The Exeter Times, 1895-12-26, Page 1irr
DECEMBER 26t1i, 1893,
Only 6 Days
Before Xmas
By glaneing over this list you may
•%ave the trouble of \vorrying about
• "what to give" for a X -us present.
Call now and we will hold anything un
til Christmas for you. '
For --A Lady
A pair of genuine French Kld Gloves
black or colored, - - - •$1.25
A cream or white Silk 1-1(1kf,
OR embroidered initial letter on
each. 35e
A FUR CAPE, Goat,. Astrach-
an, and Greenland,Seal, $10 to $25
German China, beautiful, $2.00
GAUNTLETS,- Somethiog real
new and stylish, , - $1 to $2
For A Gentleman
.A. .pair of good serviceable Kid
Gloves, - - $ . ,
0R1 LETS, - - - $3.00
• Mit CHAIN, (warranted) • regular
price $22, now - $18.00
A Silk Tie, 35c. a Silk and Wool
Scarf 25 , a plahi
ored Silk Mid 15e to 75c..
For the Boys and Girls.
A great variety of Toys and. Games,
zuch as we have never had before.
Yon will miss it if you don't visit our
Store before.X-mas, for we are giving
big bargains in all lines.
The new harnees' sine) is now opened for
businees. All kinds of harness on head, heavy,
donate, light aua aszything made to
,oesler. Reseermaeromptly attended to. Robes
of all kinds, also Buffalo Robes,
Trunk.; Dells, Whips. Combs., Brushes and
everything kept in the harness lino. Don't fail
to call. W. COTTRILL, Harness Maker.
BRIBES. -Thos. Sando, of Crystal
Manitoba, is visiting hisbrothers
here. -Win. Haggeth, who has been
attending Woodstock Collegiate In-
stitute, is home for the holid.ays, and
add,ressed the Sunday St.,:leol on Sun-
day afternoon. - Miss Carrie and
Lau Hicks, of London, are spending
the Christmas holidays under the
:parental roof, and the former presided
at the organ at the Sunday evening
service. ---Rev. Prof. Schram occupied,
the pulpit on Sundaymorning and
preached a practical sernioneon the
'Unity of the Church in the body of
,Chrisb. Rev. W. H. Butt preached a
,special temperance sermon in the
evening, on the advantages of the
teetotal pledge and admonished his
hearers at this season of the year to
keep their pledges, -The cornmene-
reent exercises of our public sehool
-were held on. Fridhy lest svhen
public examination was held 411a an
.excelleat program was given by the
.chiklren. A number of the parents
were present and complimentary re-
marks were made by the visitors with
reference to the teachers.
IS the to impure blood and cannot
be cured With local applications.
• Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured bun-
Idreds of cases of Catarrh because
it purifies the blood and in this way
removes the cause of the disease. It also
builds up the systain and prevents
attacks at pneumonia, diphtheria and
• typhus fever. •
.genee.11 - Oranton.
Why no law -something useful. for 4 Christ -
111,4a present, such as a poet. of Flue Shoes Shp..
pars, ovate zoos, Rubbers, a rrunk or a ease,
sylien y,oti oageezt any of the above articles .at pries at wesoloies, ae,800 worth ofgoods to
select from yet. And everything gees lama -
less of nest or price. Cali and see. Torras
eash.. parties indebted to me aro requested
to call awl setae their sec:omits at oneo as
am loavieg Roussel after New Years.
A. WESRL011.
Fel owing are the market quotations.
Wheat ...„ , ..... -02 to 02
otrtsle, re, , .. . . .............. to22
30 to ss
Teets . e6 to 30
flay- ....... , ..........$1100 to Pace
Eggs tte tt 1 51
Water Is To BE. --We disclose no
secret when we mention that the home
of Nile jas.A.lin‘ray will be the scene of
gaiety and happiness on the 25th inst.
Certain infallible indications of a come
mg event have been manifest for some
One, and the afternoon of the date
mentioned will witness the consumma-
tion of one of those eircumstan.ces of
which it is said that "every perfect
wedding is made in heaven." Miss
Agnes Murray, the_ amiable and third
daughter of the township; Treasurer,
will wed 110, A. G. Smillie, thepopular
clerk of the township. We extend our
congratulations in advance, whieb we
kinese will be re-echoed by everybody.
BremEs.--Wet weather and bad
roads is the, order of the day, although
business in general is nob so bad. -Mr.
Thos. Murray, teacher in the Bramp-
ton High School, is spending the holi-
days under the parental roof. --Wm.
