Exeter Times, 1896-10-15, Page 8The Big Cash Store.
Cash or Farm Produce, One Price Only.
Have you seen the beautiful Rocking Chairs that we
are giving away to our customers. They cost you nothing ;
its one of the ways we have of advertising our New Cash
System. By the way have you tried the New Cash System.
Come and give it a trial and ask for a Rocking Chair card—
you will never go back to the old worn out. Credit System.
Here is the way we save you good hard earned money:
3 pound box Soda Biscuits, only 18c.
3 pound box Cream Biscuits, only22c.
Sailor Boy Japan Tea, "Uncolored22c.
Mixawata Mixed Tea, only 30c.
Best Pure Black Pepper, per pound 10c.
Largest box Royal 'Yeast, only 5c.
3 pound box Best Gloss Starch, 20c.
In Boots and Shoes, we can give you some special values:
Boys' English Water Grain Lace Boot, $1.30.
Youths' English Water Grain. Lace Boot, $1.40.
Men's English Water Grain Riding Boot, $2.90.
Womans' English Water Grain Lace Boot, $1.40.
Girls English Water Grain Lace Boots, $1.25.
These are the best value in good honest wearing Boots
that we have ever offered. Come and see them.
Special values in Ladies' Leather House Slippers, only
40C a pair. Buy your Boots & Shoes at the Big Cash Store
and save money.
Es prepared to d any kind of bird stuffing
end riridermist work at any time.
Agent for the 'WESTERN Am:lc:two Cosx-
7.'ANY, of Toronto ; also for the Pxt+i ix Fair;
INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England ;
A. 0. F.
Court Price of
Huron, No. 7865.
Hall 2nd ani 4th
Friday in each
month. Visiting'
brethren are cor-
dially invited to
DAN= moon,
{ . R. ; GEo.
KL"M1', SEC'Y_
Mrs. A. Allan iseouflnedto her room
through illness.
Miss Tillie Beath, of London, is the
guest of '-kfrs. James Miller.
Mra. Henry Snaith has returned
home from visiting friends at Maple
The apple buyers have commenced
buying the fruit again. The market
is firmer.
A fat stock show will be held in
Exeter in December. See prize list in
another column.
Main st. is receiving a coat of broken
st,.r e, which when packed will make
a substantial road.
Mrse l trland, who has been visit-
ing at W. H: Dearing's, Stephen, has
returned to town.
-,:Mr. John Muir jr, leaves in a
few days for England, He will re-
turn about New rears.
Bert'Hod insand Will Ross,ofCIin-
ton, visited friends in to.wn Tuesday.
They came on their bikes.
William Hoskin returned home
Tuesday evening £ram a visit among
o OUTDOORS. friends in the Old. Country. He .re-
ports a pleasant time.
Lawn Tennis,
Base Ball.
This is the last weekfor fall fairs.
We will have more space to devote to
local matters. Kirkton and Granton
prize lists on the fourth page.
The anniversary of Main St. Metho-
dist Church will be held the beginning
of December. Rev. Wm. McDouagh,
latepastor, will -conduct the services.
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller have re-
turned home from London, where Mr.
Miller had undergone an operation.
Though yet weak he is much improved
in health.
H. Willert has lxad erected a $4000
house in Dashwood. The building
has plate glass windows, the material
�� in it is all of the best quality and the
0, 0�' workmanship first-class. Both 14Ir.
Willert and the village may justly
feel proud of such a residence.
.A. bicycle expert gives the following
BOOKS, STATIONARY, ETC., formula as a well -tried oil mixture for
Lamps : Fill two thirds of a pint bottle
with the best lard. oil, and the balance
The Mart Exeter. with headlight oil, add a piece of gum
a camphor about the sizeofa smalegg-
- - it should be brcken up fine in order to
° dissolve more easily. This gives anice
meiwhite light, does not char the wick
° and will not jolt out.
If von intend going deer shooting
remember the recent changes govern-
ing that sport. The season remains as
heretofore, being limited to the first
fifteen days ofNovember. The hunter
must now have license, which costs $2;
such license meet contain aminute des-
cription of the holder, and anyone who
wishes can approach the hunter in the
woods and demand to see his license.
Deer cannot be killed in the water, or
immediately after getting out of it.
