Exeter Times, 1896-5-14, Page 5In Advanced Years The strength. and pure blood emcee - wary to resistthe effects of cold Bensons 110 * re glven by Hood's Sarsaparilla. 'Wheat) for the last 25 years of ray life been complaining of a weakness of the Stings and colds in the head, especially in She winter. Last fall' was again attacked. Beading of Hood's Sarsaparilla I was led to try it. I am now taking the fifth bot - He with good results. I can positively say eat I have not spent a winter as freefrom coughs or pains and difficult breathing !Della for the last 25 years as was last win- ter. 1 can lie down and sleep all night without any annoyance from eongh or vain in the lungs or asthmatic difficulty," Z. M. GRAMM-1S, J. P., Cornhill, N. B. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier rrominently in the public oyo today. f ood' s cure habitual constipa. Al° Lion. Price 25o. par box. Wanted. Helper wanted for tho Winchelsea Creamery. Apply to J. DELBRIDGE, Whicholgea. Pasturage. The undersigned will take a limited number of horses and cattle to pastuream lots 4aut15.Con 5, Hay. Good fences. and a running stream of water. From 75e to $1.2a per month. 31n. J. N. HOWARD • Electric Power Homo Exeter. _a_ ... MONEY TO LOAN at 5 and 51 per cent. Private Funds. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, January, 1890. -Solicitors, Exeter. W II TED YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN of eharacter. Hundreds foremost in Canada, started with us. About $14.00 a week to begin with. THE BRADLEYGARRETSON CO. Lan., Toronto Ont. CUT THIS OUT and return to UP with Five Cents in silver, and ou will get by return mail, A GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring yo_ulti moro money in ono month, than any- thing else in America. A. W. KINNEY. E. T. Yarmouth, N. S. WANTED Trustev or 1 hy in en and women to advocaten. popular cause at home. $10.00 to $60.00 monthly, to suit- able persons. Address, Drawer .211, Brantford, Ont. Farm for Sale ,At a bargain, in Huron Co., Michigan. 160 acres, 80 cleared, 20 logged and 60 bush. Good frame house and granary, frame barn 101 x 36, new, 20 acres wheat, 0 rye. Soil clay loam. Good water, German settlement, 12 miles from Badaxo, 4. from Elkton, Soule 2 miles. Price $4,500 $2500 cash, balance on time to suit. WILLIAM J. SAUNDERS, Soule, Huron tea, Michigan. COURT ©F REVISION Township of Usborne. Take notice that a Court of Revision for tha Township of Usborne will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall, on Saturday. the 6th day of June,A. D. 1896, commeneing at 10 o'clock, A. 1L.for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors on the aesessment roll of the present year. All parties interested aro requested to attend. G. W. HOLMAN, Clerk of the said Municipality. Ifsborne, May ith,1396. EN- irOn inoPAS to eeet framed. We have hungreds of feet of mould- ..r.Dm 4c. per foot up- wards Also a niee lot of pictures -cneap . A full stock of Furniture an d Un de rtak i n g always on hand. R. N. ROV7131 erial Having purchased the butcher- ing* business of A. Loadman, (Wood's Old Stand) w c will be pleased to see all our old custom- ers and as many new ones. 0000•011010M0000000060.0 We intend keeping the very best of fresh meats and it Ivitl be our first aim .to please customers. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Sausage, Hams, Ba,con and everything usually sold in, thesPaclaing }louse can now be procured at the shop. • Orders promptly delivered. and ac-' counts rendered weekly, on which a discount of 5 per cent. will be given. O. ELL 9600t T It, EXETER TIMES. John Reid, lYfcGillivray, has fall IdARglidr. MU' RTS. wheat stalks which measure 30 inches. . Mr. Zyrich Brissau, of Drysdale, has rented Mr. Shnon Middleholt's farm in Goderieh township. Mr. A. Dow, of Exeter, disposed of his famous and excellent stallion "Pascha" to Messrs. William Willis and Chas. Steinhagen, of Dashwood. The Rt. Rev. D. O'Connor, Bishop of London, assisted by several clergy- menwill lay the corner stone of the new St. Peter's church in Goderich at 4 p. in. next Sunday, May 17. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natu.ral. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. Thomas Harris, son of James Harris, of East Nissouri, attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor, on Friday night. His brother committed suicide four years ago, and his mother is an inmate of Loudon Lunatic Asy- lum. There are but slight hopes of bis recovery. '0 BISHOP. RECTOR AND CURATE. THESE THREE ECCLESIASTICS HAVE EACH SPOKEN CORDIAL WORDS IN FAVOR, OE DR. A.GINEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER. One of the most cordial endorsements of the :euratiVe powers of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has comeefrona the Bishop of Toronto. But he has not stood alone in his praise of this inedi- eine. He was followed by men like the Rev. John Langtry, and the Rev. W. H. 'Wade, rector of the Church of the Ascension, Hamilton, Ont., and falling into line with the Rev, W.R. Mr. Langtry's popular curate, the Rev. H. B. Gwynne, assistant pastor of St. Peter's Church, Hamilton, has been one of the latest to endorse this won- derful remedy. It never fails, and is so quick, in case of cold in the bead and catarrh, and is the current panacea for Hay Fever. Sold by 0. LUTZ. _ • - - • . • HEADACHE. A SIMPLE CURE. As a sure cure for headache, whether caused • by liver, stomach, kidney or nen e trouble, Burdock Blood Bitters is the most effective medicine known. It removes the cause of headache by restoring all the organs of the system to proper action and health. Doubts disappear in view of proofs like this: In the spring of 1891 I got a bottle of B. B. B for my mother who bad been troubled for twenty-five years with. sick headache. I got it from Mr. W. Paxton Baird,- of Woodstock, N. Be who gave me two other medicines to take home and let my mother take her choice. Fortunately she chose the Burdock Blood Bitters, and I re- turned the other bottles. She used it for three months, and has no headache since, we are sure it was B.B. B. cured her, she took no other medicine. A. GREEN, 1895 Nov., . Hartford, N. B. liOTIOE„ To the Shitreholdere of the Exeter Salt works Co. Gentlemen, Please lake notice that the annual meeting of shareholders of the above Co., will takeetace June 1st at 2 o'ciockji. in. at tho Town Hall. T. B. CARLING, Secy.-Treas. Queenstoat Dowd. Any person needing cement or instructions how to use it, should leave their order with Delbridge Bros. Winchelson. We aro prepared to supply cement and do all kinds of work in flooring. walls, ote. There is a small quantity of cement at Mr. 11. Smith's, Hay P. 0, • DELI3RIDGE BROS., Wincheleca. COURT 61; REVISION Village of Exeter.. Take notice that a Court of Revision for the Village of Exeter, will hold its first Pitting in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 26th day of May, A. D., 1896. commencing at 8 o'clock, P. M.,for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors on the assessment roll of the present year. All 1)artic4interested are requested to attend. M. EACRETT, Clerk of the said ritimicipalitY. Exeter. May 4th, 1800. TUE STANDARBRED STALLION, DAL13E 1'O No. 16875 AMERICAN S. Book. Stands 16.1 and weighs 1,200 lbs. ; half brother to Martha Wilkes 2.08 ; sired by Rippetoe, 2.25 ; g. sire sticking, 2.18 g. g. eke, Egbert, 2.22. G. G. G. Hambletonian 10. 1st dam by Harrison Chief (3849) 2.30. G. dam by Abdallah ;Mem- brine, 2.20 ; G. G. dam Abdellah ; his 4th and fifth dams wore thoro'breds. Dalberg crosses twice to hlamblotonian 10, twice to Membrino Chid 11, once to Pilot Junior 12, backed up with thoroughbred. E_gberthis grandsire traces 33 times to imported Messenger and 15 times to imported Diomed. Dalborg will leave his own stable, St. Marys, and proceed to Russeldale for nook ; Sam'l Horton's, Boundary. for night ; Tuesday, Central hotel, Exeter, for noon ; Clarlcoai hotel, Crediton, for night; Wodnesdar, Moirates hotel, Centralia, for noon ; Wood- ham for night. TERMS : §10 to insure. W. JOHNSTON, Owner and Manager. Tenders f r A dditio -TO THE- ihnelagne of Refuge aft Sealed tenders will bo'r000ivod by the under- signed, (marked tender for the House of Re- fuge) up to the SECOND DAY OF JUNE, 1896, for building au addition to the House of Refuge at Clinton. Plans and Specifications can bo seen at Wm. Coats' Oak.