Mitchell is eisa home for vacation: -
Win. Jas. S arkes was married last
Wednesday evening to Miss Bes-
sie Stonewall, of Hibliert, by Rev. 3.
Walker. We join in wishing them
continual liappiness.-Joseph Colborne
of Chicago, was the guest of A. Wese-
loh over Sunday. Mr. Colborne left
Monday to visit friends in Clinton and
Goderich.-A. Weseloh left Monday
morning for GeorgetoWn, to attend
the funeral of his fatherinlaw, Mr.
John Cooke -Rev. J. S. Cook, of Gran. -
ton, preached the anniversary sermons
morning and evening last Sunday irs
the Methodist church. Owing to thel
serious illness of one of his daughters '
Rev. James L•vingstone,'of Kincardine
was unable to be present as announc-
ed. The services were largely attend-
ed and the discourses very instrnetive.
Collections anunmted to $57.63. -Don't
fail to attend the X-mas,entertainment
to begiven in Charnel Church X-mas
evening, as a splendid. program has
'been prepared. ,Also be sure and at-
tend the Alethodist church Christmas
night and hear the children. They
have been specially trained for the oc-
casion. -Thomas Jarrett, who has been
teaching school at Courtwright for the
past year, is spending the holidays un-
der the parentalroof----The appearance
of the show window of our popular
baker, D. W. Foss, would indicate the
advent of several wedding's this week.
-We join in wishing the editor of TEE
TIMES a merry Cheistreas and a happy
New Year.
Mrs. E. Campbell died at Cookstone,
on Friday, aged 70 years; she Was the
widow of the late Rev. Alex. Cam obeli,
one -of the pioneerMethediet ministers
of this comity; and was Well known
among the old residents; in fact he
was the first Methodist minister who
ever labored here.
A Dumber of the farmers .on the 2nd
con of Staley, are taking titne by the
forOoek in h.Luling-grayel for theroads
when the sleighing was goode. Tney
have the gravel on their fertile, and
will have. • it put on the lend divine.
the Summer. They find they can heel
it .in nth easier le sleighs than in . Wag-
gons.: -
Mr. -Wm. Black, of the ilna teoncess-
ion of Tockersmith, met with . a pelts-
-fill and unfortunate accident On Fea
clay evening last, Hand his brother
.were using a graie, creeher, ;.i.iid.elielle
it was in motion, Mr. Black started tO
I011 it. . In some pi:puler 13 is rigb V band
was drawn into the gearlien and after
' passing betweentwo co 4 -wheels, which
run .verY close 'tkn'ther. it -WIS 011,1mied :
on, and mede feet between tine, other
wheels.: • It, 133lea, w ts metble to re-
move his haretun 111 his beother ensile
to his assistenee a ham flttie and
took some of the gearing off. All the
bones in the' pilin of his heed wove
, broken, as well as those lealleg to the
ll fingers.
Hood's Pills become the favorate i
, The "1'01E4 and Toronto Mail and
".cathartic with every one who tries Euxpiro from now till Jan. • 19.)7 for
them. 2e. „
• Brown & Preeter are after the
NiMble Sixpence and not rusty' shillinge and Lona Profite.
To Our (jusioniers au& Fiioicis •
For some time paet we have been considering. very .carefully, the advisa-
bility of declaring against the CREDIT S'YSTEM of doing business ani have
decided to those our books
and for the futile° conduct our business on a Strictly Cash Basis.. Produce
taken as cash. We are fully persuaded that on a Cash 13 isis aud no other can
a Merchant do justice to his customers, as a well known fact that ahery credit
business has its losses, extra, expense in book-keeping and loss of intereet on
long, standing accounts. This extra expense, and loss must come out of the
We are satisfied that there is a anielireel feeling hi favor of doing betsieess
on the Cash Systemthat mast potpie aro riming accounts more fiesta the
force of habit than from the force of circumstances; and evil] welcome the
ehange, provided we show a substantial reduction in the tnice of OM' Imits.
By buying for cash and selling for cash,we cau and wi 1 sell at lower
prices than ever before, and lower than any credit home dare Hell ale We be-
lieve that this chentee will be mutually beneficial. Earley person is looking for
the cheapest maeket in which to bay. Many thotNands of dollars are sent out
of this erenity for Dry Goods to large centres, where they do business for
cash only, We claim to be Wo to place goods before the poopkt of creehtoe
and country, at lower prices than city stores can, whore expeneee are so .grent.
We are going to give it a fair Mal, and feel :lemma that every oneof our
customers will stand by ne.
