Exeter Times, 1896-3-12, Page 1r a xrirr 'TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. No. 26. • HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. ETTE. ours. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12th, 1896, RS1F0RD & Co WOODHAM. Do, you keep track of what is goiig on here ? You can make it profitable if you care to note the prices for this week, ■ No going Backward Whatever the Times are. .Kid Gloves. Brown and Tan -all sizes, regulars -price lac, now 49c. Brown, Tan and Black -all sizes, 7 hook lacing, regular .price $1 and} $1,25, now 75c. tDottons & Ftannetettes. We have just passed into stock a big lot of Mill Ends (from 5 yds to 10 yds in each) that we will clear out alt about half price. Colne quick if you want a bargain. Hosiery. Another lot of those (all wool) Fine Ribbed Hose, double heel and toe, regular 50e. kind for 35c. Prints. + •1• There are Prints and Prints. Sonne are selected from the pick of the bust, same are taken as they can be got. OURS ARE THE SELECTED SORT. People say our stock beats then% all. .Suppose you call and see for yourself. Ask to see our Turkey Red Print with black flower at 5c a yard. R. S. FORA a CO. Woodham. BRIEFS -Miss Rachael Bugg,ofChes- ley, is renewing acquaintances in and around the village. -Rev. Mrs. Nether- aeott ig'+Confinacltoherbediwith anjattack of inflammation, we hope to see her around again soon. -A large number of the members of the Epworth League attended the "At Home" given by the Kirkton League on Friday evening last, and report a very enjoyable thine. A„ne.,ll experienced miller by the name of Jones from Stratford, has leas- * ed Vie ,grist,' mill recently purchased by Mr. Shier, and intends taking im- mediate possession, andlwill be ready for chopping at the end of the week. a Mr. Shier intends putting a new set of rollers in the mill and also many other improvements, and as soon as complet- ed 14ir. Jones will be able to turn out first-class flour. We trust that the 'farmers of this vicinity will give Mr. .Jones a call; he leaves Stratford. with the very best recommends both in character and business ability, and we wish him every success. -Mr. WVrcford, 'of Stratford is working for Mr. Mc- Kernan in the wagon shop. .Dashwood. QUEEN OF THE WEST NOTES. -Mr. .and Mrs. Musser were to Berlin last week attending the funeral o f his father. -Mr. and Miss Whitelaw,from near Parkhill, spent Sunday at Mr. Musser's, which accounts in a measure for the beaming countenance that Peter is wearing this week. -S. Wil- lert and a couple of lady friends at- tended church m Exeter last Sunday evening. - Abraham Musser, of the Thames Road, spent Sunday under' the parental roof. -Lumber and tim- ber is leaving the mill in large quant- ities this week, showing that there is a good deal of building going ou this year. PERFECT WISDOMS Would give us perfect health. Be- cause men and women are not perfect- ly wise, they must take medicine to keep themselves. Pure, rich blood is the basis of good health, Hood's :Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. It gives good health because it. builds upon the true foundation- ssepure blood. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, always reliable and beneficial. HOFFMAN BROS. DASHWOOD, Furniture Dealers & ss Undertakers -AND MANUFACTURERS OF - :SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD MATER- . IAL FOR BUILDING. • See ourlarge variety of Extension Tables at .514 and up. Our Spring Stock. of Window Shades have ..arrived ; they are the latest designs. Wo have just received a large quantity of. Pine Lumber and Laths, which we will sell at the lowest possible price. Undertaking. We always carry the latest designs in Cees- .kets, Coffins and Trimmings at the lowest ,-prices. Furniture repaired on shortest notice. Estimatesgiven for the erection of, all ' kinds of house building. Call and examine our Stock, (which you .will find complete) and see prices. HOFFMAN BROS. E]imville BRIEFS -Sam'} Andrew, who has been visiting in this section returned to his home in Hainiota, Man., on Wednesday. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Eliza Andrew, Mrs. Titus Andrew; of London and George Miners, son of Win. Miners, of Elim- ville.