Exeter Times, 1896-5-21, Page 5TI EXETER TIMES. Tired but Sleepless Ia a condition which gradually wears away the strength. Let the blood be purified and enriched by Hood's Sar- saparilla and this condition will cease. a"For two or three years I was alibied to poor spells. I always felt tired, could not sleep at night and the little I could eat did not do me any good. I read about Hood's Sarsaparilla and decided to try it. Before I had finished two bottles I began to feel better and in a short time I felt all right and bad gained 21 pounds in Weight. I am stronger and healthier than I have over been in my life." JOHN W. Cova13l IN, Wallaceburg, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla "4. Is the Only True Mood Purifier Prominently in the pnblio eye todsy. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hoodh.. Do not be induced to buy and other. iQod's Pills ass; ni ad&c S. fele. , s - Pasturage. The undersigned will take a limited number of horses and cattle to pasture,on lots 4and5,Con 5, Hay. Good tepees. and a running stream of water. From 75c to1.25 per month. Sin. J. N. HOWARD Electric Power House Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. at 5 and 51 per cont. Private Funds. APLLYLIOT Sr. ELLIOT, .714111o1.7, 1896. Solicitors, Exeter. CUT THIS OUT awnith ivdFtu rernoCeto uta ns in silver. and you will get by return mail, A GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring you in more money in ono month, than any- thing else in America. A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. Fares for Sale At a bargain, in Huron Co., Michigan. 160 acres, 80 cleared, 20 logged and 00 hush. Good frame house and granary, frame barn 101 x 36, ncw. 20 acres wheat, G rye. Soil clay loans. Good water, German settlement, 12 miles from Dadaxo. 41 from Elkton, Soule 2 miles, Price 44,500 82500 cash balance on time to suit. WILLIAM J. SAUNDERS, Soule, Huron Co., Michigan. COURT OF REVISION ViII1EISe of Exeter. Talc* notice that a Court of Revision for the Village of Exeter, will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall, on Tuesday., the 26th day of May, A D., 1890. commencing at 8 o'clock, 1'. M.,for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors on the assessment roll of the present year. All parties interested aro requested to attend. IYI. EACItICTT, Clerk of the said Municipality. Exeter, May 4th, 1590. COURT OF REVISIOh Tows -sell -sip of HJsaor see. Take notice that a Court of Revision for the Township of Usborne will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall, ou Saturday. the 6th day of June,A.1). 1506, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M..for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors on the assessment roll of the present year. All parties interested are requested to attend. G. W. HOLMAN, Clerk of the said Municipality. Usborne, May lth,1800, EN ri E Dashwood- Brass's. -Frank Eolbein purchased a Brantford Power mill from R. S. Lang this week. Farquhar. BRIEFS. -R. S. Lang sold large Brantford Power mills to David Christie and George Stewart the past week, and Warren McGill a pumping mill. to 2 -et framed. We have hundreds of feet of mould- ing, ,ram 4c. p -r foot up - w'1 rds '1so a n;ce lot of pictures cneah . A full stock of Furniture andUndertaking always on hand. R. N. R W E. ti M' et ! 0 •S - Biddulpr. BRxxrs.