Wo Ask Your Patronage
'We have bought foe spring the largasi, and best selected etiocit we ever
handled; and we have bought ft right. We will meek our entire stoolt at Cash
Prices, and sell at one price only. We thank yon for your liberal pattemege
you have bestowed on us in the pest, and we trust by your good Will and the
special indecements we will offer, keepieg good reliable goods, and settling
theta at 010Se Cat Prices bo raerib said obtain a eontinaence of your valued
patrenage. WB'mutts VERY TRULY,
Brown & .ree; erl
BRIBES. -Robert Henderson, of
Columbus, Ohio, is visiting at Mr.
Camercen's.---efies. Ridley and evife, of
Michigan, are vending Cluistana,s
with their friends here. -Mr. Scott, of
Knox College, Toronto, occupied the
Presbyterian pulpit or/ Sunday, and
Will, we understand, be with us for
the two succeeding Sundays. -Rev..
Dr. and Mrs. Cook are spending
Christmas with friends in Hensall.-
A large number attended the Presby-
terian entertainment last night..
Bursys.-We are glad to report that
Mrs. Richard Hodgins, who has been
sick, is able to be - around again.-
Mastee James Lease has return-
ed to Ooebett ,and has eesumed work
at his old trade after spending .the
summer months at 1anne.-1Vhet
might have proved a fatal accident
occurred the other clay. While Mr.
Frank Steeper was coming home with
his engine, by some means the throttle
valve got open and the engine began.
to TIM The lock chain which was
thrown through the drive wheel began
to fly, striking Mr. Steeper and knock-
ed him from his seat. The horses got
frightened by the chain striking them,
and as Mr. S. was alone he could not
leave the team. 'He received a severe
cut on the head.
Granby Rubbers are out again this season in
now styles, right up to dato, but with the same
Id wearing qnalities, because they aro made
ne pure rubber. Be sure you get Granby's.
Sold only by C. FRITZ.
TEE OHDRCH.-There-o•pening of the
Evangelical church on Sandals, was
attended with unprecedented. success.
The weather was ipaite unfav-orable,
but notwithstanding, the attendance
was very large. Sermons were preach-
ed byBishop Horn, of Cleveland, in his
usual eloquent audimpressive manner.
The collections a,ncl subscriptions en
Sunday and Monday amounted to $2,-
200, which with further subscriptions
expeeted and the SUM of $2,800 of a
building fund to commence with, will
wipe out the entire debt. The edifice
is a handsome one, neat and. eaoclema
in construction, with an interior ar-
rangement and. finish equal to any
church in the county, having a seating
capacity for 500 persons. It cost
$5,000 besides voluntary labor perform
ed by members of the congregation,
and it stands a lasting and handsome
momenent to the enterprise' and zeal
of the popular pastor, Aix. Eby, and
the noble adherents.
BRIEFS. -The anniveteary of the
Eden Sunday School, on Sunday and
Monday, notwithstanding - the bad
roads and unfavorable weather, was a
grand. success, On. Sunday- approp-
riate sermon.s were preached. at, 2.30
by Rev. J. G. Yelland, of Crediton,
and. at 0.30 by the Rev. 3. P. West -
man. The congregations Were good.
and. the services interesting, On Mon-
day evening a goodly number gather-
ed in the schoolhouse when tea was
.served by the ladies with their accus-
to/tied generosity and ability. Follow -
in 4. came a choice, variedi and lengthy
programine of dialogues, recitations,
speeelies auft tabaieux. The pastor
oecupied the chair, and an address
was given by Ray. Mr. Westanans The
81103133 wee largely due to Mr. • Dale,.
to veher of the seetion, who took great
Nine 111 trainiwe the children. Nearly
ah.) Wee teethed at the tee, and a eoe-
ial. is to be held Thursday • eveasings
which will still fnether add to the
hind; of the. sehool. •
. K. irk. ton .
Dale ea --Tolm 0. Levine has sold his
103 -Leta Pau en the llth con Ueboree
to Robt. Whaley, 3rd line Blanchard,
for $10.1), Possession given 1st of
Maree.--At the annual meeting of
the leewoeth League of the Methodist
etiolate the following °fame -were.
appointed for 1800; Pine, . Samuel
Switzer, Vice. Pres. Eliza Shier, Sec.
Wm, Flatelier, Tema, Mime Dosmeae
The concert.given by the- Exeter chores
in the hall on Thursday evening . was
one of the best ever given in Kirkton.