The Toronto World says that in
order that the public and high schools
may have no misgivings. as to the
organization of the classes for the year,
it is authorized to state that the regu-
lations of the Education Department,.
which is now under consideration, and
which will he issued within a couple of
months, will involve no change in the
course of study either of public or high
schools, nor in the subjects for any of
the examinations required by the de
Leaves are falling in showers.
If there is no news appearing in our
column from your section, come in and
see us while in town, or drop us a
Loais Davey. of Sarepta picked ripe
strawberries, from his garden this
week. On .the same bushes were
numerous blossoms.
We are offering great values in flan -
and flannelettes, and the prices
ever. as
:we low with trimmings r mmns•o
e t
Haste at J.
P. Clarke's.
Next Sunday morning, Dr. Wil-
loughby will c,,p educt a memorial ser-
vice in. the James st. church for the
late Miss Lottie Hicks.
Fall and Winter supplies are, in
stock, for ladle's and gent's, and the
buyer willbe satisfied with goods.
We show them nothing but first class
goods at J. P. Clarke's.
Richard Seldou, jr. and wife of In-
gersoll, are visiting friends in town.
We understand Mr. Seldou is to be-
eome a resid+.‘:t , of this locality, being,
about to t:i:s: possession of Mrs. ,
•Samwell's fusee south of the village.
All the me.nbers of Advance Omen -
ell, No. 207, Royal 're nplars of Tem-
perance are requested to be in attend-
ance next Monday evening at their
all, business of importance for each
o consider and share. Let there be a
Exeter being the onlyplace in this lo-
lity where a, discount is taken
ff Americau silver, some of the neigh-
oring farmers are making more
'Orley dealing in this coin than they
eke- out of their, farm products.
ey come here and; get the silver at
discount and go to other towns
,get full value for it. We know of
y who are doing this.
partmeni; for 1897. In fact, no change
has been made that cailsfor immediate
consideration either by trustees,
teachers or inspectors. The object of
the department hasbeen to consolidate
rather than to amend previous regu-
A well-known yooun man of St.
Marys attended the late Toronto Ex-
hibition. He spent the first morning
viewing the grand sights of the city,
and after dinner mounted a street car
for the exhibition grounds. Along
came a lady with a young babe in her
arms,, who asked him if he would take
it while she got on. John being a very
obliging young man, threw out both.
arms emigres ed the child, and was
instantly fondling and caressing it like
his father did him, but the car started
on leaving the mother of the babe i'n
the middle of the road. After going
several blocks the car stopped, and
John afraid of beingarrested for kid-
napping started back, and several
hours' search about the city with a
crying child, the mother was found.
John says it will be a cold day before l
he takescharge of any more children
in that manner.
0,: Y.. f ...u_
Mr. Lye, of Toronto, was in town
this week.
Rev. Bray and wife are visiting in
Hector Munroe has secured a situat-
ion in London,
J. P. Ross spent Suuday in town
with his family.
W. Simpson and wife, o Parkhill,
were iu towu Mouday.
MrsJ•.R Jaynesee eavinston, is visit-
ing Mrs. D Joe.. is.
Dr. \Villouobby will prcaeh in Cen-
tralia next Sunday eyeuing.
Miss Galloway, of Adelaide, is visit
ing her Aunt Mrs. A. !dicks.
Geo. Southcott, of Toronto, called
on friends in town yesterday.
Mrs Ed. Roberts was in town this
week visiting at Joseph Feast's.
Philadelphia will serol a team of
cricketers to England neat season.
Lyman McCord and Miss Annie Mc-
Cord spent Sunday in St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Archer and son, have
returned tc their house in Cobourg.
Mr, Jamieson, of Mt. Forest, is
visiting his daughter 'Mrs. (Rev.) Mar-
tin. -
Miss \Valroud being on the sick
list her room at school was closed this
week, •
Miss Nettie Martin returned. home
last week from visiting friends in Mt.
John McGregor, of Usborne, has
made an assignment to Robb. Beattie,
of Kirkton.
Mrs. Richard Seldou, sr., of Inger-
soll, visited her zimther, Mrs Geo.
Satuwell, last week..
Lila McCord, wbo lms been visiting
in St. Marys, for sotne months, return-
ed home first of the week
The B. Line school in Stephen
township was opened Monday for the
first tinge since the outbreatc of diphth-
John Dickson, treasurer of Wing -
ham,. has resigned on account of ill-
heelth, He has been treasurer for
twenty years.