-John Richardson, of Brins- ley, has moved to London. --Robert Branion, an old resident of Biddulph, has moved recently to his farm near Ingersoll. -We regret to state that Samuel H. Moncton, a brother of Mit- chell Moncton, farmer of Biddulph, got his skull fractured. He fell from a ladder. "Ten people out of a dozen are in- valids," says a recent medical authority. At least eight out of these ten, it is safe to allow, are suffering from some form of blood -disease which a persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparillawoulu be sure to;,cure.I fihen,;don't be au invalid. It is reported that the Gernlans,who recently made heavy purchases of American apples Intend, to use this fruit in the manufacture of cham- pagne by an entirely new and secret process. TIIAT ILSC1ixNG, PERSISTENT, DIS- TRESSING COUGH can be quickly cured by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrupse It cures all Throat and Lung Troubles. Having purchased the butcher- ing business of A. Loadnan, (Wood's Old Stand) v. e will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many 'new ones. THE BEST OPINIONS ! SCIENTIFIC MEN SAY DIAMOND DYES ARE THE BEST. The best analytical chemists in the world affirm without hesitation that Diamond Dyes are the purest and best dyestuff for home dyeing. All the colors are fast to light and washing, and will color more goods. package for package, than any other dye in the world. .As there are many imitations of the popular Diamond Dyes, ladies should beware of dealers who attempt to re- commend the worthless goods. It should be remembered that the tation dyes are made up of poisonous and dangerous adulterations, and the hands are often ruined by their use. Diamond Dyes are so easy to use that even a child can work with them successfully. See that you get the "Diamond" and refuse all others. IXTANTED-YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN ofcharacter. Hundreds foremost in Canada, started with THE BiiADLEY- 0AR1tIGYSON CO. LTD., Toronto Ont. 4111.C.SLIKDOCRISSn We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Bacon and eveeything usually, sold in the Packing House can now he procured at the shop. Orders promptly delivered and ac- counts rendered weekiy, on which a discount of 5 per cent. 'will be given. O. SELL Butt, !Fon SeLE.-i'horo'bred Durhath hull (registered) for sitle•6Sixteen months old. Color red. Apply to Thomas Cudmore, lot 30, con. 5, Ushering or Lumley P, 0. WANTED -Young men and women to help in the Armenian cause; good pay; will send copy of my little book, 'Your Place in Life," free to any who write. IRev. T. S. Linscott, Brantford, Ont, AffEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. -The Council of the copora- tion of the County of Huron will moot in the Court itoom in tiro Town of Godorich on Tues; day. the 2nd day of June next at 3 o'clock 1'. M. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated May 1918, 1895. HOWL Persons having any helmets or other ac- coutroments belonging to the Exeter Armory will by returning same to Bishop's hardware store, Exeter, save immediate prosecution. H. T. RANCE, Captain. a.. NOME. To the Shareholders of the Exeter Salt works Co. Gentlemen, Please take notice that the annual meeting of shareholders of tho above Co. will take place June Sth at 2 o'clock p. nr, at the Town Hall. T. B. CAIRLING, Secy.-Treas. 5o newt em it. Any parson needing, cement or instructions how to use it, should leave their order with Delbridgo Bros. Winehelsoa. We aro prepared to supply cement and do all kinds of work in flooring, walls. otc. There is a small quantity of cement at Mr. H. Smith's, Hay P. O. DELBRIDGE BROS., Wincholsea. Tenders or Addition -TO THE - Nouse of Refuge Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed, (marked tender for the House of Re- ftigo) up to the SECOND DAY 01+ JUNE, 18`53. for building an addition to the House of Refuge at Clinton. Plans and Specifications can be seen at Wm. Coats' Office, ()lintel', or at the office of the Architect, H. C. _McBride, London. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. HENRY EILBER, Chairman of Coin. 3i11 Crediton P. 0. Thereare Two I DO RIES RErvias Exeter. xa94ML. Exeter. ara.y 20th. 1896- ...70 to 70 .19 to 20 ..28 to 30 ..45 to 46 U to 118 to1 .. O to 5 , s to 6 S4.2tto 53.35 to 53,35 Roods! One Leads to Misery r ; i ©r and Death, the other to New Life. Wheat, per bushel Oata... Barley...-. Peas. - Butter.,•. .. Turkeys Geese '- -' Chickens per lb Ducks .. Pork cased Pork v weight ay por on-. ..10.00 to $11.00 Clover seed .. 5.50 to $5.75 Alsike clover. •. .•. 4.00 to $5.00 Timothy seed .. .. ,'2.50 to $2.75 London, May 20th, 1806 ....70 to 75 22 to 23 40 to 50 32 to 3.5 ..•.60 to 65 70 to 80 38 to 43 40 to 55 13 to 15 10 to 11. 45 to 65 30 to to SU ttoo 25 $5.550 to 51.75 Wheat per bushel,.. Oats. Peas .,.. Barley. Buckwheat PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND go> n THE SUFFERER'S HOPE 15,- • ar- ■ IT ALWAYS SNAKES PEOPLE WELL.' USE EVERY PRECAUTION TO AVOID THE SUI3STITUTER, FOR THE SAKE OF I10NEY PROFIT HE WOULD PERSUADE You TO USE WORTHLESS MEDICINES. GRENVILLE CANAL ENLARGE- MENT. SEOTION• A AND B. - NOTICE, TO CONTRACTORS. There are two roads open to the old and young, rich and poor who are suf- fering from any of the diseases now so prevalent. One leads to misery and death, and the other to new life and perfect health, The sick and suffering are fervently praying to be led in the way that guarantees a new life -tile joyous road that leads onward and upward to a wealth of health and happiness. Let, it be distinctly understood t hat there is but one Well -marked course open to all who seek the new life; it calls for the use of Paine's Celery Compound, a great physietan's dis- eoyery, prescribed by the best living physicians, and always successful when honestly used. Itt is not a patent medicine; it is -tot a Sarsaparilla it is Rot a bitter or a nervine; itis asfar beyond them all as health surpasses suffering. To the thousands an the broad road of sufferingfroux troubles such as rheu- matism,. neuralgia, dyspepsia, indigest- ion, constipation, liver and kidney affections, neryousness, heart and blood diseases, we would say, use a few bottles of Paine's Celery Com- pound faithfully according to direct- ions. It will surely cure you and re- store you to your former good hr.tith. Remember that delays aro danger- ous; the symptoms of to -day may to- morrow result in misery of death. To be well and strong, and able to battle successfully with. life's duties, cares and troubles, you must use Paine's Celery Com pound, the medicine that has done such marvellous things for thousands in the past. When buying Paine's Celery Coni - pound, be careful to avoid the dealer who, for the sake of profit, would have you take a worthless Medicine. Keep clear of such merchants and dealers who would deceive you and imperil your life. Mr. A. Bucld, of Shanty Bay, Ont., who was quickly and wonderfully cured by Paine's Celery Compound, writes as follows:- "For, the benefit of sufferers I gladly give my experience with Paine's Celery Compound. Aft er suffering from dyspepsia for thirty-five years, and tneeting with many failures with other medicines, I decided to use Paine's Celery Compound, haying heard of so many cures elected by it. The Compound, after I used it for a time, produced miraculous results and banished my troubles." "From a condition of helplessness - being unable to sleep or eat -I now feel well and strong. I am astonished at the results,as my trouble was an old and chronic one. I have recommend- ed Paine's Celery Compound to some of my neighbors, and in every case it has given satisfaction. I will always strongly recommend its use when I have opportunity." ' THE time for receiving Tenders for Grenville Canal enlargement has been extended un- til noon on Saturday, 23rd May, 1806. By order, JNO. H. BALDJRSON, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 5th May, 1806. THE STANDARD BRED STALLION, DALaBEaO No. 16575 AMERICAN S. Book. Stands 16.1 and weighs 1.200 lbs. ; half brother to Martha Wilkes 2.08 ; sired by Rippotoe, 2.25 ; g.sire Picking, 2.18 g. g. sire, Egbert 2.