% Clinton, or at the office of the Architect, Ha C. McBride, London. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. HENRY EILDER, Chairman of Com. 3m Crediton P. 0. ,171 GRENVILLE CANAL ENLARGE-. MENT. StoTioar A AND NOTICE TO .CONTRACTORS. • THE time for receiving. Tendetsfor Grenville -1-• Canal Enlargement has been extended un- til noon on Saturday, 23rd May, 1890. By order, JaTO. H. BALDERSON, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, 1 . Ottawa, 588 May, 3501 . Exeter. Nay 1388. 1896 Wheat per bushel • "0 to 70 Oats - .19 to 20 Barley- ••••• ..... .... .. 28 to 30 Peas - -- - 45 to 46 putter - .. .. .... .. 12 to 13 leakeys 1 .... % 9 to 9 7 to 7 Gccse 6 to 5 Ohieltens per lb 5 to 6 Intake Oto 6 Pork dressed -4.25 to S4.40 Pork live weight . . .. 3.35' to i8.35 Hay perton.... ... .... .... 10.00 to $11.00 Alsike clover Timothy mod Clover seed _.. .... .... .... -$5.50 to E.75.75 .,.. ... . .. aaeo to .. . .$1.00 to 5.00 London, May 1388. 1896 Wheat per bushel,- .... ....70 to 75 Oats..., . - 22 to 23 Pacrar40 to 50 ey. 32 to 35 B Buckwheat • • •-• • - -tie to 65 Rye ....70 to 80 ECLisr...4380 to() 153 . . 13 10tt4o It 45 to 65 . 7 to 8 Potatoes per bag.•-• - 9 to 10 tt oo 508 8 to 25 30 25 Ray per ton .$ 7.00 to $ 9.00 Pork por cwt.... - . $4.50 to $4.75 Eggs Ducks Turkeys por lb Geeso per lb Chickens Cheese Toronto. May 13th 18.96 Wheat per bushel. .80 to 80 Wheat :Red 78 80 73 Wheat Goose 58 to 60 Barley Peas-. .... ...... 52 to 55 Oats....e - 2 -.to Rye.. - . ... ..... . .58 to Butter per ie....-. 10 to 13 Eggs por doz ..... .. ..... . . 9 to 10 2.7 30 Latest Terve Stook Markets. MONTREAL Montreal, Que., May the 13111. -There were about 000 head of butchers' cattle, 500 calves, 60 sheep and 150 lambs oftered for sale at the east and shbatoir to -day. Tho butehers were out in full force, and trade was fairly active, but the prices of cattle, more espemally the common kinds, wore weak. A few large stoors were bought fcir shipmate Britain at front*. to 40, per lb., and the butt:here paid the seine rate for prima small beeves. Pretty good stook sold at from ale to 31e. por lb; conunon dry cows and rough steers sold at from*. to 31c, do. There wore a large number of milkmen's stripper011 the market, and these sold at from 21c. to 31c por. lb. Calves sold at from $1.25 to ea each. Mixed lots of unshorn esheen sell at about 4c Per lb. Lambs sold at from ae,75 to 81.00 each. A pair of vory fine Iambs were sold for $1.50 the pair. Fat hogs sell at about 4o. per lb, and lean store hogs at from 85 to $0 each. Young Idge, aboutrour weeks obl, at sett from $1 to $1.23 each. BORN EAROLD-In Hones% on the leth inst„ the wife of Louis Harold, of a son. MARRIED. MeNEIL-MeLELLAN-At the resiaence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Kennings, Strath. roy Miss Christina McLellan of Ansa. Craig to gir. Dan. McNeil of Nairn. NEAle-BARKWELL-At the residence ef the britle'sparentsLondeshorn. on April 30th by the Roy. W. J. harkwoll of Torontoeussiste cd by Roy. ,L H. Fair, Mr. George H. Neal, of London,ito Miss Barkwell formerly of Clint on. ROE -HOWELL -At the residence of Mr. Geo. King,Blyth, on the 4th inst. by Rev. George Buggin. 51r. Thos. Roe, of Seaforlh, to Miss . Nellie Howell of Detroit, Mich. JEPSON- SITAW-OnlApri1(29th. by tho Rev. A. D. McDonald, Mr. John Jopeoie. to Mies Nettie Shaw, all of Soaforth. 