The attendance was poor on account
of' the unfavorahle weather. -The pee,
sent year being the fiftieth of ,the
inevried life of Mr. and Mrs. John
McGreeorealsout fifty of theie uear
'friends and neighbors yore invited to
spend a •fahrehours with them' on the
nigh 2 of Dec. " lith and it will not - be
out of piece to say it was one . of the
molt entoyable evenings we have ever
[experienced in tine vicinity. The five
o'eloels dieing was amagniticentaffair,
,Tustace being done to this and the
tebles cleared the guests spent a very
secial .. time ' till about midnight
when the company- gathered around
Re.Y. Mr, Snowden who gaveenaddress
'suitable to the . eceasion, and. after
singing and prayer the friends were
preparing to leaveSylten ourhostessin-
terposed and in her kindest nuumer
said that tea would he ready in a ehorb
thne, and wishedall to remain. So
again we found ourselves seated arm Ind
the richly spread tables, then anothee
hoot, or two 62 social! pleasure end we
repairecl to our homes More than pleas-
ed with the night's , entertainment.
Great credit if3 ,dtic Mrs. Jamas Watson
denglitee of Mr, tind Mrs, McGregor,.
who .sve. barn had 'the management of
the affair, also Mies Bell and Miss
'Watson (their grasid-ditisghteesldeserVe
Special wartime sparing no effort en-
• tertaining- thew • vieibors, Me. and
Mrs. Mc:Gregor iettled hi - the tean-.
ship ef Ushoene near, Thiritton, about
45.years weer -and are highly . resperted
and estemirel by alt .
Wingluen. is going to IftWO- a flAN
Tat . . • •
Dat!fil WilS011, of Atibuese kill .fron
a loed of straw the other dans • and in
hired his face, .. •
SollooL ItErawre--The following is
the monthly repoit of the standing. of
S. S. No. 11 Hay bawd on written ex-
arninations.-Sts IV class, Samuel
Whitmore, MabeI Jemnsete Myrtle
Taylor, (..4' a Wen Turnb all; Jr. 1V
Class, Berthe O'Brien, Georgina Sella -
be, Emerson Gabe), David Regan; Sr.
111 Class, Manuel Saraeas, Rowell
O'Brien; Jr. 111 Class, Pearl Taylor,
josephine Schilbe; II ()lase, Harry
Taylor, Rose Renate Willie Smith.
Beeews-A very pleasant evening
was spent last Pridayht the residence
of Mr, Win. ,Tennzeon, Johnston's
Mills, the members of St. John's Mis-
sion &Imlay School having 4 Social
gathering at which eaeh scholar was
presented with a book as a Christmas
gift. Rev, F. E. Boy, of Hensell WAS
present and the onetime: passed quick-
ly away, with music, enigma., games
and otheraniusemente. All expressed
themselves as highly delighted with
the evening's program,
Muenoinale-The dark hoese seems
to have assorted itself. in this township
and from indications we are going to
have ae election, if not for the lower
office, for the three higher ones. John
Torranee is being urged strongly to
oppose Grteorge McEwen for the reeve:
ship, and sufficient pressure will be
brought to bear by the farming com-
munity -to induce hinito accept thenom-
inatioo.Mr. Geiger is seriously thinking
of stepping higherand trying conclus-
ions for the deputy-reeveship with
the present incumbent Mr. Turnbull.
Mr. Ehnes also having an inclination
to ascend the ladder will likely run fox.
the second deputy-reeveship This will
no doubt be the program in Hay town-
ship this yengt As for the position of
Councillor there are several names
mentioned, apaolagst which Thos.
Johnston, John Voelker, Robt. Me-
leforclie, and others.
BalEys.--On account of the un-
favorable weather the tem was not as
great a ,success as was anticipated,
still a goodly number turnedout to
partake of the excellent things provid-
ed by ladies. On the following
evemng a social was given. The tares
ceeds of tea and soeiaI amounted to
about $27. -While 1 certain young
man was driviug his best girl home
from tha tea last Wednesday evening
he had, the Misfortune to drive over
the end of a bridge, luckily the rig did
not aped. While we are glad to see
WILL tbitei of svatee we wthild not advise
him te try the trick again as he might
get morethan he wants then.ext time.
e -While Mr. Ed. Kestle was doing
chores last Thursday evening he met
with an accident. He was in the act
of driving one of the cattle into the
stable when the animal slipped and
fell OA his leg. He was at once carried
into the house and medical aid. sum-
moned when it was found that there
was nothing worse than a badly
sprained ankle, which will no doubt
lay him up for a couple of weeks. -
While Mr. Sohn Rowe was veto -ening
from he barn OA Wednesday night
or rather Tinuacla,y morning., he was
considerably. surprised to hear cries of
distress coming from the direction of
the road. On going out to investigate
he foimd a man who had partaken too
freely of tangle -lets, inquiring the way
to the 1.6111i con. ot Hay. With con-
siderable difficulty IVIr. Rowe sneceed-
ell in getting the team turned around
mid sent the man on. his way rejoicing.