`22. G. G. G. Hatnbleronian 10. lst dam by Harrison Chief (3849) 2.30. 0. dam by A.bdallah Mom - brine; 2.20 ; 0. G. dam Ab dellah ; his 4th and fifth dams were thoro'brecls. Dalbe gg crosses twice to Flambletonian 10 twice to Menibrinc Chief 11, once' to Pilot 'J=unior 12, backed up; with thoroughbred. Egberthis grandsire traces 35 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to imported Diomed. Dalberg will leave his own stable, St Mar s. and proceed to Itusselclale for noon ; Sam 1 i3orton's, Boundary, for night ; Tuesday Central hotel Exeter, for noon Clarke's hotel, Crediton. for night; Wednesday, Mofratt's hotel, Centralia, for . noon ; Wood- ham for night; TERMS 1,10 to insure. W. JOHNSTON, Owaer and Manager. TORTURES OF RHEUMATISM. Ducks ........ Turkeys per re Geese per lb Chickens Cheese Potatoes por bag....,, Hay por ton Pork per cwt.... Toronto, May 20th 1896 Wheatpp er bushel ....80 to 80 Wheat Red Wheat Goose .,... Barley...... Peas ..,...... Oats ..... ...5g to 60 ..35 to 35 52 to 55 25 Us 25 Ityo.,.. .... ..... ,58 to 30 Butter per tbs..,.- ,••10 to 13 Bges Per dor..•. . ... 9 to 10 Latest Live Stock Markets. EAST BUFFALO, East Buffalo, May 211 Cattle closed dull and weak; one let of extra picked steers brought $1.40. Hogs closed steady; all sold. Shoop and Iambs closed faulyactive, with the balk sold; most sales good export ewes and wethers, mixed, $3.65 to $3.75;a few of thesales of oxpoft lambs at $a.`5. The pains of rheumatism are remov- ed and the disease driven from the system by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the conqueror of thousands of the severest cases. Mrs. J. M. Monkman, of Arkwright, Ont., says :-I took inflammatory rheumatism iu February, 1SO4, and doctored for it some weeks, but found I was getting worse. All my joints were swollen very much and I was not able to leave my bed, and could getneither sleep nor rest. Hearing from a neighbor that she got your Bnrdock Blood Bitters for her da.ighter, who had the salve disease and it cured her, I purchased a bottle, and after taking about the half of it 1 found myself re- covering, and after continuing it for some time I recovered, but when the cold weather set in this winter Ifound it returning again. So I commenced to take the B. B. B. again, when I found, after taking it about a, week, that all pain and swelling of the joints had disappeared, and I consider that I am entirely cured. AN ALARMING INCREASE. THE PREVALENCE OF FEMALE COM- PLAINTS FOUND TORESULT LARGE- LY FROM THE KIDNEYS. MONTREAL. Montreal, Q., May 20, -There were about 6.500 head of butchers' cattle, 600 calves, 150 sheep and 100 lambs offered for sale at the east end abattoir to -day. Tho butchers were pre- sent in large numbers, hat trade in cattle slow, and thorn was a considerable reduction in prices. A few choice beeves werosold at about 330. per lb; pretty good stook sold at from 3c, to Sic; common dry cows and rough steers brought from 21e to nearly 3o per Iba and some of the leaner beasts and harddooltiug bullar about 2c per lb, slow 01! sale. at 31c per lb. Calves e sold at, from 51 to 57 each and two superior ones sold at $9 cash, Sheep sold at from 3e to 410 perlb.; ambo sold at from 22.75 to 54.25 eac i. Fat hogs were plentiful, and sales weak to -day at from 83.90 to 51.10 per cwt. A farmer bought two sows with '13 young pigs about three weeks old. paying;25 for the lot, - . - EORN --- CORNISH-In Usherno, on the 18111 inst., the wife Thomas Cornish, of a daughter. MoARTHUR-In Hensel!. on the 16th inst., the wife of John Me.trthur, of a son. GRIGG-In. Hansall, on the 10th inst., the 'wife of Alfred Grigg, of a son. HOBKIRK-In Bensail, on tlio 7th lust., the wife of John It. Flobkirk, of a daughter. • MARRIED. NESBITT-ACIIBSON.