-Sarn't Bunter is progressing nicely, and expects to be around again in a short time. -Remember the con- cert on Friday evening under the aus- pecies of the Chosen Friends. -Sam'} Brock intends irmvin to Centralia about April lst, where he has purchas- ed proprerty and will open a butcher- ing business, Lumley DEATH OL` MRS Er,rast INuToN.- Death removed an esteemed resident of this section to that sacred realm bo- yond, on Thursday morning last. We refer to ?Ars. Thomas Ellerington. De- ceased had been t4 victim of rheumatism for many years and lately complained of a weak heart, the direct cause of her death being heart failure, the re- sult of a long siege of rheumatics, which trying ailment she bore .with christian fortitude. Her maiden name was Helen Lemon and she was born in Brooklyn, Whitby township, in the year 1811. In 1867 she marriedThomas Ellerington, moving at once to Usborne township where they have since resided. Mrs. Ellerington was highly 'respected by a large circle of acgna,« tances, was a kind and affectionate wife and loving mother, and leaves to mourn their loss a husband, five daughtersandthree sons -all at home. The funeral was largely attended, the remains being in- terred in the Exeter cemetery.. Sunshine. BRIEFS. -Tho sleighing is good again, -Willoughby, put spikes; in your boots next Sunday. -One day recently Mr. Pullyplank was on the road driving,. when he saw what was supposed to be it man's head through the snow. To his surprise it was only a man's cap, • when, on finding the owner, it was returned. -Pete is about transferring his .affections from Sun- shine to Exeter North. -There is a certain house in this vicinity going to be remodelled in the latest fashion the corning summer. Coining events cast their shtulows.-Michael Fletcher in- tends moving to the farm of Mrs. Gourley, which he has rented for a term of years. Mr. Fletcher is now working 250 acres of land. -Mich. is a, hustler. -Mrs. SVorden is recovering from her severe illness. --Be sure you name the right correspondent. You were riding the wrong horse last time, Willie. -The Foresters had a good thue at their concert and social last Thursday evening. Clinton BRII.FS.-Wnl. Clantolon, jr., is re- covering. -Me. and Mrs, Crawford and family and Mrs. Riddell, who were on a visit, to Londesboro and other friends, returned to Manitoba Monday. -An- drew McGarva ]eft on the return Journey to British Columbia Tuesday. -Richard Greensido and Miss Lucy Shepherd were married on Monday and left for Manitoba, where they will reside. -The death of Mrs. E. J. Rout- ledge is particularly sad. The lady had been suffering for some time and succlunbed from a complication of ailments. Her age wasabont 27 years. She leaves a husband and two small children. -His many friends in Clinton and neighborhood will be pleased to learn that H. Cantelon, who has re- cently been installed proprietor of the Coyne House, Mount Forest, a first class -commercial hotel, is doing well. -The other day Thos. Ford had two of his fingers taken off in the jointing machine at the organ factory. -Wal ter Kitt had one of his fingers sliced by a rip saw in the same factory. -Ed. Cantelon sprained his ankle while skating at the rick. • eloderich. Biuxys.-Town Clerk Mitchell is still improving, and is able to move around the house. In a few days it is expect- ed he will again occupy the office chair and assume his official duties. -There was a large gathering of volunteers of '06 and the present year at the Point' Farm on Monday, to celebrate the calling out, for service, the volunteers of the former years. Things ran along pleasantly from morn till night. -Mr. Henry Martin died ou Friday morn- ing after a rather long illness. Twice the gentleman moved from Saltford. His health had not been such as his friends would have wished, and an accident recently added to his infirmi- ties: -Mrs. Torrance, of Porter's Hill, died on Thursday in her 80th year. - At the Council meeting last Friday a grant of one hundred, dollars was made to the citizens' committee. Matthew Hutchinson, member of the firm of Ogilvie & Hutchinson, and manager of the Godorich branch of the business, died S'inday