Mrs. Thos. Hazelwood, while per-
forming household duties the other
day, fell down the cellar stairs and
bruised her face.
1V. F. May, of the Mitchell Col-
legiate Institute, wheeled over to
Ritter_ last week and spent Sunday
visiting friends here.
lames Taylor raised from his garden
the other day three mangolds the
aggregate weight of which was 72
lbs.—One weighed 27 lbs.
E. S. Deavitt, in lifting too heavily
while working about machinery, the
other day, strained his back so as to
render him almost helpless.
A. Bagshaw, baker, has purchased
the Southcott property, nne door
south of his present premises, and in
tends moving thereto very soon.
W. II. McBride, wife and family,
have removed from Winghan to Cor-
rie, he having bought theAnglo-Ainer-
ican Hotel from Wen. McKenzie.
Tlxos. Knight, of `Voodharn, left for
his home in Plymouth, England this
week. He took the Beaver lied' and
was ticketed by Capt. George .hemp.
Wm. H. Hill, ha s been engaged by„
Carling Bros., to succeed W. D. Yeo,.;
'Who goes to London. W. II. Hill ha
lately been working in Buffalo an
Toronto. ' •
To dress makers and dress wearer
we are to -day offering the Testi!
Buckskin or Buck Chamois. Ever
yard stamped with gold trade mark a
J. P. Clarke's.
Mr. Swartz, of Stephen township,
who ran away from the House of
Refuge, recently, was captured Satur-
day by caretaker French and taken
back to the Institution
Thanksgiving Day in Canada has
been fixed for Thursday, Nov. 29. This
is the same day as that on which
the United States gives thanks. Ev-
erything is international, nowadays.
Miss Annie Gregory has resigned
her position as teacher in the Public
school, and Miss May, of Mitchell,
daughter of W. F. May, has been en-
gaged to take her place. To take effect
first of the year.
On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Long, of St. Marys, will attain the
50th anniversary of happy wedded life
an event which they and their de-
scendants will join in heartily and
gratefully celebrating.
There was an entertaining time at
the Epworth League meeting on Tues-
day evening of this week. The sub-
ject for discussion was temperance,
and Messrs J. P. Clarke audP. Frayne,
gave splendid addresses on this topic.
Men's, youth's and children's over-
coats and suits, besides a large .select-
ion of tweeds and suitings, hats and
caps, white dress shirts, neckwear..
Come and examine them for yourself.
A splendid overcoat for $3.75 at J. P.
The anniversary services and tea in
connection with the leaven Presby-
church will take place Sunday
and Monday. Sermons on Sunday
will be preached by Rev. Cosgrove of
St. Marys, while on Monday a good,
old fashioned tea will be served. A good
time is in store for all who attend.
See posters.
The Kansas City World, referring
to a former citizen of Exeter, son of
Richard Harrison, town, says One
of the most extraordinary surgical
cases that has ever been recorded in
the state of Kansas took place lately
at Bethany hospital, and is worthy
of mention, not only to the rneclical.
science, but the citizens at large.
James Weston, a colored man, aged.
28 years, was shot during an alter-
cation at 1607 North Fifth street. He
was 'immediately operated upon at
Bethany hospital by Dr. S. I. Harri-
son, and has now so far recovered as
to be about without suffering any
pain, and next week will be able to re-
sume work. The bullet, which was
from a 32 -caliber revolver, ' passed.
through the stomach, making two
holes in that visera; it then curved
and passed through the gall bladder
and through the liver, making .a rag-
gecl wound that organ, and lodged
in the right side, at the end of the rib,
which it broke off in its passage.
Weston, on being seen by a World
reporter yesterday, stated he was
free from pain and felt nearly well,
and is loud xn his praises of Dr. S. T.
Harrison and Bethany hospital.
gess Goods and
During the past four weeks our sales in Dress Goods and
Mantles have been unprecedented. The secret,of our success with
these two lines is the fact that we buy our goods direct from the
manufacturers in Europe for SPOT CASH and thereby get the
very latest styles and the very lowest possible price` and purchasing
direct from the manufacturers as we do we save our customers the
usual wholesale profit,
4Sflc6ialOticrillijs Hi Dress 6000s4
No 1 45 inch Black Henrietta Cashmere, beautiful gloss
and finish, all wool, wonderful values . , . ,... ...... , , . .. 47 xs c
No 2. 42 inch Trisn Frieze Costume Cloth very new and sty-
lish, all colors .. , ................... ... 5oc
No 3. 4.2 inch French. Houcle Cloth, beautiful patterns
and blends of colorings, latest thing shown in all shades,
No 4, 45 inch Invincible Sergcs (all yvool) in all fashion-
able shades and Black, Rough effect and considered very
correct style ...........
la Ladies' Wool Sergcs, large buttons, full flare in colors and
black, very great value ..........