-At the residence of the bride's father, en Monday lath. by Rev. (1. W. Andrews, W. Nestitt, to Miss Emma,' toungest daughter of ltobt. Acheson, all of odorich township. I IOMP-POTTER-At the residence of Geo. liix]1er, Iioltncsvlllo, brother-in-law of the bride. an May 13th. by Roe. G. W. Andrews, Mr. Kemp, of Fullerton, to Miss Emma Pot- ter, daughter of tholate Thos- Potter. DIED. ELLIOTT-In Bayfield, on May 1118, Edward Elliott, aged 67'Years. FOX -At Morden, Maur., May 5th, :qrs. John Fox, formerly of Clinton, aged 85 years. ItIANN'tNG-In Exeter. on the 19th inst., Richard Manning, aged 71 years and8 mon ths. BEECH ---In Chicago. on the 16th inst., Minnie Dolman, wife of Edward Beech, aged 87 years. H i\ITT_ At the House of Refuge,io. Clinton on May 10th, Jonathan Hewitt, of (re ,a aged 53 years. GOVENI.00IC-;In Orfllia, on Sunday May tOth, Itubert Govexllock, son of Mr. Robert. Goveulock, McKillop, aged 17 years 9montha. Saginaw, Mich., May 18. -Doctors are beginning to turn their attention more exclusively to the cause for the great increase of what are known as female complaints during the past ten years, and to the remedies for the same. Many cases have been investi- gated, and among others that of Mrs. Reany, of Ashland, Tis„ who was cured of this form of trouble by the use of a medicine known as Dodd's Icidney Pills, which originated in Canada but has become widely known and used throughout the Western States. This and other similar cases go to show that these troubles are largely due to the ( kidneys and that theabove mentioned remedy is likely to have a great effect J' in lessening the number of ,victims- to this form of complaint. FOR OVL'It FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL-Txrrn Il:aaixDY•-Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suceers. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colli:, and is the hest rem- edy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It value is in- calculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wins - low's Soothing Syrup. and take no other kind While two men employed by the McDonald Rolling Mills, Toronto, were repairing a fence at the corner of Garden Avenue and Indianroad Tues- day, they found the dead ebody of an infant lying nearby. YOU Spray Your Trees If not, now is the tine to start. We have a large assortment at very low prices. Don't fail to see them. Also a full line of Screen Doors and Windows Parties building, be sure and get prices, we will make it pay you. Bishop P. S. -Clover and Timothy Seed still ori hand. HEART TROUBLE RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES. WONDERFUL Rustrr. FOLLOW TIRE UsE OF DR. AGNEW'S CURE! FOR THE HEART. The good that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has done finds a ringingecho in, the hearts of thousands in Canada who have used this medicine. There are some diseases where prompt action is not absolutely necessary to avert quick disaster. This is not the ea`ie with the heart affection of any kind. 'Whether this be chronic or sympathe- tic, or partakes of a more stertlinn' character he is a foolish one who will hesitate to apply an imm ediateremedy: This remedy will never fail to relieve in 30 minutes, no matter how long standing or .distressing the trouble may be. If you have heart disease and wish to live, you have only to use this seat e, At druggists. Sold by C. great Lams. YEARS OP SuFFERING PROM RHEUM- ATISM RELIEVED BY ONE DOSE OF MEDICINE. "Fpr many years," writes Mrs. N. Ferris, wife of the well-known Birch manufacturer, of Highgate, Ont., "I was sorely afflicted, with rheumatic pains in