after a linger - ins illness. , Deceased was born in Ayr- shire, Scotland, in 1827; came to this country with his parents in 1833, who settled near Montreal. His mother. was a sister of James Miller, founder of the Allan Line of steamships. He was married in 1854 to Helen Ogilvie, He for years acted as flour inspector for the port of Montreal, succeeding Mr. Young in the office, and on. re- linquishing came to Goderich in 1874. When the big mill was completed he entered in partnership with Messrs. Ogilvie. For several years he was a member of the' town council and of the county council as one of the reeves for the town. He leaves a widow and five children -two sons and three daughters. PUNY AND FRETFUL BABY.. .. - This is now quite unnecessary. Like many others, you may have your baby fat, laughing and happy, if you give it Scotts Emulsion. Babies take it like cream. 3eaesll spent by those present. -The jubilee e - s in er gave a concert here on Friday Fol owing are the market quotations. evening last, The attendance was no Wheat as large as the entertainment merited. -Mr S(cinner was in town last Barley 3o to 32 Oats 22 to 23 Hays $10.00 o $i OO ]cutter 14 to 14 Eggs seed ........1.75 to $2.28 Clover seed ,§5.25 to 3.5.40 BRIHFS,-Edward Johnston, of Grandin, Dakota, son of Andrew John- ston, of Willow Hall, and Miss Ellen McClinchey, of Stauley, were married at the residence of Mr. J. B. Shortt, Parkhill, on Tuesday last. The knot was tied by Rev. G. H, Thompson, of engaged in farming in Dakota. The bride is the daughter of a wealthy farmer in Goderich township -The roads are still in a bad condition, - The Presbytery of Huron 'net in Hen- sallou Tuesday,--TheHuronlS. S. Con- vention is in session here this week, so that between the two the village has bad a lively appearance. -J. Hannan, Jr. and W. Dumart, of Shipka, visit- ed at D. Shaffer's on Sunday. The trains were somewhat late owing to the snow blockade. The freight did not reach here tillTuesday, its engine being required to help the Express Corbett r. Johnston is" extensively week. - W. W. Leech, of Varna, preached in the Methodist church Sunday evening last to a large congregation Wm. Gilchrist is learning the blacksmithing with J. Miller, -Cook Bros., intend going extensively into the bicycle busi- ness. -Miss C. V. Smith is moving her millinery stock into her newly acquired premises, next to McPherson's tailor shop. -The Misses Baker, of Zurich, and Troyer, of Hills Green,are visiting Mrs. 3. Hudson this week, -Mrs. J. Wright returned to her home this week,, -The grievance between G. J. Sutherland and I.. Harold in connect- ion with Carmel church. was auric- ably settled at the Huron Presbytery meeting here on Tuesday. -Mr. Shep- pard shipped three carloads of cattle to the Old Country last'h ridgy. -J. Tremer Ryckman and Mr. Rivers, brother of our butcher, went to the Old Country with them. -There was a reception of new members to the Methodist church Sunday last. -There will be an enter- tainment at Bethesda next Monday evening for benefit of the Epworth League. A splendid program has been thro h themammoth drifts -Miss ' i d f thed 3linnle Shaffer and one of the assistant teachers in the Hensel], school, Miss L:ttiwer visited the latter's home in Seaforth, over Sunday.- And while at , home Miss Latimer met with an ac- cident which might have cost her life. She had gone up stairs withitheir grips, and in turning to comp down, her foot caught in the carpet, and tripping she fell down stairs in one promiscu- ous heap, reaching the bottom in a badly shattered condition. A broken step and a few scratches are the result of the mishap. --T. Murdock visited Simon Hunter, of Tuckersmith, on Tuesday. As before mentioned, Mr. }muter has been i11 for months and has had a trying time. Passing through a long period, during which several members of the family suffer- ed the sante dread disease, typhoid fever, Mr. Hunter was then stricken with the malady, This was many weeks ago, and although at tisanes re- covering, several relapses overtook him, on Saturday evening last his con- dition being of a critical nature. We hope for his speedy recovery. --Tim- ben is being placed on the ground for the