Kipp en:
:Bin ria -The Evangelistia services
which have been in progress for two
weeks, closed on Sunday evening hiet.
Theee wasa largeattendance that
eveeing, many being there from the.
neighboring towns and yillages.-The
animal congregational meeting, in con-
nection with St. Andrew's church;
held on Monday hest, was well attend-
ed, and was one of thc best held for
meny years. The auditors' import WAS
read, showing the finances of the con-
' ere eation to be in goostanding.---Mr.
John Mhigurtire, Me. A. Monteith,
and Mr. 'William Kyle, • era retired
from the board of management and
their phtees were filled by Mr. Alex.
McMuetire, Me. joseph Hood, and
Mr. William Kyle, jr,-Mr. John Me-
Martrie, who retires from them:awe
tie,- board, held the pesition for 2) years.
-Mr, erames Hooch jr., who. has
.for many- years led the shining in 'St.
Andrew's &meth, has resigeed.-Mise
Ella Crawford, who has held the posit-
lon organist during the year, with
great credit to the congregation, has.
been engaged for the enduring year. -
Mr, William McDougall, who has dis-
posed of his farm, and inteedsretiring
from active duties of ltfe for the re-
mainder of his &ye, moved to his tietv
home in .Heneall, on Wednesdays -a
Master JohnlViellie has seenred a pos-
ition in the Herald office, Sbratford„
The Termite) Globe- and Totriss :Nom
now till Jan. 1807 for 5]
111 CANA
---wIralm TO GBP TREAT.-
NCR &1411,111,11t1GIKIRKTalf,
They have the largest an(1 choiceet
assortmene ever before shown in Kirk -
ton, bought at snap prices. Fine
Chine, Cheese Dishee, 50e and up; Wate
er Sets, very pretty, only $1.25; Choke
German Chime Table Sot, only $1.50;
Very Fine Fruit Dishes, $1; Poreidge
Sets; Cruets, were $1.25, noW 75e; Pine
China Cup, SanteearalPlate, only 50c.
A bargain in ell thine. AVe gi 170 you a
.oechal invitation to eall and enspeet
0031 etock.
roi WelTrIE Ss SON'S
Istielisliers end, ereenetere
Buums.-Oharies Thompson; M. D., MoTo.en)AT., ALtzmns.-Tohn De/
returned on the 5 Iliit. trem Fri- bridge's friends seem determined that
day, bxinging with bun his newly he Shall next year run for the reeves
made bride. We extend to the happy ship, a large nvinher, having already
couple hearty congratulations. -Wed, waited upon him requesting that Ise
ding bells again close at hand. -The accept the nonfinaticea. Welearn that
special meeting of the ratepayers of he has consented. -We understand
our public sehool, although not go'- that Donald McInnes win also he in
erned by Parliamentary rules, lied the field, for the reeveship.
the effect of sharpening the wits of
our trustees, and tenders are now
called for a building of very 16-0,11-41.—d
much less pretentions financial pee- Another interesting event tooleplate
portions than was called for by the in this township on Wednesday of last
plans and specifications as at first sub- week. The occasion was the marriage
mitted. of Miss Mary Jane, third daughter of
( Mr. ,T. Davidson, to Mr, T. W.Mchtur-
Stephen. c ray eldest son of Mr. Peter McMurray,
1 of Logan. The marriage took pieee at
Seamier, REpoirr-The following is a I the home of the bride's father, in the
correct report for 8, S. No, 4 Stephen peesenee of a largegathering offriencls.
for the month of December. Names The bride was the recipient of some
are in order of inerit:-Sr. 3rd, Roam
handsome presents.
Roeszler, Emma Clark, 33ertie. Amy; -
Jr. 3rd, Clara Martene. Mary Roessler, Greenway.