my ankles and at times was al- most; disabled. I tried everything, as I thought, and doctored for years, with- ' out much benefit. Though I had lost confidence in medicines, 1 was induced to use South American Cure. To my delight the first dose gave me more re- lief than I had in years, and two bottles have completely cured me. You can publish this letter." At druggists. Sold by C Lh7Tz. At the Huron .Assizes last week T. Fleming, of Clinton, on behalf of his daughter, secured a judgment of $600 against Mack Cantelon for seduction; the defendant has been for some time in the States, and was not represented at the trial. NEW RICHMOND STREET METHO- DIST CHURCH. Marriage Licenses ISSUED AT - MOPS 'S JEWELRY STONE No witrtesses Regosired. REF. A. B. CHAMBERS, L. L. B., THE POPULAR PASTOR OF THE NEW RICHMOND STREET METHODIST CHURCH, TORONTO, TESTIFIES STRAIGIrrINFAv1U1tOFDR. AGNEwS CATARRHAL POWDER, Heaps of good things are being said of the Iiev. A•. 13. Chambers, L. -L. B., for his straight talk for secularized 501100ls. Quite aside from the merits- of herits-of the question, the vigorous and able manner in whish Mr. Chambers handl- ed the subject has been universally ad- mired. In thesame.;frank andstraiight-, forwardxnannerthis gentleman, whom the New Richmond Street Methodist } Church has requested shall reinain their pastor for another terni, talks of the help that comes to those who use: Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Mr. ii. i -s from experience -note . rim Chambers knows, his own family, and he says so over his signature, how helpful this remedy is for cold in the head and catarrh. In hay fever it will rive perfect relief in ten minutes. Price 00 cents. Sold by C. Linz. A complete Stock of Jewelry, Silver- ware, etc. Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R HICKS, Central Telephone Office PALE &UaL S Weak, languid and listless, suffer- ing from heart )'alpitatign, ner- vousness, stomach troubles or constipation, should use Indian Woman's Balm.. It curds. WEAR'". Itun down, easily tired, pain in back or limbs, troubled with dizziness, rush of blood to thso head, faint feeling, nausea, try Indian Woman's Balm. It's nature's remedy for woanen. salsealaffaleas tsis Vis.. a' xa:. e"721 ate ft ri s (GUARANTEED PURE.) ALSO -- OUR !AIL. ty Our mail brings us ever) day dozens of letters about Burdock Moot/ Bitters. Soaic from merchants who want to buy it, some from people who want to know about it, and more from people who do know about it be- cause they have tried it and been cured. One of them was from Mr. 3. Gillan, B.A., 39 Gould Street, Toronto. Read how he writes: GENessuesN,--During the winter of r139z my blood became impure on aesx."nt of the hearty food I ate in the weather. • Ambition, energy and succ,'. forsook the, and all my efforts 'were :.. vain. My skin became yellow, my inive ? became inactive, my liver was lumpy a' hard, my eyes became inflamed, my epee tite was gone, and the days and nii;14r passed in unhappiness and restlessness For some months I tried doctors' and patent medicines of every description, but received no benefit. Being advise by a friend to try B.B.B., I am glad to have the opportunity of testifying to the marvellous result. After using three bottles I felt much better, and when the fifth bottle was finished I enjoyed health in the greatest degree, and have done so from that day up to date. Therefore I have much pleasure in recommending 13. B.B. to all poor suffering humanity who suffer /rein impure blood, which ie the beginning and seat of all. diseases. J. Glum, B.A., 39 Gould St., Toronto. London, Huron and Bruce. OOINO NORTH- Passenger London, depart..,..... 8,05 A, so. 4.90 rem o 'a 9.67 9.22 eut 81 z x Ii small 9,37 ICippen9.44 Brucefield 9.52 Clinton . 