erection of a fax barn to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. -Hensel' is on the eve of possessing a system of fire protection. A petition is now being circulated among the resi- dents for presentation to the Hay Council for approbation, having in view this purpose. The Council have to give their sanction 'although eon - I trihutin nothingto cost of same. It is the intention tpurchase an engit e at ai cost of $2,000, the extra sum pro- videdjbein� appropriated towards secur- ing a water supply to feed the engine. The move 1 a eouunendible one, and while it may appear to cost the citiz- ens a considerable stun, in reality the net cost will be trifling, as the reduct- ion in insurance rates will, in time re- coup,j'n a goodly measure forthe outlay entailed. 13y ail means carry the pro- ject, to a successful issue. -The grain market is•quiet.-•-J. Joynt visited Sea - forth last Sunday. -Mrs. Arnold and the Misses Smith and DeLion have re- turned from the millinery openings, ! and are prepared for a large spring trade. ---Miss Hattie Johnston, who has been visiting her father, Andrew John- ' ston, of Willow Hall, returned this week to Dakota. -Rev. Roy has pur- chased another horse to replace the one destroyed by fire at Brucefield last week. The congregation prepeut- ed him arobe.-D. Wcisnsiller has re- turned home from Toronto. -Miss Eacrett, daughter of Chris Eacrett, of the 2nd concession Hay, who has been ill for a time, is very low. -Messrs Mc- Ewen and McKay shipped a boiler and an engine to their saw mill in Algoma. Mr. McKay, of Tuckersmith, has pur- chased a _large tract of land in Algona, and George Mc Ewen has gone into partuership inthe erection and equip- ment of a mill. They expect big re- sults. -E, McCloy, of Exeter, visited W. McOloy,in town, on Monday. --Geo. Heaton and wife of Usborne: visited at M. Ellwood's on Monday. -E. Latimer and R. McIntosh of Seaforth, visited in Hensall on Friday. --George Mc- Ewen having disposed of the land on which his office now stands, to Mr. Rennie, intends erecting an office on the vacant plot east of Shaffer's res- taurant. -The revival meetings in the Methodist church have closed, and on Sunday last 18 new names were enroll- ed on the church records. -The united choirs of thechurcheshere will furnish music for the S. S. convention. -Mrs, Dever of Detroit is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred McDonald. -Several new residences will be erected the com- ing summer. -Mr. Dyer, of Exeter, is still negotiating for the purchase of the local paper here. -Messrs Palmer and Joynt do not intend startin a restaurant here, as stated in the x- positor.-His Lordship, Bishop Bald- win, of Huron, will conduct serviee iu St. Paul's church on Sabbath, March 15th. --Mr. and Mrs. •C. A. McDonald have been spending a week or so in Ber- lin, Forest and Toronto. --Dr. George Fee, of Reno, Nevada has been visit- ing his mother near Zurich the past week. -W. C. Davis entertained a number of friends on Tuesday evening of last week. Au enjoyable time was ug c rn s. Allem Craig - Bums -Died Sunday March 8, after a few day's illness of inflammation of the lungs, Donald, son of John McEwen, townline, Lobo. Deceased was 30 years of age. Funeral tookplace on g F n p ac Tuesday afternoon from the residence of her father, for the Nairn cemetery. Cromarty, BItIEi's-4Vhile workingin the woods on Monday, John Gillespie had the misfortune to get his leg severely hurt by a rebounding limb. At pre- sent he is confined to the house.- Augus McKaig Ieft on Tuesday for the Northwest, where he will try his for- tune. Angus was i general favorite, and will be much missed by the young folks. (From another source) Batusisa,..:its:, Einma Stacey leaves for Manitoba, this week, -Oswald Walker has removed from the cottage to his father's residence on the farm. - A number of the young folks from here were at the party at Edward Drake's, Friday last, and spent a good time, -The collection in the Presby- terian church here next Sunday will be provlc a or occasion, an re- in the behalf of the Armenians. freshments will be served. • The local Epworth League will be withdrawn - - .