and a shaking up, l)Ut.L8XlgJ had his arm broken. -P. Halle" young gentleman from Quebec, ai tenstve dealer in the apple shipped from this vicinity 6,200 to the home market. And touch t regret of the fair sex in Lutntri, will ehippingetimself fromliere on Mond or Tuesday of the coniingweek,-Dr. S. Clarke, for the last ten ye' practising his profession in Lucan, li removed to Thedford, and hough practice in that village. -The ban. given by L. O. L., No. Ofte int Nov was held in Chester Hall here 250 people sat down to the bounte meal prepstred for them by T. We' baker, of this .village. Three tit the whole length of thespations hut mg were filled .with choice dLieitcI and at the -completion of 1sii which occupied over two hours,. It Nil found there was enough and to spa -When supper WaS ended, J Fox, banker, nets moved to the clef 1)7 13'. Ryan, W. M., of L. 0, it No. 662. Mr. Fax gave the party a neat little speech, at hearty welc to the village, and expressed him, as more than pleased, with the no that characterized theiarge gatheri! couiposed, as it was, of represe rives from all classes and creeds. then proceeded to dispose of an teresting toast list. 4115 Elimville Deat-b has been busy our midst during .1890, there halt, been five funerals in it distance of c and a quartei miles, the ages of the, parted ranging from infant of day.s/ seventy.seven years, and the lit cemetery here is dotted with fri nurandS. The last to go was Si Whitloek one of Ushorne's pionee who died on Friday Nov. Oth, at 1 ripe old age of 77 years and set months. Deceased. was a, -native; Devonshire and emigrated to Cane some fifty years ego. Ile lived foe few 75805 10 the township of Pickerl then came to Usborne taking .up t wiener farm lot 16, con. 7. With .1 exception of a few years, he contlin to reside in Us!» rue total his deat He had been suffering from consnn tionor the bwtom oels r some time ta Wafi waiting, and wondering why waited, foe the time when he shos pass over to the readies where salrerI is unknown. He eavi s alVi( whom he spent more than fifty yet and two sons and. two dasighters I mourn his departure. The rune; took place on Sundey morning Rev. G. Jewett unproved the octets, by preftehing.a powerful etarenon fn words found 10 the IV chapter of Aril, Epistle to the Thessalonians 18 1.8 --Tile$ trustees 01: the chrq nave 118.11 a new furnace put in by Stanley, of Lucan, and there eliould, no saffcteing from cold on Siindey vices hove:Mtg. McOolly bee pee chased the hotel and had it paint' which ;yids greatly to its appeetaels The tax eollecien• has, been, visit in this vicinity 'anal r:ttepnyes pleased to find. a considerable ti ion n taxes. The hertyor of our li town says, Mat if the eleetion or wen to the council last year ha eulted in the decrease of times, We,* have to elect a, new set en Healy next veer and lower taxes still. Clore:awe re THE IIEND. Ls it dangerous disease. It mt rectl Y to co tea: n et irel. Gittift vansed hy 'impure Noel. and th tvey to 0I130 tr is hy pueiryine, the Hood'e Sersoarilla (ewes catad cense 11 removee the 111;a8edliftii° purifying the bleed. Thonsan that they lutve been cured b- Siteseparilla. Hoods Pills are purely Ye' do not purge,' peen Or! el)! gists, 25c. , "