2. Ladies'Heavy Serge Cloth, very Large horn buttons, "Mary
Queen of Scots" collar, very finely finished full fare $5 7o
3. Ladies' Black and Colored Boucle cloth, button trimmed,
(large and small) very stylish ........................$6.90
4, Ladies English Beaver Cloth, very fine make in black and
colored straight front long buttoned cuff, very stylish and
finely, finished .............. ......... . .. . ......... $9.49
The above goods are selling very rapidly. Call and make your
selection at once.
R. Pickard &Sc».
Direct 1 porters.
EXETER.—J. W. Broderick has mow
edto his new store, ' B r
t e, Oddfeliows Block,
and has just received another Bank-
rupt Stock of Boots and Shoes. TT is
A. NICE CHEAP Seoo1C. We have now
one of the finest Stocks in town, and
we intend to sell cheap. Give the new
store a call. We sell cheap all the
STOVES 1 STOVE Stoves and heat-
ers of all kinds sold at rock bottom
prices. Manufactured by the Gurney
Foundry Co., Toronto. Call and in-
spect thernatBissetts oldstand,Exeter.
.S. Deavrre, agent.
Typhoid fever is again prevalent o
the 16th eon., McGillivray.
D. Lucas, Sarnia, called on friends
here yesterday. He wheeled through
from Watford.
Rev. Thos. Darr, of Thomas, Mich.,
is spending a few days with relatives Usborne, is hopelessly ill of brain
and friends near Lieury. ) disease. Her skull was opened. on
J. J. McNaughton, baker, Ailsa Friday with apparently favorable re-
Craig,r has sold out his business to sults for a few days, but she has
THE Co'AL STEAL,—Lust February,
ae eleven companies than control the
ines and railroads of the :nnthraeite
al regions in the United States orga-
zed a trust. The avowed objects were
restrict production and to raise the
ice of the prods ict—=exactly the two
jects which the laws of New York
tate and the United States denounce
as crimes, but whioh the coal barons
sontehowea' another have succeeded in
evading. Since March last the mine
owners have raised the price $L50 per
on. This will explain the rise in your
al bill.
THr4 Sem. — Mrs. Fred Fisher, of
sborne, on whom Dr. Rollins per-
formed a serious surgical operation
two weeks ago, is progressing favor-
ably.—Mrs. E. H. Fish, who had a
turner removed last week is out of her
room. .Ald. John W. Taylor's family
are still ill with Scarlet fever.—Mary
Quinton, daughter of Wen. Quinton
David Gottschalk, of Dashwood.
Jno. Long, of Moray, is moving to
Manitoba. We wish him a pleasant
journey anti success'in his new home.
