The Exeter Times, 1895-12-26, Page 7Theasury of information . . TH E . SUPILIGFri ALMANAC Iron 1806 Containing 48fts of useful luformatton Lor ull ruelmbera <Oho househo41. IiER FREE TO USERS L1L JT SAP HOW TO Cen,co, November, OBTAIN xtics, and untillt.... bom ag ooks are all given, p A COPY chasers ors packages, or'o bars of SUNLiawr SOAP, -will receive from their grocer; ean-toter . . ALMANAC FREE... . . . . A., lGoilan Result of a • Neglected Cold. 4i011SERSE-TO- LUNGS Which Doctors Failed to Help, 4, 'CURED BY TAKINO YER9S7*--1". Pectoral. Cherr '1 contracted a severe cold, which settled .,ok my lugs,. and I did what is often done 'In nix cases, neglected it, thinking it would ,go away as it (tame; but I found, after a e while, that the slightest exertion pa ned me. I then . Consulted a Doctor ' 'NM o found, on examining my lungs, that the . ipper part of the left one was badly affected. . lie gave mo some medicine which I took as ' '-41iteeted, but It did not seem to do any good. , ForbluatelY, I happened to read in Ayer's alumnae, or the effect that Ayer's Cherry lied the bottle I was cured.'" --A. LEFLAID, fieetoral had on others, and I determined to After , ve it a trial. ter talcing a few dm oses y rouble was relieved, and before I had fin- ' olatchmaker; Orangeville, Ont. -- $ yerI s Cherry Pectoral ' • ,v;Prighest Awards at World's Fair. *mos .E'ilis Cure Indigestion, op a,:ingagastleitaglageageaan., Thehook contains complete Calendar matter, Biography, ' Literature, Home Management, Language of Flowers, Fashions, Games and Amuse- ments, Recipes, Dreams and their significance, I Poultry, etc. TO PREVENT Spiv eady OISAPPOtNTMCNT .4, :51* ge THI17, 'OF Am x vrtvLXETER TIME" • FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 4 7 THECOOK S BEST FRIEND * LARGEST SALE IN CANADA: Nue' 041V ra IWV SATIFirtOrge Aleut ten years ago I first became afflicted will,Rheumatism and Gout„ and during the last ten years 1 haive been treated by several pbydiehms, and the)42.1advised me that it was impossible to etre me hero, and that the only remedy for me was to goto a warmer climate. 1 was confined to my house .last December • owing to this disease, and *as unable to do any work whatever. learn men ded tak in gthe Iteotenay Cure which Mr. S. 8. Ityckmart, M. P, gave me about tin.) middle of April last, and after about One week's using this medicine I was cured tb able to start di",iving bread wagon, which work required me constantly getting on and off my waeca• , which 1 always had in my sides Iletely gone, a a ara uow able to isny path whatetrer, siffered almost incleserib. this disease. My general lly improved since taking to by avfxclunti 1, Ilamilten, MAkt MEDD 111 NE8 IN R lill811[11. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER, Interesting lama About Our Own Country, Oreat Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for gray. Reading, CANADA - Mrs Geo Francis of Hamilton an invalid, died while her child was being christened at her bedside. Mr. Claade V. Currie, a farmer, of Neepawa, was fatally wounded on Sat- urday while cleaning his rifle. A hospital for Indians is to be estab- lished by the Church of England at Dynevor, on St. Peter's reserve, Lord Aberdeen has deelined his pat- ronage to the ball to be held on, New Year's eve hi aid of the Children's hos- pital in Ottawa, Col. John Peters of the London Field Battery is about to ratline from the corps, which he has been conneeted with for 30 years. • . The application made recently by the State of Washington for salmon fry from the British Columbia hatcheries will not be acted upon, Boswell„ commanding the 90th Batt., of Winnipeg, has resigned his command, and retires after thirty years -of militia service. • The great animal c• lington, London, last week great attention. The Queen, the 11 of Wales, and the Dake a 'York won prizes. This was the first appeararice of the Dake of York as an exhibitor. TIU X TIME Attorney -General Childs, of St. Paul, 3)/finn., gives it as his opinion that under the coristitution a the United States it is illegal to open a Pablie