400,000 FREE SAMPLES GIVEN AWAY •IN EIGHT MONTHS. Chase'sKidney-Liver Pills aro the only kidney pelts known with suflicent merit to guarantee the proprietors in giving away hundreds of thousands of rumple packages free.. Ask ram' druggist for a sample if your kidney or liver deranged. DRESS WELL AND STYLIISIILY AND SAVE MONEY. THE PROBLEM SOLVED. Diamond Dyes have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars to the intelli- gent people of this country, for by their aid old and faded clothes have been home -dyed to look like new.. Diamond, Dyes saye money in every home; they are true to name, • and stand at the -bead of all dye stuff, in the'world. Ditunotal Dyes are the only original and melee- reliable pack- age dyes, and have never had an equal. They are the true preventatives of hard times, and will solve the vexatious problem of how to make small incomes cover increasing family demands. There aro vile ' and worthless im- itations of Diamond Dyes; therefore see that your dealer supplies yon with the "Diamond." Common dyes are sold for sake of large profits. Letters Come.. Letters come day by day telling us that this person has been cured of dys- pepsia, that person of Bad Blood, and another of Head- ache, still another of Biliousness, and yet others of various complaints of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood, all through the intelligent use of Burdock Blood Bitters. It is the voice of the people recog- nizing the fact that Burdock Blood Bitters cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, -Bowels and Blood. Mr. T. G. Ludlow, 334 Colborne Street, Brantford, Ont., says : During seven years prior to x886, my wife was sick all the time with violent headaches. Her head was so hot that it felt like burning up. She was weak, run down, and so feeble that she could hardly do anything, and so nervous that the least noise startled her. Night or day she could not i•estand life was a misery to her. I tried all kinds of medicines and treatment for her but she steadily grew worse until I bought . six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters from C. Stork & Son, of Brampton, Ont., for which I paid $5.00, and it Was the best investment I ever made in my life. Mrs. Ludlow took four out of the six bottles - there was no need of the other two, for those four bottles made. her a strong, 'healthy woman, and removed every ail- ment from which she had suffered, and she enjoyed the most vigorous health. That five dollars saved me lots of money in medicine and attendance thereafter, and better. than that it made home a comfort to me. , .01114,, BBB CURES te. Perth County N otes S. S. Myer, ex -Mayor of St Marys, died at Tiffin, Obio, ou Saturday last. iThe annual meeting of the Stratford District will be held in the Methodist church, Mitchell, on Thursday, May 21st. Mr, I A. Scheilenberger's team ran away on Monday in Sebringville, throwinglirat out and dislocating his shoulder. . Very little interest is taken in the Public- Library in Mitchell. A suffi- cient number of members 'cannot be got together to organize a hoard. Ayer's Pills are recommended by leading physicians and druggists, as the most prompt and efficient remedy for biliousness, nausea, costiveness, indig- estion, sluggishneas of the liver, jaun- dice, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neuralgia, and rheu- matis m. . We are sorry to • have to announce tbe death of Mrs. James Bluir, Sr., which sad event took place at her late residence, Douglas, Manitoba, on Sun- day, .April 19th. Deceased was a daughter of the late Alexander Coign - howl, Sr., of Hibbert; Ont, and, a sister ofJami7s and Williatn Colgulionn, oftbe same township, and Alex. Coign - hoar:, formerly of Exeter. The annual meeting of the St. Marys District orMethodist church, will be held in -Kirkton on Wednesday and Timrsclay, May 20 and 21. The minis- terial session will begin at 10. a. m. on 'Wednesday, and the general session at 9 a. in. on Thursday 21st. On the afternoon and evening of Wednesday 2011. a Sabbath school convention will be held at 5 p..111. and '7 p. no re- spectively. The following are the polling places in the several municipalities mention- ed, for 8110 approaching Federal el- ection ;-Usborne-allo. 12, town hall Elimville; 13, Geo. Cornish's house; 14, Mrs, Skinner's house; 15, new hall, Farguliar.-Hibbert-No. 10, Bugg's shop, Dublin; 17, Burns' school house; 18, township hall, • Stafra; 19 And. Bruce's house.