Silas Adams ; Sr. 2nd, Alice Pedlar
Emma Hartman, ,John Hartman ; Jr. Baum -Albert C. Wilson arrived
2nd, Fred Amy, Albert Weir, Garnet home from the O. A. College last
Amy; Sr. pt 2hd, Arthur Amy, Peeman
Morlock, Olive Hartman; Jr. ipt. 2nd,
Ezra Weir ; Sr. pt. lst, Martha Ayr -
striker, Martha. Wind, Ahnina Yegar ;
Jr. pt. 1st- Semi, Ayrstriker, Herbie
Morlock, jacie Hartman. Number
on roll 43, average attendance 29. The
school was kept open 208 days during
the year. Those attedding most reg-
ularly were: Chester Rowe andArthur
Aauy 200 days, Alice Pedlar 196 days
and Freeman Morlock 184 days,
W. J'. libtoolts Teacher.
BRIEFS. --Miss Jennie Miller, of Be-
thel, Fullerton township, has made a
two weeks' visit to her mother, of the
boundary, Hibbert. -Mrs. A. Cole,
who has been confined to her rooms
for some weeks with inflammation is
some better. --Miss Laura Dinney has
been to Exeter for a few weeks visit-
ing relatives. -Miss Katie Earl is
taking a course of painting lessons
from Miss Susie Steacy, of is place.
----Miss Mary Thompson. of the bound-
ary, is under the doctor's care at pres-
ent. --Mrs. V. Miller, of Bervie, is viSit-
ing at her father, Mr. R. Cansiss, for
the Christmas holidays. Her husband
will join her in a few clays. .A few
young people gathered on Monday
evening last, in 'honor of her home
coming. -Sleighing is gone again. -
Me. T. Cudinore is again attacked
with etzeme. His many Mende wish
him speedy recovery.
BetrePs.--Mrs. William. Wein, of
Michigan is home visitinge her parents.
-Miss Tennie Morrison visited Lon-
don for a few days. -Miss Florence
Keys has gem to Devon to work for a
short time. -Mr. George Keys and
wife, who had a narrow escape from
poison, is able to be around again, -
Peter Martene, who had been engaged
in this neighborhood the last slim-
mer, returned home to Sharon. -Mr.
Robert Dbauie and wife, who have
been visiting his parents, has return-
ed home. -Mrs. Sohn Keys was visit-
ing her mother on Sunday last. -Mr.
William Yearley goes around with a
broad smile. What's the matter
0, it is a boy this time. -Sohn Thomp-
son visited Khiva, on Sunday last. -
George Chambers, of Daegot, Manitoba, salary. --On Sunday eveninglastlifteen
was 'visiting his sister, Mrs. David converts veere baptized in the! Baptist
hlawhinney cm Sanday last. -The Church, four of these being members
weather has been Yerv soft this of the same family, the result of the
week and everything is nitid. ' special services ;held clueing the past
two weeks by the pastor, Rev Jas.
Coutts. --A meeting of the elector.
of Ailsa Craig will be held in thee
town hall on Monday Dee. 30, from 12
At Osgood° Hall Thursday : Town-
ship of Logan vs. Hurlburt.-Sudgs nominating candidates to Blithe offices
o'clock noon till 1, for the purpose of
meet in action tried at Stratfordieeith-
out a jury. Actipleby township
poration and members of . the loc0Cia'
1896, niso
Board of Health against medical.. and D.
of reeve and councilor4' for the year
healtlinfficere local Board of Health, is homelei'lhoBehlgigeutWateett)evet IS) ft)tiiiiala/rs,
and the corporation of Mitchell, to re-
cover money which plaintiffs were with his parents. -Miss Joan Camp -
obliged to pay, as they alleged, by bell, teacher of St. George, is visi ting
her mother during her holidays. --A
reason of defendants (other than the car load. of ehee) were shipped. on Sett -
corporation) having wrongfully sent
from Mitchell into Log, an one Seebach, H. A. $ huff, of Toren so, a wangles
urday to Portland by B. Coughlin -
a resident of Chicago, WhO WAS infect-
ed with smallpox. Judgment for 031111-
V -0s foe 5700 damages, with full oasts IS
against defenclantS Davis, christie, home and has been engaged to teach
belleteaeher NO. :3 Lobo sehool,
Murphy and Ta,ylor. Aetion dismiss- in school section No. 1, McGillivray,
ea as against defendants the copper- in eat -sheen of Neu E. Gray.
atien with costs. Action disiniseed as
against defendant Hurtimet -without
Seaforth has $1, 8)) delinquent taxes,
On Wednesday last Mies Addie
Tackeretreeth. . Hinehley of Ithesmondedile was mareied
to John Hart, a prosperous young'
-131-112r8. -Miss Totime McKenzie, who blacksmith of Brucefield.
is at present at the home of her. sister Miss Annie J. Ross, daughter of Mrs.