school with DOUG worship, even if that devotion be restricted to Sayinie the Lord's Prayer. At the conference in London on 1?ri-1 At St. Louie Rev. Fattier Cosgrove, a da Y ealied to consider the existing fiscal Catholic priest, died tte a result of be. system of Great Britain, MX. J'anaes W. ine raa over by a l000motive tbe Lowther, Coneervative, for the IVIiddle raTiroad yards. The officials of. tile road. Division. of Cumberland, stated, amid UP- believe the man throw himself under roar and applause, that he desired to ;the locomotive with suicidal intent. see a reinstatiou of proteetion, whue Mrs. games Williams, of .Teffer- The Prince of Wales has given a sonville, Ind., was dressing a turkey for church at Babingley, whieh forms part dinner she found, in the bird's claw a of the extreme portion of the royal es -!diamond solitaire the size of a pea. The tate of Sandringham. Bab'mgley is re-ifowl earn() from a fatan close to a, pica puled to be tne parish where the first olio ground, and it is thought that it Christian church Was ereeted in Bast picked ' up the jeWel near there, Anglia, by St. Felix, the Burgundian, about the year 600 A.D. UNITED STATES. Sinallperx is reported in Ohio. Samuel Gompers was elected president' of the a.rnericana Federation of Labour on1 A despateh received from Cape Coast C Saturday over john McBride. Castle says that it is reported there hanging of W,II.T. Duxrant, the mur- derer of Blanche Lament, been fixed for tbet1rthraettriptehbe, Asharttis have deposed King in San Fran- I ,stea,d. enthroned and itaihatherliQaewtrueePalltin-Y ilhai: Fehruery 21 has OISCQ. ti , has held A speraal despatch from Shanghaisays news has been received whieh confirms the xeport that the Russians were the instigators of the conspiracy of Liallaa- Shin against tbe King of ,Corea, ati nr ipntleha Senator Cullom made a long speech' Eugene Kranz, an Matan einbUnited States Senate in favor of ,t•hc Position of chef in the household. of the Czar of Russta for some years, and. ydeocolnargarteissonof the Monroe doe- . • I he is said to be the most accomplished I cook in the world. His staff numbers R. A. IIelliwell of Chicago, who was 1.„,aaa tnaaaaa aa.,,,,, captain of the cricket team that. visit-, ----- ---'`'''''''''''"---- l'-'"'"'—' ' ed Ontario last summer, committed There is a strong Buddhist revival go - suicide on Saturday "night. - ,ing on in the 'zipttnese Empire. ,„ The The Halted States Government crop Church has been stirred up y e mva- report showed a lower condition. and a sion of missionaries, and within recent years Buddhist papers have been organ - smaller acreage of wheat than had. been- expected. , ized, and the Japanese press is full of The strike of Italian labourers at The Atchison, -. Topeka & garticles about religious matters.anta Pe r Hamilton was ended on Thursday by Railroad was sold. under the hammer i A. despatoh signed. by a number of the.contraotors agreeing to give the ad- for 860,000,000 „to Mr, King of New York Armenians of Constantinople says that vance asked for by the men. • representing the reorganized company, I Armenia is at her last gasp. The work .A. eolored woman named Emily Smith of extermination wahines. The num- died at St. Catharines on Thursday. Allan G. Thurman, of Colurabus,Ohio, ber of people massacred reaches one There is conelusive evidence. that she was over 100 years old., The first steps towards the re -erection of the Grand Trunk car shops are being taken in London, and tenders for con- struction will socia be called. rot. The Alontreal City Surveyor has re- ported hi. favor of the proposed electric line to the top of the mountain, and it will probably be built very soon. The Canada & Michigan Bridge & Tunnel Company will ask Parliament next session for permission to bridge Ir the river between 'Windsor and De- troit. Jeremiah McCarthy was sent to penitentiary for eight years by Judge Snider at Hamilton for highway rob - the Old Roman," as the Claw Demo- hundred thou:sand. and half a million of crats delighted to call bka, died on survivors have taken to the mountains