--Blaushard-20, J. An- derson's house, Anderson; 27, Jas. Jameson's house; 28, 'W. Dinsmore's house; 20, J. NH. Jameson's house, Rannoeh; 30, E. M. Cubbon's house, ('Zkelly's;) 31, A, Brethour's shop K i rk ton. 400.10101,..awaw $4) 03 WHEN RIP **-.' Ca That's our a 1;1 dvice. to every Orlal sickly, dieroadt ated theees Theiddesey cereal to liitandANis BiLM for .parity ing the bloodk, tontacY up the nerves and tv5.1.1drng up the health. M811P? %*g.) JI 1118 fee arriage Licenses -ISSUED AT- NU'S JEWELRY STORE No Witnesses Receteirecl. A complete Stock of jewelry, Silver- ware, etc. ;Repairing receives careful and per- sonal attention. R. HICKS, • Central Telephone Office a regia (GUARANTEED PURE.) ALSO HEIL,I4U130EZE, INSECT POWDER, LONDON PURPLE and COPPER SUL- PHATE. Full directions how to suc- cessfully spray your tress. Headquarters for Fishing Supplies at J.W.Browning' s Dining id Sale ofBloy- cies at cog. Owing to an enlargement of the Merchant Tailoring branch of my business, and requiring all available space for increased stock, I have decided to go out of the Bicycle business. Several wheels on hand, which will be sold at cost for cash. "ROAD KING" "DUKE"• "CRAWFORD" IN LADIES' AND GENT'S. Call and get a snap. J. REVE 1 SG T LEADER ! 1.1.11WITIMM11.1 Used u t116 HIUII dila vlicattlill dllfl Trow Ill /timer Girumw1166s. FAINL'S GUM COMPOUND THE 0-10SEN MEDICINE IN ALL 'ELL REGULATED HOMES. M11, 41. .•••••,..r..4.1141M6Fri..11.71 Keep a Watch on the Substituter and Imitations. The world's great -leaders Paine's Celery 'Compound, has no equal for feediog exhausted nerves and building up the week and slim tered body. The g,reatest of modern medical men -Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. 0., LL. D.,after years of hard practice and close scientific research, gave Paine's Celery Compound to millions who were suffering. The wonder -waiting componnd has astonished rieh and poor, learned anti unlearned, by its marvelous cures. - The glad news has spread to all civilized lands that Paine's 'Celery Compound. surely and perm:wen ily CUTTS even cases too desperate for the Physic:it/ifs ,kill. Proofs of such cures • in the testimonial form are received • every week from happy and grateful men and women sayed from the dark grave. Paine's Celery Compound has fully proved its power as a Impish of dyspepsia, indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney' and liver troubles, and all diseases arising from impure and poisoned blood. 'Thousands of ; men and women, tired out run &mu, sleepless, nervous, moroee and despoil - dent, have regained perfect health, strength and buoyancy of spirits, by the well -advertised use Of nature's own medicine. It has given a new and brighter existence to a vast number of human beings who were tired of life and its many burdens. If from the winter weather, and the variable days of early spring, you are left with nervous debility, headaches, insomnia, languidness, and nerves all out of order, do not hesitate a day - longer; use Paine's Celery Compound, which is specially adapted for your case, and you will avoid future misery and suffering. Paine's Celery Compound does not belong to the worthless families of nervines and sarsaparillas that are made public by newspaper advertising, The Latest News. Sir Charles Tupper and party were received at, West Selkirk with a brass band, an address and great ovation. Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. Hugh Macdonald arrived in Winnipeg Thurs- day night and were given an enthusi- astic reception. A son of Captain InePhersou, Lad - keeper, of Lion's Head, was drowned Saturday afternoon by falling off the tick at Barrow Bay. A stabbing affray occurred at Gib- raltar. in winch David Richmond re- ceived seven wounds in various parts of the body at the hands of }rank Woodyard. The motive is slid to have been jealousy. James Grainay, a bell boy at the Al- bion Hotel, Toronto, was cleanirg window on the third story, when he slipped and fell to the wooden rave- ment in the