•�•» on Monday evening on account of the sister League holding an entertain. Centrali& ment, and the meeting will be held on He will make you laugh, ilio celebrated Tuesday 'evening instead.. He Bert Harvey. with Cosgrave Co., in Do You Know THAT RENSALL IS THE MOST PROGRESSIVE VILLAGE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Going, going upwards and .onwards is the motto of all. Having bought out the Boot & Shoe business of A. Weseloh,- we purpose to stay, and by square dealing and low prices to hold his many customers, nay to add to them. The motto of the ...Village is ours, There are bargains in our store greater than you ever received before. Wo.bought the stock ata discount and can afford to sell at first cost and make* profit. But we are doing better than even that, we are selIing goods at what they cost us. Como and see. A. MUIRDOCK & CO.. Smith's Hall, to -night ("Thursday.) Zurich. BRII,Fs,•--Mrs. Newton Baker 1 vis- -_ iting at Stratford.• --James and Thos. I SHOOTING MATCH. -- A successful Heaman have left fol Manitoba. -Rev. shooting match was held here one day i Geo. Jackson, of Exeter, is announcedhist week tit blue rocks and pigeons, 1 to preach herr on Sunday morning, in and some good shooting was (lone. the interests of the Missionary Society. Following are the scores :--stn open. meeting of the Epworth . League, with a choi • gr pre - f. Flamm 9 --birds Banta Roca --IU, la choice program e I. Bice, 9 ' E. Dober, 5 1 pared, will be held on Tuesday evcnmg H. Weber, 8 1.1. Weber, 7 next. --A load of R. T. of T's. took in SV. -Hess, 7 W. Hess. t) . the box social at ('landeboye. on Fri - E. Dober, 5 L. Stelk, 3 i day evening. -"Resolved that the pen L. Stelk, :3 is mightier than the sword" is to be G. Fritz, .l. i the subject of a debate at the Royal The following persons shot alt 10 blue i{{ soupiers open meeting, ou the 27th rocks each for tt prize given by H. L. I inst. Messrs. Delgaty, W. Harris and Peine :--L. Stelk, 9 ; H. Weber, 7 ; W. j Silas Sutnl for it rmat ve; Hess, 8 ; E. Dober, 3. A match was : y, also shot between Weber and Stelk for; }I. Butt, for the negative. tt purse, Stelk shooting 10 and }Weber i (Frain another source.) 9 blue rocks out of apossible ten. 1 I31tisri.i.-•-•P. Whelihan, of Mich„ Bums's•-Misses Lizzie and Engle *ie i called on his old friend, R. Horn, last Hess left last Wednesday for South 1 week. They were pleased to meet Bend, Indiana, where the intend to i again --Miss Lou. Hodgins has gone stay. -Dr. George Fee, )fron. Reno, , to Exeter to work for Mrs. W. G. His - Nevada, came home a few days ago to i set. --Mrs. Tows still remains in a low see his mother, brother and sisters. --j Brock, of Elimville, Jacob Gatlinan came home last week � formerly farmer near Woodham, has from Elkton, Michigan, to stay this I purchased Brown's harness shop, o - Samrr1er.-Justse ()o;, from Pigeon, . posite the Duerin house, and intends Michigan, is home herd on his wedding. } opening a butcher shop about the trip. We wish him and his bride sit= 'The of AMU. -�4Vetvish Mini success; eels and a happy life together. -Tulin The property c'°n.piises a store, resid- ppy " enc'n end acre of land. and the price Scl)wartzentrlrber, of file still coo., , j: p has soldhis farm, to Daniel Steinbach, 'Pial(} was 8400, which is considered Jr. He intends to go to Michigan in the cheap. -Andrew Hicks visited his fall. -Andrew Middh'holtz has bought brother, R. F., in Norwich over Sun- ta half interest in Peter 1,amont's (stay. lie reports our old friend as do - butchering business. -H. Weaver last ink a splendid business, exceeding an- Tuesdayhad a .lig shooting match here. ti'ipations.-Walter Mortimer, of To - E. Bice, frelin Centralia, took first led°, O., is visiting his :runt, Mrs. 11. money 11) pigeons, and Levi Ste irk, in Handford. -Mr. and .firs. Powell, of 1)1111' rocks. The clay was cold but a lot Bryanston, arc visiting attheir daugh- of spectators gathei;ed and moues in- tees, Mrs. Jas. balls. -1. Coughlin re- terest displayed. --There vas a surprise a turned home, Tuesday from a visit with friends soath.-rhe. grain market has been lively. --There will be ti concert in Smith's Hall, this (Thursday) night. spend a few hours with Ilam and his --'rhe ice harvest has been completed. fan ily.