Mrs, Melhaytis fast passing awayeisith Ross of Brucefield was wedded to D.
that dreaded disease consumption,- re. menweee a heave/hes young
The residence of Mr, George Nott, emery of St. Thomas, oe Weelneeday
'ruckersinith, will be the scene of one laze
of those very- happy events on 1 the We leave that Mt'. T. 'Berry, of
afternoon of Clamstenas day, when his flensall, who left some time ego with
dauttleter, Miss Selena, will be married 0 consignment Of hems for theold
to Mr. Win. Townsend. Both sue country, had the misfortune to lose
abives of the township, well known, Three died boned of
eareedingly popalar, And the five of them.
good ship, and two others just after beim;
wishes of a wide eirele of Mends will estelece
go out in advance for their futetre To be fret from sick heatlesheee, bill-
happiuess and well-beingt onenes eonstipatien, eta. use 0 srter's
,CouNcie-The cotincil met at Mg- tittle Liver Pills. Strictly vegeta hie.
mondville on Monday. December liith; They gently stimulate the liver and,
members all present, except the veeve. fine the stomach from bile.
The annuli meeting of the eleetors The ninth anneal meeting of the
will be held at Dixon's hall, Bromfield, Dointeine Datught Horse 13seedeee'
ea Monday, Dec. 30th, at 12 o'elock, Association w held at the 11..itten-
noon, end should a poll be demanded, bury Home, Clinton, on Wed eed y,
polls will be opened on Moncla.n. Jan- last week, the attendance ShoWing n
nary at o'clock, at the usualplaces, Continued interest hi the eociety, eete
with Joseph Weber, ;Tames Broadfoot, withstanding the delloeSe in the
A, G. Smillie and John Sinclair as de- horse trade. The report of the °al
puty returning. officere. tri .a's mach AS cers ehow bat bueineas done dur-
e01110 diSSAtiSfaptiOli f.r.alsts in certain ing the past year, bat the finances
parts of the township concerning by- cOutinue in good. shape, the helmet,
law No. 5, of 1301, which restrains in the batik being some $1,490. The
horses, cattle, sheep mad swine from time for receiving entries will close
running Wargo upon the highways, F'ebenarv Ist, 1803 when volume 0
it was deeided,- by resolution of (*limit will be printed end distributed among
that shoUld a, poll be demanded at the the membere. All enteire received
forthcoming election, the clerk be after that date Mast have four
authorized to have ballots printed for ceosses. and it is 'expected tha1. the
the pnepose of submitting to the vote society'e records will be placted uader
of the eleetors the , questiem "Shell Government supervision the. same As
by-law No 5 of 1,891 be onpealed?" . the Mbar steel< books.
S'aturdayeto spend his holidays.. -Mrs.
Dierema Ulens is spending Christinas
andlNevarear's withfriend.s Toronto.
-Giace Church Christmas entertain-
ment will held. in Huron Hall Tuesday
evening, December 31st.-Ohristmas
and Neev Year's presents at the Bos-
tou store are being sold at very close
prices. Little hearts, big hearts and
sad. hearts can be made. happy by par-
ents investing a small stun of money.
Burnes -The English Church people
intend. having their Christmas. enter-
tainment on New Year's evening. -
We are sorry to learn of Mr. Bali
intend.ed departure, as by his going
Lucan loses a good citizen, and. the
pupils of the high school a faithful
teaolaer and firm friend. -Miss IVIennie
Caves, who has been. attending Clinton.
model school, is now home for her
Christmas holiclays.-Miss M. Caves,
of Usborne, spent Tuesday in town. -
BRIEFS. -At the. residence of the
bride's parents on. December 18th, in
the presence of a large circle of friends,
by the Rev. P. Scott, Miss Wilhentina
Park was united the holy bonds of
metrimony to Mr. Robert Graham, ,
a prosperous young foamier of Hibbert
township. -Our local sport Sam.
Speare at a trial practise the other
day, shot 10 (slay birds straight. Semis
getting there. -Will Barr is home
for the X-mas holidays. P. Scott has
gone to Hamilton to visit his broiler,
who is ill.-Williani Brnee anciDonalcl
McKee; have. returned, • atter an
absence of over 12 years, to visit their
parents in Hibbert.
Ailsa Craig.
BRIEFS. -Rev, J. Anderson, of Los
Angeles, Oal., formerly, of St. Andrew's
Church, East Williams, is visiting
friends in the viehaity or Nairn- and-
diisa Craig. -Geo. Ankle, formerly of
this village, bet now of Rockville City,
Iowa, is visiting his parents here.