Thursday. He was eighty-two years of and forests, where they ere feeding on age. • herbs and roots. The Chicago brewers, who are carry- ing a, large proportion of the saloons, have decided to redace the number by seventeen hundred after the 1st of Janu- ary. the Quaker City ---Permitted by a Cor A regiment has been formed in New rapt Felice. York in connection with the Clan-nat. Gael to form the neuclus of an Irish -1 A despatch from Philadelphia, Pa., American army for the liberation of says:—There has perhaps never been eland. an occasion in this city when the preval- PHILADELPHIA'S VICE. A Terrible Picture or the Immorality or 1 In the recent viaduct accident in ence of vice, immorality, and crime has Cleveland, Ohio, by which a street -car been so prominently brought before the fell through an open draw, causing the public as at Thursday's session of the death of seventeen persons, the eoroner failed to find anyone guilty of a crim- Senate Investigating Committee, when each. Lawyer Petitt resumed the enquiry into bery. His three pals got six years mal act. Fannie Linsley, of St. Joseph, Mo. has the Bureau. Evidence was given in a The Inland Revenue for the Dominion brought a, suit for 825,000 against' the of Canada accrued during the month of Central Medical College for having caus- ,g,eixi,erall way indicating that houses of November amounted to 8736.311, as ed. the body of her h 1" husband to loe re- -Lalne, speak-easy Pe'lleY shops, and. against $744,202 for the same month moved from his grave and used as a. sub -opium joints Bearish in the police dis- last year. I,ject for dissection in the college. trict, in the alums, and under the very John Scafe, a prisoner in jail at Chat-•; Chicago 'University is the recipient eyes of patrolmen, with apparently but ham, managed to lock the turnke.y in of another $1,000,000 gift, the donor be- little ;interruption. The Rev. Dr. the corridor, and then tried. to break ing Miss Helen Culver. The condi- Gibbons, a Presbyterian clergynaan, lla- ma. The turnkey's shouts brought tions of the gift are that it shall be de- bag in the slum district of Fifth Wa•rd, assistance, and Scans gave up the job. voted to the increase and spread of drew a most harrowing picture of the Mr. A. T. Wood has made a formal knowledge within the fields of biologi- condition of things there. Immorality offer to the Hamcal science. ilton City Council to in all shapes aud forms was openly vis - build. the T., H. & B. road froHam- At Topeka, Kas., Governor lVforill ible, and had defied the efforts of the m. ilton to Toronto without a bonus, and called out Battery 33 of the State nl- he said, were well aware of it, and had ibest -citizens to stamp it out. The police, to put up 825,000 as a pledge of this mu l- to protect the Ka,nsas Medical Col- said they were unable to do anything. bona fides. i lege, which was threatened by a mob. The vieious class, he said, seemed to be Mr. Gilbert McLeod, market garden- The trouble was caused by the discov- prcitected by a powerful political influ- er, while engaged in unloading a wag- ery in the dissecting room of the col- ence that controlled all elections. The gon in Hamilton, suddenly fell to the lege of the bodies of three women stol- police openly electioneered on such ea - ground, and died before medical aid ar- en from the Topeka cemeteries. casions. He knew of- policemen who rived. Neuralgia of the heart was the Business in the United States has been had made efforts to better affairs who cause of death. ' q ' g , a • p were discharged ft= the force. An approximate statement of the lia- merit is likely to occur now until the Similar testimony was given bythe bilities and. assets in the estate of Sam.