---Mr. Pollock and his son have -3Ies rn. Shell and Handford are buy - gone to their home near Brandon, ing gime it number of horses in this Manitoba. -C. F. Wagner left here a vicinity. few clays ago for Berlin to see his bro- Muss{ of MnrrnEw Dncst3IoNrD.- tli rs, before he returns to North The sad intelligence of the death of Dakota. -Nelson Combine was called Matthew Drummond, of McGillivray, hone by telegram to the sick brei of was received here Tuesday morning. one of his chikdren.-AulosSeliweit•zwer Deceaasedleadbeen inthe best ofhealth from Cavalier, North Dakota is here the day before, in fact bad always en - visiting his uncle, D. S. Faust, and joyed good health. Monday night he other intimate friends, --Dr. McC'omber retire(} as usual, but during the night and wife left with horse and buggy for complained to his wife of a pain in his their home, Port Huron, after three chest. Mrs. Drummond arose to make weeks' stay with his father-in-law, C. Schoch. It will be quite a drive. -The Misses Mary and Sarah Fee • left oil Saturday, the former for Dakota, the latter for Manitoba. We wish then a safe and pleasant jolu•ney.-b'. Soignee and an apprentice on Friday last put 87 shoes on horses' feet, in one day. This is considered good work. --The' Cosgrove -Concert Co. will give an en- tertainment in the town hall on the evening of March 16th, under the aus- pices of A. O. F. This is a first class company and the people of Zurich will miss a treat if they fail to hear them. -A. Demuth, held a sale last week and on Tuesday, with his family moved to Ashland }Vis.; where they will make their home. -Messrs. Owen and Moses Geiger left this week for Michigan to settle the business in connection with t h o estate o f.• i1 a it deceased father.-Theconcert on Saturday night by the Fisks 'Jubilee Singers was a partial failure so far as the attendance was concerned. The weather was rough. -Chas. Hartleib, has p;u clltised the Wagner property, now occupied by Fred Seigner, for the suns of $1,200. It comprises a brick house and 2.j acres of land. Mr. H. intends erecting a new hardware store. --W. Baker leaves in a. few days for Dakota, where he will re- train during the summer. -Mr. Hoff- man intds sttil'tingea laundry. Suc- cess William l -Misses Maggie and Norah. and Master S-Villie Deichert leave this week for -North Dakota to seek their fortune. -J. Zimmerman left for North Dsi:ota this week,- Brown & I.'reeter, Merchants, are do- ing a splendid business, far exceeding their anticipattions.-Johu-Dumart has returned from to pleasant visit with friends in Berlin. It was one•of those visits. that Make the heart feel glad, - These goods cannot be mann- then, ' in parting,- feel sad. John thinks of immigrating to Colorado.- P. Lamont visited Seaforth last .Week. -A number:of theyoung folks attend= ed the. dance at t rafton's hotel Exeter the other evening.Jess had his coat stolen. -Sam'} Brown • and `wife, of •Crediton, visited. at J. Preeter'§ on Saturday last. . party at Justice Denlirth's last week. As he was about to leave the country this week, his neighbors arranged to him ahot drink, but before she return- ed the vital spark had fled. Deceased was a highly respected citizen, and his untimely death is regretted by a. large circle of friends. He was 58 years of age, and leaves a wife and six children to survive him. Kirkton. BRIEFS -The "At Houle" held by the Epworth League in the basement of the church on Friday evening last was well attended. Proceeds amount- ed $28.-1. Beatty went to London on Saturday, to purchase a span of coach horses. -'-Mr. and Mrs. Connolly, of Montana, are visiting friends in the neighborhood.