Tuesday last Warden Strachan
appointed the officers for receiving
Mrs. Torney, of Parkhill, went the {nominations under the new County
other day to cut some cabbage forCouncils Act, which event will take
dinner, and found six heads growing (place on Monday Dec. 21. The officers
from one stalk. � are as follows for the Divisions named:
MissD. B. Hodgson, of Usborne, who No. 1, comprising Goderich town, Col -
has been seriously ill with inflammat- borne and Ashfield, W. Strothers, Bel -
ion of the lungs the past two weeks, is fast; No. 2, Goderich township, Clinton
recovering slowly. and Hallett, James Campbell, Londes-
George Elliott, of West Williams, boro; No. 8, Hay, Stanley and Bayfield,
was married. on Tuesday evening at Fred Hess, Zurich; No. 4, Stephen,
7 p. rn. to Miss Lotte Poore, .daughter
Hay; Usborne 5, T keend en, Chester Pth and
of Mr. Charles Poore, of the McGilli-., y . +
vray and West Williams townline. McKillop, ? . G. Smillie, Hensall; No. 6,
One day last week while Jos. White-
ly,of Goderich, was at his fa i the
o farm n t e
township, picking apples, be slipped
while up a tree and fell a distance of
over20 feet, resulting in an injury .to
the spine. As he is over .70, doabts
are expressed about his complete re-
Morris, Grey and Brussels, F. S, Scott,
Bx;lissels; No. 7, East and West Wawa -
nosh, Winghain and Blyth, Peter Por-
terfield, Marnock; No. 8, Turnbexry,
Howick and Wroxeter, Joseph Cowan,
JAMES ST. Cxi.ui S —Ever since Dr
Willoughby entered on his pagorate
OnSaturclay last Mr.and Mrs. Albert he has been greeted by large congreg-
Robinson, of gullarton, were visiting ations. The east few Sabbath evenings
at his brother Henry's in the township
of Hibbert. In leading hie horse out
of the stable a colt Belonging to the
latter, kicked him in the back, in con
the church bas been crowded by all
classes from farand near to hear his
sermons on the "Human Ship:" The
addresses are earnest,impressive,precti
sequence of which the will be laid up cal, and illustrated in such a way as to
for some time. affect both heart and mind. the sub-
A writ has been issued in the Huron jest of the next address (one week
county courts against W: J. Wright,'
of Hamilton, .in which Miss Rachel
Gordon, of Goderich, claims $2,000
damages. The defendant is a coin
mercial traveller, and the ect:rii is
said -to be over an affale:of the heart,
in which Miss Gordon" claims $'2;000
damages. Wright's friends do not
think there is anything in the case.
We have received a lengthy com-
munication from Hurondale ,corres-
pondent dealing with the Bethesda
church .ttouble, It is a reply to the
letter' signed -by IVO.. Down, which
appeared in THE Teems a few weeks
ago. While we cannot conceive of spy
good resulting from the publication of
from next Sunday evening) will be
"Drifting." No church member should
miss this one, as it is timely. In all
respects the James St. church is wak-
ing up under the present pastorate.
Financial schemes are . successful.
Last Sunday the pastor asked for $67
for the fund for Superannu ted
ministers, a�fund especially unpopular
with many of the old people. -Failure
was predicted, but between $70 and $S0
was contributed. The membership
are hoping for future prosperity and
by God's help, and work of our much
esteemed pastor, we will have it.
theseletters we more particularlyFor choice and largest selection of
object to their appearing itx our glassware, China tea setts and dinner
columns on account of n' thes
m of bearin efts. See those ' offered byJ. '
g P.
o per signature of the riter. Clarke.
Exeter's 1.4a rgest Dealers.
L aurI€- is Ca%% hiet
Interests the politicians and makes heart-burnings
amongst the disappointed ones, but the question is not
half as important to you as the more
Of where you can procure the best goods for the least
possible price. This hot weather we have been a little
quiet in the advertising line, but wish you to know
We Are in the Swim
As the saying is, and we are prepared to give you good goods
at right prices in all lines.
Highest prices paid for Produce.
MAY—In 'Osborne, on the 14th inst., the wife
of Joseph May, of a son,
FORD—In Exeter North, on the 7th inst., lithe
wife of George Ford of a son.
RUSSELL. --In Exeter, on the 14th inst., the
wife of James Bussell, of a son,
JOHNSTON—JOHNSTON.—In Parkhill, on the
30th ult., by the Roy, Robt, Aylward, B, A.,
Donald. Johnston to Miss Sarah Johnston,
botil of West Williams.
JOHNSTON—ERASER.--In Parkhill, on Oct,
0th, by Rev. holt. Aylward. It A., Mr. John
Johnston to Miss Joanna Fraser, be:i. of
East Williams.
THOMi'S0N,—In McGillivray, on. the Sth tnNt,.
Edward Thompson. aged 21 years, 9 a ., • .:'.
WILLOWS..—At Carlington, on Oct. :;rs , slob)
Willows, aged74 years.
GILLII:S.—At Angola. Ind., an Sept. 27!1). Mrs
Mary Blair Gillies, formerly of tit.
aged76 years, 0 months and 11 days.
GOOD. — In St. Marys, on Oet, Oth, Barbara.
Good, aged 70 years,
SMALE.--At Port Albert, on Oct, 4th. Mary
Alice Cmudnaore, wife of Win. Smale, aged 30
yoars and 0 months.
Meli.ENZll4.--Iu0oderieli, an Oct. 4th, Alex.
Mckenzie, aged 71 years and &months.
Owen Mitchell of the 16th concession,
Stephen, is ill.