- new year. In some directions mild wea- Rev. H. L. Phillips, a coloured. Episco- son, Kennedy, and Co., of Toronto, whole:. ther is eredited with depressing the de- pal clergyman, as to the slums sectioes sale dry goods merchants, has been pre- mao.d for seasonable goods, but at van- of , Soventh, and Eight pared by the receiver, and shows a de- ous points in the United States the tem- Waras. ficit of about 8200,000, perature has been quite low enough to A general idea of the conditions of Notice appears in The Canada Ga- make a general seasonable average up athings itt Chinatown, on Race street, zette of a schema to construct a steam business sense. Anyhow, wholesale trade above Ninth, was given by. John Duke, and eleetric railway from Port Church- is dull all round, and, as usual, stocks janitor of Rechnan's hall. Opium places ill on Hudson Ba,y to Calgary. Power ? just now are not being added to. ha . It' th h• b were abundant, gambling everywhere, and Chinamen consorted with the most is also sought to run a line of ocean- • . • going steamers from Port Churchill on ticeable decrease in demand. Collections degraded of white women. All this was Hulls& Bay. have also shown weakness, and prices under the eyes of the police. At one timehe said22 amblitablas were The Grand. Board of the Patrons of La- conta inue downward tendency. The • , gng operated. in t,his small section, and $15 dustry, which met on Friday in Toronto, °tL ee -from each of them was laid aside each have approved a resolution, to be sub- month. week for the police he unclerstoorL mitted by Mr. Joseph Haycock, M.P.P., at the next meeting of the Grand Asso- ciation, to admit all classes and prefes- sions to the Patron ranks and abolish all GENERAL •Barna Lyon, a. 'Private detective, a The Japanese have evacuated. pgagt* made as to the number of houses of -The Spanish Cabinet has resigned. told he committee of an investigation signs, pass -words, and pledges. Arthar. ill-faine he had found. in 13 police dis- tricts. They amounted to 629. Two GREAT BRITAIN. • Russian troops are being moved friar. hundred and eighty were in the Eighth The Queen will visit Nice in the Odessa and Sebastopol to liatoum. a, . district, and 115 in the. Sixth district. spring. The Times places the Italian losses in These two comprise the Philadelphia The Imperial Parliament will meet the battle of Ambalaigt at 2,000 men. i en er o1n.a on February 11, •Herr Dowe, the inventor, of the bul-1. • . The Queen's shortnorn heifer won let -proof coat, Le dead. the championship cup at Smithfield A British and all Itakan vessel of MANITOBA'S CROP,' Cattle Show. . I war passed up the Dar nelles. The Last novernme,n, netnews; Siock kr.- • d. by her sinking in a collision muting, the extra guardships to all- ports Near'," Doubleti-Gpent Advance drowne in Dairy Prod ucts. it Six of the crew Of a collier were I The Sultan has issued an irade per- . near Liverpool. • • 1 proach Constantinople. a Belfast engineers have rejected the • . A despatch from Winiapeg says:—The . /a large kona.k oa villa used by the Provincial Governmenintn Friday issued bles with tne shipbuilders. ' penial uests has been burned its hist crop bulletin, tirhich details com- propogals for a settlement of the.,trou- Sultan for the accommodation of Im- • Reade, has been appointed honorary In India every resident must", under • pletely the ma z el Lod Manitoba harvest A Canadian, Mr. Herbert Taylor penalty of fine have his name written °r• 1895. The total wheat acreage is surgeon -general to the Queen. shown to have been 1,110,276, from which up at the entrance of his house. Moorgate street station, London. every It • d that the European is rumoured e•_ 31,775,038 bushels were raised, an aver - Two hundred trains enter and leave hour throughout the day. ers have addressed to Japana-PeremPOWpia age of close to 25 bushels per acre. Of The Duchess of York, formerly Prin-lory demand for the evacation of Corea. • oats there were 482,658 acres, with a tot - cess Mary of Teck, gave birth to a son Howes attacked and destroyed a al product of 22,555,733 bushels, or an average of nearly 47 bushels per acre. Christian mission in Ma.dagascar. Mis- The -barley acreage was 153,839, total on Saturday morning. British agriculturists are agitating sianarY 1VIacMahon and his family es- yield, 5,645,036, average per acre 36.69; caped. flax, 1,281,354 bushels were raised; o the formation of a party in Parliamenf to look after their