-Robt. Whaley and Norman Switzer, of 14 con., of Usborne have exchanged farms,- A concert will be given shortly in aicl of the public hall. -Mr. Brooks it painter from Granton has taken up his abode in the village. -Miss Bella Irvine intends leaving for Dakota in a few weeks. - Mrs. J. F. Stinson 1s on the sick list at present. -Win. Gilfillan, Sr., -of Usborne, is still ht a low condition. - Miss Sarah Tufts left on Tuesday last for Manitoba. -A number of the mem- bers of the L. O. L. attended a meet- ing of the Grand Lodge held in London. last week. JOHN WHITE Ss SONS Petale tors ate! 1'resrietore Brewster. BRIEFS, -Wm. Blaine, .of Niagara Falls, 1 visiting friends here. -Miss Maggie McDougall,. of Sarnia, 1 visit- ing her mother this week, -Mr. and Miss Blain, of Hillsboro, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Stadia. BRIEI''s. Mr. Harry Ternpleinen has rented Mr. John Norris' far it for a term of seven years. -Mr. Jessi Bec- kett who occupied the house on Mr. Norris' farm has moved to Cromarty, where he will reside in part of Mr. Wilson's house. Stan'ey, ACCIDENTS. -Mrs, Ross had the mis- fortune to fall and injure her shoulder; slie is improving, Mr. Thos. Campbell, while splitting wood last Friday at Mr. Alex, Thoiupson's made a severe cut in the ball of the great toe ; it will keep hint off work for a few days. Kipper• BRIEFS, -Mr. George Taylor intends going to the old conntry market with a car load Of cattle about the middle of this month. -The shareholder's ineeting of the Kippen Hall Company, was held on Friday evening last. -Tile old directors were re-elected for the en- suing year. viz.; Me. T. McKay, presi- dent; Mr. W. Cooper, secretary; Mr. William Thompson, treasurer, with Mr, R. McMordie and 141r. Robert Dinsdale, directors,• --•Mr. and Mrs. J. Balfour have been spending a week or more with friends at Mount Forest, eomhiningibusinesswith pleasure. ---The Mission Band of this place, under the title of the Gauld Mission Band, is making up a box of clothing to be sent to the Moravians of the North- west. Biddulph. Consre L, --The Council met pursuant to adjournment. The reeve and all the members present. Minutes of last meeting was react, approved and signed by the reeve. -A communication rom. the Foresters thanking the Council for use of hall was read and filed.• -•-A com- munication from the Canadian his- torical Association asking that -the Council take steps to compile and pre- serve the early history of Biddulph was received and referred to theReeve and Clerk, to report thereon.- -The Auditors report was received itnd ad- opted and 101) copies ordered to be printed. -.-The following accounts were ordered to 1)e paid, ---Alf, dclattisnets, shovelling snow, S. B., $3 ; Jo., suttees, el ai shovelling s IOW, N. • Granton, $4.00; Benj. Hod ir,, hove'llipg Snow, Division 1, $2 ; D. Whalen, shovel- ling snow, Lucan Townline, 75e ; J. Lewis, shovelling snow, 50e ; J. Lewis, - stage fare fo :assessment roll from London, 25e ;Geo. Hodgins;. shovelling snow, $1.75 ; Geo. Hodgins, collector, in full of salary for 18.)5, 800 ; D. Westu an, box culvert, S. 13.. 82 ; P. Breen, auditing in full, $1.2 ; Thos. Courses, $12; Jas. 'Whalen, heti on contract, Keelfe s Road, $15 ; Miss Atkinson, stationery for auditors, 75e. The council adjourned to meet on Monday, March 13th, at 10 a. in. W. I). STANLEY, ('Ierk. Ora diton. BRIF,FS,•--Messrs Stewart and Sweit- zer, of Woodham, were the guests of Henry Eilber on Sunday and Monday last. --Wes. Trevethick bas returned to his work in Glencoe after spending a few weeks under the parental roof. - Miss Ida Winer, who has been very sick, i4 able to be around again. - William Lewis, j-., 1 laid up at pres- ent with a severe attack of inflam- mation of the lungs. He has engaged Mr. Shecre, of Exeter, to run his shop for him dnringlhis illness,---Sfiss Bertie Trevethick 1 very sick at time of writing. -A band of Jubilee Singers sang in the German Evangelical church here on Monday night last. The church Was crowded to the doors. -A load of fresh fish were in town on Monday last. The first of the season. They had no trouble getting rid of them. -A number of cases of diph- theria are reported a few miles west of the town. Every precaution should be taken to keep it from spreading. - Martha Heaman, of London, was home attending the wedding of her brother William, -Mrs. B. Brown, sr , is on the sick list. -Mr. Kingsley, of Middle - marsh, has moved his family and farm implements on his - farm purchased from Albert, Hooper. We welcome them to their new home. SELLING Off`_ At COSTI Come arid See Us. J. P ROSS. Greenway. BRI1•:rs.