lane below. His ineuries are serious. Jacob Hill, an Indian, living in the neighborhood of Caheart, while quarreling with his stepson Abraham ('lase, Monday, drew a buteher knife ta.,:td. lstabbed him to the heart, killing him instantly Hill is in jail at Brant - A little child of 'Walter Pinnell, of London had a narrow escape from suffocation on Friday. It, got a cork caught in its windpipe, and the mother, failing to relieve it, caught up the child and ran out of the house. Some men working on a near by building came to her assistance and workedtho cork out after the child was black in the face. Captain Myers, of the schooner Alice Phoebe, met with a terrible death Thursday while his vessel was passing through St. Peter's C. B. Carmel. He was leaning over the side ariang- ing the fender, when his head came in contact with a projecting beam, crush- ing his skull. Death was instantane- ous. George B. Nicol, clerk of assizes, lies in his room at the Arlington Hotel, Toronto, in a critical condition. Nicol occupies a room on the third flat of the hotel. A new rope fire escape was brought to his department. Nicol de- termined to make a test of the appar- atue, and forthe purpose put on a pair of thick gloves, but lost Ins grasp and fell to the roadway, 80 feet below. Mr. Cleraence, aged 76, who was vis- iting his sou in Peterboro, went for a morning walk on Saturday, aud was struck by the G. T. R. mien express as it was entering the western outskirts of the town. Mr. Clemence died very soon after. At the place where the accident occurred, there is a, sharp curve in the track, which prevented the engineer warning the old gentle- man until it was too late. A young man named Walter Taylor, riding along College street Toronto, on a bicycle, caught on behind a College street motor, allowing the car to pull his wheel along. At Spadina avenue a, car crossed behind the College street motor, and young Taylor was knocked off senseless, andbusbicycle wrecked. He was carried to Grace Hospital where he is now inan unconscious and serious condition. . Between two and three o'clock Mon- day after000n, 0. F. Botsford, a . west end druggist, Toronto was found dead in a boat at the foot of Leslie street. The body was lying on its back, with the right hand, which held a revolver, across the breast. There wasa bullet wound through the head from temple suicide. Botsford came originally m from Newarket. to temple. It is undoubtedly a case of YOUR PHYSICAL CONDITION Needs attention at this time If you are tired, weak and nervous, it is clear that your blood is impure, and with- out doubt there has been . too much over -work or !strain on brain or body. The course of treatment for such condition is plain and simple. The blood must first be purified so that the nervous system, and in fact the organs will bo fed upon pure blood. Intelligent people without number, leave testified that the best blood purifier, nerye tonic -and strength- imparting medicines is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Nervousness, loss of sleep and general debility *11 vanish When Hood's Sarsaparilla iapersistent- ly taken; in' a word, bealth and happi-; oess•folloav after taking Hood's Sar- saparilla. • • London, Huron and Bruce. SOING NORTR--. Passenger London, depart. ..... .. 8.05 e. N. 4 .110 P.m Oeutralie , Exeter ..... . ... 4.22 6.00 Hensell - 9,37 6.16 Kippen 9.44 620 9.52 6.28 Chilton .....-........... 10.12 5.55 Londeaboro 10,29 7.14 10.38 7.23 Relgrave. -.......- 10.52 7.37 Winithara arrive- 1110 8.00 Genie Same- Paes;nger Wingliam, depart... Belgiave. ..... ..... ....... ...... 7. Londesbore ...... 7,10 Clinton.- 7.30 Brimfield. ...... 749 7.57 806 8.2.5 84 6.35'e. it. 3.25A. X 6.50 3.47 4.01 4.04 4.28 4.46 4.53 4.58 5,12 5.93 Itensalla Exeter Centralia 111111 PARS IDOWl\T At W.ilohns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. - W. JOHNS The Tailor. end that always deceive unwary and too confidlue peepe. Plehada Celery is 11 truly ec:entitie, prescription ere- counneudea h th • best medical men in the World. 