intere.sts. • .A. Nihilist Conspiracy against the rye 81,082 bushels; and peas 28,229 bush- nce his elevation to the post of Cora- life of the Czar has been discovered eta The total grain crop is thus shown Siin Moscow, and several arrests have to be 61,366,172, an amount nearly four mender -in -chief, Lord Wolseley ia In been made. nitillion bushels in excess of the Govern - great demand le assist at public Lune- The German Cabinet has decided to ment's eslimato, made just before the tions. .1 continue the canapaige against the threshers got to work. infa,nta, Eulalie of Spain is spending Socialists, upon the basis of the corn- Of potatoes there wbre 16.716 acres a, holiday week In London, She is stay- mon law..•n of ing at a hotel, and has n , et been receiv- M4,042,562bushels, the average yield per . Adrien Lachenal, who was vice- under crop, with a totalpro tic ed by the Queen. President of the Swiss Republic for acre bei ag nearly 244 bushels. The i A small electric lamp is being used 1805, has been elected President for total cr g of roots and potatoes was instead. of a bell in some telephone ex- next year. 6,327,815 ushels. changes in En land.. The call for eon- Emperor William •of German r - Crop correspondents in the course of nection lights ti e lamp. Int is reported that the Prince of Wales made a lot of money when the South African market was at its height in London a few months ago. There is a growing feeling in England in favour of protection, but Lord Salis- bury holds out no hope that England will change her fiscal policy. The English weekly papers devote considerable space to the unfriendly at- , titude of the United States respecting the Venezuela and the l3ehring Sea questions. The shipbuilding strikers of Belfast and the Clyde have refused to accept the tepee agreed upon by their repre- sentatives, and the unfortunate strike till eontinues. rho Axnericen liner Indiana, in turn- itg in the Mersey to land her passera gers in Liverpool, collided. with, the Bri- tish steamer Zamora, damaging her so seriously that she had to be beached. Sir Juliet Goldsmid, the well-known member of Po.rliarnent for South St. Pancras, one of the wealthiest end most charitable of the Hebrews of England, is in a eritical condition of health at Brighton. The Queen, the Priece of Wales, tlaid other memhere a the Royal fatally were preeent Saturcla,y at the mem- (vial ;services held at Pregame% on the th anniversary at the Prince Con- nt t h. e, their remarks say that the imxnense ; posesto givegrand Pedal palace on January 18, t'he anni- wheat crop has enabled farmers to It is believed that China, as a reward last .year, enabling them to pay off sell- as much as was sold a this date versary of the foundation of the gmpfre. 1 liabilities, while still holding Japan after the war, Will fihreat o' . pa rb of their, crop for high- with.or Russian intervettion in her pfaelymouirt n stock exports were nearly doubled. the Russian Pacific fleet to winter i er Prices" The bulletin shows that the mo- au bay, 'rho Italian Chamber ha's voted he additional war eredit, and pee 'are - tions for the Abyssinian canipaig4 are going forward rapidly. •f The Postmasters -General of Nevv',outh Wales, Victoria and Queensland' met to discuss the projeetett PacifiO cable scheme. They decided to Send two -delegates to the eetfereriOe. There is no doubt felt in. Washington Political &treks that an attempt will be made at an early date to press upon the House of Representatives the deeirabil. ity of recognizieg the Cuban insurgents as belligerents- i A high board forme is being built around. the site of all that is left of the Talmage tabernacle at Greene and Oliri- ton. a.vennea, Brooklyrt. InSide the ferice is a mass of broken brick and stone and twisted iron braees. Ex-GI:Werner T. Churchill, of LfttIe Rook, Ark., a general in the Confeder. c14.0 aritlY, hes telegraphed Senator ;fames erry, offering his SerrideS to the Pre- sident in the &tee of war with Eriglann in support of the Alonvoci doctrine. during this year, and the figures show that stock -raising for export is