10.12 Londesboro 10.29 Blr the .. . 10,38 Bolgravo 10.52 Wingham arrive11.10 GOING Sorra'-- Passenger 5,47 6.00 620 6.28 0.55 7.14 7.23 8.o Wingham, depart...... Belgravia Bytih Lerdeaboro...... Clinton..... Bruoefield...... •...... ... Ni peen........-......... Hv least .................. Exeter ••• Centralia SH O ULPS, CENTRALIA. Ofloe opposite Methodist Personate. 1LKINSMAN, DENTIST, • LD.6,SP30IALM in GOLriFILL- ING, t, EAt:TI1'0 and Pi. ATM WOIIH, Gas and Thee' Anaesthetics or pain - 1 eta eatraotin5. bad door mirth of OAR- LING'S Ettore ALTON AN DtalSON D.D. S • L.D-$, Rene a4rednate of the Ta. Tonto Universityagra oyes Coiaise of Dearal Surgeons of Order Stecialties,'peinleee extraction and preservation of the natural teeth. Office over the LtwOfiice of Elliot* Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Eret•r, Ont. AGNEW L. D. S,DENTIST, • CL11V1ON. Will be at Greb'a hotel Zurich, on the second Thursday of sack month mud at Moda4ln'. babel Heneadl every Mannar --TiiE- People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO BOARD OF DIP.scTona iIS 13SLTER. ONTARIO Dr. J. A. Roll'ai, Pteaident. Dr, C. Lutz. - Vice -President, L Ii. Dicksor, - Solicitor. David Mill, - Valuator. Fred, W, Collins, - Secy-Treas. :DIitECT,:Ets. JnoGrigg. E. A, holliek,'Jas. Miner. wet bonthoott, Dr. 1 hos. A. Annie,: Semi. Sanders, Slake money i,9 savior napey. Sixty *auks per month will ensure sloe in 71 years. For forms of acplicatinn and ail necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Collins. Post O1fl e, Exeter, Ont. 1 N i L V You WANT THEM. CAN CET THEM 'FROM MERCHANTS OW DIRECT ET FROM US. CATALOGUE FREE: B-8 Fuchsias, assorted, . 60q. I -6 Roses, ever -blooming, 50e. G-8 Geraniums, good,. SOc. V-6 Canna Bulbs, as'd, for 60c: A.-8 Montbredas, pretty .50c. L-30 Gladi's Bulbs, mxd. hoe. U -Sweet Peas, Coll.3ovar:60c. E Window Coll., r each Ivy and Show Geranium Coleus,Manetta.Vine etta•Vine Mexican Primrose,Fuchsia Heliotropeia6 0 6cTrads a t cn* 1N(STEELE.BRIGGS SEDC°L"" TC,R;^N4T0 ANT 1\T Orr irr r 4 t]iii` - fi.i 9U ' J --a 7.30 7.49 7.51 8 06 .25 84 4.26 4.46 4.53 4.58 5,12 6.23 INSECT POWDER, LONDON HT Hun rims PURPLE and COPPER SUL- PHATE. 1`r 2i E LlL.,' EO -7L' a , Full directions how to suc- cessfully spray your tress. Headquarters for Fishing Supplies at all .W..Brown.!n 's Closing Out Sale ot ioy- oleo at cost. Io V V At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get !! aa..p t. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. ,41 Suit of Clothes or a Single Garment Owing to an enlargement of the Merchant Tailoring branch of my business, and requiring all available space for increased stock, I have decided to go out of the Bicycle business. Several wheels on hand, which will be sold at cost for cash. Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate, Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of "ROAD. KING "DUKE "CR A\'VFPRD" IN LADIES' AND GENT'S. Call and get a snap p J H GRIEVE' rail 8i, Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much Fleasure. in showing thein toou. There are, many y other lines that are ,specially at- , xactive. .a.T.Y a J1.7 ,ioitsde. Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and all can get what they want at any price. The Leading Furnitur e Dealers The Leadmg Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODD FELLOW'S BLOCK. Central Dih}Q STOKE, Tboso who have used %11l an'ss Cough B3algam. Pronounce it unequalled,' a remedy for COUGHS, COLD AND B1tOI:CEITIC TBOUBI ES, Winan's Condition & Cough Pawde fol. horses, best in the mar ket. always on hand. ;Alii a Cetobenefacto and Lin' . ment-, the medicine so sU e,essfully used by Mr.' Cilia 'Munroe, Parkhill, , y in tilt s and other towns, in tree'ti'.,, and curing various disease For Sale at LIT'rz' a.