'Po giye an idea of the popularty and grtett eminence that Idadee's Celery Compound !ma reached, it is only nocesitty to Kates that mil- lions of well -regulated homes have made it their cliteren tnedieitte. :is popular goods are ;dwarf imitate ed by ueeeeapelotie mete buyers of Paine's Celviee Compound should see they get the oaly genuine celery in the warlt I. I took ft kr 1 'ea tie mark - tile name Pnine's paid the stalk of celery -on every le it (le pet are offer- ed by &tilers. A void all nierelnentS who 11111lii1 bst it ate something that they van Jed a:: good; there is no other medicine that .'an take the place of Paine's Celery Compound; it is what you must uegently require to make you well. •-e'" ...esse FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Ail OLD ADD Weraerenw Reinter.- Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup he been used fifty year* by millionsof mothers for their children w i e tocthing with perfect success. It soothe 1 the ohild, settees the gurnsatilaya the pain* IDiarrhoea, is pleasant to the twee. Sold tar eines the *olio, and la the best remedy for druggists in every pert at the world. 25 tieing a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be mare and ask for airs. Winslow's Soothing Serao andtakeno other kied. DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA., Office opposite Methodist Notizie.. TT KIN S MAN DENTIST, • LD.S. SPECIALIST in GOLD FILL- ING, EX2R1TIN0 and P Is A TB WORK. Gas and local Anaesthetioi o'er Wu- ] or extracting. and door north of OAR". LING'S Store DALTON AN DieRSON D.D. S • L.D. S. Hone .4radnate of the To- ronto University sue oral College of Dental Surgeons of Ontar • Srecialties, painless extraotion and preservation of the natural teeth. °Moe over the LavrOffice of Elliot Elliot. ODDOBitO central Hotel, Exeter. Ont. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, A-% . CLINTON. Will be at Grab's hotel Zurioli on the second Thursday of each month and at Hodirin's hotel Bengali every Monday -THE-- People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO I BOARD or DIRECTOI1S iIN EXETER2 (ammo , Dr. J. A. RelPne. - VilY3-PrSrioliiioddiraort:. 1\.S.-11 0 rit . LDenC.,DIimektz8.033, David Mill, -- ASILY 31117Eit i 1 Fred. W. Collins, .. $ SVoyallarte°ars.. Jac Grigg, eontinott, Dr. Thos. A. Ammer. E, :ADI,BrEflli°ekR,S;J'as. Miller, , Wm Semi. Sanders. Make menet. Le saving money. Sixty cents per month will ensure WO in 11- years. For terms of application and all necessary infer- • mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W - Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont. Then Come To Us for Best Bedroom Suites For ours are selected with a view to suiting the most searching taste, and an can get what they want at any price. • The Leading Furniture Dealers The Leading Undertakers. Gidley & Son, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. ,9 Suit of Ulothes or a 8ingie Gamow' Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. 3'. SNELL never 'disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of pall a Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially ate tractive. 4'. 6113IML. I: 41 YOU WANT THEM. CAN CET THEM 11" 8" FROM US. CATALOGUE FREE. IFROM MERCHANTS OR DIRECT Of s -11 mi* *4 .1 cD. -8 Fuchsias, assorted, . 50e. I -6 Roses, ever -blooming, 50c. 0-6 Geraniums, good, .. 50o. V-6 Canna Bulbs, Red, for 50e. A-8 Montbretias, pretty,. 50c. L-30 Gladi's Bulbs, mxd., Hoc. U -Sweet Peas, Coll.30 var. 500. E -Window Coll., x each (Ivy and Show Geranium Coleus, Manetta-Vine Mexican Primrose, Fuchsia Heliotrope ec Tradescantia an. T(34 HESTEEEE.BRiGCS 5E15 C9 U'9. Central DRUG STORE. Those who have used Winan.'s Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for Coroas, COLDS AND BRIDE OLITIO TBOUB1 ES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder foi horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand. Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. eessfully used by Mr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, }ForSale at C, LUTZ'S.