grow - hag to suclx proportions that it will soon become as important an industry as wheat -raising. A groat advance has also been made in dairy produets. The output of butter and cheese netted nearly two hundred: thousand 'dollars. Tha bulletin shows that five thou- eaxid harvest hands from Ontario as- sistAcl in garnering the crop, and were paid roar hundred thousand &liars by the farmers in wages. A 8i1eut CabCs.11. THE FIELD OF OONIERC.E.1 1 Soma IteMs of interest to the SitsY Business Nisai. The Indian shipments of wheat for the past week were 3.68,000 bushels, The vvorldni visible simply of -wheat I increased. 475,000 bushels durbig the past I eonditioa of winter wheat in the , week. United States on Deo, ist is placed at 81.4 per cent., whieh is favorable to bet- ter prima. 1 Speoulation in Canadian securities is fairly aotive, and. the tone of the mar- kets strong. Cable contlipuee to be a favorite. Bank stoeles are stronger. The earning.s of the Canadian Papaw railways for the first week a December show an increase of 870,000 as oore- pared with eorresponding week of last year. The London seal sale was concluded by the e aoi .f fs ebryintgieeoft2117, 0o0n0 Northwest Coast eon Bay .Company, making 82,000 ;skins, against 136,000 skins last year. The figures show a falling off in the oaten of the Northwest Coast of 54,000 skins and la the total catch of 05,000, as c,ompared with the figurea of le8r9n4;part of the Provnice, elicit the opin- Inquiries respeotmg trade in the west - ion that during the fall it has been at least a good average, andthat the pros- pects augre well for a like continuance during the winter. The pessimists growl as usual, but the majority., of those in business are going along quiet- ly, makieg a good living, paying their way, and an some cases, perhaps, adding - a trifle to their surplus, During the past few weeks the failures in the west have been remarkably few. Money on the wlaole has come in freely, and if anything, fewer complaints are heard than usual, still, it must not be suppos- ed that there is any plethora of cash, as such is not the case, but merchants have been baying very judiciously, with the evident intention of paying and not with a view to insolvency. Wholesale trade in Montreal has as- sumed a seasonably •quiet phase. In the dry goods line a good, many travel- ers are home, revising samples for the regular spring trip, and sorting busi- ness is just moderate. The feature of the week in the grocery trade is the sharp advance in yellow refined sugars. Quotations at the refinery are a full quarter cent higher, and in anticipation. of a revision in the price of granulated, some considerable transactions were re- ported between refiners and jobbers early in the week. A fair distribution in holiday groceries is reported, but in general lines matters are rather quiet. IA iron, and other heavy metals, there is hardly enough doing to establish quo- tations ; hardware, oils, paints, etc., are all dull; glass is notably firmer, owing to the nature of Belgian advices. For leather there is but slight enquiry, and no improvement is looked for until after the turn of the Srear. Hides have de- clined half a cent; amalgamation has been effected between the hide dealers, by the terms of winch all their pur- chases will be stored and sold from one common warehouse, and at uniforra prices. Butter and cheese move slowly, and there has been no noteworthy vari- ation in. prices. Country collections rule slow as a whole, though some dry goods houses report excellent returns on 4th Dec. payments. Money is plenti- ful with the banks, and the call loan rate is unchanged at 41-2 per cent., dis- counts, 6 to 7 per cent. An improvement in general trade at Toronto has taken place during the week. The wintry weather has stimu- lated the demand for heavy dry goods and furs, and the holiday trade has increased some. A large number of houses are engaged in taking stook, and it is thought that results will be fairly satisfactory for the year. Prices the past six months have been firm at ad- vancing rates, particularly