Langley Mctlorrnick, of C'red i'fon
road, fell and broke his ankle one day
last week.
Grand Bend school reopened an
Monday last as there are no more eases
of diphtheria heard of
About $200 is to be spent on im-
proyements on North St. Methodist
church parsonage, Goderielt,
John Duckett has traded his 50 acre
farm in Wawanosh, to Malcolm La-
mont for his 80 acre farm, just across
the road Morris, and received $700
in cash. This deal now gives Mr.
Duckett 272 acres in Morris.
Mrs. Malloy, an old lady of Howick,
who is 95 years old was in town on
Tuesday and marketed twenty-one
pairs of woolen mitts, of her own knit -
bin and for which both i g �v c she had of card-
ed and spun the wool—Wingharn
IF any man. who is weak, nervous
and debilitated, or who is suffering
from any of the various troubles re-
sulting from youthful folly, excesses
or overwork, will take heart and write
to me I will send him confidently and
free of charge the plan purchased by
which I was completely restored to
perfect, health and manhood, after
years of suffering from Nervous De-
bility, Loss of Vigor and Organic
T have nothing to sell and therefore
want no money, but asIknow through
my own experience bow to sympath-
ize with such sufferers, Tam glad Lobe
able to assist any fellow -being to a
cure. I am well aware of the preval-
ence of quackery, for 1 myself was de-
ceived and imposed upon until I near- '
ly lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice
to say that Than nowperfectlywell and
happy once more and am desirous
therefore to make this certain means
of cure known to all. If you will
write to me you can rely upon being
'cured and the proud satisfaction of
having been of great service to one in
need will be sufficient reward for my
trouble. `Absolute secrecy assured.
Send 5 c. silver to coyer postage and
Geo. G. Strong,North
Rockwod Mich
Your CM Fault
If you don't get the benefit of our
offer. You can't go bare headed
unless your head is well fleeced.
We areoin to place on our
g '
bargain table a lot of Mens' and
Boys' soft felt hats, the greatest
snaps ps ou have seen. Men"
y s for
25c, Boys' for roc. Come along
with your big heads and your
little ones and1' ou will be sur-
The Mone nl
hey won on Pink Flyers.
The McCready Pink Flyers have
added another record to their already
long list of victories. In the R. Q. T.
road race at Toronto, H. ,Cassidy, an
his McCready Pink Flyer, broke the
20 axile record, doing the distance in
59.08. Unlike the riders who started.
from scratch; who alternated in mak
ing the pace, he had to ride practically
unpaced the whole distance. The time
would have been considered akin to
marvelous if he had ridden the:20 Holes
over a free course, but the fact that
he had to ride in a blinding cloud of
dust, threading his wnyhereand there
through -straggling bunches of riders;,
over a, road honeycombed with ruts
and holes, makes it a truly great
achievement. Cassidy has quite a, re -
cox d as a traek rider, and has beaten:
all the best men in the amateur ranks
at one time or other during the sea-
son. F. Graves, also on a. McCready,.
won the 2nd prize.
Pure Lard, Sausage Rolls,
Head Cheese, Fresh Sausage
Bologna, Fresh Pork, Beef mrd.
Lamb, Hams and Bacon, Sugar
Cured Breakfast Bacon, Chickens,
Ducks. All atlowest prices,
One Door Sosatl-it of Central
L,. DAY.
Offers this week some ' special
drives in different lines of Dry
Goods As well as extra values
in new stylish smart Ladie's.
Jackets. See our exta values at
$5 and $8. Also some lines as
low as $2.50 and $3.50. Our
stock of Clothing is full and corn-
plete. Our
Ulster is the
marvel of all who have seen it,
all wool, well lined, well made,.
Brown or Fawn.
See Our SI Pants.
Some drives. Ask to , see our
5c Crash Toweling, 5c Xitchen
Toweling, Ltdie's Vests at 25c,
4 A very good line, 2
for 25ctS.A heavy fine. and
all wool Hose at 25 cts. W
wish you to compare these with
the lin
esou have
ybeen buying
Y g
at 35or 4 o cts . .
Come iiiand
See Us.
ow—Buys These
Also thegreatest bargain in We take Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
g .
bottled pickles -3 bottles for 30 Dry Apples and all kinds of truck
cents. They must and will go.
They are 16' oz bottles at and trade.
J P. Clarkes.