BaiEFs-hfiss Maggie Campbell, alio
has. been teaching, atlixbridge, is home
for Christmas holidays. She has been
ee-engaged for 1896 at an advanced ,
True we haven't 08 huge 4 •stock it
W31 had, but we are selling just as
nitwit, perhaps more,. thau we eel
hist month. •
gi‘eat big stock of Felt Boo
which must be sold, prices from 51.50
up to $3 per pair
We have just received a shipsizent
of Fancy Crockery easel for.
the Holidely- Trad.o. •
It's zest wise to miss givin
stock a glance, as it will pay yoae
Exeter Municipal Council.
The Council met by order of the
Reeve at the Town Hall, Exetesse
December 21s11, 1805. All preemie
Aafpipriruotvesedo.f previous meeting read and
Ta.ylor-Treble-Orders : P. D. Bell,
$29.00, for cedar lumber; W. H. Par-
sons, $4.10, blacksmithinge Feed.
Hiiist, $8.85, for tile -tarried.
Messrs. Parsons and Rayne waited
on the council requesting an incandes-
cent light, 82 candle power, to be the Tames Street Methodist
Treble -Harding -That the exe
be granted. -Carried.
Carling-- Harding - That Me; 's
Taylor and Treble be a committee to
act with a church committee re pieties -
posts, lamp, &c. -Carried.
The Council adjourned until call
the reeve.
M. BAORETT, Clerk.
-Somme OONOERT.--Traste„es and
teachers of our School deserve great
credit for the manner in which they
got up and. cooducted thei31. concert on
Friday evening, Dec. 20. too
much praise cannot be given the ma
pils for the way they carried. oat Vases-.
part of the program. Receipts $40.'-.--'-
SHOOTING.-Sparrow initiating is al'
the rage. A number of the boys cap-
tured fifty sparrows and had. a shoot-
ing snatch on Tuesday. Score
George Eilber 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 7
John Eilber 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1-5
„Tamil Eilber 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -9
Ed Bertrand 0 1 1-1 0 0 1 1 1 1-7
Will Lewis ' 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1-4
lefte. Jacob Relate Kilinanagla
Michels visinsig her mother She Feist,
--Mr. and Mrs. Levi Heist, and Miss
Emma Stahl of Elkton Mich., are visit-
ing relatives through the holidaea.--
Miss Sinclair, of Naive is visiting tt
Matthew Chamber's. -T.. spent,
Christmas at his home
,Kunz reeesving es
quantances in towre-Ital. Bertrand of,
Mich., is spending the holtilasse
undev the peeentel roof. -.Mr. john
MogliSh WAS united in marriage to
Miss Mary Ssystitzer daughter of Jacob/
Sweitzer, both of Crecliton, 021 l'IranS4'
day evenieg by the Rev. Yellen(' no --
the M. E. parsonage.-- Maeried Ow
reeideece of John Dearing, the ,brichsh''
brother, Mr. Arthur :DaVie, of 1-,..leeter
to Mies Nellie 'Dearing of thia place, oix
'Wednesday evenbag. Congratutationee
-Quite a number from here atteuris
ed. the church openineeat Daelewood. on.
Sunday litet.---lansie Reeding ie at -a-
line his pa vOrit,3 (Wel' the‘
:7.3a18 iieglEter
eft:2 DA N' .3 ;ten -Paella car 0 At.
and implements the property oe tae B
O'eiger, inselvent of Hey tosvriehise
near Zurieh. Sale ig
13 osseilberry,
Pe niseers Al gag If 11?
A President of one or ou,
svs: ,.We !spent many .,Ise pica e
in cousequence of oar ell ildree
Mg from colds, but this nereer o aues
now: We :use Seott'a Pepulsion eaul.
q uickly elieven pulmonary troubles.'
W. Irvin, late of Seseforth, is yeas. 01
in the Duluth hospital.
principal of Ails,s, Craig nAmol, 133
visiting friends here. --Miss Ella Camp -
11110 Dalbwood
irpoi Jill
We are nor doing' 340 103118 111 1113
new brit& bloo'i% have ereetly adtlei to ,
rem etock 4‘3,1 are ceTerieg lielesseeeetS
ia the following hues: -
Cow Chains, 011178 and
Rifles, Axes Saws,
Lamp8 and Stovcs
Public are cordiaty
vited to call and inspect 0.1*'
Stock and prices,