in cottons, woolens and silks, and one would natur- ally. suppose that profits would be great- er consequebee. However, com ea -Wien has been'very keen and a grea er , number than /usual of bankrupt stocks have been on the market. Hardware dealers arepert a, fair trade, and a. Jow- 1 derate business is doing in groceries. • Sugars are firmer, and dried fruits also. The movement of grain shows a slight increase, but prices are heavy and weak- er for wheat and oats. The outlook for better prices is not very good. There is a further decline in dressed hogs and entaaluel.e. Receipts of hogs are large, and conettanialg.-21' fact that lard and ribs are lower acne dlikp:go than for tw-enty-eight years, it is not likalar.tkat our farreers.are ma,king much freed' tan braneh .of industry. • Money is en - changed •at 4 1-2 per cent. for call loans on stock, and prime commercial paper ; is discounted at 6 to 7 per cent. In Lonalon money on call is easier at 1-4 to 1-2 per cant., and on Wall Street the rate is steady at 2 per cent. Some of the city clab-houses have' just introduced a London idea, very popular over there, known a,s the silent CAD MD, It is but another use of oleo- triottY, Which is doing so much to light- en the labor of man, Two lamps are suspended outside ot the e u ottee por- tals --one red the other green. By press- ing.a koob 01 the etitrenee hall the Sold by druggists at s1, but there is only lamps are lit at will, The green light tale Scott's, The kihd that cure& rails for a hansom, the red light for a 4N7I;'? .0•11•0•ISC By Proley. &pine persons talk incessantly, They never think of pause; But speaking of the dentist, he Works other person's jaws 1 Mrs, Lizzie M. Frost, of Monmouth, Me., runs a grist mill. She turns on power and watches the machinery while her husband writes poems. . Laid Low by Indigestion. 1 was so run down 1 had to give up work. Scott's Sarsaparilla the kind that cures. Indigestion or dyspepsia is the bane of thousands, and is one of the most de- pressing of afflictions. It arises from an impure or impoverished condition of the blood, which weakens the digestive a.nd assimilative organs, rendering them in. capable. of performing their natural func- tions, and it neglected, the sufferer loses flesh, romplains of exhaustion after slight exertion, and becomes rapidly debilitated. Mr. Wm. W. Thomps.on, a prominent resident of Zephyr, that., Ma letter dated Aug ieth, I8e5, says: .441tglyes Inc great pleasure to testify to ,tlie fact that Scott's Sarsaparilla has caused u most rempsks able change in my condition. 1 was so much run (Iowa 1 had togive no work and felt as if life were not worth living, Mr. Defoe induced rno to try Scott's Sat. saparillat and, after taking four bottles 1 am now 'keeling as I formerly did years ago, mull want to say for the benefit el those suffering .from indigestion and feel - mg, to use slang phrase, completely knocked out,' dou't elatil you give Scott's Sarsaparilla a fair tinia0 Scatee Sarsaparilla: is a blood food, it etiroulales all vital -,organs to healthy normal action, enabling them to throw off ell poisonous and debilitatinghumors. G',Casterlatissowellcalaptedtochildreathe,t I recommend Ian superior to any prescription known to me." XL A., Ano=a, X. 111So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Coterie' is so universal end Its merits so well known that it seems a work of superercation to endorse. it. Few arethe 'ntelligent families who do not keep °Astoria Alain easy reaeh." Caicos 3$1,1,.t.armew Dor.kDoi.. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed °Much. Children. Castorta cores Who, Co nation, Sour Stereas&b, Diarrheea, cation W°rra% gives sleep, and, Proniotes to Wi out nriousznedicatiOn. "For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall ahrays continue to do so as is has invariably produced beneficial results." Firma V. PPRDES, Td. one Winthrop," Deste. Street Ancidrch Ave.,. New INVIC Gay ralt OENTAXIlt 00EIPANY, 71 MURRAY STIZZST, Karr Torts. MiiiffEMIZ=MTerd2i -,22WW093,12Tirgt' "g181MatC*1°111011 "1 TELL LL ItIYF 1 A Lady of Shelburne, Ont., :Perman.ently Cured of Indigestion After Using Two Bottles of South Ar-iciean Nervine --Glad to Let Everyone Know It, • MRS. A. V. GALBRAITH. With indigestion it is not only thzt one suffers all imaginable termants, physical and mental, but more, per- haps, than anything else, an impaired digestion is the forerunner. of couut- less ailments that in their course lead to the most serious consequences. Let the stomach get out of order and it may be said the whole system is dis- eased. When the digestive organs fail in their important functional duties, head and heart, mind and body itre-wita., •These were the feelings of . .. Mrs. Galbraith, wife of Galbraith, the well-known jeweller of ,Shelburne, Ont., before she had learn- ed of the beneficent results to be gain- ed by the use of South American Nervine Tonic. In so many words ehe said: "Life was becoming un- bearable. 1 was so cranky I was really ashamed of myself. Nothing that 1 ate would agree with me; now it does not matter what I eat. I take enjoyment out of all my meals." Here are Mrs. Galbraith's words of testi- mony to 'South American Nervine, given over her own signature : "Shelburne, Ont., March 27, 1894. " I was for considerable tiMe a, suf- ferer from indigestion, experiencing all the misery and annoyance so common to this complaint. South American Nervine w,asrecommended to me as a safe and effective remedy for all such cases. I used only two bottles, and am pleased to testify that these fully cured me, and I have had no indication of a return of the trouble since. I never fail to recommend the •Nervine to all ray friends troubled with indigestion or nervousness. "Mus. A.. V. Gatertarra." The testimony of this lady, given freely and voluntarily out of a fall head because of the benefits she ex- perienced in hea-01. Organ, have an echo in thousands of heart r the country. South American Nerv- ine raust cure, because it operates at once on the nerve centres. These nerve centres are the source from which emanates the life fluid that keeps all organs of the body in. proper repair. Keep these nerve centres sound, and disease is unknown. Ther is noltrick in the business. Eve; y. thing is very simple and consmon sense like. South .A raerican Nerv;na strengthens the digestive organs,t up it:it) liver, enriches the bleed, is peculiarly efficacious in building up shattered and nervous constitutions. It never fails to give relief in one claw. C. LUTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter. Trros, Wtoeresr, Crediton Drug Store, Asau Before Taking. WOW'S ri10800di116,—The Greal BuglisA leemetty. Is the result of over 115 years treating thousands of oases with all 'known drugs, nita at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment -a, combination that will °nett a prompt and permanent ;pure in ail steges of &too, Pebility, Abuse or S'ze axes, Nervottr Weaknes.c, Emissions, .ilieutol Worry, Excessive Use of Opium, Tamer», or Alcoholic ..Stion dards-, all of which soon lead to Insanity. Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Phosphodine has beim used suceessfully by hundreds of eases that seemed Almost hopeless -eases that had been treated by the most talented plis1,- .----,—;--- clans-eases that were on the verge of despair and insanity -eases thatwere tottering over the grave -but with the continued and peravering use- of Wood's l'hosphodiuo, these eases th3t, had begn given up to die, Were Irestored to manly vigor and health-neader you need not despair -no mat- , ter vrho has given you up as Ineurahle-the remedy is now within your roach, by !muse you cat be restored to a lite of usefulness and happieess. I Prim), one package, 31; six packages, 35; by mail free of postage. One 7uf11,4leeue, Al:guaranteed to cure. Parapinet free to any address. The WOOd 0061parly, Wituispr, Ont., Wood's Phosphodice is said by responsible whOlesale and 'retail druggists lathe Dominic) four -wheeler or coupe, SOW li3r LI LUTZ, Peteter, qnt. ssisseataeata/sessass~aasee.assa-seaseaseasseesiteasea.",...elea,L. stsaaasaseasaaasseets aaniuttei moiler toriss