---Another Mollie has been made sad by the death, of Miss Bertha Hotson youngest daughter of Alex. Hotson. She had been a great suffer- er for about a year with that fatal disease diphtheria. Slip toles her mother Friday that she was going to die that day, and abouts ci c'hic'k in the evening she peacefully passe(} away. The funeral took }flare on Sunday. conducted by Rev. A. t'arriei'e, Who gave a very appropriate address an1(1 her remains were followed to the Parkhill cemetery by a large lumber of sympathizing friends. --.Mires Nellie McPherson visited herfrienels in grand Bend last Saturday,•.--Je1'ry Brophey, of Sllipkit, '•isited- friends here last week -W. J. Wilson & Co. are selling goods at close prices for each ur pro- duce. --4. Hawkey, car'r'iage maker, of Parkhill, paid OM' town a flying visit last Monday. Luoan. Bntnvti .'i,'he question of "Annex- ation to the United. Stag's- was 0,1- oussed on Tuesday night at.1)insnnn'e's school house, eon.10, township of Blau- shard, between Messrs Stanley, sem, Box and Spence, of the town of St, Marys, who advocated the catt.e of annexation, and Messrs. St.'uileey, jun•, Johnson and Mossip, of Hlan.Iutrd. who vigorously opposed a change of that kind. The diaenssion closets at 11,31) p. ill.. when. the chairmen 1111-. Itetttised to the audien ee that the re- feiee% decided 111 faai;c011(f the negative, --Miss Ida forte Tule just returned from an extensive visit to her sister ifl:s.J. Windsor, Brown city. Michigan. --Mrs. P. Johnson. 1o1'meely of l,'ind es but now of this place. is seriously ill with Infl:numation.- Ml's, lame.nife of a former station agent of tie G. T. 11. at Granton, died Tncsday on the residence of her brother. R. e. Bundy, McGillivray, ('arson• was the eatu.i' of death,• --lir. and 111s. S'4 hitnt.v- of Michigan, have decided to ren.^in in Lamm during this season. and in eon - sequence have taken up henls.'krt'ping here'. Miss W. was suddenly revelled to Michigan by- telegram, cm neeo mt of her daughters serious illne ,4. --- Rev. R. IL Shaw. of }Ioly 'Trinity, Levan, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last with the Rev. nettles, of Iidcrt:on. -Matthew Drummond, farmer. resid- ing on con. 2, McGillivray, retinal to bed on Monday night 1 the IL's:. of health and spirits, and WOW ;twVatk:'ned about 12 o'clock with a pre.sure around his heart. The unfortunate Mian turn- ed. over on his side and exilire'tl nits. mediately. -George O'Neil handler the village weigh scales for 1891). The suns paid is 3.37. -Miss Louise Shaw left on Saturday for SS'iarton, to fine position for a short time on the high school staff of that town, made vacant by the illness of one of the teachers.- .W. SV, Revington, the Adare poet, is again to the front with a splendid production on the Armenian question. You Dori t Have to Swear oft Says the St:. Lonis Journal of eAgri- culture in an editorial about. No -To - Bow. the famous tobacco habit cure. " 'We know of many cases cured by No -To -Bars -one -one a prominent St. Louie architect. smoked and chewed for twenty years ; two mixes cured Win so. that even the smell of tobacco makes him sick." No -To -Bae sold and gtitu:in- teed, no cure no pay. Book free. Sterl- ing Remedy Co., 3745t. Paull St. Mont real. The Cash System Pays `-clitNIP- Both Buyer and Seller :--�"--' Since adopting the Cash System we find our customers' hotter LARGE NUMBERS pleased. They get better value for their money and feel happier, Are taking advantage of our Cheap Cash Sale of WINTER GOODS. Thousands have tested the great building -up power of Hood's Sarsapar- illa and have found renewed sttength, vigor and vitality in its use. factured next fall at the prices we ask for them. In buying from us now you save and thus make money. We want to have the room of these goods for our Spring Stock which is now ` arriv- ing. Turkeys wanted. MUIR r MANNING, KIRSTON We Are Giving Genuine 'Bargains! Bargains that will bring tradeour way, and bargains thatglad- den the heart and save the purse. We have purchased a Heavy -Spring Stock of all classes of Seasonable Goods, which we intend to sell/on-the cash, customer - pleasing basis. A trial purchase Ir -ill convince youthat what we advertise arc, bold fads. BROWN N She PRI TER.: Stores eat Creditors and Zurich.